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Lausanne-By-Bike.Pdf Infos Pratiques N’oubliez pas de télécharger la carte de l’itinéraire sur Lausanne by bike Thème A sightseeing tour Histoires Difficulté Tous mollets Durée 1h-2h Itinéraire The esplanade of the cathedral - The cathedral - The “Place du château” - The park of Mon-Repos - The "Place Saint-François" - The “Place de la Palud” - On the bridge over the Flon - The esplanade of Montbenon - The “Vallée de la Jeunesse” - Ouchy Prêts de vélos Prêt de vélo gratuit 7j/7 de 7h30 à 21h30 contre caution de 20 CHF et présentation d’une pièce d’identité. Lausanne Roule - sous les arches du Grand-Pont. 36 Lausanne by bike Lausanne by bike by Lausanne 35 2 bike by Lausanne se développeront ! développeront se d’usagers, mieux ils se feront respecter et plus les aménagements les plus et respecter feront se ils mieux d’usagers, vaut la peine de persévérer, car plus il y aura d’usagères et d’usagères aura y il plus car persévérer, de peine la vaut la route s’apprend, même lorsqu’il n’y a pas de piste cyclable. Cela cyclable. piste de pas a n’y lorsqu’il même s’apprend, route la périlleux, mais tout est question d’habitude ! Prendre sa place sur place sa Prendre ! d’habitude question est tout mais périlleux, pour l’environnement !Le vélo en ville peut sembler un exercice un sembler peut ville en vélo !Le l’environnement pour mode de déplacement, vous faites un geste pour votre santé et santé votre pour geste un faites vous déplacement, de mode Cette balade a été conçue pour s’effectuer à vélo. En utilisant ce utilisant En vélo. à s’effectuer pour conçue été a balade Cette Vélo attitude Vélo mobilité douce, l'intégration sociale et la santé. la et sociale l'intégration douce, mobilité sur les principes du développement durable en promouvant la promouvant en durable développement du principes les sur Renens (Ouest Roule) et Vevey (Vevey Roule). Ce projet est basé est projet Ce Roule). (Vevey Vevey et Roule) (Ouest Renens publique, elle met gratuitement des vélos à disposition à Lausanne, à disposition à vélos des gratuitement met elle publique, lucratif Lausanne Roule, créée en 2004. Reconnue d'utilité Reconnue 2004. en créée Roule, Lausanne lucratif Le projet Les Baladeurs est un projet de l'association à but non but à l'association de projet un est Baladeurs Les projet Le Remarques personnelles Remarques Roule Lausanne Association Remarques personnelles Règles de sécurité du cycliste urbain Roulez à droite, laissez environ 1m de distance au bord, quitte à faire ralentir les voitures derrière vous. Portez un casque. Empruntez les pistes cyclables lorsqu’il y en a. Indiquez bien vos intentions aux automobilistes. Roulez en file indienne sur les routes. Aux feux, placez-vous de façon à ce que les voitures vous voient, si possible à l’avant de la file. Anticipez toujours (une portière qui s'ouvre, un freinage brusque) et réduisez votre vitesse à l’approche des intersections. Et bien sûr, soyez le plus visible possible (phares et bandes réfléchissantes). L’utilisation de ce guide est soumise aux conditions générales disponibles sur 34 Lausanne by bike Lausanne by bike 3 Lausanne by bike by Lausanne 33 4 bike by Lausanne sightings. Lausanne’s historical buildings, peaceful parks and beautiful and parks peaceful buildings, historical Lausanne’s from its old town to its lakeshore. The tour will guide you through you guide will tour The lakeshore. its to town old its from This itinerary will enable you to discover the city of Lausanne, of city the discover to you enable will itinerary This A sightseeing tour sightseeing A Lausanne by bike by Lausanne Remarques personnelles Remarques Remarques personnelles >>>>>>>>>01 >> From the Lausanne Roule stand, follow the “Rue Centrale” through the arches, and take the little flat street newt to the bar “La Galette”. The esplanade of the Cathedral is at the end of the street, on your right. 1. The esplanade of the cathedral We are currently on the hill of the “Cité” of Lausanne. This promontory is both near the lake and flanked by two rivers, and is thus an auspicious spot to become a fortified place. It was inhabited from 1000 B.C. by Celtic tribes. Whilst the sophisticated Romans chose the lakeside to build their villas, the tumults of the Middle Ages forced the inhabitants, in the Age of fortified towns, to retreat to the safety of this natural hill. Marius, the archbishop of Avenches, left his barbarian-invaded town for Lausanne in or about 590 A.D., and 32 Lausanne by bike Lausanne by bike 5 Lausanne by bike by Lausanne 31 6 bike by Lausanne of its castle and church. It was the heart the was It church. and castle its the fortified town of the bishop with bishop the of town fortified the two. The “Cité”, or upper town, was town, upper or “Cité”, The two. The medieval town was divided in divided was town medieval The increase until the eighteenth century. eighteenth the until increase of the medieval town, and would not would and town, medieval the of number which reached the capacity the reached which number amounted to 7’000 to 9’000 people, a people, 9’000 to 7’000 to amounted and attractive town. Its population Its town. attractive and Lausanne had become a flourishing a become had Lausanne thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, fourteenth and thirteenth attract international trade. In the In trade. international attract established their shops there to there shops their established Provence. Merchants therefore Merchants Provence. leading to Germany, Italy, France and France Italy, Germany, to leading at the crossroads of trading routes trading of crossroads the at ninth century onward. It was situated was It onward. century ninth The burg is constituted from the from constituted is burg The becomes the “city of the three hills”. three the of “city the becomes rivers “Louve” and “Flon”. Lausanne “Flon”. and “Louve” rivers in the two valleys created by the by created valleys two the in outside of the walls of the old town, old the of walls the of outside craftsmen started to build their shops their build to started craftsmen importance of trade grew, and grew, trade of importance that of the great Burgundy, the Burgundy, great the of that church. In the Carolingian Era and Era Carolingian the In church. Pauline Roy et Carole Desponts Carole et Roy Pauline in Lausanne as well as the first the as well as Lausanne in Crédits des illustrations des Crédits diocese. Marius founded his bishopric his founded Marius diocese. established it as the seat of the of seat the as it established cathedral soon acquired gothic style. If you wish to continue characteristics of the gothic style in towards the east, along the lake, you vogue at that time in Europe: it is will see on your left after about two recognizable in the ribbed vaults hundred meters the Beau-Rivage which establish the cathedral as the Palace (1860) and the Olympic most beautiful gothic building of Museum (1993), a must see for sports Switzerland. One may follow the buffs. A little later, you will encounter cathedral’s development beginning the century-old trees of the from the East, all the way to the Denantous park, where you will see West. Inside the cathedral, the Haldimand tower. This tower is explanatory panels show the the result of a very peculiar different steps of the building’s architectural contest: in 1825, three construction, from the first elements friends influenced by the romantic in Romanesque style in 1170, to the passion for medieval ruins, bet on addition of the painted gate who of the three would be able to noticeable on the southern wall of build the most convincing imitation the building. The cathedral was of a ruin, and the Haldimand tower consecrated in 1275 by Pope Gregory was the best project. This is the X and the Emperor Rodolph of the finishing point of our tour. By now, Habsbourg family that will have a you have seen the historical side of powerful influence on Europe until Lausanne, you are experts on its 1918. The cathedral had this topography, aware of its history, and particularity that the street went probably charmed by its attractions. straight through it. Indeed, a space If you wish to extend this experience, was excavated between the porch you have several opportunities to do and the belfry to permit the so: Lausanne Roule offers diverse circulation of people. This was called thematic itineraries and the city the “Grande Travée”. This exemplifies abounds with cultural spots which well the way in which ecclesiastical the tourist office will help you life, and the cathedral itself, were uncover organically linked Lausanne by bike 8 29 Lausanne by bike Lausanne by bike by Lausanne 30 7 bike by Lausanne twelfth century. The century. twelfth was begun at the very end of the of end very the at begun was complex. The work for the cathedral the for work The complex. overlooking the city. Its history is history Its city. the overlooking unique witness of the past, the of witness unique without discoursing at length on this on length at discoursing without One cannot talk about Lausanne about talk cannot One 2. The cathedral The 2. pushing your bicycle by your side. your by bicycle your pushing take the time to turn around it, around turn to time the take > The next stop is the cathedral, so cathedral, the is stop next The > > 02 > > > > > > > > > of the cathedral.
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    PRESS RELEASE Rotkreuz, 4 April 2019 Mobility is doubling its One-Way network Travel from place to place – and simply leave the car where it is: now possible between 29 Mo- bility stations throughout all of Switzerland, now including Aarau, Baden, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Biel and multiple stations in Zurich. Mobility is continually expanding its variety of services. One solution particularly popular with almost 200’000 customers is Mobility One-Way: it allows for one-way journeys between all manner of different towns and cities throughout Switzerland. Mobility has now correspondingly increased the number of stations to around 30. Mobility Communication Officer Patrick Eigenmann is delighted about the devel- opment: “The expansion means that even more people will be able to travel easily and conveniently from A to B in the future. For our customers, One-Way is the ideal supplement to the standard Mobility offer and to our urban free-floating models such as Mobility Scooter. A subscription gives you a wide variety of mobility options at your disposal.” From A for Aarau to Z for Zurich From today onwards, the following stations are now part of the Mobility One-Way network: Aarau Rail- way Station, Baden Brown Boveri Platz, Biel Railway Station, Fribourg Railway Station, Écublens EPFL/Parking Rivier, Geneva Cornavin Railway Station, Lausanne Railway Station, Neuchâtel Railway Station, Nyon Railway Station, Rapperswil-Jona Railway Station, Uster Railway Station, Yverdon Rail- way Station, Zurich Hardbrücke Railway Station, Zurich Tiefenbrunnen Railway Station and Zurich Woll- ishofen Railway Station. They are supplementing the existing station network comprising: Basel Railway Station, Basel Airport, Bern Railway Station, Lucerne Railway Station, Olten Railway Station, Rotkreuz Suurstoffi, Solothurn Railway Station, St.
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