ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020


Asst.Prof. Dr. HasanJassim Rashid

University of Mosul,College of Arts,Department of Sociology,Mosul, E-mail:[email protected] Civil Youth and Time of Crisis: Participatory Research With A Group of Students from the Department of Sociology to Know the Sociology of Living in a Diverse Community/Iraqi City of Mosul as Field of the Study.

Received: 08.03.2020 Revised: 25.04.2020 Accepted: 14.05.2020

Abstract Young people are the mainstay of society, not only in terms of continuity in human existence, but also as a continuation of social thought, so they must be involved in finding solutions to those problems that affect their communities, such as Isis's control of Nineveh province and its center "the city of Mosul", which is socially and culturally heterogeneous. Therefore, these young people are the means and the goal in their view of this conflict and how to contribute to the mitigation of its results. The young people here are participants and through the experimental participation of questions and the distribution of those questions and answering them we can know their point of view about ISIS's control over their regions and the disadvantages of that control in what concerns civil liberties and its behaviors and the prevention of communication and interaction with others who belong to different cultural identity to create national distinction in difficult circumstances that their society passed through in ascending stages started from an epicenter of political crisis and then there were some automatic factors that helped to aggravate the situation with a favorable conditions till the crisis reached a stage of tension and anxiety then came the calm that precedes the storm. The crisis was triggered by ISIS's control of the province, with serious consequences, including displacement, killing, slavery, and the manufacture of coercion among all components of the province, including the young people. The events and research requirements proceeded towards the selection of the research sample of three categories of youth of both sexes and according to the situation imposed on them: Young people who remained under ISIS control and youths who fled ISIS's control and those from the minority who live in Nineveh. After conducting the questionnaire's questions that tackle the civil youth crisis, their common living , cultural and social life, besides the interviews conducted as a case study to a number of young males and females and the investigation through the discussions of the focus groups ,many facts were appeared such as : They lived in a period of harsh solitude , individually and collectively, and they were dealt with by ISIS in a brutal manner, and they were deprived from education, and unemployment was rampant. ISIS worked to undermine social relations of all kinds which resulted in the absence of civil liberties in all meanings of freedom and civility. The solutions created by the participatory field research of young people came as follows: Going back to the culture of the past and strengthen it besides addressing the rift between all youth of Nineveh and reject all the ideas brought by ISIS and to extinguish all what ISIS has done to coerce people and going outside the local space into Iraqi national space besides the activation of social institutions', discussion circles ,civil dialogue and voluntary activities role that would strengthen citizenship, civility and liberties of young people. Keywords:The Civilian youth, Crisis, Sociology, Society, Mosul.

Introduction: This research paper has involved young people in solving the crisis that they have experienced during the period of Isis control over their province and city of Mosul. The research steps starts from the importance of participatory research in order to raise the awareness of those young people in the field of civil liberties, then the desired benefits of the research from the theoretical and applied sides , then comes a clear manifestation to the concepts of research, a clarification of the problem of young people during the time of ISIS, the methodology adopted, the temporal and spatial field and the description of the youth sample of both sexes and the objectives of the research then in the field side comes the choice of youth groups according to the circumstances of the problem and research's requirements and objectives besides the description of the study society " the province of Nineveh and its center Mosul city that have a heterogeneous cultural nature and historical background of the crisis from the first phase of the crisis to its explosion and the occurrence of disaster and finally the occupation of the province and displacement process. The questionnaire's forms distributed by 2526


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 the youth on the research samples included 15 respondents as a case study involving three youth groups: the first, the group that lived under ISIS control, the second the group of young people who were displaced, and the third included youth from the minority . All categories were closer to 50/50 between males and females, after that,the data were collected, analyzed, and discussed, and the study came up with the findings , proposals, solutions and finally the sources of the research were listed. .

The Value of The Study: The importance of this participatory research consists in a range of points, including: 1.The Involvement of the university student in field studies to let him academically and scientifically get benefit from the research and socio-educational work in the future . 2.The contribution of young people in diagnosing the problems of the young and participating in the development of appropriate solutions. 3.To increase the scientific and civic awareness of young people in a period when young people are undergoing many and varied problems in their country, province and city as a result of the domination of the extremist ideology gangs on their city. 4.The possibility of convergence of views of the youth in Nineveh province and its center the city of Mosul, because the events have left a rift in civil relations.

The Desired Benefits of the Study: Theoretical researches in general and field & applied participatory researches in particular , have great benefits and there are those who get benefit from them, as follows: The local community (Nineveh and Mosul Society) can get benefit of them to diagnose the civil problems and the possibility of developing the solutions. The local government in Nineveh can highly get benefit of them to reunify the youth through the research-based programs. Young people, as a goal and a means in participatory research, are the most aware and have the ability to find the solution to their problems, especially when it comes to the most important aspects of their lives: freedom and civility as culture and behavior under harsh conditions suffered by them as a result of ISIS's control on their province and city. Such research and field studies are also of great benefit to civil and non-governmental organizations, since the study is concerned with the civilian aspect of the lives of young people. Such research and field studies are also of great interest to civil and non-governmental organizations, since the study is concerned with the civilian aspect of the lives of young people.

The Concepts of the Study:

There is no fixed agreement on the concept of youth in the demographic literature and every society has its own age and demographic measurement . Youth is linguistically known as : young person, which means the boyhood or girlhood ,the modernity and the beginning of the thing that has become at the age of puberty and not reached the age of Manhood or womanhood. The United Nations defines youth as persons aged between 15-24 years without prejudice to other definitions by Member States and, indeed, all United Nations statistics on youth are based on this definition. As evidenced by the annual Yearbook of Statistics published by the United Nations on demography, education, employment and health, young people are those aged between 18 to 29 years. In our Iraqi Arabian and Eastern society, youth ages have been set at 15 to 30 years and they are the largest social group and account for more than 70% of the population. Both female and male respondents, whether they belong to case study or the focus groups , are aged between (18-27) years.

Civility: The name refers to the physical aspect of civilization such as urbanism , means of communication and entertainment, matched by the intellectual, spiritual and moral aspect of civilization and very close to civil liberties which means: to give an individual the right to express frankly and clearly his opinion and thought, as well as the freedom of choosing the profession that he/she wants to practice and the freedom of association with NGOs and human rights organizations. The definition leads us to say that Nineveh Province and Mosul youth are applicable to what is stated in the comprehensive definition above, thus leading us to say that: Civility is procedural: a culture that is socially and culturally inherited and acquired from real-time societal conditions and interactions that have produced expressive behaviors in interactions between social diversities and the acceptance of the other who belongs to diverse social cultures aiming at producing free citizenship among different age groups, among the young people.


It is known linguistically as : life, lived, lives, and livelihood.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 The coexistence:It is an implicit agreement between two groups, , not to resort to war to settle differences between them whether they are two parties, states or communities. The coexistence of people: Those who exist in the same time and place, and they are socially composed of culturally and socially diverse and heterogeneous sects ,religions ,and nationalities that live in agreement and peace. Thus, coexistence is a procedural one: a heterogeneous diversity-oriented society in which people share the place, the civic culture and unified citizenship, and youth are considered an element of this society and within its culture and civil behavior. Community: A group of people lives together for a period of time to create their own organization because they consider themselves a distinct social unit. The above-mentioned anthropological definition is based on diverse grounds of two types: the first: the product of the definition in the formation of a distinct social unit, which is an intercultural society of a culturally heterogeneous nature. The second ground is the group of people, that can be applied to the young people who can form a distinct society with a distinctive character in dynamics and social civic . Therefore, it is procedurally stated that society is a group of individuals including young people who have been brought together by land and involuntary presence and linked to shared destiny and culture, thus they produced a unified loyalty which is the basis and the starting point of their civic behavior and unique and distinctive citizenship.

The Problem of the Study:

John Locke says in his book which is entitled civil rule (if rape is a practice of a person of power that is the right of another, tyranny is the exercise of power that is never based on any right and which is impossible to be right to someone). (John Locke, Civil Rule p. 164). This was the case in the Iraqi province Nineveh, and its center the city of Mosul, when it was occupied by ISIS and they destructed and looted its fortunes that lie under and above the ground , and the looting and robbery of public and personal property was prevailed, besides the killing, kidnapping, abduction, displacement, migration and the punishment of others who are not from their extremist culture .They undermined the social relations , isolated the society , dismantled it , and in the thick of that destruction ,they focused on the youth group because youth posed the greatest danger expected by them through rejecting their ideas and resisting them intellectually and because the young people are the first vanguard in the social and civil interaction with all the youth of social formations through their presence in every youth demographics such as workplaces, schools, universities, market, and social and cultural forums,,, etc . In that period of time of more than three hard years of civil isolation and great problems that were to the extent of scourge or more: How were the youth of Nineveh and Mosul ,who were at the age of their civil spring, under the power of compulsion and oppression and the confiscation and suppression of all public and personal freedoms? What means have those groups used to spread their thoughts among young people during those three years? How were the civil behaviors of young people in Nineveh in the period of control of those groups and what negative effects of this calamity on their civilian character and how to address those effects and restore the situation as it has been before the scourge? These questions lead us to see some scientific and field research experiments on the subject.

Research Methodology: Historical approach: It includes an overview of the origin and stages of the crisis. Experimental approach: After preparing the draft of case study form, I decided to show it to some of the young men and women to know their opinions and to try and measure it on them and to let them have their own say in what concerns the subject, and after collecting the notes, I found that I have to delete, add and modify some of the questions. Case Study Method: The selection and interview of a sample out of 15 respondents and 6 focus groups of males and females who are between (19-27) years. Analytical Approach: Analysis of the answers obtained from the respondents. Means and Tools: A questionnaire form tackles three topics consisting of 5 questions per topic. Interview: After the discard of the five spare forms we relied on the answers of fifteen form of study where the interviews were conducted as follows: There were five forms for young people who remained in the city of Mosul ;three forms for young women and two young men . There were five forms for young people who have been displaced .Three forms for young women and two for young men .There were five forms for young people from minority. Three forms for young women and two for young men .Note that the social diversity of young people was taken into account. Focus Groups: Same as above: five focuses of young people who remained within the city, five of young people who have been displaced, and five of youth of all minorities including males and females.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 Parameters: Spatial Area: The city of Mosul is a field and a centre of Nineveh youth society, being the basis of the civil population through the presence of many shared factors such as the work ,market, education centers, government departments and the center of organizations, assemblies and civic activities. Temporal Scope: The project has started since the date of the first meeting in the college / / 2018 and ended / /

Sample Description: According to the events that have taken place in the society of the province and the city of Mosul and according to the research requirements and the culturally heterogeneous nature of the society, the sample of the research was as follows : First: A sample from Mosul city youths who stayed in the city throughout the period of ISIS control. The sample has his or her own form and questions. Second: A sample from Mosul city youths who fled outside the city to escape the control of the extremist ideology gangs and the sample has his or her own form and questions. Third: Youth from other social components from the center of Mosul city and uptown of diverse components and cultures of Kurds, Christians, Yazedi, and Shabak. The sample has his or her own form and questions. Fourth, we tried to have the sample 50/50 between males and females for all the above forms. Fifth: The number of the approved forms as case study method was (20) forms in the analysis out of (25) forms and five forms were left to be as spare forms if the answers were not sufficient by the respondents.Steps of Implementing the Project (Civil Youth in Times of Crisis)

ResearchDesign: The project started from the time mentioned above where it went through several stages, and it was presented as a proposal by the team, with a preliminary title and a debatable draft that can be modified in what concerns the vision of youth in the city of Mosul towards the conflict and community peace, and after office discussions (preliminary meetings) with Mr. Sam and professor Mamon and other members of other groups' heads ,where there was a lengthy discussion about the importance of the subject besides studying the problem of dominance and how to address the culture of restriction, stereotyping and embalming in most fields of social life of young people, which is a threat to their future and civil behavior especially after suffering from the oppression of extremist gangs. Then we came up with the following: It is very important and imperative that we revive the heritage of our society which is based on the culture of peace, free civil environment and the acceptance of others regardless to their cultural or regional affiliation or geographical location, and thus: This is the field and the real realm in which young people can play an important role in getting themselves back to their true contexts in a way that combines their enthusiasm and patience with full awareness of the importance of living together, and being responsible guys, defending their civil borders, and looking for community peace, and rejecting violence as culture and behavior. It is important to say that what befell these young people of afflictions come as a result of the dominance of extremist ideology groups in Nineveh province and its center Mosul city. Youth are very important for the Iraqi and Mosuly society as these youth represent the backbone of life and sustainability of their society, and the extremist ideology for three hard years affected them negatively so they could not interact and communicate with their peers from the same city or other cities as a result of the spatial remoteness caused by forced displacement. It is important to bring them back to what they were before. The time lapse in which Mosuly people were away from the march of the life of community for a period of time exceeded three years as a result of the domination of the extremist groups and the fragmentation of the community of the city by displacement , detention or putting the society within a specific geographical framework . All constituted a challenge and a problem in community's socio-demographic organization where its age groups lost many of social characteristics especially the young Mosuly people and their civil nature of living together with the others that are different from them in culture and place. It is therefore important to bridge the time gap resulted by this time lapse and to reintegrate the youth to their past community and to restore the past ties between the youth themselves who have been forced by the challenges to be separated (between those who remained inside the city of Mosul and those forced into displacement, and between the youth of the city and the youth of towns, uptowns, and other villages who are culturally and socially different). After numerous discussions through the mechanism of the focus groups, which included the heads of groups and some of the young candidates to work on the project, the subject title finally came as: (Civil Youth in Time of Crisis)and its field is Mosul city

Goals of Study: Studying and identifying the view of the youth in Nineveh in general and the young Mosuly people in particular, as follows: First: The conditions of conflict and civil deprivation experienced by young people during the period of the crisis. Second: The youth's view as a civil interaction process between those who remained under the control of the extremist groups and who have been displaced outside the city "acceptance or rejection". 2529


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 Third: The view of the youth about the others who are different from their culture or place of residence (among the youth of the centre/Mosul city and the areas outside the centre/towns and villages that are culturally heterogeneous). Fourth: Diagnosing the intellectual and cultural impairments that cause the non-acceptance of the other, which is the basis of the civil social interaction mentioned above and trying to reach the appropriate solutions through the young people themselves.

Description of the Community of the Study: The official and unofficial centers of action and comprehensive social interaction that exist in the city of Mosul have played an important and active role in attracting heterogeneous population groups, including, in particular, the category of young people with all its diversity and among these active centers: Nineveh universities, Nineveh directorate of education and its schools, all official service departments, markets, cultural and recreational centers, scientific forums.. etc. All of the above-mentioned centers are of a civilian nature, leading to civic gatherings with civil behavior. In addition, the Iraqi society of Nineveh, with its social diversity and throughout its history, has acquired a sophisticated civil cultural heritage in a way that makes its individuals possess the qualities of civility in all its meanings to live and accept the others who belong to different culture or region and thus the youth group has been of great importance in giving the city and its social parties a civil character through their participation in the various activities and events whether in the form of formal commitment or informal voluntary one.

Historical Background of the Crisis: The crisis that has taken place in Iraq, Ninevah province and Mosul, is neither groundless nor accidental, but has been preceded by events and actions, albeit invisible and clear to many, but the fire of the quiet crisis was burning quietly and felt only by the people who lived in the city. The views and analyses of scientists to the subject of the crisis are numerous and multiple, especially those that concern the stages of the crisis, and the stages of the crisis in the city of Mosul can be phased in, as follows: The Focus of the Crisis: the misguided policies towards Iraqi society and the imported term(new Iraq after 2003) have made it possible for Iraqi society in general and the Nineveh community in particular to be unstable in most areas of its social life. The focus of the crisis can be determined by many factors but in this subject we depend on two types of factors: Surrounding Factors Forced on Society: political fragmentation in practice which has been based on ethnic and sectarian basis and at the expense of Iraqi citizenship and civility, and consequently this fragmentation has negatively impacted on the reality of young people and attempted to remove their citizenship and drag them into the abhorrent sectarian trench. Subjective Factors: Making identities characterized by social enclosure to the components of society and confine them to specific geographical boundaries in a way that the individuals lose the synergy of interaction with other components and thus the characteristic of civility becomes encroached upon by undermining the social interaction with others. Add to this the principle of producing hatred between the components in Ninevahprovice and the city of Mosul and this leads to the loss of the characteristic of citizenship and civility. Consequently ,the youth group becomes captive to these enclosures and sub-identities that are rigid and distant from patriotism and confine its energies in a constraint context. The Biased Atmosphere: It refers to the sectarian stir that prevailed in the period after 2003 as a result of the erroneous policies that practised at the expense of Iraqi citizenship or at the expense of local citizenship of Nineveh, which encompasses all those local cultures of all social components, and the youth were among those who have been included in the sectarian agitation in order to make them hate each other.

Helping Factors:The Iraqi province of Nineveh, with its center (Mosul City) is considered one of the civil and social cities, and this feature came as a result of many factors,including:civilizational,commercial,scientific,vocational,professional,and demographic factors. The latter (demographic) is due to the fact that the city is the population center of the province, and to make it more clear read the following points: First: The city itself is of a diverse urban/civil nature with more than one national and religious component. Second: The city is considered a sprawling population centre in the demographic map with diverse socio-cultural parties from districts, outskirts and villages, and these heterogeneous administrative socio-cultural parties were subjected to political practices in the way that each component made its own identity at the expense of its national and civic identity so the young people category has become in a position away from their colleagues from other components. The Supremacy of Tension and Anxiety:The adopted policies and the enclosure of the components within a specific geographical and cultural context, and the spread of insecurity ,terror ,and fear among these components as a result of the threats, assassinations and forced displacement, as well as the prevalence of violence, administrative corruption, the collection of royalties and the discontinuation of private centers of population groups of the commercial, industrial and professional nature and other factors led to the prevalence of tensions between the components and consequently the fear of the occurrence of something was expected and that thing negatively affected the social cohesion and led to the



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 formative contraction and youth category was the first victim that suffered from killing actions, abandonment of schools and colleges and even some of them were assassinated and others were threatened. Add to this the lack of cohesion between them and others who belong to different identities or areas. The Occurrence of the Expected Factor:All the indicators on the ground suggested a worsening situation in Nineveh in general and the city of Mosul in particular, and all were in anticipation and caution, and began to leave the city, especially those from other components, adding to this the early mass departure of uptown areas (Nineveh Plain) as a result of the shaky and weak security in the city and province and the youth class was the forefront of the departing population form the city. Crisis Outbreak: The crisis broke out on 6/14/2014, as ISIS controlled the city when the first spark started from the right coast of the city. During its control, the people were forced to leave many of their civic features that they had of accepting the other than their local culture or district .ISIS enclosed the neighborhoods of Mosul and displaced large portions of its population to where they sought refuge in a place other than their place of residence and Mosul became less peaceful and insecure for the present generations and its demographic community system and specifically for the youth where tension and injustice have been dominant besides the intolerance and the neglect of human rights and others things suffered by this group of population. .

Previous Studies:

The event and what it begot of problems, leads us to learn from the perspective of other researches carried out in this field, such as: Martina Fischer conducted a qualitative study on civil society, conflict management and peace in conflict areas, and the main findings of the study were: 1.Experience showed that in post-war areas the increase of civic organizations and their cultures are not guarantors of a civil society, in contrast, the increased involvement of civil actors activates the strategies of civil culture. 2.Further development to the support provided to the civilian side as an essential factor for the development and peace policies in order to ensure the creation of a civic culture through abroad support and at the same time strengthening the local capacities in this context. 3.Civilian actors have certain capabilities and clear boundaries, so they should be assessed according to their willingness and aid in civil action. 4.Civility, peace building and conflict management require an integrated approach addresses the institutions of the state and other structures, including the civil society. 5.Increasing the number of researches in this area to achieve reliable results to convince the society of the impact of these activities on the establishment of community peace. In another qualitative and specialized study close to this topic, young people from various social components conducted a field study on the problem and situation of the youth of minorities in Iraq in the midst of the same events and timings, The researchers and respondents were youth from: Turk, Christians, Yazdia, Shabak, Sabean-Mandean, and Kakai components. This youth spectrum from all components had their own field and samples .Each group took the samples from its own entity and they all reached a unified conclusion: the youth of all components were the biggest victims in the conquest of ISIS, they were the first victims, including those who had been killed, captivated, and others who were slaved or abused and some were in isolation, or suffering unemployment, or without services and waiting for nothing and unknown . Consequently ,the characteristic of citizenship and civility could not find its place under such critical stage of the history of civil youth. These studies and their problems, objectives, methodology and results lead us to pay great attention to the problem and the possibility of contributing to the diagnosis of the problems of young people and their civil liberties and the possibility of helping the community and its governments to contribute effectively in solving the problem of civil youth.

Results and Discussion:

The forms were divided into three focuses according to the requirements of the event and distributed to the youths of Nineveh province and the city of Mosul who have lived under three different conditions: First: Young people who remained under ISIS control. Second:Young people who have been displaced from the city of Mosul to other Iraqi governorates or outside Iraq. Third:Young people from the minorities of Nineveh Governorate from inside and outside the city of Mosul.

The First Theme: The Young People who Stayed Inside the City of Mosul:

Q1: What are the most important difficulties faced their public and civil liberties during ISIS's control?

After collecting the answers on this question from the case study forms, the answers of most respondents were in the following cumulative form:"You cannot do the things that you want to do and you do not have the freedom to speak "" "" And we were forced to do things and behaviors we did not want to do and we had no freedom of expression and we 2531


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 could not meet with our friends "" "" and that time in Mosul city was back to the ancient eras ""pre-Islam "" and there was no mixing as a result of the old strict rules imposed on us. (the answers were the same for both sexes) . Prevention of participatory and voluntary youth activities and prevention of cultural forums. Preventing youth gatherings in the streets and public places and if there was any ,it was under the control of the members of the organization to to make the people join their ideology and extremist organization. Males' answers) The females' answered with a surprise that they were originally prisoners of houses.As for the focus groups ,they agreed on , raised and discussed the same points above and added another paragraph: The market was divided into two types: the first was for women .The youth and men were not allowed to enter it.The second is for men and women were prevented from entering it.In addition, the market was disrupted and there was lack of employment opportunities, and the youth were especially suffering from critical unemployment in the city.Appearance: The young men adhered to a certain pattern in their clothing and followed a style imposed on their outer shape such as growing the hair of beard and head. Similarly, for young women, a certain kind of black dress is imposed on them otherwise they were subjected to severe punishments such as flogging or biting. The use of war-oriented educational curricula and the use of weapons in primary school curricula for children.There was almost complete disruption of study at universities, colleges and academies in Mosul city. (Focus Groups)

Q:2. Daily relationships and activities with peers from the same area and other neighbourhoods

Through the answers of the respondents and individual interviews, I found that: Those groups have tried to weaken, restrict, and compress social and civil relations among young people as much as possible, as well as weakening civil-social relations among young people in a way that has become questionable. A kind of distrust prevailed it because of the fear of belonging to extremist ideology gangs. The other conclusion is that young people have lived in a state of inability to express the opinion and the problems that they have experienced even to their closest people , and they cut their relations with those outside the city to the extent that the relationships reached their lowest levels: ISIS prevented gatherings, and if there were gatherings, they should be under their control. Consequently, there have been many suspicious relationships between young people, as well as the lack of youth activities in the absence of expression of opinion because of the restriction and suppression of freedoms, in that way they could weaken the social relations and dismantle it, so as to prevent agreement on a unified view against those groups and the revolt against them because young people were the one who scared the organization very much and the terrorists were afraid that those young people would revolt against them.

Q 3: The youth's view and the extent of change towards other minorities of their peers from the province and the city.

The responses of the respondents indicated that despite all the brutal methods followed by extremist thought groups, the youth tried to find as much alternatives as possible to achieve communication and civil social relations with their peers through: 1.Starting from the national and civic spirit and their love for their city and their homeland through maintaining contact with family members, relatives and sons of the alley or neighborhood instead of those they have lost. 2.The common denominator in sharing danger as they were one hand and have the same actual perception of the bright future and that produced a unified thought. 3.Making themselves busy with some activities such as sports exercises and other useful things till the end of this stage safely. (young people point of view via questionnaires and individual interviews).

Q4: The point of view and feeling of the young people who stayed inside the city towards the point of view of minority youth towards them.

The views of the youth differed on the subject during ISIS's control, and the focus groups were more outspoken and bold in their answers through the discussions between those young men and women where the answers were unanimous as follows: Some young people see that other young people from other cultural components have changed because of fear as a result of the influence of the difficult factors and circumstances they have experienced and as a result of the brutal policies that extremist groups have practiced with their communities such as the Yazaidi community in a way that has negatively impacted our relations as youth to the point that sometimes they looked at us as if we were part of the organization intellectually. These extremist gangs were able to sow some hatred in these components towards the youth of Mosul, but as young people we look at these components and their youth as: 1.Homeland brothers and they have what we have of rights with our respect to their beliefs ,thinking and culture. 2.Our view towards them is the same as it was before . Our view towards them is positive and we accept them and accept all their perceptions and social and cultural composition, starting from the principle of humanity and acting on the basis of love, and all the coercive intellectual pressures of extremist ideology couldn't affect us. 2532


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 3.The view towards them was and will remain positive, although it is stained by some problems and the view towards the youth of Mosul has been changed relatively by some minority youth, but today, after the return of these youths to their former position in the city of Mosul and its institutions, the look has become more positive and on the way to the right path.

Q5: How to achieve the unified citizenship and to reveal the civic trait and culture among all the components of Nineveh?

Through the answers of the respondents, I found a consensus that there is a need for a great effort to restore the situation to what it was before to address the rift and repair the shredding in the social fabric , civil culture and citizenship of Iraq. This can be achieved through: 1.Sustaining the positive look to each other by all components of Nineveh and the city of Mosul 2.To work with individual logic and philosophy of thought under the title " we are one " in all activities ,youth events and gatherings. 3.Addressing all problems through the law. As for focus groups , the discussions focused on "integrating young people into academic world, universities, schools and civil organizations and leaving the local city, the regional and ideological affiliation outside the organizations and rely on the trait of youth and youth potentials. The basis of difference, if any, is not the community, youth or civility ,but it is political and constitutional that divided Iraqi society into groups, sects, institutions and regions.

The Second Theme: Young People who Fled the City:

Q1: Difficulties faced by young people in the period of displacement in what concerns relation to civil liberties.

The answers were variant and different as follows: The lack of security and the accusation of being from a city occupied by extremist gangs and the social stigma of thinking. There is a gap between me and the youth of the city and the region that I migrated to besides feeling of alienation and weakness of interaction and affiliation to citizenship. As for young people who have been displaced outside Iraq (Turkey as an example), the difficulties in interaction and integration have been much lower than in Iraq where the good humanitarian dealings and the invitation of young people to participate in the forums and activities of Iraqi youth for the sake of Iraqi city (Youth's interview). The loss of my civil liberties and the restriction of my movement and the possibilities of expressing my opinion is something very rare and infrequent. The feeling of alienation and being away from the parents and the youth in the city. (the interview with young women) As for focus group , the discussions concluded: "The differences between cultures , languages, and ideological thinking, made the interaction of young people with the people of the places where they have been displaced weak due to the general situation in the period of displacement, but gradually the relations grew after period of time. "My obsession to study or work to earn money and sending it to my people who were trapped in the city because of the poor living conditions and the lack of employment opportunities in the city of Mosul kept me from communicating and interacting with the youth of the region I was displaced to.

Q2: Communication with peer colleagues who have stayed inside the city of Mosul.

Most of the responses of the individual interviews and focus groups discussions were almost identical and all came up as follows: First of all, I kept communicating with my colleagues who stayed inside the city of Mosul then I cut off my communication with them and confined it to matters of assurance, and material and civil support to them because of the decline of work and the spread of unemployment there. And another group confirmed that they had no communication with other there because the extremist gangs had completely cut all means of communication in the city.

Q3: Civil interaction with the youth of the city to which was the migration (voluntary cultural events and activities, etc)

Through individual responses and focus groups, views were divided into: The first category: I could not achieve that percentage of the social and civil interaction with the youth of the areas that we have been displaced to because of the lack of mixing with them and the existence of a cultural gap and their negative look towards of us. 2533


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 The second category: Yes ,I have achieved a kind of communication through several means: Through the university or school. Through the participation in some of the activities and events that were held in light of the problem that occurred in the city. Civil participation and balance achievement remain within certain limits and semi-narrow because of the conditions of the province and the psychological , social and political pressures they underwent. The young people who were displaced outside Iraq confirmed(Turkey had a greater share of participation in the activities and the interaction with the , Arabs and even Turks were very good and the opportunities for participation were more in work and activities.

Q.4.How was the look of the youth of the area to which you migrated towards those young people who stayed under the control of ISIS in Mosul city?

At first, their look was very negative and they considered the majority of them supporters of the extremist ideology. Another look was that of contempt, hatred , fear and disgust and another was hostile . "" (Individual interviews). Over time, the look began to change gradually to compassion and love, and became a positive one .A look of fear for them and wishing them to pass and get rid of that ordeal sound and safe to the point that the youth speeches seemed to be changed towards enthusiasm after the city has provided many martyrs of young people as a result of the free speech and the lack of acceptance of the miserable reality passed by the city and in the forefront of these young people who sacrificed themselves were young university students from Media Department and other young people because of their articles on social network sites that shed the light on the methods of terrorist gangs of torture , hazing and murder " Focus groups).

Q5: How to achieve the trait of single citizenship and to reveal the trait and culture of civility among all the components of Nineveh.

The answers and discussions were long and numerous and I have summarized them as follows:

Through real citizenship, tolerance, peace-building and the elimination of cultural differences among young people in a manner that achieves parallel relations between all and equal rights and duties. Organizing workshops and activities for the youth of the province aiming at patriotism, citizenship and the achievement of civilization in thought and behavior. To restore educational institutions and state departments to what they were before.

The Third Theme: Minority Youth:

Q.1: The suffering due to ISIS's control. . Most of the answers were that there is no place for the minorities here, because of the killing of some young people, the forced displacement, the migration, the looting and the pillage of the properties and the captivity of the girls (Slaves of the Century), material problems, deprivation and lag in study, insulting religion, defamation of Islam, psychological and social suffering, oppression and loss of trust in addition, some of the components have suffered, and through some terms like you are Christian, and you have to give 10% of what you earn or you have to leave the city Q2: Communicating and interacting with young people who are not from the same cultural affiliation and with those who are inside the city. I comprehensively concluded that: The answers were long and the discussions were intense and relatively varied at the beginning., then the intensity of the debate began to move to the consent of the majority and the desire to communicate, and some of them did not communicate because of the bad conditions within the city and the rule of barbarism that deprived the youth of the city from the means of communication and communication and the terrorist organization was dealing with this subject in a brutal manner. The majority said that their communication was with their colleagues from the neighborhood or the region or study colleagues or colleagues of work, and justified this to perpetuate civil relations and others to perpetuate the old relationships they had. These relationships and communication came in secret to keep their young colleagues safe and to react against what these gangs want of segregation among young people. Q. 3:The Look of the young people who are not from your local culture towards you at the time of ISIS and today This is the same situation, as in the previous question: Most of the answers agreed that the youth of Nineveh and Mosul are the same as their society that has a heterogeneous structure culturally and socially and each one of them is the result and the product of his/her own society and affected by the social and familial environment. Based on this, the looks at us was different and most of them were positive and generated positive social interactions and produced interactions and civic behaviors as the concept that says we are the sons of one country , one province and one city is the one that prevailed and that what happened is beyond our will and we have no power but to tolerate and appreciate and respect each other and we have to believe in the impossibility of denying the existence of each other nationally and locally. In 2534


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 fact, the evidence on what has been said is the sound civil behavior of the young people which is the best proof of resisting the extremist ideology. Q4: The look at the young people who remained inside the city of Mosul. At first, our look was frightening, dubious and doubtful because of the strength of the shock and its heavy impact on us. Over the course of days, the negative look began to diminish, as these young people could not leave or depart, Thus they were put under the pressures and hostile practices of the extremist thought groups that prevented them from leaving and forced them to stay in the name of religion and belief. The look at those young people at first was to the point of accusing them of joining the terrorist gangs, but it has been changed after everything has become clear and the facts were revealed. Then the tendency was that those young people were nice and prisoners of the extremist gangs, and we are sorry for them and their stay in the city does not mean their joining to the extremist gangs . They are respected because they did not leave their city. Q5: How to achieve the trait of single citizenship and to prevail the trait and culture of civility among all the components of Nineveh. Dealing with others on the basis of humanity, patriotism and unilateral civility and the rule of community peace. Denying and fighting sectarianism and working on the basis of a single citizenship which based on civility. The integration of youth under the Iraqi national umbrella and the local umbrella of Nineveh and Mosul. Your opinion and the opinion of the other and the principle of harmony between the components and youth through civil and field volunteer activities, which achieve civil cohesion among young people and meet the basic needs of the people of the province and the city.

Respondents' Data:

The analysis of the image and impression of Ninaveh's youth in general and the city of Mosul in particular in what concerns the conflict and youth civility. After collecting the answers of the respondents ' on the questions, the data were relatively descriptive in what cincerns the youth's perception of conflict within the city and civil behavior, then we analyzed the data and divided them into two themes, depending on the methods and images of negative behavior adopted by the gangs of the extremist ideology in the city which confined the civil culture and its behaviors besides compelling and striking society in its civil depth as follows:

The First Theme: the situation and feeling of the young people who stayed inside the city of Mosul:

Isolation Image:Hitting the society in its depths and through the dispersal of its components is one of the most important methods adopted by the extremist groups of thought to strike the most important pillar of the human assembly, thereby depriving its civil trait and its spatial and demographic unity that come in accordance with its national history, and here according to the opinions of the respondents, The isolation was on two levels and as follows: Collective Isolation: The entire isolating of society from its external environment of the world and other regions and provinces of Iraq to the extent that made the society of Mosul ignorant of the events around so they could control it and to make it captive to their orders of and directives and at the same time , the organization can pass its alleged lie using religion as an excuse and an interface to its brutal goals. In addition, terror and fear have overshadow young people as a result of the start of military operations, and the fall of many civilian victims besides the use of citizens as human shields by extremist groups. Individual Isolation: By putting one of their men among every two young people in the community and trying to break the social relations between friends and to prevent youth gatherings and friends meet to the extent that we have suffered psychologically in the absence of rights' claims and any claim was considered against the religion. There was a lack of optimism for the future and the fate was unknown. Way of Treatment: severe punishments, violence, death threats, property looting, inequality between common people and the associates of the organization. We were also forced to do things and behaviors that we did not want to do , such as the way of clothing and appearance along with the rarity and scarcity of medicines and the prevention of media and travel. Civil liberties: the deprivation of cultural, social and religious rights. Add to this, the denial of information and communication technology, as you can not do the things that you want and you can not talk or think freely. No discussion concerns the religious and sectarian ideas and beliefs of others who do not have connection with their religious belief and ideology. The civil and social liberties that were considered a basic human right in society were forbidden to us. The period of time we lived in the city dates back to ancient times (the era of pre-Islam) and the suppression of freedoms due to strict religious cover and the youth did not engage in any activities and there was no communication with friends and the result was sitting in the houses waiting for the unknown. The educational and pedagogical aspect: strict rules were imposed on the university students, where the university turned from a civil cultural scientific center to a center for the development of weapons and military industries . They identified the sciences that should continue and deleted the others that intersect with their ideas and goals, besides the use of radical educational curricula that negatively affect children as they were encouraging the war and the use of 2535


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 weapons what forced parents to ask their children to leave their schools and continue learning at homes depending on the governmental curriculum. The imposition of educational curricula directed at violence and war, such as the use of weapons, a model of counting and other things that stimulate violence and criminality. The imposition of a certain type of clothing on men and on women such as the veil and black dress and the use of primitive punitive methods such as biting and flogging . The economic side: A general recession in the market, unemployment, isolation and economic siege as a result of the policies of the state to isolate the city to weaken the terrorist organization. Social Relations: Isolating the entire society into a large prison to prevent social communication with Iraqi society and the global community. The isolation of neighborhoods from one another to weaken and dismantle social relations to weaken the community and tear it into shreds of neighborhoods that makes those neighborhoods lose their urban and civil characteristics. Following a rigid system of isolating the sexes from each other as a result of the backward rigid rules which are imposed on us. The rejection of other to your opinions and thoughts and the mismatch of your ideas with him leads you to danger because of the inferior culture of the other (ISIS Organization) that sticks to its own ideas, and serve their radical interests and goals only .The relationships with friends became confined and superficial and very weak because of the organization's fear of the city's youth and their revolt against them. The relationship that prevailed among the young people was characterized by mistrust due to the fear of those who joined to extremist thought groups and the fear of reporting .

The Second Theme: the situation and the impression of the young people who fled the city.

Isolation Image: The situation here is the same. The young people who left the city left behind all their social, cultural and civil history in a way that they lost contact with the original community of individuals and groups, consequently losing the characteristic of social and civil cohesion. The isolation was as follows: Collective isolation: The data collected according to youth's opinions on collective isolation indicate that: The gangs of the extremist and trough the thought and coercive behaviors forced the families of young people to leave their properties and their cultural urban existence and to fled outside the city to areas and places that they have no association with as that they had when they were in the city of social existence and economic and cultural activity, consequently these families need a long time to find their way of life in all its meanings, especially their familial and civil existence. As a result, these families will suffer from social, economic and cultural isolation in difficult circumstances charged with sectarianism. Individual isolation:The young people who left their city faced a lot of challenges in their displacement areas. The feeling of stigmatization because they have left their city in addition to the suspects that kept hovering over them. Way of treatment: The displaced youth suffered a lot of negative treatment as a result of the wrong policies that were directed towards them and their families by the local government authorities in a way that made a gap between them and their peers of young people in the region and over time, and day by day those things declined and came to an end. Civil liberties: Civil liberties were almost subdued and narrow at first, and young people were almost forbidden from the free and civil speak and behavior and their fields were limited within the framework and control of government authorities and their activities were through civil NGOs, especially those of human relief. Educational and pedagogical aspects:That shock that hit the province in general and the city of Mosul in particular has caused confusion in the educational and pedagogical aspects in young people's life from Mosul, as the components of this institution has been scattered into different areas and schools and universities were in chaotic case at the beginning and the capital of educational and pedagogical institutions of young people and educational and pedagogical cadres were not organized and scattered , in spite of all ,a movement started to gather those scattered people in temporary and specific schools and the youth were collected from all areas. In that period, civilization and its behavior were at their lowest levels and then gradually improved to restore the traits of civility in identity and behavior. Economic aspect: The first product of the control of the extremist thought groups is their control over the economic resources and the market .The unemployment and depression were in every place Iraq, therefore, the youth were the first victim as they are the nerve of the economic movement through their work in the market and providing it with labor force. The situation of the displaced youth was not different that much from those who stayed in the city at the beginning, because of the cost of living and the recession of market, Consequently any productive interaction of the civilian population is at the lowest level because the market and the economy were at their lowest professional level: Social relations:Most of the above-mentioned things are influential and helpful for the production and formulation of social relations, so their disruption has in turn disrupted most of the social relations and made them very narrowly confined to family and relatives, and in contact with some support units of relief such as NGOs. On the other hand, the social gap imposed by the circumstances of the event and migration has broken down a lot of social relations and transformed it into relations of questionable nature, and the result of all was the loss and the decline of the levels of civility as culture and behaviour to the lowest levels, if not absent sometimes and to be later transformed into tensile relationships of a nervous nature.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 The Third Theme :the image and impression of the youth of minority

The families who were displaced from the neighborhoods and the allies of the towns, districts and villages of Nineveh Plain, were great in numbers and in some of those areas the displacement included the whole population of those administrative and demographic units and that was not easy at all and the scatter of the people was very harsh and the youth were the most affected because they were taken from their spatial , social and economic existence .Their future then has become unknown, add to this the exposure of some of the components to alienation and oppression and they were the victim of forced and involuntary displacement and migration that made them in a state of collective and individual isolation as a result of the magnitude and impact of the shock on them. Isolation image:The first social isolation was through beating Nineveh's cultural components through the creation of coercion between these components, relying on strict policies and methods derived from special regulations of the terrorist organization besides creating a social gap between these components that leads to the social and cultural isolation of the components of the province in general and the city in particular specially for some classes and components in a gradual way and an example on that the Yazidi youth and the problem of killing young men and slaving girls. Social isolation was on two levels: Collective isolation:With the first days of their control ,the extremist thought groups deliberately isolated the components of society from the surroundings of Nineveh and Mosul's community by imposing severe restrictions on them or threatening them to kill or obeying the philosophy and ideology of their extremist thought and leaving what they believe in of inherited beliefs and cultures and thus the extremists wanted to remove the most important feature of their civilization, which is the social diversity and living in a single land with a variety of other social cultures. Individual isolation:Through the responses of young people, it was found that the individual isolation of the social components' members of a diverse nature made the youth in complete isolation from their peers of the youth of other components as a result of oppression and brutality towards them by the extremist thought gangs and they could convince them that the other party of young people from other components are out of the correct religious line so they could create a cultural and ideological gap between all of them and the result of that was the creation of coercion at the individual level, add to this the isolation in other aspects that had main and complementary role of in creating the cultural gap and to remove all that is related to civil culture and behaviors among the youth in Nineveh and Mosul . The way of treatment :The way of treatment from the point of view of young people of minorities was different, some of them saw that they were treated as a minority without taking into account their historical and cultural existence and their shared life throughout the very long old history. This perception and thought came as a psycho-social reaction to what they have suffered by the extremist thought gangs. The perception resulted from the harsh conditions they have experienced led to a kind of estrangement among the components of the youth and they lost their civic cultural characteristics. In contrast, the view of the host society was sympathetic and supportive. The support reached its high levels crossing the local and provincial levels to the international ones due to the disaster and the crisis they have experienced. The others were the lightest in their view on how they were treated as they have absorbed the event and its severe impact and they could realize the goals of those gangs who came to spread the segregation among all the components of Nineveh and Mosul .Their dealing with young people of other cultures was less enclosed and they were willing to accept them despite everything that happened because those youth are also victims of the events and do not differ from them in suffering. Consequently, this category of young people is ready for the civil and social interaction with all youth components of Nineveh and Mosul. The view of the host society to them and to their youth was similar to the previous category . It was that of containment, sympathy and support because they were also directly targeted and they lost much of their possessions. Therefore, their civilization as culture and behavior was clear in dealing and engaging in civic activities and works that crossed to inter-nationality in what concerns civilization and its activities. Civil liberties:Non-Arab components of Nineveh have more civil features than others and a number of factors played an important role in these civil behaviors and liberties perhaps the most important of them are: 1.These components, in their nature and social structure, have civil characteristics, such as human nature and the tendency towards civil and voluntary work. 2.The heterogeneous demographic and social nature of the area that holds the diversity has formed an important factor in the creation of a civil and social space and limits of treatment and respect of others' rights Therefore, this area of the convention created a kind of cultural and civil behaviors which made the people more free and civil in their interaction, and the tendency towards the civil education and the acceptance of the other quickly .Add to this, their contribution was strong compared to other young people who remained in the city and those who fled from it Educational and pedagogical aspect:The educational and pedagogical situation of the minority youth group did not differ from the other youth who were displaced from the city except of the existence of simple logistic differences because they were living in the camps. Therefore, the difficulty was more than that of the youth who lived in the cities. As for the university, they had the same situation of material obstacles that hindered their continuation. In addition, they were keen to continue to contribute to the development of this field. Their will was very strong through the voluntary civil contribution to work in education and free of charge teaching in remote places and in camps, as well as the commitment to continue and to obtain a university certificate was s irreversible goal. Therefore, the preservation of



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 educational and pedagogical identity and through it the preservation of the civil identity as culture and behavior has been a prior goal for minority youth. Economic side:The economic situation of minorities' youth did not differ significantly from the rest of the youth groups of Nineveh and Mosul, where they were negatively affected by the recession of the market and the spread of unemployment, but the difference between them and the youth of the city, whether those who remained in the city or those who were displaced, is that the vast majority of them had a level of limited income based on daily work, especially the category who worked in agriculture or daily work in the shops or local factories, etc., Thus losing their daily work, resulted in losing their economic potentials besides their professional behaviors that produce civilization as culture and behavior. Social relations: It is possible to infer more than three levels and types of social relations within minority youth category according those events and their impact on these components, and they are as follows: first: (the relations at the beginning of the trauma and the calamity) . A level of relationships closest to tension and internal enclosure without Interacting with other components especially the component that was believed with the extremist thought bands. Second: (the relations in the period of relative calm and the absorption of the trauma). A level of relations with a cautious stillness and the beginning of openness and measurement of the intentions of the other and the beginning of a new interaction built on the foundations of the old relations and the outcome of the event. Third: (the relations in the period of reunification and reparation of what caused by the shock of rift and isolation in the community system and the contexts of its social and civil relations).

General results:

First: Weakening the affiliation of young people to the province in general and Mosul in particular in order to dismantling their loyalty and directing it to the loyalty of the terrorist organization or to weaken the concern of young people towards the concerns and issues of their society. Second: to weaken the abilities and skills of the young people and their scientific and practical energies in the form that leads them to be limited and stuck in the mud in order not to be able to identify and diagnose the goals of the organization and its weaknesses and to get rid of the youth's opposite movement towards the ideologies and behaviors of the organization. Third: confining the opportunities and potentials of youth in a narrow and limited framework in order to prevent them from expressing their views in what concerns the problems and the suffering of society as a result of the brutal practices of the organization. Fourth: blocking the space and the horizon of young people's ideas which are directed to the service of community and the solving of the problems that the society suffers from through the provision of voluntary assistance and solutions. Fifth: isolating them completely and not to give them opportunities to participate in the identification of social priorities and their needs, and not to take decisions to put solutions for those priorities and solve them. Sixth: the disruption of the economic energies of young people via the disruption of the market and through this they can disturb youth gatherings of all cultural diversity which based on the professional gatherings and the production of young's civilization. Seventh: Weakening the civil spirit and behaviors of young people that contribute to decision-making and the development of society. Eighth: The confiscation of the participation of young people in the fields of civil life through the weakening and the restriction of their civil and young capacities ,abilities and killing their resolute spirit .(13)


The recommendations according to point of view of Nineveh and Mosul youths: These special recommendations came as a conclusion via asking a question belongs to this theme to the three categories (question no.5: In your opinion, how can the socio-cultural civility be achieved between the youth of all components of the city and the province?),,, the answers were as follows: the return to the past before the control of the extremist ideology gangs is a must for a social interaction and in many areas of life such as the social, economic, educational and cultural areas so that many of social and civic characters can be achieved. addressing the rift among young people of diverse social components and rebuild them on the basis of unified citizenship. Sustaining a positive view among the youth of the province and the city throughout the social and cultural activities and events conducive to civil cohesion and interaction . To renounce all the ideas and behaviors brought by the extremist ideology that call for coercion and segregation between the components of Nineveh and Mosul and to reintegrate the components through the removal of all artificial differences and identities that restrict them spatially and culturally and to exit into the Iraqi national space.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 Activating the role of the educational and pedagogical institution from schools to universities and the inclusion of young people under the title "the student is the one who achieves true citizenship and active Iraqi civility. the establishment of civil and voluntary workshops and activities within the governmental institutions, especially the educational one to give everyone a share and to unite the look at all to produce a unified civic culture and behavior. Respecting the opinion of the other and accepting his/her own belief and thinking about his/her own national and religious identity in order to preserve social and cultural diversity. 14

The recommendations from a general analytical point of view (from the context of analysis and conclusions):

To achieve positive results, a clear and achievable strategy is needed to engage young people as a positive force for change through the following: restoring social cohesion by sustaining and reviving social relations and addressing the industry of isolation that they suffered from during the period of crisis that befell them throughout media and field guidelines via umbrella activities and events for youth. Improving the image of civil and social interaction between the components of the province and the city through going back to the Iraqi social heritage and the civil legacy of the province of Nineveh and the city of Mosul and mobilize young people for the projects of peacemaking and acceptance the other of different local identity and to create a social and civil space to formulate a relationship based on respect for the other and his/her cultural and civil existence. finding common social spaces that legally guarantee the expression of civil liberties and the practice of religious and doctrinal rituals through legitimate means and mechanisms, especially those related to cultural and media platforms. activating the educational and pedagogical role of school and university and activating student's role and identity to include everyone under the title "without discrimination" as well as activating students' activities aimed at strengthening the spirit of citizenship and civility within these institutions. professionally activating the role of the market in the way that leads to citizenship and civility and make the market for all without any exception. restoring past social relations and strengthening it through the youth activities and events that gather the heterogeneous social whole of the province and the city. activating peace as a culture and behavior among the components of Nineveh and the city of Mosul instead of the ideas of conflict and sabotage that prevailed during the period of the extremist thought groups control and bridging the gap between the components through integration and social empowerment as a means and purpose and to give them civic leadership and community peace.[15].


1.Asst. Dr. Hassan Jassim Rashid with a group of students from the Department of Sociology /Faculty of Arts, University of Mosul. 2.Dictionary of Lisan Al-Arab. 3.United Nations' Definition . 4.Bassam Omar Ghanem and the Return of Abdul Jawad Abu Sneineh, The Role of Youth in the Comprehensive Development of Society from the Students' Point of View of Higher Education and UNRWA Agency, Amman University, 2013,P.57. 5.The Comprehensive Glossary of Meanings(Mujam Al-Maani Al-Shamel): The dictionary is available on the website: . . 6.See: Mujam Al-Ghani 7.Lucy Mir, An Introduction to Social Anthropology, translation and explanation by Dr. Shaker Mustafa Salim, House of Public Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 1981, p. 416. 8.John Locke. In Civil Governance, translated by MajidFakhri, International Commission for the Translation of Masterpieces, Beirut, 1959. 9.In order to make a form for youth, at the beginnin I prepared a draft questionnaire form for the study of the case and after the distribution of that form to the young people for the purposes of measurement and experimentation , the answers suggested that there is something must be deleted and other thing must be add and modified in those questions. 10.Martina Fitzcher, Civil Society and the Remedy of Conflicts, Attractions, Potentials and Challenges, Translated by YousefHegazi, Berghof Researches Center for Constructive Management of Conflicts : 11.A group of young Iraqi researchers, the reality of minority youth in Iraq, (PAX)Dutch organization in cooperation with the Organization of Peace and Freedom in . 12.Gathering the views of the respondents and their answers on the questions conducted through the questionnaire prepared for the study of the case and views of the focus groups. 13.These themes came as a conclusion and they imposed themselves via the suggestions made by the respondents and their answers on the questions depending on the negative behaviors adopted by the extremist thought groups against the civil culture of citizenship. . 14.General conclusions 2539


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 15.The researcher reached the recommendations via reading the points of view and ideas of the youth of Nineveh and Mosul of the three categories and through their answers on the shared question i.e., question no.5. 16.The researcher's conclusions via interacting with the views and suggestions of the focus groups.