A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis

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A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis Updates: joytigoel.com Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com -A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis- 1. Introduction 2. How Covid-19 Came To Be 3. Exosomes (Dr. Andrew Kaufman) 4. RT-PCR Test 5. Elderly, Immune System & Hospitals 6. Media & Statistics 7. Italy 8. 5G Technology 9. Government Advisers & Imperial College 10. Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar & Dr. Shiva. Ayyadurai Outcomes & Effects: · 11. Economy · 12. RNA & DNA Vaccines & Digital ID · 13. Censorship & Surveillance · 14. Technocracy · 15. Food Chain · 16. Lockdown · 17. Deaths 18. What To Expect 19. The Pentagon & The U.S. Military 20. Reported Events (Timeline) 21. CONCLUSION 22. What Can We Do? 23. Positives Side To This Crisis 24. Additional Notes 25. Deeper Energetic Analysis 26. Sources 2 Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com UPDATES SINCE 1st RELEASE Bookmarks ~ Page Numbers ~ Rhetoric Questions ~ Grammar ~ Punctuation ~ Additional References. Page 12: President of Tanzania regarding goat and papaya test results. Page12: Dr. Tim O'shea $5000 reward to prove PCR Test actually diagnoses for the new alleged virus. Page 14: Additional information regarding harmful effects of masks. Page 16: * Hydroxychloroquine ~ 2005 NIH study ~ Trump ~ India ~ Dr. Didier Raoult ~ Haemoglobin ~ Iron ions (Fe2+). Page 19: Italian ICU footage used for NY~ Bill Gates funding the BBC. Page 21/22: * 5G (Significant update) ~ 60GHz ~ 42GHz ~ Haemoglobin ~ Iron ions (Fe2+) ~ Spin State ~ FCC ~ SpaceX ~ Satellites. Page 23: 5G Summit + Links with huge list of legal actions, moratoriums and studies regarding 5G and wireless technology/ radiation. Page 32: Dale Bigtree and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny interview. Page 35: E.g. of number of patients being trialled for new vaccine (gene therapy). Page 37: AstraZeneca’s ties with Moderna’s mRNA vaccines. Page 37: Bill Gates bribe offer to Nigeria and Madagascar. Page 37: Bill introduced in State of Colorado regarding vaccines/ doctors/ parents. Page 39: Fact checkers (Policifact ~ Factchecker ~ Snopes). Page 40: A little more on Bill Gates Page 42: Lab-produced breast milk (Bill Gates). Page 50: WHO redefines pandemic (2010) ~ Rockefeller (2010) document quote ~ Bill Gates heavy funding into Moderna (2016). Page 51: World Bank Pandemic Bonds (2019) Page 52: * Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Brother Fund Event to plan out contact tracing (2019) Page 54: Italy vaccine ~ CDC demand for quarantine program health advisor (2019). Page 55: Italy vaccine ~ Anthony Fauci interview ~ CEOs stepping down & congressmen dumping stocks ~ Taiwanese virologist ~ UN document (2020) Page 56: CDC new IFR predictions (2020) Page 65: How to prevent/ cleanse/ reverse EMF radiation/ damage/ exposure. MMS Deleted (not what I thought it was). 3 Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com INTRODUCTION 4 Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com Everybody is entitled to their perspective and has the right to disagree with anything stated in this document. However, I urge you to read the document from A to Z with an open mind before making any decision. I have laid out useful insights and raised pertinent questions in order to appeal to your intellect and instigate enough curiosity so that you can also start researching yourself what is truly going on. Some of the pertinent question: • Does the virus exist and if it does, where does it come from? • Why do so many positive patients suffer from minor or no symptoms? • What test do they use? • How do they report a death or a case? • Why was Italy hit so badly? • Will things ever go back to normal? • Are there any links between 5G and the virus? • What is this crisis accomplishing? • Who is benefiting from it? • What are they hiding from us? • What can we do? In a matter of weeks, the world has changed drastically with nearly 4 billion people locked inside due to fear of a virus and acquiescence to authorities while their fundamental rights and freedom are being taken away. This is a complex matter at hand; there are many factors at play which are all interconnected. There are many layers and you can always go deeper. There are certain unknown forces who are manipulating our society for their own agenda. This does not mean that all politicians are consciously part of these forces; a majority of them are puppets or completely clueless to the bigger picture and underlying agenda. This is due to compartmentalisation ~ the division of something into sections or categories, in which one level of the hierarchy only knows what it needs to know in order to carry out its operating function and nothing more. The last thing I want is to make you feel hopeless and afraid. There is a potential positive outcome in every situation, something can always be done. But first, you must understand what is at stake, shed all fears, become psychically prepared and help others. We cannot be held prisoners in our own home and do absolutely nothing. This knowledge will expand your awareness and empower you. It is imperative for you to thoroughly read this document from start to finish before making your own mind. 5 Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com HOW COVID-19 CAME TO BE The first case was supposedly reported on the 17th November 2019 in Wuhan, China. The authorities claimed that the virus broke out due to the non-sanitary conditions in Wuhan’s seafood markets and potentially due to the consumption of bats. Some believe it was bioengineered, others believe it does not exist. Apparently, based on the RT-PCR results, the alleged new virus started to spread exponentially as cases were reported in various countries, mainly in Italy, South Korea and Iran. Italy being the centre of the alleged pandemic in Europe created mass amounts of fear and panic due to the ways it was portrayed in the mainstream media, the lockdown, the amount of cases and deaths etc which all monumentally amplified the gravity of the situation and mass hysteria. Why Italy? I will come to that a little bit later. A lockdown was imposed more or less synchronously all over the world in a majority of countries. People reacted with the R-complex (Reptilian) part of their brain as their survival instincts kicked in; and willingly accepted the lockdown without critically thinking of the far reaching consequences. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a licensed and board certified in psychiatry, Bachelors in science of Biology (MIT), Doctor of Medicine and former medical instructor of Haematology and oncology investigated the scientific research papers available in the medical community to get to the bottom of the outbreak. Here are Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s findings: The first group of scientist in Wuhan, claiming to have found a new virus first quoted ‘The disease was determined as a pneumonia induced viral by clinicians according to clinical symptoms and other criteria including temperature rising, lymphocytes and white blood cells decreasing, new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiography, and no obvious improvements upon three days of antibiotic treatment. It appears that most of the early cases had contact with the seafood market.’ They concluded that the above symptoms arose from a new virus solely based on these observations. To further prove this conclusion, they took 7 out of 200 of the initial patients and injected a fluid into their lungs which was mixed around and collected any chemicals or cells etc before sucking the fluid back up ~ bronchoalveolar lavage. Using the lung fluid which they did not purify in order to isolate the new virus, instead they separated a sort of genetic material and found some RNA. RNA is a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information. It is to be noted that at any given time, there is free genetic material circulating around our blood and body fluids which is also found in bacteria such as the ones in our lungs and other various types of structures. The Chinese scientific researchers determined the sequence (code) of this genetic material found in the lung fluid and developed a RT-PCR Test to test for the presence of this genetic material. The RT-PCR Test should not be used for diagnosing infectious disease, the reasons for which become clear in the later section. Please Note: They didn’t isolate the virus or the source causing this genetic material. They literally assumed that this genetic material that they found was allegedly caused by a new virus which they named Sars-Cov2. 6 Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.com Koch’s Postulates are the Gold standard for determining if an infectious agent was indeed causing the disease that is claimed it does. Koch’s Postulates: 1) The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease but should not be found in healthy organisms (Everyone with the disease should have the same symptoms). 2) Purification ~ Microorganisms must be isolated from disease organisms and grown in a pure culture (Isolate what you say is causing disease from all other genetic material so you only have what you say is causing the disease). 3) The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced to a healthy organism (Inject the so-called cause into another person and they must get the disease). 4) The microorganisms must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent (Take the material from the injected person and then inject that into another living host who must also get the disease). I emphasize, not a single one of those postulates was carried out for this alleged Covid-19 Pandemic! [2.0] [2.02] [2.04] The article [2.06] published by Nature magazine claims Koch's postulates were fulfilled for the SARS virus i.e.
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