1915. L EGISLA'fiVE .As E~ID LY . N E W S 0 U T H 1\r ~\. L E S . AUSTRALIAN MUSEU~f. (RE POR.'l' OF TilE TRCSTEES FOR TilE YEAR ENDED 30Tu J U~F. , l !lJ:;.) Vrcscntcb to ;{Jadiamcnt .pnrsnnnt to ~ d Jlo. 61, 19t'2. ~cc. 10. Print ~d 1111cltl' 2'{o. 12 R rp<Yt·t fronl P1·inti11y Commillu, :?2 S1 ptllmbrl'1 191 ;:i, To Ilts ExcELLENCY TnE GoYER:"'OR.- T ho Trustees of thr .\ ustra.lian 11uscnm have the honour to submit t<J ~·our Excellency their ::.ixt,\·-first R eport, being for tbr ycr..r ended 30th .} unc. 1915. l. TRCST£ES. Jt is with much sotTO\\' that we ha Ye to rccorcl th" d"a.th of tht• Ho:1. ~it· 1<'. B. Sat LOI', P t·c~: d ':lnt of t-he Lt•gi ::~lati' o Council, who wa.s an Offtcial Truskc. His plu.t·r lu\1! hcen filled hy t.hc Hon. F. Flower~. ,\nothor clu~ngo among the Official 'l'rustccs h:-.s b t'CO that. t.he lion. A. c. Un.rmiclmcl, :.\ [inister for rublic ln ~>tr u ction , lu~s Lcen replaced by the H on. A. H. (irilliLhs, Rccrrt:t.ry for Public Works. 'l'hcrr hswc hrrn nu clmngPs among the Elective T rustees. 'l'wo Hut·!-(ron-Grncral Williams a.nd Lirut.-C'oloncl Ruth have !-(one with the Commonwealth Troops to thf.' front, tmtl two Profc,;sors Da,·itl and \\'ilson lmvo t!Lken up military duties iu New South \\'ales. The following is n.list of the Trustees, witb records or their nltt'nd:1nces at Bon.rd :.\lectin~ du1·ing the yf:\l' :- C'toll'n Trusfne. H. H . B. Bmdlt•y. Esq- ... Qfficial Tr ustee.~. H is Honor thr Chir£ Justice The lion. the Prc-.i dcnt of the Lc~>isla.tiYe Council 'I'he lion. the Colonial • ecrctary Tbe Hon. the A t.tornc_v-Genera.l The 'H on. the Colonial Trca..smcr. The Hon. the :'llinist.er for Public Instruction (j The Auditor-General (~I r. J. Vcrnon) The President, )t cdicnl Board (Sir P. S. J oncs, :\I.D.) (i 'l'hc, 'ut•vcyor-Gcncntl ~tn d Chir( Survryor (:\k F. Pm~lr) 1 The Din•cLor-Genora.l of Public Works P it·. J. Davis, :.\l.l .C. I':.) l 'f hc C'rown • 'olici tor (Mr. J. V. Tillctt) 44129 *G57 -· A 2 Electil•e Tmstees. ~ur,~.t. (: 1•n. \\'. D. Campbell Wi lliallll>, C.B .. J,.R.C. P., London. &c. {lNwe of absence ~r;\n!ed for military duty) ... ProC. \\'.• \ . IIaswell, )J..\ ., D. 'c. 6 Pm f. T. \\'. K Da,·id, B.A., C. ~I. G. (lea.H' of absen<'<' for mthhuy duty) ~ Li<'ttt.·CoL Pror. J. I. \\.ilson. 1LB .. Ch.JI. ;j T. Xt01·ie Dix.on. Esq .. ::\I.B.. Ch.1I. 3 \\'. n Tf ar~ra\'CS, Esq. Lwut.-Col. R. E. Roth, D.X.O .. 1I.R.C'.R.E. (lt.>ti\'C of abscncr for mili!My duty) 6 l<~t·ir !'incbir, Esq., ::\LD. 6 Col. The lion. James Burns. .)f.L.C. :> The lion. F. l~. Wiuchcombe. 1LL.C. ,J. H. .)l. Hohcrtson, gsq.. }Ll). (hacllcavc of nbS<'Il<'C {m· pa.rt. o( tht' ,rear) ... 6 l ~l'lll':-.t. \\"tmderlich, Esq. (had leave of absence gro.nt.<·d for part of the yeat·) 2 2. F l(\ANl$. 'l'ho ~ l u:.eum has no prinlte source o{ income, but is supported fina.nci~tll y hy t.hc Go,·ernm.t•nt of ~t·\\ Xoutlt \\\des. first by an cndowmeuL of £1,000 pro,•iclcd tLnnut\lly hy t.hc Act o[ incorporation, and st•l'(>tHLiy by anmtul Pal'liamentary approp1iatioos, vn.rying {rom )'Ct\r to year t.o mt'ct requirements . •\ summnry of the incomt' and expenditure for the yet\1' undcr review is as follows: - I ncome. £ b:ntlowment 1,000 .\ ppropriation 8,958 ~ales of publications and sundries 57 Total ... tl0,015 Expe11diture. £ ,.;alaries, alJo,Yances for Sunday duty. overtimE' on holidays and night. watching 7.897 n cpairs to property and insurance ... 531 Pmchase and presen•ation of specimens, hooks, and rxlubttion ca.'le.'l 796 'P ublication of ·· Records,'' catalogues, &c. .. 178 • 'torcs, stu.tiouet•y, uniforms, and general t•xpcnscs 386 Total ... £9,788 Jt w;~s with {rC'Iiugs of the greatest regret tl1nt. the Trustees le11.rnt, on the appNu·ance of thf' prit1!Jt.'c1 E~>timntes (or 191J-1 5, of the ftuther reduction of t-heir Pal'iiamentary a.I IO\\':l.n<'e by .£750 (.C500 h~L,·in~ alt·ca.dy been deduct.cll in 19 1 3- l ,~ ). Eliminating sahuics and wa.gNI (which \Verc not. touched) and cen,d11 ~pccit\l appropriation such ns Sunday opening, insuxa.uce, building up-k<'cp, &c., they have now [~\1: the gent'n\l mu.nitrmLncc o( this most important t'<lucational int~litution the sum of £.1,2."".)() per annum. !:.l.IKJt) ~~~~~ uto•-r grant by the .\et of [ncorpora.tion, a.nd .£250 \'Oted subsidy. The Tru:stt·rs ruo::st respectfully beg to point out. that this sum is totally inadequate to maiu~1 in the \u~tralian )lu:-.l'ulll in the high state of efficiency it has a.tt.aincd, far less to p<'rmit of that progrt'&'i whidt 11-t ahsolutcly essential (or kcC'ping in line wit.h the requirem<'nt6 o( S<lienoo and thercforr of educa.tion. To llled this :sl•rious dt'plctiou of the customary fund:; (£1.230 in two years) t.he Trustee:; hM·e been compcll~:tl (,()- 1. Cca.sc purchasing specimens. 2. Cease purchasin~ books, 3. Cease all pu blica.tion, I. Discontinue the \ rint.er lectures, 5. Gcncmlly rttclnce all pul'cbasin::t o£ material, t.ltt• 1• hy impairing the acti,·ities n.ttduse!ulne:>.'l of the )!u~eum. 3. STAn·. 'l'lwrr lmH' bcrn no changes among the membttrs o£ the &lu!T, l'X<'Opt. in some of the minor po:,it!ons. ,.}1 ,1. Hoy 1\lnghmn was rur a sh:nt time lra.nsft·rrod to thr CommOI\\\'C!\lLh Dt·ptH(ment of 'l'r<uh.· tiiHl ('t ~tom.;, in cunneetion 1\'ilh the work of the F.L'. ·· l•:lulet\\'0\11'," hut on t.hc luss uf th;~L ship sudt 1 mplny­ mr nt <·t~me loan <'JHl. and th<' Trustecs luwt> al.(reNl to l'l'ln::slule him in their sGn't<:r• as (rum 1st .Juh·. Uti;;. fj lh ha,;, in L\c:t, bt>t'!l in couLinuous t•mploy in the )Jusl•um . ~ - f oliO" im: Following is a list of the l\f11seum Staff as at 30th June, 1915 :- D;~te of Date of Name ntld Olti<:e. first up('ointment appointment in tbo .Mnseum. to pre~eot posi~l(in. Robc•·t Etheridge, .J mn·., J. P., Ou•·o.tor 18 .\pril, 1887 1 1 J nn., 1 ~:):, Ohnrlc<: lledley.. J. P., Assi1.1t<tnt CUJ·u.tor ] , 1891 20 Tlt•c., 1!JOR Suthet·ln.nd ,'incliLiJ·, Sem'<'tal'\' and Librarian ) 1 8Ppt.. l Sl'.~ 11 Sertt . I "8~ Allt·rd .). ~m·th, Vrni~:.hologi~t .. .. 1 Dec., I ~i'G ~Aug., JR91 \\'m.. J. Rainbow, .). P., Entomo1o~ist ... .July, 1~9G 3 8f'pt., ISiHi Charles ~\ndersou, ~LA., D.t:;c., Minemlo.-ist 0 22 , H)OI :l~ .Juh·, J!)OJ .Allan H.. 1\[cCull<wh, Zot)logist 1 SPpt., 190 I I ,; l!>Oil \Vm. \Y. 'l'hot·pc•, Ethnologist 9 Oct., lR99 I , 190!i E. A. U1·igg", B.;o;<.:., Zoolngist 1 .June, 1912 1 .Jltne, 191 i T. 11. John:;ton, H on., J\ I. A., D.Sc., Zoologi<:t 190~ 5 )!at., 1909 Edw. .F. llnllmunu, l ion., B.Hc., Zoolorrist " 0 9 .. 1909 1 .\pril, 1912 Frank 1'. Olark, {'. A., .\ ccm111tant . .. 1 .Jan., I '96 I .J;iu .. 1~96 \Y m. A. Hainhow, A~~istant Librar·iru1 1 Aug, 1901 I Juh'. 1906 .Jas.. \ . TrimhlC', Clerk 1 July, 1909 (i :-;ept., 19 1:.! .Alfred ,J. Crowe, Library Clt·rk ... :::1U Dec., 191 ~ I ~ IJPc., I !H4 R ex \\'. Bl"etnall, .] uuio~· . \.ssistant 11 FPo., 1907 l .July, I !Jj J Ellis Lr U. T•·oughton, ,Junio•· Assi!!tant ... ... 1 13 " 1908 1 .) nu .. 191:i Anthon_y MltSgl'llvP, Cadet ... 7 Feb., 1910 7 Ft•b., 19LO F. A . :\Jc.l'\eill, Znol<lgist'l'< C1ct·k ll:l MaJ, 1914 I± Dec., 1914 Hobc•·t Gmnt, Taxidermist ... )8,'7 7 .t\ ug., ] 007 lll'ntml H. Lu ca~• .\.rtilicC't' ... l ~ J ar., 1883 •l May 1906 .Tus. \\· . \\•ooJhoad, Printer 2'i 'epL., 1897 t7 Sept:, 1 '97 'l'hf>s. A. 11 t'usou, Ua1· pen te•· 1 1\Iay, 1902 ~ \fay. J 006 Hem·y S. U rant, l'ollt:>dor ... 5 Oct., 1909 J Jan.. I !JI;~ Cba<~ . Clut.tou, . \•·ticu httot· ... 25 Ap1·il, I90.J. J .May, 191:~ H .. rberl J a<:kson, • \ ssisiant V> .At·tificer· 9.JurtC, 1910 !) .J Ulll> I 1910 .Jmwph Kin:.: ~<lry, .\ !lsit-UUrt to Articulator 21 .July, 1913 :H .July, 1913 .J oh11 Uronin, Chic·f .r\ t,tcndu.n L 5 " 1 90!l i) ,. 1909 Hobert Long, :-;enior do 3 April, 189! 8 Feb., lt-\:!7 Arthm· Bames, l!'it·~t ALLend;~.ut " 1897 I .J.tn ., 1905 ,J. 'l'. Lee1 Attendant J I Sept.. 1905 ;j Al·~'il, 190!) 1{.
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