The Enduring Myths of Ancient Greece
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES • VOLUME 5 NUMBER 1 • FEBRUARY 1984 Humanities The Enduring Myths of Ancient Greece The European Renaissance, through throughout because the purpose its rediscovery of the Greek (and was in the main preparation for many of the Latin) classics, estab modern literature; theories of myth, lished for the generations that fol its origins and functions were not lowed a common cultural back the prime concern. This is of course ground for secular literature and no longer the case; mythology as a art: the rich and varied mythology humanistic subject of study is now of ancient Greece. Its themes be concerned at least as much with came familiar not only to those theory as with content. The change who read the Greek classics in the has come about because of develop original but also to a larger audi ments in other fields. Previously ence who knew them through the unknown mythologies, those of medium of the Latin poets and to preliterate peoples, have been re still greater numbers who read corded and investigated by field an avidly the work of the great transla thropologists; archaeologists work tors of the period—Chapman, San- ing in the Middle East have dug up dys, Dryden, to mention only those and deciphered documents that writing in English. Until fairly late revealed forgotten mythologies— in the nineteenth century, a Euro Babylonian, Hittite, Ugaritic; folk pean writer or painter could count lorists have collected the oral nar on recognition of Greek mytholog rative traditions of shepherds and ical themes; Shakespeare, Milton, peasants. A wealth of comparative Pope, Keats, Browning and Tenny material, most of it not literary but son, like Tiepolo, Titian and Pous living and functioning in society, sin, could take for granted an audi has become available for compara ence familiar with the classical gods tive study.
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