First Annual California Indian Conference

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First Annual California Indian Conference FIRST ANNUAL CALIFORNIA INDIAN CONFERENCE OCTOBER 18 AND 19, 1985 THE FACULTY CLUB UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY THE FIRST ANNUAL CALIFORNIA INDIAN CONFERENCE Introduction The First Annual California Indian Conference is jointly sponsored by the Anthropology Department, The Lowie Museum of Anthropology, the Program in Native American Studies, and the Linguistics Department at the University of California, Berkeley. The purpose of the Conference is to provide a regular forum for people working in California Indian studies to share the results of their work. The 1985 Conference will take place in the Faculty Club at the University of California, Berkeley. Opening remarks will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m., Friday, October 18, in the Library, upstairs from the business desk of the Faculty Club. The first session will begin at 1:30, also in the Library. Double sessions are scheduled for morning and afternoon, Saturday, October 19, in the Library and Conference Rooms in the Faculty Club. The Conference Room is downstairs from the Library. Each person who presents a paper will be allotted 30 minutes. It is suggested that the paper be 20 minutes in length and that 10 minutes be reserved for discussion. Time limits will be strictly adhered to in order to maintain the overall schedule. All persons who present papers and/or attend the sessions will be asked to pay the registration fee, which goes toward the cost of room rentsls, publicity, and refreshments. Registration fees will be $15 per person for the entire Conference (students may register for $5 per person). Checks should be made payable to the U.C. Regents. Advance registration is encouraged. Please send your check to William S. Simmons Program Chair Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Acknowledgment Dean William A. Shack of the Graduate Division at Berkeley kindly pro­ vided the Conference with a start-up grant that enabled us to reserve the necessary rooms, prepare brochures, and finance mailing, and to keep registration fees to a low level. In behalf of the sponsoring units on the Berkeley campus, and all participants in the Conference, I am pleased to convey appreciation to Dean Shack and the Graduate Division for supporting this endeavor. William S. Simmons SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 Registration from 10:00 a.a. in the Library, the Faculty Club. Welcoming Remarks 1:00 p.m. Library, The Faculty Club WU liaa S. Sia:ons, Chair, Dept. of Anthropology, UCB Terry Wilson, Chair, Native American Studies, UCB Jnmes F. Deetz, Director, The Lowie Museum of Anthropology, UCB Leanne Hinton, Professor of Linguistics, UCB Session I Library, The Facult)' Club Chair, Lowell J. Bean {Anthropology, Cal. State Univ., Hayward) I:30 Lee Davis {UCB), From Tribe let to Tribe in Hoopa Valley 2:00 Polly Quick (Woodwnrd-Clyde Consultants/UCB), California Sacred Geography and Cultural Resource Studies 2:30 Victor Golla {George Washington U.), Linguistic and Ethnographic Clues to the Prehistory of Northwestern California 3:00 Break 3:30 Victoria Kaplan-Patterson {Redwood Volley, CA), Shoqowa Ke {Central Pomo Dance Songs) 4:00 Judith Cunningham (Calaveras County Museum), Apautawilu: A Miwok Village in Calaveras County 4:30 Roger Kelly {National Park Service), New Tribalism in California: Challenge and Response of One Federal Agency Session II Library, The Faculty Club Chair, William Simmons {Anthropology, UCB) 7:30 Tom Parsons {Humboldt State U.), Tl,o Films: Eminent lndion Language Teachers and Again A Person I've Become SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 Session II I Library, The Faculty Club Chair, Robert A. Black {Native American Studies, UCB) 9:00 A. Logan Slagle {UCB), The Tolova �.assacres and Treaties, 1850-1856 9!30 James R. Young {UCLA), Early California Indian Treaties 10:00 Break SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 (continued) Session 111 (continued) 10:30 Robert Winthrop (S. Oregon State Col.), Betty Hall (Shasta Indian Nation), James Rock (US Forest Service), Survival and Adaptation omong the Shasta Indians 11:00 Marjorie Cu11111ins (Hanford, CA), Songs of the Tachis 11:30 William Shipley (UCSC), H.aidu Myths Session IV Conference Room, The Faculty Club Chair, Larry Dawson (Lowic Museum, UCB) 9:00 Laura Cunningham (UCB), Environmental Restoration of the San Francisco Bay Area 9:30 Ann King Smith (National Park Service), Redwood National Park Consultations with Northwest California Indians 10:00 Break 10:30 Edward Parkman (Calif. Dept. of Parks and Recreation), Sylvia Stewart-White (Howonquet Conmrunity Assn., Smith River Rancheria), Yontocket: Returning Balance to the Center of the Tolowa World 11:00 Larry Dawson (UCB), Flatland and Hill Country Effects on California Culture 11:30 Margaret Mathewson (UCB), Cordage Fibers of California Tribes Session V Library, The Faculty Club Chair, Hartman Lomawaima (Lowie Museum, UCB) 1:30 Sheldon Klein (U. of Wisconsin), Ethnolinguistic Salvage of Kawaiisu 2:00 Geoffrey Camble (Washington State U.), Spanish Loans in Wikchamni 2:30 William Oandosan (UCLA), Round Valley Memories 3:00 Break 3:30 Marilyn Jean Englander (San Rafael, CA), Through Their Words: Tradition and the Urban Indian Woman's Experience 4:00 Susan Lobo, Jean LaMarr, Milton Jefferson, Pat Bourgeois (lntertribol Friendship House), The Oakland lntertribal Friendship House Community History Project 4:30 Lobo et al., continued Session Vl Conference Room, The Faculty Club Choir, Robin Wells (Anthropology, Son Francisco State Univ.) 1:30 Robin Wells (SFSU), A Possible Origin of the Word "Kuksu" 2:00 Randall Milliken (UCB), Untapped Sources in California Ethnohistory 2:30 Thomas Jackson (Stanford U.), Defining Social and Economic Boundaries in Prehistory: Some Central California Unexpectations Session VI (continued) 3:00 Break 3:30 Jan Timbrook (Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History), Ethnobotany of the Island Chum.ash 4:00 David Whitley (UCLA), Socio-Religious Contexts and California Indian Rock Arc Business Meeting Conference Room 5 - 5:30 p.m., following Session VI All participants interested in discussing the future of the California Indian Conference are invited to attend. Reception Library 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. (Saturday, October 19) A no-host bar will be provided. Museum Display The Lowie Museum The Lowie Huseum will present a small exhibit of treasures from its California Indian collections especially for this Conference. Participants in the Conference are invited to view these 11111terials during Museua hours on Friday (10 - 4:30) and Saturday (noon - 4:30). Publishers' Exhibit Room E, The Faculty Club Participants are encouraged to visit the publishers' exhibit prepared especially for this aceting. It will be open Friday afternoon and Saturday. ABSTRACTS Cummins, Marjorie W. Hanford, CA Songs of the Tochis As a public school music teacher, I became interested in the local lndiens, the Tachis of the Santa Roso Ranchcria near Lemoore, in 1940. They made a recording of their singing and I transcribed the songs onto staff paper. I listened to tapes of J.P. Harrington made in 1916 and compared them with the songs I knew. One song, "Sleepy Song," recorded by Harrington in 1916 was the SalllC as one the Tochis had sung for me in 1940. The words and melody were the same, but the purpose was different. In 1916 it was sung to wake them up; but in 1940 it was sung to help them go back to sleep. Demonstration of the two versions of "Sleepy Song" on tapes and with my own voice. Cunningham, Judith Calaveras County Museum Apsutawilu: A Miwok Village in Calaveras County Occupied from circa 1400 to 1908 by Northern Miwok, the village of Apautawilu was observed and recorded by several visitors during the 1850s gold-rush and in the early 1900s. This paper will stress the latter years in the life of this community as revealed in ethnohistoric documents. Cunningham, Laura University of California, Berkeley Environmental Restoration of the San Francisco Bay Area Great changes have occurred in the plant and animal life of the Bay Arco since the time of Indian occupation. The grasslands, oak woodlands, marshlands, and the Bay remain today only in an altered state. Since Indians depended largely on these habitats, reconstructions would help give clues as to how the Indians lived. Davis, Lee UC-Berkeley, Anthropology Department From Tribelet to Tribe in Roopa Valley The Rupe Indian comwnity of kin and neighbors has experienced a changing group identity in its 150 year hi.story since contact with the U.S. government and society. In this paper I will explore historically the social order that bounds group loyalty and consciousness from the point of view of various unifying factors, such as Rupa as a linguistic group, a named group, an econom1c system, a tribelet political group, a cultural unit, and as a developing response to the intervention of the United States' reservation system, legal constraints such as the Dawes Act and Indian Reorganiiation Act, the need to develop a self-governing system through the tribal council, and recent political disputes with neighboring Indian people. Dawson, Larry UC-Berkeley, Lowie Museum of Anthropology Flatland and Hill Country Effects on California Culture An examination of California's native cultures will be undertoken from the point of view expressed by Sir Cyril Fox in his The Personality of Britain published in 1938, together with later idcos on geographical factors expressed by Homer Barnett and Margaret Hodgen. Ceographicnl effects on c�unication, settlement siz.e, food resources, innovation and culture growth will be discussed. Englander, Marilyn Jean San Rafael, CA Through Their Words: Tradition and the Urban Indian Woman's Experience This work is based on· stories and re111i. niscenccs collected in oral history research among urban American Indian voCIC!n in Santa Barborn and San Francisco, California over a four-year period. It describes in particular the female urban Indian experience. I explore how the relationship to Indian trnditional ways differs for individuals of different generations, an older generation "-ho spent early years on a Reservation and a younger generation who hove spent most of their lives in urban areas.

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