Military Weather Stations Military Weather Stations
Mission MILITARY Reliability in Harsh WEATHER Environments and Critical STATIONS Operations Fixed Aviation Campbell has successfully installed Remote maintenance support is over 1,200 Automated Weather standard. Communications options Observing Systems (AWOS) at include cable, fiber optic, Ethernet, military and commercial airports radio, and satellite. The systems worldwide. are AC and/or solar-powered. Campbell’s AWOS solutions Prior customers include: US Air are rugged and built to meet Force (115+ installations), NAV our customers’ specifications. CANADA, Peruvian Air Force, Installations range from small airfields Mexican Air Force, Colombian Army, and heliports to CAT I-IV airports. NATO, Taiwan Air Force, French Military mission uptime is near 100%. Armed Forces, US Navy, US Army, Indonesian Air Force, Iraqi With Campbell’s web-based Aviation Military, Special Forces in Egypt, INTERCEPT® software, no client Afghanistan Air Force, Falklands licenses are required for multiple users. Defense, and US AFRICOM. Data reporting is available in METAR, SPECI, and other formats. Portable/Tactical Aviation Campbell’s portable/ temporary power and are tactical weather stations are ICAO/WMO/FMH-1 compliant. designed specifically to meet the demands of tactical or Prior customers include: rapid deployment use, and US Air Force, US Army, US are particularly suited for Navy, US Marines, Taiwan remote locations with harsh Navy, Swedish Military environmental conditions. Forces, Colombian Army, Indonesian Air These systems are built with Campbell’s Force, US Africa Command, Israeli Ministry rugged WEATHERPAK® technology and of Defense, NATO, Polish Air Force, Army professional grade meteorological sensors. of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan Army, Spanish Campbell’s web-based Aviation INTERCEPT® Army, Kazakhstan Air Force, Singapore Civil software is simple and easy to use on a laptop.
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