Bibliography 2012-13

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Bibliography 2012-13 List III First World War Professor Alan Kramer Reference Bibliography 2012-13 Reference works Hirschfeld, Gerhard, Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, Paderborn, etc., 2003. Gerd Krumeich, reliable, modern reference collection with useful essays on the belligerent states, and Irina Renz, eds., 943.084 P41. This has just been published in English as: Hirschfeld, Gerhard, Brill’s Encyclopedia of the First World War. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012. A Gerd Krumeich, vitally important, reliable, reference collection with useful essays on the and Irina Renz, eds., belligerent states and on thematic questions (e.g. propaganda, war economy, etc.), as well as the encyclopedia entries. Berkeley Library Basement: REF 940.3 R21.1 Horne, John, ed. A Companion to World War I, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Berkeley LEN 940.3 R01;1 and 940.3 R01;1. This is an up-to-date synthesis of the best research by international experts, attractive and accessible. Paperback ed. about £24 Pope, Stephen, Elizabeth- The Macmillan Dictionary of the First World War. London: Macmillan, 1995. Anne Wheal, Keith Robbins REF 940.3 N5 Neiberg, Michael S. ‘Revisiting the myths. New approaches to the Great War’, in Contemporary European History 13, 4 (2004), pp. 505-15. Good review article. Surveys and multi-nation works Strachan, Hew The First World War, vol. 1: To Arms, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 940.3 P1.1;1 and reserve. Excellent, detailed book from an international perspective, well-researched in several languages. Herwig, Holger The First World War. Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918, London: Arnold, 1997. Counter Reserve No.517 (HL-305-61) Kramer, Alan Dynamic of Destruction. Culture and Mass Killing in the First World War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 (paperback 2008). Five copies at Berkeley, 940.4 P81 and P7, one at Counter Reserve. Neiberg, Michael S. Fighting the Great War: A Global History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005. 940.4 P53;1 Strachan, Hew, ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War (Oxford, 1998). Berkeley: 2 copies at 940.3 N8;2 and a third at Santry SHL-70-541 Halpern, Paul G. A Naval History of World War I, London: UCL Press, 1994. Santry HL-176-622 Hardach, Gerd The First World War, 1914-1918. Translated by Peter and Betty Ross. (The Pelican history of world economy in the twentieth century.) London: Allen Lane, 1977. Several copies at 940.31 L7 and Lecky LEN 330.9 L7;1 Broadberry, Stephen The Economics of World War I. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005. and Mark Harrison, eds. Basement HL-289-565. Useful chapters on Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, and on the war economy in general. Keegan, John The First World War. London: Hutchinson, 1998. Santry HL-213-131 and stacks PL-344-45. Not entirely reliable (e.g. on Italy). Chickering, Roger, and Stig Great War, Total War. Combat and Mobiblization on the Western Front, 1914- Förster, eds 1918. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Good collection of essays. 940.414 P02 2 Jones, Heather, Jennifer Untold War. New Perspectives in First World War Studies. Leiden and Boston: O’Brien and Christoph Brill, 2008. Collection of specialized essays by (mainly) younger scholars, based Schmidt-Supprian, eds, on a conference held at Trinity College Dublin in 2005. 940.3 P8 Ferguson, Niall The Pity of War. London: Allen Lane, 1998. 940.31 N8 and PB-195-839. Best on financial and economic history; his love of debate and provocation sometimes leads to dubious conclusions. Horne, John, ed. State, Society and Mobilization in Europe during the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Reserve 940.31 N7 and 2 lending copies. Winter, Jay and Jean-Louis Capital Cities at War. Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919. Vol. 1: Cambridge: Robert, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1997. 909 N71 Winter, Jay and Jean-Louis Capital Cities at War. Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919. Vol. 2: A Cultural Robert, eds., History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 909 N71.2 Wall, Richard and The Upheaval of War. Family, Work and Welfare in Europe, 1914-1918. Jay Winter, eds Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 2005. Proctor, Tammy Civilians in a World at War, 1914-1918. New York: New York University Press, 2010. 940.31 R0. See my review in the Journal of Military History, October 2011. Cork, Richard A Bitter Truth: Avant-garde Art and the Great War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1994. Santry HX- 33-943. Lavishly illustrated and well documented. Haber, Ludwig F. The Poisonous Cloud: Chemical Warfare in the First World War. Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. Santry HL- 80-939 Müller, Rolf-Dieter ‘Total War as a result of new weapons? The use of chemical agents in World War I’, in Chickering and Förster, eds., Great War, Total War, pp. 95-112 Hamilton, Robert F. A Photographic History of World War I. Bath: Paragon, 2005. Santry HX-83-190 Neiberg, Michael, ed., World War I , Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. (The international library of essays in military history). 940.4 P51 Sources - Germany Geiss, Imanuel, ed., July 1914. The Outbreak of the First World War: Selected Documents, London: Batsford, 1967. 940.31 K7 Wolff, Theodor The Eve of 1914. London: Gollancz, 1935. Santry 97.f.136 A selection from the German official document collection is also available in translation: German diplomatic documents, 1871-1914. New York: Barnes & Noble; London: Methuen, 1969. Based upon Die Grosse Politik der Europaischen Kabinette. 943.08 F8 and Santry 75.pp.117-120 This is the original: Lepsius, Johannes, Die grosse Politik der europäischen Kabinette, 1871-1914: Sammlung der A. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, diplomatischen Akten des Auswärtigen Amtes. 40 vols. in 54 parts. Berlin: Deutsche F. Thimme, eds., on behalf Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, 1922-27. RESEARCH AREA Stall 87. of the German Foreign Ministry Ulrich, Bernd and Benjamin Frontalltag im Ersten Weltkrieg. Wahn und Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, Ziemann, eds 1994. 943.084 N41 3 Cartarius, Ulrich, ed. Deutschland im Ersten Weltkrieg: Texte und Dokumente, 1914-1918. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1982. Ussher LEN 830.8 M22 Deist, Wilhelm, ed. Militär und Innenpolitik im Weltkrieg 1914-1918, 2 vols. Düsseldorf: Droste, 1970. Berkeley Open Access 943.084 L0.1 & 2 Falkenhayn, Erich von General Headquarters 1914-1916 and its Critical Decisions. Nashville, Tenn.: Battery Press; Fleet: War and Peace Books, 2000. Santry HL-243-366 Groener, Wilhelm Der Feldherr wider Willen: operative Studien über den Weltkrieg. Berlin: Mittler, 1931. Santry SHL-45-820 Hoffmann, Max The war of lost opportunities. London: K. Paul, French, Trubner, 1924. Translated by A. E. Chamot. Santry 89.o.51. Critique of Ludendorff and Hindenburg by a talented and highly placed general staff member. Hoffmann, Max War Diaries and Other Papers. Translated from the German by Eric Sutton, original title Aufzeichnungen des Generalmajors Max Hoffmann. London: M. Secker, [1929]. Santry 89.p.131 Kaiser Wilhelm II. als Oberster Kriegsherr im Ersten Weltkrieg. Quellen aus der militärischen Umgebung des Kaisers 1914-1918, ed. by Holger Afflerbach. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005. Basement HL-281-76 Kautsky, Karl Outbreak of the World War: German Documents Collected by Karl Kautsky, edited by Max Montgelas and Walther Schücking; translated by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Division of International Law. New York, London: Oxford University Press, 1924. 940.3 F4 and Santry 48.a.151 Kuhl, Hermann von Der deutsche Generalstab in Vorbereitung und Durchführung des Weltkrieges. Berlin: E.S. Mittler, 1920. Santry 89.b.101 Ludendorff, Erich My War Memories 1914-1918. 2 vols. London: Hutchinson, [1919]. 940.482 E9.1 Luckau, Alma The German Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. 940.314 M1. History and documents. Riezler, Kurt Tagebücher, Aufsätze, Dokumente. Ed. and introduced by Karl Dietrich Erdmann. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1972. This is the closest you will get to the mind of Germany’s chancellor Theodor von Bethmann Hollweg. It is a fascinating record, particularly of the July crisis, but also of the entire period of Bethmann Hollweg’s rule until 1917. 943.084 P8 Toller, Ernst I was a German. The Autobiography of Ernst Toller. London & New York, 1934. This is the English translation of his Eine Jugend in Deutschland. Toller was a young intellectual who was at first an enthusiastic volunteer and a keen soldier. By 1916 he had begun to oppose the war and became a radical pacifist and revolutionary. See, among other things, his experience at Verdun. 943.085 G41 and Santry SHB- 48-927 Whitlock, Brand, Belgium under the German Occupation. A Personal Narrative, vol. 1. London: Heinemann, 1919. Santry 89.c.21 Vol.1 Jünger, Ernst Storm of Steel. Translated by Michael Hofmann Santry HL-260-814. A novel based on the author’s war diary, but much re-worked. A classic statement of ‘soldierly nationalism’, glorifying war. Köppen, Edlef Higher Command. (Original title Heeresbericht), London: Faber & Faber, 1931 (German ed. 1930). Santry (EPB only): 42.pp.57. A magnificent novel, more honest and direct than Jünger’s more famous book, less sentimental than 4 Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front. A novel, but in fact almost entirely autobiographical. Remarque, Erich Maria All Quiet on the Western Front, London, various editions. (German ed., 1929). Santry PB- 83-753 & HL-183-107 & PB-140-686. Open access: 940.4 F91 & 940.4 F9. World-famous war novel, made also into a Hollywood film; a good read, but it is really fiction. Sources: Austria-Hungary Bittner, Ludwig, Österreich-Ungarns Außenpolitik von der bosnischen Krise 1908 bis zum Alfred Francis Pribram, Kriegsausbruch 1914. Diplomatische Aktenstücke des österreichisch-ungarischen Heinrich Srbik, and Ministeriums des Äußern, 8 vols., Vienna and Leipzig: Österreichischer Hans Uebersberger., eds Bundesverlag für Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Kunst, 1930.
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    University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers Graduate School 1958 American historiography of the origins of World War I, 1914-1935| A comparative study Richard D. Warden The University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Warden, Richard D., "American historiography of the origins of World War I, 1914-1935| A comparative study" (1958). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 1511. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AMERICAN HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE ORIGINS OF WORLD WAR I, 1914-1935: A COMPARATIVE STUDY by RICHARD DANA WARDEN B.A. Montana State University, 1957 Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY 1958 Approved by: ^ # 111^ ^ Chairman, Boafd of Examiners Dean, Graduate School JttJG 2 2 1958 Date UMI Number: EP35459 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion.
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