COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. By video conference – The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube at the following link: 1. ROLL CALL Verbal roll call by the Clerk. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA THAT the Agenda and any Addendum distributed for the September 10, 2020 meeting of Council, be approved. 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council of August 27, 2020, be adopted. 5. PROCLAMATIONS, DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Delegation: Orangeville Foodbank A delegation from Heather Hayes, Executive Direction, Orangeville Foodbank, to update Council on the Orangeville Food Bank activities. 6. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Questions can be submitted to
[email protected] or 519-941-2816 x2500 prior to 1:00 p.m. on August 27, 2020. COUNCIL AGENDA – September 10, 2020 – Page 1 7. PRESENTATION AND CONSIDERATIONS OF REPORTS General Government Services – Chair Creelman 7.1. Clerk/Director of Corporate Services’ Report – Building By-Law 2020-14 Amendment (Residential Garages) A report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated September 10, 2020, to recommend amending the current Building By-Law 2020-14 to clarify the permit fee pricing for attached residential garages. THAT the report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated September 10, 2020, with respect to Building By-Law 2020-14 Amendment (Residential Garages), be received; AND THAT Building By-Law 2020-14 be amended to apply the same fee of $3.44 per/m2 for both detached and attached residential garages.