Discovering the Hindrance of Walking and Cycling in Auckland’S Urban Form

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Discovering the Hindrance of Walking and Cycling in Auckland’S Urban Form DISCOVERING THE HINDRANCE OF WALKING AND CYCLING IN AUCKLAND’S URBAN FORM. MEYER NEESON A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Urban Design at the University of Auckland, 2020. Abstract Active transport is a fundamental element in a city’s movement network that promotes a sustainable and resilient urban future, yet can only be viable in an urban setting that supports small-scale infrastructure with appropriate street environments. The 1950’s planning regimes have been dominant within Auckland’s transport development with perpetuated traditional aims of increased efficiency and high level infrastructure which enables travel in the comfort of a private vehicle. Attitudes have formulated the urban fabric through funding and investment intervention which resulted in a strong motorway network and low density, sprawling residential suburbs. Psychological public response to this environment is reflected in the heavy reliance on the private vehicle and low rates of walking and cycling. Although Auckland’s transport framework identifies the need for walking and cycling to actively form a strand of Auckland’s transport network, institutional and intellectual embedded ideas of the 1950’s prevent implementation on the ground. The failure of Auckland’s urban form was highlighted in the period of the Covid-19; post lockdown the public reverted back to old transport habits when restrictions were lifted. This pandemic put our city in the spotlight to identify its shortfalls and the urgent need to support a resilient future. Therefore, this research aims to discover the inherent infrastructure and funding barriers that hinder the growth of walking and cycling as a transport method in Auckland. For the purpose of this research, a two stage strategy was adopted. The first dimension of desktop research is included to provide the base knowledge for this paper. Desktop research comprised Auckland’s transport framework, current funding, investment trends and movement patterns during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown periods. This phase seeks to identify the barriers within Auckland’s current transport trajectories, which hinder walking and cycling as an active strand of Auckland’s transport system. The second phase is a case study of Hobsonville Point, which demonstrates realities of developing a resilient community in Auckland’s current regulatory framework and urban form. The need to provide a resilient future is identified through Auckland’s strategic documents and regulations. However, this need has been unsuccessful in application on the ground. Findings present funding and investment as inherent barriers to walking and cycling in Auckland’s transport system guided by intellectual and institutional ideas embedded in the attitudes of organisational power. Realignment of attitudes and way of thinking at the decision making level will provide substance for the development of an urban form that will support walking and cycling in Auckland. Development will include adjustments to land use patterns, densities, diversity, distances and accessibility. Meyer Neeson 2 Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the New Zealand Walking Access Commission for their generosity and financial sponsorship of this research. I would like to thank to my supervisor, Dr Lee Beattie at the University of Auckland, for the professional involvement, advice and guidance throughout the course of this research. I would also like to thank my friends and family for the support, positivity and encouragement they have given me throughout the duration of my study. Meyer Neeson 3 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Purpose of Research ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Research Question .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Aim ................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 8 1.5 Dissertation Outline.......................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 Literature Review ....................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Literature Review Structure ............................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Active Transport Literature .............................................................................................................. 9 2.3 Successful Streets ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.4 The Rise of the Motor Vehicle ....................................................................................................... 12 2.5 Compact Development .................................................................................................................. 13 2.6 Auckland’s commuting patterns ..................................................................................................... 16 2.7 Covid-19 Pandemic........................................................................................................................ 18 2.8 Literature review conclusion .......................................................................................................... 19 3.0 Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 19 3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Secondary Desktop Research ....................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Auckland’s Regulatory Framework ................................................................................................ 20 3.4 Case Study Selection Criteria ........................................................................................................ 20 3.5 Limitations ...................................................................................................................................... 21 4.0 Auckland’s Transportation Framework......................................................................................... 21 4.1 1955 Master Transportation Plan .................................................................................................. 21 4.2 Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (2018 - 2028) ................................................................ 23 4.3 Auckland Transport Design Manual and Road and Streets Framework. ...................................... 23 4.4 Urban Streets and Road Design Guide ......................................................................................... 24 4.5 Auckland’s funding allocation ........................................................................................................ 25 4.6 Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 27 5.0 Case Study of Hobsonville Point ..................................................................................................... 27 6.0 Discussion.................................................................................................................................................. 29 7.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 32 Reference List .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Meyer Neeson 4 1.0 Introduction Walking and cycling are forms of active transport fundamental to the creation of a resilient and sustainable urban future. There is a wide range of literature that establishes active transport and its relationship with increased health benefits, reduction in traffic congestion, increased urban liveability and an effective response in targeting climate change. At a time of increasing traffic congestion, forecasted population growth, climate change and now a public health crisis, walking and cycling is becoming highly regarded as a critical tool to targeting these complex, yet urgent, urban issues. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has tested our nation in a multitude of ways; economically, socially and physically. During the lockdown periods, walking and cycling were at an all-time high as people escaped the confines of their homes to enjoy the outdoors in their local backyards. However, when Auckland reached level one restrictions, people reverted back to old travel habits which, in part, can be blamed on lowered restrictions and the need to commute. More notably, it brings to light our reliance on private vehicles; as a city we provide for recreational walking and cycling but, adversely, we do not adequately support
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