V^Ciocc1, Primarily O.. J Trrnalation Of) 1 R;Jt.^Rb^I>G-- Viic Cc

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V^Ciocc1, Primarily O.. J Trrnalation Of) 1 R;Jt.^Rb^I>G-- Viic Cc hi.. ":Ui('-(t> >it! •/..'/><* ttirhyft-.rti.r. ,V./iV /../.. '.i,iuith-ir»rh ti>i it iktfu a././ <r V^ciocc1, primarily o.. J trrnalation of) 1 r;jT.^rB^i>G-- viic cc '.-virkllch v;ar,by / imade bj auf.h:r uf hhie article. ; .• . ... _ , , . , , . , , , , , t . , '.,;",•;,••'• •; ' . •' •<. ' '.' ' 7 " ! r " '• " ' ' "';/ ...... ,, ./ i ii ,V I it i l! II >t •< . •ili'iii I i ii I, „ „ .. II . •-. >.i) II ;. .. .i >t it H it li it ,f)i u ,i Hi, il-ul CODE; tflWBER , IR—1933 I N D IV ID U A ij *RES EAR OH STUDY A CRITICAL AKALY8I& OP TtiE BATTLE OP TANNENBERO •••i; " . • : , (baaed primarily on a translation of nTANNENEERQ--wie es wirklieh war11 General Max Hoffmann) Submitted by \ THIS SOLUTICM MtiST BS RiSTURf^ED FOR FILE BY 5:00 >!W,, OUTHE DATS SKOSN •PLEABB PLACE Y'jUR NAME ON COVZR PACE HiE WRNI1W. FOR FU.E LBUT DO NOV PLACE VGUK 1 0» SOLUTION IWEif WRESTING A RDVIEff. The Command and General Staff School .'.}••• Leavenworth'' , •Kansa ' s Fort Leftv>nworth, Kansas, May IB; 1933 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director Second Year Class, The Com­ mand and Oeneral Staff School, Fort Leavehworth, Kansas. A:Crjitioal Anaiysis :o£ the Battle of Tan­ enberg (based primarily oh•aftranslation of "Tannenberg wie es wirklioh war" by Max Hoffmann) I, PAPERS ACCOMPANYING: 1. A Bibliography for this study. 2. Maps: (1) Strategic Map--East Prussia, Campaign SO $d^&hj6e;J^^ 'Armiejst &) J'JBi^^le'j^of'^^ia%7'-F^a)^enjaii 4) !'$ei^u<iti ioh^'/bif;;.inu81lB'ian r igfifc 'tlank 5) Attack on Russian left, August 26-28, • ' 101^ ' •' ', i JL v J L * ^ ' ', :; • '• J > (6) Attaok on Russian Center, August 26-28, 1914. .;.,... ;.-,...•, • (7) Final destruction of Seoond Army August 29-30, 1914. 3. Appendices. (1) Translation of "Tannenberg, wie es wirklioh war, Oen»Max Hoffmann. II. THE STlJDY PRESENTED. — A Critical analysis of the Eattle of Tannenberg, based primarily on a trans­ lation of "Tannenberg, wie es wirklioh war," by Max Hoff­ mann. Ill, HISTORICAL FACTS. OPPOSINQ FORCES. Eighth Oe^man Army was commanded originally by Qeneral Max von Prittwitz and Gaffroh, Qeneral von V/alderaee was his chief of staff, Qeneral Grunert was deputy chief of staff and Colonel Max Hoffmann was 0-3 in charge of operations. Subse­ quently Oeneral Von Hindenburg beoame army commander and Oeneral Ludendorff was his ohief of,staff. Oarman units consisted oft -1­ I Corps-*-General von Francois, commanding ' I Reserve Corps--General von Below, commanding XVII Corps—General'•.'von Maokensen, commanding XX Corps"-General von Soholtz, oommandlng Ill Reserve Division--Oeneral von Morgen, oom­ mand ing * ' * ' • > '•'i'U-r' Landwehr Division—Von der Goltz, commanding 1st Cav. Division--Oeneral Breohb, oommandlng Garrison troops from the fortresses of Koenlge­ berg, arid those along the Vistula River. The total strength was equivalent to 13 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division (1) The Russian foroeft ooneisted of two armies known as the Mjemen or First Army and the Warsaw or Second Army, and were constituted 8s follows: Russian First Army—Qeneral Rennenkampf, commanding III Corpa--Oenoral Jepantsohin, commanding IV Corps--General AllJew, commanding XX Corps-^General Smirnoff, commanding 1st Guard Cay Div--General Kasme.kow, commanding 2d Guard Cav Dlv--Qeneral Rauoh, commanding 1st Cav Di7—General Gourke, commanding 2d Cav Div--General Naohitsohewanakl, commanding 3d Cav Div--General Bellegarde, commanding 1st IiidOav Brig '•• .. , • . • , ... '.•.•; , . , . ., Rug8Ian Second Army--General Samsonbw, commanding I Corps—General Art am on ov, oc sanding II Oorpif'--General Soheidemtnn, commanding (this 1. (14-93,94,95) (15-67) 16-appendix 18) -2­ Rua a Ian 3eo ond Virmy• (0 ont inued) Corps was later detROhed from Second Army) VI Corps--Oeneral Blagewjesohtsohenaki, commanding XIII 0orp8--Qonerai kluJew, commanding XV Oorps--0eneral Marbos, commanding XXIII CorpR--Oeneral Kondratowitsoh, commanding 4th CaV;Dlv--6enerai Toipyge, commanding 6tlii Cav biV--Qeneral von^ RoppV ooijimandiiig 15th Cav Div—General Jjjxindirow, ooramanding 1st Rifle Brig The aotual strength of the Russian First Army waa"86 battalions of first line infantry and 120 squad­ rons of cavalry. The Second Army paper strength was 164 battaliona^ of infantry and'110'squadrons of oavalry. (2) PERSONNSL. The personnel of these two forces stand out in marked contrast to each other. The German forces were composed almost entirely of the population of East Prussia, were trained thoroughly and led by effi­ cient officer and non-commissioned officer personnel. These people were to fight on and for the territory in which vhey lived. They were rather robust and illiteracy was negligible. The Russians on the other hand were about 60£ illiterate, 75# of the N.O.O's were oonsorlpts of little service and therefore inefficient! The Russian units were composed of two-thirds Russians and one-third subjeot raoes, auoh as Letts, Baits, and Poles* On mo­ bilization, units were filled up by looal reservists. The German units were striotly territorial* (3) ARMAMENT AND EQ^IPMEHT. The outstanding su­ 2. (1-61,62) (7-2) (8-48) 3* (1-19,20) (10-4) (8-122,123) (18-Vol II Annex 2) -3­ periority oetween the o on bat elements of the Russians and the Oermana was In artillery, especially in heavy artil­ lery, the proportion of guns to rifles in the twc armies beings Russians 1 gun to 202 riflesj Oermans 1 gun to 166 rifles. In heavy artillery the superiority in favor of ehe Germana' was 10 to 1. There also was a deoided defioienoy in reserve armament in the Russian army. In machine gun equlpmont both sides were on a par. The Ger­ mans generally were superior with respect to signal equip­ ment and certainly as to its use. The airplanes avail­ able to the Russians were few. The Germans on the other hand were superior both as to planes and as to their use. Due to'leok of roads and rai?vroQds on the Russian fron­ tier the Russians were decidedly hRndioapppd wnlle i . :., . , • V - ' • • Qern-in8 had an excellent road and railroad net available \ "• , ' •• • • for their purposes within the province of East Prussia, (4) THE RUSSIAN PLAN. General Jillnsky, who had been chief of staff of the Russian army until 1913, had made a military convention with France whereby Russia was pledged to put 800,000. men in the field on the 15th day of mobilization. This arrangement put a tremendous strain on the oumbrbus RuWsian war machine and also put a strain on the Russian Headquarters staff when it began to make decisions in a stabe of nervous flurry* It pro­ videdialso for ah offensive simultaneously with a.thrust against the Austriana. To make matters worse the French incessantly pressed the Russian War Offioe to do some­ thing to relieve the German pressure on the French and 4i(l-20,21,22) (17-40,41) (8-126) to do It quiokly. And so the Russian invasion of East Prussia, while it did not begin before the promised time, nevertheless began before it was ready. (5) :,..••' The Pi^st and Seoond Armies were to be conoeh­ fcrated along the froritier vinder the ooiranand of General Jilinaki and to be launched against East Prussia. Rennen­ kampf, oommariding the, First Army, was to advance agaihsv the eastern tip of isast Prussia, drawing upon himself the German defending forces, then two days later, Samsonow was to oroaa the southern frontier and bestride the Ger­ man1 8 rear outting them off from the Vistula, The plan basically was sound and its failure lay not in its concep­ tion but in it8 execution and in the failure to provide the essentials for the execution of suoh a plan prior to the outbreak of war, i. e* railroads, roads and satisfac­ tory mobilisation plans. (6) THB GERMAN PLAN. In accordance with the von Sohlief'f en plan the German Eighth Army was committed to the strategio defensive. Graf von Sohlieffen's oonoep­ tion of this defense was to so use the small German army in East Prussia and the advantages of the terrain as to be able to strike a strong blow with the entire army against whichever foroes appeared first and then to turn on any forces that- subsequently arrived on the Prussian frontier. One specifio caution was demanded of the lead­ er of the Eighth Army "not to permit himself to be bottled up in the fortress of Koenigsberg.• (7) POPULAR LEGENDS* There are two rather wide­ spread legend8 oonoerning the battle. One pertains to 6. (16-7,8,9,20) (19-103,104) 6. (3-23) (1-15,14,17,39,40,41,127,130) (14-19,20) 7. (19-106) (20-7) -5­ the romantic picture of an old general who, as the hobby of his years of retirement, spent his entire time In de­ vising a gigantic trap for a future Russian Invasion, ex­ ploring paths through and sounding the bottom of the marshes In rrhlo'h the Russian hordes were to be engulfed and then when war came, carrying his dream to. fulfill­ ment* The seoond legend was that of a masterly plan of a seoond oannae, conceived and dictated in the train that was carrying IiUdendorff to pick up hie nominal master en route to East Prussia. (8) THE PRELUDE AT QUMBItiNBN. l On August 17, Rennen­ kampf crossed the eastern frontier with six and one half divisions and five cavalry divisions. The problem of meet­ ing this thrust together with a possible thrust from the south shortly thereafter long had been studied and Sohlief­ fen's solution had oeen that of utilizing the natural ob­ staoles of the country especially the Maeurlan Lakes to strike hard and with full strength at whichever Russian army came first within reach and then turn against the other* But Prlttwitz, unwilling to rely on Landwehr and garrison troopa to supplement the natural obstacles in delaying Samsonow, left the XX Corps under General Soholtz on the southern border to parry Samaonow's'threat.
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