A Correspondence Between the Rev. John Heckewelder, of Bethlehem
m ! 3Mm (forfrr ^IWfon Ctlmun iGtiTuiit^ntOcrstttt 1 n r . if «a • .. .\ > P * I 1 \ . / f \ i -^Jc v% • ho L TRANSACTIONS OF THE HISTORICAL % LITERARY COMMITTEE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. VOL. I. domestica vobis ; Invenies illic et facta legendus avus.—Ovid. Sxpe tibi pater est, ssepe PHILADELPHIA: Small, Printed and Published by Abraham No. 112, Chesnut Street, 1819. m y ^^1 oSlft, L I i No. II. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE REV. JOHN HECKEWELDER, OF BETHLEHEM, AND PETER S. DUPONCEAU, ESQ. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY OF THE HISTORICAL AND LITERARY COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCffiTY, RESPECTING The Languages of the American Indians, " ll, II I' ' ! i CONTENTS OF NO. II. INTRODUCTION Page 355 357 Letter I.—Mr. Duponceau to Mr. Heckewelder, 9th January, 1806, 358 II—Dr. C. Wistar to Mr. Heckewelder, (same date) 360 1X1.—Mr. Heckewelder to Dr. Wistar, 24th March, 363 IV.—The Same to the Same, 3d April, 364 V.—Mr. Duponceau to Dr. Wistar, 14th May, 364 VI.—Dr. Wistar to Mr Heckewelder, 21st May, 366 VII.— Mr. Heckewelder to Mr. Duponceau, 27th May, VIII.—Mr. Duponceau to Mr. Heckewelder, 10th June, 369 375 IX.—The Same to the Same, 13th June, 377 X.—Mr. Heckewelder to Mr. Duponceau, 20th June, 382 XI.—The Same to the Same, 24th June, XII.—Mr Duponceau to Mr. Heckewelder, 13th July, 383 387 XIII.—The Same to the Same, 18th July, 22d July, . XIV.—Mr Heckewelder to Mr. Duponceau, 392 • XV.—The Same to the Same, 24th July, 31st July, 396 . XVI.—Mr.
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