Qanon and Other Extremist Ideologies Dominate Events

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Qanon and Other Extremist Ideologies Dominate Events 2021 Far-Right Conferences: QAnon and Other Extremist Ideologies Dominate Events Retired Lt General and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a QAnon promoter, has spoken at numerous conspiracy-oriented events in 2021. Sections 1 Introduction 5 Politicians, Candidates, Ex-Candidates, Trump Associates are Speakers 2 Overview of the Speakers 6 QAnon Promoters 3 January 6 Protesters and Insurrectionists 7 Anti-Vax/Anti-COVID “Shutdown” Conspiracists 4 Election Fraud Conspiracy Theorists 8 Christian Pastors and Conspiracists 9 Conclusion 1 / 25 INTRODUCTION SinSinSinSincececece th thththeeee chaos chaoschaoschaos of ofofof th thththeeee Januar JanuarJanuarJanuaryyyy 6 666 insurr insurrinsurrinsurrectionectionectionection at the U.S. Capitol, disparate groups of Trump supporters advocating the former president’s false assertions of a stolen election, QAnQAnQAnQAnonononon adherents, electionelectionelectionelection fraud fraudfraudfraud pr prprpromomomomotersotersotersoters and anti-vanti-vanti-vanti-vaccinaccinaccinaccineeee activists have organized events around the country to promote their causes. This phenomenon underscores the extent to which the line separating the mainstream from the extreme has blurred, and how mainstream efforts to undermine democratic institutions are bolstered by extremist and conspiratorial narratives and their supporters. These narratives, which go well beyond the mainstream into extreme territory, include the following lies: The 2020 presidential election was stolen by the Democrats (touted at the Health and Freedom events, organized by right-wing entrepreneur Clay Clark, as well as at other events.) A global cabal of pedophiles (including Democrats) who are kidnapping children for their blood will be executed when Donald Trump is reinstated as president. The coronavirus was co-created in a lab by Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. The coronavirus vaccine contains dangerous ingredients that change your DNA and make vaccinated people “shed” dangerous toxins. Satanic socialists are attempting to take over the country. If Democrats and “the left” remain in power, a confrontation, potentially violent, will be necessary to “reclaim” the country. In 2021, a variety of conferences have brought together right-wing extremists, conspiracy theorists and “mainstream” conservatives. As recently as July 11, 2 / 25 speakers at CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference) raised the issue of “election integrity,” which in this context is a euphemism for the election fraud conspiracy theories promoted by former President Trump and his associates. Attendees at this nominally mainstream event were able ttttoooo pur purpurpurchasechasechasechase QAn QAnQAnQAnonononon mmmmererererchanchanchanchandise,dise,dise,dise, while whilewhilewhile m mmmembersembersembersembers of ofofof two twotwotwo extr extrextrextremistemistemistemist gr grgrgroupsoupsoupsoups—the OathOathOathOath K KKKeeperseeperseeperseepers and the PrPrPrProudoudoudoud Bo BoBoBoysysysys—freely walked the halls of the conference. While presenting themselves as American “patriots,” many event speakers have celebrated conspiracy theories that sow distrust in not only the government but also in democratic institutions and scientific facts. The overriding view is that America is being corrupted by nefarious entities like “ththththeeee Deep DeepDeepDeep State StateStateState,” communists, socialists and scientists, among many others. People with varying ideologies are finding common ground in their desire for a more “traditional” society that embraces American nationalism, religion and what they consider “patriotic” values. Conspiracy theories like QAnQAnQAnQAnonononon are merging with bigger, broader theories focused on election fraud and government control, which in turn attracts right-wing politicians to the conferences to promote these amalgam theories. This has the effect of normalizing these conspiratorial views and spreading disinformation to a broader audience. 3 / 25 Clay Clark, a right-wing entrepreneur, has held numerous Health and Freedom conferences across the country, many of which feature QAnon figures like Michael Flynn (in the background) and others promoting various conspiracies. OVERVIEW OF THE SPEAKERS Many of the speakers at these events travel directly from one venue to another. They have amassed thousands of online supporters, who are likely to attend events. A number of the speakers are associates of Donald Trump. People like retired lieutenant-general and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was parparparpardondondondonedededed b bbbyyyy T TTTrumprumprumprump in November 2020 for lying to the FBI about the Russia investigation, and attorney LinLinLinLin W WWWoodoodoodood, a lawyer who tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, have a devoted following at these events. Flynn and Wood are heroes to QAnon adherents, mostly due to their support of Trump’s presidency, particularly after the 2020 election. SidnSidnSidnSidneeeeyyyy P PPPowellowellowellowell, another attorney who worked on trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election, has also become a popular speaker. All three have a massive number of followers on Telegram: Wood has almost 840,000; Powell has nearly 495,000 and Flynn has nearly 250,000. Other well-known speakers like MikMikMikMikeeee Lin LinLinLindelldelldelldell, the CEO of My Pillow, and PPPPatrickatrickatrickatrick ByrnByrnByrnByrneeee, the former CEO of, are very vocal in their belief that the 2020 election was decided by fraud. The false narrative of election fraud, coupled with QAnon narratives that Trump will return to office as president is a prevalent theme at these conferences. 4 / 25 Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, is one of the biggest promoters of election fraud conspiracy theories. (photo credit: Gage Skidmore) These ideas were key in motivating TTTTrumprumprumprump suppor supporsupporsupportersterstersters t tttoooo conv convconvconverererergegegege on Washington, D.C. on January 6 in an effort to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory. At least nine speakers at these events were at the Capitol on January 6, with some participating in the actual insurrection. (See “January 6 Protesters and Insurrectionists,” below). 5 / 25 Greg Locke, a Tennessee pastor, was featured at a number of conspiracy-oriented events and was also at the Capitol on January 6, although he claims he did not go inside. In addition to Trump surrogates and insurrectionists, the speakers for these events have included politicians, QAnon supporters, religious leaders and a range of conspiracy theorists. The sheer number of these events—which feature dozens of speakers, including those mentioned above, promoting various conspiracies—and the fact that they are well attended indicates that these speakers and organizers are creating momentum for their cause. These events demonstrate that numerous people with extreme ideologies are spreading their views, conspiracies and misinformation to an audience that embraces these ideas—and that the distinction between extreme and mainstream views is increasingly gray. 6 / 25 Dr. Simone Gold, who founded America's Frontline Doctors, promotes conspiracy theories about the COVID vaccine. She was arrested by the FBI for entering the Capitol building during the insurrection on January 6. (photo credit: Gage Skidmore) The individuals who speak at these events can be sorted into the following categories (see chapter titles at the top of the page); some fit into more than one. 7 / 25 JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND INSURRECTIONISTS These conspiracy-oriented events happening around the country are fueled by the anger and fear that America is changing for the worse and that something must be done to address or reverse that change..... Repor ReporReporReportintintintingggg suggests suggestssuggestssuggests this anger also prprprpropelledopelledopelledopelled many Trump supporters to violently protest against the 2020 election results on January 6. Several of the speakers at these events were at the U.S. Capitol that day, to support Trump and his false claims that he won the election. One of the speakers, DrDrDrDr..... Sim SimSimSimSimSimononononeeee Go GoGoGold,ld,ld,ld, an anti-vaccine activist, entered the Capitol building and was subsequently arrested by the FBI. Gold founded a fringe group, America’s Frontline Doctors, which filed a lawsuit in a U.S. District Court in Alabama in May 2021, asking that all COVID-19 vaccinations be stopped in the country. She was a speaker at Clark’s Health and Freedom conference in Tulsa in April. At the event, Gold talked about “sociopathic, evil, greedy, policymakers who have committed massive crimes against humanity,” adding, “I have no illusion that they will receive justice, but America’s Frontline Doctors will do everything possible to shed light on their evil behaviour through the courts, through the media, and through empowering the citizens of the world.” Other event speakers who were at the Capitol include: LeighLeighLeighLeigh Dun DunDunDundasdasdasdas, a self-proclaimed “human rights attorney,” and anti-vax activist (who has likened the COVID-19 vaccine to experiments performed on Jews by the Nazi doctor, Joseph Mengele during the Holocaust), also from California, stood on the Capitol grounds egging on the crowd to take action. She yelled, “This is 1776 all over again. We are fighting for our freedom!”
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