The Life Community A CHRISTIAN TOWN It is an idea of the life of the first Christians, cultivated nowadays by various Catholic and Christian movements. It is a community of people from various vocations and occupations who decided to live together—devoting themselves to evangelization, as well as liberation and mercy services—undertaking godly initiatives in the contemporary world.

The Venerable Servant of , Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki had a vision of such way of living in the movement within the — Light-Life Movement —which he mentions in his writings.

The longing for the creation of the Oasis Evangelizing Life Community has risen in our hearts during the years of the formation of the Light-Life Movement. But it was only the mission of undertaking such initiative by the Archbishop Szal that made this endeavour come into being on the 23rd of June 2016.

the Light-Life Movement of przemyska archdiocese

/oazaprzemyska At the moment, we have the opportunity to make it come into being in a former retreat house located in the picturesque village of Wrocanka (near Krosno). However, complete renovation is required in order to be fit for the first inhabitants, who are willing to be a part of this venture that we intend to call: the Community of the Merciful Christ the Servant. We have already started the first steps of the renovation—with insufficient material resources, counting entirely on the Divine Providence.

We wholeheartedly ask you to pray for this endeavour. Also, anyone who is eager to learn some details about the movement, wants to help, or provide support with material resources or otherwise is more than welcome to contact us. Wrocanka COMMUNITY OF THE MERCIFUL CHRIST THE SERVANT Wrocanka, ul. Długa 12 38-455 Głowienka, Moderator Fr. Daniel Trojnar, Tel.: +48 513 918 500 Bank account number (IBAN): Diakonia Ruchu Światło-Życie Archidiecezji Przemyskiej PL 56 8642 1155 2015 1510 8199 0001 Transfer title: Wspólnota Miłosiernego Chrystusa Sługi - Darowizna

Immaculate Mary, Dawn of Liberty—Pray for us! John Paul II—Pray for us! Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe—Pray for us! Venerable , Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki—Pray for us!