

N E W S 0 U T H 1\r ~\. L E S .


Vrcscntcb to ;{Jadiamcnt .pnrsnnnt to ~ d Jlo. 61, 19t'2. ~cc. 10.

Print ~d 1111cltl' 2'{o. 12 R rp


T ho Trustees of thr .\ ustra.lian 11uscnm have the honour to submit t


Jt is with much sotTO\\' that we ha Ye to rccorcl th" d"a.th of tht• Ho:1. ~it· 1<'. B. Sat LOI', P t·c~: d ':lnt of t-he Lt•gi ::~lati' o Council, who wa.s an Offtcial Truskc. His plu.t·r lu\1! hcen filled hy t.hc Hon. F. Flower~. ,\nothor clu~ngo among the Official 'l'rustccs h:-.s b t'CO that. t.he lion. A. c. Un.rmiclmcl, :.\ [inister for rublic ln ~>tr u ction , lu~s Lcen replaced by the H on. A. H. (irilliLhs, Rccrrt:t.ry for Public Works. 'l'hcrr hswc hrrn nu clmngPs among the Elective T rustees. 'l'wo Hut·!-(ron-Grncral Williams a.nd Lirut.-C'oloncl Ruth have !-(one with the Commonwealth Troops to thf.' front, tmtl two Profc,;sors Da,·itl and \\'ilson lmvo t!Lken up military duties iu New South \\'ales. The following is n.list of the Trustees, witb records or their nltt'nd:1nces at Bon.rd :.\lectin~ du1·ing the yf:\l' :- C'toll'n Trusfne. H. H . B. Bmdlt•y. Esq- ...

Qfficial Tr ustee.~. H is Honor thr Chir£ Justice The lion. the Prc-.i dcnt of the Lc~>isla.tiYe Council 'I'he lion. the Colonial • ecrctary Tbe Hon. the A t.tornc_v-Genera.l The 'H on. the Colonial Trca..smcr. The Hon. the :'llinist.er for Public Instruction (j The Auditor-General (~I r. J. Vcrnon) The President, )t cdicnl Board (Sir P. S. J oncs, :\I.D.) (i 'l'hc, 'ut•vcyor-Gcncntl ~tn d Chir( Survryor (:\k F. Pm~lr) 1 The Din•cLor-Genora.l of Public Works P it·. J. Davis, :.\l.l .C. I':.) l 'f hc C'rown • 'olici tor (Mr. J. V. Tillctt) 44129 *G57 -· A 2

Electil•e Tmstees.

~ur,~.t. (: 1•n. \\'. D. Campbell Wi lliallll>, C.B .. J,.R.C. P., London. &c. {lNwe of absence ~r;\n!ed for military duty) ... ProC. \\'.• \ . IIaswell, )J..\ ., D. 'c. . . . 6 Pm f. T. \\'. K Da,·id, B.A., C. ~I. G. (lea.H' of absen<'<' for mthhuy duty) ~ Li<'ttt.·CoL Pror. J. I. \\.ilson. 1LB .. Ch.JI. ;j T. Xt01·ie Dix.on. Esq .. ::\I.B.. Ch.1I. 3 \\'. n Tf ar~ra\'CS, Esq. Lwut.-Col. R. E. Roth, D.X.O .. 1I.R.C'.R.E. (lt.>ti\'C of abscncr for mili!My duty) 6 l<~t·ir !'incbir, Esq., ::\LD. 6 Col. The lion. James Burns. .)f.L.C. :> The lion. F. l~. Wiuchcombe. 1LL.C. ,J. H. .)l. Hohcrtson, gsq.. }Ll). (hacllcavc of nbS<'Il<'C {m· pa.rt. o( tht' ,rear) ... 6 l ~l'lll':-.t. \\"tmderlich, Esq. (had leave of absence gro.nt.<·d for part of the yeat·) 2

2. F l(\ANl$. 'l'ho ~ l u:.eum has no prinlte source o{ income, but is supported fina.nci~tll y hy t.hc Go,·ernm.t•nt of ~t·\\ Xoutlt \\\des. first by an cndowmeuL of £1,000 pro,•iclcd tLnnut\lly hy t.hc Act o[ incorporation, and st•l'(>tHLiy by anmtul Pal'liamentary approp1iatioos, vn.rying {rom )'Ct\r to year t.o mt'ct requirements . •\ summnry of the incomt' and expenditure for the yet\1' undcr review is as follows: - I ncome. £ b:ntlowment 1,000 .\ ppropriation 8,958 ~ales of publications and sundries 57

Total ... tl0,015

Expe11diture. £ ,.;alaries, alJo,Yances for Sunday duty. overtimE' on holidays and night. watching 7.897 n cpairs to property and insurance ... 531 Pmchase and presen•ation of specimens, hooks, and rxlubttion ca.'le.'l 796 'P ublication of ·· Records,'' catalogues, &c. .. . 178 • 'torcs, stu.tiouet•y, uniforms, and general t•xpcnscs 386

Total ... £9,788

Jt w;~s with {rC'Iiugs of the greatest regret tl1nt. the Trustees le11.rnt, on the appNu·ance of thf' prit1!Jt.'c1 E~>timntes (or 191J-1 5, of the ftuther reduction of t-heir Pal'iiamentary a.I IO\\':l.n<'e by .£750 (.C500 h~L,·in~ alt·ca.dy been deduct.cll in 19 1 3- l ,~ ). Eliminating sahuics and wa.gNI (which \Verc not. touched) and cen,d11 ~pccit\l appropriation such ns Sunday opening, insuxa.uce, building up-k<'cp, &c., they have now [~\1: the gent'n\l mu.nitrmLncc o( this most important t'

The Tru:stt·rs ruo::st respectfully beg to point out. that this sum is totally inadequate to maiu~1 in the \u~tralian )lu:-.l'ulll in the high state of efficiency it has a.tt.aincd, far less to p<'rmit of that progrt'&'i whidt 11-t ahsolutcly essential (or kcC'ping in line wit.h the requirem<'nt6 o( S.'l of the )!u~eum. 3. STAn·. 'l'lwrr lmH' bcrn no changes among the membttrs o£ the &lu!T, l'X<'Opt. in some of the minor po:,it!ons. ,.}1 ,1. Hoy 1\lnghmn was rur a sh:nt time lra.nsft·rrod to thr CommOI\\\'C!\lLh Dt·ptH(ment of 'l'r al.(reNl to l'l'ln::slule him in their sGn't<:r• as (rum 1st .Juh·. Uti;;. fj lh ha,;, in L\c:t, bt>t'!l in couLinuous t•mploy in the )Jusl•um . ~ - f oliO" im: Following is a list of the l\f11seum Staff as at 30th June, 1915 :-

D;~te of Date of Name ntld Olti<:e. first up('ointment appointment in tbo .Mnseum. to pre~eot posi~l(in.

Robc•·t Etheridge, .J mn·., J. P., Ou•·o.tor 18 .\pril, 1887 1 1 J nn., 1 ~:):, Ohnrlc<: lledley.. J. P., Assi1.1tOil \Vm. \Y. 'l'hot·pc•, Ethnologist 9 Oct., lR99 I , 190!i E. A. U1·igg", B.;o;<.:., Zoolngist 1 .June, 1912 1 .Jltne, 191 i T. 11. John:;ton, H on., J\ I. A., D.Sc., Zoologi<:t 190~ 5 )!at., 1909 Edw. .F. llnllmunu, l ion., B.Hc., Zoolorrist " 0 9 .. 1909 1 .\pril, 1912 Frank 1'. Olark, {'. A., .\ ccm111tant . .. 1 .Jan., I '96 I .J;iu .. 1~96 \Y m. A. Hainhow, A~~istant Librar·iru1 1 Aug, 1901 I Juh'. 1906 .Jas.. \ . TrimhlC', Clerk 1 July, 1909 (i :-;ept., 19 1:.! .Alfred ,J. Crowe, Library Clt·rk ... :::1U Dec., 191 ~ I ~ IJPc., I !H4 R ex \\'. Bl"etnall, .] uuio~· . \.ssistant 11 FPo., 1907 l .July, I !Jj J Ellis Lr U. T•·oughton, ,Junio•· Assi!!tant ...... 1 13 " 1908 1 .) nu .. 191:i Anthon_y MltSgl'llvP, Cadet ... 7 Feb., 1910 7 Ft•b., 19LO F. A . :\Jc.l'\eill, Znols. A. 11 t'usou, Ua1· pen te•· 1 1\Iay, 1902 ~ \fay. J 006 Hem·y S. U rant, l'ollt:>dor ... 5 Oct., 1909 J Jan.. I !JI;~ Cba<~ . Clut.tou, . \•·ticu httot· ... 25 Ap1·il, I90.J. J .May, 191:~ H .. rberl J a<:kson, • \ ssisiant V> .At·tificer· 9.JurtC, 1910 !) .J Ulll> I 1910 .Jmwph Kin:.: ~, I 911 T. A. ) l urphy, do l " 1911 1 )) 1!)1 1 R. L. Oarrick, do 1! June, 1911 1 .J uly, 1911 John vV !Lt~ou, do Mtty, l 91+ I .J u:tl', ] 914 :Mrs. K . .Fmser, do ... 1 I April, 1889 1 .April, 1b89

4. Vrst'fORS.

The )fuscmn continued open tln·oughout the year during tl.te usual holl1'S, viz. :-ou week rlay:~ ()foudays excepted) J() a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m.. The numl)cr o{ visitors recor•ll'd on \Ycck clays was 100.922. averaging 4.15, and ou Sundays 4.6,611, averaging 896 per d



Wouk·d~~··· Sunday<. TOIII.I. J8GO 11.300 11,300 1861-1870, a\'cragc 67,H5 67,115

1871-1880 :• 91,500 35,123* 102,0-16 1881-1 g!J() 8·t,761 113.360 J 2 .12 t l8!J l !900 R7,788 33,33 l21.l26 I!JO J-IV IO 125,666 38,790 164,456 HHI 102.118 l:l.8H 116.022 l!J 12 161.557 60,72() 222,283 1!1]:3 (.J;~uuary to .Juuu) 73,702 22,68:3 %.:385 l !I] :3-Hll J 101.830 ·Hl,313 151.21:3 J !111-Hil:J 109,922 16.611 156.33:3 f'or 1o78-7•>-~ll ou1.1. ,). 4

5. L~:cn:nEs. Thr )font.hh- I ..ecturcs wrre continut•cl durin~ the first part o[ the yrar nnm .Tuly to Xnn•mhcr.' l!lll: hut. on account of withdra\\ .ll o£ [unds by th" C:ovrmnv•nL it hrca.mu oblign.tory to ::mllprnd thrsc instructi,·c nt"ct.ings dmin~ the remuirun~ port.ion o{ thr session. 1'h<' avera~e attrn,j. a 'l(~t' ;t t these lecture'> was showing thci r ''clue t~:Hl their t\pprcc:a.tion b!· the pu hlic. Often the T~ect.nrt> Hoom has bren crowdrd to overflowing. 8ummaries o[ theRe lectures ]1!~\· e hrrn publi:~hrd regularly in the l'ublic l nslmclion Ga:Utr. and hc'luentl~· in lhr cltul_,. or weekly paprrs. Thos~ dcliH•ntl were a..o; foJiows: .July n ·· Old Bones." Lt.-Col. H. E. Roth . .\u~. 13 .. lnxcct Assassins: Yampirr Flws." :'IlL\\'.. J. Rainbow. firpt. 10 .. ThP .\ nccstry of the Horst' ... )h.('. Ilrcllcy. Oct. !J " Lord Ho,,e Isln.nd." )!r. E. ,\ . 13rigg~. Xo''· 12 .. 'l'hr Homancc of the Ri,·crs," Dr. C. Andcrson.

6. J\('Ql'ISITIO.XS. I. Thr m•>sl impodl\llt :!Cqnisition ,,·m; undouhtrdl:·• t~ Rt'a Elcphu.n! Rkin and srri<'s o{ otbrr ~"n r..::cl Bird Rkin.; and l ~ggs prcs£'ntcd by Sir Dou~hts .\Ja.w:;on. forming t~ portion of th<' colll'ctions nu\tlt• hy liiC •. British-.\Ul'.tmhun ,\ ntnrctic Exploring Bxr<'dit:on .. uncl~r his command. nnu obj('cts o{ :\l\tuml Tbtor. ..- prcYiousl~· Yrr~· poorly rcprrscntcd in the .\ t::>lmlian :\Iuscum. 2. I ntcrcstin~ u.rt:cles from the uuc:cnt tombs of gl!.\'!)t. presentl'd b!· .\lr. E. \\'undt'rlich. Trul\tt·c·

3. ,'kin and E~g o( the .. Chcstnut-bcllird Rn.l" (J::uhbroni:s ccc~ltw;,.<'lll,i.\), prrsl•nlrd by .\h. II. \\". ('lu·: .. ~!r. Point Charle~. ~orth·\\'t'St .\ustrnhtl.. 4. }Jincralfi {rom Yarious regions, prcscnt.od hy ,J. R. :J[. Roi>ertson, Esq., .\I. D., Trust-re. 1i. A fine Sl'ri<'s of Zcolitcs [rom the .t\ I'Clglcn Quarries, prcscntrd b.'· ;\fessrx. C. Amlerson and .\.. ~!J tcbcll.

0. Port.ions of t ht' .\l olon~ and Dele gat" .\ft•tcoritrs. presented by the rndcr-i-;crrctar~-. Departmonr nf .\fim·s, Srw Routh \\'alu;. 7.. \. lilrgc rollol'lion of Rhclls from .J:-pa.n. Xcufolk [:;land. a.ncl Lord llowr lsla.ntl'>. also a st•ric, uf 'l'a.~m:.nian Chitons, p1cscntcd by .\Ir. ('. IIcdley, .\ssie;tant ('nrator.

8 ..\ ,·cry larg<' collection o! m!~cclhtncous ~hc·lls purchcscd of the Ex<'eutnx o( tht' late Rirh:ml Hdms.

0 . . \. ''cn· ,·aluablc srrics of Thihctan l~thnological objects. purch11!wcl.

10. 'mall st'rit>:s o( l~thnological objects from Sew C:uin£':1. n.nd the Bismarck .\rc·hipclt!;zo, purchas1•tl br Lt.-Commaudcr 11 . ::\. ) 1. Hard~·. R.);'. 11. 'cries of C'hinc:sr pirate weapons, prrs<'ntt•d hy R. Trockncll. 12. Collrctwm; o( l"ppl'l' Rilurian (o:s:sils from tlw ·y,~s.-;-) [urrumbid~l'(· :ura. prt'sent<'tl In· .\Ic~~!':'. W. S. Dun and K .\ . 13nj.(~:s rcspcctiYcly. 13. .Pseudo·(o:ssil Crustacea from Sorth-wc:,t .\ustmlin, l1y cxchu.ngc. 1·1. Nu mcrous micwscopic slides, i uclutlin~ : • (a) ll ~·drozoa, which !t·amed the working ht~si!l of Dr. .J. Ritchic's JT~·dm11on. (llydroicl Zoophyt.cs and •'tylastcrinn) of the .. Thetis ExpcdiLicm ...

(b) :'llicroscopic slidcs of I>latyhclmintlws and Trochehuinthcs (" \\'orms," Hot1(ers, &c.) includtn~ t.yp<'s. b~· cxcba.ngr.

(c) Typt's :~ntl co·typc;; o[ n )farinc Lrrch, par:1sitic on the .'and-Whiting. prcseulf'd b~· )Jr. C. Badham.

(d) 'l'nw :my lli. lf. Sutur. 16. A large a.ncl valuable collect:on of Fisht's, prescnt~d by the Fisheries D"pnrtm"nt of \\'c;;lcrn Austtalia. 5

7. B u i LDINC;s. The J[useum buildings nnd grounds continue to be maintained in good ortlcr. A few m iuor repair$. were carried out as found necessary. The Department of P ublic Works erected a new and much needed Btore Shed in ~he i\luscum grounds. This is now utilised (or the orclerl~· storage o{ t.he remaining anti u11cxhibited portion of the Ethnological Collection, wl1ich cannot be displayed to the public tmtil the building is very considerably cxtenclcd. Requests htwe he<'n l'cpea.tcdly made to t.be Government bv the Trustees to lta\'C a Sltita.ble extension erected. l>Ut w:thout effect. A new wooden fence was crectc(lalo1;g \filliem-strcct t,o rcplaec the former structure. 'vhich had hecome decayetreet were rendered secure h:v the inser·t!on of t!c rods; this was carried out by the Department. of P ublic Works. It was at firs& Lbought, these wore caused by roots of the large Fig-tree passing underneath the foundations. hut an i nspcc~ion trench f.1iled to substantiate this supposition.

8. ARRA..'IrGEmD<'I' Ol'. PEC' OtEXS A~n ExtrrBlTIOX CASES. I n the report (or 1!>13-H re-labelling o( t,he Australian )Jarsupi:tls and intl'oduct:on of group lr.hols was foreshadowed. This has not only steadily progressed as far as th:: labelling has gone, but all thP skin,;

have been cleanrd and in many instances rom )till led. A sopamte floor case 1va.s constructed for a group of Phalanger~> or ·· CttsCttS;· cxhibit.ing the various colour j1hascs through which this animal l).1$SCS. In the OsLeological Room t;,·o ''<'1'.\' important aml ,·alua1le spceimons were encasnd: t.he Asiatie Eicphant ··.Jumbo·· Skckto!\, and ih:\l of the gigantic lrish Deer. Th<'se li.nc cxJ:1.11ll)les of articulAtion had bcora waiting thrir ~um for many years. I n the annex to the Anstrnlie.n Ethnological Room the Egyptological Collection was increased by the presentation ol m:m.'· valuable articles {rom. old tombs. particularr a ·'·Funcra.ry Canoe" (approx.imatel.v :!Gt.h Dynasty): these were prcst'nted by :\lr. E. W unclcrlich, ~~ membt'r of the Board. In the repurt for 1!)13-H attonLion wa.s drawn to t.he a.rra.uging o( ·· EthlCationa.l Group!<·· in Pala>ontolog:•. During the current year three groups o( this nature were added, viz.: 1. E"olutio11 of the Horse; (2) Shells of the Ammonite and Nautilus compared: (3) Largest Austra11an Lizard.

A fine plaster reproduction of a llnge Sting R a~· (Das!Jalis bterictwdatus, Hutton) was prepa.rr introduction of drawings and photographic illustrn.tielling of the fine series of Aw;tralia.n Tokens is now compktc, and the general collection o( coillS ts uuclm·going stm:kl· trca.Lmcnl.

The Cabinet ~;pecimellS. i.1'., those that cn.nnot be displayed either from the want of cxhihition spacc. or as unsuitable for exposure, arc st!ll in t.l1oroughly gnod onlc1·, and both the arrangement and care bestowed reflect the greatest credit on the respective officers in charge. '!.'he collection of spccim"ns in spirit (or other preservative) is now in excellent order, and the card catalogue has made sat.isfa.cto•·y progress. Gndcr the heading of '· Builcliugs,·· ~·cfcrcnce "·as m2..

n. co~DlO).I\'EAI.. TH F tSIIERIES.

The 'J'rustcc;-s (If the 1luscum conLimtcd tho superintendence of the Sci('ntlfic I nvestigalion of 1 bP <:ollcctions obll\iacd hv the lt'.I.S ... Endcasour.'' The Biologi:-:t on board the steamer forwm·dcd r.ftn <'ac·h trip seicctions m~de from the dreclgings : t.hcse arc inYcsti~atecl by the i\!nscum staff tutcl other scien­ tists scl<.'cted for th<.> pu•·pose, tho rcsult.s furnished to the Commonwealth Gowrnmcnt,, and published b;· it in a serial (Zoological ResuiLs of the Fishing Expl'riments carried out by the F. l.l:; ... Endeavour ..) which ha.<> been csta.Liished for the purpose. The Australian )Iuscum benefited greatly b!· this arrangement. both in the acquisition o! ucw spccim"US v.nd in the incrNt.~cd knowledge of the deep s-::a !a:ma. o[ Austnlia gained by the sta.lt It Tt is therefore with tlerp re"t·rt that lhe Trustees learnt of Lhe loss of the Fi heries Investigation ship while on 3. return vo:nJ.ge frou7 ~Tacqua.ri,~ Island in D ecembrr, 19J I, with all ou board. There stili rcmams a number of Collections aJread.v made to be worked out. 'l'hese ha.ve been distributed among various inYestigators, and in course o( oime their rcseaJ•rhes will hr ready for publication. Jfca.ntime Lite prinLing of the·· Rrsults" has been continued by the f 'ommonwoalth Department of Trade and Customs, and a numbrr o{ ''aluahle papers has been issued. To (acili ta.to the work a mcmbl•r of thr L\Iusetun Sta.fi (~fr. ,J. Ro.\' King!torn) was engaged by the Contmrmwl'alth Government (or dulies in connrction with the .. ITindoavour," but, owing to the loss o! tho vrsscl, his sen"ices "·r1·c dispensed with 119 at 30th .June, 1!1 15, n.nd the Trus~ers have agreed to reinsta.Le him in Lheir scrv1ce. 1'ho :'lluscum Collccti'Ons w:.>rt> further augm"'ntrd by 1\dditions from lnte "Endeavour'' galhering:>, l)!Lrticularl~· amongst fishes. The various "7\ll'moirs so far publishecl on .. Endea\'Olll' .. ma.teJials arc as follows:-

1. )fcC1tlioch (.\. R.)* Report un the J?ishes obtained by the F.T.S ... F.nclcM'OU J' .. on t1Je Coasts o[

', Yidoria• .'oltth and Tasma.tria., Part L Part 11 UH5. 2. llrdlc~· (C.)* Report on f ho ~IollusC!l. i&icl, chiofly off Cape Wells, South _\nstraliu, Part I., Part 1, 1Dl1. 3. l-l allma.nn (K F.)'~ Hrport OJl the ~·ponges ibid un the Coasts of New :-5outh Wa.les, Victorin, Routh .A ust.m li ~t. Queensland, and Tasmania, Par~ 1, Part 2, 1912. J. RaiT (J. \\ .) .\ ne,,· spcci'es o( A.~ymmet.ron from the Gret\L Aust ralian Bight, Part I, I)art 3 1913. r:. Bale (\V. )I.) Report on thr Hydroida collcctrd in the Great.\ usll·a.lian BighL and other locali­ ties, Part I , Ll , Part. 2. I !l H. 6. lledley (C.)* - ~Iollnsca , Ptuli II II. Part 2, HJU. 7. ~IcCulloch (A. R.)* R~port on the Fishes obLf~ined by t.he !l'.l..'. ·· l'.:ndeavour ., on th-e Coasts of Queensland. New Rou~lt Walrs, Yi ctoria, TasnH\llia. South and South-Western ;\ustralia., .Pa1·t, H Il, Part 3, 1~) I L 8. Bale (W . .i\I.)- Report on i.he I-Tyclroid:t collected in the (h·ea.t .\ustra.lian Bight and othea· Locali­ ties, Part. I1 If, rarL -J., lfl J4. !>. Chapman (F.) Report on the Fomminifcra and Ostra.coda obtained by the F.L . "Endea­ vour .. from the l~a.st Coast o[ Tasmania and on· Ca.po Wiles. .'oulih Australia, Part HI, Part I, 1. 915. 10. Lucas (.\.H. S.) Repol't. on the .-\l2:a dredged hy the F.I.S. .. Endeavour ,. in Oyster Bay, Tasmanin., Part I 11 , PMt 2, Hn ;J. 11. )fcCulloch (A. R.)*-Heport on some Fishes obtained by the F.I.S. "Endeavour" on the Coasts of Qneensla.ud. Now South Wales, Yici.oria, 'l';tsmauia, Sout,h and South-Western Australia, 11 a.rt IJT- [Il, Part 3, 1915. 12. 13riggs (K .\ .)* RcjJor!. on the Alcyounrians obtait•cd by lhe F.I.S. "Endeavour" on the Eastern and .'onthem Cuast.c; of 1\ ustra.lia, Pm·t IlL Pa.1·t 2, 1915. J3. ln i\femorit'l.n. U. 0. DamlC\'ig (Director), H. \\'. C. Pim (Jlaster), C. '1'. Hanisou (Biologist), a.ud eighteen others, comprisi ug the ct·ew of the F.I.S ... Emleavour,'' who wcrr lost at sea. in Decemlwr, Hli·L (Br X. Lockyer, R Ji-:thell'idge, 11nd C. Hecl lcy). * )lembers of the Austmlia.n ~luseum, ta.II, who prepared reports.

10. Pt.:UL[('ATIOSS. The publications issued b~· Lhc Trustees during the year were:- H.ecords or the Australian :\luseum, Vol. X Part 8, Studies in .\ustmlian.\l'n.nrida.c· Xo. G, 'rerretelarite, lJy \Y. J. Rainbow. !1. The f>t•nus EuoploclyLia in Uw Cretaceous Rocks of Quecnsl~nd. U\' R. mthrcid~!.<', .Junr. H. N'otc of the. Oc('urrenec of Lhe Ha.nd-Huck COJltainiug hones o[ lhtincl Sperics ,;[ :\larsupi1\l:! ou King blaurl. Ba~l> :-itl'<\it, 1'aslll1Lllia. by Willi :~m .'.nclcrsun. 10. llydt ozoa from One H unchcd ~'at homs. Se\' I'll Jri!es J•;ast o! (\Lp«' j)ilhtr. Tasmauin, br E. \. Bri~gs. . Owing lo the ch•pletion of funds, rcfern·d to in par<1.~rra.pl1 2, no further pa.rts of the •· Re<'ord:> •· wrrc issuccL. ll.llU generally all publication has bcl!n discontinued for t.hr present, a (t\Ct verv runch to be clrplorcu.

'J'his uuu.voidablc step eau no! lmt ad,·crsrly affect the acth·itit>s 0 ( the .\luseum Library, for a very large proportion of our yearly additions has bc{·n recci' cd in the \1'1\\' u( .. Exchanlisccllanoous Cut·iositics in the Australian i\Iuscum, by G. Bonuctt. 1837. 2. Catalogue or ~Iammalia in the Coll(lct-ion of t,he Australian ;\luseum, by G. Kt·efTt. 186·1. 3, CaLalogu<- of the )fintrals and Rocks in the Collection of the Australian :\Iuseum, by G. Krefft. 1873. -l. Catalogue of Lhe Australian Birds i11 the Australian :.\[usemn, l>y E. P. Ramsa_v. Pat·t, !, Acci­ pitres, 1876. PM!. U , Strige:;, l89l. (•'econd edition, revised by A. J. 'Kort.h, 1898). Part HI. Psittnci. 1891. Part. IV, Halcyonos, 18!>·1. 5. Ca.talogue or the Australi1\n Rt:alk and Sessi l-ey!.'u Crustacea, by \\'. A. Haswell. 1882. 6. Catalogue of the Lihra•-y of t-l•e Australian ~luseum. 1883. Wit-h two Supplements. 7. Catalogue of a Collodion of Jl'ossils in the Australian :Museum. With Introductory N'otes, by F. Ratte. 1883. -8. Catalogue of the Australian Hyclroid Zoophytes, by W. 1\I. B~lo . 188-l. 9. D escriptive Catalogue o{ the C:eneral Collcrtion of 1finera.ls in the Australian i\lt1scum, by F. Ratt.e. 1885. 10. Catalogue o£ Echinodermata in t.l1e .Australian i\Iuseum, h.Y E. P. R ams~•~'· Port L Echini, 1885. Second cdi~ion. 1890. 11. Descriptive Catalogue oi the ~Icdusre o[ the Australian Seas. Part I. Scyphomedustc. Part. 11, H ydromedusre. J3y R. You Lendenfelcl 1887. 12. Descripti,·c Catalogue of the 'csts ancl Eggs of Birds found breeding in Auscmlia and Tas­ mania, by A. J. North. 188~). 13. Descriptive Catalogue o[ the Sponges of the Australian )luseum, byR. vouLcndcnfelc.l. 1888. 14. Catalogue of the Fishes in the Australian i\iuscum. Part I , Pahuicthyan Fishes. By .f. Douglas Ogilby. 1888. 15. Catalogue of the i\'lo.rinc Shells of Australia and Tasmuniral )[ammalog_,., by J. Douglas Ogilby. 1892. 17. Descriptive Catalogu<' o( lhe Tunica.ta in tl1e Austmlian :\Iuseum, lJy VI'. A. Henlm'ln, 189~.

IlL pecial Catalogues. ]. .Kcsts and l<;ggs o[ Birds found Breeding in Australia. and 'f asmania. by A. J. North. Vol.J, Ho, J!)Ol 1!>01. Vol. H, 1!:>06- 1909. Vol. III, 19l0 - l ~ll2. Vol. (V, in prep;ua.Lion.

1V. -M'ono,qraJ>h. 1. Austra.lian Lepidoptera. Mu their Transformations, by the late A. \\'. Scott., with illustra­ tions by his tlau%-!lltt>I'S, ~lrs. )!organ and .\lrs. Fordt>. Editeu a.ncl re\'isod by :\lrs. Forde and A. ·. Olliff. Vol. II. Y.- Jlemoirs. J. llistory a.nJ Description of lh<' Hkelt>ton o( a aew Sperm \\'hale in the ..ltlstralian ;\luscnm, by W. ~- \\'nll. 1851. 2. Lord Ilowe Island : lts '~nd Physical Cha nH.'l·e1·s. 1889. 3. The Atoll of Ftma(nti, Ellicc Group: I ts Zoolog_''• Botan~·, ~l.nd General ,'tructuw, bnst>cl 011 Collections ma.do l1y 7\ lt·. C. ll!'dley. 1896 1000. 4.. Rcientific ReSlllts of tlw 'l'r••wlinl!, J;;xpeditiou of lL\LC.•. "Tlwti:;,'' off the C'o!\Sl o[ Xcw South \\'ales, in Ft•hruary t\llU )l!u·oll. 1898. 189H 1!111.

\' L Rero,-ds.

The Record:; ('01\l!l.in urscriptiun,; u£ :

V H .-Guide.~. ]. C:uide to t.he .\ ustralinn Fossil Remains in the Australian )fuseum. 1870. 2. Guide t, the Contents of the Australian ~Ju~;cum. 1883. :3. C:uide to tht• Contents of the Australian )[uscum. 1890. l. Elcmcntar~· Guide to the Exhibited Zoolvgical Collections. I!l ll.

Yl [I .- JJ iscelfcmeous Publica/ iou.~. ]. L!:-t. of old Documents and Relics in the Australi11n :\Iulieum. IAAI. Reprinted, with adc.li ­ tions. 1 90. 2. Descripti,·c List of .\ bmiginal Weapons, Implements, &c .. (rom the Darling and Lachlnn Ri,·ers, by K. H. Bcnnett. 1887. J. Notes for Coll ectors. 1887. I. llints hr the Collectors of Gcological:!.nu )Iincralogitld Rpcrimcns, b)· F. R a.ttc. Ci. H ints for the Prc~crvation of Specimens of 'o.tun~l H islor~·. uy !.;. 1'. R am"a.~· . 1891. ·ltlt J ~dition . H. l,ist o( Dnplirn.tc Books and Pamphl ets, available for exchange. in t.he l .i brar~- o[ tlw Austra­ lian ) fnseum. P repared by S. Rincla.ir, Secretory and Librarian. 1900. 7. Hcport CJ{ a Visit to certain European )fuseumo.; in ! HI I. by CIHtS. :\ ndcrsc n. l!H2. (For pri,·at<· circulation only). 8. Rcporl on ~f uscum A.dministr:lticn in the l'nitcd .'totes, by ('hns. llcdley. 1913. (For pri ,·ate circulation only). !l. Rules to bc obsen·ed in writin~ papers for the·· Record-; .. nncl •· )[cm·Jirs.'' Re,·ised edition. Hll3. (For use of the staff of the ~Iuseum).

1 L. LtnRARY. From the want of {umls ~nd the cessation of publication r.lread~· re{crred to, the purdtasc of booh hu.s temporarily been discontinued. An attt'mpt is, howe,·er. bcin~ nmcl<• to maintain the <'ontinuntion of serials such ns ma~azines and Proceedings of 'ocictic~ rat het than allow t hcse to lapse.

The addit:ons during the year, not eountin~ unbound periodicals u.nd pamphlets, were therefore on I~· lSJ ,·olumc~ .

. \lis( of the ·~dditio:ls to the Library will be found a.i lhe ('IHl of thi$ report as _\ ppendix n.

12. 1\ PPl~~D I C I ~H. The following appcnclices :l.re cttachcd to this Report, \'i r.. :­

I. ~tatcment of Receipts end Expenditure. 2. C'!\lnloguo of Adtlitions to the Library. 'l'hc· Common. 'cal o{ the )Iuscum w.1s hereunto affixed by onlcr of t!te fi .> ..u d, this sixth d:1.y of _\.ugust, I !ll 5. H. H. B. DR.\DLEY, President. S. 8t~l'LAIR, .'e<·rct:l.ry.



£ 8. d. £ P. d. Bnlanco from lnat yt>nr ...... 761 18 4 Snlnric~ - £ 8. £ &. J . Cnrotor .. .. ··············· ··· ?.;o 0 ~- I A••istant Curutor 400 0 0 Statutory Endowml'nt ...... 1,000 0 0 St't'rrtury ...... ·· ·················· 40:) 0 \) I ci<•ntofl,. "t"tr ...... l,ild IS 1 Purliomt•ntar,l A pproprlllliou- OOict• St:1ll' ...... ·········· . ···· n 6 13 4 Salurll'• ...... 7,2fl4 0 0 ,J UIIIOr A··i•l:lllt• nud l ',,tJde ·U3 0 0 \dtlltituu•l Rndu"ment 2:.o o o )lo•t·llllnir• ...... 1,3li2 10 0 Co ntingt~J h: it•"' ...... 1,•11 ~ 0 0 AttenI' Ildt'd .l'rom llt> po~it• i1 ""'ill!:• Dnnkt .. 0 12 3 Bulftn ~c ...... 8·) 1 7 no du do .. 1_ _ 6~ 6 16 8 Contingt'lll'ir,- :M i~rt• ll:~n.ou' - t Opt•niHI! lln·•·nm on Sumlny nn d ]fine~ uwl ~uuth•j, . , 0 18 0 Huli ~~ R • p>I>IIH'II l~ ...... 66 16 7 l+:x:hibil ion <'ll"'ij ...... l :J6 1 () P<1bli•·nt i Ucpaymcul' ...... 2L 11 10 ------77 . 1 5 Working Exp8t and F.gg C'ntulogue­ To,.urd' •·o~t or publicution :2:){) ·• 2 Sales of Publit•atlons.-- Ptu,l lo Trensury ...... 2 10

su~p<·n•e \ r•t·ount­ l:'nymcnu...... •:i!l 10 I

Commonw~alth F• •h••rit~- l'llyments ...... 21 6 ·1 9,66ti 6 2 Bo.ltLilCC ...... 898 15 5 7 J '"·~ £ 10,86S 1 7 ExaJwJaeclttllll ru~&JHJ ('OI'l'PC't. T JI (J, '. R. R. )fOPPETT, I I .1 u ly, I () l.i. H<'nior Jnspectot· of Public .\.ccvnnts.



llow llook•. Uo:.v "'.'JUircd Ilk., l\o. nconirtd..

P \In' 1.- \l'THORS. HJ.J<, I[ P lr•.l. _\ l'n.tal o~(' of Hnn:. 1\ud liS;j!) .\ f. \~~LZ ( J .. u.li ). H i tmr<• nnturdlt• tit·~ P oi >< ­ \' ~lu o hl< • slwll-. 11l•il'lt furm<·d tlw Celr­ un ,r,.,,u dnul·•· de I Eurnpc c"ntralc. Lratt . l..ond uu , IS:!:!. f 1:1. • ( , 1· "'1. Ubi. fnl. Xo·ul·hatc·l 1S:l9. P rC'l'nlf'd J'j ~ljl ) HOI I.E ('!Me ·11m). L'Homm•• F.•-sih- tlr I h\' Pub I" }.ibr . ~"· ( ha1-·ll•·· \ Ulo. S · mt . (. Jm ult< rlt Puleoii!O­ 1#!164 .\ \' EB l 'J~ \ ' (I... rcl). l'nhi.torir- T inw:. as - lfiJI. 1'. J/ I!) I J. ) Jllu trakd h,· .\nuutt H<'m.uns and the I '"I lln. l'•ri-, IIJ1'3. l't..,..,'t t d ~I mu r Atut' 1 n~t"m "' ~lod~>rn ~:n-a;c,. 1\lll'LU\I.J:n 1:. ,\.). Tl1• S •1 •ke, •Jf I:uropr·. " "nth uhtion. thoroughly n vi I'd :md t H•l •w '· L nnd<•n. IUl:l. • n 1r _, re .. t. 17~1 1 Cl! \I'\1.\X (rwltnck \ u. ,.,b;ian l'·~·il-. I \ul. ~'"· Ll·d .\ ;, ud nl'e \I .. 1111RI <•l 1'.11 •n'"lll.!\-. ] i !~IJ B\rr.sox (\\11h11n). l'rc•l,lt~n ••t t:uoctf•·,. I ,.,). s'"· \l ll•mrne. 1!114. !'1 ,,J () I I 1 r lt, llr«. Jlcp>tt :sdlrmw 1 o~.~TO< K (. t .. hn 11 nry). Th< Spool• r Hook. .Jhnlf>TIIIf /,tr/IUM.) .\ \l.. nu1l fur tlw ;-ituilun•i.J, ''· 1dth l.i l lllllhl r~tion . l"'l"i'r.~·rw<•nl;lllH of th.. ir h: hit<, I \ nl. 1'1\'u. I... id• 11, I !1 1:3. Pre t'lllt••l I \'nl. ·llu. N<·w YH1k. J!l 1:?. Purcha,cd

111 :!!) 10

~--- IIOW Books. lttl(. No. RC'{. No. no.. I ~cquircd. ""4ulr.:d.

17!170 COS · ~tAN (,)!.). Catn'oguo lllustri· des C'o- 17840 LANC: (.John Dunmorc). An hi ~to ri cal and quillc:s l•'osoilcs de L'E occnc th:~ En\"irons 17841 statisticnl account of Ne w South Wales· do Pari ~ f!l.isan l suite 1\lJX tra.,·a.ux Palcon­ in c h1 c~in~ a. vbiL to t!to gold rt•g ions, nnd ~ d c~C I' I phon of the mmcl!, with an cstimo.te tolog iques de C:. P. D eslmye~. l<'Mc i oul e~ i-iii. of thu probable rc&ulta of thu g reat di ~ . 17!1 ~ 7 li' . ( .·hm'lles de la Societe Entomo/O(Jiqu() dt! R. 1~. .Lesson. P n.rus danq I' l!:cho du 1\Jondo B clgiqur.) t:;a.,·anl. de 1 84~ il l 841i. llcimpres~ion 1 vol. 8vo. Bruxcltes er P l\riti. 1804. Purcha~c d h•itc pA.r lell soins de A. ~ l enr:taux. l vol. Svo. Paris n.ntl i\Lun ich. 1913. Purcb:~.~ li!lG3 DE(.;'fSCRE T LEFSEE-~XPEDlT I ON a.uf d en .. VALD1\71A " 1898-18!>9. \\'is:wrLinc ,Jo­ 1 vol. Svo. London, 191 1. Purchased J 7!J:~G ~c ph). La Conchyliologic. on Hi ~to ir11 lill(l l LOWE (Percy R.). Our C'Ommon Sca-birus­ l i !l3i NnLurel!e des Co quillr ~ de Mer, d' E r..u Cormorants, Te rns. Gull~, Skm\S, Pe trel ~ . Donee. 'rcrrcslrcs et l•'os~ilcs . . . 3mo. and Auks. edition Tomes i-ii and A Lia~ . l ' 'ol. 4to. London. [1913]. l'urchased 3 vols. •lto. l?o.ris, 1780. l'rc~cntcd by C. R edley 1786g MACDO;i!F.LL (Art.hur Anthony). ?.nd i\rthur 17!110 l~ANJ.'li A)1 (H . B.) a.:HI ANNIE PORTER. 1786:; B. KbJJT H. Vcdi<: Index o( Mmcs and Some Minute Anime.l ParasiLCli. m· Unseen subjects. Vols. J-tt. Jo'ocs in the Animal \\'or!d. ~ vol:;. Svo. London. 1012. Purcba:t.'covcry in 104:l to thC' pr<'•eut study. lime. I vol. 8vo. Uobl\ ·t . &c .. 1884. Pur!'lmscd 1 vo!. Svo. London, 11)1:!. l'urcb3\l'tl FICRTEL-LEOPOLD IV. ) tlllcl .). P. G. \ '. )[ATHE\\'R (Cregory ~1. ). A lisl oltho birds of ~·1 OLL. ~1 icro:~co pi-rhc und BWlrr•· kll'iw· 17800 Australia. Conu\ining tho n:chc w1d v.ndere klcim &hnl- Trr.nsla.tcd by Hudolf Blind. \'ol;;. i-ii. thi ~rc 1\\ls d<'n gcschll.'chtcrn Ar~c n~utt• :2 vob. r). :\ lh~" tlc1· Kr)'l'ltull- l>e:;chriclx.n. li H~l f()rmen. Band ii. Cnltwcrit-Cmnocbrc it 1 ml. -Ho. \\'icn. lfO:l. Prc~cntfd Text und Tnfcln. · (Tit:c pogc also in l.at.i:l.) by C.Jledley 2 \"ols. 4to. lil'icll'lhcrg. I 9 1 :~ . Pnn·based Ji 'lfl ~ HAHGRA \'E (Lawrenco). J,c p<> de \'e;:a l7S!l6 ) ll'RRA Y (.JM . A. H .). Editor. The Oxford L vol. 41.o . :,)vdnoy. 1914. Presented 17897 English Uiclione.ry on Historical P rinciple~. ('Pypcwrittcn I'Opy only). · hy C'. Hcdlcy Scc-S 1u~ste r (Vol. vur), 191:~. JL\RT ING (-Jn.'Tics Edmml. .Berlin unci ~trnl-untl. 17!10-liu 1. Pnrch :~sc d 170(l.) PETTER D (W. lo'.). C'nl:tlogur of the jlinc~nls li!l6S .JACOIH (A1·nold). ~li mikrv und vcnmndtt· of '!:tmnn.nir.. Puhli ~hl·d h) the )lutes l•kscheintmgcn. ( 'Jir .:·i;•ntsdwfl. Sauwt­ De11 L p ;ootcd htli(J txm. cin.uld"r•lrllun~cll cl/1., dm r,t lli-1•11 1 vol. S\'0. l!obarl, 1910. 1'\'- ' d, .., .\'a:ltrtoi-' r. 1 ~ . A. \\'ih;on. r.ntl illl' Suru' m!! )1cm· , tl't\!(enc!cn cnrop;;i8("ht•u ~lc<'rt~conch ··lien. 11 Ed. r-rr. l x· r~ uf the F.:xpt·dition. Arr.•n)!l'd . .~ l 79i{ no do do l.con11.rcl H uxlc·y. with a prt•ftwc hf SJr "Eel. 11 1. Vlcmcnt!; H. .\larkha.m. 1\.l'.fL F.l~.S. !l J ~ Pu !fhl.~ J)J d(l do :l vo!K. Svo. Lomlon. I. ·•· Ed. IY, 1iSS!l S('()T'l' (\\'illinm 13.). A Hi,torr. of l..antl 3 1•ok •lto. ('n~!.C' I (Brl. 1). ISSi .Mammals in th.:- \\'t'"tcrn lil'llll~phl'r<'. . J'u!fh.'~ Wicsbadeu, l!l01- l90il. Purch•~scd 1 \"Ol. 8\'0. Nl'w Yorl•. J!)l;l.--- 11

Jlooks. llow How a<:

li il SOWER BY (C:oorgo Ll.). P op1•la.r British Con. 18009 PARLIA~IENT OL~ THE CO.'lllfONWIJ1ALTH. chology. A familio.r history of the :11ollusC's The Jlegintlinb'S or C:ovcrntnc:1t in Auatrnlia. inha.bi ti n~ t ho Hri~i s h Isles. 1 vol. .Fol. . 191 !} . Prcsoutc•l 1 vol. 8''"· London, 18.3~. P•·pqcntcd 18004 Ji istoriM I Records of Australin. l:icries I. by C. Hudlcy Go,•crnon!' Despatches to nnd from J~ng· SPENCER (Bo.ldwin). ~o.th•e Tribos of JiOSS the land. \'ol. 1. 1788-17!Jfi. Northcm Tcrrito1·y of Aus trr.lia.. 1 vol. s,•o. Sydney, l!JI-1. Pr~se :ttc l 1 vol. 8vo. Londo n. 191 4-. J>ut•c hr.~c d JiSSO THO~fAS (Northcot.o W.) Anthro p Peoplea d li!l!l9 Al'STRALlAN .'ILGSE1'}1. ~l omo ir n·. Sc·icn­ NigE'ria. Pa.rt [. Law 8 nd C~stom. JiS.'il Part H , Linguis. ics. tifio Rosu lts or the Trawling Ji:xpcdition o f 2 vuls. Svo. London, l!llO. J>ro-ontcd ll.~I. C.S. •· Thctis" off the coast of Nl'w :South Wales in L<'cbrunry a11d ~lnt'P h, l 98. Jnd oth<>r fresh­ 2 vol.;;. Svo. S~·dney, 1899- 191!. Prcsc:\lcl wr.tcr fishes. 13006 ENC:JNEF~RU'>lG A 'SOCLI\'I'ION OF :'SEW I \•ol. Svo. Capctown. 191!1. Purcho.scd l:iO UT ~I WALES. JSOOS 'l'OMES (Chnl'lcs S.). A .\ln.nuo.l o( Dcntul )fiuutcs of PrMeodings of tiro Eugino( ring Anatomy. humn:-~ and compart~tivc . by Association of New South Wales, 191:.!-!3. Oha.s. S. Tomes. &vcnth <'clition. ]~ditci l \'ol. XXI'IU. by H. \\' . MadcL~ Tims and A H opcwoii­ L vol. Svo. Sydney. 1!114. Prc>C:lktl Smith. li!l93 GO \'ER1\T)IENT ASTRONOJ1ER. 'RCl!ulr e~c nted hv <:. H cdlcy OHic·inl Year-boo!< of New So;~th Wale.•, HJ13. JiO!J "',\TERHOvSl~ (0. A. ) r.:1d C.co. Lvell. The . Butlcrllies of Aw;trn.l in.. A ~lon ogrr.ph of 1 vol. Svo. Sydney. IOI ·L Prr:scnt..,,l the .1\usrrn.lin.n Rhopaloccrn., introducing l\ 179.)0 PCBLJC 1~. TRl'CTlON, JffNISTER l)lr. complete >chcmc of l::itructural Clas~ ilka. Report (together with nppemlicc3) for the lion. r.:-~d !( iving Tk ~c ription~ atld Jlltlstr:>· year 1!11:!. t ions o{ 1tll the Butt('t'flics found in Austrl\lit\. 1 \'OI. Fol. S,vdncy. l!l l·k Prcsentco.l includin!{ o. numbe r no11· recorded for the 1i9.17 lJ:\1\"ffiRSJ'I'\' OF SYDXEY. Calomlar for first time. the yuar 191·i. l vol. ·Ho. Syclncr. 101 ·1. Purchn.scd I ,·ol. 8 \'0. Sydney, l!)ll. Prcsc:•l•· l li 4i \\'EBE'R, (.\ l t\~} r..ad L. 1•'. de BEAUFOHT. 'rhc !f i sh~ of tlw lndo-Au:;IJ·n.li(l.n A•·chi· , . IC'TOltiA. ]Y.'I!l.::•?• 11. )ln.lacoptr r_vgi i. ~ly <'tophoid <•r,. li ~Si )IEL130t'RXE t::-il\'EH.'I1T. Tho )Jcl- OstMIOphysi. J, S i i lll'oidcs~, with l.)l illu,;. buurnu L' ni H·l'~ it.y Calcndlll'. I !ll~. tratiom;. 1 ''ol. Svo. J[o!ho\lnte. l!ll:!. Prc'Cntcl 1 vol. Svo. 1.-<'itlc:l, HH:t Presented \\1lELL,\M.S, S. E. Au&trn.!inn ()oins. Bdng HOP TU At'STH \UA. n s ho rt hi ~to r,v r..'ld n. complrtr cl\laloguc L'XI \'ER. ITV OF 1\ DELAJ DE. ('alo:od,tr of (Up·lO·dtl.lC) or Tokons. &c.. inc!uding U1>· li!JO.J 1he L'nivct-:;ity o( Adelaide, for tho ~ c.tr ~l'ts :~nd varieties of rlies. a!l'o in;;lu;ive of the issues of New 7.ca!nnd. l!ll.t. 1 \ 'Ol. 8\' 0. Adelaide, l!ll·l. Prcscntd I ''ol. 4to. )lelbourne. 1!! 11. Purchased "'RWHT (C: . 'Frcd<'rick). The Ol'igh o.ad Qt"F. t:'I"S LA~O. Antiquity of Man. I ,·.;L Svo . L~ r Hinn. Hll :1. Pui'ChMcd li!l42 QL'Ef!NSLAXI) ClEOLOC:It'.\f, HGR\'f.!\'. Publication No. Ut. QrH·®slflnd )li•w•·.ll I'AI!T l!.--l'f.:tliOIHt'AUi. Index r.nd C:uid~. by B. Dnn~hm . ( ~TF.II~ o\ T t e>N.\1 .. I vol. S,·o. Bt·isbanc, 1!11 :l. Purchn~· · U

IXTERKA'J'lO~;A], C.\1',\LOGL'I>: CW Nr:w Z& IT_\..-.;D. S(' IF.~TIFI (: LITf.IUTt'HE. 1 'iS(i.j :'SE\\' ZEALA.. \"D OF'I•' I (' I~\1. YEAR-1300K. li!'.li Trnth Annual Tssu(', R. . B.lt'll•l'inlt•!!.''· l!ll:l. 'l\n·nt Y~~c t· ond yc.w of i~suc. 1illj"() 1%•\ cnlh \ru111n I b•w·. ( .. .\l im·r.tlogy. inclml- l vol. tNc;. \\'ellingto.l. Hll3. Prcs~:~ tc 1 ing l'ctrology an1l c· .. _,·swll'lgmphy •. liOil H. ()f'OIOV\'. Gxrn;o Kr:--noOlt. t:•1JS Ji: . Pnll•<;litohg•;. 1-rmtlon. l i~ljiJ L. (:Nwnl Biolun·. ]1Xt.7 N. loo:ugy. .. .AD:\llH.\LT\' UJROS HLC:H CO.'IDHSSIOX· j 'jt ()j I'. . \ntll!'l•polo!!y. EHS 01>' 'I' H 1~. 'rho C'hina Rc:t .Dirc•:•torv. I vol•. g, o. Lo:rdon, 1!113 I !ll t. \ '1>1 . J. Fifth C'tlilion. ('ontnining Dire·--. tions fnr tlw Appro:lC'h(•s to Lhc· ('hin(L l'<>t\ . co:.nlOK"'EALTH 0 I•' A l'STRA LIA. h,v ~lulllcrn. Sin~npnrc·. Snntht. 13;tnka. c:nspar. ('(lrimlltn. l{hio, Hel'lutlt, nncl .\l':O,THA LASir\X ,\ -::SO('I.\TIOX I"OH Till-: AD\'AXC'I~)IF:XT OF SC' I b:~CK Hc•port Duri:lll . 'tmit. I !1116. Tho ('hinn ~c.\ J)ire ~tO I'\' , \"ol. 11. Jo'i!th of thr lrourtcc;~th ~lcc: in j;t of the Austrol­ 11!132 t>diticm. ('onl ain in~ l>m·ctions for tht• af-ian A. ~lclbct·.!r'IIC', 1!114. l'rcsontcd f'WL\iOX\\'EAI.Tll BL'JH:.\1' tll•' ( 'EXSl'S 'l'ho f'hinn !'l"t llircl'lorv. \'ol. 111. tlr .\!'\]) :-iT,\TISTJC'S. Ofiic·inl Y<';u·.ltuok of 1"a1ling IJ•r<•-:tiom; for 1 ~~~· C'n,,~t nf ! 'hin•t the C'ommoml'l'nlth of Anstmlia. <'<'lltain in ~ from llnnq Kon!.( I' t ho Pcrind tu llw Ynlu Kinn:;:, indudiaq l'rt!las 1!101 1 !) 1:~ . and ('url'cdC'U Statistirs for tll<' lslnnd nncl !{(•d. tlw Xurtlt Cu.tsl of l.u1.0:1. l'criod libll I !lOO. ;\ o. i, l!J I I, bsuC'd Brd.u\1111 uml Hnt~n J ~luntls, Formoso. undrr tho Autlwrit\' of the .\1mi:U K hwq C. .'lu;. and Tribt:lltrit'<, ll w;111g llu. l't·i l!o, .md I l'ol. 8\'0. )lc!Lourn~, l!ll~. Prcslll\!cd Linn lln. Fnuri h ••clil i

lt •.. No.! llGOkl!. I n ~~:. Xo.

J>.\ l .,l.;cl:>: 'J'Of!H.\ PJLI ('A.I, SOC'JE'fY. T •• ('lun:t :-,,.,, l'ilnt. \ 'ol. ,,.. C'ont..~in:ing I i'!l:i \ 'olumc L:\ \'11, h m•ct!on• for till' Xnn~atlon of t h•• I•:Htt• ·n Shnrt• nf the Chin·• S...t. between 1. Briti•h c:raptolill-~. Purl X By f!crt. Sini:IIJ!Or<' Str.1il nnd tlw Xorth end n( rud1• J,, l~llc>< ond Etla••l )1. R. \\.xod :1. 'fht· Lmwr Pnlrrozoic Trilc,bitcs of ( ir. W'ITI:->11 ,\ t'SOf'l.\TIOX FOH THE AU· , .m. Supplt-tllcnt hy F. R. C'o"l·• r \',\X('E~I EXT 01' SC!f;X('E. Report on Ht·<'o•t·nc t lw l'i!.thl~ third n1•·••ting of the British 1. Tht• :\loUu•,.a. Pnrt T. By • h-. c:,mui I Fi .ht•s nf Brit i•h Cnrhoniferous 1 n.>l. s,·o. London, 1!1 1:J. l'ro•cntt'll Furm"t ion". l't\rt I. l'•<•o•i••tion Cot• till' Ath~lll!'Clll('nl 1'1\rt n·. Xn . .J.. H.v R. H. Tra" on th llllJlC'. By \\. B. '1'. I' 1b 11. 1 vol. SvJ. ;\l ~lhournc. l!ll-1. Pre;ol'nted ))a\\ kin~. I SiR. 1 \'ol. lto. J.onrlon. I rl~-l'>iS. Rl'·rl'~it>k • .\lanu-nipt •. )lap~ a.u•l l i!l:?O --Pmtc•wl. P. 'la.rtin. \ munOJ!mph <'f th• Hr.\• in)! m th,. Brili'h "u cum. (X111u.ral Bnti h 1'11~ .il (.'umk N·ff>fld St•ri•·'· JkiHJ:: H i. tury). \ ,,J. 1\. I' ~X. a ttupplr•rm·nt to the " )lonOI(mpb o( the I vol. lto. London. 1!)13. P re>cntcd 13riti~h Ft~J Rcdunc'in:t-. to ~•·t·onc!a.r~· s[l<'cic•.) (Hnrtt•ht·t·•t~. (lnu,, Uuikcrs. Dik-Dik,.. 17917 --.Junr•. '!'. Rupt:rl. A moooJ..rrarh of the Klilhprin~rn . Rccdbuck><, \\'1\t('rbuck•,&.<'.) Entmnn~ln><·a uf tht l'n·tat't:rt .Riainc. of Emcln.llll 1 \'Ol. 4tn. London. 18-l'l. R•·-~stmd l \'ol. ~vo. London. I!ll l. Pre~'Trt t'd 17U I:i .Jmws. T. RIIJY'rt. A monottra.ph of t:he --(\\11\lnp:t~,· or tho Lt:piclopt•·ra Phu.l:niD m Tcrtit\1 v EntomMtracft. of Ent:lnnd. tlw Britash J\lu•c•um. Vol. xm. · . 1 vol. •ho. London. IS.ill. Ue·n'!!ipl<'r!\ Pbalam~ in <:<'Cl. 1-i. nra.tlv. A monol{mph of the tho British \l u:rt••cnteu 'l'lw C,\·pridiuu.cl:r> a.nd their all it!~- . \ Rt•vi ion nf tht• ldutt•umonich(•. based on I vol. 1to. l..nndnn. 1871 ISSl•. R<··rt'1!~'tr'ICd tlw cnlkction in thu B t·iti~h )1 u~cmn\ l i022 -.Jmws. 't'. ltup•·rl. and otht·r-. A monQ~mph (~1\tuml l(iNtury). Part [11 . Trilll's Pimp- of tlw l •'omminif~r~~o or the f.Jra~. l'om litlt·s :\ml B<~,~id<·> . hy Claud<' ,\ lorlcy. pr"in\! 1'1ul I (181i6). hy T. Hupcrt ,Jont·'· I \'Ol. 8vn. London. l!lll PrbCllt<'d \\'. K. PMiwr. o.nd 11. B. Urad\•. l't. ll (.'.•t i\lngut• n{ tht• )1l'ROWil' Pla.nts in t ll;.' ( l'!fl.i). Ill (18111\). o.nd l\' (l'lOi). by T. Uriti. h \ In-cum (X~>tural Hi8ton·). Till' Hnt" rl .lunt·:t, a,,,,tlll h_v H. \\. J'""'"· . ('rd!I<'Nm 1-'Jor:.. l'art f. .Bjblio!..rraph~. ('. D. Slwrhurn. 1•'. \\. :\lillcll. R. Jloll;Uitl. ..\1)1 ·•• mol Fungi. t..y ~!Mic C. StoJl'''· ond F. h i:ipcl'i"s of Pi·imo•nt-.1 . Briti-h 'lu"-·um !Xi\lurn.l lLH<>r\ ). \1 illt 1 vol. lto. London. }:)i:}.I~>i!:l. R•'·n·.:strro.l tl"h nn th••"C o( \\·,·-.lt•rn Eurol"'· h,· R. R. - \liull. L. ('. 'l'ht• Sin:noicl ( :.moid~. \dth ·' \\ U. l..cmdnn, h 'i'> I!ICii. Rc·rt"!bttrecl Unti ,[t ~~~~-~·um p::1.tur.•l Hbtnry). \ ·ol. 1. lh•t'!l. Hid1ard. :\lunugr.q>h of the Britbh J\rtukhl"t\'1.\, l'<~tnih- Bo\'itl:P. Suhfamilit Unvinw, 'tn Ovrho,:Ul!\', (l'nttlt'. Sh< cp. l-'0'-sil ('t•laciM from the Ht'ndon. 18ill. lt••-n·gt-!l'rc·l Oxt•n, &•·.) I~) H. L\'lh·kkt:r. I ml. 'wn. London. l!ll!l. Owc•n, Ril'I•·•I"'L \lonograph of tlw Fo:.,.ll \ l,amnudia of tlw :\le--;owic Formt\lions. . I 17.-;; (':\11\ln~tiU• of tht• Lt•pi:lopt.-r" l'h:>.l:t n:v in l \'ul. Jtu. London. hi!. H~ rc~•·t~fl'' · th• llrlli h 'lll'i'lllll. Ynl. XII • .Plate, I'O\Hio·, .hs., K Ha\ .Lank!'Acl', nntl < XCII·C'CXXI. I vc1l. !>vu. Lonrlon. 1913. 11. 1'nu1m\ir Hams,1~·· · ,\ ~lorw;rraph of Et.YP'I' J.:XI'LClltAT IOX I •'U~D. The Cctn<'· llw l•'i~lwx o£ tlw Old H~·d ~andstons e>f ll'Tit·~ o[ J\bvdo•. Pn.rt 11 , 1 9 1 1-WI~. Hrilttin. l't. I. 'J'ho L't•phtdu.~piclt" . hy K ('l'hit'l!l frml'l!t • .1/r moir OJ the E·r!JT1firlll Holj Lankv•tt•r. lll!iS. Pt. 11. ~u. I. 1\.rp/omlillll Funli.) 'l'ht> \~lt·rol\•pi!la•. By 11 . 'l'raqunit• H:~m~uy. 17~ I! IJn cln PMt TIL 1!112-l!IJ:l. 11!\l t. Pt. 11. :Ntl. :!. Thu A~t<·rolt•tmla·. ('l'hiriiJ·fifllt .lfutr'Jtr of tlu .E'']llfliimt Er­ By ll. 'l'TIIIJ1tair Ham<~l~, 1!10 I. l't. 11. tior•olmu F••utl.) :-\t>. :1. Tlw .\Ht<•rolt•pith•. llllltt . , 2 vo!K. 4t.o. Lonuon. LOJ :3. Purclm>Nl I \'OI. .J.to. .London, hili~ I !lOll. R,..r,•gL•tt·~•• 12

Bouk~. lt . !\o. RG<>k•.

l'.\ L.i:EO:\TO(:H,\l'llH'.\ L SO('lETY. The (.'hion ~-..,, l'il•>t. \ "ol. T\'. ('ontainin~ liS!l.3 Yolume LX\ 11. l s•c· uf thtl ('hm·l Se.1, botwccn 1. Bri ti~h Uraptohlt•s. Po.rl X. B,· C:trl. l';in:.,'llpOrl' Xtrnit ond tiw North end of rude L. J•:llt•s and ~;t het ~I. R .' \\'u<~ l Luzon. indudinl! tht· d tng<•ro·ts ground 2. •r1w Paltt•uzuic AtO~iatiun fot ti11• \ th·. London, Hll:J. l?lt>-c•ntcrl Formation'· l'Mt J. Jl«lteoni.cid1.,. Xu. i. 13~· RanN•Y 11. Traqu:1ir. TJtl~ Ff.'dcr.tl H antlbonk. pn•pai'C11 in C'Onll<'<'lion fl!\!.!r nncl l nch·:oc. 'lith tht• l'il(hty.fnurt h llll'<'ting or the (). The Fi~ht·~ of the• ulmenl Part 1\". Nn. 4. B1 R. H. Traquair. of S· i•nc• , hcltl in .\ustr.11i1, Anjrost, 191-t. Titlt• pt\~t· and lndt·x. C'ompiiEblisho.t by tbc 1792.3 - -Bell. ThCI"· .\ munO,!!mph of the Fo, il Commonwt•.tllh Oovcr·nnwnt.. • l\It~hwn s l racuuH ('I'UHitl.C'I'I\ of (;rt•M .Britain. L vol. Sn>. Mt•lbourne, 1911. i>rl'sontctl I. 11. Loncln11 C'l,•.r. C:t~ult. nnci Orrrn>anrl. ll.mdbook for Nt•w South \\',•k·s. 1911. 1 vol. Hu. l.ontlon, l l!:iS-l!Ha. Hc·rcgibtelt() 1 ,·ol. $\ v. Sytla~y. lOll. J>r<'st•nlt'rl 17927 --Du.wkin~. \\'. Bo,•cl, 1~nd \\'. Ayshford .\.a~tralian )le<'liH•!. l!lll. J{,.'l,ll>ook to \"ictuh. Sa.nford. A lllOilOl.rl\ph of the 'Hrit»b Prcpaxd for tht• tnf'ml~·r., of tll<' Ikiti~h Pll'istOCclll' ,\lmnmnli>L. \'o!. t. Briti'h .\o>.•nciation for tlw A1h· L!ll't•nwnt of S•·il'll<'l: Plcistocl'no Fl'lid•·. IR!i8-1Si:!. fAioJ on tlw occ.L iun of tht·tr n-it to \ 'ictorio. Part A. A 1m•limuutr\' trr•:t.tJ-,(• on the· und~>r the tliro•ction of lht• Yictnrian Ext'<'ll· relation of tlw PJt.i,IO('<·no )lanuna!~ ttt th·c Commiltct•. [ B.vJ .\ . :\1. L auf;!hton Md those now linn~ in EuHt]X•. By \\'. B. T. ~. lh'l. I wl. bv~ . Mclhoumc. 1914. Prt'>t·ntt·d Dawl:ins. I SiR. I \'tll. Ho. l.nnrlon. H!firawing.• in thl' British :\lu ~t· om. (1\ln.ti.IJ'(I.I Brit i ~h }l'u~sil <'omh . St·c-ond Seti•·s. Bt ins: History). Yul. '" · P i:iN. a suppl<'lm·n~ lt• IIH' •· ~lonoifraph uf tlw l ''"1. •!tCI. London. 1913. Pt'\!:,!'ntud Briti~h FoM~ il ('ont.l• ." b1• Wm. )lilnc­ --C ~blogul' of tho l'nguln.ll! Mo.rnmn.ls in Edward• 1\lld .JuloK flt~iml' . • the British .HuHoull\ (Natura.! lliRtory). 1 vol. <'C':.. 17917 --Jones. T. Hntll•rt. A monl)l-.'mrh of tl•" Klipsprinst<'r.,. H<'<"dhuck .... \\'a.tcrbuclu,&c.) Entomo5lri\C:I\ Cif lhr trct:l.C't·ous Formntion By R. Lyclt•kk<·r. n.«•i•tt•d by Gilbert .lllaine. of Emdand J 'ol. 4tu. London. 1849. ({1-.,.,~,ttrtd I vol. Rvo. London. I!lH. Pre~mtcd l'i918 -~Joncs. T. R\tpcrt. A monoL.''!'a)lh of thl --Cata.lognc of tht• l A·pidor,tcrn. Pha.!reJ:n" in Tert ia.t , • .En tomuIl. Jkn-:n· ttml I vol. ~vo. London, T ~l3 . Prc,!•JJt<'d 170'1-~ --Jones. T. Hupcrt, t\ll(l Ja~. W. Kirkh~·· -('"-tAio~ue of the T..t•pidopt('ra. .Phu.l;l!nte in 17!1-4 Gco. S. Bmdy. A monol!mph of tht· tho Bnti.h .\lu11cum. \'ul. :xm, Plates British lft)KHil Uivalvt•d Entomnstra('a from CCXXtl·CCX \:Xi X. the Ca.rbouifc•ro\1~ Jtonno.tions. Part l. 1 vol. 8\'0. ]Andon. 19J3. PrcH•ntcu 'rho C\·pridiml(l:t' and thl'it· <\l li c~ . l 7()i-T --A R evision uf 011' T l'iml' urnonid~ . bas!'rl on · , \•!11. .tlo. IJmdon. l fo\H-18~1. Rc·r<'~i~trrtd the •·ollcrlion in tlw Brit i$h ~~u~emn 17!)22 - -.)otlCS, T. 1tu pl'r~. and vllwr,. A mol\O~raph (Xatural I u ~ tory). PMl Ill. 1.'rilxos Pimp­ of th~ Fommmif!'rt~ ur thl• f'ra.!!. Com tide:; n.nd B~">sidl·~ . hy Clnud<' Morley. pri~in'! P11rt 1 (ISflli). by 1'. Rupcrt, .Tol\l'•. 1 ,•ol. s,·u. London. l!H~. PrhNttt'd W. K. P:Lrkl·r. 1\nd ll. B. Brtuh·. Pt. £1 17'l,,j --e,~wogu<' of thl' 'h·•oT.oic PIMt~ in tile.> (189.)). H1 ( 1!!\ltl). a.nd I\' ( LStii'). hy '1. British )lu ~(·um (:\1\tural History). Tbt> Rupcrt Jonl'~ . 11·'•'-tlll bv R. \\. Humn '· Cretaceous Flor:L. l'nrt T. Biblio!!l'ajlh~. C. n. Sht•rborn. Jo'. \\'. ~lilktt. R. Holland. Algre, and Fungi, by ,l.~rit• C. Stope•:<. and F. ( baprn·u1. . 1 \'ol. 8\"n, Londnn. l!ll:J. l'l-.,,<·ntcu I ,oJ. .I to. T..onclun, I U0-1 !li. Rt'·r.'g ·tmJ li --;,; - -Cat.'\luguc uf the Bl'iti,h Spni1·~ of Pi-idiom li!l30 --Lycett. ,John. A monoo..(r,tph of the Briti,.h (Reccnll\nd l"o~>'il) in the l.' of tht> Unl-(ulo\tl' Mn.mtnll.ls ln tht• ('er;\lodu:;. 1 vol. lt!l. London. '1!!7 Hltli . Rl' ·I'C)ot~itl'rt•l B rilish i\I UR('\IIl\ (N!Lllll'•d m.tory). ,~ul. I. ArliodBcl ''In. Famih• lkwidw. •·ubfantilit• I 792!) --Owcn. Rit~bun l. 1\lonu;:::mph of t h& lkiti,Jt Uovinre. 'to Q,•ilJClv.•nre. (('attl<'. Shi·t>r. l'ossil Cetnt·c:~ from tho 1{('(1 Crag. Xo. t. (:oat,, Chl\moi,, &·rnwq, T:L~ in. )luok· conhiniuf:( I· r;\ Ph ,~l:rnff' in I 'ol. l l«<. London, ll>iL R e ·l\'gl·l~n· 1 · the :Britit. I. Tho ( 'ophnlallpidtc, l.ly ~~. (Tllirty-four/lt • .1/ruwir pid:u. (TIIirly·flll!l Jlunoir of tilt IJ.'yuptitm Er. By ll. 'l'mquair H tun"n~, tU()!. l'l. I I. p!ortrUrm Fu~~tl,) No. :t 'l'ho Ao~tcrolepith\'. llltlll. • 2 ''ol~ . 4t.o. London. I OJ a. l'urcllll~cd 1 vol. 4lo. Lvmluu, lbli8-1006. lkrcgi-t•~:- · ~

The . View of buildings from Hyde Park, Sydney, after the fig trees had been pollarded. 13

Books. p~O.J 11cqnowuircd. IReg. No. I Bookt. Hm. I!~equired pAJ.:EON'l'OGHAPH ICAL OCmlT. Salter, 178.j2 n~l .T. W. A monograph o{ the l3•·itish Trilo- GOVERNMJ!JNT ANTHltOPOLOCIST, NI- bitos from the <.:ambrian. • 'ilurian. and GERT.A. Anthropologicnl Re-port on tho ])t>voninn Formations. By th<' lato J. W. ll1o-sponking Peoples of Nigeria. By Nortl.1 Salter. Qote W. Thomats, Government Anth.ropo I ,·ot. -llo. London, 1864- 1883. Rt--rogistorod logist. Part I. Law nnd Custom of tho lbo of the 9 -Shnrp<'. Daniel Dcs<'ription of tho Fo1>sil Awka Neighbourhood, S. Nigeria. ,;,1 Remains of Mollusca found in tho C'halk of l78(i:l Part IT. English fboand 1bo-Etlglish Dictionary. Engln11d, Cophnh1pocla. 178.3{ PartlJI. Pro''erbs, Narrativos, Yocnbulari<'s 1 vol. -Ho. Lonolou. 1853-1909. R e-registered and Grammar. 3 vols. 8vo. Londou. 1913. --Trnqunir, Rmnsay rr. The Ganoid Fishes 17994 lilld Pnrt IV. J.nw and C11stom of the Jbo of the of the British Co.rboniforo\Js ll'onnMions. Asnba District, S. Ni~te rin . Part!. !>aJ~onisddro . 1799.> Part V. Addendn. to Ibo-English Dictionnrv. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1877- 1912. Ro-rogistored 17996 Part VI. Proverbs, Storios, 'l'ouea in Ibo. - (In courac of publication.) 3 vols. 8vo. Londo:1, 1914. l,rcstnted ; i3 RO\'AL SOCIET\. Yoar.book, 101 -~. UKITED STATES OF A.\ffiRlCA. 11 1 vol. Svo. London, 191-t Presonted DiRtrict of OoliLin.bia. YEAR-BOO K. Ycnr Book of th<' Scientific and 179Gi AGRICULTURE, DEL'ALtT:'IfrnNT OF. Year­ ' }A!arnecl Socict.ics of Groat Britain and book, 1913. Ireland. A record of tho work dono in 1 vol. 8''0. Washington. IOU-. Pre~entcd Sden~o. Literatttrc. and Art during the 17909 AltffiRlCA.~ ETHXOLOGY. BUREAU OF. Session 1912 I:l. ThirLic.th .\nm1a1 lssue. BuUt'thl 53. l \•ol Svo. London. l!H:3. Prc~entcd Chippewa. Music. II. By FrnncesDcnsmore. 1 YOl. Svo. WI\Shington. 1013. rl'(H!t:lte:l !!(01 ZOOLOGl(',\L SOCIETY OF LONDON. Th<' 17960 Bulletin SG. Zoological Record. Vol. t he forty-ninth; Ethnozoology of the Town lndi•.ms. By being Records of Zoolo~ica l Lileratur!l Junius Henderson and John Pen,body Bnr­ I'I'Lltinf(chieOy to t.hc yenr 1012. Compiled rington. by the Regional Bu•·caus o( the lnter· 1 vol. 8''0· WMhington, 191-l:. Pre«e:ltport of the S11pplem<'ntcd and arranged for the Zoo­ Commissioner of Fi~ heri~s for the &~n l logi~al Sot-icts of T.ondon. year 1911. nnd apecia I pa.per~. I vol. Svo. London, 1913. PrCilcntcd 1 vol. 8vo. Washington, 191:3. Pr.'l•'atvd Li913 Si\IITHSONJA..~ lXSTITOTION. Annual Re­ E~GLAND. port of the Bonrd of Regents of the S nith­ soninn Institution. showing the operation., Ji9i2 DOVE 1\lARJNE .LABAR. OTOJ~Y. lteport. for expenditnros, and ~onditions of the In· the Year ending; June 30th. IIH3. Edited stitution for the ye:u· ending June 30th, bv Alexander !\leek. New Series II. Pub· 1912. Ji$hed by tho 'l\Iarine J.aboratory Com­ 1 vol Svo. Washington. 1013. P.-o;c>ntcd mittee of Annst..-on c: College on heha.II of the ~orthmnberland Soa Fisheries Com­ 17992 UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEU~I. mittee and other contributing Authorities. Report of the ProgreJs and condition of the l Yol. Svo. Nowcastle-on-Tyne, 1913. Presented United States Nntional ,\'[u~eum for tb'! by C. Hedley year ending 30th June, 1913. 1 vol. Svo. Washington, 1914. Prese:~tod Barrl$u D oMINIONS. J78.J-2 --Proceedings. Volumo 44. Cancula. 17003 --Proceedings. Volume 45. li&i2 i\IINES, DEPAR'niENT 01!'. RPport on the 2 yoJs. Svo. Washinston, 1913. p,-e,o:lle:.l 1791.> LIBRA.R.Y OF CONGRESS. Report of tho Builcling and Oroamenta.l Stones of Canada. Librarian of Congress, and Roport of thn Yol. r. By Wm. A. Parks. Superintendent of t.ho Library Building and 1 \TO!. Svo. Ottawa, 1912. Presented Grounds. for the fiscal year ending 30th lmO ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. P•·o<'ceding10 June, 1913. and Transactions. Third Series- Vol. vu. 1 vol. Svo. Wnshington, 1913. Presont.cd Mooting of May. 1913. 17S-l9 --A List of books (with refcrouco to 1)0ri· 1 odicals) on the Philippine Islands in tho vol. 8,•o. Ottawa, 1914. Presonted Library of Congress. By A. P. C. Griffin, hzdia. Cbiof of Division of :Bibliography, with Chronological List o{ :M~ps in the Library li~2 L.'{Dl AN 1\LUSEU}l. Annual Report, April, of Congress. By .P. LeG Phillips, Chief of 1912, to ~larch . 1913. Division of ;\laps and Charts. J vol. S\·o. Calcutta. 1913. Prcsentod 1 vol. 4to. Wnsbin:(t.on. 1903 Prosontcd 18002 Pfu.~JAB .MUSEUM, Labor~. Cat>1loguo of 17900 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Coins in the Panjab }luseum, Lahore. By :Memoirs. Yol xr. Agave \n the West R 13. Whitehead. Ind.iCl!. By \Villiam Treloose. '1 YOL 4to. Washington, 1!!13. Presented Vol. 1. lndo-Urcck Coins. Yol. ':· Coins of the Mu~thnl Emperors. (Pub­ Oalifornia. ltBhcdfor tile Panjflb Govcrnm~n t.) 179;;9 CALIFORKIA S'l'A'l'm :\UN£NC llOR.Et\0. 2 vols. 8vo. Odord, 1914. Presented. Bulletin No. 67. !lfinerals of California. By Artlmr S. Eaklo. Ec:Y:P'r. 1 ,,ol. Svo. C.>lifomin 191 t. Presented CAIRO liiUSEU~ r. Guide to the- Cairo Mu.seam. lllinoi.<. By C. ~fnspero. Trauslntcd by J _ E. and A. A. Quibell. ~th edition. 17906 ILLINOIS STATE OEOLOWCAL SUR.,'El". 1 vol. Svo. Cairo, l!lJO. Pr~>sented Bulletin No. 22. Tbe Oil l•'iclds of Craw­ by Dx. E . Wunderlich, TI'IISteo ford and L::nvrencc Countie.~ . By Raymo1IU s. Blatchler- NrcEntA. 1\l.ap$ to Bulletin 22. liS.;o 17907 CO \' gRNJ\IENT ANTHROPOLOGIST NI· 2 ,,ols. SYo. Urbr111a. 1913. Prcsonlocl GERI.A. Anthropolo((icnl Report on the 179L4 -- l3ullctin ~o. 25. Rt'port nnd Plnns for lbo-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria. By Reclamntion or Land" subject tl) O\'orllow Northcote W. 'rhomns. Pt. 1. Law and in the Embarrass River Valley. Uy -Tacob Custom. Pt. IT. l,inguistics. A. Hnrman, l!H2. -- 2 vols. Svo. London, 1910. Prt-scntcd 1 vol. s ,·o. Urbana, 1913. l'rosente

Books. llo.. J;S GIWENEAURS. Gogenha.ttrs i\lorphologi, c bo~ .lfichiatm. .Jn.hrbuch. Einc Zeitschrilt fii r Ano.tomiu ~ll(;HJC:AN GFlOI.OG l CAL Alrl) BJOLOCT- uud Jo~ntwi c klungs gcschidtt~. Hcrausge­ CAl. SURVEY. J>nblication 12. GClo· gehon von Gcot g Ruge. Ed. XL\'. lo~ical Sorios 9. (:colo~i cal Report on l i88(i .Bd. XL\'1. "Wnyno County by W. H. Shcrzcr. 2 vols. 81·o. Lciplig, Hl13. Purchnoed (Publislu•d (t•• (J part of the Annual R eport KVN IGL!CII I,R IWSSISC HE AKAD E~HE <1/ lilt Bt)(lrd of Oco/ogical and .Biological lii!SO DER W£SSF.N~C H.:\I.!'TEN. REHLIN. Svrl't!J for Hll I.) D~sc r·iption s ani.:nalhtm quno in itinere ttd J>ublication 13. scric• 10. Minc- li!l{i l G oo l ol!icl~l )!!Iris Australis ' rcrra.s per o.1:1nos, 1i72. 177:$. roJ Hosourc•c ; of ,\tichigM. "'ith Stalist.ical et 1774 SUijt'Cpto collcgit observnvit et dc- Tahlc~ o( Prod.tction and vabo of )linoral linOilvit R. 1-'orst.or . nunc dom~un l>r()du cts for J!l12 ami prior years. Prc­ .J. cdituc auctoritato . Acado:niae . . }lnN'd under the diN'• tion of H. C. Alien. (f'ttbl;shedttS a Jl(ll't nf thr A tlmml R eport clll·ante H. Licht<.'nstoin. J vol. Svo. Borolini, 18 H. of the Board of Geoloyical aml Bio/ogiwl rreoentc:l S ttr•·Cif for 11112.) · 2 v ols. Svo. Lansing, Hll:l. Presented CE:>TRAL AMERICA. l'i!l62 l'u blicution I!i. C:co loj!'ical seri<.'J 12. The Bt'inc and Salt Deposits of ~li<' hi)!:an. Lheil· Cost(£ R ira. Ori!::in. Distribution, and l~"''Ploitntion, 17!JU6 :'lfcmoria. do F omcnto, pro3cntada al Cont,:rc>O by Chas. \V. Cook. Cons titutional por Enricpto .Jim• nl•z Nunct. (Pu/,/i.•hrtl as a part of ll11 Annual Rrr)()r/ Su bs(•cret:trio <.l o ul D03J)O.Cho do ])'oml!nto, o.f the R oartl of Gt!ological and Bioloyicetl 1912. Surrey for 101:1. 1 vol. s,•o. Sa n ,fosc, l!l1 3. Presen~ ed 1 vol. Svo. Lnnsing, 1014. Pro-..enlod ,)[i asouri. J~ S I S CEOLOCIC'AL SURVEY OF MT. SOUR!. ~1APS. Bulletin~< Nos. 4- J. 1 vol. 8vo. .Jciierson City, 1891 Presented )lap Xo. 31:J \'IC1'0RlA. f!fWLOC:!CAL SUR\' F:\' Of'. Gcolog ica l Sketch Ma p of t he Wn ribec S~w 1'01 /t. Oor~c 1\lld adjacent country. Il!i08 XEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 9Hh S ~al c , 1 mile to 1 in (·b. Hl l4. Annultl Rcj>orl. 191 L 3 J(i C:cologicnl Sketch ) la p of ~iumtun gcc . I vol. Svo. Alba nv, 19 1:3. Presented Scale. 40 c hains w l inch. l!ll3. I ~ SHS NEW YORK S'l'ATE :MUSIWM. \l.jLh 31i ( : eo lo~ri c nl Ske tch :\lap of :\lyrtloford. Annnnl llcport. L!lll. Vol. 1. Roport of S~n l c, 'lO cha ias to I inch. 10U. t ho Dirc!·tor :tnd Appcndi.x t. 318 f:cologicnl Skct.eh :\la p of gtnnlcy. I 'ill!l!l Su pplement to Vol. 1 Sca.lc. 40 cha im; to I inch. 19 1-1-. 17900 \'ol. u. Appcndiccll 24. 319 C: eological Skct.c h )lap o f Wayr,1. :l vols. 8\•o. Albnny. HH:i. Presented Scale, 40 l'hains lo 1 inch. 1014. Pre>•ntod l 'i!lO t Yol. 111. ()fomoir 14. Th11 Euryptorida of ~rw York. by ,John ~1. Clarkc and RudoH .Ma p Ko. 31-l )[ELBOULt XB. ?l[c\bo·,rnc- 1-hrbour Tru ltt~ i cn l :\Tnp of So·tlfl M ti•:t. Sheet )ia thom;t 1is<' h-Nnt11 rwisS<'ns<· haft lie ho 12. Pilantl:-;bc•rg. Klnssc. D<>n k~c hrif tr::'l . Ba nd LXX XJJ, !914. Prc~c:ttC'tl Sculc. 2·3+i milos to 1 inf!h. 17l:;30 J~n nd l.l\xxvm. :l22 c: oo1 ogi ~a l ;\[a p of So:tth Africa. 8hN·t 2 ,·ok 4 to. \Ticm, J!l l3- l!l t4. Prt-.;cntcd I a, Olilnnlll Hh•or. F I'(IIIU. Scnln, 2· :~ 17 mil~-; to l in"h, l 'i!::; -~; _\ :;iSOC' lATlOK l~ H.\.'\ C .\1 S R F'OL'R L'AVAt-:- Pretoria.. 19Ia- t-l. ('l!::IU.:NT JJ 8~ SC 'lli: XCES. Comptl• :l20 Crnlol(it•n l ;\lap of Xntrtl. l'I'C'Jlnrcd hy H e> ndu do la. .J I me Session. Xi m e~ . l!ll2. :ll iJw~ Department of :\Mal, prinr t,, Notes ot M6moin•3. l' ni<> n, HJ J(). I \'of. g,•o. Puri8, HI I J. Pr<'S<.'ntc.l I) ·ab. :20 mil<.'i to l in-h. f:r tn1fl 11!/· 32.j )bp !l.l. ('ANADA. <:EO LOC~TC'.\L '-' l ' H ­ 17S.;:; DEt:'TSf'llE EX'l'O,\IOLO(:JS('fH ; :\ll' SI<:l' ~l. \'I•; Y. l•!x plorl'd H onk,; na p11·t• nf Dents.. he l ~n t o~noluvi sc h c Nat ionul-I3ibliu the .\lb:\Jl\', ~:C,•t·ra, and n·ini~k Hh'PI '• l hcl<. .fuhrg. r 11 . 1!1 10 l!l ll. &r: .. Northuu Ontarb and Xor>h W<'>L I ml. ~t u. l k·rlin, l!ll0-1!)( 1. Prt•>h<.' 2\littcili:tf(<.''l. BtLn

[ 1 J>holo.)

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