Proceedings of the Fourteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2020) “And We Will Fight for Our Race!” A Measurement Study of Genetic Testing Conversations on Reddit and 4chan Alexandros Mittos, Savvas Zannettou,† Jeremy Blackburn,‡ Emiliano De Cristofaro University College London, †Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Informatik, ‡Binghamton University {a.mittos, e.decristofaro},
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract Alas, increased popularity of self-administered genetic tests has also been accompanied by media reports of far-right Progress in genomics has enabled the emergence of a boom- ing market for “direct-to-consumer” genetic testing. Nowa- groups using it to attack minorities or prove their genetic days, companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA provide af- “purity” (Reeve 2016), mirroring concerns of a new wave of fordable health, genealogy, and ancestry reports, and have al- scientific racism (Reich 2018). Also, statements from Don- ready tested tens of millions of customers. At the same time, ald Trump led Senator Warren to publicly confirm her Native alt- and far-right groups have also taken an interest in genetic American ancestry via genetic testing (Linskey 2018). testing, using them to attack minorities and prove their ge- Interest in DTC genetic testing by right-wing communi- netic “purity.” In this paper, we present a measurement study ties comes at a time when racism, hate, and antisemitism on shedding light on how genetic testing is being discussed on platforms like 4chan, Gab, and certain communities on Red- Web communities in Reddit and 4chan. We collect 1.3M comments posted over 27 months on the two platforms, us- dit is on the rise (Hine et al.