Fellows ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLE LAFFAN, M.A., formerly Tutor, Bursar and Director of Studies in History. CYRIL MoNTAGU SLEEMAN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies iu Natural Sciences. AltCHIBALD DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., formerly Vice-President and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. EDWIN ARTHUR MAxwEu., M.A.,. PH.D., Keeper of the Records and Director of Studies in Mathematics. JAMES ARTHUR RAMSAY, M.A., PH.D., F.R.S., Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. REv. HENRY ST JOHN HART, M.A., B.D., Dean and Tutor, Hebrew Lecturer, Director of Studies in Divinity and Oriental Languages. Sm HAROLD WALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., LL.D . (Perth), Professor of . HAROLD STEWART KIRKAf.DY, c ..B.E., M.A., Vice-President, Senior Bursar and College Lecturer iu Industrial Relations. DOUGLAS P ARMfE, M.A., Director of Studies in Modem Languages. C RAIW!S SYDNEY DEAKIN, M.A., Llfe Fellow, formeriy Junior Bursar. GEoFFREY PlnuP Wn.soN, M.A., u.e., Tutor and Director of Studies in Law. JoHN Hou..owAY, M.A., D.PHIL. (Oxon.}, D.LI'IT. (Aberdeen), Director of Studies. in English. PETER MATIUAS, M.A., Director of Stu.dies in History. JoHN EVAN BAI.DWIN, M.A., PH .D ., Assistant Director ofStudies in Natural Sciences. MAXWELL MARSDEN BULL, M.A., M.D., B.CH., Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Medicine. HENRY CoHEN, M.A., PH.D. {Dwielm), Junior Bursar and Director of Studi.es in Mechanical Sciences. FRANas RICHARD DAVID GooDYEAll, M.A., PH.D., Director of Studies in Classics. DEREK WII.UA.M BoWBTT, M.A., LL.B., PH.D. (Manchester), Tutor and Assistant Di.rector of Studies in Law. ANmoNY CoUN SPEARING, M.A., Librarian and Assistant Director of Studies in English. JAMES WILLIAM LONGMAN BRAME.NT, M.A., sc.o., F.R.S., Tutor for Graduate Students, College Lecturer iu Natural Sciences. JAMES MARTIN PRENTIS, M.A., M.SC. {Eng.), PH.D. {London), Financial andRooms Tutor and Assistant Director of Studies iu Mechanical Scienc.es. DAVID GEORGE IAN KINGSTON, M.A., PH.D., Research Fellow and Assistant Director of Studies in Natural Scienc.es. NoBMAN FRA.Ncrs HUGHES, M.A., Steward and College Lecturer in Natural Sciences.

I KENNETH EWART MACHIN, M.A., PH.D., Tutor and College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. "BRIAN SEBASTIAN Pou.AN, M.A., PH.D., Pra.elector and AssistantDirector ofStudies in History. LIONEL CHAluEs, KNrcHTs M.A., PH.D., HON.D.ES L. (Bordeaux), King Edward VII Professor ofEnglish Literature. LUDWIG EDWARD FRAENKEL, M.A., M.A.SC. (Toronto), College Lecturer in Mathematics. BASIL Fuu.m.oVE MocRIDGE, M.A., As.mtant Director of Studies in Modem Languages. RICHARD TIMOTHY FRANCIS KINc, M.A., M.S., PH.D. (California), Director of Studies in Economics. ALLAN NurrAI.L HAYHURST, M.A., PH.D., Central Electricity Generating Board Research Fellow. REv. CmusTOPHER MICHAEL LAWSON, M.A., B.UTT. (Oxon),. Bye-Fellow and Chaplain. CYluL SOPER, M.A., PH.D. (London), Reader in Industrial Management. AJIT SINGH, M.A., B.A. {Punjab, Chandigarh}, M.A. (Howard, Washington), College Lecturer in Economics and Politics. RoBEIIT ANTHONY BEDDARD, M.A., D.PHIL. (Oxon.), Fitzpatrick Research Fellow. PETER MEREDITH HAzzl.EOINE, M.A., Fitzpatrick Research Fellow. ThRENCE MICHAEL SPORTON, B.A., Fitzpatrick Research Fellow. BRIAN .AulERT CAI.LINGHAM, M.A., PH.D. {London), Assistant Director of Studies in Medicine. Ho11ora1y Fellows SmNEY SMITH, urr.n., P.s.A., F.B.A. THE RIGHT R!!vEREND GEORGB ARMITAGB CHASE, D.D., M.A. Tull RIGHT R1lvERENDThOMAS HANNAY, D.D., M.A. Sm FREDERICK WJLUAM GENTLB,.c. Q , M.A. Sm TuoMAS LESLIE ROWAN, X.c.B., c.v.o., M.A. REv.HENRY CHADWICK, D.D., MUS.B., M.A., HON.D.D. (Glasgow), Regius Professor of Divinity and Canon of Christ Church in the . TuE Rlcm RBvEllEND JooST DE BLANK, M.A., Canon of Westminster, Bishop elect ofHong Kong. Sm TuoMAS PADMORE, G.C.B., M.A. Sm RE.ADER BUUABD, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., CJ.E.

THE SOCIETY We congratulate the President on his election as Vice-Chancellor of the University. Mr Mathias is SeniorProctor for the current academic year. Dr Maxwell has resigned the Senior Bursarship and has been followed in that Office by Mr Kirkaldy. Two Research Fellows have left us during the year: Dr Roper

2 to be Assistant Professor of English at the University of California at Los Angeles, and Mr Alty for the University of Warwick:. We wekome as new Fellows Dr C. Sofer, Reader in Industria1! Management; Mr A. Singh, University Assistant Lecturer in Eco­ nomics and Politi.cs; Dr B. A. Callingham, University Demon­ strator in Pharmacology; as Research Fdlows, Dr R. A. Beddard in History; Mr P. M. Hazzledine in Crystallography and Mr T. M. Sporton in Electrical! Engineering. Mr Hazzledine has been awarded a Senior Studentship by the Royal Commision for the Exhibition of 1851. While this record was in press, we heard with deep regret of the death of Sir Frederick Gentle, Honorary Fellow.

GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE The Dean has presented the carpet for the Munro Room in recognition of his 30 years' membership of the College. Dr and Mrs J. W. L. Beament have made a gift of £100 to the College as a contribution to the cost of the repairs to the Organ in the College Chapel. Mr and Mrs Alty, on leaving Cambridge, presented a decanter for use in the Combination Room.

THE LIBRARY An exmbition of books illustrating the history of science was held during the British Association's meeting in Cambridge, and was repeated at the beginning ofthe new academic year. Among books shown were first editions of works by Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Napier and Newton. The College's copy of Theophrastus, De historia plantarum, was lent to the British Museum for display in an exhibition of Grolier bindings. Benefactions have been received during the year from the President, Mr Laffan, Dr Maxwell, Dr Ramsay, Mr Parmee, Dr Goodyear, Dr Bowett, Professor Knights, Mr Mogridge, the Chaplain, Mr J. S. Wane (1912), Mr J. George (1924). Professor

3 M. Black (1927), Mr E. Duckworth (1943) Mr D. C. Gladwell (1944), Mr D. E. C. Yale (1946), Mr G. A. Starr (1956), Mr C. W.R. D. Moseley (1959),M.J.-C. Margolin.theMagnaCarta Commission of Virginia, and the Trustees of the British Museum.

THE FABRIC The major works of improvement during the year have taken place in and around Old Court. After laying the pipe-work neces­ sary for the central heating and water services, the whole of the pathways and lawns have been re-made. The basic pattern is un­ changed but the pathways are all o~ York stone with the cobbling reduced to narrow borders around the lawns. In addition to central heating and wash basins in all sets, three bathrooms and three W.C.s have been provided and work is proceeding on redecoration of the rooms .and staircases. Restora­ tion of the ground floor of the Old Library has been completed and this extension to the Senior Combination Room is now called the Munro Room to honour the memory of Andrew Munro, formerly Vice-President and Bursar, who was well known to many of us. It is proving a valuable amenity for the greatly increased Fellowship of the College.

4 FIRST CLASSES, JUNE 1965 Mathematics. D. A. Joslin (Distinction in Part ID), A. E. Bass, P. L. Davies, A. M. Soward. Classics. D. J. Hall. Natural Sciences. J. A. Bryant, Richard G. Carter, G. H. Mac­ donald,. W. A. Phillips, I. F. Tannock, R. Atkinson, B. Charles­ worth, S. M. Freake, V. R. Phillips, M. D. Windram, R. E. Hills, M. A. L. Sita-Lumsden, D. Welch, R. H. Swanton, B. G. Gazzard. Law. Ds J. A. 0. Shand, P. W. O'Brien. History. P.A. Ginsborg. Modem and Medieval Languages. M. B. Harris, J. A. Wygard. Mechanical Sciences. P.R. S. Speare, P. G. Gamer, S. Blencowe, P. F. King, R. L. Hargreaves, M. H. Hadfield, R. M. Isherwood. Economics. A. D. Crockett, J. L. Eatwell. Agrimlture. P. G. Carter.

UNIVERSITY AND OTHER AWARDS D. J. Hall has been awarded theJohn Stewart ofRannoch Scholar­ ship in Greek and Latin. P. G. Carter has been awarded the Drewitt Prize for rus per­ formance in the Agricultural Tripos.

COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS Entrance Scholarships of £6o: N. G. Lloyd, Llanelly Grammar School, for Mathematics. A. W esthead, Plymouth College, for Mathematics. G. E. Donaldson,. King Edward VII Grammar School, Coal- ville, for Mathematics with Physics. W. E. M Godfrey, Repton School, Derbyshire, for Classics. P. Roberts, Priory Grammar School, Shrewsbury, for Classics. P. ]. Taylor, Manchester Grammar School, for Classics. 5 S. F. L. Wakely, Haileybury and I.S.C., Hertford, for Classics (Colenutt). R. W. Hall, Bemrose SchooL Derby, for Natural Sciences (Melsome). C. C. Hird, Ashville College, Harrogate, for Natural Sciences (Munro). C. T. C. Kennedy, Forest School, Snaresbrook, for Natural Sciences (Melsome ). K. A. Newitt, Latymer Upper SchooL Hammersmith, for History. ]. P. Scutt, St Paul's School, London W. 14, for History. J. W. M. Rogers, Winchester College, for Modem Languages.

Entrance Exhibitions of £40: J. A.G. Latimer, Malvern College, Worcs., for Mathematics. J. Muhlhaus, Truro School, Cornwall, for Mathematics with Physics. M. S. Richards, Caterham School, Surrey, for Mathematics with Physics. D . R. Moore-Crispin, City of London School, London E.C. 4, for Classics (Glendinning Nash). D. C. Whitehead, Lancaster Royal Grammar School, for Classics (Gray). R. C. Bailey, Rugby School, Warwickshire, for Natural Sciences (Mclsome ). P. Caunt, Tupton Hall Grammar School, Chesterfield, for Natural Sciences (Melsome). J. S. Coleman, Cardiff High School, for Natural Sciences (Melsome). N. T. A. Couper, Sherbome SchooL Dorset, for Natural Sciences (Melsome ). ]. R. S. Houh, Malvern College, Worcs., for Natural Sciences (Melsome). A. B. W. Nethersell,John Bright Grammar School., Llandudno, for Natural Sciences (Melsome). S. M. Schaefer, Manchester Grammar School, for Natural Sciences {Melsome). 6 R. S. Bamforth, Percy Jackson Grammar School, Doncaster, for History. J. S. Beverly, Royal Liberty School, Romford, Essex, for History (War Memorial). A. Thomson, Perse School, Cambridge, for History (Haynes). E. P. Byrde, Wimbledon College, London S.W. r9, for Modem Languages. P. W. Hurst, Westcliff High School, Essex, for Modern Lan­ guages. E. N. Mundy, Dulwich College, London S.E. 21, for Modem Languages. C. J.P. Richardson, Silcoates School, Wakefield, for Modem Languages. A.G. Green, Solihull School, Warwks., for English. C.R. H. Temple, Harwich County High School, Essex, for English. C. J. Baker, Peter Symonds' School. Winchester, for the General Examination. J.B. Crippin, George Watson's School, Edinburgh IO, for the General Examination. R Lesser, Carmel College, Berks., for the General Examination. First Year Exhibitions: J. L. Eatwell, for Economics. B. G. Gazzard, for Natural Sciences. R. M. Isherwood, for Mechanical Sciences. P. W. O'Brien, for Law. M. A. L. Sita-Lumsden, for Natural Sciences. Second Year Foundation Scholarships: R. Atkinson, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). A. E. Bass, for Mathematics (Colenutt).. P. G. Carter, for Agriculture (Colenutt). B. Charlesworth, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). S. M. Freake, for Natural Sciences {Colenuu). P. A. Ginsborg, for History (Colenutt).

7 V. R. Phillips, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). R.H. Swanton, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). M. D . Windram, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). Exhibitions: S. Blencowe, for Mechanical Sciences. P. G. Gamer, for Mechani~ Sciences.

Re-elected to an Exhibition: P. R. S. Speare, for Mechanical Sciences. Third Year Foundation Scholarships: J. A. Bryant, for Natural Sciences. Richard G. Carter, for Natural Sciences. A. D . Crockett, for Economics. P. L. Davies, for Mathematics. M. B. Harris, for Modern Languages. A. M. Soward, for Mathematics. Bachelor Scholarships: J. A. Bryant, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). P. L. Davies, for Mathematics (Colenutt). G. H. Macdonald, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). W. A. Phillips, for Natural Sciences (Colenutt). A. M. Soward, for Mathematics (Colenutt). Rahere Studentship: J. W. D. Baugh. Special Prizes : Ryle Reading Prizes: S. F. Casson, T. J. Cornford. Chase Prize for New Testament Greek: R. M. Edwards. Penny White Prize: D. A. Joslin. Melsome Memorial Prize: R. H. Swanton. Lucas-Smith Memorial Prize: Ds J. A. 0. Shand. Henry ,Mosseri Prize (for Physiology): B. Charlesworth. Joshua King Prizes: A. D. Crockett, I. F. Tannock. Hughes Prizes : A. E. Bass, M. D. Windram. 8 THE UNITED CLUBS

1964-5 President: DR M. M. BULL Treasurer: DR D. w. BOWETT Vice-President: M. J.B. WOOD Junior Treasurer: M. J. HODGSON Hon. Sec.: P. J. STEW AllT 1965-6 President: DR M. M. BULL Treasurer: DR D. w. BOWE'fT Vice-President: P. J. STEWART Jmiior Treasurer: P.J. R. sousTER Hon. Sec.: D. THORP


Captain: J.P. WALMSLEY Vice-Captain: D. G. BENSON Secretary: P. J. LE Ro Y Assistant Secretary : R. G. w AR o After a poor season in 1963-4, the season of 1964-5 was very much improved. In the Michaelmas Term a fairly inexperienced Light IV rowed through to the semi-finals, where it was narrowly beaten by Jesus. The Clinker IV lost to St Catharine's, the ultimate winners, in the semi-final. The Fairbairn VIII was composed mainly of second-year men, and was rather rough but fit and strong, and rose from 23rd to 6th. This Vill then went on to win Emmanuel Beer Barrel Regatta-a good boost to morale. ~eens' Novices won the Clare Novices Regatta convincingly. Three ~eens' men rowed in the Trial Eights race at Ely, of whom Rodney Ward rowed at :five in the Blue Boat. The Lent VIII was exactly the same crew as the Fairbairn VIII, and made two bumps to finish 5th. After the Lents, J.P. Walmsley and D. G. Benson, our two ex-Goldie caps, joined the crew for the Heads. Unfortunately th.e Bedford Head was cancelled, owing to ice; QQeens' stood a good chance of winning this event. At Reading we finished 5th, beating Goldie and all other Colleges. At Putney we started 266th and finished 22nd, after being delayed by a multitude of bad crews. Thus, morale was high for the May Term, and the crew came on rapidly under the coaching of AlfTwirm (boatman of C.U.B.C.) and Bill Williams ofT.R.C. We won outright the C.R.A. Head

9 of the Cam race in record time. Subsequently the crew became press favourites for the Headship in the Mays, which had a dis­ tressing effect on our nerves, and we became more and more tense as a result. On the first night of th.e Mays, our No. 3 man collapsed in the boat just as we were within two feet of bumping Jesus. We had to row a substitute on the remaining three nights, which rather shattered morale. However, we managed to bump Jesus on the last night when under great pressure from St Catharine's behind us. At Henley we were still rowing with a substitute and never really regained our previous form. We entered th.e Thames Cup and beat Hollingworth Lake by 2½ lengths on the Wednesday. On the Thursday we met the Scottish Argonauts, who led us off th.e start by one length, then we began to close and eventually lost by½ length. Regrettably, we mistimed our spurt as we all felt we could have rowed through the Scots, who seemed to be tiring rapidly. It was a disappointing end for a crew that had shown such considerable promise. It is the second year in succession that Q!!eens' have been dogged by illness at the crucial moment.

1965-6 Captain: D. N. PARKES Vice-Captain: s. ST P. SLATTER Secretary: R. SUTHERLAND-SMITH Assistant Secretary: o. J. R. KINSEY


Captain: P.A. KITCHIN Secretary: M. J. HODGSON Committee Member: D. J. CHAMBERS I Fixture Secretary: M.A. WOODHOUSE

G. P. Frank.com played in the centre in all the Internationals for , and C. M. H. Gibson played at fly-half in all the Inter­ nationals for Ireland. Both played for the University against Oxford at Twickenham. P.A. Kitchin and G. Hughes also played for the University, and D.J. Chambers, R. E. Griffiths and P. B. Leach played for th.e LX Club. In the absence of P.A. Kitchin, playing in higher spheres, and the Secretary, who came up injured, M. J. B. Wood captained IO the side during the Michaelmas Term, and emerged from a diffi­ cult task with great credit. The side began extremely well to beat Fitzwilliam House 8-5, but thereafter indifferent finishing, failures to drive home advantages gained, and an unsettled team combined to bring mediocre results. Five League games were lost, but narrow victories over Christ's and Clare in mid-term kept the College in the 1st Division. After winning the League last year this was a disappointment. Despite these set-backs optimism ran high at the start of the Lent Tenn, which began with a kind Coppers draw and a most enjoyable game against Barcelona University, who were beaten 10-3. Our chief problem was the absence of a first-cl.ass scrum­ half, and though the Secretary did his best when he moved there from wing forward, the inadequate link between a good pack and C. M. H. Gibson at fly-half nullified much constructive effort. With G, P. Frankcom away on teaching practice the side was also rather pedestrian in the centre. The first Cuppers match against St Catharine's was won 17-8. The side seemed a little lethargic, and though individuals played well enough there was insufficient teamwork, and it was left to C. M. H. Gibson to tum the tide in our favour. In the second round Caius were beaten 9--6 with the last kick ofthe match after they should have been defeated more decisively. Having recovered from a septic toe, C. M. H. Gibson returned to the side for the semi-final against a strong Jesus XV, whose pack was never sufficiently dominated to give the College much cause for complaint when it lost 8-3 in a most exciting game of fluctuating fortunes. The ~eens' Seven were beaten 21-10 by a very good Trinity Seven in the final of the Inter-College Sevens Competition. As this took place on the day after the Club's Annual Dinner this was no mean performance ! The 1st XV's record was: played 24, won II, drawn o, lost r3.

1965-6 Captain: J. n. PBRKINS Secretary: R. c. Q. FARMER Committee Member: P. A. KITCHIN Fixture Secretary: D. THORP


Captain: R. E. J. CHAMBERS Secretary: J . E. PARKINGTON Committee Member: D. LANCASTER

Unlike last year, this was a season not so much of fluctuating fortunes, but of slow decline. After a very promising start, the League programme ran a somewhat disastrous course which in­ cluded heavy defeats by St Catharine's and Downing, so that after six games the team had only three points. There was renewed enthusiasm when a spirited display by ten men was sufficient to defeat Fitzwilliam r-o, and even more so after a 5-2 victory over Christ's. However, the last game, against St John's, was a relega­ tion battle which was lost, with the result of relegation on goal average. During the Lent Term, there were few fixtures, simply because in the first round of Coppers the team was defeated 5-r by Downing after a quite impressive first half display. The 2nd XI managed to remain in the Third Division, and supplied reserves for the rst XI when needed; in addition in the League Cup they progressed to the semi-final. N. Taberner and R. E. J. Chambers both played for the Falcons.

1965-6 Captain: J.E. PARKING TON Secretary: P.A. ASPDEN Committee. Member: G. c. CASEY


Captain: c. H. KEMP Secretary: R. P. KING Committee Member: R.H. DOWSETT Wanderers: C.H. KEMP, D. A. R. HULME Blue: D. A. R. HULME

League. The team had a very poor season, ending the term third from the bottom of the League and just missing relegation. Unfor­ tunately there was a very small intake ofFreshman Hockey players, amongst whom none was outstanding. Cuppers. After winning the first round, the 1st XI were beaten by Trinity Hall, the favourites, in a very dose game. The team

12 really played very well and half-time saw a draw. However, Trinity Hall made the most of their chances in the second half and deservedly won. 2nd XI. The 2nd XI had a mixed season, suffering from the continual swapping ofplayers with the rst XI. However, the team spirit was excellent, mainly due to the captaincy of C. J. Caswill which was superb at all times.

1965-6 Captain: R. P. KING Secretary: R. F. OLDFIELD Committee Member: J. K. LANDON Wanderers: M. w. BAWDEN, C.H. KEMP Blue: D. A. R. HULME


Captafo: M. J . B. WOOD Fixture Secretary: N. TABERNER Committee Member: I. R. ELLIOTT Match Secretary: P. J. STEWART

The past season was a success due almost entirely to the Inter­ College knock-out competition which was won in only the second year of its existence. After a poor start, the season produced good enjoyable cricket. In the knock-out competition, St John's were beaten by 22 runs in the first round and Selwyn by I wicket with some gallant tail­ end batting. In the semi-final the much-fancied Magdalene side were beaten by 2 wickets. R E. J. Chambers played the innings of the whole competition when he slaughtered the Magdalene bowling in scoring 108 runs after ~eens' looked doomed to defeat. The final against Emmanuel was won by 32 runs with a great team effort. ~eens' scored 194-7 in the 40 overs with R. P. Maynard and M. R. Barlow excelling with the bat. Emmanuel never looked like getting th.e runs when they got off to a very slow start. C. H. Kemp bowled very accurately and with all the other bowlers bowling tightly, and with 3 run outs, Emmanuel were well beaten. The College record for the term was: played 17, won 7, drawn 4, lost 6. R E.J. Chambers (average 43 ·66 runs), M. R. Earlow I3 (37·28), and R. P. Maynard (34·8) were the most successful and consistent batsmen throughout the season. M. J. B. Wood, I. R. Elliott, N. Tabemer and D. Thorp all scored fifties, and N. D. W. Armistead, iP. J. R. Souster and T. G. Pratt played some useful lllillilgs. The pace bowling was shared among N. D. W. Armistead (until he was injured), C. H. Kemp, R. M. Peskin and A. W. Diamond, all of whom usually bowled a good length, but lacked penetration. P.A. Aspden Qeg-breaks with 28 wickets) and P.J. Stewart (off-spin with 15 wickets) were the most successful bowlers, and showed the value of slow bowling on the good Cambridge wickets. The fielding of the side varied, but showed its importance as several games were won when the fielding was at its best. The success of the team must be partly due to the fine captaincy of M. J. B. Wood, whose wisdom and guidance brought the best out of the side. G. Hughes was awarded his Blue, and R. JP. Maynard was elected to the Crusaders. R. E. J. Chambers was unlucky not to go on tour with the Cambridge side. Full colours were awarded to: M. R. :Barlow, R. M. Peskin, P.A. Aspden, P.J. R. Souster and D. Thorp. Half-colours were awarded to: T. G. Pratt, D.R. Blagg, P. S. Adams and R. C. Q. Farmer.

1965-6 Captain: N. TABERNER Fixture Secretary: D. THORP Committee Member: P. J. STEWART Match Secretary: M. R. BARLOW


President: G. H. STEWART Secretary: J. D. SCARR Cross-Country Representative: R.H. PRIEST

This year was reasonably successful for th.e Club in the Inter­ College competitions. We were able to field a well balanced team but, unfortunately, very few Freshmen were interested. In the Michaelmas Term both competitions were disappointing; 14 in the CollegeRela ys we were relegated, having come ninth, and in the Field Events Competition we came seventh. The Cuppers competition was held in the Lent Term, and the team finished third in the Final behind Emmaueln and Jesus for the second year running. Three athletes represented the University in the Relysa and Field Events matches against Oxford. These were J. D. Scarr in the Relays and D. Lavelle and R. L. Moorby in the Field Events. J. D. Scarr was also awarded an A.A.A.'s vest and selected to run in the sprint relay for Young England against the Benelux Countries, but unfortunately was unable to take part owing to IDJury. Thec ross-country section had a successful seasonfinis hingthird in the League Competition, second in Cuppers, and winning the Selwyn Road Relay, D. M. Turner setting a new lap record in the latter. D. M. Turner and C. A. R. Robinson were by far the most successful athletes in outside-College events this season. College colours were awarded to: R. M. Abrahams, D. Adu, R.H. Gorges, C. E. Q_uinney; half-colours to:J. A. Bryant, T.J. Dore, S. L. Green and L. C. GlUlll.

1965--6 President: J. D. SCARll Secretary: s. L. GREEN Crass-Country Representative: c. E. QUINNEY


.. Captain: i R. woon Secretary:J. H. VALLAT Committee Member; J. K. LANDON

This year Q!!eens' had a number of very good College players. It is, therefore, disappointing that we did not manage to win the League. We were, in fact, just one point behind Clare. It was wifortunate that a back injury prevented .B. R. Wood, the Cap­ tain, fromplaying in the firstfour matches. He was fit enough to play in Cuppers in which we reached the Semi-Final. It.is not sufficient for Coppers to hvea good College players in order to win, it is essential to have Unversii ty players in the side. :i:5 Q!!eens' had B. Kileff, who was perhaps nnlucky not to play against Oxford, but Downing, with the four top University players in their team, were far too strong for us. F. Cammack, playing at No. 6, did well to win a consolation match and thus prevent a dean sweep in the singles. Congratulations go to B. R. Wood and G. A. Landonfor win­ ning their Grasshoppers. Full colours were awarded to P. I. Fairbotham, S. R. Kirk, and G. A. Landon� haff-colours to T. W. D. Hendry, P.A. H. Isaac and J. Hertzberg. 1965-6 Captain: J. H. VALLAT Secretary: s. R. KIRK Committee Member: G. A. LANDON


Captain: M. J.B. WOOD Secretary: P. J. STEWART

There were no College Competitions or any Cuppers this year. �eens' was, however, well represented in the Penguins by P. J. Stewart, D. V. Hamilton and R.R. Foulkes, and D. V. Hamilton was elected Penguins' Seicretary for the following season.

1965-6 Captain: P. J. STEWART Secretary: D. v. HAMILTON


Captain: A. J. ADDLE SEE Secretary: J. COHEN

The Club had an extremely successful season, possibly the most successfulin its history. Collegeswimming activityincreased, and theCollege repeated lastyear's effortby winning againthe Water Polo League, and the teamwere very narrowly beatenin a replay against Christ's in the Semi-Final in Coppers in the Lent Term. In Swimming Cuppers the College won the Freestyle Relay and was placed third in the Medley Relay. I6 In th.e recently innovated Inter-College Swimming Gala the College gained third place, only one point behind Pembroke, and this success was largely due to a fine win in the Freestyle Relay over good opposition from Christ's. D. C._I.astcaptained the successful University Water Polo Team and A. J. Addlesee was again selected for the University Swim­ ming Team, both of which met Oxford in June. End of season colours were re-awarded to D. C. Last, A. J. Addlesee, F. J. Buck and J. Cohen; and were awarded to J. R. Cuthbert and P. B. Leach.

1965-6 Captain: P. B. LEACH Secretary: J. COHEN Captain of Water Polo: J. COHEN


Captain: J. H. VALLAT Secretary: B. T·. ALLISON

The highlight of the past season was undoubtedly our victory in Cuppers. T. W. D. Hendry, B. Kileff and J. H. Vallat formed the backbone of the side, each winning all their matches in straight games until encountering strong opposition from Trinity in the final. B. Kileff lost 3-0 to his Trinity opponent, disappointingly, and T. W. D. Hendry was hard pressed tp beat a fellow-blue, who had match point in his favour. This then levelled the score at 2-2 and A. W. J. Pitt won the deciding rubber at No. 5 to clinch the match. The League situation declined slightly over the season, our First Team dropping one place each term to finish sixth in the First Division table. However, we look forward to a successful season in the coming year, as all the present members of the team will be staying on, and two talented freshmen will be joining us. T. W. D. Hendry is to be congratulated on being chosen to play for the University in his first year here, and also for winning the Freshmen's Tournament. Congratulations, also, to B. Kileff on being selected to play for the Ganders S.R.C. against Oxford Penguins, and J. H. Vallat on his election to the same Club. I7 Full colours were awarded to: T. W. D. Hendry, B. T. Allison, A. W.J. Pitt, B. R. Wood and P. I. Fairbotham.

I965-6 Captain: J. R. VALLAT Secretary: P. I. FAIRBOTHAM


Captain: P. J. SKOLAR Secretary: P. G. s. WHITMORE Members of the Club have had a successful year and are attaining more prominence in University shooting. In the Falling Plate competition we entered four teams which were regrettably knocked out in the first two rounds. The B team had a dead-heat with the eventual winners, and were unlucky to lose their re-shoot. Individually, both A. J. Morphew and M. J. C. Haszlakiewicz shot well during the year and both won spoons for obtaining th.e highest Cambridge score in University matches. A. J. Morphew was elected Vice-Captain of University S.R.(a) shooting,. and M. J. C. Haszlakiewicz was elected Junior Treasurer. In the Small-Bore prone shooting A.H. Chalmers shot a double­ possible against Kensington Rifle Club. There was a good per­ formance in Coppers, but rieither of the two teams won. A. H. Chalmers was awarded University Colours after shooting in the Heslop match against Oxford, and G. 1E. Pipe was in the successful 2nd team for the Kensington Cup. In pistol shooting ~eens' were well represented with the Captain, P. J. Skolar, and R. Blakeborough-Pownall shooting in the Small-Bore match against Oxford. M. J. C. Haszlakiewicz was in the 2nd team. In the League Standing and Kneeling shooting, ~eens' were well represented byP.J. Skolar,J. H. Ramsay and M.J. C. Haszla­ kiewicz, the last being elected Hon. Secretary. This has been a year ofincreased interest in Shooting by Q!!eens' which we hope will be maintained and lead to a high standard of performance.

Captaill: P. G. s. WHITM ORB Secretary: A.H. CHALMERS 18 CHESS

President: P. L. DAVIE S Secretary: s. c. MILLS

The College team was strong but small; we were promoted from Diwion Two to the First Division of the University League, but did not enter the City League. With less matches to play during the year it was considerably easier to obtain a full team than it was last year. The freshmen predominated in the team, taking at least three of the £ve boards in each match. The Cappers team lost to Emmanuel in the first round, and Emmanuel went on to do well in later rounds. Chess lunches were held throughout the year, and were success­ ful both as chess and as social occasions.

President: s. c. MILLS Secretary : D. WELCH


Captain: P. E. RADLEY Secretary: P. R. M. STEELE

The First Team, consisting of P. E. Radiey, F. Cammack and P. J. Skolar, at last relinquished its hOld in the League Champion­ ship by losing 3-6 to Downing in a play-off, and thus finishing runners-up. The general standard of Table Tennis in the College, however, remained comparatively high, and, although the Second .. Team was relegated to the Second Division, five ~eens' teams remain in the top three Divisions. In C yippers the regular First Team, with B. R. Wood, did well to beat King's away, but lost , 3-6 to Corpus in the third round, again away from home.

1965--6 Captain: F. CAMMACK Secretary: R.R. FOULKE S


Captain: R. A. KOTTLER Secretary: R. L. HARGREAVES The 1964-5 season proved to be a successful one for the Badminton Club. We had enough players to just keep two teams going. Our First Team narrowly failed to finish top of the table in Division One, whilst the Second Team maintained a high position in Division Two. The College won the Badminton Cuppers without much diffi­ culty. This was no surprise as three of the team, G. R. Woolhouse, D.R. Langslow and S. R. Kirk, all played regularly for the Uni­ versity. At University level, the College was extremely successful. G. R. Woolhouse and S. R. Kirk, a Freshman, played as first pair for the University team all season and D. R. Langslow played in the team for his second year. G. R. Woolhouse also won the University Open Tournament for the fourth year in succession. 1965-6 Captain: D. R.. LANGSLOW Secretary: R. L. HARGREAVES


Captain: P.J. CRESSWELL Secretary: D. K. M. JAMES On the University level, P. J. R. Souster, who played in the Dinner Match last year, was awarded his Blue, and also held the office of Secretary. On the College level, with P.J. Cresswell as Captain and D. K. M. James as Secretary, several College matches were played. Unfortunately the unbeaten record of two years' standing was lost to Pembroke, but all the other matches were won. R. M. Peskin, A. D. Crockett, R. C. Q. Farmer and D. K. M. James were awarded full colours.

1965-6 Captain: D. JL M. JAMES Secretary: J. A. SCUDAMORE


Captain: F. J. BUCK Secretary: .M. L. SA ND ERS

The 1964-5 season was once again most successful for the Basket­ ball Club. In the MichaeLna.s Term, for the second year running, Qgeens' won the Inter-College League Tournament without con­ ceding a match. In the Lent Term we narrowly failed to make it a double by losing in the Cuppers finals by one point, scored in extra tim.e, to King's. In the University match, Qgeens' was represented by the Cap­ tain, D. C. Last, the Secretary, F.J. Buck, andJ. Hertzberg. In the 2nd team match, we were represented by the Treasurer, M. L. Sanders, and S. L. Batiste. At the end of the year S. L. Batiste was appointed Junior Treasurer of the University Club.

1965-6 Captain: s. l. BATISTE Secretary: P.A. ASPDEN


Captain: R. A. CROOKS

Although there was a reasonable amount of talent in the College hardly any College matches were arranged and the team for the Cuppers competition was inexperienced. They sailed as individuals rather than as a team and thus they were eliminated in the .first round. / A College League Competition is being arranged for the coming season and it is hoped that regular matches and training sessions will encourage some of our latent talent into the open.


21 ATHLETIC DISTINCTIONS Rowing Blue: R. G. Ward. Trial Caps: J.P. Walmsley, D. G. Benson. Rugby Football Blue: G. P . Frankcom, C. M. H. Gibson (Sec.). LX Colours: P. A. Kitchin, D. C. Chambers. Association Football Falcons: N. Tabemer. Cricket Crusaders: R. E. J. Chambers, R. P. Maynard, M. J. B. Wood. Hockey Blue: D. A. R. Hulme. Wanderers: C. H. Kemp. Athletics Alverstone: J. D. Scarr, R. L. Moorby, D. Adu, R.H. Gorges. Lawn Tennis Half-Blue: B. Kileff Grasshoppers: B. R. Wood (Capt.), J. H. Vallat (Sec.), G. A. Landon. Golf Blue: P.J. R. Souster (Sec.). Eton Fives Penguin: P.J. Stewart. Badminton Half-Blue: G. R. Woolhouse, D.R. Langslow, S. R. Kirk. Squash Blue: T . W. D. Hendry. Ganders: B. Kileff, J. H. Vallat. Basketball Half-Blue: D. C. Last, F. J. Buck, J. Hertzberg.

22 Real Tennis Giraffe: J. H. Vallat. Swimming Ha1f-Blue: A.J. Addlesee. Water-Polo Half-Blue: D. C. Last (Capt.). Judo Half-Blue: P. W. Yetton.


Presideut: J.P. RY AN Vice-Preside11t: N. R. D. POWELL Secretary: A. ALLPORT

An average attendance of thirty at debates and eighteen at discus­ sion meetings indicates that the St Bernard Society enjoyed a moderately successful year. On the eve of the General Election the Society, debating the motion 'Let's go with Labour', gave Mr Wilson a majority of 20 votes to 18-rather more than the country gave him next day. In the next debate, however, the Society showed it was not altogether revolutionary by voting that it did not prefer cabbages to kings, though a chink appeared in its loyalty to the Crown when in the following debate the motion 'No Papery' was heavily defeated. In d1e last debate before. Christmas the Society, voting by acclamation, was equally divided on the motion 'This House believes in Father Christmas'. The Society began the Lent Term by approving 'This Sporting Life'. Then we were mvited to Newnham College Debating Society where 'Cambridge Fens' were preferred to 'Sussex Downs' by a large majority. The suggestion that 'God is an English Tory' was rejected, and in the last debate the Society told its numerous and vociferous politicians and lawyers that 'Legisk­ tion is no answer to racial discrimination'. Though our six discussions, covering a wide variety ofspecialised topics, were generally less well attended than debates, two drew large audiences: 'The new literacy', led by Dr George Steiner, 23 ·and 'The Public Schools, their future?' led by Mr W. A. Barker, Headmaster of the Leys School. As a result with some dissatisfaction with the constitution, a motion was passed m November establishing a sub-committee to draft a new one. At a special business meeting the sub-committee reported their proposed constitution which, after much discussion and with several amendments, was accepted. The new constitu­ tion was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Q!!eens' College United Clubs at the end of the year, and thereby came into force. It was found to be an admirable instrument to settle the 'gown controversy'. The radical wing of the Society wished to abolish the tradition, hotly defended by the reactionary element, that the chairman of a debate should wear a gown. The eventual com­ promise, whereby the chairman of a debate 'shall wear an academi­ cal gown and black square cap', was written into the constitution.

1965-6 President: N. R. D. POWELL Vice-President: A. ALLPORT Secretaries .: R. C. Q. FARMER, P. w. o'BRI.EN


President: DRE. A. MAXWELL Vice-President: HON, J. R. STAMP Secretary: P. COCKER Treasurer: J. T. GR.BEN Committee Members: DR j. w. L. .BEAMllN T, L. N. MBANEFO, R. M. BLOODWORTH, J. K. LEWIS, C.R. BURN (Organ Scholar)

Last year the St Margaret Society was dominated by the vigorous activity of its Vice-President, J. R. Stamp, under whose baton three public performances with internationally famous soloists took place. Despite these important and time-consuming con­ certs, several recitals were given in College and all of these proved very successful. On 18 October our new Organ Scholar, C.R. Burn, gave an organ recital in Chapel. This was swiftly followed by a concert in the Senate House in which John Shirley-Q!!irk performed Bach's two cantatas for solo baritone (Numbers 82 and 56). David Stone was the soloist in Bach's Violin Concerto in A Minor. 24 Next came the Freshmen's Concert, organised byJ. D. U. Green. A considerable amount of new talent ca.me to light and the con­ cert made a very enjoyable evening. On Remembrance Sunday, J. R. Stamp condllcted a concert in Chapel. Wilfred Brown sang the tenor solos in Elgar's For the Fallen and was joined by Julian Smith (baritone) for Stainer's Crucifixion. Soloists and chorus were accompanied on the organ by R. l. Thompson. The l3:5t concert of the term was a programme of four Baroque Concertos. The conductors were J. Green and P. Cocker who were also soloists in two of the works. Mrs Mary Potts joined us once again to play a :Bach harpischord concerto and C.R. Bum, with a small chamber orchestra in the organ loft, performed an unpublished organ concerto by John Stanley. The only concert in the Lent Term was the Society's big effort of the year. J. R. Stamp conducted a large chorus and orchestra in the Guildhall in a performance of Handel's Messia.h. The soloists were Jennifer Vyvyan, Marjorie Thomas, Wilfred Brown and Forbes Robinson: some professional help was recruited to assist local talent and the result was a magnificent performance, probably unique in the history of the Society. After such an effort the Society rested on its laurels for the rest of the year. The Easter Term produced an organ recital in which several members of the College performed, and a few days later a chamber concert of choral and instrumental music was given in the Fitzpatrick Hall. The year's programme ended with the May Week Concert on II June in Hall. After a cheerful performance of Hummel's Piano Septet, the remnants of the Society's chorus sang some male voice part songs of dubious musical worth. R. I. Thompson returned again, this time to give a miniature harpsichord recital and the Concert ended with illach's Cojfee Cantata with Sarah Walker, Bruce Wood and Gareth Keene as soloists. 1965--6 President: DRE. A. MAXWELL Vice-President: J. SANTER Secretary: R. M. BLOODWORTH Treasu.rer: B. WOOD Committee Members: DR J. w. L. BEAMENT, L. N. MBANEFO, J. T. GREEN, R. A. Ii. PHILLIPS, C.R. BURN (Organ Scholar), A. G. W. HOPKINSON


President: A. EREillA Vice-President: R. w. DEAN Secretary: c. J. VALLANCE junior Treasurer: M. G. McE. MORSE Committee Members: M. s. CLAXTON, M. F. EDWARDS Stage Diredor: P. SHORT Equipment Manager: J. HAMILTON Musical Director: DR J. w. L. BEAMENT Se11ior Treasurer: DRE. A. MAXWELL

During 1964-5 'The Bats' maintained their reputation as one of the most active and popular of the Cambridge Dramatic Societies with several successful productions. Following the usual Freshman readings and the Smoking Concert in the first part of the Michael­ mas Term, C.J. Vallance and M. G. McE. Morse- presented John Arden's Sergeant Musgrave's Dance, a production whose imagina­ tive direction and staging overcame the cramping limitations of the Fitzpatrick Hall exceptionally well, and led Varsity to call it 'one of the two most exciting theatrical ventures of the Term'- high praise for a College production, cast entirely from Freshmen. In the Lent Term a Freshman team, led by W. M. Hartley, put on The Hollow Craiiiiim, an anthology-piece which was also of a creditably high standard and attracted good audiences. This year the traditional Shakespeare production in Cloister Court for the Summer Main was Richard II, directed by A. Ereira. Despite occasionally unco-operative weather conditions, this large and colourful open-air production came off very well, and the size and enthusiasm of its audiences testified to the fact that 'The Bats' Cloister Court production remains a traditional May Week attraction throughout Cambridge. Many past 'Bats' members, as well as present ones, descended once again, as the 'Cambridge University Players' on the Minack Theatre in Cornwall during the Long Vacation, to take part in Frank Bechhofer's production ofKing Lear-an ambitious project, but one which, in the magnificent natural setting of the sea-cliffs, and with an exceptionally strong cast and back-stage team, was a resounding success, and a most satisfactory conclusion to the year. 1965-6 President: C.J. VALLANCE Vice-President: M. F. EDWARDS Secretary: I. R. WRIGHT Junior Treasimr: C. E. QUINNEY Committee Members: R. G. HARTILL, w. M. HARTLEY, P. F. KING, M . G. McE. MORSE Stage Manager: A. L WILLIAMS Equipment .Manager: R. A. KENDALL Musical Director: DR J. w. L. BEAMENT Se,iior Treasurer: DRE. A. MAXWELL

DINNER IN THE NORTH-WEST The fifteenth Annual Dinner for ~eens' men in the North-West took place in Chester on 9 April 1965, at the Blossoms Hotel. The Guest of Honour was Mr Norman Hughes, and the Bishop of Blackbum presided. Twenty-three members attended. The next Dinner is being held on Monday, 28 March 1966, at the Bull and Royal Hotel, Preston.

27 1 ~,.t C&vv ~r-.i '\,-- r 1, *DQ_u{ ~ DEATHS We regret to record t~following deaths:

Rev. Canon C.H. Isaacson t:)90) Ven. Archdeacon L. - Rev. B. Wright (1893) z::, -c. ]. ou · 1912) - Rev. J. F. D. Chapman (1901) - R. B. Fawkes, D.s.o., M.R.C.P., B.CH. - W.J. R. Gibbs., MUS.B. (1903) (1913) - Rev. E. W . Hamond (1903) -Rev. H.F. Rush.mer (1913) - . Sir W. H. Wehbe, c.B.C: . (1904) -L. R. Cox, o .B.ll., sc.D., F.R..s. (1919) Rev. F. H. Collins 1 - A. E. Rogers (1920) ~ Rev. anon B. J. Failes, o.w.k' (19o6) -P.A. Wright (1920) Rev. Canon R. A."BeV1S (I~ ..._Lt.-Col. L. J. De Pury M.B.E., R.E. - Rev. K. J. L. Donald (1907} (1924) - Rt Rev. G. F. B. Morris (1907) -Got R. G. Jackson, R..E. (1929) - C. Black (1908) - S. Gray (1937) __Rev. Canon H. S. Betts (1909) - E.J. Kay (1943) -Rev. B. V. F. Brackenbury (1909) ..,. F. W. B. Shepherd (1943) - Rev. Canon F. A. Redwood (1909) ~ - D. Wilkerson (1946) - L. C. Robertson (1909) ._:J. T. O'B. Perry (1952) Nb"'T Wll\!) - Rev. L. H. B. Staveley (1910) it C. Nurden (190r) -- Mr C. E.W. Chamberlain, formerly Kitchen Manager {1917-52), died in 1965.


DISTINCTIONS K.C.B.: Sir Philip Allen (1930 ), who will be Permanent Secretary to the Home Office from June 1966. Knights Bachelor: R. A. Penrose (1919}, G. W . Lee (1922), R. R. M. Bacon (1925). O.B.E.: K. Kandiah (1937). Q.C.: D . G. Widdicombe (1942).

ECCLESIASTICAL The ev. W. E. W. Wycliffe-Jones (1912) has retired. The Rev. Canon C. M. S. Clarke (1914) has retired and is Hon. Canon Emeritus of Leicester Cathedral. The Rev. W . E. A. Lounds (1919) has retired. The Rev. Canon D. P. Low (1921) is Rural Dean at Milton (dio­ cese of Salisbury). The Rev. Canon F. H. Pickering (1921) has retired and is Canon Emeritus of Liverpool. 28 The Rev. W. A. F. Lee (1925) is a Prebendary of St Paul's Cathe­ dral. The Rev. R. C. Tootell (1926) is Vicar of St Barnabas, York. The Rev. H. M. C. Price (1930) has been appointed a Prebendary of Lichfield. The Rt Rev. J.E. L. Newbigin (1928) has returned to as Bishop of Madras. TheRev.D. M. Harper (1933)isCurate-in-ChargeofStGeorge's, Brighton. The Rev. B. F. Adeney (1935) is Metropolitan Organising Secre­ tary, Church Pastoral Aid Society. The Rev. K. C. Cooper (1936) is Rector of St Paul, Fisherton Anger. The Rev. C. M. T. Fenton (1948) is Vicar of Christ Church, Ramsgate. The Rev. M. M. Rennell (M.A. 1949) has been appointed Exami­ ning Chaplain to the Bishop of Manchester. The Rev. P.H. C.Jennings (1949) is Vicar of Bluff and Stewart Island, New Zealand. The Rev.J. L. Chater (1951) has been appointed Assistant Chap­ lain, University of York. The Rev. B. G. E. Pettifer (1952) is Chaplain and Lecturer at Bath Training College. The Rev. R. J. Hall (1953) has been appointed Moderator of the Congregational Church in London. The Rev. J. D. B. Poole ( 19 54) is Priest-in-charge of St Benedict's, Heme! Hempstead. The Rev. M. R. Smith (1956) is Assistant Curate of Redcar Parish Church. The Rev. D. Parsons (1957) is Curate at Beccles.

EDUCATIONAL H.F. Lunn (1894) has retired after 67 years of Educational Army and Government Service. B. S. L. S. Raine (1919) has retired from the post of Head Master of Red House School, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees, having held the post since 1929. 29 C. F. Beckingham. (1932) has been appointed to a Chair ofislamic Studies at London University, tenable at the School of Oriental and African Studies. S. H.P. Cheung (1936) is Professor ofBusiness Administration at California Baptist College, Riverside, California. G. N. Ward (1936) is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Sussex. P.R. Gibson is Academic Registrar of Loughborough Training College. T. M. Sugden (1938; Fellow 1957) is Associate Professor of Molecular Sciences at the University of Warwick. G. Hett (1944) is teaching Mechanical Engineering subjects, with the grade of Senior Lecturer, at Rotherham. College of Tech­ nology. J. T .. Coppock (1947) has been appointed to the Ogilvie Chair of Geography at the University of Edinburgh. G. W. Wilde (1948) is a Lecturer in Geography at the West Midlands College of Edu.cation. A. J.M. Spencer (1949) is Professor ofTheoretical Mechanics and Head of the Department at Nottingham. University. J. R. Williams (1949) has been appointed Deputy Principal at Rolle College,. Exmouth, Devon. M. Everett (19 50) is Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Birken­ head Technical College. H. Gold white (1950) is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at California State College, Los Angeles. J. N. Hillga.rth (1950) has an Assistant Professorship at Harvard University, U.S.A. The Rev.J. B. Geyer (1953) is Tutor at Cheshunt College, Cam­ bridge. M. C. Robinson (1957) is teaching at Wednesfield Grammar School, Staffordshire. J. F. W. Strange (1957) is an Assistant lecturer in the Royal Uni­ versity of Malta. P. G. Foster (1958) is Assistant Master at Ruskin Road County Grammar School for Boys, Crewe, teaching English, Latin, 1and French. P. M. D. Gray (1958) has been admitted to the Degree ofD.Phil. 30 (Oxon.) and is continuing research at Oxford wider an S.R.C. Fellowship. C. M. Worsn.op (1958) .is As.sistant Head of English at Woodroffe High Schoo], Ottawa, Canada. H. R. Morton (196o) is Assistant Lecturer at Liverpool University. A.G. Summers (1961) is teaching at the Tividale School, near Birmingham. R. F. Lacey (1962) is Assistant Lecturer of Sir John Cas-s College. H. G. Popplestone (1962) is at the University of Kent.

MISCELLANEOUS C. G. H. Rodgers (1934) has retired from the post of Chief Engi­ neer, East African Railways and Harbours, after 28 years' service with Railways in East Africa. E .. G. Coleman (1943) is Assistant to the Merchandise Director at Harrods. R. Cowan (1948) is Company Secretary of George Wimpey and Co., Ltd. P.R. Simons (1948) is a Technical Officer in the Research Depart­ ment of I.C.I., Plastics Division. D. W. H. Ashton (1953) has been appointed Senior Ass.istant Solicitor to the City of Leicester. J. Lawrence (1953) .is in charge of the British Conncil's Office in Sabah, Malaysia, as the CoW1cil' s Regional Representative there. T. D. Ross (1955) is General Manager of the Shell Company of Nigeria. G. J. Elliott (1957) :is Development Manager with Management Dynamics Limited. C. W.Dyment (1958) isaLegalAdviserin the Diplomatic Service. A. J. Prowse (1958) is with the Royal Air Force. D. N. Smedley (1958) is Regional Sales Manager of Harveys of Bristol. R.J. H. Taylor (1958) is a Technical Writer/Project Team Mem­ ber of Unicam Instruments Ltd., Cambridge. D. Williams (1961) is with I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Division at Alderley Park. R. F. Barker (1962) is working for the British Motor Corporation, Longbridge, Birmingham. 31 A. D. Crockett (1962) starts an Appointment at the Bank of England in October 1966; at present he is at Yale on a Fellow­ ship. D. A. Joslin (1962) is a Scientific Officer in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston.

THE YEARS 195'9-62

Men matriculated in 1959 and just eligible for the Degree of Master of Arts. ECCLESIASTICAL M. J. Grylls is Assistant Curate of St Silas's Parish Church, Sheffield.

EDUCATIONAL D. K. Baines is Lecturer in Applied Thermodynamics at the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell. G. Collard is Assistant History Master at Simon Langton Boys' Grammar School, Canterbury. M. M. Dodson is Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of York. J. A. Evans is Latin Master at Sussex House, Cadogan Square, London. J. A. Gatt-Rutter is lecturing in Italian at the University of Hull. B. B. Gidney is a Schoolmaster in Perth, Australia. M. J. Goringe is a Research Student at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, and is to become a Research Assistant in the Metallurgy Department at the University of Oxford. J. F. R. Gower is a Research Student in the Radio Astronomy Section of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. P. M. Hazzledine is a Research Fellow of G.!!eens' College. W. M. Herring is a Housemaster at a preparatory school m Rhodesia. J. D. Hewitt is a Schoolmaster at Dulwich College. B. J. Helser is teaching French at Cliftonville School, North­ ampton. 32 J. R. Hubhuck is a Research Student in Algebraic Topology at Pembroke College, Oxford. D. A. Johnson is studying at the London Bible College. R. C. Lane is Lecturer in Russian at the University of Durham. P. T. Neil is a Schoolmaster in the French Department of the Northern Grammar School for Boys, Portsmouth. J. Nutter is teaching English at Wilmslow County Grammar School. T. R. Odhiambo is Lecturer in the Department of Zoology in the University College of Nairobi. C. O'Keeffe is teaching Physics at Owen's SchooL London. H. V. Phythian-Adams is an Assistant Master at Clifton College Preparatory School, Bristol. J. H. Riley is teaching. R. J. Stephens is Deputy Warden ofDillington House College for Adult Education. E. C. Tatchell is Assistant Lecturer in the Department ofBiology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London. G. L. Treglown is teaching Chemistry at Radley College. I. J. Trotter is Lector in English at the Technische Universitat, Berlin. C. Turner is domg research for a Ph.D. D. M. Turner is Assistant in Research in the Department of Land Economy, Cambridge. M. R. Westall is at Harvard Divinity School, U.S.A. J.M. Wilkinson is a Research Assistant at St Mary's Hospital, working for the London M.Sc. Degree.

MISCELLAN60US A. D . W. Abbot-Anderson is Sales Engineer and Personal Assis­ tant to the U.K. Delegate of Nuovo Pignone S.P.A. (Italian Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Plant Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers). R. E. Allsop is a Scientific Officer at the Ministry of Transport R.oad Research Laboratory, Langley, Bucks. L. V. Appleyard is.withH.M. Diplomatic Service, Peking. Chin.a. B. B. Bolton is Systems Analyst with International Computers and Tabulators Ltd. 33 J. R. Brock is Production Assistant, the Natural History Unit of the B.B.C. N. W. Browne is a Process Engineer with John Brown Con­ stru.ctors Ltd., London. A. G. Buchanan is a Lamp Design Engineer with British Lighting Industries Ltd., Leicester. E. D. Cattell is an Accountant. W. J. Church is an Articled Clerk with Hampshire County Council. N. I. K. Clark served his Articles with a Chartered Accountant and is at present waiting for the results ofhis Final Examination. A. P. Conway is a Senior Research Consultant with the Econo­ mist Intelligence Unit in London. R. L. Cowdell is on the Production Management side of Akan Industries Ltd., in Oxfordshire. M. G. Craddock is Assistant Fihn Editor of Modesty Blaise at the Shepperton Studios, and was Film Director ofMr Letuis shown at Cameo Royal. J. M. Davis is a Bank Official in Ghana. J. Downs is Area Sales Manager with Procter and Gamble Ltd. P. J. Dtmnett is Senior Programmer/Systems Analyst of the Eastern Electricity Board Central Accounting Office at Ipswich. J.B. Ellis is Assistant Manager of the Development Department of Prices (Bromborough) Ltd. R. A. Farquharson is Chartering Assistant with B.P. Tanker Company. J. N. Fuller-Shapcott is Graduate Electrical Engineer Company Director of the Chilton Group of Companies, Hungerford, Berks. W. H. Fullerton is with H.M. Diplomatic Service in the Lebanon. P. N. Gray is dealing with sales for export. P. Y. Griffiths is Assistant Stationery Buyer, W. H. Smith and Son. J. H. Harris is Sales Executive with the Cape Asbestos Company in London. G. A. Hayter is a Computer Consultant. T. D. I. Hos.kison is a Local Government Solicitor. J. A. Hudson is Company Director of Hudson Brothers Trawlers Ltd.

34 H. M. Husted is an Advocate in practice at the Johannesburg Bar. F. 0. N. Jackson is Production Controller of P.I. Castings (Al­ trincham) Ltd. A. W. K. Lau :is a Medical Practitioner in London. D. G. Leaver is House Physician to the Medical Unit, St Thomas's Hospital, London. M. P. W. Lee is a Solicitor. D. L. Mclellan is a House Surgeon. J. E. Mallinson is a Reservoir Engineer working in an oilfield in the She.ikhdom of Abu Dhabi. D. R. B. Martin is a Builder. M. G. Matthews is a Solicitor. R. C. Milsom is an Administrative Assistant to the Trades Union Congress (Education Department}. J. H. T. Moorby is a Physicist working for Rolls-Royce and Associates Ltd., Derby. M. HF. Morley is a Managerial Economist with Consolidated Goldfields Ltd. in London. C. W.R. D. Moseley is Editor-in-Charge of Arts Books with University Tutorial Press Ltd., Cambridge. D. A. S. Neill is a Technician at the University of Bristol Veteri­ nary Field Station. R. S. Orr is a Civil Engineer with Rendel, Palmer and Trilton, Consulting Engineers, working on the site on the construction of Pembroke Power Station. T. Rayfield is an Advertising Copywriter withJ. Walter Thomp­ son and Company Ltd. A. R. E. Rodgers is an Engineer in Norway. M. B. Rose is Resident Medical Officer at the Kent and Canter­ bury Hospital, Kent. T. C.H. Sale is a Mechanical Engineer with LC.I., Ayrshire. P. J. Salter is Material ControllerforJohnHeathcoat and Co. Ltd., Devon. R. A. P. Scott is Paediatric House Surgeon at St George's Hospital. - C. T. Sirney is a Sales Executive with Dow Chemical Company Ltd., in Cheshire. A. J. Staveacre is Production Assistant for B.B.C. Television. 35 R.R. C. Stokes is a Solicitor's Articled Clerk. D. Stratford is on the Production Management side with British Cocoa and Chocolate Co. Ltd at Bristol; he will be moving during 1966 to Tasmania to work with Cadbury-Fry-Pascall Party Ltd. {Australia). K. Tayler is an Insurance Clerk/Actuarial Student. R. W . Timms is employed by the English Electric Computers Ltd. in Australia as a Senior Programmer. M. T. Urwin is a member of the Investment Department of the Royal Insurance Company Ltd. R. Walmsley is the weapons and electrical engineer ofa submarine (H.M.S. Otus). R. B. Whimster is a Section Leader with Babcock and Wilcox (Operations) Ltd. in Scotland. A. R. T. Williams is an Occupational Psychologist. G. W. Williams is a Barrister-at-Law. THE QUEENS~ COLLEGE CLUB Commjttee President: A. Lt Armitage 19 33 Vice-Presidents: Rev. J. F. Williams 1897 A. D. Browne 1908 R. G.D. Laffan 1913 Seaetary: II. A. Maxwell r929 Treasurer: W. Hagenbuch 1949

CommiUee Members Till 1966 H. G. Lemmon, U.M. 1897 R.C.H. Cox 1919 J. S. Wane 1912 Sir G. S. Waller, o.B.E. 1929 Till 1967 A.H. Noble 1905 J.E.. Pater, c.B. 1929 L. Patrick 1919 G. T. Wright 1939 Till 1968 Judge N. A. Carr 1919 R. C. Aitken 1939 W. R. M. Morton 1937 S.Brown 1942 Till 1¢9 Sir W.W. Gibson, LI..M. 1892 Rev. G. H. K. Pedley 1920 Sir J. F. Moylan, C.B., c.B.E. 1901 M. D. B. Parkes Bowen 1942

The Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, 19 June. The Treasurer reported that 119 new members had joined the Club during the year. The credit balance in June 1965 was £241. os. 1d. after, on the one hand, selling 3½ % Conversion Stock for £256. 2s. 1d. and, on the other, paying normal expenses plus £43. ros. for the College flag donated by the Club. The Vice-President of the College, Mr Kirkaldy, took the Chair during a discussion when it was announced that the Governing Body had agreed to commission a portrait of the President to be painted while he was Vice-Chancellor. Sir Frederick Gentle pro­ posed that the Club should make a sum of £150 available for this purpos,e from its capital. Tlus was agreed unanimously and the hope was further expressed that contributions would be invited from individual members. 37 About 190 members were present at the Dinner. The Club was proposed by Captain C. S. B. Swinley, R.N. and Mr Hughes replied. The College was proposed by Lt.-Col. Mainwaring and the President replied.

ADDRESSES WANTED It will be of great service to the College if members of the Club will kindly inform the Keeper of the Records of any changes in their permanent addresses or in those of their friends. The College will welcome any correction of this Record, and any material for next year. These should be addressed to the Keeper of the Records, who gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a number of items from members during the past year. Except where otherwise stated the dates given after the names of members of the College refer to their dates of Matriculation.