Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 6-9-1960 The ewN s, June 9, 1960 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, June 9, 1960" (1960). The News. 357. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 7 Center Microfilm Kentucky University of Lexington, Kl. vator. Call Siegel reopens next week; first 100 called back The good news that approad- is another mapti4 if the construc- replacing wood beams with steel that it will take anotner three to over 280 at work in the South mately 100 operators will be called tion work continues at its pres- beams is moving right along after four weeks to complete similar Fulton plant, an increase of back to work at the Fulton (Ky). ent pace, Mansiger Jim Huffine a delayed start. work in the "old" half of the around 85 in the last two months. plant of Henry 1. Siegel Company told The News. The 100 operators who will be building, and that when this work All of these will be retained in plant when the next week was learned Wednes- A News representative visited called back between June 15 and is finished the balance of the en- the South Fulton tire work force will be called.