ANCIENT HISTORY MRES PROGRAM: INSTRUCTIONS Malcolm Choat, Ancient History MRes Convenor Email:
[email protected]. Ph. (02) 9850 7561 Students who are offered a place in the MRes and who have nominated their Discipline as Ancient History should follow the following procedure: 1. Accept the offer of a place as per instructions in this enrolment pack, and nominate the units you will study in Year 1 on the Unit Selection Form. 2. Email a copy of this form to the Ancient History MRes Convenor, Malcolm Choat (
[email protected]) 3. Arrange a time via email to meet Dr Choat on campus in January 7-11, 2013, to discuss your program and finalise it. 1. NOMINATION OF UNITS Students will nominate the 8 units they intend to take in the first year of their BPhil / MRes on the Unit Selection Form. NB: If you have asked for partial credit for previous studies or recognition of prior learning, only nominate those units in which you intend to enrol, noting the compulsory units listed below. BPhil / MRes students must take 8 seminars in their first year (4 in each session), as follows: (a) All MRes students must take the following units: MRES700 Research Communications (Session 1) FOAR700 Research Frontiers 1: Ancient History (Session 2). For further information on MRES 700, see: Students will need to attend the Wednesday 3-4 pm lecture for MRES 700, as the Monday lecture clashes with AHIS 700 (see below). They will also need to make sure the two hour tutorial they select for MRES 700 does not clash with any Ancient History MRes Units.