British Christianity During the Roman Occupation
British Christianity during the Roman Occupation BY RICHARD VALPY FRENCH, D.C.L., LL.D., F.S.A. EXA.MfNING CHAPLAIN TO THE BISHOP OF LLANDAFP-, RURAL DEAN OF CAERLEON, RECTOR OF LLANMARTIN AND WILCRICK. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION 01' THE TRACT COMMITTEE. !::iOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, LONDON: NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C.; 43 1 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. BRIGHTON: 129, NORTH STREET. NEw YoRK: E. & J. B. YOUNG & CO. 1900 R1cHARn CLAY & Som;, LIMJTED, LONDON & BUNGAY. British · Christianity during the Roman Occupation THE object of this paper is to present an intelligible idea of Christianity in Britain during the Roman occupation; that is to say (speaking. roughly), during the first four centuries of th.e Christian era. The endeavour will be made to disentangle from a mass of legend, which Celtic patriotism or controversial zeal has hugged, the meagre scraps of real history for which we are indebted to foreign rather than to native historians. A bitter wail has reverberated from the first to the last of the writers of our soil, from the British Gildas of the sixth century to Professor Bright of to-day, that native contemporary records are non-existent, that the first planting of the faith is unknown.1 1 A really exhaustive study might take some such form as- Direct. Indirect (e.g. the study of Historical . the concurrent history of { Christianity in Ireland, Gaul, etc.). SOURCES Architectural. Monumental. Arch~ological Philological. { Paheographical. , Anthropological. Traditional-Folk-lore. 4 BRITISH CHRISTIANITY The plan here adopted is, to begin with the earliest available evidence of the settled condition of the British Church, namely, the, presence of three British bishops at the Synod of Arles (A.D.314).1 This will serve as a chronological point d'appui from which to proceed, first onward to the end of the proposed period, and then backward, till we arrive at the vanishing point of anything like British history, which we believe to be coin cident with the origin of British Christianity.
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