Publication 1346 October 1, 2010 Part 1 Page 263 ATTACHMENT 1
ATTACHMENT 1 ERROR REJECT CODE (ERC) DESCRIPTIONS 0001 o Page 1 of Form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, or 1040-SS (PR) must be present o The Summary Record must be present. 0002 o Form 1040 - When More than Four Dependents Box (SEQ 0209), equals “X”, Dependent First Name 1 (SEQ 0170) must equal “STMbnn”. 0003 o Tax Return Record Identification – The Tax Period of Form 1040/ 1040A/1040EZ/1040-SS (PR) (SEQ 0005) Page 1, must equal "201012" and | Tax Period of Form 1040/1040A (SEQ 0765) and of Form 1040-SS (PR) (SEQ 1605) Page 2, must also equal "201012". | 0004 o Tax Form - Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) must be within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN's and cannot equal an ATIN. It must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all blanks, zeros, ones, twos, threes, | fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights or nines. Refer to Attachment 9 | for valid ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers. o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) is a required field. o Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form must equal Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) of Tax Return Record Identification Page 1. o Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 0003) of Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 must be significant. 0005 o Statement Record - The maximum number of Statement References within a tax return is 30. (A Statement Reference is defined as "STMbnn"; the value of "nn" refers to the Statement Number.) See Section 8 for Statement Record information. 0006 o Tax Form - Only the following characters are permitted in the Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050) and Spouse's Name Control (SEQ 0055): alpha, hyphen, and space.
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