JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL Journal of The 209th Annual Council including Proceedings of the January 30-31, 2004 meeting of the 209th Annual Council Directories Parochial Statistics Annual Reports Audits The Diocesan Constitution and Canons The Diocese of Virginia X 2004 1 JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL 2 The Diocese of Virginia X 2004 JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL 4 The Diocese of Virginia X 2004 JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL The 210th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia is appointed to meet January 28 - 29, 2005 in Reston, Virginia. The Diocese of Virginia X 2004 5 JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL Diocesan Officers The Bishop The Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee The Bishop Suffragan The Rt. Rev. David Colin Jones The Assistant Bishop The Rt. Rev. Francis Campbell Gray The Secretary Mr. Patrick N. Getlein The Treasurer Mr. Michael Kerr The Chancellor Russell V. Palmore Jr., Esq. The Registrar Mr. Patrick N. Getlein The Trustees Bradfute W. Davenport, Jr., Esq. Elizabeth G. Hester, Esq. H. Merrill Pasco 6 The Diocese of Virginia X 2004 JOURNAL OF THE 209TH ANNUAL COUNCIL The Mayo Memorial Church House of the Diocese of Virginia 804/643-8451 110 West Franklin Street 1-800/DIOCESE Richmond, Virginia 23220 FAX 804/644-6928 To reach a member of the diocesan staff after regular office hours, call 1-800/DIOCESE. When the recorded message begins, enter the two-digit extension of the person you wish to reach. Bishops Peter James Lee Bishop . Ext. 14 E-mail:
[email protected] David Colin Jones Bishop Suffragan .