The Washington Spectator (ISSN Level of Importance We Were Attributing to It
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The WA S H I N G T O N SEPTEMBER 2020 vol. 46, no. 9 issn 0887-428x © 2020 The Public Concern Foundation SPECTATOR continued to get traction. On August 10, Pat Robertson’s show Anatomy of Deceit: on the Christian Broadcasting Network carried an interview with Simone Gold and an endorsement of her hydroxychloroquine Team Trump Deploys cure. On August 21, Alex Jones’s NewsWars carried an interview with another member of America’s Frontline Doctors, Mark Doctors With Dubious McDonald. McDonald—a child psychiatrist—maintained, “If all Americans had access to hydroxychloroquine, the pandemic Qualifications to Push would essentially end in about 30 days.” Science has shown otherwise. Despite early hopes last spring, Fake Cure for Covid-19 there is mounting evidence that hydroxychloroquine is a prob- lematic—and even dangerous—treatment for Covid-19. One By Anne Nelson expert with firsthand knowledge is Nick Sawyer, an academic emergency physician in Sacramento, Calif. In July he wrote an n July 27, a dozen physicians posed in front article for Lifeline, the publication of the California chapter of of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., dressed the American College of Emergency Physicians, describing his O in white lab coats with “America’s Frontline Doctors” harrowing two weeks of service in the Covid wards of Elmhurst stitched over the pocket. The group’s chief Hospital in Queens. Sawyer was part of a spokesperson was Dr. Simone Gold, an team of California doctors dispatched by emergency physician from Los Angeles. Governor Gavin Newsom to offer emer- They were introduced by Jenny Beth Mar- gency assistance at the epicenter of the tin, the founding CEO of Tea Party Patriots, epidemic, at the height of the New York as participants in the “White Coat Summit.” City outbreak. The doctors made spirited arguments for Sawyer is now dealing with the spike the use of hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” in cases in California, this time with the for Covid-19 and against wearing masks and benefit of four months of additional Covid imposing lockdowns—all running counter research. “The science on the effective- to the recommendations of Dr. Anthony ness of hydroxychloroquine in treating Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control Covid-19 is settled—multiple high-qual- and Prevention.1 ity studies have shown that it shows no Although the event was billed as a “press benefit,” he notes. Far more concern- conference,” few journalists attended. A ing, Sawyer says, is its potential harm: video posted by a bystander showed only “Hydroxychloroquine can cause unstable a handful of attendees, most of them dressed in tourists’ shorts cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and sudden cardiac death.” and T-shirts. But the event was livestreamed by Breitbart News Over recent months, the Food and Drug Administration, the and quickly went (so to speak) viral. American Medical Association, and other organizations have There was a rapid backlash. Much of the media attention focused issued warnings that the drug should be withdrawn as a Covid- on Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of Gold’s cohort. Following the press 19 treatment. “It’s irresponsible for America’s Frontline Doctors conference, the Daily Beast posted a video of Immanuel, who to continue to push this medication on the unwitting American is also a Pentecostal preacher, delivering a sermon claiming that population,” Sawyer states. various female ail- Why, then, would Gold’s band of physicians continue its cam- ALSO INSIDE: ments were caused paign to pitch the treatment to the public? Simone Gold has by sexual visitations repeatedly described her group as a “grassroots organization” 2 Political Ecosphere Built on Lies from “demons.” acting in the service of its patients.2 In fact, it has been a highly 6 Joel Moskowitz on 5G Immanuel has orchestrated effort, months in the making, assembled by conser- 7 Scott Ritter on the Beruit Explosion since disappeared vative Washington insiders in direct consultation with the White 9 Dudley Althaus Returns to Ohio from the America’s House, with the goal of reopening the economy in time to benefit Frontline Doc- Trump’s reelection prospects—regardless of the toll in human lives. 11 Trumponomics Fails to Deliver tors online roster, The first public mention of the initiative may have been a 13 Endnotes to “Anatomy of Deceit” but the group has Washington Post story on April 13, as the virus raged across 1 Illustrations by Edel Rodriguez september 2020 The A Political Ecosphere Built on Lies Even as millions were infected and tens of thou- WASHINGTON sands were dying, the Trump campaign sought to SPECTATOR ack in the mid-1980s, THE NATION mag- disparage concerns about the virus; discredit the azine, of which I was then publisher, was sued use of masks, social distancing, and other measures Legal Affairs Correspondent B Andrew Cohen for copyright infringement by the book publishing widely employed to contain the virus; advance dis- Digital Editor company Harper and Row. We had received a honest claims on behalf of fake cures; and deflect Sophia Fish Copy Editor manuscript of Gerald Ford’s unremarkable autobi- responsibility from the president. Kirsten Denker ography in a brown paper bag at the reception desk, The doctors had supposedly been “vetted” by Contributing Writers or so I was told by our editor, Victor Navasky. I’m the campaign, but a closer examination of their Cyrus Cassells, Guest Poetry Editor Alison Fairbrother hedging slightly on this aspect of the story because backgrounds revealed exaggerated claims of Autumn Hayes courtesy of Calvin Trillin, Victor was also known as involvement in emergency medicine, unsubstanti- Dorothy Samuels “Sticky Fingers Navasky”— and not for his inclina- ated claims of direct involvement in the treatment Circulation Management Circulation Specialists LLC tion to pick up the lunch tab. of Covid-19 patients, and, in at least one instance, Design Point Five, NY We went ahead and ran excerpts from the Ford a history of censure by medical authorities for false Illustration Edel Rodriguez manuscript, mainly because the former president claims and irresponsible public statements. Editor and Publisher Hamilton Fish had whitewashed the only item from his short term Concern for truthfulness and accountability in office that anyone really wanted to know about— around the government’s response to the virus will Subscription inquiries Visit the pardon of Richard Nixon and whether there rightly shape the outcome of the coming election. customerservice, or call toll-free had been a deal. Nelson has opened a window onto the Trump cam- (866) 949-5290 M–F 9-5:30 EST, or write to In U.S. District Court the case turned on the paign’s attempts to shift blame for the crisis and P.O. Box 241, Oregon, IL 61061. question of what constituted news. We argued that manipulate the public’s understanding of critical Letters to the editor Email to we were addressing a compelling public need in medical facts. [email protected]. Please include your full name and offering our assessment of this important piece of Covid-19 mythologies aren’t the only Trump- postal address and whether the letter presidential history and that our claim of fair use era fables placed under a microscope in this issue is intended for publication. Letters, if published, may be edited for clarity and copyright exemption was therefore justified. of the Spectator. Steve Pressman reminds us of and space. Hard-copy letters may Judge Richard Owen, a Nixon appointee, sug- the transparently false promises Trump made be sent to: Washington Spectator— Letters, 105 Hudson Street, Suite gested our piece traded in old information (he while promoting the 2017 tax bill. “The standard 407, New York, NY 10013. might have said “tired”) and did not rise to the trickle-down Republican hokum, peddled since The Washington Spectator (ISSN level of importance we were attributing to it. To the 1980s, had the same effect as in the past—the 0887-428X) is published monthly by the Public Concern Foundation Inc, bolster our side, we enlisted the author and jour- rich gained bigly.” 105 Hudson Street, Suite 407, New nalist David Halberstam as an expert witness, who With polls showing Ohio clearly in play, Dudley York, NY 10013. © 2020 in the U.S. by the Public Concern Foundation Inc. helpfully testified that “it doesn’t have to be new Althaus revisits his home state, ground he cov- to be news.” ered for the Spectator last fall. Even then, Althaus Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY. Please allow 4–6 weeks I thought about that exchange this week when sensed a stirring. Republican suburban voters, dis- for receipt of your first issue and I read the blockbuster headlines over revelations placed factory workers, even farmers and rural for all subscription transactions. POSTMASTER: Send address in Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, that back in voters all seemed to him to be harboring at least changes to The Washington Spectator, early February Trump confided in an interview some level of openness to what the Democrats P.O. Box 241, Oregon, IL 61061. The Washington Spectator is printed with that he knew the coronavirus was “deadly” and might offer. union labor on recycled paper. worse than the flu. Scott Ritter, who famously debunked Bush and Of course he knew. He lied about not being Cheney’s false claims of weapons of mass destruc- briefed on the severity of the virus. He lied about tion in Iraq, here refutes the conspiracy theorists FROM THE the danger. He lied about what he was doing to on the warehouse explosion last month in Beirut. EDITOR’S curb the mushrooming spread of the virus.