Orphan House of Charleston,
, IPl"~~~""",~"~~·~,,~~,,,,,:g] SLIBRARY OF CO~GRESS.: . ,~ S [SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT.] S ~ ({6haf. II V'fr..s: ,. @ ,9/,.// \ {p,J 0 S- .: ~ I~O-S- ~ iUNITED ~TATES OF AMERICA.! ~.......~~~..~.. ~.... ~ . tjy-«4~/C7~ ~. £: k-tAc ~ ~Av-h 1 ~ £('n~7Li~;~ '1~ tZ~<~ #~ ~~~~ . J? £':" , " • • THE PROCEEDINGS ON TIlE SIXTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE / ORPHAN HOUSE OF CHARLESTON, .. SOUTH-CAROLINA, BEING THE 18th OCTOBER, 1855. TOGETHER WITH THE ADDRESSES DELIVERED, AND THE ODES SUNG ON THE OCCASION, AT THE INDEPENDENT OR CONGREGATIONAL (CIRCULAR) CHURCH, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CHARLESTON: A. E. MILLER, 3 ST ATE-STREET. J.urES '" WILLIAMS, 16 STATE-STREET. 1855. CORRESPONDENCE. CHARLESTON, So. CA., October 26, 1855. To the Rev. C. C. PINCKl>"EY, Jr., and HEl>"RY A. DESA1JSSURE, Esq. Gentlemen-We have the honor of transmitting to you, individually, by order of the Commissioners of the Orphan House, the following resolntion, adopted by them on 25th October, instant : "Resolved, That the Rev. C. C. Pinckney and II. A. DeSaussure, Esq., be requested to furnish, for publication, copies of the able and interesting ad dresses delivered by them on the 66th anniversary of the Orphan House." Respectfully, L. A. FRAMPTON, } Anniversary GEO. M. COFFIN, Committee. CHARLESTON, October 29, 1855. Messrs. L. A. FRAMPTON and GEO. M. COFFIN, Committee. Gentlemen-I acknowledge the receipt of your letter, asking a copy of the address which I delivered at the anniversary for publication. It afforded me pleasure to take part in the public services of that occasion, so grateful to the friends of this noble institution. I cheerfully comply with the request now made, and enclose a copy of the address, to be nsed in any way you may think expedient.
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