
1. No. 1 Cause Of All Health Problems - Our Health Care System

2. A Pharmacist Questions Vaccines

3. The Myth of Polio & Smallpox Eradication

4. The Myth People Are Living Longer

5. AIDS Drugs Do More Harm Than Good

6. Babies Dying In Vaccine Trials

7. How the MMR and Measles Vaccines Endanger Your Child's Health

8. Doctor Calls Chicken Pox Vaccine Deaths "Reassuring"

9. Deaths & Adverse Reactions from Vaccines

10. Reports on Vaccine Dangers

11. Government Payouts to Vaccine Damaged Victims

12. Doctors Believe Their Technology Is Superior to Mother Nature's

13. The Tamiflu Scam / Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program

14. Scary Medicine: Exposing The Dark Side of Vaccines

15. Extensive Research on Vaccines Proves the Dangers

16. Biased Reporting: A Case Study

17. Mercury Toxicity and Autism

18. Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated

19. Quotes On Vaccines By Health Care Experts

20. Vaccination Statistics

21. What's Really In Vaccines? Proof of MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum and Mercury

22. Additional Vaccine Facts 23. The Flu - Facts Show Different Picture

24. Vaccine Blamed for the Worst Flu Season in Four Years

25. Why Harm Children: Health Experts Sound Off

26. The Flawed Theory Behind Vaccinations & Why MMR Jabs Are Dangerous

27. Waking Up To Vaccine Dangers

28. Pet Vaccine Myths Debunked

29. Questions To Ask Your Physician or Vaccine Advocate

30. Universal Immunization — Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage

31. Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety

32. The Death of Medicine: An Open Letter to Allopathic Physicians

33. International Websites Run by Vaccine Critics


1. No. 1 Cause Of All Health Problems - Our Health Care System

The North American Health Care System can be more accurately described as a Sick Care Management Industry. A medical modality designed as a for-profit business monopoly, placing its prime interest in the economic health of pharmaceutical cartels. An establishment that rejects safe and natural remedies in favour of invasive treatments such as deleterious drugs, dangerous surgeries, toxic chemotherapy and -causing radiation. The worse our health, the more profitable it becomes. There are no incentives to eliminate high profit problems.

That’s why the US has the 72nd best health at #1 cost.

Why more and more hospitals and medical schools are being built.

Why all the drug ads are run, and as one researcher said, "if there were enough money to be made on it, they could design ads to prove daylight doesn’t exist."

Why medical science hasn’t cured one major high profit health problem.

Why doctors are taught to treat symptoms and not causes. Why doctors are taught to tell us salt is bad for us while the #1 item they sell is a penny’s worth of salt for $525 in the form of a saline IV. Lots of money to be made on salt deficiencies.

Why we are the first generation whose children have shorter lives than their parents.

Why all problems related to human misery in any way cannot be solved by a society that measures excellence in terms of money and power. Try to think of one business whose income depends upon human misery for its income that has cured any major problem that is a high income source, including government.

The more money we spend on health care or any human misery problem, the worse these problems become. Isn’t it obvious?

All drugs have adverse effects and vaccines are no different. Due to the fact vaccination programs are the cornerstone of preventative medicine and impact infants whose inherent immunity has yet to fully develop, serious adverse reactions are far more prevalent.

Would any parent in their right mind give their baby a bottle filled with toxic compounds like mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, mutated viruses, aborted human fetal tissue and foreign animal DNA, in the belief it would protect their health? Hard to imagine anyone would, but when the same concoction is injected directly into the bloodstream, many don't think twice about the consequences.

The comedy TV show, Canadian Air Farce, makes light of this phenonemen. http://bit.ly/LIM6ze

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn often criticized modern medicine for its sanctimonious doctrine. He argued that "doctors are the priests who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations" to ritually initiate our loyalty into the larger medical industry. Dr. Richard Moskowitz agrees: "Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology. Their efficacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and needing no further proof."

More information on Dr. Mendelsohn: http://www.whale.to/v/mendelsohn.html

It is nothing short of a myth that vaccines are responsible for curing any kind of disease and the proof lies in the medical literature and in U.S. government statistics reporting vaccine harm and the resultant payouts made to vaccine-damaged victims. See Chapter 11 for further data on compensation for victims.

* The Hidden Costs of U.S. Health Care

In 2010, total U.S. health-related expenditures were an estimated $3.2 trillion or 23.9 percent higher than reported in the NHEA. This translates to $10,392 per person. PDF here: http://ow.ly/xgBsF

2014 U.S. Health Care Costs Estimate: $3.8 Trillion http://onforb.es/1fSKb4o Doctors Are The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S. http://ow.ly/xgCPE


2. A Pharmacist Questions Vaccines

Kristine M. Severyn, R.Ph., PhD

During my pharmacy education I believed what I was taught — that vaccines work all the time with extremely rare adverse effects. Since then, my extensive research in this area indicates that neither is true.

In the government's goal to vaccinate all U.S. children (and many adults), the medical and public health communities selectively publicize only what they want us to know about vaccines. The past three and a half years of my researching state and federal public health information, reading the medical literature, and attending federal vaccine policy-making meetings have caused me to reverse my original trust in vaccines.

Ohio Department of Health (ODH) officials often bemoan the 2,720 reports of measles it received in 1989. What the agency fails to mention is that close to three fourths of the cases occurred in previously vaccinated persons. The U.S. Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) even reported measles outbreaks in a documented 100 percent vaccinated population (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). 33(24),6/22/84).

Five years later the CDC reported: "Among school-aged children, (measles) outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent. These outbreaks have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years." (MMWR,38 (8-9),12/29/89).

To combat the resurgence of measles, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended a second dose of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine just before kindergarten, seventh grade, or when entering college. This approach has failed to solve the problem, as reported in a recent Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (13(1),34-38,1994): "Thus even after the recommended two dose schedule of the current measles vaccine, some adolescents and young adults lack protective titers of measles-specific antibody. In addition, women lacking protective titers will provide little or no measles-specific antibody transplacentaly to their infants. These children will be susceptible to measles infection virtually from birth, and are at much higher risk for complications when infected at younger ages."

Significant measles morbidity and mortality in infants during the 1980's U.S. measles resurgence could be blamed on government mass vaccination programs. Since vaccinated mothers possess only short-term measles immunity, and do no pass this immunity to their babies, their infants are left defenseless against measles, which can be quite serious in infancy. In past years when women caught measles as children and acquired strong lifelong immunity, they passed measles antibodies to their babies during pregnancy, giving the newborn baby measles immunity.

In late 1993, several U.S. cities experienced highly publicized pertussis (whooping cough) epidemics, including Cincinnati, St.Louis, Chicago, and Philadelphia. The July 7, 1994, New England Journal of Medicine reported that of the 352 pertusses cases in Cincinnati in 1993 pertussis epidemic in Cincinnati occurred primarily among children who had been appropriately immunized, it is clear that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine failed to give full protection against the disease."

Similarly, of 186 confirmed pertussis cases in Chicago last fall, the Chicago Department of Health noted, "72 percent were as up to date as possible on their immunizations for their age."

Based on past experience with pertussis vaccine, the above vaccine failures were not unexpected. Half of the reported pertussis cases in Ohio from 1987 to 1991 occurred in vaccination status was known (source: ODH). One study reported a 55 percent failure rate for pertussis vaccine (Journal of Pediatrics 115(5): 686-693, 1989).

However, despite hundreds of pertussis cases in Ohio and Chicago last year, no one dies. An infectious disease expert from Cincinnati Children's Hospital was even quoted in The Cincinnati Enquire, "The disease was very mild, no one died, and no one went to the intensive care unit."

Mumps vaccine can also be highly ineffective, with outbreaks often occurring in vaccinated preschooler and school-age children (Journal of Pediatrics 119: 187-193, 1991).

Combining poor efficacy of certain vaccines with the risk of vaccine adverse reactions calls into question the ethics of state mandatory vaccination laws, and could explain why some parents delay or do not vaccinate their children.

For example, within a 39-month period ending November 1993, the Food and Drug Administraton's (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System collected nearly 32,000 reports of adverse reactions following vaccination, with more than 700 deaths. DPt (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccine was associated with more than 12,000 of these reports, including 471 deaths. The FDA acknowledges that this voluntary reporting underestimated the actual number of reactions.

Instead of taking these reports of death and injury seriously, the FDA dismisses them as "coincidental," so nearly all reports languish in a governrnent computer data base. FDA's ambivalence, toward vaccine adverse reaction reports has caused parents to lose faith in our country's vaccination program.

To "compensate" those killed or injured by vaccines, congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (Public Law 99-660), which established the Vaccine Injury compensation Program (VICP). As of July 5, 1994, the program has paid $452.5 million for vaccines injury or death, and is backlogged with more than 2,600 cases, all of which will not be adjudicated for several years.

Vaccine manufacturers enjoy the enviable position of having their products mandated and their liability costs shouldered by the U.S. Taxpayer victims of vaccine injury or death are prohibited form suing the drug companies until they are denied assistance from the VICP.

If victims lose in the compensation program (only one out of three petitioners received compensation), or find this limited compensation inadequate, state and federal courts tell them that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe," absolving the drug companies of all responsibility (White v. Wyeth (1988), No.8701657, Ohio Supreme Courts ackley v.Wyeth, (1990), No.89-3821,U.S. court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Ohio: Mazur v. Merck, Third U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals, No91-1613, 1992). Financial care for vaccine victims is then assumed by the affected families, or other state and federal programs that assist the handicapped.

Congress's stated purpose in passing the NCVIA in 1986 was to give children safer vaccines. The only real change since 1986 is that children receive even more vaccines today, often in questionably safe combinations.

Although the FDA is charged by Congress to oversee vaccine safety, the agency has caved in to political pressures by not questioning the safety of already licensed vaccines. With the President, Congress, the CDC, and medical profession all promoting vaccines, it would be unpopular for the FDA to question vaccine safety issues.

The public is repeatedly told that the benefits of vaccines outweighs the risks. Yet, we do no know what the risks are because our government is not interested, or perhaps afraid, to find out. It's time for the FDA to do its job of properly monitoring safety and efficacy of licensed vaccines. Until then children will continue to suffer needlessly.

About the Author:

Dr. Kristine M. Severyn is a registered pharmacist in Ohio and Kentucky, with a Ph.D. in Biopharmaceutics (B.S. Pharmacy, 1975 and Ph.D. 1983,University of Cincinnati). She lives in Dayton, Ohio with her husband and three children where she heads Ohio Parents for Vaccine Safety (OPVS). Dr Severyn has testified before the Ohio legislature and before federal vaccine policy-making meeting and commissions in Washington, D.C. Writing extensively on vaccine issues, her work has appeared in the Dayton Daily News, Columbus(Ohio) dispatch, The Plain Dealer ( Cleveland),the Cincinnati Enquire, Cincinnati Post, The (Akron) Beacon Journal, and the Washington Post. OPVS publisheds a quarterly newsletter covering vaccine safety, efficacy, and legislation in Washington, D.C., Ohio, and other states. To Obtain the newsletter write to: Ohio Parents for Vaccine Safety, 251 W. Ridgeway Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45459.


3. The Myth of Polio & Smallpox Eradication

It is a total misconception that vaccines have eradicated diseases like poliomyelitis and smallpox. Variants of these diseases are still prevalent in North America and elsewhere, but under the guise of newly concocted syndromes like "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and "Muscular Dystrophy." The medical industry purposely altered the diagnosis of polio in order to dupe the public into believing the vaccine had cured the dis-ease.

CFS: The Hidden Polio Epidemic - Dr. William Campbell http://bit.ly/1gAx5tj

CFS: Another Name for Polio http://bit.ly/1kcVIzX

The Hidden History of Polio Vaccine http://ow.ly/xhfzK

VIDEO: Dr. Humphries speaks on Polio at the Natural Health Conference. http://bit.ly/1jqntWV

Related links: http://drsuzanne.net http://vaccinationcouncil.org http://disolvingillusions.com http://vactruth.com

The facts and corroborating reports on poliomyelitis:

In 1959, the Dominion Council of Health altered the way in which apparent cases of poliomyelitis were reported. All non-paralytic cases of poliomyelitis were to be henceforth recorded as "meningitis, viral or aseptic," a disease which itself only became reportable in 1952.

Along with other changes, this effectively reduced the apparent incidence of polio. According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) there are 30,000 to 50,000 cases of aseptic meningitis every year in the United States. This is where many of the former cases of "polio" have disappeared.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Muscular Dystrophy are other debilitating diseases that mimic symptoms of poliomyelitis.

In conclusion, the prevalance of vaccines are causing mass outbreaks of death and disease; not the lack of them.


CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine http://bit.ly/1ll9NNF

An Overview on the Polio Vaccine — Mary Tocco http://bit.ly/1l4IPHQ

The Polio Vaccine Racket http://bit.ly/1mIkpmT

Little Known Facts About Poliomyelitis Vaccinations http://bit.ly/1octZSR

The true story of SV40, the cancer-causing virus hidden in polio vaccines http://bit.ly/1cT4mki

The Polio Vaccine Myth: “The Vaccine Stopped Polio” http://bit.ly/1fTlU30 Link between polio vaccine and rare childhood exposed in 1997 documentary http://bit.ly/1tbNGsm

Untested vaccines causing new wave of polio-like paralysis across India http://bit.ly/19Sn4Dr

Swine Flu — 60 Minutes http://bit.ly/1ge4qcp

The Story of a Great Delusion (online book) http://bit.ly/IN7UIk ______

* Polio vaccine death reported in The Reading Eagle, a major daily newspaper in Reading, PA. ______

POLIO VACCINE REFERENCES by Dr. Raymond Obomswasin

* Mendelsohn, R., "The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease", p. 43

* Kalokerinos, A., and Dettman, G., "Viral Vaccines, Vital or Vulnerable" published by: The Conunittee of the Biological Research Institute, Warburton, Victoria, Australia, p. 27. (Note article of same title--but different content--is also referenced in the August, 1980 issue of the Australasian Nurses Journal)

* Wixen, J.S., "Twentieth-Century Miraclemaker", Modem Maturity, December, 1984- January, 1985, p. 92

* Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Connnerce, House of Representatives," Eighty-Seventh Congress, Second Session on HR 10541, May, 1962, pp. 94-112 * The American Journal of Public Health, Vol.45, Sup.1-63,1955

* Section Panel on "Preventive Medicine and Preventive Health" at the 120" Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Medical Society, May 26, 1960--reported in the Illinois Medical Journal, August and September issues, 1960

* Neustaedter, R., et al, Immunizations, Are They Necessary?, Hering Family Health Clinic, Berkeley, California, 1981, p. 19

* Delarue, F., L'intoxication vaccinate, Editions de Seuil, Paris France, 1977, p. 57

* US House of Representatives, Hearings on HR 10541, p. 113. (Reported in the Toorak Times, Melbourne Australia, October 5, 1986)

* Mendelsohn, R., "The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease", p. 52

* Sutter, R., et al, "Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelites in Oman. Evidence for Widespread Transmission Among Fully Vaccinated Children", Lancet, Vol. 338, September, 1991, pp. 715-720

* Patriarca, et al, "Randomised Trial of Alternative Formulations of Oral Poliovaccine in Brazil", Lancet, February, 1988, pp. 429-432

* Kim-Farley, R., et al, "Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in Taiwan", Lancet No. 11, 1984, pp. 1322-1324

* Deniing, M., et al, "Epidemic Poliomyelitis in the Gambia Following Control of Poliomyelitis as an Endemic Disease: Part 11. The Clinical Efficacy of Trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine", American Journal of Epidemiology

* Fulginiti, V., "Controversies in Current Immunization Practices: One Physician's Viewpoint", 1976, in Morris, J.A., Statement Submitted to US Senate Committee on Labor and Human Relations. Subcomniittee on Investigations and General Oversight, June 30, 1982. (Dr. Morris served as Director of the Slow, Latent, and Temperant Virus Section of the US Bureau of Biologics, Food and Drug Administration)


Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness

Jennifer Craig, BSN, MA, Ph.D

Since 1853, there have been three epidemics of small-pox, each being more severe than the one preceding. Claims that vaccination is responsible for the decline in smallpox deaths are facile. The incontrovertible fact is that smallpox deaths increased with vaccination and declined with declining vaccination rates.

Apart from killing people, the literature abounds with examples of the failure of smallpox vaccination to prevent the disease. One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and 1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but it suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London.

Dr. R. P. Garrow published an article in a January 1928 issue of the British Medical Journal showing that the fatality rate among the vaccinated cases of smallpox in England and Wales in 1923 and 1926 in those over 15 years of age was higher than among the unvaccinated.

This raised a raised a number of questions from Dr. L. A. Parry, including:

 How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated?

 How is it that, as the percentage of people vaccinated has steadily fallen (from 85% in 1870 to about 40% in 1925), the number of deaths from smallpox has progressively lessened? The years of least vaccination have been the years of least smallpox and of least mortality.  How is that in some of our best vaccinated towns, for example Bombay and Calcutta, smallpox is rife, whilst in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown?

 How is it that something like 80% of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Asylum Board smallpox hospitals have been vaccinated whilst only 20% have not been vaccinated?

Dr. Beddow Baily’s words in 1936 are as true today as they were then. He said, “It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse’s heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf’s abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body.”

Yet this conception continues today except that pus is no longer used in vaccines. Instead they contain viruses, dead or alive, formaldehyde, phenol, mercury, aluminium and DNA bits from human and other animals and even insects. Nevertheless, the principle of injecting toxic substances under the skin is, without any proof whatsoever, believed to lower the death rates from infectious disease.

“I have thought many times of all the insane things we have advocated in medicine, that one of the most insane was to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox. It is unthinkable that you can inject pus from a dead smallpox victim into a little child and in any way improve its health." -- William Howard Hay MD, 25 June 1937 (in an address to the Medical Freedom Society)

For the full report and medical references:

International Medical Council on Vaccinations http://bit.ly/1rj8VwL

Related Smallpox reports:

FACT: Vaccines have never eradicated anything, ever http://bit.ly/1hAYURQ

The Smallpox Vaccination Hoax


Smallpox, The Looming Disaster of Mandatory Vaccinations


CDC Plans to Force Smallpox Vaccine on the US by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


Vaccinations & Smallpox by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny



4. The Myth People Are Living Longer

Another medical myth is that the average person today is healthier and living longer. With one out of every two North Americans dying of heart disease and one out of three succumbing to some form of cancer; plus alarming increases in diabetes, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, obesity, stroke, kidney disease, autism, etc; it's hard to imagine this generation and those that follow will enjoy a longer and healthier life expectancy. When you research the issue extensively, you will find little truth in the claim.

For many years, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, who are funded by Unilever (the third largest corporation in the world), heavily promoted an unnatural plastic fat (Becel) as a healthy alternative to natural . Contradictory to what the medical industry has been stating about longevity, the foundation's recent study indicates Canadian baby boomers turning 60 this year could be the first generation to turn back the clock and experience a decline in quality of life. The Heart and Stroke Foundation blame the decline in health on a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. No arguement there. Ironically though, much of this decline can be blamed on a product the foundation promotes. Regardless of this, it's important to note their studies contradict what is generally regarded as factual. Naturally, these findings would apply to US citizens as well where obesity and rates of disease are even higher.

* Evidence that centuries ago, many notable individuals were living beyond 70 years of age.

"Thoughts in a Country Churchyard: Longevity In Antiquity" by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. http://ow.ly/xgFNP

* One of the factors that leads to the longevity fallacy is that the infant mortality rate has decreased substantially in the last century, as have the deaths of mothers of newborn who often perished while giving birth. Higher levels of sanitation and safer drinking water have also contributed to raising the survival rate.

* A major influence that skews the statistics is the increase in numbers of baby- boomers reaching their senior years. The medical industry manipulates the figures in order to give the false impression of increased longevity overall, while claiming responsibility for the gain.

2011 Canadian Census Figures — Increased Longevity or Aging Population?

 The 2011 Census counted nearly 5 million people aged 65 and older in Canada, an increase of more than 600,000, or 14%, between 2006 and 2011. This rate of growth was more than double the 6% increase for the Canadian population as a whole.

 The number of seniors aged 65 and over has continued to catch up with the number of children during the period from 2006 to 2011.

 In 2011, there were nearly 6,000 centenarians in Canada, up 26% since 2006. This was the second most rapidly growing age group among all age groups after those aged 60 to 64.

The myth of increased longevity is perpetrated by government and the medical industry to dupe the public into believing the health-care system is responsible. Governments gain from this perceived increase in life expectancy by raising retirement ages for Social Security and Medicare, thereby creating a "solution" for deficits they've created themselves through corruption, incompetentcy, and a war-mongering mentality that sucks trillions of tax dollars from the federal coffers. Even if there was some truth to people living longer today than in the past; enacting punishment that forces them to work longer before receiving rightful benefits is an underhanded ploy.

According to the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, over the past decade, life expectancy in the majority of U.S. counties dropped below the life expectancy of people in the 10 nations who live the longest.

"Despite the fact that the U.S. spends more per capita than any other nation on health, eight out of every 10 counties are not keeping pace in terms of health outcomes. That's a staggering statistic." — Dr. Chris Murray, director of Washington University's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

“Stroke can affect anyone at any age, and in fact studies are showing that younger people are presenting with stroke because things that we usually saw in older age, like high blood pressure and diabetes and high cholesterol, in our modern North American society they tend to occur at a younger age.” — Dr. Cheryl Jaigobin, stroke neurologist at the Krembil Neuroscience Centre.

Adverse Drug Reactions 5th Leading Cause of Death! http://bit.ly/1oajkch

"An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 suggests that adverse drug reactions not due to error or abuse are in fact the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. This is a very significant problem, and we need ways to address it." — Dr. Bruce Carleton Senior Clinician Scientist, Child and Family Research Institute, BC Children's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Canada (speaking at a 14th meeting of the Standing Committee on Health.)

Source: Health Committee on May 1st, 2008 - OpenParliament.ca http://bit.ly/1rjbzjW Medical System 3rd Leading Cause of Death!

The July 2000 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that doctors were the third leading cause of death in the US, mainly due to properly prescribed drugs, failed and unnessesary surgeries and misdiagnoses. According to a more recent report, allopathic physicians may now be the leading cause. Of course, you won't hear any of this from the witless, mainstream presstitutes who would rather spew government and corporate lies.

Source: Drugs and Doctors May be the Leading Cause of Death in U.S. — Dr. Joseph Mercola http://ow.ly/xgGiP

Within the issue of mortality, there is also an established link between the widening gap of race and educational differences.

Source: The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an Aging Society http://ow.ly/xgRv0


5. AIDS Vaccines and Drugs Do More Harm Than Good

AIDS-Vaccines Trials Dangerous (2001) http://bit.ly/1nlyAST

AIDS vaccines that do more harm than good (2007) http://bit.ly/1nsGyqS

Vaccine Failure Is Setback in AIDS Fight - Test Subjects Put at Extra Risk Of Contracting HIV (2008) http://wapo.st/1obdBCg

AIDS Drugs Lead To Heart Disease (2010) http://bit.ly/1m2AG7X AIDS drugs linked to premature aging, dementia, heart disease (2011) http://bit.ly/1nasmn5

Vaccine Industry Riddled With Scientific Fraud http://bit.ly/S5tiNX

AIDS Research Was Fake All Along – What Other Research Has Been Faked? http://bit.ly/1jV3wXL


6. Babies Dying During Vaccine Trials

Dr. Joseph Mercola Source: www.mercola.com August 3, 2008

At least 12 infants who were part of a clinical study to test a pneumonia vaccine have died in Argentina over the course of the past year.

The study was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, and uses children from poor families. According to the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals, the families are "pressured and forced into signing consent forms”.

The is still ongoing despite the denunciations. Source: Trading Markets July 10, 2008

Dr. Joseph Mercola's Comments:

GlaxoSmithKline is counting on its expanded vaccines research to boost its bottom line, working on “protection” against a wide variety of the world’s most common diseases. It’s unfortunate that so many people are still clueless about the ruthless vaccine practices of pharmaceutical companies like GSK, and the dangers and outright needlessness of most of these vaccines.

According to a Glaxo spokeswoman, “…Safety is always our primary concern in the development of any new treatment or vaccine. All studies are conducted according to the highest ethical and scientific standards and in compliance with international standards of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).” But the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals claim it is being conducted “without any type of state control,” and “does not comply with minimum ethical requirements.” Who do you believe? The local health professionals, or the drug giant citing compliance with some form of international standard?

Is a Pneumonia Vaccine Even Necessary?

Pneumonia is a severe form of acute lower respiratory infection that specifically affects your lungs. As a result, pus and fluid can collect in the alveoli of your lungs, which interferes with oxygen absorption and makes breathing difficult.

Danger signs of pneumonia include cough and fast or difficult breathing.

According to the 2006 UNICEF report, Pneumonia: The Forgotten Killer of Children, pneumonia kills more children than aids, and measles combined. An estimated 2 million children die from pneumonia each year, accounting for almost 1 in 5 deaths of children under the age of five, worldwide, with South Asia and sub- Saharan Africa bearing the burden of more than half of the total number of pneumonia cases.

That pneumonia is a serious affliction is not under debate. Only the question of what the most appropriate prevention method is.

According to UNICEF, the most effective forms of prevention of pneumonia include:

* Exclusive breast feeding * Promoting adequate nutrition and zinc supplementation * Reducing indoor air pollution * Expanding vaccine coverage

Now, to highlight and compare the effectiveness level that a pneumonia vaccine can offer compared to simple and inexpensive nutritional intervention, consider this: After reviewing a total of 10 studies, investigators at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that zinc supplementation alone reduces the risk of pneumonia by 41 percent!

Compare that to another recent GSK vaccine trial in Gambia that boasted about a 37 percent reduction in pneumonia cases…

And in an ironic twist, a drug review by the FDA recently found that GSK’s rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) is associated with a significant increase in pneumonia-related deaths in children, compared to a placebo. In essence, GSK is contributing to the very problem they’re supposedly trying to resolve with yet another vaccine.

How Many Deaths Due to Vaccines are Acceptable?

An interesting study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology called, Rotavirus Vaccine and Intussusception: How Much Risk Will Parents in the United States Accept to Obtain Vaccine Benefits? gives a glimpse into how much planning and orchestrating goes into the marketing of any drug or vaccine – down to the exact number of “acceptable deaths” that parents will put up with and still get their child vaccinated, and how much they’re willing to pay for the vaccine, based on its stated risks.

The study reads: “As the proportion of the population protected from previously common childhood disease has increased, concern has shifted to possible vaccine- associated side effects… Despite the obvious benefits of vaccination, no vaccine is completely safe. The impact of risk on parental acceptance of new vaccines is important to ascertain. “

They found that the higher the education and income bracket of the parents, the lower the acceptable risk. In order to achieve a 90 percent acceptance rate (a typical target for recommended childhood vaccines), they found that parents would accept no more than 1,794 cases of vaccine-related intussusception (a problem with the intestine in which one portion of the bowel slides into the next) caused by the rotavirus vaccine, per year.

This incidence rate corresponds to 359 surgeries and 14 deaths, 11 of which could be related to the rotavirus vaccine.

However, this and other studies of parental attitudes toward vaccination have repeatedly demonstrated that parents still prefer their child dying from an actual disease than dying from side effects associated with vaccination.

You’re Being Flooded by Needless Vaccines

Last month I wrote an article about the HPV vaccine Gardasil, at which time the VAERS database contained 6,760 adverse events, including 16 deaths.

Today, less than a month later, I have the distinct displeasure to report that the situation with Gardasil is only getting worse. The Judicial Watch Special Report, Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records, dated June 30, 2008, reviews records obtained from the FDA under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Those records paint an even grimmer version of this dangerous vaccine, whose side effects now include:

* A total of 8,864 reported adverse events * A minimum of 18, but possibly 20 reported deaths. 11 occurred less than one week after vaccination, and 7 within two days * 45 cases of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions * 78 outbreaks of genital warts, plus additional cases of facial warts and warts on hands and feet, even in patients who had tested negative for HPV and genital warts prior to vaccination

Additionally, Merck correspondence included in these records state that Gardasil has NOT been evaluated for its potential to cause carcinogenity or genotoxicity, AND, they were permitted to use an aluminum-containing placebo instead of a standard saline placebo.

Since Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum, using an aluminum-containing placebo may paint an entirely inaccurate picture of its level of safety.

But keep in mind folks that study after study has shown that only about 1 to 1.5 percent of all side effects are ever reported! And the statistics for reporting more serious side effects, including death, is not much better. The NVIC Investigative Report on the Reporting System found that in New York, only 1 of about 40 doctor's offices (2.5 percent) confirmed that they had reported a death or injury following vaccination.

Yet the government and the medical community RELY on these figures, which are up to 99 PERCENT INACCURATE! Can Pneumonia Be Effectively Prevented and Treated Without a Vaccine?

As I mentioned earlier, effective prevention methods include exclusive breast feeding for the first six months of life, reducing indoor air pollution, and proper nutrition, including appropriate amounts of zinc.

This is a great reminder of the therapeutic value of zinc. The lozenges are excellent for colds and upper respiratory infections, but you should also consider it for more severe problems like diarrhea or pneumonia.

Bear in mind, however, that it is very easy to become zinc overloaded. If you get nauseous shortly after taking the zinc, it is highly likely that you already have enough zinc and should hold off on taking any more.

Another little-known pneumonia-buster is good old fashioned essential oils.

Researchers have found that some essential oils -- oregano, thyme and rosewood oils in particular -- create an autolytic reaction in organisms, including Streptococcus pneumonia. Spraying these essential oils in the laboratory simply made the pneumonia cells fall apart!

The best results occurred with oregano, thyme and rosewood, and intermediate inhibition of the pathogens was achieved with cinnamon oil and clove oil.

Dr. Horne, the lead author of the study, pointed out that the oils also showed efficacy against E. coli and several species of fungi.

This is good news for any of you who are cultivating a garden. Oregano is a hardy perennial that returns year after year, and can provide you with a natural, inexpensive way to stay healthy.

I would recommend the Greek oregano which only grows about 18 inches tall. Avoid the taller 4 foot plants (Oregano vulgare) as they do not have as much of the effective essential oils. You can also purchase pure oregano oil in your local health food store.

Whatever you do, please, please do your homework before subjecting your children to any vaccine. A great way to get started is to simply use the Search Feature at the top of each of my web pages and search my site as it contains a litany of research on vaccine safety, and the lack thereof.


7. What You're Not Being Told About Measles Vaccine

"Among school-aged children, (measles) outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent. These outbreaks have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years." - Center For Disease Control (MMWR,38 (8-9),12/29/89)

• The U.S. Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) even reported measles outbreaks in a documented 100 percent vaccinated population (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). 33(24),6/22/84).

* Measles Virus and Autism

• Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier published research in the medical journal, International Pediatrics, showing a significant link between the measles, mumps, and rubella shot (MMR) and autism compared to another triple shot given to children.

• Dr. Vijendra Singh and Ryan Jensen of Utah State University published a study in Pediatric Neurology showing a significant number of children suffered an abnormal response to the measles component of MMR, triggering autism.

Singh, VK, Jensen RL, Pediatric Neurology 28(2003) pp. 292-294

Measles inclusion-body encephalitis caused by the vaccine strain of measles virus http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10589903

Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12849883

Measles Vaccination Kills Two Children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D9gEljntIg

The 2013 Measles Outbreak: A Failing Vaccine, Not A Failure To Vaccinate http://bit.ly/1jngmO7

* REFERENCES -- MEASLES VACCINES: by Dr. Raymond Obomswasin

Dayton, L., "Measles Vaccination May Not Protect for Life", New Scientist, Vol. 4, Vancouver, Canada, November, 1989, p. 6

Shasby, D.M., et al, "Epidemic Measles in a Highly Vaccinated Population", New England Journal of Medicine, 296: 1987, pp. 585-589

See also:

Gustafson, T.L., et at, "Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized Secondary School Population", New England Journal of Medicine, 316: 1987, pp. 771-774

Weiner, L.B., et al, "A Measles Outbreak Among Adolescents", Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Vol. 90, 1987, pp. 17-20

Hull, H.F., et al, "Risk Factors for Measles Vaccine Failure Among Immunized Students", Pediatrics, Vol. 76, 1985, pp. 518-523

Mendelsohn, R., "The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease", p. 43

Markowitz, L.E., "Patterns of Transmission in Measles Outbreaks in the United States", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 320, 1989, pp. 75-81

"Measles--Quebec" MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), Vol. 38 (a), 1989, pp. 329 and 330

Kalokerinos, A., and Dettman, G., "Viral Vaccines, Vital or Vulnerable" published by: The Conunittee of the Biological Research Institute, Warburton, Victoria, Australia, p. 27. (Note article of same title--but different content--is also referenced in the August, 1980 issue of the Australasian Nurses Journal) Kenya, P.R., "Measles and Mathematics: Control or Eradication", (Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi) East African Medical Journal, Vol. 67, No. 12, December, 1990

Wixen, J.S., "Twentieth-Century Miraclemaker", Modem Maturity, December, 1984-January, 1985, p. 92

Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Connnerce, House of Representatives," Eighty- Seventh Congress, Second Session on HR 10541, May, 1962, pp. 94-112

See also:

The American Journal of Public Health, Vol.45, Sup.1-63,1955

Section Panel on "Preventive Medicine and Preventive Health" at the 120" Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Medical Society, May 26, 1960--reported in the Illinois Medical Journal, August and September issues, 1960

Neustaedter, R., et al, Immunizations, Are They Necessary?, Hering Family Health Clinic, Berkeley, California, 1981, p. 19

See also:

Delarue, F., L'intoxication vaccinate, Editions de Seuil, Paris France, 1977, p. 57

US House of Representatives, Hearings on HR 10541, p. 113. (Reported in the Toorak Times, Melbourne Australia, October 5, 1986)

Mendelsohn, R., "The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease", p. 52 * Full Report on the Measles Coverup -- http://bit.ly/Og2Dvi

In the 1980's, Dr. Raymond Obomswasin was commissioned by the Canadian government to author a comprehensive and historical study on the history of vaccinations. The result was a 1990 book titled "Universal Immunization - Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage." The report was so damning to the medical industry that it was shelved and never extensively published. Back in the 90's, I was fortunate to gain a copy from the Health Action Network, Burnaby, BC. An updated 1998 version can be found online here: http://www.whale.to/vaccines/obomsawin_h.html

"Those who have the most to hide, hide the most."


8. Doctor Calls Chicken Pox Vaccine Deaths "Reassuring"

THE MEDICAL POST - May 23, 2000

The following is an excerpt from a study published in The Medical Post, a physician's periodical that the general public does not normally see. It was also published in an issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association in the same year. Keep in mind, a large percentage of adverse reactions from vaccines go unreported.

"After thousands of vaccinations, a new U.S. report shows few suffer serious adverse reactions to the live chicken pox vaccine. The American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received more than 6500 reports of suspected adverse reactions to the live varicella vaccine from 1995 to 1998. Most of the events were minor, and 4% of the reports were declared serious. The most frequent reports were rashes, possible vaccine failure, a reaction at the injection site, herpes zoster and pneumonia, anaphylaxis shock, arthropathy and neurological syndromes such as meningitis, convulsion and ataxia. (loss of muscular coordination as a result of damage to the central nervous system.) There were 14 deaths associated with the varicella vaccine."

An associate professor of pediatrics and child care health at the University of Manitoba, Canada, Dr. Barbara Law, reported on these findings by stating to her peers...

"I think this is reassuring. All of those things are things that either occur with chickenpox or occur following a foreign substance. None of them are happening in amounts that are significantly concerning. It is not unexpected and it is not surprising."

There you have it right from the horse's mouth... a health "expert" entrusted to safeguard the well-being of our children who considers 14 deaths to be "reassuring" and "not surprising." I suppose she's also reassured by the numerous deaths and thousands of serious adverse reactions from the Gardisil vaccine. I wonder if this doctor would be encouraged by the results of this report if it were her own child lying on a slab in the morgue.

Knowing the inherent dangers of this witch's brew that masquerades as the saviour of mankind, do you think Dr. Law would inject her own children with it? She may be a quack but she's not stupid. It's no surprise that doctors have one of the highest rates of any profession in the community for avoidance of vaccines. Can you say... "hypocrite?"

"The whole purpose of this propaganda is not to secure the health and welfare of children, but to guarantee the steady inflow of profits to the physicians and manufacturing drug houses." — Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"If you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out of it. If doctors shot at the moon every time it was full as a preventive of measles and got a shilling for it, they would bring statistics to prove it was a most efficient practice, and that the population would be decimated if it were stopped." — Dr. Thomas Allinson


9. Deaths & Adverse Reactions From Vaccines

Adverse reaction and death after MMR vaccine http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/889/

Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO http://www.naturalnews.com/029124_flu_vaccines_quackery.html

Fraud Exposed in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study http://bit.ly/1fWXAsc

Hepatitis B Vaccines: Adverse Reactions http://www.whale.to/drugs/hepb23.html

Prevnar vaccine dangers - Natural flu treatments & preventions http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Prevnar-Vaccination

H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Insert Admits It Causes Paralysis, Shock And Death http://bit.ly/1ooRs0A

* The dangers of vaccinations to your child's long term health prospects and longevity itself far outweigh any potential benefits touted by the pharmaceutical industry for vaccines. The LIES and about vaccine benefits from the drug industry are overwhelming, and statistically provable. Don't allow your child to go on the chopping block for these Liars and their profit margins. They aren't working for you, they're servants of the corporate elite who have a surreptitious population reduction agenda in place. (Research: AGENDA 21)

Just say NO!

Tell the doctor, tell the clinic, tell the school, tell the nurse, tell the employer, tell the government bureaucrats, tell the health department, or anybody else who is trying to force you or your kids to take vaccines against your will...."because you must take them", Tell them... NO!

No matter WHAT they say or threaten you with, tell them ....NO!

No vaccines.... ever. Period. You can read why below:

1. To obtain school vaccine exemption forms: http://www.vaclib.org/pdf.exemption.htm

2. State by State Anti-vaccine Resources (http://www.vaclib.org/legal/stateresource.htm)

Vaccination Liberation http://www.vaclib.org

A top web site for info on vaccine dangers and what to do to avoid 'mandatory' vaccination. For more info, contact Donna Carillo or Ingri Cassel :< [email protected]>

Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc (VRAN) (

Edda West – VRAN Co-ordinator, (250)-355-2525, email: [email protected]

VRAN is Canada’s premier group to advocate for informed choice in making vaccination decisions. Formed in 1992, it was born of the committee that ten years previous won an exemption of conscience from vaccines required by the Ontario ‘Immunization of School Pupils Act’. VRAN recommends consumers beware of flu shot propaganda; we hold individuals and organizations accountable for misleading information about influenza and its vaccine.

Vacinnation Debate (http://www.vaccinationdebate.com/index.htm) Web host Ian Sinclair has written 3 books to date defining the dangers of vaccines. His 17 years of research into the pitfalls of vaccines is summarized on his page describing his background (http://www.vaccinationdebate.com/about.html). He offers an open challenge to debate any doctor in the world on the merits of vaccinations. In 1985, Ian decided that his one year old child's first severe allergic reaction to vaccine was going to be his LAST reaction to any form of vaccine. He already was studying the Natural Approach, but now decided to jump in with both feet. He wants you to discover the same truths that he has found in following Nature's Rules. An excellent web site. Check out his Links page while you're there.

ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute ( http://www.thinktwice.com/ )

Welcome to the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute website. We offer an extensive selection of uncensored information on childhood shots and other immunizations. Because this is such an important topic, we believe that parents are entitled to a full disclosure of all pertinent data, and the freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Vaccine Safety Website (http://vaccines.net)

Dr. J.B. Classen has some revealing info on the problems generated by the use of vaccines. Have a look. (E mail:[email protected] )

VaccineWebsite.com (http://www.whale.to/vaccines.html)

Titled simply "Vaccine Web Site", this site offers some of the best documentation and intelligent justifications for NOT getting ANY vaccine at ANYTIME.

Gary Null on Vaccines ( http://www.garynull.com/_vti_script/LibrarySearch.htm0.idq )

I did a search under "vaccine dangers" at Gary Null's web site and came up with over 200 articles.

"I was told two years ago by a CIA scientist working against his will that in truth microchips were so small they were being inserted by injection during 'vaccination.' This is yet another crucial reason not to have our children vaccinated." — David Icke

"DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINATIONS. This is the standard deceptive way you are given the Establishment’s Biological Warfare infections." — Dr. William D. Kelly


10. Documented Reports on Vaccine Dangers

Vaccinations and The Rockefellers (Dec. 2004)


Mercury, Vaccines and Medicine By Mark Sircus Ac., OMD (Dec. 2004)


New Indiana Law Requires Mandatory Hepatitis B Shots (Dec. 2004)


How to Snooker the Public into Taking The Flu Shot (Nov. 2004)


U.S. Barred From Forcing Troops to Get Anthrax Shots (Oct. 2004)


Georgia Judge Forces Vaccination of Two Children Against Parents' Will (Oct. 2004) http://bit.ly/1JCFfzi

National ID Card, Database Speeds Towards Final Congressional Approval (Oct. 2004)


Florida Now Requires Tracking & ID of Vaccine Exempt Students (Oct. 2004)


Vaccine for Meningitis? (Oct. 2004)


State Hegemony Over Parent's Rights, Georgia Couple Needs Help- Fast (Oct. 2004)


Alan Yurko is Free - SBS (Shaken Baby Syndrome) (Aug. 2004)


The Alan Yurko Case, Day 2 By Don Harkins (Aug. 2004)


The Alan Yurko Case: Baby Vaccines and Medical Neglect By Don Harkins


Invitation to Join the Vaccination-Liberation Discussion Forum (June 2004)

http://bit.ly/1QrhOOR California Vaccine School Exemption Form (June 2004)


International Medical Veritas Association Addresses Childhood Immunizations & Autism


Frequently Asked Questions About Vaccine Exemptions in Texas (June 2004)


School Moms Can Now Obtain Vaccine Exemptions & Legal Help in Texas (May 2004)


Texas School Nurse forces 16 year old girl to be vaccinated (May 2004)


West Virginia To Pass Compulsory Vaccination Bill (May 2004)


Dr. Mathias Rath & the SARS 'Epidemic' (Feb. 2004)


The Bird Flu Vaccine By Z.S. Livingstone (Feb. 2004)


The Flu: 1918 and Now (Feb. 2004)

http://bit.ly/1Pw3Nhf Bird Flu Vaccine Worries (Jan. 2004)


Texas Parents Being Stampeded Into Vaccinating (Jan. 2004)


Dr. Carley Offers Detoxification Help for Vaccine Damaged Children (Dec. 2003)


Genocide & Vaccinations in Uganda (Dec. 2003)


Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines (Dec. 2003)


Colorado Judge Forces Vaccination of Baby (April 2003)


Anti Smallpox Vaccine Sentiment Grows (Jan. 2003)


Disease Dieties on Capitol Hill Address Autism by Dr. Len Horowitz ( Nov. 2002)


Vaccinations by June Russell (Nov. 2002)

http://bit.ly/1DsiMBe Vaccine Injury, Homeland Security And Culpability by Dr. Len Horowitz (Nov. 2002)


With all this damning evidence of real harm vaccines cause, the medical pundits still fervidly maintain that vaccines are safe and effective and without them the human race wouldn't survive. Every year millions of people throughout North America take a flu shot. Millions of babies are injected with round after round of childhood vaccines. Why is autism on the rise? The facts are evident.

Below is recent commentary from Dr. Boyd Haley regarding his position on vaccines. Dr. Haley is one of the leading experts on the subject of mercury and its direct link to neurological disorders. I encourage you to read his commentary and the two stories by Dr. F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP posted below.


* Commentary on the Work of F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP by Dr. Boyd Haley

Response from Dr. Boyd Haley:

Dr. Yazbak's two recent articles [referenced below] show how easy it is to use straight-forward logic to dismantle the epidemiological research published by those whose assignment seems to be to create a publication record that can be used to cast aspersions on credible science supporting a problem in our vaccine program.

The major disappointment is the lack of the majority of the medical profession to even express a published opinion on the subject, but rather to stonewall the issue and believe what is convenient and less troublesome. There is an area that is dumber and harder to fight than total ignorance, and that area is where supposedly educated men know something that just isn't so. That is where American medicine is today.

So many physicians "know" there is no connection between vaccine factors and autism because the high priest of medicine (the CDC) told them so, and they have only the sad-sack epidemiological studies given credence by the IOM and CDC to back up their "knowledge". Many just look at the title of a paper and its conclusion line in the abstract and do not study in depth the data, and where this data came from, to see if it supports the conclusions. This is getting to be quite common in medical publications and reflects poorly on American medicine. It is individuals like Dr. Yazbak that will eventually provide the courage and insight to correct the damage causing neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. He is to be admired and congratulated on the stand he has taken. We need many more like him.

Boyd Haley

A Tale of Two Cities: Flawed Epidemiology By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

The CDC, Spinach and Autism F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP


11. Government Payouts to Vaccine Damaged Victims

Online Access to U.S. Government VAERS Data (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) http://medalerts.org/

US Gov't Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records (11/2002)


U.K. Parents Win Vaccine Damage Case Against Pharmaceuticals (12/ 2004) http://bit.ly/1yYWfQc

Federal govt. paid out vaccine autism compensation awards to 83 families (09/2011) http://bit.ly/1FinTsp

Gardasil: US Court Begins Paying Damage Awards to Victims (04/2013) http://bit.ly/1Di0P7g

US Vaccine Court Awards Millions for 2 Autism Diagnosis Cases (01/2013) http://bit.ly/1GcUr34

Swine Flu Vaccine Brain Damaged Children Receive Compensation from UK Govt. (04/2015) http://bit.ly/1JzzsKM Court Awards 63 Million to Vaccine Brain Damaged Victims (04/2015) http://bit.ly/1EwM3AD


12. Doctors Believe Their Technology Is Superior To Mother Nature's by Mike Adams

Arrogance, in other words. Man is smarter than Mother Nature. Chemicals are superior to the body's own immune system nanotechnology. These beliefs characterize the gospel of modern medicine, and they simultaneously reveal a highly pessimistic view of Mother Nature.

Darwinism, Natural Selection and the fatal contradiction in western medical philosophy

One reason this is all so fascinating is because virtually all vaccine pushers also believe in Darwinism and the laws of natural selection. Those very laws dictate that, over hundreds of thousands of years of mutation and natural selection, nature would have chosen the most fit and most biologically advanced members of the human race to survive and pass on their genes.

Thus, the human beings that survived to today are, by their own definition of natural selection, the most advanced forms of life possible within the species. We are the cream of the crop, the super-fit humans who survived while our lesser-qualified peers died and disappeared from the gene pool.

And yet, all of a sudden, by pushing vaccines, these same doctors are admitting they have NO faith in the technology of the very human beings they claim are genetically superior thanks to natural selection! This simple example exposes the flawed philosophy of western medical scientists and doctors. Their ideas simply don't add up. Are humans genetically superior survivors possessing top-class immune system technology derived from millennia of natural selection? Or are they chemically-deficient, immune-suppressed failures of immune system technology that warrant aggressive pharmaceutical intervention?

Vaccine pushers want to have it both ways. They want you to believe your immune system is the technical equivalent of a biological supercomputer, created by countless mutations that selected for superior beings. But if you walk into a doctor's office and tell them you're a superior being with a highly advanced immune system based on hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, they'll jab you with a vaccine anyway, because they actually don't believe human beings possess any advanced immune system technology at all.

You cannot believe in Natural Selection and vaccines at the same time. Not without holding a bizarre contradiction in your own head. Then again, modern medicine is a comedy of contradiction. And why should we expect anything different from these geniuses when it comes to the vaccine question?

Whether doctors, or students or priests, those who do not question their own beliefs are doomed to fanaticism in all its various forms. The vaccine-pushing agenda of modern times is, in every way, a form of runaway medical fanaticism full of contradiction.

My own beliefs on this issue make a lot more sense: Mother Nature produces amazing technology, and the human immune system is one of the most advanced biological supercomputers that has ever existed on our planet. That immune system, when properly supported, can easily overcome common infections. Vaccines are not merely unnecessary; they are a chemical assault that damages the immune system and interferes with the immune technology that should be embraced, not hijacked.

I trust Mother Nature's technology over the interventions of profit-minded doctors and drug companies, and I dismiss modern medicine's view of the human body as being ridiculously pessimistic. Modern doctors are, in a very real sense, biological "doom and gloomers" who want you to believe that, without their expensive interventions, you're doomed to die of disease. And that's just plain bunk.


13. The Tamiflu Scam / Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program

Donald Rumsfeld Rakes in $5 Million For Tamiflu

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made over $5 million from selling shares in the firm that discovered and developed the flu drug Tamiflu.

He also retains shares worth $25 million or more. Tamiflu is bought in mass quantities by the government in order to treat a predicted outbreak of avian flu.

The drug was developed by Gilead Sciences. Mr. Rumsfeld was on the board of Gilead between 1988 and 2001, and was chairman starting in 1997. When he left to join the Bush administration, he retained a large shareholding .

In 2003, the year before concerns about bird flu began, the company took a loss. But in 2004, Tamiflu sales nearly quadrupled, and then nearly quadrupled again in 2005.

Divestiture of his stocks in the corporation is not required by the Office of Government Ethics or the Department of Defense Standards of Conduct Office.

Common Dreams.org March 12, 2006

* Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program

The current U.S. Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, has a history of dabbling in health chicanery. At G.D. Searle he facilitated FDA approval for Nutrasweet. More recently he served as head of Gilead Sciences, the company that developed, then leased the rights to Roche Pharmaceuticals, to the worthless flu drug Tamiflu.

When I wrote about Rumsfeld in December it was unclear just how much stock he held and how much it was worth. Now we know.

So far, Rumsfeld has made a "killing" (pun intended) on the stock market, and the estimations that set the current value of his remaining stock at $25 million are likely to be well under their actual value, considering Roche's decision to expand Tamiflu production.

Sadly, current ethics rules in American government don't prevent Rumsfeld from owning stocks or making money from health-harming substances like Tamiflu or aspartame, even though he likely has some say in their purchase or approval by the government, and therefore their stock value. No surprise, since drug companies use their largesse to buy favors and influence from Congress and the White House.

If you want to know how to truly strengthen your immune system so it will laugh when the flu bug or nearly any other infectious agent seeks to infect you, then start following the Total Health Program or read my quick tips on the subject:

* Eliminate sugar, processed and junk foods from your diet.

* Get the right amount of sleep.

* Consume an abundance of fresh and preferably organic raw foods.

* Eat garlic regularly.

* Ditch the sodas (especially Diet) and coffee, etc. and drink several glasses of purified (reverse osmosis) water daily. Flush out the toxins before they take you down!

* Start exercising today! Even a daily walk can do wonders to strengthen immunity.

* Do not fear sunlight - no living thing can exist without it! Obviously you want to avoid laying out in the mid-day sun when the intense rays can damage skin. Neither do you want to rely on harmful, chemical laden sunscreens to protect you. All they acheive are a false sense of security of greater odds of skin cancer. The tremendous increase in cases of melanoma along with the advent of topical sunscreens is no coincidence. Look at the list of ingredients that the body's largest organ, namely the skin, is being forced to absorb when you "slap it on", and then think twice. Health food stores carry much safer and effective sunscreens.

Also avoid any tanning salon and don't be duped into believing that they are now safer since swithching from UVA to UVB lamps, or whatever mumbo-jumbo they feed you. If the industry is admitting that the sunlamps they used initially have potentially damaging effects, then they lied to you years ago when they told you they were safe and effective, right? Why would you believe them now?

* Avoid vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs to build your health - they can only weaken your well-being and destroy health. Forget the "expert syndrome" for a minute and think of precisely what they are telling you to AVOID disease - - Inject a concoction of mercury, aluminum, anti-freeze, potentially contaminated human and animal tissue, aborted fetus cells and mutated viruses, etc. directly into your bloodstream, bypasing the body's normal channels of immunity (digestion and breathing).

Would you give a glass of poison to your child, thinking that in some bizarre and unexplainable way, it would magically transform them into a healthier human specimen? The myth of disease prevention due to vaccinations certainly accepts and purports this theory. But does your common sense tell you that if you eat nothing but greasy fast food and soda-pop all day, but religiously wash your hands and take regular flu shots, you will avoid disease and the most severest of viral pandemics?

Well, that is exactly the message your highly trained and educated health care professional is indoctrinating you with! Realizing of course, that the credentials hanging on their office wall were acheived by drug company funding, makes it all a little harder to swallow, in spite of how gullible one might be.

Multi-billions of dollars in profits are being amassed by those with a vested interest in the drug and vaccine industry. Many of those advocating their use have good intentions, but are being conned and misguided by their own false science.

* Don't rely on the so-called "experts". Educate yourself and seek safe and effective alternative means to restore and maintain good health.

You can become your own doctor if you arm yourself with the truth!

* Wash your hands regularly but avoid the harsh "anti-bacterial" soaps that do more harm than good.

The most ironic thing about all of this is that not only is the "avian flu pandemic" a hoax for which there is no evidence, but Tamiflu can actually cause the flu virus to mutate into a more dangerous and potent viral strain, and may have even worse side effects.

Avian flu does NOT readily spread from birds to humans or humans to humans. Most of the (very few) people who have acquired this infection were bird handlers who were in continuous contact with sick birds.

Does anyone in their right mind envision similar circumstances in the United States? Research like this would typically be thrown in the trash if it did not strongly support some ulterior purpose.


14. SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing The Dark Side of Vaccines

Whistleblower Single Issue - April 2007 http://ow.ly/x7VI9

The growing controversy over vaccines – where children are forced to get increasing numbers of vaccinations before attending school, and parents are forced to decide whether to comply despite the reality that dreadful adverse reactions to the shots do regularly occur – has now mushroomed into an issue crucial to all Americans, according to the April edition of Whistleblower.

This comprehensive and powerfully eye-opening report is titled "SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dark side of vaccines."

For years, the vaccine debate was confined largely to the traditional childhood vaccines like DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) and polio. Even then, there were major concerns. The pertussis vaccine, for example, is notorious for having rare but horrendous side effects, and most polio cases in the world in recent years have been caused by the live-virus vaccine itself!

But in recent times, many new childhood vaccines have been introduced, from rotavirus and chickenpox to hepatitis B, meningitis and pneumonia, each with their own controversies and, in some cases, scandals. At first, the new vaccines are just ''suggested,'' then they became ''recommended" by pediatricians, and before long they're ''required'' before entering public school.

"A one-year-old healthy child today can get 10 different antigens injected into his body in one day," warns columnist Barbara Simpson in this issue of Whistleblower. "No one knows the effect on his immune system, and such tests haven't been conducted."

But it gets worse, much worse. As a result of today's vaccine mania:

* Right now, state after state is attempting literally to force young, prepubescent school-girls into getting a brand-new vaccine, with an unproven safety record, to prevent a sexually transmitted form of cancer. The manufacturer, pharmaceutical giant Merck, has lobbied state politicians to make their vaccine mandatory.

* There's major movement toward an AIDS vaccine. Once approved by the government, will there be another push like the current one to immunize schoolgirls against a sexually transmitted disease, only this time to mandate the AIDS vaccine for everybody?

* Despite publicity to the contrary, the controversial mercury-based vaccine preservative Thimerosal – thought by some researchers to be linked to rising levels of autism in the U.S. – is still used in some vaccines.

* Then there's the U.S. military, which compels soldiers to get multiple vaccinations. Some experts, citing compelling evidence, blame the military's anthrax shots for the epidemic dubbed "Gulf War Syndrome."

These are just a few of the controversies explored in "SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dark side of vaccines."

In this highly polarized debate, on one side there is the medical establishment, including the federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which endlessly repeats the mantra that vaccines are safe and effective and everybody should get them. To question their wisdom tags one as a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

On the other side is a substantial and growing movement of skeptics, including many medical professionals, who openly question vaccines. Some are strident, claiming all vaccines are bad for all people at all times and places, and a few even impute a sinister motive to vaccine manufacturers and the doctors that give the shots. But many others are careful and nuanced and very well informed. They consider each vaccine individually on its merits as well as its known and suspected negatives – and come out holding up a big "caution" sign.

Highlights of this issue include:

* "The dark side of vaccines" by David Kupelian, on what your doctor never told you * "Beware of vaccine bullies" by Michelle Malkin, who says: "Informed consent? Ha. This was uninformed coercion"

* "Do vaccines cause cancer?" – the startling but indisputable story of how 10 to 30 million Americans received polio shots tainted with monkey virus linked to cancers

* "Medical terrorists on your doorstep" by Barbara Simpson, who shows how today's vaccine mania is pumping healthy children full of dozens of foreign antigens, without their parents being fully informed about the shots

* "Newborn vaccinated over parents' objections" by Diana Lynne, who documents the Orwellian nightmare of a young couple as armed guards forced their infant's vaccination against a sexually transmitted disease

* "Civilians could face mandatory anthrax shots" by Bob Unruh, on credible evidence tying the controversial shots to Gulf War Syndrome, and quoting an expert warning that civilians could be required to received the government's 10 million "emergency" doses

* "New study links mercury to autism," documenting how the incidence of the common disorder dropped dramatically after a controversial mercury-based preservative was removed from most vaccines

* "Feds' conflict of interest over vaccines?" by Jon Dougherty, on the history of "incestuous" ties between drug-makers and the federal government

* "Doctors' group opposes all vaccine mandates." The 4,000-member Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, established in 1943, has called for a moratorium on the government forcing any vaccines on the American people, warning, "Our children face the possibility of death or serious long-term adverse effects"

* "Vaccinations and the right to refuse," by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who says parents, not the state, must retain authority over America's children

* And much more …

"I admit it, this is a downright frightening issue of Whistleblower," said David Kupelian, managing editor of WND and Whistleblower. "But its purpose is to 'immunize' readers against the lies and partial truths that abound in this all-important area."


15. Extensive Research on Vaccines Proves the Dangers

Incriminating Evidence From Health Experts * The next time somebody calls you a conspiracy nut for warning about vaccines, print out this list and give it to them.



16. Biased Reporting: A Vaccination Case Study by Brian Martin http://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/14Morton.html

PDF of article http://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/14Morton.pdf

Brian Martin - main website http://www.bmartin.cc/index.html


17. Mercury Toxicity and Autism

Mercury toxicity and autism are like “mirror images of each other,” according to Dr. Kurt Woeller, an osteopathic physician in Temecula, California who focuses his practice on children on the autistic spectrum.

Woeller believes that a series of childhood vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal is to blame for the rising numbers of autism in the United States.

“My suspicion is that the mother had a toxic mercury load that has filtered to the child, and the mercury-containing vaccine was the straw that broke the camel's back," he says.

Thimerosal has been banned in many countries, including Denmark, Great Britain, and Austria, for two decades, but the United States only recently reduced or eliminated thimerosal in vaccines for children 6 and younger. Flu vaccines in the United States still contain thimerosal.

Further, rates of autism increased when the Center for Disease Control added additions to the recommended vaccination program for infants in 1988. In the 1980s, autism rates were estimated at six in 10,000 children. Today, autism rates are one in 150 children, though some say autism affects closer to one in 50 children in some areas.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged that thimerosal can be a neurotoxin, and in 2004 stated that thimerosal-containing vaccines were associated with autism. Nearly 5,000 families have filed lawsuits claiming that childhood vaccinations caused their children's autism.

As of 2003, there were 1.5 million autistic U.S. children, and costs for their care is an estimated $90 billion per year.

Source: Ecology Center

* Dr. Mercola's comment:

Autism rates have exploded in recent years, with U.S. states each reporting increases of at least 500 percent in the last decade. It is becoming increasingly difficult to deny the very real connection between exposure to mercury, a known neurotoxin, and this once-rare disease.

It seems that avoiding potent neurotoxins like mercury, especially in vaccines, can be highly protective against neurological diseases like autism. This is likely one of the primary reasons why the Amish have such low rates of autism, since the avoid vaccines.

In fact, when mice were exposed to the mercury preservative, thimerosal in a study, they showed many behavioral and neuropathological features of autism disorders, including:

* Larger brain sizes * Limited ranges of behaviors in addition to a decreased exploration of environments * Abnormal responses to unique environments * Deviations in brain architecture affecting areas that control emotions and thought

Childhood vaccines clearly seem to be one major culprit influencing the autism epidemic. In fact, 50 years ago when the vaccine schedule for infants contained just four vaccines, autism was a rarity.

Today, the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Childhood Vaccination Schedule includes 11 vaccines, some of which are actually triple whammies (such as Measles, Mumps, and Rubella). Infants receive multiple doses of these powerful agents all before they turn 1 year old, and it’s just too much for some children to take.

On top of that, at least one of the vaccines recommended to children, the flu shot, still contains thimerosal!

Mercury is in the Environment, Too

Aside from childhood vaccinations, children are also exposed to mercury from air pollution (coal-burning plants release mercury into the environment at alarming rates) and contaminated groundwater.

Children can also be exposed to mercury while in the womb. If a pregnant woman has high levels of mercury in her system, from eating a lot of fish, for instance, the baby could be at risk. Studies have shown that the level of mercury in the umbilical cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the mercury level in their mother's blood.

Even just eating fish two or more times a week has been found to raise mercury levels seven times beyond those in women who had not eaten any fish for a month, according to the CDC.

What can you do?

If you are a new parent, or a parent-to-be, you are starting off on the right foot: you’re getting informed. The more you know about the potential risks of vaccinations, and of mercury contamination in the environment and other sources, the better able you will be to make wise decisions for the health of your child.

Looking for a few pointers right now? I’d recommend the following to any and all parents:

* Do your homework about vaccinations, BEFORE vaccinating your child. Make an informed choice so you know ALL the pros and cons before you capitulate to the pressure and expose your child to a potentially dangerous intervention. Many vaccines now have mercury removed but there are a fair number out there that are still loaded with this dangerous metallic poison. * Women, if you are pregnant or planning to be, avoid eating fish unless you can verify, via lab testing, that it does not contain mercury. You can get all the benefits of fish, without the risks, by taking a high-quality, purified krill oil. * Calculate your child’s risk of mercury poisoning from vaccines using the calculator in this link.

* The Dangers of Thimerosal

Dan Olmstead, Autism's Dick Tracy


According to officials in the nation's regulatory agencies, the main obstacle to proving or disproving a link between the autism epidemic and the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal, that was contained in childhood vaccines until a few years ago, and is still in flu vaccines, has been the inability to find a large enough group of people who have never been vaccinated to compare with people who have.

In fact, a few months ago, CDC officials claimed that such a study would be nearly impossible. On July 19, 2005, the CDC held a Media Briefing on the topic of vaccines and child health. On the issue of government research on autism, a reporter asked CDC Director, Dr Julie Gerberding: "are you putting any money into clinical studies rather than epidemiological studies, to verify or disprove the parents' claim about a particular channel, a particular mechanism by which a minority of genetically suspectable kids are supposed damaged?"

Gerberding replied: To do the study that you're suggesting, looking for an association between thimerosal and autism in a prospective sense is just about impossible to do right now because we don't have those vaccines in use in this country so we're not in a position where we can compare the children who have received them directly to the children who don't.

Dr Duane Alexander, of the National Institute of Health, agreed and said: It's really not possible ... in this country to do a prospective study now of thimerosal and vaccines in relationship to autism. Only a retrospective study which would be very difficult to do under the circumstances could be mounted with regard to the thimerosal question.

Never seen an Amish person with autism

However, Dan Olmsted, investigative reporter for United Press International, and author of the Age of Autism series of reports, appears to have solved this problem when he came up with the idea of checking out the nation's Amish population where parents do not ordinarily vaccinate children.

First he looked to the Amish community in Pennsylvania and found a family doctor in Lancaster who had treated thousands of Amish patients over a quarter-century who said he has never seen an Amish person with autism, according to Age of Autism: A glimpse of the Amish on June 2, 2005.

Olmsted also interviewed Dick Warner, who has a water purification and natural health business and has been in Amish households all over the country. "I've been working with Amish people since 1980," Warner said.

"I have never seen an autistic Amish child — not one," he told Olmsted. "I would know it. I have a strong medical background. I know what autistic people are like. I have friends who have autistic children," he added.

Olmsted did find one Amish woman in Lancaster County with an autistic child but as it turns out, the child was adopted from China and had been vaccinated. The woman knew of two other autistic children but here again, one of those had been vaccinated.

Next Olmsted visited a medical practice in Middleburg, Indiana, the heart of the Amish community, and asked whether the clinic treated Amish people with autism.

A staff member told Olmsted that she had never thought about it before, but in the five years that she had worked at the clinic she had never seen one autistic Amish.

On June 8, 2005, Olmsted reported on the autism rate in the Amish community around Middlefield, Ohio, which was 1 in 15,000, according to Dr Heng Wang, the medical director, at the DDC Clinic for Special Needs Children. "So far," according to Age of Autism, "there is evidence of fewer than 10 Amish with autism; there should be several hundred if the disorder occurs among them at the same 166-1 prevalence as children born in the rest of the population."

Homefirst Health Services

In addition to the Amish, Olmsted recently discovered another large unvaccinated group. On December 7, 2005, Age of Autism reported that thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with Amish children, they have never been vaccinated and they don't have autism.

Homefirst has five offices in the Chicago area and a total of six doctors. "We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines," said Dr Mayer Eisenstein, Homefirst's medical director who founded the practice in 1973.

Olmsted reports that the autism rate in Illinois public schools is 38 per 10,000, according to state Education Department data. In treating a population of 30,000 to 35,000 children, this would logically mean that Homefirst should have seen at least 120 autistic children over the years but the clinic has seen none.

It looks like the problem is finally solved. Thanks to autism's Dick Tracy, the government now has thousands of unvaccinated people to compare to people who were vaccinated.

Evelyn Pringle is a columnist for Independent Media TV and an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government.

* Deadly Immunity by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


Thursday 16 June 2005

A Salon/Rolling Stone joint investigation.

When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data — and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.

In June 2000, a group of top government scientists and health officials gathered for a meeting at the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Ga. Convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the meeting was held at this Methodist retreat center, nestled in wooded farmland next to the Chattahoochee River, to ensure complete secrecy.

The agency had issued no public announcement of the session — only private invitations to 52 attendees. There were high-level officials from the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, the top vaccine specialist from the World Health Organization in Geneva, and representatives of every major vaccine manufacturer, including GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Wyeth and Aventis Pasteur.

All of the scientific data under discussion, CDC officials repeatedly reminded the participants, was strictly "embargoed." There would be no making photocopies of documents, no taking papers with them when they left.

Safety of vaccines

The federal officials and industry representatives had assembled to discuss a disturbing new study that raised alarming questions about the safety of a host of common childhood vaccines administered to infants and young children.

According to a CDC epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency's massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based preservative in the vaccines — thimerosal — appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children.

"I was actually stunned by what I saw," Verstraeten told those assembled at Simpsonwood, citing the staggering number of earlier studies that indicate a link between thimerosal and speech delays, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism.

Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with the preservative be given to extremely young infants — in one case, within hours of birth — the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.

Even for scientists and doctors accustomed to confronting issues of life and death, the findings were frightening.

"You can play with this all you want," Dr. Bill Weil, a consultant for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the group. The results "are statistically significant."

Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado whose grandson had been born early on the morning of the meeting's first day, was even more alarmed. "My gut feeling?" he said. "Forgive this personal comment — I do not want my grandson to get a thimerosal-containing vaccine until we know better what is going on."

But instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data.

According to transcripts obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, many at the meeting were concerned about how the damaging revelations about thimerosal would affect the vaccine industry's bottom line.

"We are in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits," said Dr. Robert Brent, a pediatrician at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware. "This will be a resource to our very busy plaintiff attorneys in this country."

Study should not have been done at all Dr. Bob Chen, head of vaccine safety for the CDC, expressed relief that "given the sensitivity of the information, we have been able to keep it out of the hands of, let's say, less responsible hands."

Dr. John Clements, vaccines advisor at the World Health Organization, declared flatly that the study "should not have been done at all" and warned that the results "will be taken by others and will be used in ways beyond the control of this group. The research results have to be handled."

In fact, the government has proved to be far more adept at handling the damage than at protecting children's health.

The CDC paid the Institute of Medicine to conduct a new study to whitewash the risks of thimerosal, ordering researchers to "rule out" the chemical's link to autism.

It withheld Verstraeten's findings, even though they had been slated for immediate publication, and told other scientists that his original data had been "lost" and could not be replicated.

And to thwart the Freedom of Information Act, it handed its giant database of vaccine records over to a private company, declaring it off-limits to researchers.

By the time Verstraeten finally published his study in 2003, he had gone to work for GlaxoSmithKline and reworked his data to bury the link between thimerosal and autism.

Vaccine manufacturers had already begun to phase thimerosal out of injections given to American infants — but they continued to sell off their mercury-based supplies of vaccines until last year.

CDC bought up vaccines for developing countries

The CDC and FDA gave them a hand, buying up the tainted vaccines for export to developing countries and allowing drug companies to continue using the preservative in some American vaccines — including several pediatric flu shots as well as tetanus boosters routinely given to 11-year-olds.

The drug companies are also getting help from powerful lawmakers in Washington

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who has received $873,000 in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, has been working to immunize vaccine makers from liability in 4,200 lawsuits that have been filed by the parents of injured children.

On five separate occasions, Frist has tried to seal all of the government's vaccine- related documents — including the Simpsonwood transcripts — and shield Eli Lilly, the developer of thimerosal, from subpoenas.

In 2002, the day after Frist quietly slipped a rider known as the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" into a homeland security bill, the company contributed $10,000 to his campaign and bought 5,000 copies of his book on bioterrorism.

Congress repealed the measure in 2003 — but earlier this year, Frist slipped another provision into an anti-terrorism bill that would deny compensation to children suffering from vaccine-related brain disorders.

"The lawsuits are of such magnitude that they could put vaccine producers out of business and limit our capacity to deal with a biological attack by terrorists," says Andy Olsen, a legislative assistant to Frist.

Even many conservatives are shocked by the government's effort to cover up the dangers of thimerosal.

Rep. Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, oversaw a three-year investigation of thimerosal after his grandson was diagnosed with autism.

"Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is directly related to the autism epidemic," his House Government Reform Committee concluded in its final report.

"This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding a lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal, a known neurotoxin."

Misplaced protectionism of pharmaceutical industry

The FDA and other public-health agencies failed to act, the committee added, out of "institutional malfeasance for self protection" and "misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry."

The story of how government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks of thimerosal from the public is a chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed.

I was drawn into the controversy only reluctantly

As an attorney and environmentalist who has spent years working on issues of mercury toxicity, I frequently met mothers of autistic children who were absolutely convinced that their kids had been injured by vaccines.

Privately, I was skeptical. I doubted that autism could be blamed on a single source, and I certainly understood the government's need to reassure parents that vaccinations are safe; the eradication of deadly childhood diseases depends on it.

I tended to agree with skeptics like Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California, who criticized his colleagues on the House Government Reform Committee for leaping to conclusions about autism and vaccinations. "Why should we scare people about immunization," Waxman pointed out at one hearing, "until we know the facts?"

It was only after reading the Simpsonwood transcripts, studying the leading scientific research and talking with many of the nation's preeminent authorities on mercury that I became convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real.

Five of my own children are members of the Thimerosal Generation — those born between 1989 and 2003 — who received heavy doses of mercury from vaccines.

Overwhelmed "The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological or immune-system damage," Patti White, a school nurse, told the House Government Reform Committee in 1999.

"Vaccines are supposed to be making us healthier; however, in 25 years of nursing I have never seen so many damaged, sick kids. Something very, very wrong is happening to our children."

More than 500,000 kids currently suffer from autism, and pediatricians diagnose more than 40,000 new cases every year. The disease was unknown until 1943, when it was identified and diagnosed among 11 children born in the months after thimerosal was first added to baby vaccines in 1931.

Skeptics dispute the rise in autism is caused by thimerosal vaccines

They argue that the increase is a result of better diagnosis — a theory that seems questionable at best, given that most of the new cases of autism are clustered within a single generation of children.

"If the epidemic is truly an artifact of poor diagnosis," scoffs Dr. Boyd Haley, one of the world's authorities on mercury toxicity, "then where are all the 20-year-old autistics?"

Part of much larger problem

Other researchers point out that Americans are exposed to a greater cumulative "load" of mercury than ever before, from contaminated fish to dental fillings, and suggest that thimerosal in vaccines may be only part of a much larger problem.

It's a concern that certainly deserves far more attention than it has received — but it overlooks the fact that the mercury concentrations in vaccines dwarf other sources of exposure to our children.

What is most striking is the lengths to which many of the leading detectives have gone to ignore — and cover up — the evidence against thimerosal.

From the very beginning, the scientific case against the mercury additive has been overwhelming.

The preservative, which is used to stem fungi and bacterial growth in vaccines, contains ethylmercury, a potent neurotoxin.

Truckloads of studies have shown that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines — and that the developing brains of infants are particularly susceptible.

In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to much lower concentrations of ethylmercury than those given to American children still suffered brain damage years later.

Russia banned thimerosal from children's vaccines 20 years ago, and Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have since followed suit.

"You couldn't even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe," says Haley, who heads the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. "It's just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage."

Eli Lilly knew from start

Internal documents reveal that Eli Lilly, which first developed thimerosal, knew from the start that its product could cause damage — and even death — in both animals and humans.

In 1930, the company tested thimerosal by administering it to 22 patients with terminal meningitis, all of whom died within weeks of being injected — a fact Lilly didn't bother to report in its study declaring thimerosal safe.

In 1935, researchers at another vaccine manufacturer, Pittman-Moore, warned Lilly that its claims about thimerosal's safety "did not check with ours."

Half the dogs Pittman injected with thimerosal-based vaccines became sick, leading researchers there to declare the preservative "unsatisfactory as a serum intended for use on dogs."

In the decades that followed, the evidence against thimerosal continued to mount. During the Second World War, when the Department of Defense used the preservative in vaccines on soldiers, it required Lilly to label it "poison."

In 1967, a study in Applied Microbiology found that thimerosal killed mice when added to injected vaccines.

Four years later, Lilly's own studies discerned that thimerosal was "toxic to tissue cells" in concentrations as low as one part per million — 100 times weaker than the concentration in a typical vaccine.

Even so, the company continued to promote thimerosal as "nontoxic" and also incorporated it into topical disinfectants.

In 1977, 10 babies at a Toronto hospital died when an antiseptic preserved with thimerosal was dabbed onto their umbilical cords.

In 1982, the FDA proposed a ban on over-the-counter products that contained thimerosal, and in 1991 the agency considered banning it from animal vaccines.

But tragically, that same year, the CDC recommended that infants be injected with a series of mercury-laced vaccines.

Newborns would be vaccinated for hepatitis B within 24 hours of birth, and 2- month-old infants would be immunized for haemophilus influenzae B and diphtheria- tetanus-pertussis.

The drug industry knew the additional vaccines posed a danger

The same year that the CDC approved the new vaccines, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck's vaccine programs, warned the company that 6-month-olds who were administered the shots would suffer dangerous exposure to mercury. He recommended that thimerosal be discontinued, "especially when used on infants and children," noting that the industry knew of nontoxic alternatives.

"The best way to go," he added, "is to switch to dispensing the actual vaccines without adding preservatives."

Merck — issue was money

For Merck and other drug companies, however, the obstacle was money.

Thimerosal enables the pharmaceutical industry to package vaccines in vials that contain multiple doses, which require additional protection because they are more easily contaminated by multiple needle entries.

The larger vials cost half as much to produce as smaller, single-dose vials, making it cheaper for international agencies to distribute them to impoverished regions at risk of epidemics.

Faced with this "cost consideration," Merck ignored Hilleman's warnings, and government officials continued to push more and more thimerosal-based vaccines for children.

Before 1989, American preschoolers received only three vaccinations — for polio, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles-mumps-rubella.

A decade later, thanks to federal recommendations, children were receiving a total of 22 immunizations by the time they reached first grade.

Vaccines and autism

As the number of vaccines increased, the rate of autism among children exploded.

During the 1990s, 40 million children were injected with thimerosal-based vaccines, receiving unprecedented levels of mercury during a period critical for brain development.

Despite the well-documented dangers of thimerosal, it appears that no one bothered to add up the cumulative dose of mercury that children would receive from the mandated vaccines.

"What took the FDA so long to do the calculations?" Peter Patriarca, director of viral products for the agency, asked in an e-mail to the CDC in 1999.

"Why didn't CDC and the advisory bodies do these calculations when they rapidly expanded the childhood immunization schedule?"

187 times EPA's limit

But by that time, the damage was done. Infants who received all their vaccines, plus boosters, by the age of 6 months were being injected with levels of ethylmercury 187 times greater than the EPA's limit for daily exposure to methylmercury, a related neurotoxin.

Although the vaccine industry insists that ethylmercury poses little danger because it breaks down rapidly and is removed by the body, several studies — including one published in April by the National Institutes of Health — suggest that ethylmercury is actually more toxic to developing brains and stays in the brain longer than methylmercury.

Officials responsible for childhood immunizations insist that the additional vaccines were necessary to protect infants from disease and that thimerosal is still essential in developing nations, which, they often claim, cannot afford the single-dose vials that don't require a preservative.

Dr. Paul Offit, one of CDC's top vaccine advisors, told me, "I think if we really have an influenza pandemic — and certainly we will in the next 20 years, because we always do — there's no way on God's earth that we immunize 280 million people with single-dose vials. There has to be multidose vials."

Many had close ties to the industry

But while public-health officials may have been well-intentioned, many of those on the CDC advisory committee who backed the additional vaccines had close ties to the industry.

Dr. Sam Katz, the committee's chair, was a paid consultant for most of the major vaccine makers and shares a patent on a measles vaccine with Merck, which also manufactures the hepatitis B vaccine.

Dr. Neal Halsey, another committee member, worked as a researcher for the vaccine companies and received honoraria from Abbott Labs for his research on the hepatitis B vaccine.

Indeed, in the tight circle of scientists who work on vaccines, such conflicts of interest are common.

Rep. Burton says that the CDC "routinely allows scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on intellectual advisory committees that make recommendations on new vaccines," even though they have "interests in the products and companies for which they are supposed to be providing unbiased oversight."

The House Government Reform Committee discovered that four of the eight CDC advisors who approved guidelines for a rotavirus vaccine laced with thimerosal "had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine."

Offit, who shares a patent on the vaccine, acknowledged to me that he "would make money" if his vote to approve it eventually leads to a marketable product.

But he dismissed my suggestion that a scientist's direct financial stake in CDC approval might bias his judgment.

"It provides no conflict for me," he insists. "I have simply been informed by the process, not corrupted by it. When I sat around that table, my sole intent was trying to make recommendations that best benefited the children in this country. It's offensive to say that physicians and public-health people are in the pocket of industry and thus are making decisions that they know are unsafe for children. It's just not the way it works." Other vaccine scientists and regulators gave me similar assurances. Like Offit, they view themselves as enlightened guardians of children's health, proud of their "partnerships" with pharmaceutical companies, immune to the seductions of personal profit, besieged by irrational activists whose anti-vaccine campaigns are endangering children's health.

They are often resentful of questioning. "Science," says Offit, "is best left to scientists."

Still, some government officials were alarmed by the apparent conflicts of interest.

In his e-mail to CDC administrators in 1999, Paul Patriarca of the FDA blasted federal regulators for failing to adequately scrutinize the danger posed by the added baby vaccines.

"I'm not sure there will be an easy way out of the potential perception that the FDA, CDC and immunization-policy bodies may have been asleep at the switch re: thimerosal until now," Patriarca wrote. The close ties between regulatory officials and the pharmaceutical industry, he added, "will also raise questions about various advisory bodies regarding aggressive recommendations for use" of thimerosal in child vaccines.

If federal regulators and government scientists failed to grasp the potential risks of thimerosal over the years, no one could claim ignorance after the secret meeting at Simpsonwood.

Politics over science

But rather than conduct more studies to test the link to autism and other forms of brain damage, the CDC placed politics over science.

The agency turned its database on childhood vaccines — which had been developed largely at taxpayer expense — over to a private agency, America's Health Insurance Plans, ensuring that it could not be used for additional research.

It also instructed the Institute of Medicine, an advisory organization that is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to produce a study debunking the link between thimerosal and brain disorders.

The CDC "wants us to declare, well, that these things are pretty safe," Dr. Marie McCormick, who chaired the IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee, told her fellow researchers when they first met in January 2001. "We are not ever going to come down that [autism] is a true side effect" of thimerosal exposure."

According to transcripts of the meeting, the committee's chief staffer, Kathleen Stratton, predicted that the IOM would conclude that the evidence was "inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation" between thimerosal and autism. That, she added, was the result "Walt wants" — a reference to Dr. Walter Orenstein, director of the National Immunization Program for the CDC.

For those who had devoted their lives to promoting vaccination, the revelations about thimerosal threatened to undermine everything they had worked for.

"We've got a dragon by the tail here," said Dr. Michael Kaback, another committee member. "The more negative that [our] presentation is, the less likely people are to use vaccination, immunization — and we know what the results of that will be. We are kind of caught in a trap. How we work our way out of the trap, I think is the charge."

Even in public, federal officials made it clear that their primary goal in studying thimerosal was to dispel doubts about vaccines.

"Four current studies are taking place to rule out the proposed link between autism and thimerosal," Dr. Gordon Douglas, then-director of strategic planning for vaccine research at the National Institutes of Health, assured a Princeton University gathering in May 2001.

"In order to undo the harmful effects of research claiming to link the [measles] vaccine to an elevated risk of autism, we need to conduct and publicize additional studies to assure parents of safety."

Douglas formerly served as president of vaccinations for Merck, where he ignored warnings about thimerosal's risks.

In May of last year, the Institute of Medicine issued its final report. Its conclusion: There is no proven link between autism and thimerosal in vaccines.

Much smaller doses than American kids

Rather than reviewing the large body of literature describing the toxicity of thimerosal, the report relied on four disastrously flawed epidemiological studies examining European countries, where children received much smaller doses of thimerosal than American kids.

It also cited a new version of the Verstraeten study, published in the journal Pediatrics, that had been reworked to reduce the link between thimerosal and autism.

The new study included children too young to have been diagnosed with autism and overlooked others who showed signs of the disease.

No further research to be conducted

The IOM declared the case closed and — in a startling position for a scientific body — recommended that no further research be conducted.

The report may have satisfied the CDC, but it convinced no one.

Rep. David Weldon, a Republican physician from Florida who serves on the House Government Reform Committee, attacked the Institute of Medicine, saying it relied on a handful of studies that were "fatally flawed" by "poor design" and failed to represent "all the available scientific and medical research."

CDC officials are not interested in an honest search for the truth, Weldon told me, because "an association between would force them to admit that their policies irreparably damaged thousands of children. Who would want to make that conclusion about themselves?"

Under pressure from Congress, parents and a few of its own panel members, the Institute of Medicine reluctantly convened a second panel to review the findings of the first. In February, the new panel, composed of different scientists, criticized the earlier panel for its lack of transparency and urged the CDC to make its vaccine database available to the public.

So far, though, only two scientists have managed to gain access. Dr. Mark Geier, president of the Genetics Center of America, and his son, David, spent a year battling to obtain the medical records from the CDC.

Since August 2002, when members of Congress pressured the agency to turn over the data, the Geiers have completed six studies that demonstrate a powerful correlation between thimerosal and neurological damage in children.

One study, which compares the cumulative dose of mercury received by children born between 1981 and 1985 with those born between 1990 and 1996, found a "very significant relationship" between autism and vaccines.

Another study of educational performance found that kids who received higher doses of thimerosal in vaccines were nearly three times as likely to be diagnosed with autism and more than three times as likely to suffer from speech disorders and mental retardation.

Another soon-to-be-published study shows that autism rates are in decline following the recent elimination of thimerosal from most vaccines.

As the federal government worked to prevent scientists from studying vaccines, others have stepped in to study the link to autism.

Amish refuse to immunize their infants

In April, reporter Dan Olmsted of UPI undertook one of the more interesting studies himself.

Searching for children who had not been exposed to mercury in vaccines — the kind of population that scientists typically use as a "control" in experiments — Olmsted scoured the Amish of Lancaster County, Penn., who refuse to immunize their infants.

Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four.

One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power . The other three — including one child adopted from outside the Amish community — had received their vaccines.

At the state level, many officials have also conducted in-depth reviews of thimerosal.

While the Institute of Medicine was busy whitewashing the risks, the Iowa Legislature was carefully combing through all of the available scientific and biological data.

"After three years of review, I became convinced there was sufficient credible research to show a link between mercury and the increased incidences in autism," says state Sen. Ken Veenstra, a Republican who oversaw the investigation. 700 percent increase

"The fact that Iowa's 700 percent increase in autism began in the 1990s, right after more and more vaccines were added to the children's vaccine schedules, is solid evidence alone."

Last year, Iowa became the first state to ban mercury in vaccines, followed by California. Similar bans are now under consideration in 32 other states.

But instead of following suit, the FDA continues to allow manufacturers to include thimerosal in scores of over-the-counter medications as well as steroids and injected collagen.

Even more alarming, the government continues to ship vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries — some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates.

China now 1.8 million autistics

In China, where the disease was virtually unknown prior to the introduction of thimerosal by U.S. drug manufacturers in 1999, news reports indicate that there are now more than 1.8 million autistics.

Although reliable numbers are hard to come by, autistic disorders also appear to be soaring in India, Argentina, Nicaragua and other developing countries that are now using thimerosal-laced vaccines.

WHO continues to insist thimerosal safe

The World Health Organization continues to insist thimerosal is safe, but it promises to keep the possibility that it is linked to neurological disorders "under review."

I devoted time to study this issue because I believe that this is a moral crisis that must be addressed.

If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of American medicine.

"The CDC is guilty of incompetence and gross negligence," says Mark Blaxill, vice president of Safe Minds, a nonprofit organization concerned about the role of mercury in medicines.

"The damage caused by vaccine exposure is massive. It's bigger than asbestos, bigger than tobacco, bigger than anything you've ever seen."

It's hard to calculate the damage to our country — and to the international efforts to eradicate epidemic diseases — if Third World nations come to believe that America's most heralded foreign-aid initiative is poisoning their children.

It's not difficult to predict how this scenario will be interpreted by America's enemies abroad. The scientists and researchers — many of them sincere, even idealistic — who are participating in efforts to hide the science on thimerosal claim that they are trying to advance the lofty goal of protecting children in developing nations from disease pandemics.

They are badly misguided.

Their failure to come clean on thimerosal will come back horribly to haunt our country and the world's poorest populations.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, chief prosecuting attorney for Riverkeeper and president of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is the co-author of The Riverkeepers.


* Related Articles:

 Autism Rates Fall With the Removal of Mercury

 CDC, FDA Cover-Up of Mercury in Vaccines Causing Autism

* Mercury In Vaccines Was Replaced With Something Even MORE Toxic - Dr. Joseph Mercola



18. Horrors Of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated

This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project to make the world’s books discoverable online. It has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED

Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy by Charles M. Higgins

Paperback: http://amzn.to/1OMAOUf

Digital copy: http://bit.ly/1zSBKQ6


19. Quotes on Vaccines by Health Care Experts

"Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic - although this is untrue. In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be." -- Dr. Allen Greenberg 12/24/2002

"The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous. We should be working with nature." -- Lendon Smith MD

"I once believed in Jenner; I once believed in Pasteur. I believed in vaccination. I believed in vivisection. But I changed my views as the result of hard thinking." -- Dr. Hadwen MD

"I have no faith in vaccination; nay, I look upon it with the greatest possible disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and no protection whatever against small pox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in the JENNERIAN epoch for the slaughter of innocents, and the unthinking portion of the adult population." -- W. J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. (Lond.) M.R.C.S (Letter to Vaccination Inquirer) "The evidence (vaccines cause autism) is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine." -- The (Pretending to) Combat Autism Act by Dr. Bernard Rimland

"I am no longer 'trying to dig up evidence to prove' vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence,...... This debate is not scientific but is political. [July 9, 2006 Blog/letter] Discovering the causes, treatment of autism." -- David Ayoub, MD

Nobody needs to be confused but EVERYBODY better be darn well frightened about taking ANY vaccine, under ANY circumstance, for ANY reason, at ANY time in their life." -- Dr. Dan Duffy DC

"I have been on the staff of the New Jersey State Department of Health, and was in complete charge of the Monmouth County Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center. For the past three years I have been director of the Homestead Rehabilitation Institute (and still am as of this writing). My experiences have enabled me to observe from within the workings of official medicine. At first I could not believe what I saw...Were the truth concerning medical treatment and so-called prevention ever to leak out, the stench of it would obliterate the public confidence in the medical profession and put an end to the fantastic drug profits." -- Dr. Milton Fried, D.C., 1956 (Poisoned Needle by McBean p192)

"What, then, is the value of vaccination? We firmly believe that it has no value at all. Its supposed value has been deduced from incorrect reasoning on the part of its advocates. Were small-pox as prevalent and as fatal now as in the eighteenth century, it might even be justifiable to have recourse to inoculation—either by variolous or vaccine matter. History, however, has demonstrated that towards the close of the last century, when Jenner introduced his system, small-pox had gradually died out, as we shall presently show. Even in Jenner's day small-pox had lost its virulence." -- Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D. [1868 Book: Essay on Vaccination]

"It is difficult to conceive what will be the excuse made for a century of cowpoxing; but it cannot be doubted that the practice will appear in as absurd a light to the common sense of the twentieth century as blood-letting now does to us. Vaccination differs, however, from all previous errors of the faculty, in being maintained as the law of the land on the warrant of medical authority. That is the reason why the blow to professional credit can hardly help being severe, and why the efforts to ward it off have been, and will continue to be so ingenious." -- Jenner and Vaccination - A Strange Chapter of Medical History by Charles Creighton M.D. (1989)

"If you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out of it. If doctors shot at the moon every time it was full as a preventive of measles and got a shilling for it, they would bring statistics to prove it was a most efficient practice, and that the population would be decimated if it were stopped." -- Dr. Thomas Allinson

"The anthrax vaccine was approved without every doing a controlled clinical study. There is no long term safety data on the anthrax vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. It is a distortion of the truth to say there is substantial safety data." -- Bart Classen

"During the last ten years, I have treated and cured all kinds of serious acute diseases without resorting to allopathic drugs. In a very extensive practice, I have not in all these years lost a single case of appendicitis (and not one of them was operated upon), of typhoid fever, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, etc., and only one case of cerebro-spinal meningitis and of lobar pneumonia. These facts may be verified from the records of the Health Department of the City of Chicago." -- Chapter 16: The Diphtheria Antitoxin (Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure by Henry Lindlahr, M.D.)

"Meningitis is not a transmissible disease, we do not "catch" it from one another. My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the "epidemics" of meningitis amongst military recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" meningitis. The mess sergeant didn't, the drill sergeant didn't, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom the recruits played kissy face "caught" meningitis - only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" it. In over thirty years of clinical practice I have never seen an infectious hepatitis "caught" by another member of a household and believe me when I say I really looked high and low for one of those. If I found one I would look for a source of the poisoning, not for a germ or a virus." -- Dr. Daniel H Duffy Sr; Family doctor of Geneva, Ohio USA

"AIDS and SARS are ways for epidemiologists (e.g., the CDC, WHO, etc.) to secure their jobs and continued funding for their agencies. No new emerging epidemics, maybe no CDC, no WHO, so we've got an infrastructure that REQUIRES the "discovery" of new, threatening epidemics. And the media pick a new one every year. This year, it's SARS. For the past couple of years, it's been West Nile Virus. Next year it'll be something else." -- Dr. Dan Duffy DC "Soldiers DID die following the injections which contained mercurous chloride otherwise known as CALOMEL. There WAS a widespread campaign for mercury containing vaccines. There WAS also an outpouring of propaganda [such as our present day SARS, MONKEYPOX, SMALLPOX hype] to frighten the public, there WERE large numbers of deaths at the time, all blamed on “Spanish Flu”. Of course the Spanish Flu was just as bogus in the early 1900s as Swine Flu was in the 70s when President Ford faked his vaccination and helped set our country up for a REAL epidemic [vaccine induced, iatrogenic, Guillaine Barre syndrome]. Spanish Flu was as bogus as the more recent WEST NILE VIRUS, AIDS, SARS, SMALLPOX and MONKEYPOX is today. They are killing the innocent and the ignorant today, just as they have in the past. The deaths from the great flu epidemic of 1918 were caused by the use of CALOMEL, the major biological poison used to treat “sepsis” as it was called in those days. CALOMEL is mercurous chloride and was used by the medical quacks of that day for “anything that ailed you”. Mercury is a deadly poison." -- Dr. Dan Duffy DC

"It is now 30 years since I have been confining myself to the treatment of chronic diseases. During those 30 years I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn't put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren't strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since. " -- Dr. William Howard Hay

"My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again...... The bottom line is that infectious diseases are least likely to affect (and to kill) those who have healthy immune systems. I no longer believe that vaccines have any role to play in the protection of the community or the individual. Vaccines may be profitable but, in my view, they are neither safe nor effective. I prefer to put my trust in building up my immune system." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB

"It is clear to me that the government's immunization policies, both the military and civilian, are driven by politics and not by science. The anthrax vaccine was approved without every doing a controlled clinical study. There is no long term safety data on the anthrax vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. It is a distortion of the truth to say there is substantial safety data....I have published many articles linking vaccines and diabetes. In one study, a clinical trial on the hemophilus vaccine, I showed that the risk of the vaccine exceeds the benefit. This is published by the British medical Journal." -- Bart Classen (testimony) "The CDC did two studies, one study on diabetes and one on asthma. The studies represent pure junk science that is primarily propaganda." -- Bart Classen (letter)

"The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is utter nonsense." -- The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures) -- Dr. med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 page 108.

"I'll talk about vaccines. Number one, vaccines make people sick. They don't work. They don't protect. The use of vaccines is totally wrong! It's perfect nonsense based on fear. It's fear of the disease. So, in order for you not to get the disease I, as your doctor, am going to give the disease to you right away, but not as strong. This way your body will know about the disease and, if you ever get it in the future, you won't be as sick the second time...... What they say is total nonsense. If I came to you and said, "I'm going to perform a little sexual assault on you---a small rape---because, one day you could meet a rapist and you could be raped. But, it won't be as bad the second time as the first time." This is exactly the same thing as giving someone a vaccine, or a little bit of disease. It's nonsense! Immunization is total nonsense! More than that is what's hidden from people about vaccines. They are dangerous. One child out of five has overwhelming disabilities from vaccines---neurological problems, seizures. I've got a whole list. There are plenty of books on this subject. Doctors don't even read about this." -- An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. By Kenneth & Dee Burke

"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease." -- Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"In the UK the government Health Authority quotes figures of the measles vaccine as being 90% effective (which means that) 90% of the recipients of the vaccine, produce a certain level of antibodies to the viral agents in the vaccine, 10% have produced no or undetectable levels of antibody. This information has NOT been derived from population studies and as we have already acknowledged, this does NOT indicate what percentage of those people are actually immune, (or, for that matter, how long that apparent immunity lasts). So, to state that the vaccine is 90% effective is somewhat misleading and at any rate inaccurate with regard to a statement of immunity in a real disease situation." -- Trevor Gunn BSc

"The US National Academy of Sciences published a report in Sept 1993 in which the American Academy of paediatrics reaffirmed "its long standing position that the benefits of immunisation far outweigh the risks". However, Russell Alexander, a panel member and professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington, says he is disappointed that the panel did not compare the risk of vaccination with the risks of going unvaccinated! Since there was no comparison of immunisation with another procedure, or with being unimmunised, the conclusions of the American Academy of Paediatrics are not based on scientific reasoning and are almost meaningless. Their position only serves to illustrate the prejudice that exists within many of those interested in promoting vaccines." -- Trevor Gunn BSc

"P.Aaby et al, Pediat Infec DisJ 8:197-200,1989 — By comparing groups of children with apparently different vaccination status, this study suggests that measles vaccination reduces mortality by 30%. However, their comparisons in this study would lead one to have serious misgivings about their conclusions. The group used as a "non-vaccinated" group were in fact vaccinated between certain dates. They were found to have undetectable levels of antibody and therefore it was assumed that the vaccine did not work, hence this was used as a ‘control’ non-vaccinated group. Most of a second group of 123 individuals, vaccinated at another time were found to have responded and were therefore used as the vaccinated group. However 15 of this vaccinated group did not seroconvert and they were excluded from the results! Three of these children died!" -- Trevor Gunn BSc

I was the first to announce the "autism epidemic", in 1995, and I pointed out in that article that excessive vaccines were a plausible cause of the epidemic. As you know, an enormous amount of clinical laboratory research (as opposed to epidemiological research), has been accumulated since that time, supporting my position. (I did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although I had been collecting data since 1967 from the mothers of autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their pregnancy.) The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine. The (Pretending to) Combat Autism Act by Dr. Bernard Rimland

"The evidence that vaccines are a major cause of the increase comes from a number of directions. One direction that's been largely ignored are the laboratory studies. There are at least seven laboratory studies, clinical studies, of blood, cerebral, spinal fluid, biopsies of autistic children which show huge differences between autistic children and normal children in terms of the presence of things like measles vaccine virus in their intestinal tract, for example, or their neurons. So, there's one line of evidence. Another, of course, is that we have data from thousands of parents who testify, often with videotapes and photographs and eyewitness reports, that their kid was perfectly normal. And they can demonstrate it, as I say, very conclusively with tapes until after the vaccine. The kid retreated into autism. There's just converging evidence from many, many directions." -- (Nov 2002) Bernard Rimland PhD

"When the link between the use of unsafe, mercury-laden vaccine and autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be sporting a huge, self-inflicted and well-deserved black eye. Then will come the billion-dollar awards, by enraged juries, to the children and their families. I can't wait." -- Dr. Rimland

"Autism is not the only severe chronic illness which has reached epidemic proportions as the number of (profitable) vaccines has rapidly increased. Children now receive 33 vaccines before they enter school – a huge increase. The vaccines contain not only live viruses but also very significant amounts of highly toxic substances such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Could this be the reason for the upsurge in autism, ADHD, asthma, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and other chronic disorders?" -- Dr. Rimland

"Much attention has been focused on the MMR shot itself, whereas in all probability it is a combination of the three factors listed above: the increasing number of vaccines, the large amount of mercury, and the inherent danger of the triple vaccine.....The MMR vaccine is also especially suspect because laboratories in England, Ireland, and Japan have found evidence of MMR vaccine viruses in the intestinal tracts of autistic children, but not in control group, non-autistic children." -- Dr. Rimland

"They claim that autism naturally occurs at about 18 months, when the MMR is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. But the onset of autism at 18 months is a recent development. Autism starting at 18 months rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine came into wide use. A coincidence? Hardly!" -- Dr. Rimland

"A number of clinical laboratory studies demonstrate that vaccines may cause chronic damage to the G.I. tract, immune system, brain, and other organs. Several such studies have been reported in past issues of the ARRI. Wakefield, Sabra, Singh, O'Leary and Kawashima are among the authors whose work documents lingering vaccine effect on children on the autistic spectrum, compared to normal controls. The IOM report pays little heed to this evidence, instead focusing attention on several deeply flawed epidemiological studies." -- Dr. Rimland "The only safety testing that has ever been done on the pertussis vaccine in the past 50 years is an unproven method called the Mouse Weight Gain Test. The "scientists" inject the vaccine to be tested into the stomachs of baby mice. If the mice continue to gain weight and don't die right away, it is assumed the vaccine is safe and effective for humans. That's it! I'm not making this up!...... The only toxicity test required for the initial licensing of the DPT vaccine in the United States was this mouse weight-gain test 60 years ago." -- The Sanctity of Human Blood By Tim O'Shea p. 69

"Whenever we read vaccine papers the MD researchers always assume that if there are high antibody levels after vaccination, then there is immunity (immunogencity). But are antibody levels and immunity the same? No! Antibody levels are not the same as IMMUNITY. The recent MUMPS vaccine fiasco in Switzerland has re- emphasized this point. Three mumps vaccines-Rubini, Jeryl-Lynn and Urabe (the one withdrawn because it caused encephalitis) all produced excellent antibody levels but those vaccinated with the Rubini strain had the same attack rate as those not vaccinated at all, there were some who said that it actually caused outbreaks." — Ref: Schegal M et al Comparative efficacy of three mumps vaccines during disease outbreak in Switzerland: cohort study. BMJ, 1999; 319:352-3." -- Ted Koren DC

"The FTC lawyers said I couldn't criticize childhood vaccinations. They said I (we) terrify parents with statements about chiropractic, childhood vaccinations and natural health care." -- Ted Koren DC

"Childhood vaccines are giving us a world of chronic illness: autism, developmental disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, brain tumors, leukemia, cancers, information processing disorders, impulsive violence, allergies, asthma, diabetes, Crohn's disease, intestinal disorders.(all conditions rare before mass vaccination) are just some of the vaccine associated disorders." -- Ted Koren DC

"When I was seven I had pneumonia. Dr. Iserson (MD) made a house call and gave me a shot. It accidentally struck a nerve and I was left partially paralyzed with unrelenting inner leg pain. I walked around our apartment grabbing furniture so I wouldn't fall. When Dr. Iserson next arrived my grandmother brought him to my bedroom to see me. "What did you do to my grandchild?" she yelled at him. He stood there mute. She physically threw him out of our apartment (really) and called the chiropractor. After Dr. Friedland's first adjustment I could walk again. After the second one my pneumonia was gone, and after the third I was as good as new. He charged $5.00 a visit." -- Ted Koren DC "Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C. And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C." -- Dr Thomas Levy M.D., J.D. (Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins p30)

"Amazingly, vitamin C has actually already been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute polio and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable." -- Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

All three children had different doctors. The little girl under Klenner's care was given 10,000 mg of vitamin C as a slow intravenous "push" with a 50 cc syringe every eight hours for the first 24 hours and then every 12 hours for two more doses. Following this she was given 1,000 mg of vitamin C every two hours by mouth. Klenner also notes that a 40,000-unit dose of antitoxin was injected into the little girl's abdomen. The other two children received the antitoxin as well, but they did not receive any vitamin C. They both died but Klenner's patient survived, later becoming a nurse. -- Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.

"Acute viral hepatitis...is easily and completely curable with treated promptly with adequate doses of vitamin C ...some evidence indicates that a high dose of vitamin C for a long enough period of time would probably resolve (chronic hepatitis) as well in many of the cases...... A significant benefit of properly dosed vitamin C would be the elimination of any need or reason to vaccinate people against hepatitis." -- Levy M.D., J.D. (Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins pgs 60, 66)

"As a clinician, my current belief which guides my practice with these children is that any child given the HepB vaccination at birth and subsequent boosters along with DPT has received unacceptable levels of neurotoxin in the form of the ethyl mercury in the thimerosal preservative used in the vaccine. In any child with a genetic immune susceptibility (probably about one in six) this sets off a series of events that injure the brain-gut-immune system. By the time they are ready to receive the MMR vaccination, their immune system is so impaired in a great number of these children that the triple vaccine cannot be handled by the now dysfunctional immune system and they begin their obvious descent into the autistic spectrum disorder." -- Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D. "In 1926, 130 members of the Dallas (Tex.) Chamber of Commerce cancelled their trip to Mexico because vaccination was required as a precedent to entrance. Nearly a 100 medical men, at a conference in Dallas, went to Mexico, after they obtained permission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over before you submit your child to this evil and superstitious rite." -- Dr. Shelton DC Vaccines and Serum Evils by Herbert Shelton (c1940's)

"Cdr. Megan Ryan has found that women vaccinated for anthrax during the first trimester have a higher rate of birth defects in offspring than unvaccinated women. Apparently this research was compelling enough, despite an army study to the contrary, for the FDA in 2002 to change the pregnancy warning on the vaccine label from a C (no data on risk) to a D (data suggests increased risk during pregnancy). However, the data have not yet been published. Dr. Maria Araneta, also associated with the Naval Health Research Center and University of California, has shown that GW veterans are also likelier than controls to have children with certain birth defects. My understanding of the safety of anthrax vaccine and its role in GWS." -- Meryl Nass M.D.

"With the polio vaccine we are witnessing a rerun of the medical reluctance to abandon the smallpox vaccination, which remained as the only source of smallpox- related deaths for three decades after the disease had disappeared. Think of it! For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease." -- Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"Being a skeptical soul, I have always believed that the most reliable way to determine what people really believe is to observe what they do, not what they say. If the greatest threat of rubella is not to children, but to the fetus yet unborn, pregnant women should be protected against rubella by making certain that their obstetricians won't give them the disease. Yet, in a California survey reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 90 percent of the obstetrician-gynecologists refused to be vaccinated. If doctors themselves are afraid of the vaccine, why on earth should the law require that you and other parents allow them to administer it to your kids?" -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"Doctors maintain that the (MMR) inoculation is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which they say occurs about once in 1,000 cases. After decades of experience with measles, I question this statistic, and so do many other pediatricians. The incidence of 1/1,000 may be accurate for children who live in conditions of poverty and malnutrition, but in the middle-and upper-income brackets, if one excludes simple sleepiness from the measles itself, the incidence of true encephalitis is probably more like 1/10,000 or 1/100,000." -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. "I would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacceptable even if there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn't. While there has been a decline in the incidence of the disease, it began long before the vaccine was introduced. In 1958 there were about 800,000 cases of measles in the United States, but by 1962-the year before a vaccine appeared-the number of cases had dropped by 300,000. During the next four years, while children were being vaccinated with an ineffective and now abandoned "killed virus" vaccine, the number of cases dropped another 300,000. In 1900 there were 13.3 measles deaths per 100,000 population. By 1955, before the first measles shot, the death rate had declined 97.7 percent to only 0.03 deaths per 100,000." -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"There are significant risks associated with every immunization and numerous contraindictions that may make it dangerous for the shots to be given to your child....There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus erthematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome." -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"Did you know that the whooping cough germ, Bacillus pertussis, when injected into animals, has long been known to lead to the secretion of insulin? In 1979, at the Fourth International Symposium on Pertussis, held in Bethesda, Maryland, it was shown that this same result occurs in those who have received pertussis vaccine. In their publication, "Adverse Reactions after Pertussis Vaccination," Drs. W. Hennessen and U. Quast suggest, "It seemed of interest to examine these reactions in comparison with the hypoglycemia syndrome. There was a close relation between the two.’ If your child has juvenile diabetes (a disease characterized by wide swings in blood sugar levels), ask your doctor if he has ever heard of this effect of whooping cough vaccine. Maybe it’s time to investigate whether the pertussis vaccine has anything to do with the rapidly rising number of people with juvenile diabetes, adult diabetes, and hypoglycemic all disorders of insulin metabolism." -- Dr Mendelsohn MD (the Peoples Doctor Vol 6 No10)

"Study after study has demonstrated that many women immunized against rubella as children lack evidence of immunity in blood tests given during their adolescent years. Other tests have shown a high vaccine failure rate in children given rubella, measles, and mumps shots, either separately or in combined form." -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"Because routine immunizations that bring parents back for repeated office calls are the bread and butter of their specialty, pediatricians continue to defend them to the death. The question parents should be asking is: ‘Whose death?’” -- Robert Mendelsohn, MD

"For a pediatrician to attack what has become the "bread and butter" of pediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying the infallibility of the pope." -- Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles occured before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics." -- Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. (Introduction to AIDS Time Bomb by John West)

"In 1976 I was working in the Gulf Country around Cape York, in an aboriginal community of about 300 people. The Health Department sent around a team and vaccinated about 100 of them against flu. Six were dead within 24 hours or so and they weren't all old people, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where autopsies were done. It appeared they had died from heart attacks". -- Archie Kalokerinos M.D.

"The role of vaccines, particularly the whole-cell pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine can be understood when it is realised that this vaccine contains a variable and uncontrollable amount of endotoxin that is injected and absorbed, unaltered, into the blood. It does not even go first to the liver where attempts to detoxify it could be made. If an infant happens to be particularly sensitive to endotoxin when the vaccine is injected, brain damage or death can result....It should be now apparent that any infant with gastrointestinal problems - abnormal organisms, intestinal parasites, loose bowel motions resulting from the use of antibiotics, and malabsorption of food (including lactose intolerance) - is liable, when further stressed, to produce endotoxin and this can end in a SIDS....If the Vitamin C status of an infant is borderline, the administration of a vaccine, particularly (but not only) pertussis vaccine, can result in endotoxaemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need for Vitamin C, and the precipitation of some of the signs and/or symptoms of acute scurvy. The onset of this may be so rapid that the classical signs of scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden spontaneous bruising and haemorrhage (including brain and retinal haemorrhages) may occur. Haemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the ‘battered baby syndrome’." -- Dr. Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p186

"A ‘cold’, a viral infection, or anything that disturbs immune responses can result in subtle changes in the gram negative bacterial flora of the the gut, stimulating them to produce endotoxin. This is absorbed into the blood stream, not adequately detoxified, and results in inflammatory responses in the mucous membrane linings of the middle ear...... that endotoxin is the initial cause of the inflammatory response in acute otitis media...... Dr Robert Reisinger in America had first alerted me to this group of substances and their relationship to SIDS...... The reason why proper breast-feeding provides a known and large amount of protection against otitis media becomes obvious. Breast-feeding tends to prevent the overgrowth of abnormal forms of intestinal organisms that tend, under certain conditions, to produce endotoxin...... Finally, there are two substances that are known to be effective as rapid detoxifiers of endotoxin - Vitamin C and erythromycin -they are both in ‘Archie’s triple injection’. The relationship between SIDS, sudden unexplained shock, sudden unexplained unconsciousness, and otitis media is worthy of consideration. If endotoxin is the ‘cause’ of otitis and also the ‘cause’ of SIDS, sudden unexplained unconsciousness and unexplained shock — as I now know (at least there is a association), then otitis media should be found in a significant number of SIDS cases. That this is so is clearly demonstrated in a number of reported studies." -- Dr. Kalokerinos MD (p311 Medical Pioneer)

"If the Vitamin C status of an infant is borderline, the administration of a vaccine, particularly (but not only) pertussis vaccine, can result in endotoxaemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need for Vitamin C, and the precipitation of some of the signs and/or symptoms of acute scurvy. The onset of this may be so rapid that the classical signs of scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden spontaneous bruising and haemorrhage (including brain and retinal haemorrhages) may occur. Haemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the ‘battered baby syndrome’." -- Dr. Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p189)

"forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases you will realize that this is not so . . .

My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business [medicine] is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unoffical policy of the 'Save the Children's Fund' and ... [other vaccine promoting] organizations is one of murder and genocide. . . . I cannot see any other possible explanation. . . . You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection." -- Dr. Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)

"It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children...They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It's one way to get good statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what they literally did." -- Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.

"Only after realising that routine immunizations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates." -- Dr. Kalokerinos

"I well remember, some years ago, listening to a knighted medical researcher as he spoke, on the radio, about vaccines. He told two classical stories form the history books. The first concerned Edward Jenner who, according to history, watched as the milkmaid caught cowpox and this protected her from smallpox. So Jenner got some of the 'cowpox' and inoculated it into someone's arm - it fostered and the pus was then inoculated into someone else - 100% success was claimed. 100%!! How absurd - complete with all sorts of germs including hepatitis, syphilis and whatever. If one did that today, without antibiotics, the death rate would be huge." -- Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.

"In October, 1972. a seminar on rubella was held at the Department of Pathology, University Department, Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Beverly Allen, a medical virologist, gave overwhelming evidence against the effectiveness of the vaccine. So stunned was she with her investigations that it caused her, like a growing number of scientists, to question the whole area related to herd immunizations. Dr. Allen described two trials: the first trial concerned army recruits who were selected because of their lack of immunity as determined by blood tests. These men were given Cendevax, an attenuated rubella virus that is supposed to protect. They were then sent to a camp which usually has an annual epidemic of rubella. This occurred three to four months after they were vaccinated, and 80% of the so-called immune recruits became infected with rubella virus. A further trial shortly after this took place at an institution for mentally retarded people with similar effects. Additional disturbing evidence was sent to us by a Melbourne GP who was in the United Kingdom at the time that Chief Health Officer Sir Henry Yellowlees, had released a press statement (February 26, 1976) informing doctors that, in spite of high vaccination figures, there had been no detectable reduction in the number of babies born with birth defects." -- Dr. Archie Kalokerinos & Glen Dettman "Does Rubella Vaccination Protect?," Australian Nurses Journal, reprinted in The Dangers of Immunisation p54 One finding was that when vaccines are tested for viral contamination, results of these tests differ according to the time frame in which they are performed. Reading from the report, Sneed says, “The testing of cell cultures used in vaccines is commonly done 14 to 21 days after the cells are planted, the usual period for most virologic studies. At that time, only 2-4 percent show viral infections, but if the same lots are examined 29 to 55 days after planting, a significantly higher percentage of cultures show viral infection.” -- Vaccines: A Second Opinion by Gary Null

Other viruses, Sneed states, appear in their complete form. She mentions the ebola virus. “This is a virus commonly found in the green tree monkey. We also have a flurry of respiratory illnesses in small children, called RSV. Everyone is saying that they don’t know why so many children are coming down with this disease. But it is a common contaminant of the vaccines that children get at an early age.” -- Vaccines: A Second Opinion by Gary Null

"Now whatever virus is in the cancer cells, whatever virus is in the monkey cells, whatever virus is in the solutions that they use to make these cells grow, will pass in part together with genetic material from the monkey and genetic material from the cancer cells, there are pieces of chromosome, some genes etc. into the brew we call vaccine. When you go to the doctor you may see a very clear liquid in an injection or the pink brew that was given to us on sugar cubes. And we may think it is very sterile and very purified but it’s not. It’s just a bunch of dirty monkey soup." -- Eva Snead, M.D.

"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way...... I think that no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real percent of danger is of contracting such a disease, which is minimal...... And according to those figures as compared to those from the Encyclopaedia Britannica for that same year they had inoculated (in Africa) according to their statement, twenty million people more that the total population, every man woman and child of the countries in question. Now if you can lie so crassly and have enough people to back you up about lying about how many you inoculate the question may arise of have you inoculated any at all? Did you use the same …..what did you do? We don’t know anything they are saying be cause they are lying from the moment go. So you know you really have very little frame of reference excepting that there’s something very fishy in the whole process." -- Dr. Eva Snead

"Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 doses were given in the United States childhood leukaemia had never struck in children under the age of two. One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the age of two that died of leukaemia...... Dr Herbert Radnor observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukaemia had been expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly had a rash like an epidemic within a few blocks." -- Dr. Eva Snead

"The fact is that sooner or later, Andrew Wakefield will be exonerated, his theory will be accepted and a vaccine-autism connection will be proven. As the New Year comes around, Wakefield's research is being duplicated in prestigious centers in the United States. In addition, viral culture results are expected soon from the National Institutes of Health laboratories." [letter BMJ 2005] F. Edward Yazbak

"The subject of Vaccination, ... is, fortunately, one on which anyone capable of appreciating figures can form a sound opinion." -- The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Compare these well vaccinated countries with Australia, the least vaccinated country in the world. In 134 years, not one-fifth of the children born have been vaccinated. Yet only three Australian children under five have died of that disease. In the last 50 years, no child under five has died of smallpox, and in the whole of her history, less than one person per annum has died of it, although allowing five years protective period, only 2 per cent, of her population have ever been "protected." [1936 Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse's heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf's abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body. As Professor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926, "Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."

Dr. McNalty told the Congress of the Royal Sanitary Institute, in 1927, that acute nervous diseases are on the increase, and are "taking the place of the old epidemics." [1936 Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Holland, on account of this, suspended her compulsory laws, and in this country, more and more doctors are echoing the question raised by Dr. Jameson, when he wrote in the Lancet last August: ''what justification had they for risking children's lives by vaccination as a protection against a disease which does not imperil their lives? " "It was only a matter of time," he continued, " before the persons responsible for the vaccination of those children who die of post-vaccinal encephalitis will be considered by some as guilty of constructive murder." [1936 Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Dr. Louis Parkes, Chairman of the Council of the Royal Sanitary Institute, declared in 1922: " Our freedom from smallpox, therefore, could not be attributed to vaccination. It was largely due to the preventive measures taken at the ports, to the isolation of cases in hospitals, and to the steps taken to control persons who had been exposed to infection." The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

"Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public attention from true methods of disease prevention. It encourages public authorities to permit all kinds of sanitary defects and social problems to remain undressed, particularly in schools. It ignores the part played by food and sunlight and many other factors in the maintenance of health. It exaggerates the risk of diphtheria and works upon the fear of parents. The more it is supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or denied." -- M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S., 1944

"The Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education, SIR GEORGE NEWMAN, has described the procedure as a "safe, practical and efficient method of protection." ...No reference to the disasters which have been recorded in various parts of the world, nor to the severe reactions which are a frequent sequel to the inoculation, is made in these official statements." -- Beddow, Bayly

Cawadias (1953) has said that "the has shown that, whenever medicine has strayed from clinical observation, the result has been chaos, stagnation, and disaster."--British Medical Journal, Oct 8th, 1955, p.867 (Quoted in Clinical Medical Discoveries by Beddow Bayly)

"In the thirty years ending in 1934, 3,112 people are stated to have died of "chicken- pox," and only 579 of smallpox in England and Wales. Yet all the authorities are agreed that chicken-pox is a nonfatal disease." -- M. Beddow Bayly, Case Against Vaccination, London, June 1936, p. 5.

"Dr. Thomas Francis did not mention in his key evaluation of the 1954 Salk field trials that those who contracted polio after their first innoculation and before their second inoculation were placed in the 'not-inoculated' list." -- (Maurice B. Bayly, The Story Of The Salk Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccine, 1956).

"Dr. R. V. Southcott (Med. Jour. .Aust. 1953. ii. 281) believes that a child whose tonsils were removed at the usual age of 5-7 yrs suffers trauma to the nerves of the pharynx which increases susceptibility to bulbar poliomyelitis for at least ten years. In an outbreak in South Australia in 1947-48 he found that in 35 out of 39 cases of bulbar poliomyelitis the patient had been tonsillectomised)." -- M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S.

"There is no doubt, however, that the risk has been, for some years, vastly exaggerated, seemingly to prepare the public mind to accept the new vaccine." -- M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S.

"There can be little doubt, therefore, that even the vaccination of children against poliomyelitis itself may provide the very conditions which favour an attack and so increase the incidence of the disease." -- M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S.

"In the British Medical Journal, June 5th, 1937 (p. 1182) will be found an account of the death of a Waterford girl, aged 12, and the illness of 23 other children, tuberculosis having developed following the inoculation of Toxoid Antitoxin Floccules." -- Beddow Bayley (1939 Book: The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria)

In 1919, at Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., ten children were killed and sixty others made seriously ill by toxin-antitoxin which had passed the tests of the New York State Health Department. The Mulford Company, at Philadelphia, the manufacturers, paid damages in every case. 2. In 1924, twenty-five children in Bridgewater and twenty in Concord, U.S.A., were poisoned by toxin-antitoxin. Many had high fevers, and their arms turned black and swelled to two or three times their normal size. 3. In 1924 (September) of 40 children immunised with toxin-antitoxin in a home for infants at Baden, near Vienna, six died and a number suffered from skin necroses of various sizes at the site of the injection.....4. In 1928, the Lancet of February 4th (p. 249), refers to "a more recent Russian disaster " (Bull. Hygiene, August 1927, p. 667) in which " 14 children received toxin in place of anatoxin (i.e., toxoid); eight of them died within two weeks, four of polyneuritis within a month and two recovered after symptoms of general intoxication." 5. In 1927 also there were five deaths in immunised children in China, thirty-seven others being made seriously ill. 6. In 1928, at Bundaberg, Australia, twelve children out of seventeen who were inoculated with toxin-antitoxin died, the five others being critically ill for some time. The material had been issued and declared safe by the Public Health Department of Queensland.....7. In 1930, at Medellin, Columbia, South America, forty-eight children were inoculated, with the result that many were taken ill during the same night, one died the following afternoon, fourteen others within sixty hours and two more within six weeks—a total of sixteen deaths...... 8. In 1932, at Charolles, in France, 172 children were immunised with anatoxin (toxoid). All were taken ill soon afterwards, developing local abscesses with abundant suppuration, necessitating surgical intervention in several cases. In one case the child died. The parents of the children demanded an official enquiry, but no explanation of the tragedy has so far been forthcoming...... In the province of Chiavari over 80 inoculated children were gravely affected, some being paralysed in arms and legs, others having their sight injured. One child died. In Venice and Rovigo severe symptoms, including paralysis, supervened and death occurred in ten cases." -- Beddow Bayley (1939 Book: The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria)

"In 1931, DR, I. HARRISON TUMPEER described the following case (Journal of American Medical Association, April 25th, 1931, pp, 137a-6):-A girl of five years had received the usual three injections of toxin-antitoxin in 1926 when one year old. In 1927 she was pronounced Schick-negative. She developed diphtheria in 1930, and an injection of serum was given in the left gluteal region, followed three days later by a second dose on the opposite side. In three bours the buttock began to swell and became extremely tender, until eventually the whole region became black and gangrenous...... In spite of assiduous irrigation of the wound she became rapidly worse, suffering considerable pain. Following a blood transfusion on the twenty- seventh day of illness, she became cyanotic, vomited, lost consciousness and died a few hours afterwards..... The third case ... reported .... occurred in a boy aged two years and four months. (Journal of American Medical Association, February 18th, 1938, p. 490.) .... The three usual toxin-antitoxin inoculations had been performed at the age of eleven months. The serum was injected into the buttocks and was followed by an urticarial eruption over the entire body, the edematous swelling of the face being sufficient to close the eyes...... He was then given a further injection of serum in the left buttock; within an hour the site became purple, and on the following day a similar injection into the right buttock resulted in a similar reaction. During the next few days the areas of purple swelling extended from the buttocks over the front of the abdomen and right thigh, and large blebs about one and a half inches in diameter appeared; six days later these gave rise to a bloody watery discharge. At this time the child was admitted into hospital, and presented gangrenous areas on both buttocks, both sides of the abdomen, and the thighs. There was a patch of pneumonia in the right lung and a left otitis media. Despite the removal of large masses of necrotic tissues, surgical drainage and three blood transfusions, the child died in twenty-one days from admission to hospital. (See Figs. 4, 5 and 6.)" -- Beddow Bayley (1939 Book: The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria)

They say that if children are not vaccinated against measles millions of children could die during a measles epidemic. They know this is nonsense. What they are using is examples taken from developing countries with poor nutrition and poor immune function in which such epidemic death can occur. In the United States we would not see this because of better nutrition, better health facilities and better sanitation. In fact, most deaths seen when measles outbreaks occur in the United States occur either in children in which vaccination was contraindicated, the vaccine did not work or in children with chronic, immune-suppressing diseases. In fact, in most studies these children catching the measles or other childhood diseases have been either fully immunized or partially immunized. The big secret among "vaccinologists" is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children are not resistant to the diseases for which they have been immunized. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

They were obviously terrified that the information would leak out to the public. Stamped in bold letters at the top of each page of the study was the words-"DO NOT COPY OR RELEASE" and "CONFIDENTIAL."

This is not the wording one would expect on a clinical study of vaccine safety; rather you would expect it on top-secret NSA or CIA files. Why was this information being secreted? The answer is obvious-it might endanger the vaccine program and indict the federal regulatory agencies for ignoring this danger for so many years. Our society is littered with millions of children who have been harmed in one degree or another by this vaccine policy. In addition, let us not forget the millions of parents who have had to watch helplessly as their children have been destroyed by this devastating vaccine program. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

He continues by saying that the increase in neurobehavioral problems is probably real. He tells them that he works in a school system with special education programs and "I have to say the number of kids getting help in special education is growing nationally and state by state at a rate not seen before. So there is some kind of increase. We can argue about what it is due to." (page 207) THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

At this point Dr. Johnson tells the group of his concerns for his own grandchild. He says, (page 200) "Forgive this personal comment, but I got called out at eight o'clock for an emergency call and my daughter-in-law delivered a son by c-section. Our first male in the line of the next generation and I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on. It will probably take a long time. In the meantime, and I know there are probably implications for this internationally, but in the meanwhile I think I want that grandson to only be given Thimerosal-free vaccines."

So, we have a scientist sitting on this panel which will eventually make policy concerning all of the children in this country, as well as other countries, who is terrified about his new grandson getting a thimerosal-containing vaccine but he is not concerned enough about your child to speak out and try to stop this insanity. He allows a cover-up to take place after this meeting adjourns and remains silent. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D. It is only during the last day of the conference that we learn that most of the objections concerning the positive relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and ADD and ADHA were bogus. For example, Dr. Rapin on page 200 notes that all children in the study were below age 6 and that ADD and ADHD are very difficult to diagnose in pre-schoolers. She also notes that some children were followed for only a short period. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

Several of the participants tried to imply that autism was a genetic disorder and therefore could have nothing to do with vaccines. Dr. Weil put that to rest with this comment, "We don't see that kind of genetic change in 30 years." In other words, how can we suddenly see a 300% increase in a genetically related disorder over such a short period? It is also known that there are two forms of autism, one that is apparent at birth and one that develops later in childhood. The former has not changed in incidence since statistics have been kept; the other is epidemic. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

Now this next statement should shock everyone, but especially the poor who in any way think that these "vaccinologists" experts have their best interest in mind. Dr. Johnson says on page 17, "We agree that it would be desirable to remove mercury from U.S. licensed vaccines, but we did not agree that this was a universal recommendation that we would make because of the issue concerning preservatives for delivering vaccines to other countries, particularly developing countries, in the absence of hard data that implied that there was in fact a problem."

So, here you have it. The data is convincing enough that the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Practice, as well as the regulatory agencies and the CDC along with these organizations all recommend its removal as quickly as possible because of concerns of adverse effects of mercury on brain development, but not for the children in the developing countries. I thought the whole idea of child health programs in the United States directed toward the developing world was to give poor children a better chance in an increasingly competitive world. This policy being advocated would increase the neurodevelopmental problems seen in poor children (also in this country) of developing countries, impairing their ability to learn and develop competitive minds. Remember, there was a representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. John Clements, serving on this panel of "experts". He never challenged this statement made by Dr. Johnson.

It also needs to be appreciated that children in developing countries are at a much greater risk of complications from vaccinations and from mercury toxicity than children in developed countries. This is because of poor nutrition, concomitant parasitic and bacterial infections and a high incidence of low birth weight in these children. We are now witnessing a disaster in African countries caused by the use of older live virus polio vaccines that has now produced an epidemic of vaccine related polio, that is, polio caused by the vaccine itself. In, fact, in some African countries, polio was not seen until the vaccine was introduced.

The WHO and the "vaccinologist experts" from this country now justify a continued polio vaccination program with this dangerous vaccine on the basis that now that they have created the epidemic of polio, they cannot stop the program. In a recent article it was pointed out that this is the most deranged reasoning, since more vaccines will mean more vaccine-related cases of polio. But then, "vaccinologist" have difficulty with these "uncertainties". -- (Jacob JT. A developing country perspective on vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Bulletin WHO 2004; 82: 53- 58. See commentary by D.M. Salisbury at the end of the article.) THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

It should also be noted that it is a misnomer to say "removal of thimerosal" since they are not removing anything. They just plan to stop adding it to future vaccines once they use up existing stocks, which entails millions of doses. And, incredibly, the government allows them to do it. Even more incredibly, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Practice similarly endorse this insane policy. In fact, they specifically state that children should continue to receive the thimerosal-containing vaccines until new thimerosal-free vaccine can be manufactured at the will of the manufacturers. Are they afraid that there will be a sudden diphtheria epidemic in America or tetanus epidemic?

The most obvious solution was to use only single-dose vials, which requires no preservative. So, why don't they use them? Oh, they exclaim, it would add to the cost of the vaccine. Of course, we are only talking about a few dollars per vaccine at most, certainly worth the health of your child's brain and future. They could use some of the hundreds of millions of dollars they waste on vaccine promotion every year to cover these cost for the poor. Yet, that would cut into some fat-cat's budget and we can't have that. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

As they begin to concentrate on the problem at hand we first begin to learn that the greatest problem with the meeting is that, they know virtually nothing about what they are doing. On page 15, for example, they admit that there is very little pharmacokinetic data on ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal. In fact they say there is no data on excretion, the data on toxicity is sparse, yet it is recognized to cause hypersensitivity, it can cause neurological problems and even death, and it is known to easily pass the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier.

Therefore, what they are admitting is that we have a form of mercury that has been used in vaccines since the 1930s and no one has bothered to study the effects on biological systems, especially the brains of infants. Their defense throughout this conference is "we just don't know the effects of ethylmercury." [2004] THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial production, synaptic function, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and excitotoxicity, yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated with an ever increasing addition of thimerosal-containing vaccines. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

This is an incredible admission. First, what is a vaccinologist? Do you go to school to learn to be one? How many years of residency training are required to be a vaccinologist? Are there board exams? It's a stupid term used to describe people who are obsessed with vaccines, not that they actually study the effects of the vaccines, as we shall see throughout this meeting. Most important is the admission by Dr. Johnson that he and his fellow "vaccinologist" are so blinded by their obsession with forcing vaccines on society that they never even considered that there might be factors involved that could greatly affect human health, the so-called "uncertainties." Further, that he and his fellow "vaccinologists" like to think in concrete terms-that is, they are very narrow in their thinking and wear blinders that prevent them from seeing the numerous problems occurring with large numbers of vaccinations in infants and children. Their goal in life is to vaccinate as many people as possible with an ever-growing number of vaccines. On page 17 his "concrete thinking" once again takes over. He refers to the Bethesda meeting on Thimerosal safety issues and says, "there was no evidence of a problem, only a theoretical concern that young infants' developing brains were being exposed to an organomercurial." Of course, as I shall point out later, it is a lot more than a "theoretical concern". He then continues by saying, "We agree that while there was no evidence of a problem the increasing number of vaccine injections given to infants was increasing the theoretical mercury exposure risk."

It's hard to conceive of a true scientist not seeing the incredible irony of these statements. The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial energy production, synaptic function, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and excitotoxicity, yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated with an ever increasing addition of thimerosal- containing vaccines. It is also important to note that these geniuses never even saw a problem in the first place, it was pressure from outside scientists, parents of affected children and groups representing them that pointed out the problem. They were, in essence, reacting to pressure from outside the "vaccinologist club" and not discovering internally that a problem "might" exist.

In fact, if these outside groups had not become involved these "vaccinologists" would have continued to add more and more mercury-containing vaccines to the list of required vaccines. Only when the problem became so obvious, that is of epidemic proportion (close to that now) and the legal profession became involved would they have even noticed there was a problem. This is a recurring theme in the government's regulatory agencies, as witnessed with fluoride, aspartame, MSG, dioxin and pesticides issues. [2004] THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

"There have never been any safety studies done for any vaccine in use today that would meet the criteria of scientific proof. All we have are epidemiologic studies, which are indicators but not proof in and of themselves." [Oct 2004] Letter to the British Medical Journal by Harold E Buttram, MD

"In 1993 Vijendra Singh, PhD University of Illinois, published a study in which they found antibodies to myelin basic protein in 50 to 60% of autistic children tested. Recently at a public meeting Dr. Singh presented information on an unpublished, preliminary study of 27 autistic children in which he found nearly 50% correlation between MMR antibodies and antibodies to myelin basic protein in serum drawn from the children. Dr. Singh emphasized that this study was very preliminary and that no conclusions could be drawn from it. However, it does raise a higher index of suspicion that the MMR vaccine may result in encephalitis and its various complications on a fairly large scale." -- Harold Buttram, MD

"Most infants have been receiving up to 15 doses of mercury-containing vaccines by the time they are 6 months old. It is almost inconceivable that these heavy burdens of foreign immunologic materials, introduced into the immature systems of children, could fail to bring about disruptions and adverse reactions in these in these systems." -- Harold Buttram MD

"In 1956 Dr. Rimland, whose Ph.D. is in research psychology, had a son who was later found to be autistic. In his annual DAN (Defeat Autism Now) conferences Dr. Rimland is fond of telling the story about the early days with his son during which he had great difficulty in finding a pediatrician who knew anything about or who had ever seen a case of autism. How different it is now. Childhood autism has become so prevalent that there are very few who do not know of a family with an autistic child." -- Dr. Buttram MD http://www.whale.to/v/buttram5.html

"Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized at to their true nature." -- Dr. Buttram MD

"According to the records of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S.A. were diptheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95% before the implementation of mass vaccine programs." -- Dr. Buttram MD

"The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is utter nonsense."--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures) -- Dr. med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 page 108.

"The (smallpox) unvaccinated Gabriele did not become ill as the vaccinated Waltraut. This did not agree with medical opinion. In their Textbook on Infectious Diseases, the authors GSELL and MOHR reproduced a photo of the two girls, but without their heads, and claimed that the girl with considerably more pustules on her body was the unvaccinated Gabriele, the girl with the less pustules the vaccinated Waltraut. It was however exactly the other way round: The unvaccinated Gabriele was less ill than the vaccinated Waltraut." -- The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---Dr. med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 22 Euro page 81.

"In the journal "AEGIS IMPULS" No. 17/2004, Vlado Petek-Dimmer shows in his article "Polio". An illness caused by pesticides?" that the number of polio cases very closely matches the production figures for chlorine-based pesticides and especially the application of DDT. He concludes: "It is quite clear that the authorities are keeping certain inflrmation secret. They do their best to hide their contributing role concerning the production and misuse of DDT behind a polio-virus and a supposed miracle-vaccine. The whole of medicine and every medical doctor is thereby made a victim of arbitrariness and financial interests." -- The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures) -- Dr. med G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 page 41.

"Dr. med Martin Hirte writes on page 20 of his book 'Vaccination--Pro and Contra': "To create fear among parents to strengthen their motivation to vaccinate is an important part of the publicity used to promote vaccinations. A whole branch of research is examining the question: 'What level of fear needs to be created to appear as convincing as possible?'" -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p104)

"The reason vaccinations are promoted with such intensity is to prevent people from realising that vaccines do not protect and also in the event of an outbreak or an epidemic the vaccinated are as much at risk of becoming infected as the unvaccinated. The truth can be kept hidden if people's vaccination status remains unknown and if everyone is vaccinated, making a comparison with unvaccinated people impossible. This is also the real reason for the relentless push to vaccinate as many children as possible." -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p101)

"Vaccinations are now carried out for purely commercial reasons because they fetch huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations are of any benefit, but it is clear that they cause a great deal of harm...Today there are 800,000 children and youngsters under the age of 15 years (Germany) with asthma. 800,000! Neurodermitis, once a rare complaint, has become so common that there are several support networks with many thousands of members. The 'Frankenpost' of April 2004 reported an estimated 27 million people now suffer from hayfever, neurodermitis and allergic asthma in Germany." -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p130, 132, 134.)

"In the publications of the pharmaceutical industry the blessings of vaccinations in general are being praised with prayer-like repetition....to instil the belief in the benefit and the necessity of vaccinations. Evidence which disproves such claims is conveniently ignored." -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p134.

"When in Germany, vaccinations against whooping cough were suspended between 1975 and 1991, the declining trend in the number of deaths from the disease continued as before." -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p135)

"During 10 outbreaks of smallpox between 1947 and 1974 nearly 100 people became ill with smallpox---even though they had been vaccinated." -- Dr. Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p134) "Clear and certain medical knowledge, namely that the BCG-vaccine is not only ineffective but also harmful, was kept quiet for 27 years (in Germany) while the vaccine continued to be used and children were being harmed by it....almost 500 (estimated) cases of vaccine damage per year." -- The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p119/117.

"I have lectured all over the world... I have always had a special interest in newspapers. All of them have one thing in common, there is always some reference made to some epidemic in some part of the world. For instance, two years ago, one paper referred to a polio epidemic in Holland. For the past three years, our newspapers have commented on the diphtheria epidemic in Russia. By these means, the population is constantly threatened with epidemics, they have been made to fear them, and the reports always conclude: "Go and get vaccinated". -- Dr. Buchwald MD

"It turned out that the material produced and used for vaccination contained neither cowpox viruses or did it contain the human smallpox virus, but that it in fact contained viruses which until then had been unknown and which were later called "smallpox virus vacciniae" or "vaccine viruses". This virus- up to that time unknown - has never been found in nature and is therefore only known to exist in the vaccine. At the time it was claimed that the cowpox virus had - while artificially propagated - changed into the vaccine virus. A dispute among the vaccine doctors was the result. German doctors claimed it was possible to change the cowpox virus into the vaccine virus by artificial propagation. Others disputed such a possibility and were of the opinion that the two forms of viruses were two completely different entities. The Frenchman Chaveau was the chief proponent of this opinion, together with numerous French and English authors. It turned out that these viruses are indeed two different entities and that it is not possible to modify cowpox viruses into vaccine viruses or back the other way during propagation. In other words, the claims made by "researchers" that they had succeeded in breeding vaccine viruses from cowpox viruses were a fabrication. It is with this vaccine material - which does not occur in free nature, of which the origin is unknown, which is completely unknown quantity and of which it can only be said "its origin vanishes in the darkness of the past "- that we have vaccinated millions of our children with for the past 100 years!" -- Dr. G Buchwald MD (Book: Vaccination--A Business Based on Fear)

"Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. The regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene. Contrary to general belief, the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained only one result the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine should have prevented, but which has solicited instead. The temporary but immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to prevent an epidemic...Vaccines don’t protect. but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal, damages they cause are a proven fact." -- Dr. Buchwald MD in CIVIS Newsletter by Hans Ruesch, No 8, p3

"Today, there are about 150 vaccines being worked on, and within the next decade, we could have a flu vaccine for the left nostril and one for one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a pin cushion. For every vaccination, minimal encephalopathy destroys brain cells. As a result, in Germany, there are 1.2 million children who have contracted hyperkinetic syndrome who are then treated with Psychopharmeca (a drug similar to Ritalin) used to calm them down. We have hundreds of thousands of so-called minimal cerebral dysfunction cases and millions of neurodermatitis patients. In Germany, there are millions of people with allergies. We don’t just produce minimal encephalopathies in the brain, but we also produce modifications of the genetic code." -- Dr. Buchwald MD

"In 1866, an English physician described a very strange illness. Children looked like Mongols. His name was Down. That’s why we call it Down’s Syndrome today... I should add that this syndrome is a result of the vaccinations carried throughout England by Jenner in 1796... It (Down’s Syndrome) is probably the first congenital disease caused by vaccinations. In Germany, the first child with evidence of Down’s Syndrome was reported in 1922. Today, one in every 700 newborns has it... But the most terrifying fact is still to come... We already know today of 4,000 illnesses caused by genes. Ten years ago, Germany had 3 million illiterate people. Today, it’s 4 million. America has three times the population, about 240 million, meaning they should have about 12 million illiterate people..." -- Dr. Buchwald MD

"Hepatitis B stayed at the same level even after vaccine introduction. It was believed in Germany that we made a mistake, it's not being passed through blood but by sexual contact. We expected the response to be to vaccinate everyone where the event of sexual intercourse would be a factor...However, the response was to vaccinate everyone. And this is where you can see that it all revolves around money." -- Dr. Buchwald.

"There is no such thing as a flu vaccine. We have to distinguish between, on one side, a cold-like symptom for which there is no vaccination... The vaccine will only protect against influenza, but because it sounds good in terms of advertising, they still stick to the term "flu" in German because nobody would take any vaccine if it were called influenza vaccination." --Dr. Buchwald MD

"Vaccinating against measles is not just useless, but harmful. In the past, infants would not get measles. They would get the protection through their mothers, who used to have measles themselves. Mothers who were vaccinated against measles cannot pass on the protection to their infants, so infants now get measles." -- Dr. Buchwald MD

"As soon as homosexuals signed up as guinea pigs for government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments, they began to die with a strange virus of unknown origin. The hepatitis B experiments began in Manhattan in the fall of 1978; the first few cases of AIDS (all young gays from Manhattan) were reported to the CDC in 1979. Scientists have also failed to explain how a brand new herpes virus was also introduced exclusively into gays, along with HIV, in the late 1970s. This herpes virus is now believed to be the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma, the so-called "gay cancer" of AIDS. Before AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma was never seen in healthy young men. Identified a decade after HIV, in 1994, this KS virus is closely related to a primate cancer- causing herpes virus extensively studied and transferred in animal laboratories in the decade before AIDS. Also downplayed to the public is a new microbe (Mycoplasma penetrans), also of unknown origin, that was introduced into homosexuals, along with HIV and the new herpes virus. Thus, not one but three new infectious agents were inexplicably transferred into the gay population at the start of the epidemic (HIV, the herpes KS virus, and M.penetrans)." -- Dr. Alan Cantwell MD 2001

"In an effort to quell concerns about the safety of vaccines, scientists are finally taking another look at the "non-infectious" particles of bird-cancer viruses (avian leukosis virus) in the mumps/measles/rubella vaccines routinely given to kids. Could this be the reason the FDA held a meeting in September, 1999, to reconsider using human tumor cell lines (like HeLa) rather than monkey kidneys and chicken embryos which are no longer guaranteed 100% safe? ... The big question everyone seems to avoid is: Can vaccines cause cancer? There is certainly evidence connecting contaminated vaccines to AIDS. And HIV is a cancer-causing virus. Robert Gallo, the co-discoverer of HIV in 1984, has clearly stated AIDS is an epidemic of cancer. Animal and avian viruses can contaminate vaccines and have all been studied as cancer-causing agents. And cancer and vaccine research would be much more difficult without the use of cell lines, some of which are derived from cancer." -- Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

"Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine experiments is every parents' worst nightmare. This actually happened in 1989-1991 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure, the Yugoslavian-made "high titre" Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino, inner city children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers." -- Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

"There is no question that HIV was introduced into the U.S. male homosexual population via the gay hepatitis B vaccine experiment that took place between 1978 and 1981. My research clearly supports the outbreak of AIDS cases in Los Angeles and San Francisco shortly after the experiment began in those cities. Not surprisingly, the government has refused to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that have occurred in the large group of gay men who initially volunteered for the vaccine experiment." -- Dr. Alan Cantwell

"My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. The bottom line is that infectious diseases are least likely to affect (and to kill) those who have healthy immune systems. I no longer believe that vaccines have any role to play in the protection of the community or the individual. Vaccines may be profitable but, in my view, they are neither safe nor effective. I prefer to put my trust in building up my immune system." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?" -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true. One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 – nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers. Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox – not the smallpox vaccine. It is worth pointing out that Edward Jenner, widely feted as the inventor of the smallpox vaccine, tried out the first smallpox vaccination on his own 10 month old son. His son remained mentally retarded until his death at the age of 21. Jenner refused to have his second child vaccinated." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"Vaccination against tuberculosis is often given as the reason why this disease stopped being quite the threat to life that it had been in the 18th century. But again, this isn’t true. Robert Koch discovered the pathogen that causes TB back in 1883. After that BCG vaccination was introduced and then, subsequently, mass treatment programmes were devised with chemotherapy. None of these discoveries or introductions had any effect on the incidence of tuberculosis. Contracting TB doesn’t provide any immunity against a second infection. And if a natural infection doesn’t provide protection then a vaccination certainly won’t provide protection. How on earth can it? It was noticed decades ago that in the lung sanatoriums that specialised in the treatment of TB patients there was no difference in the survival rates of patients who had been ‘protected’ against TB with BCG vaccination when compared to the survival rates of patients who had received no such ‘protection’. The tuberculosis vaccination (the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin – known as BCG) consists of a weakened, living bovine mycobacterium. The vaccine was used for many years but a WHO trial in India showed that the vaccine offers no protection against the disease. Indeed, when new cases of tuberculosis increased annually in the areas where people had been vaccinated against the disease the trial seemed to suggest that there might be a link between the vaccine and outbreaks of the disease." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"Vaccination against diphtheria was introduced to Germany in 1925. After the introduction of the vaccine the number of cases of diphtheria steadily increased until, shortly after the Second World War, production of the vaccine was halted. There was a decline in the incidence of the disease which coincided with the fact that the vaccination was no longer being used. When the vaccine was subsequently reintroduced the decline in the incidence of the disease slowed down. As with whooping cough, tetanus and other diseases the incidence, and number of deaths from diphtheria, were in decline long before the vaccine was introduced." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"The whooping cough vaccine has never had much of an influence on the number of children dying from whooping cough. The dramatic fall in the number of deaths caused by the disease came well before the vaccine was widely available and was, historians agree, the result of improved public health measures and, indirectly, the use of antibiotics. The introduction of the vaccine really didn’t make very much, if any, difference to the fall in the incidence of the disease. Even today (1988) thirty years after the introduction of the vaccine, whooping cough cases are still running at about 1,000 a week in Britain. Similarly, the figures show that the introduction of the vaccine had no effect on the number of children dying from whooping cough. My second point is that the whooping cough vaccine is neither very efficient nor is it safe..... the government (in the form of the DHSS) has consistently lied about the whooping cough vaccine, has distorted the truth and has deceived both the medical profession (for the majority of doctors and nurses who give these injections accept the recommendations made by the DHSS without question) and millions of parents. The DHSS may have saved itself a tidy sum in damages. But the cost to the nation’s health has been enormous. And this, remember, is merely one more example of the way in which the truth has been distorted by those whom we trust to provide us with honest, accurate advice about medicine and health care." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm

"The Salk vaccine failed completely (we'll issue a special report on that at a later date). And the Sabin vaccine was a disaster. It caused many cases of polio and showed no relationship to the disease except for an increase in polio during the early '60s, caused by the vaccine itself. And now we have the sensational findings from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, which strongly indicate that polio did not go away at all, but now manifests itself as chronic fatigue syndrome...... When the Coxsackie viruses were first isolated from CFS patients, it wasn't realized that we were simply dealing with a new form of polio. This new polio was caused by the replacement of the polio viruses with their brothers, the Coxsackie viruses. As the researchers didn't get the connection at first, these new polio cases were labled 'post-polio syndrome,' 'chronic fatigue syndrome,' and 'myalgic encephalomyelitis.'" -- William Douglass MD

"What the vaccinators don't tell you is that communicable diseases have been declining at a steady rate for 150 years and that there is no relationship between the various diseases and the onset of immunization. Without exception, the vaccine program for each of the childhood diseases was inaugurated after that paticular diseases had begun to disappear. Contrary to what you have been told, this includes polio. What the vaccines have done is cause the various childhood diseases to become adulthood diseases-- with far more serious implications, mumps in men and rubella in women for example." -- William Douglass MD

"The evidence for indicting immunizations for SIDS is circumstantial, but compelling. However, the keepers of the keys to medical-research funds are not interested in researching this very important lead to the cause of an ongoing, and possibly preventable, tragedy. Anything that implies that immunizations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunizations are killing thousands of babies?" -- Dr. Douglass M.D.

"Vaccination stops children having their childhood diseases at the beneficial age (3- 4yrs). Children are now susceptible to Rubella and Mumps at just the age when girls can conceive and boys can be made sterile. Antibodies from vaccination do not cross the placenta to make very young babies immune with the result that children of less than one year old are more likely to get them. In the case of Whooping cough this is just the time that the disease is likely to cause neurological damage." -- Dr. Jayne Donegan

"I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled." -- Dr. Jayne Donegan

"A study by Ronne (Lancet, 5/5/85 1-5) showed that adults who had had natural measles with a rash had a decreased incidence of various cancers, including cervical. Another study showed that women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer if they have had mumps during childhood." -- Dr. Jayne Donegan

"When I heard about the 14 year old boy who died of group C meningitis, I remember wondering how soon beforehand he had had his BCG vaccination (another vaccine with a ‘live’ organism)." -- Dr. Jayne Donegan

"BCG is a goldmine for ear, nose and throat specialists." -- Dr. Jean Elmiger MD

"Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant, carried off in the first weeks of life by ‘viral meningitis’, you have the right to suspect that BCG is at work, even if the autopsy confirms a viral diagnosis. My wife lived through this tragedy in a major Swiss hospital where she worked. The autopsy of the child revealed the tubercular nature of the ‘viral’ meningitis following a BCG inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses had received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible consequences. As with all secret societies, the law of silence is absolute among doctors!" -- Dr. Jean Elmigar (Rediscovering Real Medicine)

"The launching of the BCG vaccine was a model of economic gangsterism, a gigantic dishonest commercial operation. Nothing is missing from the scenario: an eccentric inventor, falsified laboratory experiments, a pseudo-scientific varnish, garbled statistics, shameless publicity, the purchased support of powerful magnates, and, the final masterly touch, a 'free' product financed by the taxpayer! For the French public, unfortunately used to scandals, none of this is very uncommon. But what really sets the BCG story apart is the heights of machiavellism that it reaches. For Chavanon reveals that the 20 or so families that hold hostage the nation's health -i.e. its teaching, its laboratories, its temples... and its commerce- succeeded in 1949 in having the French government hurriedly vote to make the BCG vaccination compulsory. Since that black year not one French person has escaped this fatal toxin." -- Dr. Jean Elmigar (Rediscovering Real Medicine)

"Severe constraints are placed on the media in the name of "responsible journalism" with the result that the American public very seldom hears both sides of the vaccination story, and comes to have an unquestioning faith in vaccinations as our greatest hope against future imagined disease plagues. In this fear-based scenario, the questioning voice of reason is drowned out amid the hysteria surrounding the emerging "killer infections" which are such a favorite media topic. This propagation of fear by the media and by its sources in the public health industry has resulted in a growth of power of this industry far beyond the usual checks and balances of our democracy." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"Since July 1990, 17,497 cases of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths in America following hepatitis B vaccination have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the U.S. government. This figure includes 146 deaths in individuals after receiving only hepatitis B vaccine without any other vaccines, including 73 deaths in children under 14 years old. In 1996 alone there were 872 serious adverse events in children under 14 years old reported to VAERS. 658 of those injuries were following hepatitis B vaccination in combination with other vaccinations and 214 of these injuries were after hepatitis B vaccination alone. In these children under 14 years old, there were 35 deaths after hepatitis B vaccination in combination and 13 deaths after hepatitis B vaccination alone, for a total of 48 deaths. Compare these statistics with the total number of hepatitis B cases nationwide reported that same year (1996) in children under 14, just 279, and the conclusion is obvious that the risks of hepatitis B vaccination far outweigh its benefits." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"A critical point which is never mentioned by those advocating mandatory vaccination of children is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics since 1957, a shocking 31% of U.S. children today have a chronic health problem, 18% of children require special health care or related services, and 6.7% of children have a significant disability due to a chronic physical or mental condition. Respiratory allergies, asthma and learning disabilities are the most common of these." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"I observed that my unvaccinated children were healthier, hardier and more robust than their vaccinated peers. Allergies, asthma and pallor and behavioral and attentional disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated. My unvaccinated patients, on the other hand, did not suffer from infectious diseases with any greater frequency or severity than their vaccinated peers: their immune systems generally handled these challenges very well." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"The best way to determine the risk-benefit profile of any vaccination is well known and in theory is quite simple: Take a group of vaccinated children and compare them with a matched group of unvaccinated children. If the groups are well-matched and large enough and the length of time the children are observed following vaccination long enough, then such a study is deemed the 'gold standard' of vaccine research because its data is as accurate a reflection as medical research is capable of achieving of how vaccinations are actually affecting our nation’s children. Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination. This means that mass vaccination is essentially a large-scale experiment on our nation’s children." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"In my medical career I've treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children and the unvaccinated children are far healthier than the vaccinated ones." -- Philip Incao, MD, Denver, CO

"In those infants who died under one month of age, most of the deaths are classified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). However, in the past this syndrome has never struck infants so young, and SIDS is officially defined as beginning only after one month of age. With 6,000 children dying of SIDS every year, we have no idea how many of these deaths are actually caused by hepatitis B vaccination." -- Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"If we look closely, we realise that health for all, according to the WHO, means medicalization and vaccinations for all. That is to say sickness for all." -- Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

"We are taught by the authorities that vaccines protect us against eventual aggressive viruses and microbes, and, therefore, prevent contagious illnesses and epidemics. This lie has been perpetuated for 150 years despite the INEFFECTIVENESS of vaccines in protecting against illnesses...the USELESSNESS of certain vaccines, notably, TB & Tetanus..Diptheria....Influenza and hepatitis B." -- Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. "So, more than that, vaccines are used to test biological weapons. (In my research) I found that vaccines are used to spread diseases. They are used for targeted genocides." -- An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. By Kenneth & Dee Burke

"The reason vaccinations are promoted with such intensity is to prevent people from realising that vaccines do not protect and also in the event of an outbreak or an epidemic the vaccinated are as much at risk of becoming infected as the unvaccinated. The truth can be kept hidden if people's vaccination status remains unknown and if everyone is vaccinated, making a comparison with unvaccinated people impossible. This is also the real reason for the relentless push to vaccinate as many children as possible." -- Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p101)

"Today, there are about 150 vaccines being worked on, and within the next decade, we could have a flu vaccine for the left nostril and one for one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a pin cushion. For every vaccination, minimal encephalopathy destroys brain cells. As a result, in Germany, there are 1.2 million children who have contracted hyperkinetic syndrome who are then treated with Psychopharmeca (a drug similar to Ritalin) used to calm them down... We have hundreds of thousands of so-called minimal cerebral dysfunction cases and millions of neurodermatitis patients. In Germany, there are millions of people with allergies. We don’t just produce minimal encephalopathies in the brain, but we also produce modifications of the genetic code." -- Dr. Buchwald MD

"The body responds to the vaccine with an immune reaction that attacks its components. Sometimes the immune reaction also attacks a constituent of the body itself, which bears some chemical resemblance to a constituent of the vaccine. Reports of cases in which nerve cells have been attacked have been published for tetanus, influenza and measles vaccines. The "self-attack" is the result of a cascade of biochemical changes which takes at least five days to cause clinically observable disease, and may take at least up to six weeks." -- Marcel Kingsbourne

"Vaccination and sulpha drugs have been recognised as being directly responsible for the production of leukemia in humans." -- Dr B. Duperrat of the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, writing in the French Medical Journal - Presse Medicale, March 12, 1955.

"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukaemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukaemia." -- Professor L. Vincent - founder of Bioelectronics "Already published reports, as well as our own observations indicate that smallpox vaccination sometimes produces manifestations of leukemia. In children and adults observed in the clinics of Cracow, smallpox vaccination has been followed by violent local and general reactions and by leukemia." -- Professors Julian Aleksandrowickz and Boguslave Halileokowski of the Medical Academy of Cracow, Poland wrote as reported in Lancet, May 6, 1967.

"Had my mother and father known that the poliovirus vaccines of the 1950s were heavily contaminated with more than 26 monkey viruses, including the cancer virus SV40, I can say with certainty that they would not have allowed their children and themselves to take those vaccines. Both of my parents might not have developed cancers suspected of being vaccine-related, and might even be alive today. " -- Dr. Urnovitz

"During the polio epidemics it was found that people who had their tonsils removed were 3-5 times more likely to develop paralysis….There were many at that time that suggested that polio was an iatrogenic disease…..we caused thousands of cases of paralysis. We did not cause the polio , but we converted people who would have recovered from a vial illness into people with a paralytic illness." -- Dr. Mark Donohoe MB

"Since vaccine development information is considered proprietary [protected by nondisclosure policies] government officials and researchers must shield potential safety issues from public scrutiny. This censorship is rationalized by the all too persuasive argument that vaccines cannot be criticized lest the public become non- compliant in taking them. Finally, this silence is buttressed by the small number of people capable of critically evaluating vaccine manufacturing and safety testing procedures. In essence, health care professionals and the general public know little about the possible dangers of live viral vaccines." -- Dr. John Martin

"In speaking with an AMA lobbyist, I understood they 'would not want the public to know that their doctors were not in the knowledge loop'...... The world and, in particular, its children appear to be at risk for stealth adapted viruses. The contribution of vaccines to the formation and dissemination of these viruses should be an open topic for scientific discussion. This is not occurring with those presently in charge of overseeing the safety of the Nation's immunization program." -- Dr. John Martin http://www.ccid.org/safety.htm#

"As an illustration, the issue of possible simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) contamination of live polio virus vaccines has been suppressed since 1972. On the eve of Nixon's war on cancer, a joint Lederle Corporation/FDA Bureau of Biologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, imported for polio vaccine production, tested positively for SCMV. The reluctance of the FDA to act on this matter was revealed in a corporate memo delivered the following year. Even in 1995, following a report to FDA officials concerning a patient infected with a SCMV-derived virus, no new in-house testing of polio vaccines for SCMV has occurred. Moreover, this author's specific requests for vaccine material to undertake specific testing, were denied on the basis of protecting "proprietary" interests." -- Dr. John Martin

"As an illustration, the issue of possible simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) contamination of live polio virus vaccines has been suppressed since 1972. On the eve of Nixon's war on cancer, a joint Lederle Corporation/FDA Bureau of Biologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, imported for polio vaccine production, tested positively for SCMV. The reluctance of the FDA to act on this matter was revealed in a corporate memo delivered the following year. Even in 1995, following a report to FDA officials concerning a patient infected with a SCMV-derived virus, no new in-house testing of polio vaccines for SCMV has occurred. Moreover, this author's specific requests for vaccine material to undertake specific testing, were denied on the basis of protecting "proprietary" interests." -- Dr. John Martin

"The first rule of medicine is to do no harm. Yet, we know that immunizing children against hepatitis B confers almost no benefit and subjects our children to harm." -- Gregory Tetrault, M. D.

"Based on what I now know, I would not give my children the combined MMR vaccine. I would consider either using the vaccines singly (not available in this country but possible in mainland Europe) or not vaccinating at all. It may be safer for healthy children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk of immunisation." -- Dr. Richard Halvorsen

"Just a word about vaccines. I tell all my clients not to take the Pneumovax (vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia), and under no circumstances take the flu vaccine, just don't bother. There's no evidence that these vaccines work in people with AIDS. But there's a lot of evidence that the vaccines are very detrimental. As far as general HIV vaccines go, they're being researched to the tune of a lot of media hype, supposedly to protect us against the AIDS virus. Well, there is some disconcerting evidence and statistics that won't go away, that the AIDS virus may have been introduced into our population by means of a vaccine. And I can tell you no one is ever going to stick an "AIDS vaccine" into my body. I'd rather take my chances with the AIDS virus. At least then I know what I'm dealing with, rather than whatever virus is in the so-called vaccine." -- Joan Priestley, M.D. http://bit.ly/QcrG3w "Vaccination enables the selection of populations to be decimated. It facilitates targeted genocide. It permits one to kill people of a certain race, a certain group, a certain country. And to leave others untouched. In the name of health and well-being, of course." -- Dr. Lanctot MD

"My own view, based upon some years of observation and experience, is quite firm. I supported the use of the vaccine in 1951 and subsequently with very little hesitation until about 1972, and gave pertussis vaccine between 1951 and 1956 to each of my four children. I would not dream of doing so again because it has become clear to me not only that the vaccine is incompletely protective, but also that the side-effects which I thought to be temporary are in fact dangerous, unpredictably so. There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence." -- Prof. Gordon Stewart 1980

"Delay of DPT immunization until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death. (Ref21)." -- Dr. Raymond Obomsawin PhD

"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated." -- Dr. Glen Dettman.

"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." -- Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice

"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccines, being made from monkey kidney tissue, has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country." -- F. Klenner MD

"I always said that private interests were hidden behind official making. I was wrong. It is not hidden, it happens in the open. The powers concerned do not even feel the need to be secret about it. They feel so almighty they can publicise their malicious intentions in ‘official’ reports without any significant opposition to it. The vaccination lobby shamelessly takes all the children of this world as hostages to still their greed for money and power. They relentlessly abuse our compassion for the weaker and our concern about health to promote their giga- business. No matter what. No matter how many more vaccine victims will suffer death or side-effects. No matter how many financial resources this strategy devours at the expense of essential social investments like housing and employment. No matter what. Shocking!" -- Kris Gaublomme MD

"It is a pretty bad habit of vaccine researchers to give several vaccines simultaneously where the effect of only one of them has to be studied and evaluated. Obviously this leads to confounding results...... for evaluation of side-effects in most studies was restricted to 48 to 72 hours. Needless to say that many serious adverse effects show up long after that time span; by definition they could never be mentioned in those studies. Nevertheless most of these studies pretend to prove the safety of the vaccine." -- Kris Gaublomme MD

"Everyday we ask ourselves what did we do that was perceived as so wrong that an entire government, or at least a very strong and controlling faction in our government and military, should mount a continual harassment campaign against our family? In truth, all we wanted to do was help our soldiers, and now their family members and many of our citizens, to overcome a horrific chronic illness that is diagnosable and treatable. We never intended to uncover a massive, illegal Biological Weapons development and testing program, nor was it our intent to embarrass the Defense establishment or certain sectors of the scientific community. Because of our naive faith in our government, we ultimately set ourselves up for a quest that involved betrayals from people with whom we have worked for over two decades and whose very careers and livelihoods were helped significantly by our unswerving loyalty." http://bit.ly/1hw53yw

"There were several potential sources of chronic biological agents in the Persian Gulf Theater [9, 23]. First, deployed soldiers were given multiple inoculations, in some cases with experimental vaccines in unproved immunization schemes, such as vaccines that were given all at once instead of using an appropriate schedule of inoculations over months or years. Multiple vaccinations given simultaneously can result in immunosuppression and leave an individual susceptible to opportunistic infections. Some of these experimental vaccines could also have been contaminated with small amounts of slow-growing microorganisms. In fact, some of the vaccine lots to be sent to the Gulf were removed because of "microorganism contamination." -- Dr. Nicolson http://cs.pn/1iVDLH2 "Our medically controlled Health Boards cook up fake epidemics, create panics for profit, such as the ones in Kansas City in 1921, Pittsburgh in 1924, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington in 1925. An effort was also made to create a panic in New York in 1925, but due to the open fight against it by the New York Evening Graphic, the Commissioner of Health called it off." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"The whole purpose of this propaganda is not to secure the health and welfare of children, but to guarantee the steady inflow of profits to the physicians and manufacturing drug houses." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"The serum employed was that concocted by the notorious Calmette, of France, the B. C. G. vaccine that is said, though falsely, to prevent tuberculosis. This vaccine has left a trail of disaster behind it wherever it has been used. It does not and, of course, cannot protect from tuberculosis. The only prevention of tuberculosis is scrupulous hygiene. Given this and no one need fear the disease. Not even children of tubercular parents, though in constant association with them, will develop tuberculosis, if they are cared for hygienicalily." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"Norway suspended vaccination because of hoof and mouth disease being spread by the practice. In this country our Department of Agriculture traced the epidemics of foot and mouth disease in 1902, 1908 and 1914 to smallpox vaccine." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"The States Public Health Report, March 20, 1925 says that several fatal cases of tetanus in vaccinated individuals has recently occurred in the United States. The Report for June 26, 1925, contains accounts, in its first six pages, of eleven cases of tetanus following vaccination. Boys are more susceptible than girls to post-vaccinal tetanus." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"In the early part of 1925, while the whole of the East was in the throes of a vaccination epidemic, the New York Evening Graphic uncovered at least two deaths from post-vaccinal tetanus, and many other cases of vaccinal injury in Baltimore. After they published the accounts of these cases, the hospitals in Baltimore established a rigid censorship and suppressed the horrid truth about this criminal practice. But a truce with tetanus; the newspapers carry frequent reports of such deaths and I can only touch the high spots here. Everyone can know of these cases who cares to investigate." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

In the Brooklyn Times, March 21, 1929, Health Commissioner Wynne, New York, is reported to have said in an address to the Optometrical Club: "Here is the answer (to the physician’s economic problem). Let them take in 20 children an hour, one hour a day, 3 days a week at a charge of $5 for each anti-diphtheria inoculation. That will bring a revenue worth while to the doctor." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils)

"These various organizations collect many millions of dollars yearly from a generous and well meaning, but uninformed people, spend the major portion of the money in fat salaries and overhead or administration costs, spending much of it to pay for cruel and futile experiments on animals (research) and precious little of it for the purposes for which it is given. Like all organized charity, these things are soulless rackets." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Vaccine and Serum Evils, p. 23)

"The best, indeed the only, method of promoting individual and public health is to teach people the laws of nature and thus teach them how to preserve their health. Immunization programs are futile and are based on the delusions that the law of cause and effect can be annulled. Vaccines and serums are employed as substitutes for right living; they are intended to supplant obedience to the laws of life. Such programs are slaps in the face of law and order. Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity." -- Dr. H. M. Shelton (Principles of Natural Healing, p. 478)

"Let me explain why I am opposed to vaccination and why I have had none of my four children immunised for anything, all of whom are healthy...... My objections are that it does not work; it is unnatural, that the human race has survived healthily for countless generations without them and that provides a better alternative that is both safe and effective. Yet, I am not typical because many of those who oppose vaccination know nothing about homeopathy, and as you say, they object for political or religious reasons, that lie beyond the scope of medical practice. However, once you use homeopathy and can rely on it, as I have done for over twenty years, then one can see the dangers and pitfalls of vaccination as another Russian roulette game not worth the risk.....Doctors essentially believe the pro- vaccine propaganda and just keep repeating it like a mantra without looking at the facts. It is like a form of voluntary brainwashing. In truth, every major infection for which vaccines exist was originally in massive decline before a single vaccine was introduced. This certainly applies to Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough and Measles." [eLetters 2000 CMA] Vaccination: the wider picture? In response to: Vaccination: refuting the refusals by Peter Morrell

______20. Vaccination Statistics

A 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology shows that children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT vaccination.

A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found children who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 times more likely to contract the disease than children who had not received the vaccine.

In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.

In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testified with other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred in the US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.

The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio in the US today.

The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

The pro-vaccination side is all that is offered in the media, schools, doctor’s offices, PHS, and all government publications. This is a biased one-sided view of vaccinations based much on manufacturer’s studies and writings. The other side is rarely discussed and adverse events after vaccination are dismissed as a one-in-a-million chance which is a necessary risk we all have to take. The truth is that the risks are far greater than they are telling us, and there are no mandatory vaccines. Extreme pressures are placed on parents for not signing permission and accepting all responsibility for the toxic vaccines. Yet, doctors cannot guarantee the safety of vaccines or that they will even work. Many vaccinations fail to achieve their intended level of immunity and many cause horrible complications (including death) which one will have to suffer for the rest of their life. The trade-off is not wroth the risk. Mumps and measles are innocuous childhood diseases, but the vaccines have caused cancer, diabetes, brain damage, leukemia, autism, and even death (SIDS).

This information is to provide a balance against the pro-vaccination literature which is easily available. Anti-vaccination philosophies are sometimes difficult to find and anti- vaccinationists are called names in an attempt to discredit their reasoning. One must concede that both sides are biased in their views, however skewed. Truth is what is needed and that seems to be lacking in the pro-vaccination literature. If vaccines were good for us, there would be no reason for dishonesty and deceit. If vaccines were safe and effective there would be no issue here. Anti-vaccination literature only wants to support the truth and honestly tell the facts as they really are. Only by becoming educated in this very important issue can one make an informed decision. Yet, every day parents are asked to roll up Johnny’s sleeve with very little consideration as to what their permission is for. Few people realize that vaccines are grown on monkey kidneys, mice brains and chicken embryos. Few people realize the dire consequences of injecting foreign animal tissues (DNA/RNA) and the auto- immune reactions they can induce. Few people realize that vaccines are immune depressing and may cause cancers, leukemias and even have been linked to AIDS. Only by keeping people in the dark (ignorant to the ill-effects of vaccinations) can vaccination profit-levels be kept high. Parents are purposefully not given the facts concerning vaccines, or they are given altered data and only the glossy side of the pro-vaccine issues. A one-sided view is delivered to parents who are not being educated or informed, but it favors vaccinations! Ignorance may be bliss, but not in vaccination issues, where death and severe damage may ensue. Many people do not even know (nor are they told) that vaccines are grown on animal organs and contain foreign DNA/RNA of those animals. Vaccinations are blood products and hazardous to our immune system. The medical literature is full of citations linking vaccines to many diseases, both causally (cause-associated) and temporally (time-associated). Yet, people erroneously assume that because vaccines are mandated by law that the government is verifying to their safety and effectiveness. Nothing can be further from the truth, since the government relies on the data from the manufacturers for the vaccine safety studies and coaxes to their research for vaccine effectiveness.

Few people realize that vaccines have been linked with brain damage, lowered IQ, ADD, learning disabilities, and autism. Yet, neurological disorders are among the most listed and studied vaccine complications in the medical literature. Unvaccinated children have a level of health that is unsurpassed by "normal" children, because they have not had their immune systems depressed or tampered with by vaccines. Unvaccinated children have higher IQs and less brain dysfunction than "normal" children. Unvaccinated children are truly healthy in every way possible. Few parents are told of the real consequences of vaccines, but only that they "prevent" disease. Yet, the truth is that vaccines cause more diseases than they "prevent". Vaccines are not safe and effective as we are led to believe. Their prevention of disease is more myth than reality as we will see how they manipulate the data and facts to make vaccines appear to "work". We will look at why vaccines are bad for our health and why .... Vaccines Prevent Health.

2) Vaccine Production, Allergies and Harmful Ingredients-

Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine- production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.

First, pathogenic (disease-causing) viruses will not grow on healthy "soil" (the medium). If the environment is correct within our body, the virulent viruses and disease-causing germs will not grow. For example, hepatitis virus does not grow on a side-walk, nor in a healthy person. To make the vaccine, the manufacturers have to get the virus from somewhere, so they get them from persons with hepatitis. Makes sense. [The first hepatitis vaccines (of the 70s) were grown from the blood of the gay community, since they had high levels of hepatitis.] Today, they are much more "sophisticated", they just gather up bodily excrements from persons with hepatitis and culture the virus. Which excrements?

... Use your imagination: urine, blood, feces, pus and other excrements. In vaccine production anything goes. (How about cadaver organs and blood of persons who died of hepatitis?)

Once the virus is gathered, it must be grown on a toxic medium ... remember pathogens will not grow on healthy tissue. The medium used is generally animal organs and tissues combined with the proper culture medium and "nutrients". BHK (baby hamster kidney) cells, monkey kidneys, HeLa cells (cancer cells from Henrietta Lacks), aborted fetal tissues (used in the rubella vaccine called RA 27/3) and other animal organs are used in vaccine production. [Remember it is the foreign animal genetic materials which make vaccines so dangerous.] Once the virus has been grown, it is inactivated with formaldehyde (a potent carcinogen) or other agent. Other substances (adjuvants) may be added to the vaccines, like mercury (thiomersol), phenol, aluminum, antibiotics, and other ingredients which promote the vaccine’s effectiveness. All these substances are unnatural, synthetic, and immune suppressing, and some are even carcinogenic. The production of vaccine ‘lymph’ has been the main function of producing vaccines in the laboratory. Viruses don’t grow well in healthy individuals and toxic (un-healthy) cultures must be used. For example, mice bred to get cancer don’t get cancer unless they are fed a nutrient deficient diet. Now that means that we don’t have to get cancer either, as long as we eat a good nutritious diet. (See Psalms 139:14)

Therefore, first viruses are grown in toxic culture medium, which supports there activity and allows their grown and metabolism. Most pathogens live under anaerobic (toxic) conditions (absence of oxygen) and would die in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, as one builds health, develops good nutrition and exercise (breathing), more oxygen is delivered to the tissues and pathogens cannot grow there. This is what we mean when we say it is the "soil" which is important to our health. "The terrain is everything", Pasteur conceded on his death bed. Yet vaccine production includes many un-natural and toxic ingredients, which we would never knowingly put into our body. Naturopathic principles (and common sense) do not include the injection of viruses grown on toxic animal tissues.

Vaccinations are biological agents made from the filth of the earth, from diseased organs and sick animals and people. These toxins are injected in a person in order to increase their antibodies against that disease and produce immunity. Yet, scientist have very little understanding of what immunity is and what makes a strong immune system. Nutrition is key in any immune enhancing program, but they ignore nutrition (herbs/vitamins/foods) in favor of profitable injections. Vaccines do more to "sensitize" than to "immunize" for they contain many toxic ingredients which cause sensitizing reactions, like allergies and anaphylaxis. As you read these citations, think about the sensitizing effects of those toxic (foreign) substances present in vaccines. Mercury has been cited as causing auto-immune conditions and increases the ANA titre (used to diagnose Lupus). Allergy/anaphylaxis is merely severe sensitization to the materials present in vaccines. All vaccines depress the immune system and contain harmful and toxic ingredients which may cause allergic or sensitizing reactions. But how can depressing the immune system create immunity to disease? We are fooled if we think that it can. Vaccines Prevent Heath!

Allergies have been said to be related to the larger protein molecules circulating within our blood stream, and vaccinations place large (foreign) sized protein molecules with in the blood stream. During the process of digestion these protein molecules are broken down so that circulating immune complexes are not a problem. is linked to allergies because it allows the gut to pass large protein molecules into the blood stream. These are then filtered out by the lymph- nodes and may cause problems there such as lymphadenitis. Clogged lymphatics cannot support the cellular immune system composed of the white blood cells and lymph. Therefore, allergies compromise the immune system and reduce immunity. The lymph also carries nutrients to the tissues and is the transportation medium for fats in our body. Every cell needs high quality fats, which should come from unprocessed foods and natural sources.

Horowitz states, "Most parents who feed their children properly would not let them eat a food which contained any of the many ingredients of immunizations." Koren noted, "Some of the ingredients in childhood vaccines are: thimerosal (mercury disinfectant/preservative), aluminum (additive to promote antibody response), formaldehyde (disinfectant), ethylene glycol (antifreeze) phenol (disinfectant, dye) benzethonium chloride (antiseptic) and methylparaben (antifungal, preservative).


21. What's Really In Vaccines? Proof of MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Mercury

(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered what's really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives:

• Aluminum - A light metal that causes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum.

• Antibiotics - Chemicals that promote superbugs, which are deadly antibiotic- resistant strains of bacteria that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

• Formaldehyde - A "pickling" chemical used to preserve cadavers. It's highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage and seizures. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services openly admits that formaldehyde causes cancer. You can see this yourself on the National Toxicology Program website, featuring its 12th Report on Carcinogens.

There, the formaldehyde Fact Sheet completely neglects to mention formaldehyde in vaccines. This is the "dirty little secret" of government and the vaccine industry. It does state, however, that "...formaldehyde causes myeloid leukemia, and rare cancers including sinonasal and nasopharyngeal cancer."

• Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - A neurotoxic chemical called an "excitotoxin." It causes brain neurons to be overexcited to the point of death. MSG is toxic even when consumed in foods, where it causes migraine headaches and endocrine system damage. You should NEVER inject MSG into your body. But that's what health workers do when they inject you with vaccines.

• Thimerosal - A methyl mercury compound that causes severe, permanent nervous system damage. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. You should never touch, swallow or inject mercury at any dose. There is no safe dose of mercury! Doctors and vaccine pushers LIE to you and say there is no mercury in vaccines. Even the CDC readily admits vaccine still contain mercury (thimerosal).

In addition, National Toxicology Programs admits in its own documents that:

• Vaccinations "...may produce small but measurable increases in blood levels of mercury."

• "Thimerosal was found to cross the blood-brain and placenta barriers."

• The "...hazards of thimerosal include neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity." (This means brain and kidney toxicity.)

• "...similar toxicological profiles between ethylmercury and methylmercury raise the possibility that neurotoxicity may also occur at low doses of thimerosal."

• "... there are no existing guidelines for safe exposure to ethylmercury, the metabolite of thimerosal."

• "...the assessment determined that the use of thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines might result in the intake of mercury during the first six months of life that exceeded recommended guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)..." • ..."In the U.S., thimerosal is still present as preservative in some vaccines given to young children, as well as certain biological products recommended during pregnancy. Thimerosal remains a preservative in some vaccines administered to adolescents and adults. In addition, thimerosal continues to be used internationally as a vaccine preservative."

The report then goes on to say that the FDA studies thimerosal and somehow found it to be perfectly safe. It also states that vaccine manufactures are "working" to remove thimerosal from vaccines, but in reality it's still being manufactured right into the vaccines.

By the way, this report also reveals that the FDA requires preservatives like thimerosal only in so-called "multi-dose" vaccines -- vials that contain more than one dose of the vaccine. Drug companies could, if they wanted to, produce "clean" single- dose vaccines without any mercury / thimerosal. But they choose not to because it's more profitable to product mercury-containing multi-dose vaccines. As the report admits, "Preservatives are not required for products formulated in singledose vials. Multidose vials are preferred by some physicians and health clinics because they are often less expensive per vaccine dose and require less storage space."

So the reason why your child is being injected with vaccine boils down to health care offices making more money and saving shelf space!

Mercury in vaccines is a !

I've been told by numerous "skeptics" and doctors that there's no such thing as mercury in vaccines, and that any such suggestion is nothing more than a "wild conspiracy theory." That just goes to show you how ignorant all the skeptics, doctors and health professionals really are: They have NO CLUE what's in the vaccines they're dishing out to people!

All they have to do is visit this CDC vaccine additives web page, which openly admits to these chemicals being used in vaccines right now. It's not a conspiracy theory, it turns out. It's the status quo of modern-day vaccine manufacturing!

And just in case the CDC removes that page, here's a screen shot, taken October 22, 2012, showing exactly what was on the CDC vaccine additives page:

Feel that headache after a vaccine? That's the feeling of chemicals eating your brain

Now, consider this: The most common side effect of a vaccine injection is a headache. The CDC admits that over 30 percent of those receiving vaccines experience headaches or migraines. Gee, think about it: What could possibly be in vaccines that would cause headaches, migraines and brain damage?

Ummm, how about the mercury, the formaldehyde, the aluminum and the MSG!

Even if you believe in the theory of vaccines as a helpful way to train the immune system to recognize pathogens, why would anyone -- especially a doctor -- think it's okay to inject human beings with mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum? The argument of the vaccine pushers is that each vaccine only contains a tiny dose of these highly toxic substances, and therefore it's okay to be injected with them. But this argument makes a fatal error: U.S. children are now receiving over twenty vaccines by the time they're six years old! What's the cumulative effect of all these vaccines, plus the mercury from dental fillings and dietary sources? What's the effect of injected mercury on an immune-suppressed child living in a state of chronic nutritional deficiency?

Scientists don't know that answer because such studies have never been conducted. So they pretend that nothing bad will happen and keep pushing more and more vaccines on infants, children and even expectant mothers. They're playing Russian roulette with our children, in other words, where every injection could cause a seizure, coma, autism or death.

Why doesn't the vaccine industry offer "clean" vaccines free from all toxic additives?

If vaccines are supposed to be good for you, why do they contain so many additives that are BAD for you? You wouldn't want to eat mercury in your tuna fish. You wouldn't want MSG in your sandwich, and you certainly wouldn't want formaldehyde in your soda. So why would you allow yourself to be injected with these deadly substances?

And just as importantly, why wouldn't the vaccine industry offer CLEAN vaccines? Without any brain-damaging additives?

Think about it: When you buy health food, you want that health food to have NO mercury, NO MSG, NO aluminum and certainly no formaldehyde. No sane person would knowingly eat those neurotoxic poisons. And yet, astonishingly, those same people literally line up to be INJECTED with those exact same brain-damaging poisons, with the justification that, somehow, "This injection is good for me!"

Absurdly, the vaccine industry says these toxic ingredients are intentionally added to vaccines to make them work better! Yes, that's the reason: Mercury makes vaccines work better, they insist. Click here to see a video news report actually claiming mercury makes vaccines work better, granting children "improved behavior and mental performance." No, I'm not making this up. The mainstream media literally claims that mercury is GOOD for babies. Vitamins might kill you, they say, but mercury is good for you!

But hold on a second: I thought the theory behind vaccines was that weakened viruses would give the immune system a rehearsal so that it would build up antibodies to the real thing. Where does mercury, MSG or formaldehyde fit anywhere in that theory? Does your body benefit in any way from exposure to formaldehyde? Of course not. The very idea is ludicrous.

So are there such things are clean vaccines? I challenge you to try to find one. They simply don't exist for the population at large. Nearly all vaccines for the masses are deliberately formulated with neurotoxic chemicals that have absolutely nothing to do with the science of vaccinations, but everything to do with autism, Alzheimer's disease, early-onset dementia, immune suppression, and the mass dumbing down of brain function.

Vaccines are designed with chemical additives to poison, not to protect

That's the real purpose of vaccines: Not to "protect children" with any sort of immunity, but to inject the masses with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that cause brain damage and infertility: Mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum. The whole point of this is to dumb the population down so that nobody has the presence of mind to wake up and start thinking for themselves.

This is precisely why the smartest, most "awake" people still remaining in society today are the very same ones who say NO to vaccines. Only their brains are still intact and operating with some level of awareness.

The system wants you to stay dumbed down, of course. It makes you easier to control. Watch George Carlin brilliantly explain the concept of "Obedient Workers" (explicit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsL6mKxtOlQ

------About the author: Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month.

In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP- MS instrumentation. With this research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products to low levels by July 1, 2015.

In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non- profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.

With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource now featuring over 10 million scientific studies.

Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed "strange fibers" found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health "gurus," dangerous "detox" products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness. In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released ten popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.

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What's really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury

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 Dr. Russell Blaylock on mandatory vaccine trials, fraudulent vaccine science and vaccine ethics http://bit.ly/1jdWvfh

 131 Ways for an Infant to Die: Vaccines and Sudden Death http://bit.ly/1mbrkXA

 The epidemic of medical child abuse - and what can be done about it http://bit.ly/1l3ID8J

 Colorado joins national trend to implement unconstitutional restrictions on vaccine exemptions: your state could be next http://bit.ly/QsqGbx

 Vaccine pusher Paul Offit wants to take away your vaccine exemption rights http://bit.ly/1ohdzc6

 Dr. Russell Blaylock exposes criminal fraud of Gardasil, HPV vaccinations http://bit.ly/RAcRJm


22. Additional Vaccine Facts

Some facts regarding vaccines:

1. Even if the mercury has been removed from the vaccine, it's likely been replaced with another equally deleterious compound. Government took the lead out of gas due to safety concerns and replaced it with MMT which is proving to be another elemental neurotoxin. UPDATE: http://bit.ly/1jcuoRv

2. A 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology shows that children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within 3 days after getting a DPT vaccination.

3. A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control found children who received the HiB vaccine were found to be 5 times more likely to contract the disease than children who had not received the vaccine.

4. A New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.

5. In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testified with other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred in the US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.

6. The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio in the U.S. today.

7. The Feb. 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

8. The NY Times reported in Feb. 1962 that the polio vaccines of the 50s & 60s were virally contaminated with diseased monkey kidney tissue, possibly accounting for the huge spike in cancer cases thereafter.

9. also reported in Dec. 2004 that Gulf War Syndrome had been positively linked to vaccines. More than 100,000 veterans currently suffer from the syndrome contracted in 1991 during Desert Storm. 20,000 veterans have died so far. http://bit.ly/1hEQlp1

10. Vaccines contain substances like mercury (second most toxic element on earth), formaldehyde (embalming fluid and carcinogen), ethylene glycol (antifreeze) phenol (disinfectant, dye), potentially contaminated animal tissue, and aborted fetus cells. Would anyone in their right mind allow their children to drink a concoction of chemicals and mutated viruses just because their doctor said it would keep them healthy? Sadly, many are that gullible.

11. The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 284 July 26, 2000 stated that the U.S. medical establishment is responsible for 250,000 deaths per year, with half the deaths attributed to the negative effects of wrongfully prescribed drugs.

12. The prominent TV drug ads in the media always urge the viewer to "talk to your doctor." What doctors need to hear is contained in this compendium. Print it out and offer them a copy. If they refuse or display a negative reaction towards it, fire the doctor and find another with an open mind and one that takes your healthcare seriously.


23. The Flu - Facts Show Different Picture

Vaccine maker Chiron had their license suspended and a year's worth of flu vaccines produced in a British factory was not approved for sale in the US - contamination problems. The media treated us to stories of seniors standing in line for hours to "get the flu shot". What they did not say was that the flu is nowhere near as dangerous as they told us previously. Who has not heard of the "36,000 flu related deaths" every year that were brought to our attention every time it was time to "get the shot"?

Well, it appears that these deaths were so much scare mongering, arguably planted in the media to make people bare their arms for the poison needle. Thimerosal, a mercury containing preservative, which is part of most vaccines, is poisonous by any standard. Unfortunately the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration are denying that this neurotoxic heavy metal has anything to do with the autism epidemic that is sweeping the countries where vaccines are most heavily promoted.

So maybe it was a good thing that half of the US flu vaccine went missing this year? Quite possibly so, says Jon Rappoport who followed developments and published what he found on his excellent site nomorefakenews.com You can find his articles on what he calls the flu scam here.

Flu: Size of Problem Grossly Exaggerated

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says, "Every year in the United States, on average, 36,000 people die from the flu." (http://www.cdc.gov/flu/keyfacts.htm)

Below are the actual number of flu associated deaths from1999 to 2002 from the CDC National Vital Statistic Reports (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr52/nvsr52_13.pdf):

753 deaths in 2002 (page 16 of report) 257 deaths in 2001 (page 16 of report) 1,765 deaths in 2000 1,665 deaths in 1999

How does the CDC get from 753 flu deaths to its statement that 36,000 flu deaths occur annually?

By combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths. The CDC National Vital Statistic Report for 2002 (p.4) lists Influenza and Pneumonia as the 7th leading cause of death in 2002. You probably already guessed it - 753 of those deaths were flu associated and 65,321 were pneumonia associated. If all flu associated deaths are removed, pneumonia associated deaths still ranks number 7 by itself. The media used the false 36,000 deaths number in its coverage - 50 times the actual 2002/2003 number.

Are the 257 to 1,765 reported annual flu deaths from 1999 to 2002 even accurate?

No. It is not possible to determine the actual number of deaths caused by the flu because the CDC has no death certificate category for deaths caused only by the flu. The CDC has three basic categories of flu deaths:

1. influenza plus pneumonia 2. influenza plus other respiratory manifestations/symptoms 3. influenza plus other manifestations/symptoms (non-respiratory)

Adverse Events from Vaccination w/ 2003-2004 Influenza Vaccine

Accurate statistics for adverse events caused by the Influenza Vaccine are even more difficult to find than accurate data about influenza associated deaths. However, the latest report from the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research on Inactivated Influenza Vaccines for use in 2003-2004 (http://www.fda.gov/cber/flu/flurclqa.htm) reports the following types of adverse events:

"Most adverse reactions to inactivated influenza vaccine are related to the body's response to the vaccine components at the site of injection. Most commonly, there is inflammation at the injection site, which may result in redness, swelling or pain. Less frequently, more general reactions occur including fever, malaise (a vague feeling of being ill), and muscle aches - a few serious immediate allergic reactions are reported with inactivated influenza vaccine use every year. Serious immediate reactions can occur within a few minutes to a few hours in people who likely have allergies to components of the vaccines, which may contain very small amounts of residual egg protein. Immediate allergic reactions can appear in a mild form as itching and hives; however, in the severest form, allergic reactions can result in difficulty breathing, loss of blood pressure, and, while prompt medical treatment is usually effective, even death."

What about serious non-allergic adverse reactions, such as to the toxicity of the vaccine's mercury-based preservative Thimerosal?

Prevalent Justification for Combining Flu Deaths with Pneumonia Deaths

You may hear health professionals attempt to justify the legitimacy of combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths with the statement that "influenza leads to pneumonia." The facts do not support this frequent, broad misstatement by health professionals.

The American Lung Association (ALA) describes pneumonia as having over 30 different causes (one being the influenza virus). Neither the CDC nor ALA know the specific causes of the pneumonias that resulted in death. However, we do know that influenza is not the major cause.

Keep in mind that the influenza vaccine provides no protection from bacterial infections. The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease as well as other health agencies estimate that the single bacteria - streptococcus pneumoniae - is responsible for 15% to 50% of all cases of pneumonia in the US, including up to 40,000 deaths annually (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/pneumonia.htm)

Pneumonia is also caused by other bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (staph), Pertussis (whooping cough), Streptococci, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (a common cause of walking pneumonia). There are also many non-infectious causes of pneumonia such as asthma, aspiration of fluids, immunodeficiency, etc.

So, it stretches credibility to assert that the flu causes pneumonia when, in fact, the data shows that it only causes a small minority of cases.

See also:

Re-examining flu vaccines Chiropractors and naturopaths among health professionals who claim vaccines pose threat to immune system

Annual Number of flu deaths: it’s a guess - By Sherri Tenpenny, DO www.nmaseminars.com “Even though less than 175 people actually died from influenza in 2003, anticipate that exponentially more messages regarding the “deadly flu” will be pushed through the news media this year.”


24. Vaccine Blamed for the Worst Flu Season in Four Years

The 2007-2008 flu season is shaping up to be the worst in four years, partly because the vaccine didn't work well against the viruses that made most people sick. The 2007-2008 season started slowly, peaked in mid-February, and now seems to be declining. Based on adult deaths from flu and pneumonia, this season is the worst since 2003-2004.

This year, the vaccine was only 44 percent effective, according to a study. It was the worst match for flu viruses since 1997-1999, when the vaccine didn’t work at all against the circulating virus. Every year, health officials make an educated guess to formulate a vaccine against three flu viruses they think will be circulating. This year, two of the three strains were not good matches.


* Morbidity and Mortality Weekly April 18, 2008

* Dallas News April 18, 2008

* Dr. Joseph Mercola's Comments:

Every year the CDC stands on its soapbox and peddles the flu vaccine to just about every man, woman and child in the United States. From the urgency of their message, you would think that the flu shot would at least do what they claim it does: prevent the flu. But, alas, this year the flu shot was reportedly only 44 percent effective, and it included two strains of flu virus that weren’t even widely circulating this flu season. However, if you dig a little deeper you find that the flu shot was likely even less effective than that.

To start, that number only accounts for participants enrolled in the three- week period between January 21 and February 8, even though the study continued through March 28. So these are just preliminary numbers. Meanwhile, anyone who reported feverishness, chills, or cough was eligible for enrollment, but the way “influenza” was defined was those who had these symptoms AND tested positive for a flu test known as RT-PCR.

The control group was not a group of healthy individuals. Rather, it was a group of people who showed flu-like symptoms (feverish, chills, and cough), but tested negative on the test. So all of those people who were vaccinated and tested negative for the flu still felt like they had the flu.

After testing over 600 people, 19 percent of those who tested positive for the flu had gotten it despite their flu shot. Meanwhile, 39 percent who tested negative had had a flu shot, which leaves the 61 percent of those who did nothing, and still did not get the flu, in the majority. But this is the norm when it comes to the flu shot.

One Harris Poll even found that adults who had flu shots prior to the winter of 2007 were only 24 percent less likely to get the flu than those who were not vaccinated.

Yet, the CDC continues to claim that the flu vaccine is often between 70 and 90 percent effective. Where are they getting these numbers from?

Likely out of thin air, the same place they get their vastly skewed annual flu deaths number of 36,000 (when in reality, in 2005 1,806 people died from influenza, not 36,000. And in 2004 there were just 1,100 flu deaths).

It is high time that the CDC scrapped this whole nonsense of a flu vaccine, but don’t hold your breath for that to happen. Flu shots bring in $15 to $35 a pop, and the drug companies aren’t ready to give up on that pretty penny.

Whose Side is the CDC On?

I think their “Take 3” slogan for preventing the flu says it loud and clear:

1. Take time to get a vaccine. 2. Take everyday actions to stop germs like frequent hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. 3. Take antiviral drugs if your doctor says you need them.

Wow. It’s as though they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

Two out of three of their recommendations involve -- surprise! -- drugs and vaccines. I especially love #3: take the sometimes fatal flu drugs your doctor says you need (i.e. under no circumstances should you challenge the conventional medical paradigm’s drug-based solution to your illness).

Well, I say think again. The only recommendation I agree with is #2, and even then you need to be careful not to wash your hands too much, as this can damage your skin and make it easier for viruses to enter. Also, many of the s- called anti-bacterial soaps contain harmful chemicals.

If you want to stay healthy during flu season and after, skip the flu shot altogether and instead use these “secrets” that I’ve used to avoid the flu for over 20 years.

* Get plenty of sunshine * Eat right for your nutritional type, including avoiding sugar * Exercise * Get adequate sleep * Address emotional stress * Wash your hands regularly (but not excessively)


25. Why Vaccinations Harm Children: Health Experts Sound Off by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) What follows is a collection of quotations from naturopathic physicians, health authors, researchers and doctors on the dangers of vaccines. I assembled these quotes from a private library of health books and published them here to make this entire collection public. Here, you'll learn how vaccines damage the immune system, how they cause asthma and allergic reactions, and why mandatory vaccination policies are a threat to human freedom. If you want to learn even more about why modern medicine's pushing of vaccines is actually a form of religious fanaticism (which has abandoned all scientific thought), read my related article, "The Flawed Theory Behind Vaccinations, and Why MMR Jabs Endanger Your Child's Health." http://www.naturalnews.com/025596.html

Recent evidence indicates that routine childhood vaccinations contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema, ear infections, and asthma. While this contention is controversial, a growing number of scientists and physicians maintain that most standard vaccinations permanently disturb the developing immune system, setting the stage for hypersensitive reactions to foods and other common substances. In fact, childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough may actually reduce the risk of allergy according to Konrad Kail, N.D.

- the Definitive Guide, Second Edition by Larry Trivieri, Jr. - Available on Amazon.com

Scientific evidence links vaccinations to chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, aids, learning disabilities, and other health problems.

Viera Scheibner notes that the annual death rate in Europe prior to 1940 from diphtheria was "negligible (less than 300 deaths per million)." After this date, when mass vaccinations against the disease were begun, "unprecedented" diphtheria epidemics followed in "fully vaccinated subjects." Mass vaccinations against tetanus and whooping cough also began in many countries in the 1940s, and were followed by outbreaks of the "so-called provocation poliomyelitis.

- Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means by Ron Garner - Available on Amazon.com

Childhood vaccinations may also be one element that contributes to allergy, in a way that is similar to the mechanisms of the hygiene hypothesis. The vaccinations that prevent childhood illnesses may actually be making children more vulnerable to allergic disorders, by changing the natural function of their immune systems. Specifically, the vaccinations appear to make kids' immune systems too Th-2 skewed, with a relative deficit of Th-1 activity.

- Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders by Kenneth Bock - Available on Amazon.com

While the dangers of vaccinations are greatly understated by most health authorities, the advertised benefits are greatly exaggerated. For instance, incidence of the four leading childhood killer diseases—diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles- had already declined 90 to 97 percent before the introduction of vaccines, due to improved sanitation and hygiene.

- The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health by Walter Last - Available on Amazon.com Homeopathic remedies may also help reduce the side effects of vaccinations. Dr. Kotsanis makes the following recommendations regarding vaccinations: Before vaccinations, give L-glutamine (500 mg), vitamin C (500 mg), and vitamin B6 (50 mg) daily for six weeks. Give probiotics (two times per day) and aloe vera juice (2 oz in divided doses, 2-3 times daily) for three months before and after vaccinations. Make sure the child gets plenty of pure water daily.

- Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition by Larry Trivieri, Jr. - Available on Amazon.com

Immune systems are even harmed by vaccinations because even though they may protect the body from one strain of infectious disease, they weaken the immune system against future strains. Fortunately, there are many products to help boost immune system function. But remember: Even with the help of these products, proper immune system function requires greatly reducing exposure to synthetic chemicals and non-natural substances, as well as following the 3 principles of health discussed in the first half of this chapter.

- Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams - Available on Amazon.com

After you were born, during your preschool years, you got every little cold or virus that came along, but your immune system was getting some heavy-duty instruction on things to defend against. vaccinations, too, "schooled" your immune system. So as the years passed, illnesses and immunizations helped your body's immune system begin to develop memories of what was body-friendly and what was body-menacing.

- The Vitamin D Cure by James Dowd and Diane Stafford - Available on Amazon.com

Proteins used in vaccinations are potential allergens that can produce anaphylactic shock. When vaccinations were first introduced, many diseases were on the decline; polio lessened 50% from 1923 to 1953, same as inEurope, where polio continued to lessen without using vaccines.

Measles declined over 95% from 1915 to 1958 before vaccinations were used. Measles, mumps, and rubella/German measles may serve a person's normal immune system development and strengthening.

- Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health by Joseph E. Mario - Available on Amazon.com

Breastfed children generally have a stronger response to immunization and develop higher levels of immunity after receiving vaccinations than do formula-fed children. ...Vaccines are fragments of bacterial or viral material that fool the immune system into thinking that there is an ongoing infection. Vaccines can be "killed"—that is, totally inactivated—or "live," wherein the organism has been damaged so that it cannot cause infection but is still not completely dead. Vaccines also contain preservatives and other chemicals.

- Vaccination The Issue of Our Times by Peggy O'Mara - Available on Amazon.com

A beautiful young girl developed MS a few months after a series of smallpox vaccinations that were given to try to "boost" her immune system; she tried every dietary and herbal cure on earth to stem the inexorable disease; but none worked. My heart ached as I saw her come to my classes each time weaker and weaker, and finally in a wheelchair, unable to focus her eyes or to write. I think it's not unreasonable to suspect that all the tampering and the "boosting" and the chemical intervention in the immune system can cause that damage.

- Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin - Available on Amazon.com

Research findings now available from many sources are indicating that vaccinations interfere with the body's immune system development and make people more susceptible to diseases, not less. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that childhood diseases, most of which are harmless, are critical stages in the development of a strong, fully functioning immune system. An immature immune system needs to develop naturally, by fighting off the illnesses that occur in childhood.

- Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means by Ron Garner - Available on Amazon.com

When legions of parents began to complain that their children had become ill soon after their vaccinations, while still controversial, the government studied the situation and in 2001 began to gradually phase thimerosal out of the vaccinations. Even with this gradual removal, however, the damage was done. Now there are countless new cases of autism, with more emerging every day, and there are also millions of other children with very serious cases of the other 4-A disorders, which are also partly due to the unsafe vaccinations.

- Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders by Kenneth Bock - Available on Amazon.com

In addition to the toxic reactions that vaccinations with thimerosal appear to have caused, subsequent live-virus vaccinations may have also caused problems. These vaccinations, which contain small amounts of living viruses, may have directly created infections-through viral material-in children's gastrointestinal tracts.

- Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders by Kenneth Bock - Available on Amazon.com

Compelling evidence is available that the development of the immune system after contracting the usual childhood diseases matures and renders it capable to fight infection in the future. The use of multiple vaccines, which prevents natural immunity, promotes the development of allergies and asthma. A New Zealand study disclosed that 23% of vaccinated children develop asthma compared to zero in unvaccinated children.

- A Physician's Guide To Natural Health Products That Work by James A. Howenstine, MD - Available on Amazon.com

Rubella Vaccine: Does not confer lifelong immunity as a natural mild infection does; 80% of army recruits in one study contracted rubella four months after vaccinations against it. Smallpox and Tetanus vaccinations have been linked to A.I.D.S.. Swine Flu Vaccinations: The misnomer for a man-made plague that causes severe paralysisandheartfailure, which immediately killed 1600 persons vaccinated in 1976; cross-reacts for spinal cord paralysis/Guillaine-Barre syndrome; and may cause death years later from cancer or heart failure.

- Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health by Joseph E. Mario - Available on Amazon.com

It is my belief that the widespread use of antibiotics and vaccinations is probably among the main causes of immune system disorders.

- Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin - Available on Amazon.com

[The] very sudden onset of symptoms is known to happen most frequently to children after their MMR vaccinations. Thus, the vaccinations that contained thimerosal may have created a double hit against the immune system. They assaulted the immune system with toxic mercury. This was followed by injection of combined live viruses, which could not be effectively handled by a mercury-altered immune system.

- Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders by Kenneth Bock - Available on Amazon.com

Chaitow has found that a number of factors negatively impact the immune function, including increased toxic burden due to pollution in all its forms; disturbance of immune systems through repeated childhood and adult vaccinations and immunizations; and damage to healthy intestinal flora due to over-reliance upon antibiotics and steroids (especially birth control pills).

- Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition by Larry Trivieri, Jr. - Available on Amazon.com

A little baby is born and immediately given a set of vaccinations. These vaccinations are drugs. They are poisons. They are diseased chemicals. You are injecting the little baby with viruses, drugs, chemicals, and disease. The baby's immune system begins to act in a totally unnatural way and becomes very susceptible to bacteria. Virtually every child, then, gets infections, primarily an ear infection. These infections were caused by the vaccines themselves. The doctor then prescribes more drugs in the form of antibiotics.

- Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau - Available on Amazon.com

American children often receive some 30 vaccinations within the first 6 years of their lives and children in the U.K. can expect to be vaccinated about 25 times. Within the first 15 months of life, vaccinations including nine or more different antigens are pumped into the immature immune systems of babies. Despite the colossal efforts and large sums of money spent on vaccine research, medicine has never been able to devise a cholera vaccine that works and the drugs for malaria aren't as effective as a single herb.

- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz - Available on Amazon.com

The belief that vaccinations, like flu shots, have eliminated death from infectious disease in the twentieth century is widespread. In fact, much of the reduction in death from infectious disease is due to public-health measures, including improved nutrition and sanitation. And vaccinations are not without potential danger. We still don't know the potential long-term effects of vaccination.

- Before You Take that Pill: Why the Drug Industry May Be Bad for Your Health by J. Douglas Bremner - Available on Amazon.com

Multiple vaccinations, especially in newborns, are another major source of childhood mercury exposure because of the mercury-containing thimerosal preservative. Over twenty-two vaccinations are now recommended for children before the age of two! Effects of exposure can vary from subtle to major malformations but even minor degrees of maldevelopment can have unacceptable consequences.

- Health and Nutrition Secrets by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com

It has been hypothesized by researchers at Duke University in North Carolina that the particular combination of pesticides, such as organophosphates and carbamates, along with the solvents and toxic metals and other chemicals in the anthrax and botulism vaccinations soldiers were injected with, could have brought about more nerve damage than any one of these substances could have done individually.

- Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets by Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton - Available on Amazon.com

These vaccinations, which offer little protection against yearly flu virus strains, are heavily promoted by the CDC, Public Health Department and most physicians. Many hospitals have made flu vaccinations of the elderly a part of routine admission orders. This, in my view, is criminal. Some forms of mercury, such as methylmercury, phenylmercury, and ethylmercury, are very fat-soluble. This means that an obese person can sequester a considerable amount of mercury in his or her body fat, as well as in his or her nervous system.

- Health and Nutrition Secrets by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com

DPT may cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - 85% in 1 -6 months, same as the 2-4-6-month DPT vaccinations risk; the death rate increases eighttimes within 3 days of injection; in one study 70% of SIDS deaths occurred within 3 weeks of DPT vaccinations (give 1 gram Vitamin C to counter); causes reported adverse reactions in 100 per 1000 vaccinations (10%).

- Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health by Joseph E. Mario - Available on Amazon.com

Studies indicate that autism may be the result of adverse reactions to childhood vaccinations. Dr. Alan Cohen, an environmental physician from Connecticut, notes that high levels of autism and attention deficit disorder (ADD) did not occur until the mandatory use of childhood vaccinations, and suggests that there may be a connection between certain vaccines and the onset of these conditions.

- The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: A Comprehensive A-Z Listing of Common and Chronic Illnesses and Their Proven Natural Treatments by Gary Null, Ph.D. - Available on Amazon.com

Vaccination Damage: Despite the refusal of the conventional health establishment to investigate the long-term effects of childhood vaccinations, independent research reports have increasingly been made public. These link vaccination rates to the epidemic of childhood asthma, as well as to crib death, shaken baby syndrome, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, autism, and juvenile diabetes. Since the 1990s, there has been a tenfold or 1000-percent increase in autism, an increase which has been linked by some researchers to the organic mercury preservative commonly found in baby vaccines.

- The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health by Walter Last - Available on Amazon.com

As for vaccinations, parents should insist that their children receive only vaccines without thimerosal. Manufacturers are slow in producing mercury-free vaccines, but as a parent you should insist they be free of this toxic metal. The practice of inoculating the elderly every year against the latest flu viruses is ludicrous. Recently the CDC recommended lowering the age for yearly flu shots from age sixty-five to fifty-five and some pediatricians are now recommending flu shots for small children.

- Health and Nutrition Secrets by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com

Some scientists have attributed the onset of chronic fatigue to the administration of vaccinations. Several members of the scientific community have reinforced this argument against vaccinations by establishing a correlation between Gulf War syndrome, which is predominantly characterized by chronic fatigue, and the vaccination program carried out by the military during the Persian Gulf War.

- The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: A Comprehensive A-Z Listing of Common and Chronic Illnesses and Their Proven Natural Treatments by Gary Null, Ph.D. - Available on Amazon.com

The effect of all this is a high incidence of crib deaths in bottle-fed babies, which sometimes occur shortly after immunizations. Vaccinations can further drain the already dangerously low levels of vitamin C. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., in Every Second Child, relates that in some Aboriginal communities of Australia every second child given a vaccination died of crib death, but when fed high doses of vitamin C before and after vaccinations, not a single child died.

- The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health by Walter Last - Available on Amazon.com

Few are aware that the success rate for flu vaccinations in the elderly is less than 50 percent, and that each vaccine contains the dubious bonus of mercury and aluminum doses that persist in the nervous system for decades.

- Health and Nutrition Secrets by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com

And let me remind you that flu vaccinations are not innocuous. There is conjecture that the mercury and aluminum (metals that are known to have neurotoxic effects) in vaccine shots are associated with long-term adverse consequences. These vaccines can also overstimulate the immune system in ways that are not fully understood. For that reason, I recommend that only people with COPD get flu shots.

- Before You Take that Pill: Why the Drug Industry May Be Bad for Your Health by J. Douglas Bremner - Available on Amazon.com

Parents are encouraged to read the research on this subject to understand the risks of vaccinations. They can learn about their right to refuse vaccinations for their family. For example, in Canada, there are no laws that can force a person to be vaccinated against their will. Health officials, however, fail to inform the public of these rights. The question of taking vaccines is also an issue for adults. There is such a media blitz, especially toward the elderly, to have annual flu shots; yet there is very little evidence that they are effective.

- Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means by Ron Garner - Available on Amazon.com

The damage that has been caused so far by vaccinations is considerable and surpasses many times the problems that could possibly arise from having no immunization program whatsoever. Many natural ways are available to acquire immunity. All the procedures and natural remedies described in this book can assist you and your family in maintaining natural immunity against disease throughout life. "The best vaccine against common infectious diseases," according to the World Health Organization, is "an adequate diet."

- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz - Available on Amazon.com

Do not allow your doctor or his or her staff to downplay or dismiss your concerns about vaccinations. Unfortunately, some pediatricians become quite annoyed when parents question or resist some vaccinations, so be prepared to meet some resistance. Even today, as more and more parents and health professionals are waking up to the potential hazards associated with some vaccines, there's still a lot of opposition out there. I recently asked a respected pediatrician to explain his vaccine protocol to me. Without pausing for an instant he said, "Oh, we just follow the CDC's recommended schedule.

- Growing Up Green: Baby and Child Care: Volume 2 in the Bestselling Green This! Series (Green This!) by Deirdre Imus - Available on Amazon.com

Getting vaccinated is one of the worst things you could do to yourself, your children, and your loved ones. Vaccinations do not prevent illness, they cause illness. The mercury in the vaccines cause autism, brain damage, and disease. The vaccines themselves cause the body to be in an unnatural state and set you up for major disease. In the Natural Cures book I give you several other books that I recommend to discuss vaccines. They are: A Shot in the Dark, by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher; Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective?, by Neil Z.

- More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease by Kevin Trudeau - Available on Amazon.com

So when Harris Coulter contends that vaccinations represent the rationalist "medical assault on the American brain," maybe that's not saying enough. Maybe the contention is better put as the medical assault on the American individuality. "It's ironic because Americans think of themselves as individualistic but really they're possessed by a herd mentality," Coulter speculates. "Maybe the American instinct for conformity is caused by childhood vaccinations." Is Modern Medicine Now in the Domain of the Criminally Insane?

- Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom by Richard Leviton - Available on Amazon.com

Through vaccinations you may gain protection from certain infections, but at the expense of having lost enough useful susceptibility on superficial levels to produce a symptomatic reaction, says Vithoulkas. In other words, you may be immune to the flu, but you'll get cancer instead. Disease, says homeopathy is not alien to us, but a necessary elaborative and refining process of our organic being. If we cut off the disease's mode of expression, which uses the body tissue as a medium, this drives it ever deeper into our organism in search of a venue for expression.

- Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom by Richard Leviton - Available on Amazon.com

Even though all of the children who received the pertussis vaccine received other vaccinations, the researchers felt that the statistical evidence focused on pertussis. Among the children who did not receive the pertussis vaccine, most had received some other vaccination. Of the ninety-one subjects who received no vaccines, only one had asthma, compared to three with asthma in the 112 who had other vaccinations.

- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition by Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. - Available on Amazon.com

Allergies are also on the rise because children's immune systems are under attack from vaccinations, antibiotics, and the constant use of medicines such as Tylenol that harm the liver, our most important organ of detoxification. Then they are fed foods devoid of nutrition but loaded with additives, dyes, preservatives, pesticides, and hormones.

- Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives by Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA - Available on Amazon.com

[Vaccines] cause hundreds of deaths per year from adverse reactions, reactions that wouldn't otherwise occur if mass vaccinations didn't exist. According to a recent announcement (November 14,. 2007) by State and County officials in Maryland (USA), parents were threatened with jail if they didnt submit their children to forced vaccinations. State Attorney General Glenn F. Ivey vehemently declared that he would criminalize parents who refuse to bring their children to the courthouse to have them injected, on the spot, with vaccines that contain methyl mercury.

- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz - Available on Amazon.com

Researchers from the American Food and Drug Administration discovered that vaccinations, particularly the hepatitis B shot, could cause hair loss. They estimate that 50,000 Americans suffer hair loss (alopecia) after immunization every year. The report was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1997.

It is nearly impossible to estimate the damage and suffering that has been created and will occur in the future as a result of inadequate information about the dangers of modern immunization programs.

- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz - Available on Amazon.com

And now, if we refuse vaccinations for our children, the school authorities harass us because they do not realize how the vaccines are made from toxic pus and blood from diseased animals and do harm. Now, if we decide we don't want our child who is in liver failure to have a liver transplant, to have an emotionally devastating life for them and for ourselves, filled with doctors, infections, pain and ultimate rejection of the liver and death anyway after a few years, the government can take away that child and arrest us for "endangering the welfare of the child."

- Stop the Medicine! A Medical Doctor's Miraculous Recovery with Natural Healing by Cynthia A. Foster, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com

For a masterly review of the problems associated with vaccinations, I refer the reader to two of the best books on the general subject, Michael Dye's Vaccinations: Deception and Tragedy available from Hallelujah Acres and Neil Z. Miller's Vaccinations: Are they Really Safe and Effective? A Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots. At the end of this book, I also have listed other excellent publications that address this topic.

- Health and Nutrition Secrets by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Available on Amazon.com


26. The Flawed Theory Behind Vaccinations & Why MMR Jabs Are Dangerous The Flawed Theory Behind Vaccinations, and Why MMR Jabs Endanger Your Child's Health http://www.naturalnews.com/025596.html

"Based on what I now know, I would not give my children the combined MMR vaccine. I would consider either using the vaccines singly (not available in this country but possible in mainland Europe) or not vaccinating at all. It may be safer for healthy children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk of immunisation." - Dr. Richard Halvorsen

"Laboratories in England, Ireland, and Japan have found evidence of MMR vaccine viruses in the intestinal tracts of autistic children, but not in control group, non- autistic children." - Dr. Bernard Rimland

"They claim that autism naturally occurs at about 18 months, when the MMR is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. But the onset of autism at 18 months is a recent development. Autism starting at 18 months rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine came into wide use. A coincidence? Hardly!" - Dr. Bernard Rimland

"My current belief is that any child given the HepB vaccination at birth and subsequent boosters along with DPT has received unacceptable levels of neurotoxin in the form of the ethyl mercury in the thimerosal preservative used in the vaccine. In any child with a genetic immune susceptibility (probably about one in six) this sets off a series of events that injure the brain-gut-immune system. By the time they are ready to receive the MMR vaccination, their immune system is so impaired in a great number of these children that the triple vaccine cannot be handled by the now dysfunctional immune system and they begin their obvious descent into the autistic spectrum disorder." - Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D.

"I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled." - Dr. Jayne Donegan

"Based on what I now know, I would not give my children the combined MMR vaccine. I would consider either using the vaccines singly (not available in this country but possible in mainland Europe) or not vaccinating at all. It may be safer for healthy children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk of immunisation." - Dr Richard Halvorsen

"If you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out of it. If doctors shot at the moon every time it was full as a preventive of measles and got a shilling for it, they would bring statistics to prove it was a most efficient practice, and that the population would be decimated if it were stopped." - Dr. Thomas Allinson

"My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. The bottom line is that infectious diseases are least likely to affect (and to kill) those who have healthy immune systems. I no longer believe that vaccines have any role to play in the protection of the community or the individual. Vaccines may be profitable but, in my view, they are neither safe nor effective. I prefer to put my trust in building up my immune system." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm


27. Waking Up To Vaccine Dangers

The Good News: Many People Are Wary of Vaccine “Safety”

June 18, 2003: The governmentsmallpox program to vaccinate 500,000 healthcare workers was halted because only 38,144 civilians were willing to take the risk.

Ninety Smart Americans

• During the “monkeypox” outbreak in Wisconsin, 90 people were told they were eligible for smallpox vaccinations (which could kill them) to protect them from monkeypox which is related to smallpox but not lethal and only causes rashes, chills, and fever.

Not one showed up at the clinic for the shot.

Officials Underplay Smallpox Vaccine Dangers • Serious adverse reactions “should” only occur in 1 in 19,000 to 1 in 71,000 people.

• Jeffrey S. Sartin, MD reported otherwise: “The CDC noted 45 serious complications among 33,444 civilians, including 10 cases of myocarditis and 4 heart attacks (two fatal). That is a risk of 1 in 740 far and above any risk we would consider acceptable.”

Smallpox “Myths” No. 1

MYTH: “Smallpox is highly contagious.”

FACT: “Smallpox has a slow transmission and is not highly contagious.”

Joel Kuritsky, MD, director of the National Immunization Program and Early Smallpox Response and Planning at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Smallpox “Myths” No. 2

MYTH: “Smallpox is easily spread by casual contact with an infected person.”

FACT: “The infection is spread by droplet contamination and coughing or sneezing are not generally part of the infection. Smallpox will not spread like wildfire.”

Walter A. Orenstein, MD, director of the National Immunization Program at the CDC.

Smallpox “Myths” No. 3

MYTH: “The death rate from smallpox is 30%.”

FACT: Dr. Tom Mack worked with smallpox outbreaks in India during the ’70s and stated that even with poor medical care, the case fatality rate in adults was “much lower than is generally advertised. More like 10- 15%.”

Smallpox “Myths” No. 4

MYTH: “There is no treatment for smallpox.”

FACT: Massive oxidative stress treated by modern medical technology could decrease the death rate to 2-3%, says Dr. Peter Havens. The natural treatment of choice is high-dose intravenous vitamin C—if only conventional medicine would recognize its value.

Smallpox “Myths” No. 5 MYTH: “The vaccine will keep me from getting the infection.”

FACT: The worst smallpox disaster occurred in the Philippines after a 10-year compulsory US program of 25 million vaccinations to 10 million residents resulting in 170,000 cases and more than 75,000 deaths from smallpox where only scattered cases existed before.

NOT a “Myth”

• The smallpox vaccine, vaccinia, is the most dangerous vaccine in existence and the government was forced to admit that heart inflammation was not expected as an adverse reaction.

• There were 53 possible cases of myocarditis from military vaccinations, all among healthy young men. That was 3.6 times the number that might have developed myocarditis anyway.

The Most Dangerous Vaccine

• Dr. Brian Strom of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and head of an independent vaccine advisory committee urged the government:

“This is a toxic vaccine. Let’s replan the plans to see how many people need to get the vaccine before we continue on with it.”

The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act Can Force Smallpox Vaccination

Smallpox vaccine could prove deadly for the following Americans who should be medically exempt from this shot:

• 28 million who have eczema

• 184,000 organ recipients

• 850,000 diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV or AIDS infected

• 8.5 million with cancer

• Medically exempt: 61 million with cardiovascular disease

• Untold millions who take immunosuppressive drugs such as cortico-steroids prescribed to adults and children for asthma, emphysema,allergies, MS, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

• If you are among the 98.5 million Americans who should not receive this vaccine, know that the head of the smallpox eradication program in the ’70s said if you were among the first “ring” of close contact with a smallpox patient, “Medical contraindications would not apply. There would be NO exceptions.”

• Dr. Mike Lane, who headed the CDC’s smallpox eradication rogram, said about contraindications: “In India, we vaccinated everyone. We sometimes vaccinated (lepers). I’m sure we killed a few people, but we did the best that we could.”

How does that make 98.5 million at-risk Americans feel?

More Bad News

• Forced vaccinations for children continue to occur.

• Medical authorities in Scotland refused a mother’s request for thimerosol-free DTaP and two children in England were vaccinated with MMR against their mothers’ wishes in divorce disputes.

• In April, armed guards stood by in Colorado to enforce a court order to vaccinate an infant with the Hepatitis B shot because of a false positive test on the mother.

Really Bad News

• It was announced last November that older Americans will get “greater access” to flu and pneumonia shots thanks to new standing orders” that allow immediate approval of shots for elderly patients in nursing ho mes, hospitals, and home health agencies.

• Medicare and Medicaid approval is automatic. We are now one step closer to forced adult vaccinations.

Does This Make Sense?

• The pneumonia vaccine, which is recommended for all adults over 65 years of age, does not reduce the risk of contracting the disease.

New England Journal of Medicine, May 1, 2003.

• In a study of 47,365 people, “no association was found between pneumococcal vaccination and a reduced risk of pneumonia from any cause.

More Reasons to Avoid Vaccines

• Prevnar, a pneumococcal vaccine recommended for all babies, increases the number of other infections babies get.

• According to researchers, Prevnar replaces protection from 7 selected strains of pneumococci with infections of 83 others found in babies’ noses and throats.

The Scientist, May 13, 2003

• Dr. J. Bart Classen, immunologist and David Carey Classen, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Utah published research showing a causal relationship between several common pediatric vaccines and the development of insulin-dependent diabetes.

• Two-year-old Alexander Horwin died of a brain tumor (medulloblastoma) caused by SV40 (Simian virus 40)-contaminated oral polio vaccine. Alexander’s cord blood was tested and was negative for SV40. Both parents were tested for SV40 using polymerase chain reaction testing and no trace of SV40 was found.

• Simian virus 40, which causes brain cancers and is a suspected carcinogen in bone cancersand non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, has been in polio vaccines for four decades.

• The Horwins have filed a lawsuit against American Home Products, producers of the oral polio vaccine Alexander received nine months before his death.

A New Target: Teens

• Pharmaceutical companies are inventing new vaccines against diseases usually transmitted by sex, drug use, foreign travel or living in dormatories.

• “Adolescent vaccines are the next wave,” said an Aventis spokesman, “all the manufacturers have them in the works.”

• “Parents will have to take their daughters in to pediatricians when they’re little girls to get them protected against a sexually transmitted disease,” said a spokeswoman for an institute that is sponsoring trials of a herpes vaccine.

• Complication: High schools, unlike kindergartens, are not used to excluding students without shots. (Can you see what’s coming next?)

Vaccines for Adults

• “Even those who are well informed about health do not seem to know that adults, too, need vaccines.

• “State registrars for children could be expanded to allow adults to keep track of their own immunization histories online.”

The New York Times, July 9, 2003

Aluminum in Vaccines

• Added as a “booster” to stimulate immune response, aluminum is also implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.

• A meeting on aluminum and vaccines presented evidence that aluminum is behind a mysterious muscle disease (Macrophagic myofasciitis) at the site of vaccination.

Gherardi RK, “Lessons from macrophagic myofasciitis: towards definition of a vaccine adjuvant-related syndrome,” Rev Neurol (Paris) 2003 Feb. “Catch” Cancer as Cats Can?

• Enactment of a mandatory vaccination law in Pennsylvania resulted in an increase of feline fibersarcomas at the site of shots that contain aluminum as an adjuvant.

• Macrophages surrounding some tumors showed aluminum oxide. The inflammatory and immunological reactions to the vaccines may predispose the cat to cancer.

Hendrick MJ, Cancer Research 1992 Oct 1.

Autism Epidemic

• In the 15 years between 1987 and December 2002, the population of persons with autism served by the California Dept. of Developmental Services increased by 634%. This does not include children under 3 years of age who have not yet entered the DDS system.

The Evidence Piles Up

• Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier published research in the medical journal, International Pediatrics, showing a significant link between the measles, mumps, and rubella shot (MMR) and autism compared to another triple shot given to children.

Measles Virus and Autism

• Dr. Vijendra Singh and Ryan Jensen of Utah State University published a study in Pediatric Neurology showing a significant number of children suffered an abnormal response to the measles component of MMR, triggering autism.

Singh, VK, Jensen RL, Pediatric Neurology 28(2003) pp. 292-294

Insight Magazine: Vaccines May Fuel Autism Epidemic

• Vaccines given to newborns contain:

• formaldehyde (used in embalming) • thimerosal (nearly 50% mercury) • aluminum phosphate (toxic and carcinogenic) • aluminum salts (corrosive to tissue and neurotoxic) • methanol (toxic) • isopropyl alcohol (toxic) • 2-phenoxyethanol (toxic) • live viruses

• Quoting Dr. Marc Geier: “Mercury has been withdrawn from everything, including animal vaccines, yet we keep injecting it into our children. Our data showed that the more mercury children received in their childhood vaccines, the more neurodevelopment disorders there are.” • If everyone knows about mercury toxicity, and officials have called for its removal (FIVE years ago), why is thimerosal still in vaccines?

• Dr. Geier concludes: “Maybe the mercury isn’t being taken out all at once because if the pharmaceutical companies did that, you would see an unbelievable change in the rate of autism and there would be massive lawsuits.”

Government Doubletalk

• The National Institutes of Health discussed “Mercury Health Hazards” saying: “For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on neurological development. Even low levels of mercury exposure can adversely effect the brain and nervous system.”

U.S. Public Health Service: NO HARM

“There are no data or evidence of any harm caused by the level of exposure that some children may have encountered in following the existing immunization schedule. Infants and children who have received thimerosal-containing vaccines do not need to be tested for mercury exposure.”

Joint Statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the United States Public Health Service (USPHS), Sept. 1999.

University of Calgary shows how low-level mercury kills neurons

And This Word of Resistance.

• A news report from Aligarh, India, told how (despite 11 cases of polio) Muslim parents were resisting the polio immunization drive.

“The child will get sick due to this [the vaccine],” said a young mother. Doors were shut tight and children were hustled out of sight. But with polio vials in hand, families were chased and children were force-fed the vaccine over protests from mothers and grandmothers. e-letter from The National Vaccine Information Center, June 3, 2003.

What Will You Do?

______28. Pet Vaccine Myths Debunked — VRAN

Pet Vaccine Myths by Catherine O’Driscoll http://bit.ly/RAJIOb

Myth No. 1

Vaccines protect our dogs against disease, helping to ensure they live long, healthy, happy lives.


Vaccines only sometimes protect our dogs against disease (if at all). Scientific studies into human vaccines have shown that just as many vaccinated people, and sometimes more vaccinated people, contract diseases as do unvaccinated people.

A study conducted by Canine Health Concern during 1997, involving 2,700 dogs, showed that 68.2% of dogs in the survey with parvovirus contracted it within three months of being vaccinated. Similarly, 55.6% of dogs with distemper contracted it within three months of vaccination; 63.6% contracted hepatitis within three months of vaccination; 50% contracted parainfluenza within three months of vaccination; and every single dog with leptospirosis contracted it within that three month timeframe.

So vaccines represent – at best – only a 50/50 chance of protection. But if you doubt the validity of the CHC survey, ask around. It won’t take long to find people whose dogs contracted these diseases shortly after being vaccinated. In a parvo vaccine trial conducted by Dr Ronald D Schultz, head of pathobiology at Wisconsin University, three out of six parvo vaccine brands totally failed to give protection; two gave only partial protection; and only one was shown to be effective.

Myth No. 2.

Vaccines have eradicated epidemics.

Wrong! Vaccine manufacturers like to claim this. But research shows that vaccines are generally introduced after the disease has died out: diseases die out after 67% of a population has been exposed to it. The smallpox vaccine is often quoted as having eradicated smallpox. In fact, scientists stopped using it when they finally admitted that it was causing too many side-effects.

Only then did the disease die out.

There are strong arguments to suggest that vaccines keep diseases in the eco- system. For example, the only cause of polio in the USA today is the vaccine itself. (You can get polio if you change the nappy of a baby who has recently been vaccinated against polio.) Vaccines also shed into the environment, so a vaccinated or unvaccinated dog or cat can contract a disease from the urine and faeces of a vaccinated dog or cat.

Myth No. 3.

Vaccines are extremely safe.


No-one can legitimately claim that vaccines are safe – because no-one has conducted the necessary research to make that claim. There are no long-term studies to show the long-term effects of vaccines on humans, let alone dogs.

Myth No. 4.

Only a tiny minority of genetically-susceptible dogs will suffer adverse reactions to vaccines.


Whilst some dogs will have genetic weaknesses that make vaccines more dangerous to them, there are many other factors which can put your dog at risk. Vaccine manufacturers warn, in their data sheets, that the following factors can render vaccines harmful (they use the phrase, “immunocompetence may be compromised” ):

if the dog is genetically defective

if there is something wrong with the dog’s diet

if the dog was unhealthy when vaccinated

if the dog is stressed at time of injection

if the dog’s immune system is incompetent

if the dog is exposed to a virus shortly after vaccination

if the dog is taking immune suppressant drugs such as steroids

if the vet stores and handles the vaccine inappropriately

if the dog is incubating disease at the time of vaccination

And if no-one is recording the adverse effects of vaccines effectively, then how can anyone say only a ‘tiny minority’ have adverse reactions? In the UK, vets are asked (not compelled to report adverse reactions if they suspect an adverse vaccine reaction. If a dog falls down having an epileptic fit within half an hour, ten days, or a month of vaccination, the vet very often fails to suspect a link – even though vaccines are known to cause epilepsy, and the human Vaccine Damage Compensation Unit has paid up to £30,000 to parents whose children were made epileptic by vaccines. Even if the vet does suspect a link, there is no law to make him report the suspected reaction. Many vets are too busy to complete the necessary paperwork. The same applies to other diseases which many scientists contend are vaccine-related – such as skin disease, arthritis, cancer, encephalitis, etc.

Myth No. 5.

“I am a vet, and I have only seen one vaccine reaction in 20 years’ of practice.”

Wrong! you only think you have seen one vaccine reaction in twenty years of practice! Vets have been trained to look for an immediate reaction – where the dog is allergic to the vaccine (this allergy is the basis for the genetic link claim). In the event of an allergic reaction – sometimes called anaphylaxis or a hypersensitivity reaction – the vet is advised to inject adrenalin into the animal to save his life.

Because vaccine components can remain in the system for long periods of time, and because most of these disease take time to show themselves, causal link is rarely established. Unless, that is, scientists take the time (despite fears that their funding might be withdrawn by the pharmaceutical industry) to study the facts.

Research papers published by eminent scientists show that the following diseases can be caused by vaccines:

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia

A dreadful disease that usually kills a dog within days. Progress of the disease closely resembles the last stages of AIDS. Cancer – Dr Denis W Macey was reported in an American veterinary paper as saying that up to 22,000 cats develop cancer at the site of vaccination every year in the USA.

The Salk Polio Vaccine

Administered to thousands of people in the 1950s and ’60s was contaminated with a Simian (monkey) retrovirus (called SV40) that has been found at human cancer sites. An Avian (bird) retrovirus has also been found at human cancer sites, suspected to have come from the MMR vaccine. Monkey kidneys, chick embryos, dog brains and kidney, and cat brains and kidneys are all commonly used as vaccine culture media. If the animal used as a culture medium for vaccines carries a retrovirus and this is undetected and left in the vaccine, the vaccine can permanently alter the genes of the animal or human receiving the vaccine.

Genetic defects

The significance of vaccines’ gene altering potential is alarming. For example, SV40 has been found at cancer sites belonging to the children of people who received the SV40-contaminated Salk Polio vaccine. SV40 switches off the part of the DNA that protects from cancer, and this defect can be inherited.

Although the British government was informed that the polio vaccine was contaminated at the time, they took the decision to use it anyway. Records have now been destroyed (to protect the guilty?). Once it was decided it was too risky to continue using the contaminated vaccine on the UK population, it was sold overseas to unsuspecting ‘foreigners’.

So God help your dog. Thyroid disease is inheritable; and this can be caused by vaccines. Once a dog has underlying thyroid disease, he or she only needs a trigger – from a vaccine, an environmental pollutant, from stress, or from dietary inadequacies – to develop full-blown autoimmune diseases. Thyroid disease can often be undetected. For example, behavioural problems, hormonal imbalances, nymphomania, and coat loss can by symptoms of thyroid disease, but are often treated at face value without establishing the underlying cause.


Dr Jean Dodds, one of the world’s foremost experts in canine vaccine reactions, says: “Recent vaccinations with single or combination modified live virus (MLV) vaccines are increasingly recognised contributors to immune-mediated blood diseases, bone marrow failure, and organ dysfunction.”

Dr Dodds lists leukaemia, thyroid disease, Addison’s disease, diabetes, and lymphoma as diseases that can be triggered by vaccines.


Yes, parvovirus was created by vaccines. This disease didn’t exist prior to the 1970s. In fact, scientists tell us it was created by vaccine manufacturers who cultured the distemper vaccine on cat kidneys that were infected with feline enteritis. This cat- enteritis-diseased distemper vaccine was then injected into dogs around the world, and parvovirus reared its ugly head around the world at the same time. Similarly, human AIDS is thought by some scientists to be a vaccine-induced plague. HIV (humans), FIV (cats), and SIV (monkeys) are closely related viruses. Two separate scientific papers link the emergence of HIV in humans with the use of SIV-infected polio vaccines (cultured on monkey kidneys) on male homosexuals in New York, and innocent citizens of the Belgian Congo.


If there is a history of arthritis, epilepsy or allergies in a human family, doctors will often refrain from vaccinating a child. Arthritis is an inflammatory (hypersensitivity/allergy) disease. Vaccines contain various components, including serum (often bovine serum posing a BSE type threat), formaldehyde, aluminium, and mercury. Is it any wonder that an animal might become hypersensitive or inflamed after having these poisons injected into hm? According to one vaccine manufacturer, vaccines that are cultured on animal tissue can contain ‘extraneous proteins’ that can cause autoimmune diseases. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, and it was found in the CHC survey to manifest in clusters nine months after vaccination. Animals with a genetic pre-disposition to allergies (ie ‘people’ from families with a history of irritable bowel syndrome/Crohns disease/enteritis, asthma, hay fever, eczema, and so on), can become more allergic, or become highly sensitised, when you inject foreign proteins (serums and organ tissue) into them. Veterinary manuals talk openly about serum reactions.


There are many, many research papers showing a link between allergies and vaccines.

In 1983, for example, Frick and Brooks published a paper to show that inhalant allergies (such as atopic dermatitis) have developed in dogs when vaccinated with distemper, hepatitis and leptospirosis vaccines just prior to, but not after, exposure to pollen extracts. ‘Atopic’ means an inherited pre-disposition to produce excess amounts of IgE antibodies in response to antigens (the things the animal is allergic to such as pollen, flea bites, dust mites, etc.). As a result the allergic individuals suffer chronically irritating skin inflammations. Other organs may exhibit signs of hypersensitivity causing, for example, conjunctivitis or rhinitis. Homoeopathic vets treat a large proportion of skin problems as ‘vaccinosis’ (a morbid reaction to vaccines).


As stated earlier, it is scientifically recognised that vaccines can cause epilepsy in humans. Dr Hans Selye published a famous paper in ‘Nature’ in 1936 which explained how an organism will react to a massive challenge (such as a vaccine). Every system of the body springs into action, and a hormone called DOC can be released. This hormone can cause brain lesions and destruction of large parts of the brain. Epilepsy is a neurological (brain) condition. In addition, this brain damage can lead to behavioural problems. Harris L Coulter has published a very convincing argument to suggest that unprovoked aggression in humans has its base in encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) caused by vaccines.

Myth No. 6.

Vaccine manufacturers have to undergo stringent procedures and tests to ensure safety. Wrong!

OK, partly true . . . vaccine manufacturers have to go through safety procedures and tests, but to claim that these tests are stringent is highly subjective. How, then, did SV40 get through; how did the avian virus get into the MMR vaccine; how did parvovirus slip through the net; and how did AIDS suddenly arrive from nowhere? In actual fact, no-one is permitted (in the UK at least) to test the viral component of a veterinary vaccine except a vaccine manufacturer. They are the only ones with a license to do it. This means that if you suspect a vaccine killed your puppy, you have to take the vaccine company’s word for it if they say it didn’t.

There’s no-one to go to if you want an independent check.

Myth No. 7.

It’s better to risk a vaccine reaction than subject my dog to these deadly killer diseases.


Firstly, very few of the classic canine diseases are deadly.

Parvovirus is only generally deadly to puppies and, as maternal antibody can be present for as many as 22 weeks, and as maternal antibody cancels out the vaccine, vaccinated puppies are unlikely to be protected from parvovirus. Adult dogs rarely die from parvovirus.

Distemper kills only half of affected dogs. Indeed, dogs most susceptible to disease are those who are fed poor quality processed foods (and don’t imagine that price equals quality). A dog fed a natural diet, containing ‘real’ food, is most able to combat any viral challenges. Also, please be aware that there is an alternative to a highly risky vaccine – this is discussed later. Clinical signs of hepatitis and parainfluenza range from mild and invisible to death (the flu rarely kills; hepatitis can be caused by a range of factors, including poor diet, and the vaccine doesn’t protect against all of the other dangers). Secondly, no-one knows how common these diseases are. No-one records their existence.

Leptospirosis, for example, is extremely rare (apart from which, leptospirosis is a range of over a hundred bacterins; the chances of the strain in the needle matching the strain in the field are remote; and the vaccine only confers protection for between three and six months, leaving vaccinated dogs ‘unprotected’ for up to nine months anyway). Vaccines have also been known to cause the diseases they were designed to prevent. This happens when a vaccine is injected into an animal with a suppressed immune system (caused by genetic factors, poor diet, stress, existing illness, etc.); or when the vaccine manufacturer fails to render the viral component of the vaccine harmless in the lab. In the latter instance, the vaccine is withdrawn after it has killed ‘more dogs than normally expected’ (in the words of one vaccine manufacturer as it withdrew its vaccine).

Canine Health Concern’s vaccine survey indicated that at least one in every hundred dogs is damaged by vaccines. As no-one has any statistics to suggest otherwise, it should be up to vets and vaccine manufacturers to prove vaccines are safe – and not the other way round. We whose dogs have died or suffered chronic debilitating diseases shouldn’t have to take their word for it when the vaccine manufacturers deny responsibility. Our concerns should be taken seriously, and not strenuously denied in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Myth No. 8.

The homoeopathic vaccine alternative is unproven.


Existing research and experience shows that the homoeopathic nosode is as protective – but probably more protective – than vaccines. Whereas the medical and veterinary ‘professions’ receive huge sums of money from international multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical conglomerates, please note that homoeopaths do not. Rather, vets who trust the less expensive homoeopathic alternative suffer serious financial loss by refusing to sell highly lucrative annual boosters. A growing number of dog lovers are beginning to choose the homoeopathic alternative to vaccines. Some have been using the nosode for up to twenty years, and claim that they have never had a problem.

Myth No. 9.

You should vaccinate your dog every year.

Wrong! If you hear nothing else, if you can accept nothing else, please know that annual vaccination is not necessary. Please do not subject your dogs to the vaccine risk year after year until they drop.

Once immunity to a virus exists, it persists for the lifetime of the host. In the case of leptospirosis (a bacterial disease), I have already explained that the vaccine is virtually useless and therefore not worth the risk.

One American veterinary vaccine manufacturer has made a public announcement, saying that it no longer recommends annual vaccination. Several American veterinary colleges have announced the same, in reaction to consumer pressure and fears over adverse reactions.

One veterinary college said that annual vaccination has no scientific basis, and we might as well have chosen ‘every full moon’ to stick the needle in. And please be aware that a vaccine administered to a puppy, when his immune system is immature, is probably the most harmful jab of all, capable of wreaking havoc – havoc that you might not be able to detect immediately.

Myth No. 10

My doctor/vet knows best.


Doctors and vets are trained in a very specific healing discipline. They know a little about pharmaceuticals, and some of them know about surgery.

But they rely upon the pharmaceutical industry to tell them which drugs to use in which circumstances. When a conventionally trained scientist tells you that homoeopathy doesn’t work, you may as well ask your butcher whether electricity works – the fact is, conventional vets rarely have any knowledge of homoeopathy to base their opinions on. Homoeopaths do not claim to be able to reverse all vaccine damage, and conventional vets – not even recognising vaccine damage – have little success. Once you’ve administered the needle, you can never change your mind. Please STUDY THE FACTS, don’t live to regret it.


Canine Distemper Vaccine Causing Brain Disease in Dogs

Neurologic symptoms are the most common vaccine reaction seen in dogs. Canine distemper vaccination is the most common cause of neurologic disease, and can cause an inflammation of the brain. Measles vaccine in puppies has been reported to rarely cause damage to the nervous system. Cerebellar disease has been reported in puppies less than 5 weeks of age who were vaccinated with a modified live vaccine.



Despite your veterinarian's efforts to design a safe vaccination protocol for every pet, vaccine reactions can and do occur. Like a drug, a vaccine is capable of causing an adverse reaction. Some of these reactions are mild (some discomfort at the injection site, lethargy or loss of appetite for a day or so). Some of these reactions are more severe (allergic reaction, immunologic reactions). If your pet has reacted to a vaccine in the past, inform your veterinarian.

I've heard that some vaccinations cause cancer in cats. Is this true?

Vaccination-induced sarcomas (a form of cancer) in cats are rare. They occur most commonly with Rabies and Feline Leukemia vaccinations. It is important for you and your veterinarian to decide if the risk of your cat being exposed to these diseases is greater than the potential risk of developing a vaccine-induced sarcoma. If the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of vaccination, then the vaccination should be given. If your cat develops a lump at the injection site, call your veterinarian.


* Adverse reactions to vaccination have been recognized for years http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2115&aid=962

Adverse reactions to vaccination have been recognized for years, and were commonly seen in several human vaccines including polio and smallpox vaccines. Adverse reactions to vaccines also occur in dogs and cats. Adverse effects from vaccinations can vary with the type of vaccine used, and the age and breed of animal vaccinated. Anaphylaxis is one of the most serious reactions to vaccines.

Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening, immediate allergic reaction to something ingested or injected. If untreated, it results in shock, respiratory and cardiac failure, and death. An anaphylactic reaction can occur as a result of vaccination. The most common symptoms of anaphylaxis are the sudden onset of diarrhea, vomiting, shock, seizures, coma, and death.

Anaphylactic reactions are more commonly associated with the use of killed vaccines such as rabies, canine coronavirus, and leptospirosis. *Killed vaccines have more virus or bacterial particles per dose and have added chemicals (adjuvants) to improve the dog's immune response. These characteristics also increase the risk of an allergic reaction to the vaccine.

*Killed vaccine

Vaccines which are made by taking the real, disease-causing viruses (or bacteria), killing them, and putting them into a liquid base. Compare with 'modified live vaccine' and 'recombinant vaccine.' also see "killed vaccine" below.

Neurologic symptoms are the most common vaccine reaction seen in dogs. Canine distemper vaccination is the most common cause of neurologic disease, and can cause an inflammation of the brain. Cerebellar disease has been reported in puppies less than 5 weeks of age who were vaccinated with a modified live vaccine.

*Cerebellar disease (brain disorder) http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/cerebellar-signs-including-cerebellar-ataxia

Canine adenovirus-1 is known to cause an allergic uveitis (inflammation of the eye), often called 'blue eye.' Most vaccines now contain canine adenovirus-2 instead of adenovirus-1, almost eliminating the chance of blue eye occurring today. ______

http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx? P=A&S=0&C=0&A=1733&EVetID=3001913

What is vaccinial distemper? Can a dog actually get distemper from its vaccine?

Vaccinial distemper refers to the development of neurodistemper 10 to 21 days after administration of a modified live distemper vaccine.



Susan Thorpe Vargas MS, Ph.D.

One of the most controversial issues in veterinary science today concerns vaccinations. What people are questioning is the frequency of vaccination, some safety vs. efficacy concerns and even whether to vaccinate at all. So when you ask your vet when to bring your animal back for its next shot, be aware there is no one correct answer.

The Vaccine Controversy

The first point to consider is the safety issue. Vaccines can be harmful. There are risks associated with vaccinations and when weighed against the benefits such risks usually are considered acceptable, except when it is your dog that suffers the untoward reaction. For instance some dogs, after being vaccinated with modified live canine distemper vaccine (see types of vaccines) can develop seizures, a lack of coordination and other neurological dysfunctions caused from a rare condition called postvaccinal canine distemper virus encephalitis. Another problem noted with genetically susceptible animals is that it is possible for vaccinations to trigger various autoimmune diseases, including several blood disorders and a rabies vaccine-induced encephalitis. Of particular note in this regard has been the association of autoimmune hemolytic anemia with vaccination in dogs .

Canine parvovirus, canine distemper and the use of polyvalent vaccines that contain these attenuated viruses have been implicated in inducing immune dysfunction.

*Killed vaccines, also known as fully attenuated vaccines, until recently have been the safest vaccine option available. They are safer because unlike the modified live vaccines they do not shed virus into the environment nor can they ever revert to virulence. However, in order to maximize their effectiveness, killed vaccines are normally used with adjuvants that can cause their own problems. The immune system is antigen-driven. This means that in order to mount an effective immune response, the body must see the antigen for as long as possible. Once the antigen is eliminated the response is terminated. Many different compounds have been used to enhance the efficacy of killed vaccines, but the rational behind their use is to prolong the antigenic stimulus of the primary immune response.

* Over-vaccination of pets – an unethical practice



29. Questions To Ask Your Physician and Any Vaccination Advocates:

1. Dr. Michel Odent has linked asthma to the whooping cough vaccine. Have you read his research? What do you think?

2. Professor Wakefield (UK) has linked autism and Crohn's disease to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. What do you think? What evidence do you have to back up your opinions?

3. Why is the same dose of vaccines given to a two month old as for a 5 year old?

4. Are you aware that Japan changed the start time for vaccinating from 3 months to two years and straight away their SIDS rate plummeted?

5. Do you believe in herd immunity? If so, how is it that 98% of U.S.A. children are vaccinated yet they still have outbreaks of these diseases?

6. Historically, most diseases were already 90% in remission in society before any vaccines were introduced. Bearing this fact in mind, how can vaccines be proclaimed as "curing" disease, especially when there were no vaccines for some diseases like bubonic plague and scarlet fever?

7. How can an unvaccinated child be more of a risk than a vaccinated child if neither have the disease? Surely it would be the other way around in the case of the live virus vaccines? These children are assured of having the virus in their bodies to spread.

8. How can the Tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the disease naturally does not give immunity?

9. Medical authorities often state the virus they utilize is "dead" or "killed" and therefore cannot possibly induce disease. According to medicine's own theory of how vaccines protect, how could a dead or inactive virus stimulate and strengthen the immune system if the body doesn't recognize its presence and a threat?

The correct term for a weakened or mutated virus is "attenuated." If they are safe and effective in their design, why are thousands of young girls dying and suffering from serious adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine? Why are there setttlements being paid by the courts to families of autistic children? Why are greater numbers of people choosing not to vaccinate?

10. If vaccines are so beneficial to the health and well-being of society, why do so many distinguished experts in the medical field vilify their use?



30. UNIVERSAL IMMUNIZATION — Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage

By Dr. Raymond Obomsawin Entire Book : http://www.whale.to/a/obomsawin_b1.html


31. Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety

* If you are going to subject yourself to medicine's magical potions, at least have your physician complete this form. If they refuse, you need to think twice about the "safety and efficacy" the vaccine is alleged to have.


Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety

I (Physician’s name, degree)______, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the Province of ______. My College of Medical Physician’s license number is ______. My is ______

I have a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of all the medications that I prescribe for or administer to my patients. In the case of (Patient’s name) ______, age ______, whom I have examined, I find that certain risk factors exist that justify the recommended vaccinations. The following is a list of said risk factors and the vaccinations that will protect against them:

Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______Risk Factor ______Vaccination ______

I am aware that vaccines typically contain many of the following fillers:

* aluminum hydroxide * aluminum phosphate * ammonium sulfate * amphotericin B * animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, * dog kidney, monkey kidney, * chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg * calf (bovine) serum * betapropiolactone * fetal bovine serum * formaldehyde * formalin * gelatin * glycerol * human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue) * hydrolized gelatin * mercury thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate(r)) * monosodium glutamate (MSG) * neomycin * neomycin sulfate * phenol red indicator * phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) * potassium diphosphate * potassium monophosphate * polymyxin B * polysorbate 20 * polysorbate 80 * porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein * residual MRC5 proteins * sorbitol * tri(n)butylphosphate, * VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells, and * washed sheep red blood and, hereby, warrant that these ingredients are safe for injection into the body of my patient. I have researched reports to the contrary, such as reports that mercury thimerosol causes severe neurological and immunological damage, and find that they are not credible.

I am aware that some vaccines have been found to have been contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV 40), as reported by the Centre for Disease Control, and that SV 40 is causally linked by some researchers to non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma and mesotheliomas in humans as well as in experimental animals. I hereby warrant that the vaccines I employ in my practice do not contain SV 40 or any other live viruses. (Alternately, I hereby warrant that said SV-40 virus or other viruses pose no substantive risk to my patient.)

I hereby warrant that the vaccines I am recommending for the care of (Patient’s name) ______do not contain any tissue from aborted human babies (also known as "fetuses").

In order to protect my patient’s well being, I have taken the following steps to guarantee that the vaccines I will use will contain no damaging contaminants.


I have personally investigated the reports made to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and state that it is my professional opinion that the vaccines I am recommending are safe for administration to a child under the age of 5 years.

The bases for my opinion are itemized on Exhibit A , attached hereto, -- "Physician’s Bases for Professional Opinion of Vaccine Safety." (Please itemize each recommended vaccine separately along with the bases for arriving at the conclusion that the vaccine is safe for administration to a child under the age of 5 years.) The professional journal articles I have relied upon in the issuance of this Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety are itemized on Exhibit B , attached hereto, -- "Scientific Articles in Support of Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety."

The professional journal articles that I have read which contain opinions adverse to my opinion are itemized on Exhibit C , attached hereto, -- "Scientific Articles Contrary to Physician’s Opinion of Vaccine Safety."

The reasons for my determining that the articles in Exhibit C were invalid are delineated in Attachment D , attached hereto, -- "Physician’s Reasons for Determining the Invalidity of Adverse Scientific Opinions."

Hepatitis B

I understand that 60 percent of patients who are vaccinated for Hepatitis B will lose detectable antibodies to Hepatitis B within 12 years. I understand that in 1996 only 54 cases of Hepatitis B were reported to the CDC in the 0-1 year age group. I understand that in the VAERS, there were 1,080 total reports of adverse reactions from Hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1 year age group, with 47 deaths reported.

I understand that 50 percent of patients who contract Hepatitis B develop no symptoms after exposure. I understand that 30 percent will develop only flu-like symptoms and will have lifetime immunity. I understand that 20 percent will develop the symptoms of the disease, but that 95 percent will fully recover and have lifetime immunity.

I understand that 5 percent of the patients who are exposed to Hepatitis B will become chronic carriers of the disease. I understand that 75 percent of the chronic carriers will live with an asymptomatic infection and that only 25 percent of the chronic carriers will develop chronic liver disease or liver cancer, 10-30 years after the acute infection.

The following scientific studies have been performed to demonstrate the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine in children under the age of 5 years. ______

In addition to the recommended vaccinations as protections against the above cited risk factors, I have recommended other non-vaccine measures to protect the health of my patient and have enumerated said non-vaccine measures on Exhibit D , attached hereto, "Non-vaccine Measures to Protect Against Risk Factors."

I am issuing this Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety in my professional capacity as the attending physician to (Patient’s name) ______.

Regardless of the legal entity under which I normally practice medicine, I am issuing this statement in both my business and individual capacities and hereby waive any statutory, Common Law, Constitutional, UCC, international treaty, and any other legal immunities from liability lawsuits in the instant case.

I issue this document of my own free will after consultation with competent legal counsel whose name is ______, an attorney admitted to the Bar in the Province of ______

______(Name of Attending Physician)

______L.S. (Signature of Attending Physician)

Signed on this ______day of ______A.D. ______

Witness: ______Date: ______

Notary Public: ______Date: ______

______32. The Death of Medicine: An Open Letter to Allopathic Physicians

Allopathic physicians dispense deleterious drugs under the guise of being a "healer" when in fact their drugs rarely cure anything. Many in the industry will cite the routine mythical counterclaim that "the benefits outweigh the risks". That would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. Medicine's own statistics prove the profession is now the number 1 cause of death in the United States. The CDC has linked vaccines to cancer and evidence indicates that vaccination programs are responsible for the epidemic of childhood autism and other dis-eases. Even credible oncologists admit that their invasive chemotherapy and ionizing radiation treatments rarely cure.

Instead of discrediting natural and God-given remedies for disease, doctors should take a closer look at their own sources of medical data such as JAMA, BMJ, The Lancet or The New England Journal of Medicine for a clue to why allopathy has gone awry. This is a revealing take on medical reality. http://bit.ly/1jLLLct

Before entering the profession, doctors used to take the Hippocratic oath that stated in part, "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death."

No wonder today's "practicing" physicians don't prescribe to this traditional and ethical oath. How could they when they pledge allegiance to the false God of Pharmacology who indoctrinates them to condemn alternative treatments while turning a blind eye to the death and destruction their own doctrine results in.

Give it up. Do humanity a favour and prescribe to a medical modality that actually heals because the battle you're fighting to preserve what's left of the failed and corrupt profession of allopathy is all but lost.

Here is a list of alternative modalities and therapies to choose from that can actually "cure":

Homeopathy, Osteopathic Medicine, Chiropractic Medicine, Chelation Treatment, , , , Rife Machine Healing, Ayurvedic Medicine, Water Therapy, Ionic Minerals, , Massage Therapy, , Biorhythms, Biofeedback, Lymphatic Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Herbal Therapy, Music Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Floatation Therapy, Positive Prayer, Tai Chi, , Gong, Feng Shui, Neuro Emotional Technique, Emotional Freedom Technique, Chakra Balancing, Hydrotherapy, , Light Therapy, Exercises, Magnetic Therapy, Blood Type Diet, & ETT (Eliminate Toxins Treatment), Nutritional Counseling, Yoga Therapy, Sweat or Sauna Therapy, , Stress Management, Supplements, Meditation, et al. A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good.

* The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million.

* Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in 1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now refers to tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics.

* The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million.

* The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million.

* The total number of iatrogenic deaths shown in the following table is 783,936.

It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States and much of the western world.


Death By Medicine http://bit.ly/1iBNUar by Gary Null, PhD, Carolyn Dean, MD, ND,Martin Feldman, MD, Debora Rasio, MD, Dorothy Smith, PhD.


33. International Websites Run by Vaccine Critics This list is not complete. You can find more information by checking links on websites below:

New Zealand: Immunization Awareness Society www.ias.org.nz (Under construction)

IAS links page, which includes vaccine datasheets http://www.ias.org.nz/vaccine-information/vaccine-resources/

New Zealand Health Freedom website http://healthfreedom.co.nz/vaccines.html

Argentina: www.librevacunacion.com.ar

Australia: Meryl Dorey: http://www.avn.org.au/

Bronwyn Hancock: http://www.vaccination.inoz.com/

Ian Sinclair: http://www.vaccinationdebate.com/

Greg Beattie: http://vaccinationdilemma.com/

Austria: Dr Johann Loibner: www.aegis.at

Belgium: Dr Kris Gaublomme: www.vaccinatieschade.be

R. Acmanne www.inforviesaine.be.tf

Brazil: Dr Veronica Carstens: www.taps.org.br

Canada: Edda West: www.vran.org

Denmark: Else Jenson www.vaccinationforum.du/link.htm

Europe - general: European Forum on Vaccine Vigilance http://users.telenet.be/vaccine.damage.prevention/englishhomepage

Europe - specific:

Finland: Immunisation Awareness Society, website: www.rokotusinfo.fi

Contact: Marja Tuomela: [email protected]

Chairperson: Jyrki Kuoppala [email protected]

France: Website: http://users.pandora.be/vaccine.damage.prevention/frenchhomepage Francoise Joet: www.alis.asso.fr

Jean-Marie Mora www.ctanet.fr/vaccination-information

Association de victimes du vaccin hépatite-B http://www.revahb.org/

Germany: Libertas & Sanitas e.VMarbach (LiSa) [email protected]

Colette Leick-Welter PhD [email protected]

(Hans Tolzin) http://www.impfkritik.de/ http://www.impfrisiko.eu/ ' Stefan Lanka Ph.D. Ludwig-Pfaustrasse 1B 70176 Stuttgart, Germany Telefon - 0711 2220601 Fax - 0711 2220600 Mobil Fon - 0171 3281070 [email protected] http://www.klein-klein-aktion.de/index.html http://www.sickofdoctors.addr.com/articles/lanka_interview1.htm

German discussion forums - http://www.impfschutzverband.de/phorum5/index.php http://www.impfschaden.info/impfkritisches_forum.htm Greece: Marianne et Christian Darlagiannis [email protected] Hungary: Johannes Brunen [email protected] Israel: Dr Chaim Rosenthal [email protected] Hasson Organization — information about vaccines (Israel) http://www.hisunim.com/ Italy:Walter Pansini www.comilva.org Simone and Tomas Federspiel www.condav.it Giorgio Tremante (Association of vaccine victims) [email protected] Luxembourg: AEGIS Luxembourg [email protected] Netherlands: http://www.nvkp.nl/ and www.vaccinatieschade.nl Norway: Anette Neumann-Tingulstad: [email protected] Poland: [email protected]

Russia: http://www.homeoint.org/kotok/ and http://1796kotok.com/forum/index.php Russian parent site: http://www.privivkam.net/and http://www.privivkam.net/iv/

Slovenia: Borut Mesko: [email protected] Spain: Dr Xavier Uriarte: http://www.vacunacionlibre.org/ Sweden: Maria Carlshamre [email protected] Switzerland: AEGIS Suisse www.Aegis.ch Groupe médical de Réflexion sur les Vaccins: www.infovaccin.ch Association STELIOR www.stelior.org

A group of 800 Swiss doctors are hosting this site.

Dr. Steffen Rabe's site.

Ukraine: http://www.privivok.net.ua/ United Kingdom: Magda Taylor: http://www.theinformedparent.co.uk/ Sheri Nakken: http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Jackie Fletcher:http://www.jabs.org.uk/ Lynne McTaggart : www.wddty.co.uk

Arnica http://www.arnica.org.uk/

United States of America:

Jeffrey John Aufderheide http://vactruth.com Sandy Gottstein www.vaccinationnews.com National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org Cindy and Dina: http://users.adelphia.net/~cdc/ Gary Krasner: http://goodlight.net/nyvic/ Dawn Richardson: http://vaccineinfo.net/ Vaccination Information and Liberation South Florida Chapter: www.vacinfo.org The Echo Foundation http://www.theechofoundation.com/vaccines.htm Dr Ted Koren: http://www.korenpublications.com/kp/category/vaccine- information

Vaccine Injury information: http://vaccine-injury.info/

Andreas Bachmair http://vaccineinjury.info/

International Medical Council on Vaccination http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/ Other useful information sources:

The Hadwin documents: http://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/020119hadwin/020119 hadwin.toc.html

Essential out of print E-books from Australian Soil and Health. Make sure you PAY the voluntary library fee. Sure, they are available free, but don’t abuse the privilege:

Agriculture http://www.soilandhealth.org/03sov/0302hsted/0302homested.html

Alternative medicine http://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/0201hyglibcat.html

Educational Blogs:

Inside Vaccines. An anonymous group building interesting article, with good references. www.insidevaccines.com

Vaccination Research and Resources: http://www.vacvine.com/

Vaccination News http://www.vaccinationnews.com/ one of the best internet collections of long term information.

Passionless Drone . Now, here's a skeptic of a different sort. For an introduction into following a thinking trend, this is a pretty good attempt: http://passionlessdrone.wordpress.com/

Sanevax.org http://sanevax.org/news-blog/ These people have pretty much seen the issues for what they are.


"Doctors prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire