Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

CALENDRIER CULTUREL LITUANIE 2017 Nuit du cinéma francophone, Vilnius

Le 3 mars 2017 a lieu la nuit du cinéma francophone près de l’Institut Français Lituanie à Vilnius


16h00 Les Rayures du Zèbre de Benoit Mariage (Belgique, 2014)

17h35 Cyclique de Fréderic Favre (Suisse, 2015)

19h00 Timbuktu d’Abderrahman Sissako (Mali, 2014)

21h00 Morometii de Stere Gulea (Roumanie, 1987)

Cyclique (2015) 00h00 Documentaire de Frédéric Favre Mommy de Xavier Dolan (Canada, 2014)

Tourné en immersion dans l'univers des coursiers à vélo de Lausanne, le film offre un aperçu intime de la vie de trois coursiers pendant une phase décisive de leur existence. Caroline, Raph et Matila laissent le spectateur prendre part à ces grandes décisions de 3 mars 2017, à partir de 16h00 la vie et abordent les questions sensibles liées à la difficulté de Institut Français Lituanie grandir et au fait de trouver sa place dans le monde. Didžioji 1 01128 Vilnius

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

CULTURAL CALENDAR LITHUANIA 2017 Théâtre de l’Usine, “Kelionės Kelionės”

Kelionės, Kelionės

“Kelionės, Kelionės” (English: “Journey, Journey”) is a project by the Geneva-based theater “Théâtre de l’Usine”. The performance unites Swiss and Lithuanian influences, thus creating a connection between the Lithuanian and Swiss art scene.

“Kelionės, Kelionės” unites Swiss artists (performers, dancers and musicians) and presents the art piece for the first time in the Ruperts Art Center in Vilnius.

L’Usine, Geneva th th 7 April – 9 April 2017 The “Théâtre de l’Usine” was founded in 1989. The association “l’Usine” Ruperts Art Center in Geneva is a center for alternative art and is home to several sub- Vaidilutės gatvė 79 associations including the “Théâtre de l’Usine”. Each sub-association Vilnius focuses on another branch of arts. Some promote concerts, others Lithuania movies, contemporary art exhibitions and electronical music.

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

KULTURKALENDER LITAUEN 2017 Buchpräsentation «Schweiz und Litauen – 15'000 Jahre Beziehungsgeschichte/n»

Schweiz und Litauen – 15’000 Jahre Beziehungsgeschichte

Das zweisprachige Buch “Schweiz und Litauen – 15’000 Jahre Beziehungsgeschichte“ gibt erstmals einen chronologischen Überblick über die vielgestaltigen und facettenreichen Beziehungen aller Art der beiden Länder im Laufe der Jahrtausende. Von baltischen Bernsteinstückchen im Kanton Bern über Schweizer Lesesäle in Vilnius und Kaunas zu Tessiner Barockkünstlern im Grossfürstentum Litauen und litauischen Studierenden und Doktoranden in Fribourg werden verschiedenste Geschichten beleuchtet.

Die Autorin Judith Lewonig wird ihr Buch vorstellen, ebenfalls an der Präsentation teilnehmen werden Markus Roduner, Schweizer in Litauen, sowie Rimantė Jaugaitė, Geschichtsstudentin.

Musikalischer Rahmen: Werke von Kestutis Grybauskas.

Veranstaltungssprache: Litauisch

Freier Eintritt, um Anmeldung wird gebeten: Die aus Österreich stammende Journalistin und Autorin [email protected] / (85)262 0067 Judith Lewonig hat aus leidenschaftlichem Interesse die baltischen Länder Litauen, Lettland und Estland als Arbeits- und zeitweiligen Lebensraum auserkoren. 11. April, 18:00 Uhr Bereits von Lewonig erschienen ist ein Buch über Schweizer Grosser Renaissance Saal Spuren in Litauen („Helvetia und Lietuva“, 2011) und über Palast der Grossfürsten von Litauen die Beziehungsgeschichten zwischen Österreich und Kadedros aikšė 4 Litauen (2013). Vilnius

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

CULTURAL CALENDAR LITHUANIA 2017 JMO – Jan Galega Brönnimann – Moussa Cissokho – Omri Hason

JMO – Jan Galega Brönnimann – Moussa Cissokho – Omri Hason Kaunas Festival

The music of Jan Galega Brönnimann, Moussa Cissokho and Omri Hason is a reminiscence of the art of storytelling. The trio creates a dialogue of traditional and modern music from Africa and Europe. The sparkling sound of the kora (African harp with 22 strings) meets the warm tone of the bass clarinet and the oriental percussion.

Jan Galega Brönnimann, Moussa Cissokho and Omri Hason will perform at the Kaunas Jazz Festival at three different venues, in Birštonas, Jurbarkas and Žasliai.

19:00, April 28 16:00, April 29 16:00, April 30

Kurhaus Exhibition and Concert Hall St. George Church B. Sruogos gatvė 2 Vydūno gatvė 21 Vaidilutės gatvė 79 Birštonas Jurbarkas Žasliai

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

KULTURKALENDER LITAUEN 2017 Konzertreise des Chores Vocalino Wettingen

Konzertreise Vocalino Wettingen

Die erste Konzertreise des Chors Vocalino Wettingen führt nach

Litauen. Litauische Volkslieder bilden den Kern des reinen A-

cappella-Programms. Ausserdem werden auch Schweizer Volkslieder in allen Landessprachen präsentiert. Komplettiert wird das Programm durch romantische Motetten bekannter Komponisten aus vier deutschsprachigen Ländern.

Die litauischen Volkslieder stammen unter anderem von M. K. Ciurlionis, J. Gudavicius und V. Miškinis, die Schweizer Volkslieder von Joseph Bovet, Vittorio Castelnuovo und Mani Matter und die romantischen Motetten von Bruckner, Mendelssohn und Rheinberger.

Das Vocalino Wettingen ist ein junger Chor für Laiensängerinnen und 25. Mai, 13:00 Uhr 25. Mai, 19:00 Uhr 28. Mai, 13:00 Uhr Laiensänger mit musikalischer Vorbildung und Chorerfahrung. Der Stasio Vainiūno 26. Mai, 12:00 Uhr Šv. Kazimiero jugendliche Esprit und der unverkennbar reine, schlanke Chorklang muzikos mokykla 26. Mai, 18:00 Uhr bažnyčia zeichnen das Vocalino Wettingen aus. Aus der Kantonsschule Wettingen Maironio g. 8 27. Mai, 19:00 Uhr Didžioji g. 34 erwachsen, versteht sich die Formation mitunter als Ehemaligenchor der Palanga “Šiauliai cantat” Vilnius Schule. Die Literatur umfasst geistliche wie weltliche Werke aus allen Šiauliai Epochen; besonderen Wert legt der Chor auf die Pflege Alter Musik und zeitgenössischer Werke.

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017


Zeal & Ardor Devilstone Festival

It all started with an internet discussion about conflicting music genres and resulted in an which was enthusiastically described by The as “nothing released this year is as strange, inscrutable or wonderful than Zeal and Ardor's Devil is Fine”.

Zeal and Ardor unites the two fundamentally opposed music genres Black Music such as Gospel or Blues and and turns them into a completely new and unprecedented style.

As part of their world tour consisting of more than 30 concerts throughout Europe and the United States, Zeal and Ardor will perform at the Devilstone Festival in Lithuania.

15 July Devildance Festival Anyksciai


Bild: © radicalis.ch

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017



A film by Pierre-François Sauter

After the death of a Calabrian emigrant who came in Switzerland to find work, two undertakers, Jovan and José, who are themselves emigrants, travel from north to south of Italy to repatriate the dead body into his home village.

“Calabria” is a metaphysical road movie in a hearse. Jovan, a gypsy who was singer in Belgrade, believes in life after death. While José, a Portuguese passionate about classical music, believes only what he sees. This trip is an opportunity to pay a tribute to the dead person and to enjoy life while death is lurking behind the back.

The Film will be screened at the following dates:

Vilnius Ukmergė Klaipėda September 22nd 2017 October 6th 2017 October 8th 2017 19:00 Pasaka Cinema 18:30 Ukmergė Cultural Centre 19:00 Kultūros fabrikas In presence of the director

September 24th 2017 15:30 Skalvija Cinema In presence of the director

th September 30 2017 Vilnius Documentary Film Festival is the 20:30 Skalvija Cinema oldest and the largest international documentary film festival in the Baltics. http://vdff.lt/en/

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017

CULTURAL CALENDAR LITHUANIA 2017 Nachlass – Pièces sans personnes

Nachlass – Pièces sans personnes

What remains after we are dead? How can memories be staged?

Stefan Kaegi accompanied eight people who for different reasons have decided to prepare their farewell. In collaboration with the stage designer Dominic Huber, they built eight spaces. Inside the protagonists tell, in their absence, the story of what remains when they are no longer there. An ambassador documents a foundation that will continue her work in Africa when she is gone. A Muslim in Zurich organises the return of his corpse to his hometown, Istanbul. A German banker near the end of his life reflects over the role he played in National Socialism. And a ninety year-old employee wonders what story the photographs of her life will tell.

“Nachlass” presents eight contemporary positions on what heritage and © Samuel Rubio legacy mean today. How does our legislation affect the configuration of

SIRENOS individual estates? What are the historical insights that seem important enough at the beginning of the 21st century to be preserved for future The International Festival of Contemporary Theatre SIRENOS will generations? What do we want to pass on to the people we love, and what take place in Vilnius rom September 28 - October 13. do we want to leave for the society we live in? The audience enters eight immersive spaces. Voices, objects and images guide the spectators to the RIMINI PROTOKOLL point where the baton is passed from generation to generation and to the borders of our very existence. Rimini Protokoll is the label for the works of the artists Stefan Kaegi (Swiss, b. 1972), Helgard Haug (German, b. 1969), and Daniel Wetzel (German, b. 1969) in various team constellations related to theatre, October 1st - 8th | Arts Printing House, Black hall live art, radio plays and installation. Šiltadaržio 6, LT-01124 Vilnius

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga Embassy of Switzerland to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia 25.10.2017


En Manque – Vincent Macaigne

Once upon a time there was a society in which the people living in the high altitudes took control from governments and accumulated money, power and culture. The whole of European culture has been privatized and is being held under lock and key. The only alternative left for those who want to preserve something vital, something alive, is auto- destruction. And so to destroy the family, to destroy desire and confront the rage, they will deliver themselves to those living below. When there is no joy only destruction is capable of revivifying life.

Vincent Macaigne situates En Manque in a private foundation that has locked up the entirety of European art in a safe. The author does not criticize or expose the savant metaphor of a society blocked by its certitudes, where a handful organise the misery of others. Instead, he uses the theatre to get out of the box, beyond the certitudes and obsessions and sets out in desperate search for a renewed desire to live. © Mathilda Olmi

SIRENOS October 12th, 13th, 19:00 Lithuanian National Drama Theatre The International Festival of Contemporary Theatre SIRENOS will take Gedimino pr. 4 place in Vilnius from September 28 - October 13. Vilnius

Elizabetes iela 2 LV-1340 Riga Telefon: +371 6733 83 51/2, Fax: +371 6733 83 54 [email protected] / www.eda.admin.ch/riga