
The Oxford Democrat.


i«* of tin* luial In- a«mMUtm »m intellectual iM r» ItU bartm, whoahrank hark with TtiU olictona,for | mrrtlui, tb* wunli I bad heard r» aHi*h*r arm ami many rltllitn know of Iti riUlHMv, nor, A Counawlor. Th* A Transferred imIii car*l«"«a manner. which wm ways recalling M* him Highly Attorney •la dormant linnfn. pal* path arnator* Identity. •I tb« Rat* the night Wfore, Dangrh lark tb* flowing ilwn ami la* DOWN IN THE LOWER REGIONS OF for that matter, but frw of tlw MAIM. nu* ami ullwi work pertaining aaaunted, whether 1 hat! heard lnwljr M»t*TN TAKIft. pahljr Itoh. •ml rrpnt-iiUttrwi. fljr ap|»li< aii.*i to lu the of Nitlrr hu lieen »«» antmd* about the houa* the •otnin from d« aouf—awful." Untly arrntlnlir tint lorely han> I Mult « »4,i utlbral Inpt* EDITH SESSION TUPPEL anjr unuvual THE QREAT CAPITOL «'V-r ><«f %*•**»«*• »r*4 of By > old J. /••!« 1 ahould to frw h*r- Ik* oflW-f of tli« an lutr« t of IIm* ci|iiUi|t W •■iTIi tMil tiMmt all tunathlitaaM IB heat v. resulting a large proportion before. I Mid "no" ami In rvtnrn If lb* |t> |'li<. of la rain ah* ailently atrnggM II kH night to vault l« l»*t>in h*» waiUof all of the il»lo arr enomrag- 1'ortu were arm aaa arimtiat an in* 4 Ap«rtw»«l j»n«tir»-l Iwavy Cirt* Ua parta rrrjr Un.) replied alio bad alrpt lightly and would thrvatened cumins through bar might «tmly |l»t» intl I brlh#, U> greater Wfll to tma- ha Um Caklk-farriiMttlt Italy—IImw lb* i»n< k at. I rHIinjr of Iron «hI iiuuaairy. » A Coumw»lom, lo(, point, have aald that ooc* ah* heard tha hall her cooain—«b* h»l mk! •ret umler a u>U roarofM. HtuMmly Attorn*) OMITER IX 14 M DOVIH the mining >«*ar. in thia keen. hla from hrr arm to h*r far* IimI» (>*U rr**k Air It la 91 fwt long mhI ftlnMit wl«l»\ KAIHI. MAIM state granqk. pr*»«pertty Titr. aimas. ikwr •lint. ble, for obavrvnnt, brain; raiM«l ryr* Mkf Wiakltc Mr aimkl imM our aI la • A at I* all*» l»r|rt obligation* mau alt* would nwt an ao au iaal*vo|mt* r» «i Nm«I tmrmmm. light**! l»jr ■Itiglo (vjrt. I Mmwm. IV ronntjr |*|«( «i|uU Walt ••Hh* la ( reflected and ndvmnr} •ml amilM tannttngly, Ua'i RmhIm A i- • •rawl l« llir heliiera lu work. K«- Croorbrd by tbegata.I waited. aounding ine," a » II M linn i«t of M all lirnht*1 moan I moat grvwaoat# |4a< mith tlw h«' )»<>m«nrr aa aa inter- worthy of h*r akilL (hat Portia gara a faint littl* KkaNnjr, !•*•« i woul Ml lark in hrr chair. It la, anmr^itlvfof |>rtM>n or tomb. Ilrn* ft r A lift. farr on all wai o>un» to tor. ami IKIICK run- ill** railroad* for rMlmtil 1 at a l<«a In know what lorn WABttl*oTt>*. |)*r. IhU Is < mtral 11*11, "VIIm aai<] Mr. "I 'JR.—Daring it waa <«m *u|i|*«r«l tb* rrmaina of | mra*lon«, an I lu the alal« n« wa* take. I to n turn to th* hooM, ••No," I Mid "I benrd IfaaoQ," Ilaymoml. | t « 4« tl l|.|r»n.| f !;«• lliituri •pevlal Ought Indiffrwitly, CHAPTER XL tli* irnul whit* ImiMliig woiiM l»* »•»!. *nla< Attorney* at Law. tlul km geneniu*ly mml hi in •ear Mr*. Marrhnoat |'«|-»r« mow Colonel Marrhmont and trll — l.» li> Ul/a-na of tS«* t* In t«» n«, aim I nothing." A MJtillT KNOM'jrntK. Ml th» MUt** nr*rr la»ii iiimniuulfalltini and mam a I thtf In r »i In an 1 llftad h«*r Ix-ad. hill—IIm» t'niM rajMtol aatufartorily et|tUln*«l why MAi*B. «l!ilr <••!•*••( ihr Irnljr |nih||thnl «»f thu vlaitnf hie wlft It waa nearly when earring* nrriiBL. ih» ple*aantral «lr.4iiifo uiitlnuht After luncheon tit* toloml took bit were U tli« roniUHKi brlirf of Interest lo Hi. onlrr. For all n li rMwilnl with vMlnr*. Qjagraa U thry n<4. It KIWm C »'«'» I.. (■ ■ r % of th* ••f.lrr I If K \. klM I• rr11■:.• ttii'I tla*hrU to the piatsa, and tall, faah- 1Virtu hail faintadl I ll»a ft HvcHrft. to that uncauti) place? up out to rl#w tli# ant In waalon || tlila tlUl*. but lit* It.at Mr.. Washington t iiK-r*«M> hli evident dreaaed wan alighted, luokad Jllal |irr«l.|*sl inrtulirra. Antip- ionaldy li<| not art- them again nntil <1 inner. ■■ cornwt rouariit to oftlt* r* main* « MOLT. l<> l«»rt our tha (ID tD.J i|o not f»r» >r h»T ttwmnoiral th«- «»f *tliinif, wlit«-li Ii) f..r her? I fearrd w, and m 1 vh al«mt with vome enrtoaity, paid |a«>l>U f< that. Th* <-a|>itol tiluVil. athy PodU «u abaolutaly daaxbng when of Iht bualauxl fr*■•«» Mount Wruon, but |«ll(tLI« I Worth* Hunt r» W. NtTKlliL and then ran the front la iUrlf a nav*r attraction for lh« •i-ui.lr.l. tlnrrnl; iniinui to tiring thr two to- drivvr lightly up •he in and t<«>k ber aeat at the failing Attoro«T A CoanMlor. W fi»l|o«ni %»ItH a of iIm1 National awept tbia ta not tin* raw. Mriti>o, Vul'u'n, I!•*• M-Mkin (•raugr. them more wtdr- the gixat knocker r»- innltltnda. Tim nnbl« art hit** tur*. lit* gether iu«tradof wetng •tepa. I'rveently bead nf the table. hhe wm ilmtnl in h4f« tb« r*«or.|a anl ><»KW%T. MAIXft (w »imI ihrn rtiiir an Ihi|i|«ii at "*»r««uar, N. V., a a* rn- PftaltorlllM In Manaj*. I looknl up «|imli, rl«M|iirnt I JffidrJ that U|- aoundnl through th* lull. worka of (1m* mm*!**! in*mori*a »l to foot. Her aa(*rb art, r|intf> l»-ariir.| that a frw aftrr thr ftWft. Mtla Vrwl hi I'mrfofl, tliu*l^*lU* Interesting. with aom* friction of a rmlncM »nr- day* • "A rlaitor." 1 Mid, ilitereat, Light part « II ! I« ! N The ftka ahouhb-ra roae froui folda of allk, In* aUxit th* iHiiMinir atiui •iikm-m a|»tilar joint r*«<»lation |>r>- MX MAILOW, In r to confide all to iu<—-to n b*alihy a<«| in th* rat In It. 1 cnift-M that for i«» I lt*T»r monumml la* | |>rr«rnt. ABfb ■H (rr,t braMlh tur* on waa *irary Mb aiilra wjiial, ami wham Irr* ha»r Urn tlx le*ked | veritable 11iv.I of tli* < WhlU tit* m*ii Htatra In Attorney at Law. |>r<>«an.I fr** Kiirfin* on th* »ur- l(r| a|>tt"l fmt«l bjr tb« l*nltr«l tlv«ap- r In ir an I Mthrlt Ix l*»twren th* wife of a a r«nl on a allrer aalrer. l*or- trmja-ratur* •I'lrit• of Ih*> uf.U arr tlon; tin- arlmmr greeting fStroded by mulit proud carrying of Her ejrea and avim In Ita l*irialatlv« Italia hl»to. »jmr- far» waa utaa- itol, anl tba family MAI** at V* \oik Malr (irange, a tia wa« on a broad couch drawn of tnith forrartua la-fur* «»rk the N«*lrr of plant* r and aouthern gvntleroaii «nd lying kiwi ant motv, np an .,f anda* It jr. to la limb r it. Ilxl tlw» P r mitii. roll «all loutnl oih. «a> cordial lern car- eii«rH»ior Evidently on th* l»-ft forrann to laaly r<**rnl, flittering. For little little lied the nage dm* np and o|«ned Iter big eyea conteat which waa in the «ir. g*ntU u|iwanl Attorney at Law. A for thedetailaof by •{•(■ailing mrmormt* th* irr*-ut • nta «>f hu mili- rrjir*- I •lour at thla •r««lon, ti in la»th and in 'ha '• (atrtfma ll}(rtR(r«. ( of tlwry i>t luy laitly approach*! Maurice her, coolly ij'v -...I nUttind :.f. DitlWtl, •ruUlkxi, In lir L>t(i int by which I refer yog journal pro •• untonchnl fiw *tirfa<* of tlx* » refined and nlu- What la Itrah*' murmured over Iter u|i|«iait* oIMIkM I iI*Ul». fk «»f « illM ll'lUH-lll to I ll< klarchuiont, Uautiful, languidly. delliierately ran hia #jre* Kka I 1 later arrliala. I«i »r(*itl<4- \ f> limit nuiaiiiiil th* Ndlkt HmIiIsiIm'i «w a victim of »ome un "A uiiMia." aa In mnatant, l»in|»»a- tl»n I* »rft |ii ImiiiI, >i* I all ii» Malting **111*1 It lit Ion arrr thf N'a- rated woiuaii. Keiu'inan, tnme and then aaid nonrhalantly adopted by tnr* of th* Irft fenarm frll in all caaca Tin- tit «r*« ilirtt tnl to trana> * II t»»t f'»r tIk* Xaatrr'* a«l>!»«••«. nliKhUthr ! Iloiwl (irange, ami •♦nt doan for jour holy >|>II, that »lw «m iu »)in|iethy •hook out hia n«|>kln, "Evidently yon rnnro than two ami in thrm uit tin* r»*4iliiltfii to .Mr*. \Va*hiitj(ti.n nflrr I hi* Tui'mUi It no I line In the til• witlitl*** and dislike of i|rgrr*a ^ tlr»l of Ini*Iii<*«« consideration. my»teriou« ineiplu*al»le have overcome that Intenoe of r<«i|» Art tat. • am four |>rri.it*- ri|irrwi»ni • llrrtMHin. KirMlhlni{ In llvatea a ImM tori of our order lit* there Iwrn greater nt • of Man'* swamp. Her fury •rarlet whit h waa one of marked nearly «o\r your mi l I*r to •<•< (<• rftfti*. • thit the «*iirrrn?» tlun lion. After firm friction, hin*, entreating m»(*th »rUN( •••••hiii. »n«l aouralitT of |iernt«nrtH*e whenever llw of viKilu>wni wai trait* aa a bell* coualne." rolling, a>|u*rting •uliject gtrl. the Thi* wit* «I« «•••• ■*r*-*t|, In r anilely le»t Imt hutliand 1'ortia did l»ot Miawer, but linkfil kneading No condition* tln« fr** iitaniniii Allan**, ami Mr*. Wellington moti» U I*. ulate ton on the fatorahle »h<'ulf tin»«• all raara, lfm|i>ra- rrj.li..| A M M t». uight atralght at bim. ViUimriT, ITh* M i»|rr'a |i|i|rr«a ».»• ilell»rr»"»l under ahuh are To you tur* r«*M» to W Mi kt«« •. I'lit th* aa Ml..w»; bird*; If r evident anger when Colonel "It waa moat eitraofdlnAry," contin- armpit lur«ln aflrilHain U foir 11%*• liUIMlml ■ I* th«* of legl»<> Mix *t ViH»n*. fhw. SI. in* | |'K\TI«» committed re»pon«ltilllty to rrawliMil tlx aam* on lioth our M*rvhui<>iit Ihtmlriml thr old ae<| Maurice. "I net er knew on* to temj^raiur* U'tili* fi« I with ImumI |N« A 8urir*on, arlM >■ • llw fill ii rr iug »f puni«li any f>IH I aiigHali Phyaician »_1 Uliltg fur •lilt*. whil* in aeteil raa*a an intervat* »!•-- ikkiw, uiutr*«« «>f tli«*»» awful a color aa red. lale nf illtlnr !>•» I i»iwa. I t*«. rtu«. ¥*I\K • »r|«- your |«u bate |«rticular you hated «lbiti •olTH i»<»m« tnhi waa mtunl <>n ||w nth l> til Ik* lu-.imful Iribalaa of 1 I„. I..11 ill • till r» reunite*. all inK |'l»« not IwMlita mu It, Own !•» •»■<»«»• atrvngtlieueil my o|>in- Ik. you rememlter what you u*ed to II ^i|n>u nf Ik» .1faimr SIU* tin* limb r*a|a-i I *i»-l »rfi»f*ll- n U ImwI old fnriid |a»lt* »ii|«<—vii, right arn»ibly RfhnkOf* with willow rIkI |«ru.lrn»f» \ 1 tirtuly my rail itr u Ii| mt rtlrrninl fraught «**mi.r» id mi iImi iln*«« J IiwIim4, mh< •»'«« It |« |>fl*ll«<« | m ami th* fn* uirf*-* It la of thr wtnioat to l«> * diw of tin* hoid. mi |«T*|>in-|>lk-«tlon. lj>le glia*tly "No," l l'i>rtU. UiImI vnliia iiiil ii«a< r alitliiuti In i>tlr*i| In { bnl to »"*«•* jtMiii, lit* i«ow»r mill Inlti'-ni* Thu «u wliat h*l *r« kr»l tnr* of tli« uiittim for*ariu fell M lu lit* tilltl* k*H<"ii. aliriitlnl lu r hualwnd'a *f- ilfKrm daring tim* that Ihnflrni vt lit* iv«iiiri k!»<>• iUi tmir • Itl ill >n of llw nfilcf III llilaalatr "auJ JecIareJ it only fit for thv quad- Dentist, |*>«ltl tint ih»I unit out of th* Irft limb waa in titrn l4i"l t»l (ralWltilr l>w*l*i«l ml- iDtl hmi l *i, l litwr*1 »»jr, fitlimi and caivwd her to dl»llke hef frWtlmi jirogr*»a. licltilif M|>MI hltlw ikl |{uin Kifla." (•ml* mi Itruuiil'ikliir inMnialiu*. laitflil »ur mi l all uimUntl to friction baa •• • «trUcr, I'ut i-ountry Ill regard light it lw-rn bu Vi|««T. aa |»«attnal r» |>o nl »tl»i of »itrt- child. A creat Portia'* fare, b| lit* fr»*l >uiu|il< • lik It I li*» luif lt«t| m«t lr ln'tHl1l«l Ihrrrhf. |«lloroT»r«prr*l l l Inti rr«i», arr now rntrrltig \\ »»»!>•• t>» !■ I'l^tu -1' "X"." mr h« irt ||ll|a«atbl* to lUtn any fffii on th* If) >| iff I. of TIIK «*>t>l»rm. l*lura m» Miff !'■ n|/|>a* mf ^rltal* *l*kH tui'ural ••• »» lint I tat *h«« Ijuitdtol «nJ lifted l* r iclaae of MUM. the torn!trlh annuil I lit * if lia <>r on th* t*m- lu tli* (xibiic «|||, | m«*i ■■•■**«ii in |U r»- U|*'U the ilutlea of rri««l out. No iimfv limn if i|h Ii »•! to (•all* ality iili l) r alkxia to tin- MT» I»jr iherry her llpa. coin# •lull ami irk*>mr, tlw tfrrat atrnr- Ii.al. alia k l»a«* lia-l A.c IU Nilr lilah^r. I AMitl fra-l jrrat ohlif muf, After firm friction of a q«Ml III loiiKr***. )<>M Smith .% Mftohinmt. •milHI of tin- huMT* •h'tm* t hftll »• UfiUM <4 Tli till! of MOT- ja-mtar* krr< of lltl* Hlatr UraRffr fur "Il««w ah.unir.he uii|. "W«U. oth*r till* lta»-|f «r« t«> m*w charm* It* (ia*lii«*a lu I ran# a. 11 lu »w. tiij |i4oi»4 »e«r* •liicr thl* " «|i|» | Mkl*K h*tr rli|Mr*f I nif. W hen at <>r «>lbrr iu»i'llo«u In tim»«. ilbfr tuuinrt* (■art • hi* I ar*«l m»». I aiitH*. mi hat a aairlflia I»«•»• tamo to U In our Mill1, ami «|»>ii |>biitr with To thr vtaitor |i |n( ial fralliitf I n«k» In a wii« of pale »» ■ liar IhihI> I tin •trtllf fftaillotl I'M Jrf. | lift. I i.Mnllinl aaiJ m h«> hU litrrt <•( #v»r'»l m Mmfi inir* liiir Ijui'lii voj-i^l | hu nr*» r l»« i» liuwn In thr lower Vwalk t*mljr n| r||«tWwf rr •ena* of ba baa In moat Inatancea UaK V| I tl»«l Ml Ihr • W aa-l mint taluiMr }9\. |U*a injrvrlf mrioiu of tit* wonM anggwt N» Nat lunal «•* ■!»«• U|«. ItM mm I If-IIU • I hr l«l l**n York c«|rttol Tnwk. »r v of tin* u »* •!• t>Tiiiiiiol til lih tk |Ih> Mul a|i|iarvtitly improved.—New aa-l Ikmklii m learned lull ••II lint lIUDiM frit |MHi*il>illt |r»I(hhi. •jwll )» vibrant with bfeanJ action." lliitlu r at thr flr*t r*i<*l«*>l ■»»•!«« awvla* o«ir Mate lm »rti* tlw canl ami r>s*l It. Hha j"»irn»-v «•(•(- rtuntty. i«r our Intrn »t of tin' or.lcr In !*• took Ldlfff, It i|imi imt a| |* in iIh* frcnnU Out rklwa. |iaaf* <1 til kla-t* fmm. («»■ |4< u|«n nvrii »•( •■tl»r i«|||h(i to t|o ui« luy frwinl* "Do you r» in< nil» r. rouatn." he went will at th# rto mrtl> a»-l " i»mi mv nrr. I hur mo- Har«-I at tin* nam* l*r In t diml V<>a •ur|>r1»»«l thm«o* y>u etrer with- kal«»« Irapa. • I our or nnL» *IUlM<>il! \Vli«t wit* Mr*. \Va*hingt"ii formally to "♦'W •»rk, Intrreata, llut oil .,« If art down ht* *U»«. "Jo you re- to rti- Mr««> M»l titer *"— |initn nil tIum*. ruergv. and l»-«i At Ivt »!*• tamiil In r blouj- Ik* r«|M fih'l lln-ff, V«hi will not I'll**-! (*r <1»- l'*lr»l not J la. fimlriatr ilml *#tr atnl %\ manner. Mpti •lrvw tLl* |aTtiii**ion i>t "l Uwa that •lull ■( I •ti<* iloihi; wiih that kjlitt nn,' thr ran • |i> III »rll an iih'iiiUr Jay your »**jr ronntrr •traui l*>il«-r* ami n.fima ttf I hit org >nl- tlioujflit |inin>ntr lirliig, 1a, - t, with tin- kMi, tV k«l Oh, to) can »•* u now *|4t« by • till ««•••• mUmI tow* rinlrtlor lilt* lrte lytnjj for a irn it n<>r will «r a M»>m jrou? whotn tha >um la-rti ihrra mo«uli fa*tory, yim In h*r <«tioii. If-rellatiie, «ihI w II.*1 •!••• "l,niilii<»r»lH' mI «• I u« It, uli r iVrtut r«« i« the iuf a l»nrul vault uu- an | atlioii. are null tuml «TfP !»• r li<-*|. u •till a Mirf that rotnlnrf uj*-n letter to o»nirrea* |V» •I'l' tit A'lam* «l**li- |xir|«.M- or hiaa. •■•un* to kill Irrw IT' I r*-tn> mla ml Wr Waa « wi>|r*|>rra«l |«i|>nUr rti «rr h* orgm- •••it fr«r, favor, |*>raoital »|».t what the Jeuce your th* crntrr of thr rMnmla. Civil KotriDMr and 8urr*jror. (H«nl*. aurmuii-le»l Portia,* I bating why. lll« ft» l>|l*tn| III th» llll■» a f« «Irf Vrry n tolnr* lu tin- of hi % i|uti« I lntr In t thrvat, "J. riu\n Man liio< lit .'m!I hYm. catrly «all»«l»ttrntl> i|T>*ai<>n*. • llial are our •iiIk !>ri»r*«ill<'ii name*—-the nun your father l>n>u*(l>t »*■>»» I (»*r»i ml H«■■■»*. l«il almirliluf in tlm window with brr doll* luaJr U •If U « )>•••> la* no that ui 1*1. IntarlaMi rnvlml Ilw kin«*,|i- MiiriuUr •>•»«• iLit hImI hi Ih« .hi mi IU|«hn- |a»|a». I*«»jw JtaUl, anil aalil. "Tint* ran ilonht •tame. ahkti mu*l l» tint and ueutril- fn»iu Atlanta anJ tu whoui were w to In r motlnT. jroit ilown flr»t from thr a* ¥»l»t ami at* I I a*aure Hi ami ichiik u*rr hv rtrti |(i»cn It* r nainr to * galu* of yon |f»» the nation at larg*-, a* writ all i/nl. If at all. ht organized •lt>»it. In- ti«m, •u||«»rt rrjihl, |>Ii*Im*I tonight Oli, |« him|« JerotrJ. A»tont*l«iii|( that I can't re- nrf lr li< l■ in# m artiati* »i«lr An clrrator will ahow will la low tl»»-«r attriitIon* will w •• *11 "Hia'I mmr—tlnotl,* ranU, whkli ntiuitnl httrrnUii't you hram Im* «if the k'Himilnriit, |ira>aaed, • turiuU r—I par- nfm Mikii « tluaMr tun liunf tIn- wall* mamb«l, tin-»ar>l in kunL N uxlil." th* way, whlrh yon nmld fln null itnMrl >» am a rit |a anni- |>t< u|mi|i r«r» thrmtinir my Yur my irraiiKt-UMit ih^Iwt j h» It Ii \ lift altI o>Ui|«-t llloil u»»lv l««).|r that fllll> lis ki"»l j. lie, aa aa Jo own. highly (tKtiflnl lijr on I with ticular ii*H' well t mjr thr liottoiii will find a Into illullcatri, of irmn. wliUh may (ire I mvl, "Manner IUjriin«r|(n| aonn wbrrr awa) in ll»f iIiiii an 1 .»> ft:I ran me." may iii«* in all the Ilia! Mnr«Jy, r«>u.iu, you help •ul» Kt« tu* with m*- aii Wr|| ni«« I.!•-«• routing )«*ar« "I iimlil m»t tben b«* baa rotn#," uiah- Imw U-» ii trw^l lan k to th« nt, larift-ljr flllrd makia of Imt unlit iaibibM I niiiini|i I Jo not reuieiula*r,M miJ I'ortU »r a lit I with t|l*lll rultllll, mutt*t«"I In incoh«r»-ut. w»nm* the a* well a* th« |iau*r, fearful w<.rk on. I mu*t »»»«• In r |N>rtU l-rfltury, rhinrrjr. |a*«r* that mugr*-** Vinl now, In larniif tin* tiunlrn ihiwn, K<>lii|f In a low voire. •Wh«t «lll lie htrtMi h*r m«r f**lii<>ti Tln-n to Tout. "I livral miK'h • arlu r, h« r ati* ha** for thr dm of Mitator*; al*o •t«irrr«*>ni* I tin* aa tin; U-*t aula* tlw an I ttoul.l. »l»*rj'lr country arcej.t« I return to you (iol truMlogly "The rh«wtnnt with the white inane filial with ton* n tona of t hltn." ing tak« n f in lli»- ninth *ni«'k tin- gatr ai»' |'U« iriitury i-onll tare, il«»;« att I tail. Jacko—u»»— ah! wu It not arx r»- our U wnl ami ww al-at to la»i««l tnorr two mm n'«, which rotting away. Th* -AT- Thr fundamental i|tle« of that will hrttnw mv lur- ImI it. I r»ll«*| —I im«itui| ftliKi l Tom grarrly having for than jrare. i-fliM Im»I# you u(mhi nj-'ii _ and Im- 1 t thia th« Jacqueline?* naiitr »hr U to Imic arw •tram Wnlrra ami rtijfin**, eln-trtc \l/ order arr to ad»an«e UDir inrilill nii'l mii-I iIh-ii «ftiik ilowt. tr*i, wbrtt "IN«rtla, Thr ^>-1 UMiiinnl i|eaign««l tvaaof Ito* •il|>|Mirt yiMI |i f*ar ftk'iiiy "Oh. a* if ioiKiitIon <*f the \nierhtn to thr li«n< l»*n What )earcrted Portia, greatly la VII. At thr laat t.f tin* lighting inachinr* ami a |«rt of thr rlat*- |n>»r tIh* lu«» tflvm «•«■» atnl In returning r»liftll»l«i| ill tllf till' k t«ll*(|.'« of « fwji it'imi you n|wdlo|f | John lun-tiiig >ul|w | Mi«IiUill> | hmrl «i>icra «*••! a aouii'l w»rr to H'lul »n< h a that* Munt* 'la-Alt Kiiothrr Mow at « »t..ry wintf a|*tol |»r«.% «a till* >t • J.»< waa the fallo-i mlinui, ar claim. Ilia UoMt f • •• tlie frali riul *• »C ril b<>; |»>rty your |ow»-r t»t» on tli* • »tI»• r •!>!• of 11*1 not Wttrr rwnnwili-rr <|tif|iiie which Olhlam, who cannot la* t«| mill !■«»• Ia«n j>« jroa lla miaak»U, an far aa ItMlnra th* niemVr* of tli«or.|«-r In our K"t after the runaway—a blark ooe. Hut rwrr. th<> hamtaomr mar of «|| th* wall. Who wiu •'You mf I.IIII, IVu-lmrr," »li«« of CatlHtlle ra, i<>lia|'lr» JI|.|U ivailml, illil lutf •t*te. lilmra at thl* M*a«lon tlx* rhMtnut—how amuing that uetthet M»» •trm tiir* surround* thr < May your I »t»rti-l t<> !•» i «t**l tr\»*'l«l Urk in an alim«t rhill* f la lm«| oil tin fio fator ant my Itjf the aotk. IV W audi a« wIII rtt I Milne linn one of ua ran recall h t uaine!" «-a«l« rn which w »• tliw viin*#. r> >n now. I tnnal (t» op aUira, ntl<-«. I lion U l an |>ilth l|>li lifuif I blr«a|n( agrUultunl nivwlf." "I hare aucli a wretched memory," he- -r^tf-l for ar> hit. -tural r(T«« t of • in thr l.« •* anil r«itui«"^ M Munta iImijm w m«a 0* Im! *• purely For ImltliMv Linen. ■4ii, and thr unl\ir*al fatherhood IrrraU. M ll. lit M, In kill k. tin* K«ti< ung ojan Ii-iP Marking «lo Wit Ipui Portia. ar»« wi«rra rootna, «»f ••• our f a IT h It "Vrr* well. I'-.rtu. I will tuy • fahlr ln*« nt»ti arnffaof many i u«im ut lirnl, In «ahla«-r Matter *»tatr rtu hum>«lly through vulgar »» >. t.miM w, i lanui. ai> to "Tlirre. hare than***!." rat- or a* thr indi- « la » no '«ut thl* to entertain him until jou r**| lijr ronmlttm J l »l< I I»l f* hli»t »P'« r*vo(nl«**« aeitmnallam. •rnl I »'knirf •Unit. |U Iiiim hrr • agr*. Nfiir, iWImw, aftir »ti>|i|*«l. on M.«ditce. I nwd < l-.» a ilk full fiW» Mnr»b' »hole I»r«liri|* THE OUTLOOK. r*ll*T* inr (tut ilo not tai me tm long." tlej Why, I'ortia, « w vidual n«>tnaof Mwl<«i Hhrr* lountrr »«iu.r (rut III til* lu<» lilltfl.t 1 tin- ftW fill fftC fill »tn •« attrr "Oili of \\ f Imi mm h on ll* Inn 1to not Imt r»«e an.I Irft to U««t of reiuarkalJe mnuory. Tarl rhmnil that can irr llting « 1'ortia <11-1 your worn th«' ainl inor*H>vrr llffr wm ha*« Ymi t' •» larkU aa»to"l whicll h«i] liaiknl In the 'irlif Bltfht njily, tiara, thr It «r*ki to mouth from ila* to t iking «'in nitifuanl «nl Tie* Jalee, the tiantea. the iiutule>re, that liavr to l>r ilki'hl among |«o|.|e, prim iplr day, or t«<> Mn»r Antn» lu-tin. t I the r Him >|i|>»fri| you no int« rr< gnum at thr wIh-u tin1 at thr nntnlrr of thing* •.»■! in mm iiu «w, a for j»r».-I H«lkr *• Mk fiMtrr mutual un-lrratamllng. tlrma-r a* ther rt'mr unl preparing r« the woiilJ Jaah off wrre a.toiin lin*. 1 re- >r •rnatr u a ■ thing* j •Ui ,'« r »l. wi l I my Incli- It. I[.!.••• Sii'l Ii'hIt I »IN-1 |>ro|»h- t> ii-l»- .»r|--n I(|«* »l ItkWr Hi»c« !.»•■! r t.< »«l. when in ai£u rrjT«iMa<«l l>r» gt > oi.rtl, in a*. imI a fraternal I>« ihr«a aflat »•••» if*-' It waa rather a trial to me that a l»- k VmU« llkla ban, 1 nation to forw«nl »n«l to of l>t*nlulJ l*» ao to l«*.k« ami *c INftU. I !• if." Ah. p*rha|* Iht jwnl your memory *up»*n«»r Mmh-r'a outfit for r>|«mn< and aerka to tmkr of Ita iu«f»- might !«■ |irr|>iml to meet ihr thing'* unu. |m*tlnn<." aim which hiil Bn-iiacfil I'ortia wa« at b»ml. mine." ti|r« without NDilint III*-III out of thr t>rra U itrr nx-u and t*ttrr wmurn, and with le«* lo** or dl*tuih*»ce to (Mir !»•• Hula Kill mm m ailwalaal. Mm* *hkM tli* r*»>m therU. I rotiM aee that l*ortla waa worried, • niachinr ami w-Trral zrzr-'r^M-JJ' MIm BINa, M> *f II k tbrrrfore l»ttrr cltl/rtia. Ant dalrvman who will murmur*!. A.i 1 aatrrnl drawing building, »h«>p »f *»«lk fail* a» I ltolam t>l«n*. prltilr rraeou Half a kola nut will, Nira Mr. C. P. to Mtom Ito Id'lr* • to i«nrr whole ..III with lirut Itrwil. '•or r -■ ami cam* f<>rwar>l to anJ al*<> that for tome Mr. Ilay- n*>m* fillrd with ar< hitra. <>n«» rwn I a>ak It la riot thr tiiia»lol| of tlir ■rallgr I'liliMf hi* »l*w ami tin* Th* hi^ llitriiial i|uichly < r is Tiir cirtmi. IkM >to u p«*|-ar«*l to' I'M— i»p| | t« ttt Klliott, in hu r« on tin* Tiir. atataIa^i I *k*iw of anl an |i» Ilo- uionJ waa tut; to ht-r. Hut to |««rt l«>Un) la iirvrr to thr II 4 * » life* M Ito «.lh IVta U|lllnulrlD- it u it ion *111 Mr th*t luitter ••|t Wft* »Jr wliwl. honey, yet Jr I: What tn<«t in try trap down thrr* o|«-imm1 jhiU ahtifonliriirdrtiriiv any dairy ifprt iltlprra—il man to and the inov# hi*nt In »Nllrl 1 tmrm »H» N«(»'I, mi Waa I i« »fKirrra lf t)>* matter, )> nr |4|n-M«* On tlw i-outran, a» ainiM thin ih» are mulr In mmr ill* oh luf Immli i>n« k I th»« fir t-»*ti.*.g wnli Maurice Kay- what |'urp*f this revrnge lie, ami Ita rontriit* ar* gnarlrd with « k l l.l I* duatry. way |wlma for remain* of W>ii froiu foatrr all au< h. ••• man« cotiditlona that I ahe haJ out fiaal an«l »u|>i»»rt fatigua i* ta fNBuve lli» glailljr riuaHirajfi* ami |>lr u«l Uftlrr know her*i la an lyttoriow »w ticorm r> heard of. aa «r that all nm| all. ilk't are coo*Mem| anl realltr ar» irn •I hour* or luorr. It racrllmt w itira al l Mount \Yrm>u Ml»ilii| thi, fJut t?t li'>in*-|f«h n 1.4* >••>« Ikt l«4 »«•! \T klX l\ la |N» produ«t«' f.-tnl to bar. on all II- wm not a liamWiiM* All through J O'netantly thr r*a|du* of outfit* provided It*«mtly If IM * »te to or |o I lilvrytin^ |itwb«litf. liquors, do* hl ictm at to i>iuov« tIk* r» iuaih* of U*h Waablng* e IflH Ml >H|| Ito* »l>rrtilng for vartoti* flllirral of thr r l*»r|t K'llK !• tuht. lottjf ) thr«'lal puta eiie anawereJ It • l«a*|>, h<>WrVrr. alll»»l I Ml alld Lincoln ff tlw* lolllla In •Nk T«1 IMW*. to KUIhiM* IIP! -•fa. I MW a hla« k I.at fir tree timra *>t liU tioM* Ill* Occasionally, night. |*r*rlita It ia thr tlx* goir» -rmornt ami to t.«k<' thrill out of tl»« or rjw ki-"U, straight. ei|«»i1eiicea. |iro|a rtyof un- Nil III all l*l|r»l«, lion nvotttnrti-Ullon among ngular too aid •hoiiM not I" tak«*n which now to tin* vatilt WIITKR kukki T,v Kit kib|t iimt, an I iU> uh«iu wen» n it or mua- him hut aa • rule her thoroughly, l» n«r«l. or in wlirn thry rrpM Horn tut • of tlir to a lllorr > u«toiu«*i* ll>* «aIII in1 tint there are CT'i— <1# iloah !«•' night. bidden l»y nnJ«'r»tanJl!)tfly. may wholly |>art. i»<»li« l'i man a>all t'rrJtly |N»at li|« liaa than four h«>tira lirforr i*«|tlliir der thr ilota* mi I to make thu na- l*ai, Mi1m,i»I will r» w«-re wiJe of the mark. One • T« an r M iiat< r «i tatwillllon. aa that firming •it veri |ra who »re out of reach of' v« ft* itniknl IiIimI na|—(Wtt'a tach*. an-1 in th«-tr firm line* I real the plit-a r >th« •ktob l> HI 1 Improved f«"l »• iii>' »*»« It »•••» f< r tHiflliWIim rxitoli Ni aa It la aaiil to maon Iniiiwliatrly *n«l roui.trr ti' ml tomb lli«-1ill* uo la* roliaklrrrd * •uta>rllnraa ar> mt lirtraill), |i|itli«li|f, "LUtrt." mi4 I'ortu. k.ra»j niK nal hiiuwlf hka pnnc*. with graca uttlaWi •• * III ■ »« (WU; Uaajv t<» It fr»< .U-iii now u in the Church of the nio«t honor«tilr «n rr *i It and m*tn«Kf • waa a blank. Itjr %•» Ka|a to In tlir lii|{heat. r*^«rt| aiipply prl**l* <•14 wotuan'a artu. "!>» ln-ftr.1 jrour kin! Iiautcur. Hi* api«wranr« uiont'a memory I'MMtping rffwkl Wa raa auit ;«• aal arc l««al general Pan* Hut it m •«f»- t<> from all claaara. » I. • it I «f«. lor > ri-guliritt. Hi- will We the thmra wbrrrvrr |>laiitnl, Invalids. a* to Mr»»ti lna| ii<« I do «a* r«*«itf ami When eutertd JrawiDrf rootn, imjrwbrtv, t*nder the terracttbere '• another I ia* iim, itf^llrw uf lh>«kl> ri|*aw f ri>|4m Ii^ik rnou/h. inij commanding. !»• It »li«>ti! l if t Our of lh* o| llir ||mi Nf that where llit»-r***t l> m«iii« to no o >n h# Maurice n«d the auJ Ixj'lirr ■}atial boiler r>*»ui. 1 Mw woa* aa T to (,«l.llik»ft »f ItoU |<|»» will ) not tlut wiuk any neam rn>l "You ar>< not Mr* Marchtnontr o|> granJ piano, largeengtu# and U li«>ur |i>r u* to ("ixiiirr i*. Ih>« ♦••••t to •routed to eatahllah a huttrr factory or a ■oil an«l at tlia rat* of l><«) |«i done. for tin* rraauO that i fitting mr Iha Tgwar ffW ..f Ito »*>• I Wmlit it aa h.> t.« k hand. turning to Portia miJ with Kivat ami- yirhla need tlw St4l« senate Ikll ara rvUakto III- a lliftli Mrrv III'lilt ha atfo laid half in inquiry my kImI United • 1.1 al.ililirttl tu (TVtlrr U~ luli ri*. hr«. if Ikla ••#»» to- lakftolara l>r|il, | a«r*. Anothrr proja-rtjr laautiv *• am tl** lltiuh.il—Jo In *r?—ttiil«h«al. If jn»u "No. inil- il." I March- ability t h«s for so much Itut when jro« Dili •>« autl rflrVrti'V, Ibr »»fk «l Iirtirttii fi«l. anlly rlranng vtbrr. ia» i*a taJ, larktaakally. * i»« aii l »in- ahook th«. I*rtiui* of ini|iruving •*!•-« Iri«" op|>*rtumty « rr«M n»« tnU I urd«rr it if it let* *o tint till* method ^nifi* in i4.l J. ». la-l'i faov. M «r< liiii >rit la not well an| I* !•» ha miiI» lliiliiu>'iit. alway* p*a Kt.ui'l Wtlna I*ih At* iiDr«rurtl 11m* uialket I* Mm- one alilt li iniitt«»al "Imt h< « eicuae tier for a llttl** tlnw iltur old and that th# Inxurtooa has by lor |.ui|«'*«-* "All riicht,"* thcoth^r, |» jroa will Hiugi." lights. body «n l and " dingy, ugly, "luffy unpleaaant, m<*aihrr« llin*ff. |l IIh* ••!>- »a III In time tie a* generally a* cxituiu, »i..u I looked at I'urtla. Would ahe aing Hal Om Maff Taking 4 constant stream of tr* -h air | Miit|» •! |irnililr« adopted Ifth'a «lftii»fh h<>ii.y. Uangrh l»»i* a imitation of tliat tin* »!»• *r• mu*t ili» lit** loth at the mill* hat t>een at hi* hi and this mr tinnul anything w<*thjr |M>it«ultr, making fe "And tlx* colonel** a»k« year* ago, Uloat llia^lllhci lit of all b>llllaa—lb* • nrk ami «tu tin* |tri/». 11 iinii(r I* tt lill... HmU fore him. I»e mill lie had I Mkitl hrr to fur coils <>f "||« in Kiiwwbrrr aUiut the my atay aing um, IU— tt of tin- M iiatr mm a iu winter by pioMHk' through •iHrt-mihnr to i»nr ll»l *ee |>UnU- •bin Captain iu which MU l- 'fi. to u< lirnfrt I!>•* inclined to look *1 111 farther tlx ou ou* ami in lamiBff N*|> ODONTUNDER tk>n, but will **»n U» iu fur luncheon." but li»l alwaja refim-d pr«- he waa to m >nu(T- c»*»led by a la o»e the*e lie youth, directed j>]4<« W »: TIM WtUJM. hni#«; *ud |iri»|«riiu< mMiinirj which of Improvement* • of it Is "I have arrived a few f the large iuamm let, easy Ihr •lu'l.ur of **frtt tn i»ur AnurU in r*- can re«ch fiom hi* location, ami If urn in ««cii of tli« |«s*ingover TAINUIM "Y<>(i will excua* tne, couain." »!»<• to un«r truth fatuirr fm|a < Ill -lo next w hell time,"a*id Mr. IUyfin>n t»rr*».- tin in all.** • I drying I* til «'le a nmUllt and a luy Coldly. and Irft of I Ik1 vice pn-sldeiit and to required |*rt a »i' uf .til and m hurried on. I tinrf ! found my voir* ww growing looks like th# hold of transatlantic a All o»rr (hi* IitimiI I l |*ii|>l«* •i« nl> hu*lne*« In mntmlrnl Mtcalkw*, luul anticipated keep them filled for the ( liri. WvUtiii || TmIi I'larr llr«r«tl> In Iwtlrla. »t..| *H aee uii I and could but endure TEETH t ami uf *11 i'ii|i%itun*. *rr Id* other braiii'ln** of farming will naturally «» ao nmiou* to the country in thiu metallic an<1 oilier senators of the old school« bo itmnrr. llatUr llflrtlnl • ««wi| Hulx. t<>r or !*• Into •imilar that I*, mi »luf* it* the convenience of visitor* wl*» AT •llhvlUrlv nrg*ul/ii.< |»rut«"i1iou. getting form, which I i—ikI my IojIkmI. l •"Ullil." wrfi< habitual snuff taker*. The snuff- For Duel* iii Au»tria ir»lu<>n* int«r»«ting out air la uf Miuh* ilitri«lw»! iiitffnl. when « m«n fltcl* that he I* of the ire conaiu whom "Tlut U Mitl Colonel March* wish to irr how tbe fresh |in>Mii>tk«iii nil to my dear again. abaurd," boxra nmain aa a reminder of tlx* times Just than Fr*iich affair*, for aouiHiim* they Ilri'jlirr f im»rr«, •!» ill »r I i|* In-hind? [ lukk 'lain ing lie W ill »en and orer into tbe n natc a baa I MiH inU r aa the idol of my youth—a mont, auddroly ruing coming aiitl habits of senators who made lun- pumped peejihol# bate M.»*l In then. A (Niitlcularly «r t» lii 111 '»!• la ihli 'II- *•*• of «hat L. "•lull lb** ia*t •iH'ti ih tt the plan keeping u*. "Mm u well w alie l»en cot. A* walk through th# cor Dr. C. Buck's, U «ut if til and lovely girl." to aaug ju»t Hut are seldom fill*-!, aa Mr. you dramatic encounter ia ju-t **vr l«l<* I tin* ntfd liiuilirr, • »er til hold without tory. they r«|«>rted m1lmk !»•• happen* get of, Wrut to < >11 the terrace a sni4ll "Mr*. Mtnhmoiit U» wy h«ntlfal ►Ter ilid before I Att«ll known Paris. Maine. i(i< lnr«l N«t|rf, mil* mM, th it If lr had lUtr |>l only |»hjr« South i return »1»«* n-fiiw^l to aing and liaa window. and l<*>king through thu ibr^r word* "f ultiiv lu ihr of ntu*t lie Voman," I anid gravely. my who uses snuff,—Detroit Frw hrt*. flaa* aician. iliaiilted an fHo-r, IMiInI I* tkU t>uf jltf reaaolithle expectation |»ro||t, |.y H l» to> tovl Ito r1|*l r*i*ted lu that determination nrrr <»u observe a hug# fail driven at a huh far» bnarr* mml I l». "i>f,1 .Ktii'lo I II will find th«t 4lkt ••There U « child, I beliere," aaid Mr. (■ f Hi Mtl*fai1iin, in apltw if the fact that w«k>« M iu< M l.aal laaMtoatr ikrj i»r-| of a h> from the li- iiu». On* of hrr It I* OTff the — »»tjJ .lll/t*." alld lu I!»•-•«- | would i-tiai, lerf, mutton ami wool will flay iioiul. I r«Jlfil Daphne many rapricea." A i Mmm run. Ipeed. |*Hses| topend hu aiifa^- ni>t «a« a f. r in a mil- Tto '*lf UvMkrtk Itoi ■!••• £ttll/r. pork, j.r< IMi alaatot in*u to one# wer»» In brick tunnel which ruus out into ■I la Ito •> In Month America tb«f ia a small fish itary a>l«a imi to tin* tntrkit cam* run huiuutr aaked aii l ther* emerge** in th* little»t«.n# Ikm I* worthlr** without r*rn«»*t, |vf* ill tilm |MB|y more In my aighL Hti* mint in, Man Mr. Kaym<>ud qui- l«trk -> of that In* ma>l<> an that Hot attacks Its fellows of the rrrtain victory • i.trlit work. lart^TM with a article will It ml a ready an I mf wai only lower whkh ■»*• in the gn»uud» ^illi|>lv wl*lilli{ good iMUhtnl to a •trailer. and nuo rtly. you uitin» nt with Ku««ia fi r an hour • sea aixl but la >lr»-*«le«l 0|>|» tu uur ordrr, ur i>r»-ldliig utlirr*, Ithuut • nurket, ami tho» nlm the colonel. "I wa< river, greatly by Th# fan fresh air through tin* pprea-lallv* no very good tenna with the visitor. "A J far." replied puinpath* to th* combat. Tim w> a|»- a the native*. who certain aeaaona Ml«M)nrnt •uiuutli *i ulti-rliiK •"Xt'itliw fur rnll/e t|»e tanning change anil get lh<*rn ou tmalUMU. I wan arot for M during lunnel and force* it Into lb* MDalr cham- Muchnoot entered, detained tma w« IV it"l mI> r». There wer* will in »rr ro- the he.t iWntlyOilaMl the streams In which lb* «bari» Iw-ttt-r work. |imduo-guud •e|n-» in line tlr.t will *tin«l n«-ar have to ford where it cotnes warmed iu win- with and extending • the h« ir to |»n>|*-rtjr Nottingham, ber, up iii which lb* I'Ut *»r*r« r ithrr tu n a f'H profnw ftpologiea often at- Uir««> round*, t«L Inner of e«taMi>hltig re|nit»tlot» t. r carhltoaare found. lUihersare In summer fn«m aoulhcrn welcome to liia gueat. •tnl after I got l Ik*r»« a pn ii.h turn**! ter or cooled icrattn^w the Our uf.|rr I* i»|fd an I their a. IVw Industrie* can lie genuine the cliisal officer received • cut. la»t ■lifting a|i|>ri^ product «mj know tb« Uw'i lackal by them, sharp, shaped nndt-r the de«ks of senators. mix* an I «« it* aim* ami *«'iiie /Wf< liuuurnl morr, contlnueil to extent, hut nothing ••Why, • from the flesh wher- bia ch»t t|*-|>iiviiiic »l< IftktHij nNrtiI. terth taking bit Hi* «• » •ftm* Hut Mil'* about afier the flmt in tlut alow going country. Tki>|> wa> PIBIS o| AwilV! twttrr kii»*u. Il* In> on a the *tke firm for l<>>ktng greeting* initially The unhurt. l» ntal tan •••iiimrtut un |>rluii|il<^i nuking exchanged. the aniuiala tliat float The Kim* |4ij»l< declared, \«-a«aibl* down wer—dead or alive.—Pitts- although th« dm I orrr, tirlr«l niwrirMM; It* mint aihU-»««- tMe lit the method* of the f inner. iklU'i li fn>in l h«* aouf—awful." a dark Udt "Ami that ttiu* you wer» a room which Is off like a tank |ir>n l to burg Dispatch. vault, and wherein then* must biiboal Tuesday, 9.1894, chM^I face, ringing To end tb«* diapqte the |>riiif ij^ala agr« «d I din I tar la«tr«a ll*-a "t n r«r tu*k>* It an ordrr honors! ami indUa* to the fact that one nut of a«»he iIhm.I1 of th* giieu lUl.jt." aaid Portia |>n«hed a her to her mla> "What an Interminable atactic*?" a huudred bushels of dust.ar* files for maid he ordered tell [Vnia, Iu ibmI again in the iflrr»i« with i*tr.l firmer*, aixl rr«|f> l«l tl»e mtnv hram he* or crii|i* attended to tin- and 1W Arttl IHaMr. Invaluable. a|>|>r» I'jr wauaa Imok through k»but treaa that Co|.>ne| Marvhmout ilnrirol he continued. fumbling the music, "but idd an'hive* of congme, iml rraa*Mi«l>l«* t in* In!• the Met t>» wllirr cli«*«. It*ju*t woull rraaoMblr »urrto produce It i«ud The arval illntier aj>|« i»r« to l« an an- A fiUtola. pbyatnan locked hurried away. b* r at oner in the room. th*-n the minioa—how delightful!" I hough not rery Interwtbig Jet to ili iu*nt li.-r. (old Mid I emhar- rient cuatoui. Thla «aa |.r>.jierl) in the vault, but EdgecomD. B., Prin., 1 »to]i njpd In a few uilnntea the aoft awiah of Colour! Manhmont looked ia always kept ImruiiiH II»* lulHuiil ami to tf I !»♦• unfair, tu frrl |i-*«-tied the amount which tlir fanner >ir>I prey. came In with bowed hea«l and manner of Aan thia appeared une of th« Ion*, the uu£ht Jiroud toying and friends were riage Ufi.re ci«4Klif, ilUDWlaf riu« a ••ntir»' revolution through my na> tlx ir at It waa View. Tlie relatives a which • Ith ii lii*lr«i t<>t« In KWta tit i<>n. uf bl* ur Ih |>r» It ut, ami |rr| || lllte hi I to »ell of the •uc<-r**fi|| auryed with a fan ahe lield. to uj«»n heart rings? laartuent stands figure every of bia m|*friii might nervously dainty play ao tin* «loor, ini»h«l the thumb *oim I h»»rd the atmlent Invited to attend, that having Inajs-ct- or less of a W At. tint« lu «!•» all iu t lit*11 |w«rr tu |>rr«*r»r ;iro hict, and thl« I* the ca»e with tun*. Wh»n |N*rtia plottiug She did not look her cousin In tla« not that ao ol*en ant a American takea more |*tn- riling. eyea |ioaailtl« vouch that tlie rl|(ht hand. C|>« bia arrival at VI* »( lht« tf)«tltu(loa It In It* It*, ami u«ful- of th« in neirlr everr More tlnn de*tnicti- ii of |.«t child—that dainty lit- human nature could have fallal to tl the body they might otic int* re*t in. It u Knliglt- Tfi* liifli •I*ihI|!i( *ini|ili. |mrit» >e«r. aa ah** extended her limp hand and of "Liberty an ration waa a I* •leath waa a natural one, ati«l thus ex* niia o|» |»-rforui«d by • ill tw milnlilnrtl, an«t ll U o>utt.|rullv uru; »n I lratt*Oiil it uuiui|*tlrrd tu Ibrtr one cli** of »tock or crop* inn profit- ll« to whom Ion* heart had aa the cool relatlona l»«- • tl>e World." Tin* i* Ik* model lit-ing uiy ly turned coldly away aa quickly puaal. remark axlaiing niug lu tb« who order- nn •< l.'wl lit llii* oiihlir r ii*e I o-i « f um at tin* aame time If full the heir ami all others entitled au profeM.r university, ■••rrtnl tint |M»*lrrlt jr. ahlr Kotix out in lorn and aympathy—I littU of welcome t ween the hualmnd and wife. No. Mr. culpat* which «w **nt to congress when ef- tu ble after her i|MCh ed bim to bi» hand in • alina. • r» at mlu»-r*| Irt h* *Uml *i lr br *1 Ir. ilNmlilrr -ill hi»e go »| cire; tiut nothing «houl>l to the deceased'* from accn- carry ft. grr.ttrr tdt«tit4|N lik«* au aveu*rim; angel. The pity I had faaliion. waa drawing them poaawlolia fort waa being made to iu«lure that lusly or uttered in jierfunctory iUym.Hxl ainiply bia bauult>ukl«• k< | t ju*t to till up, with the l.lei aallona of uaed violence.—West- of AltlH'UKh piatnl known for 1'ortia vaniahed, ami titer* •*« waa having to fund* for theer#«tlon •tu«l»m« an I III uf Think tin'**- I could that Mr. Kaytnond appropriate waa oo tb«« I vrllrut u> .r-l «nt»a for uf tbo or.lrr, t|l**»-inin«tiun tint It will care for lt«elf. inluater Oaxette. th#< ilia tor I'Uik tnally ««• Uirn in ita ittwl an emotion of and with tila th# on Hed^'s Island. New to tMNtrU thrii»«rl»r« t>u tw ob- lit I lil* I* iilr«. haibor. When tlw inoilel wa»flr*t irronuiato| ami Hml carefully. at ru.f uf aud BUYING FERTIUZCRS. (Win-r an iunoreut child into the hamla Imt chatted in dlagwace band that txdda the torch, and it U a cu- BumWr n( tli«* rututlir iTDiuiltStr action* br lb*- n|ul:y jualicr, of hia conversation to her, "Cholly's the ibaior'a nc« k, ami Miml *tatr aaid Willi* Wlbblea. rious n the method* of The ball graml Van* Hill. ami' Ircunwrlbr uur ilr«ir** by tin- at- rtie Ithoile riperimenl of human detila aa • *4n topic*. a flr»t it waa l»lli-*«l to hat* atruck *«•- •tatlou iMilletld on fertili«er« Mi • III it waa no Yon don't so. Ile csretaker* of the that, hav- at tainment uf Mirb iu«***ijrr« aa will to tln ir evil ami unknown god to me With a awift, rara "Ueah! Deah! say tbe capitol \ *. \i «m, *oM In aionally turning but he atuml iu bia uu- ) curt ihrar rod*. th* **er»ge of all the fertlllr^r* aa a in ian't lie? It waa one# an electric glowing, him, |ilac« " A. l!tMillir<'(Huniiltr«. longer to !■* regarded aa a mother, nnile which brightened hia rather aevere always twoulde, only ing put light, Tn*ih, the «tate th<* la«t iwMO t«ill IiU can a.# II during aa • to be lawat week that lie came out wlthoat In the band of "Liberty." they ■oral. l» IUhmom.. I i.i\li|ll«i> Of tilt iikii|.n, i\|i wiiiik Ihetn- woman, hut fiend cuixiwml, boa bit* la^ti mule hy the farmera take it Then, lifting hia in bia left If nereeaary. I'ortia Iter altitude of con- twouaalia widled Up." no rvaaoti why they ahoold awav. piab.l MM. •rl»e. ifti-r allowing #1.VI ton for cruahed—deatroyed, preserved ofTlivr ba-atf ml * i.Jium la |wr worse time." the fact that the figure baicl. b* flr^l. Tb« frll *t«ll«( lhe\ 1 would no longer heaitate. 1 aawtny attained defiance. When were "It'a thla notwithstanding tailing jwr ton chiMjirr tlwn quaationa to bia an* lanliii|. Thr futur* .mil.miW f »r th- order in would "Ilowr la buried la a dark and remote corridor, lly to tb« irrouml. Itii*bina were In mmy i-amlb»y cmtld At the flrat I directed to Iter, aha anawared them T» U# rt»1'|..r« ..f ll>l|> \ \At'Mh\ af ami Uiugltl. duty. opportunity a»k-«l. "Aiw uur *l*l» l« bright i-»»»WI. <>lhol (»| If* it* briefly, kept What do fe»U" IU «• Ita tracking*. li.ltii',iKr, p****lt»ill- In ft arid# frotn the iii neb hurt? yoq Mala*. Ik«4i»l la ton |e«» tlnn win' the farmer* piki for dealing with a mad woman, and that if floor. Colonel Man hmont waa greatly comb hia chwysantbeuiumr—Washing- people week, c«|iito| Tn li» atlM. Itot «*«Ui tto aMruill kw Intbr a r*nlm| no ilia llicat. to littl»« hia hia beat to cover hU ton Star. ever m it. There la r>"l rrfdy. admwary, ml Ito J I* ..I lW I ..arl ,.f lao.t,,«, T M^,| tin* *<»r» thi* he wiahed (irotect Da|ihn«, annoyed, but did employee*, l latnl-ra* U ifHatol to to Wkl at Ito aff.la*l w The (Hit to l»oi*»r. The When tlnrel* no atlilhial irinth, waa an- Hungarian »Mc« atari aixuething going Ha ll MpHlol Krvlaa I ..art H.. .., la Ctrt* la a|.I ruaat* w*. lln lun^ continued *lrin(riHry uf muat her craay mother. were all relieved when luncheon Austria aa capitol. ilie anlmala h«ve|«i furuUh their o»n iuipriaon accession by the eu>|>en>rs of to wber» mm W*ilto*U* Ito ink la< ml 4m A |» 1*4. r.i.tt ru and It U to run on f<*»ver. phyaician rrtum«l Vienna, th* tiui *. llHNj(b frit f ir !«•*• Iiv nounced. U the one here, likely M alto »>toi la Ito h« it. -in I it iuu*t t»e iluur frmu the food kings of Hungary identical th« aaino ln« had tu umb i*.« to^wa faraM-r* tUau utbrr lndu*til»l la*****, the table the cooatraint waa not Fee WmIiI«(Im'i Kh**Ib*. on rtrninK l*i Will Mm ■•ar*«i«aa »■«to»Ha« by CHAPTER X. At ua»l at hia coro- which they (*iu«utnr. made for Htephen and a arcoud ul at ion.—London «lm l»Wf Ml kMil aa.t Ito mn.rr „n ha» atlll h >.| It* il.'|.ff.*ri< ami rrtard* lurucs. ao market!. Onca or twica Portia Aa lllu*tratloii of tbla la found in the (tainf o^r qnita nation over MOO yean ago. The whole ia Uu« Ma 'tar «f Itor i |> i*« rllKI. All unlrra an I a**-riii( thiuugli « or I* waa In. The at her couain. Dut Mr. •new to the reniaina la«wl»*aif, metil*, tr(r|||> atiiiltil, U *11 Ih*- A atorm Mtting Ing glancea Ilay- ounces proposed place Th*t ar hoi- lu ltl our u«u umlrr iIk gloomy. ivtigha 9 tnarka 0 (almost exactly A limlna CHilMtk. • mif. ati-l h*%e onljr the ptop- rti<-« of doll rlouda weighed upon the hori- moud'a fate waa inscrutable and aphinz 0«nrg« Waabington. Wb»n tlw capitol *tlW« ml «Haa4 H«(lla| mt « r«4li.i. rirvuwt.tm-"* U cau*« fur iniifralull- fray I Mir Mm rMipJUy trtu ktr mrm. 14 The h of Alexandria ia element*. pounds). wfta and thla vault waa aet Coptic j>atnar« !■ UmIkm). tin** too even aa my dmdfnl diacurery op- like. Ha had I oat tha pUKllad air ha at flnt built tluu. oat. Tha «it nation *u becoming nerrr allowtal to »bl» ito wurk at lb«t araitin, ami tin* lu*« of tl»r breijtfaat and atndied Pnrtia'a face—the Ho complimented Portia npon tha the west coast of Vancou- ba needed at »J«ot. al Wtto •' (to t Matt ml lection* In nijr amateur fashion. Indians along to e I tend U > nd litr all'tt«-l llm* tha iatr Iai3iittt! (hi- farm I* Into waa wars an«•( Worthy fao* beauty; petted wm conn ion* that Colonel Marcb- ver Island and the northwest shores of guards ia being ... .. I decapitation. Upon Itora ml Mfcl laauNaat to art Into I to to Ml at Ita till >,III II |I. |, (fit. U r, II* \ill to dW. from •cream- tha colanal. lion thair aocceaaora and remalneil penalty ^at» I Mart t—a la Sm la .at.| ( uaatr moot left the nmtn after few mica tee British arotiaed at tb« end of each ijuartrr boar, buwftrr. ••surtil tlir M-rti.*-a of th» did not allow to ha affect tne? for of a century, though mm Walaaalat Ito ink -lar ml Jaa a. |» |»*. ing aloud. I Daphne did vmakat. three-quarters arlaaa and hia M**irr of Um* Nationi| ami I'ot t.h I* in e»»eutIII elemeut lo tlw uid thai Portia and bar put them to tbe patriarch a|inwda rag at alto arto A la Ito lntaa.ua. 1 aa via |>ma Uiauge. but her with Maurice faacinatad ma. I thera nevsr waa anything for go aat of my right, kept Haywood orer a old Ths firemen of Walla Walla. Wash., bowa bia *. • Prof. W. ff. Mriuin. a Ira roll of aB orcll ifj. J tut tba piano bong huge tba floor, kneala upon it, ;wuwltM .-nUacty. ilajimh, never mat a man at ooc« ao brilliant Th* wonder ia not that tbey Bpun Ultaa a»tor at uaa-l aa-l Ito atr—. I aw oar firemen who in tin oold storage permitted AL»K«T D MM. Br«totor at Ito laail •u«»«lijr |iarta curd, tuilk, food mv an extraordinary psciahad at alL again ntina. waa that Pcrtia looked out of hia keen Bis Ikl tbey were mr Ukea away Um iUU la llw iutrrval of llw ur«l«r. fur lieu*. I cocactoqa, too, gray ajraa. op- firs In Chicago. __ rflaalWf bttoU«w(|*tOitol , | waa| polished, courtly rUtcr suddenly Hrvrral rnaatiaf on a doubla HI OOT LIFT I WON BY A CHILD'S PUA. bojra ruunrr In Nta «wl»| k»TA»LI«HKt> \R NIK OH. Wbaa tba KM of Jarob old. Will»r fktHI kf Holiday dlapnaaraa um'iu nnoAU FOR RVKRV O.IK AT waa rtlUd KrtIn. IU*« Jaat r»Har Ud ml ONMM. Knnt agaitwt Dartd Hamkin rtM anlt»n»rh.l. J aa t>l- district nmrt m * caae where In tba Fifth Judicial jri»- IW mmMm wiWw."INJ" m ri »U V«oMvkMV«l a. 1*»4 rMX •• *an4ai ,n ■ 1° rAElH. MAINK. JAM'AltY • ■ >»i: »•■.. who waa a director won inc. y*" "•',- 77 ■.iSSBL n ■>>>■» .rfc—4. II nr.*. ford County lawyer. Udijr WkIimIx I«l»f I-HIM.J »» »•; * * l*t haad tW ifl .■MrtMi »r.Wm.•: »»>># ■ SSiSV.ma* t>*rW •In the tr*'° UP°° IW; |>Im« *tir|»ri*e r *■: Hmttmg.l mr lay. |«UH|*r (fold la. I j a A,.-** ■-*•*<" »* • fug nre ho low. rnmtmt rtMar at> _ took It* one, CHINA ClII'S nnd A. ruuM. ta* iwtiH ««rtiN I r a tW4if ,. he Intended to depart depart"™ tha fttau mm every they lintu M Arvuu*. I jrv« hmimim iwnk. *»i j m. »»i;« ry H)m> ifpiTMlN) Hamkin. tenant. lurk Dm "*M. "VUy. nnbfcath Tw*la> I'him VmUm. length SHAVING TKA SKTS, >■« « ia*ta ilk »nl>« I* SKTS, MUGS, VASKS, «to|iM«ywr Mwgla r»| : • »• *Mt»i,rrth),J nr.i. him a at atrrrt. Thia la thr M4 > il II U pf»lVf ■nll>| r. ductor found awaiting telegram «nrut 9t Attorwy Coffee ! 7 ■ f. B. Tea and DINNER SKTS, COMMODE SKTS, PITCHERS TurwU) itMlW HV" • finHIUTIMM the "left" director demanding that Mtrr j mmuh from 4TMt IUT1M4 r a a. m^ium r a.c. <•. at, and the bent line of at H and and WlMllrvM: W Ikelc ar* »tt etc., NkImMii (mill «• «« h»f..r» till the tralu come heck get him, «| (Hm4 l*U— Mqtv M >lfW I MM f»»W» t A 4 H^RtolWMrtl^TMirmtlH Htll lUfklw WW IIM | one of the moat | llH lta full »tee*eW Iimi ttie conductor, bring imkuihIuiiUiIik la Mar im.iur l*t|f. N« I*. U lltll. L o it — l«U*. i*nlw I'Mlrll, K a t toll aixl tU 4aaa M A. No. I f MmM MIi* In i« — WM» Mi *ttN4 of men, did a* directed. fmn IIIlia Uby IIU M 4nrv»* M Nil MM accommodallug joa PmivniM -*« »*»•. la**. Tl>«r*hi xralM «•» M>* »»A A * M hUu MOl^, of tllM | twInlL Aa4 aka raa'l r*m» li» Ika Irti. W » a»IW«ny»«. a* a novel f***,. n»»rV^I ■!>■>. im •»( lHlrtl Mu»Uj ttfthfi M»*r It atruck ua proceed* U» bara ami Mtia Mi., , If. Coffee, linil la aat ISA Tea, H(|.Mi.NiM«IT>1WC»«h,Ii aluaya kara aa•• Ktlnrltl nmlM 4*l«pUr of lU.ltm) Nit nice for the man oho got left. aa aa null far ao raad. Mr falkar kaa aa MtraarMiUJ*•<1 r'M"' I* »f II -Nil. liiMf. wmJ loot KrfkUr OM«4Jaf la t^l f»ll.-«»" Inc. for Car T matU Wa ara far iklUrta, Mil HmU Hi* lll«M« «Mt I* HfM tin ll»W Tmoui lutlM *IH»t Kkr«i»t> I hack when wo ««tk IllU.tivft We cant all call tralna alatr* la A MrlMUl M»l Slinlti IlkftMs \« II m~— la talkm.' IUU. w.«.| I am MI (rata ua Ika lit air >«ara &c. CtPltt. U.lttLK I* ii «• I'. nn t»l ikixl Tk«r*li;i awl rrVU< rail —■ want to. •alUltal m» U t |r*r» aad air Ul> WANrKD, mmU • Spices, -*mU IVt. I.-U*. W. Ill, llalfcaaa) III k. aa Ua • ttowrml li» I. » w. T fc. »f I*-N**«lar i*wv«l*fl« ll»iM«r latwaaka. Wa trklMraa »ua I* Ikr |*">l*kV4*. Ik* IHlWttr ml atagie r»flw Um> »»wr/*•» lillvU A K IUU A II. •««*■ I Now «ome of the render* of the INih lag n«n i4Wi K*Ui n««lk| Tl>ar»la» htv«l*tf. I' H ran aa i»« k aa »al a»l l*T7 »r1«ala l»r wl kit k'Ani r\ A TWi vlll to miW •• !**• *1 «rru »»»f» •iwl |li a— Uka of a*4 M Main* UIM '•»" la li. Iimm Aiound lh« World*4 Itaa •41 I TVif»l«i 4 Mr4 «»•»«4. I rrat'a laaalkalaatrk. rinlkp I "Vojrago lti«t a ran Im* *<>M w> at Ml ( a«W Ik* rkr |>un* *n(«r flixly »ltl»i>ut |o«lu{ money. M-r» I It llilL I. \ Ir'llaiV* ll«I.U that Intended to have %*rm*?. fc*.*w»" I*** •(*«•» •tailed and they Tha girl wlilla Joa> I 4 I J.**l M. lr'WlMr»«Hi«i<*l ■MWKl *»l tuaflh rrt-iar r»«alB4* wrpt copioiialy ATTENTION ha*r • lot i>l lliit for llti. « Alf»»l •*» 41 LADIES'««#»• t.hfMf aiil»kl*ra|iM>*l. Nijff amlv Ju.t MiW,l«ll> i|», all frpali.nk•• 4 »»l« 4»l Mitt flMi! nMltft at Mil mMI atartrd ollh It. are, aa It were, tlca atru<(Kl"t with tlila com- ( III'INh a r i^ww. »■ Thejr on* faraUkla* <»«r ra>lui#« ri)it«n. T..V4-4 44 ). A li Ha « «r.i> la llall tkiM r»VU» (««•( u« • MKw aul»«rrltier tor jrear. ►Iwmwlmt H> .hall hatprooufh, Miltml t«r afralil rali'l git -.»t arnall>fa>Ua'l»1 u I Uk Tkar»lat lrr-1 l)«t talfftll* nai|>i*i| In In an' »•»• < In «Ur iinMifi mt •» 4 ■nil. of Mrk a.Milk la Kt»r«..a Hall. to b*tl»| hha waa anra ah* ha»<■ V.r^a. ■ >!>! f»»rj UW» th*- tUkit which rntlllea Umii to the friMf. I'ul fifty fur |«rkrt •»l ■*«■!•**• «*a| a|-|-lw \ra \ r«r to 4] 1 lifWHttl r. mf II inaaft of lka»r>llr • A >"rk Agtmr*. KiM* f* I'trWi Halt ll«|>|i) «alar>Ut al uitaf Hall tha Mtrr hrrarli and that brr of the while their aiplalm-d for trouMe *U lli»*l»ai. Nr» K«rt I Mf, HcM|H>et fully. At* !-• « ..»«i»r4lT» rrtiWrt. v liifulrt Nffliw MNto|( Hrat atage )>Nirne)r, pay your Itall'llaf, IJ|M lirrd In atrrrt, M. f. Mrj.. of 4priit Um im CiMk; j train la under way anJ faat pulling out ami that aha km* tb*< loration of thr Hamlin db Sunlit In It-no. N- a«n la I.»1W » \ K tl r Uknl'W I "lav. ITT. of alght around lie curve. They de- It *en«l ua the dollar with the Bicltnoll, «A»* • Wrt < dMfvh >mulav court laranar alia naail to |«aai tUlly remaining ^ADKirt IIS KrIh *1., Inlitt*. IMNM K rwrtta Al thr «• Ihr ao-T UUrl Wa.|ae»la> ■ VtrMii}. ••nfrrfitkiiDil |;tnM llail. ar are knwli * » lated too long and now receltlug war a«-hool. "Vw ■/IALSAM Martla r«ralii| |{r*. Mr. lliiifhliHi t|rll»m«tl f«* ami tlx- Itemorrat will I* HAIR * aMrl s»« w«». •* ik» eewpoa p«n ■ Wturr <l r.H n *4 Ik* "telegrama" aaylng they Juatlra Cfoldfxgla Cti.| >. aaUwrUal knl a|Ml | «rnl t» iIm> nfv luliwritirr kIhmt naiw II. Ilu4inl l« 4t J4iDr* fa»<«» «k»«a kla «IU t rn, w.TiT"• V irf'* «lillln| IWaorrtl U V.»»a> aal are aorry they did not aate Art oupon lla.lta. who rapraaantrd Lamllord K< Hur I* i'* C>it» I Shi t V« OtMlo Hat a« kal' llbM d "V £■<» Haltrf Ifc-nnlaon A >on* arr running ««ir Mr. Korn oiuhl ||. Camming* of the aarne ao aa to be- rrry diatrraaiug • Id J. I'. I'lumnwr* iMItitt* other numtter, ng**rnH-iit the u» mill. flml mi t«*ttrr for thr rtar- for nrw auharrlher* 1 1° l*»»'tUi»«l 4oon to wlib the Art Hrrlea. opportunity TliU U glten CONSUMPTIVE ili>rr. n«l will C" from » THK WEEK IS MAINE. Siinnfl llarrlton ha* moved gin I •• N»l»f •!»!•#•» ii>«ir«« la shata'a l>u*itir«» ciaa of 1 mien <7. rtu|..i hi* to Ilila For the henellt of auch, and becauae ■»itlr, rn>t for rrwadi nor tranafera. hi* llrllflHD |.l*re. ara from thla Mtrr," thr 1 Will Krnnrt «iUI tikt l>ern "You may TNI MOST VPOHTANT STATl Nl*«" ri'llnf' II.>11 \ H. hlmNill ha* Nlkl ae aaiit imi one of our readera to loae from oue ! In Ihr iiiift. juaticaaaid. "bow pitialil* thr pliglitof nw tr»n«fer of • aulMrrtptlon KPiSfSSfMUi-tarifffT BRllfLV TOLO |>lu« H»«lh *U I li*l tin* Mil of all the Art «•. T. IWiuad. an old rr*l Irnt of the o|«|»«rtunity getting Ihla la. Tha Klrl aaya thrjr hara not a N».w iuh- Johu I*. Nattrr an It tuna Tuea family peraou to another la New York Tribune Vrndii iif-mln* aa we do that that hrr mothaf COWOMUlG. 1 I'arU, dav. Portfolios, knowing the) nrtthrr f«»l nor fori, GMAIfUl An niid waa (Urn a mr at of It makea our IWt im> longer. Weekly \>n Mnl llroan anl her brother, Will aril are a line thing, we bate decided to go ami fathrr ara ill ami brlplaaa ami luivr M-rlptkMi, hart) labor for t < liliumiu. Itajr I aaaawltlng 1 U 4 i.liln* at Itkbanln'B'i. la thr Mrjilim K Hrown. are vl*ltlng at Mr* nmniM hack and I No. I and J, mi nirana of auatrnanrr. It «« thr South Otford re|ieat oupona • nf I «luti Thr nrit iiwiiiif of la to EPPS'S COCOA < ||« I;. .11. III Witt's. araaoii, ami thara omlil IV pur|«oae of Ihf t-oupnn |mj * Or It I Chrlatinaa tiai, «. I»*r. \ III I* I IT hi tummeiu thla Itrat laaue of the year the reawlt of «wallowing a t*»or »hil« I Mr. and Mrs. Johu lluroham started Ing of la thr U no brttrr tlmafiiTthr nmlaa vou for a new name on i«ir IUt. BRCAKFAST— SUPPCIt. ^itiinUy, Jiau*rt nth, hkfh the aerk. The* with < No. 1. putting and eating for Florida the la*: of ou|M>n amu* to u»a that Mr. Korn 4t south I'«ri4. at i o'clock, ! It •>! I)» aaln rat hool roots, the «la- ran be 1 charity. "Bf a |k^ni«fti klv«Wil|r * «oiu- • III remain la the *outh daring of the Art IHirtfollae »l t»l Mr*. ,\ llnlri «.f Mnooxxith r. a. twavhrr* ami i.tfcrr* liirrr*tr*| Samplea • kk k pittn Ik* 'IMwUn All Wight" of Ik* -hi. i«|e b« M.r hr hiwrnt, ter. aeen at the I won* rat office, and we glte MMtntk**, M'l !•» • r#r»f«l nntt»l hating arr ln*Ur»l to Ttia airriit hrhl up U>th hamla In Jiro- I <•<« Mr ► cordially Ihe rice I lent aleddlng la U-Ing lm-1 Dm |ih>|»itw ill «*ll wlni>i| pp* of llTilr l*arh our word that aa III never re- i«l • l«rtUllv deranged. Kml |\ir(*(liHi *|* U««lt, M*f*n llkddeford | M| I* (rfrlualli balU a.UI *k«>u(k I'ffliiT* runalahlea. *k'f» ln«'Teiaeil. but a valuable and I am doing no mora than my duty. Mi« lururf of |io«toii I* 1 Wiling Ml** an entertalument ki mUrort l« 'IImw llua-lrMlf Ml** Mooalun aivl her aUlrr tUlted not thr rrnt. I can- «• r»»li An tirang» r devlarr* that the j and Tbry hara paid ..(•uMw MtUitlM ei|*r1 l.ulul 00k. laatlng education for vouraelf your | a Wr the* at their huw la liurhtoi, V II MM I | Mi » th»rvi«t lt»r» 1. «nk HM Maine dim are now larger than b* thr 4ta- m>t It." w m* ChrooUl*. |.«MI*hr.| famllv. balp msf »"•!• M«l • fatal *kafl k; ■i as. at tha rhlhl who a • ere in the day* of the Jr««*er» •trnt* of thr high *«hool, «a* t**urd Tba Joatira |<«>k«d •aim »»H fwrtii**! altH pa»a Mw.l ta>l ^r»f «h<* of »«(» oMalnrri Ir«ln( I. hirlnf. s«M^>«n|isnlnt The are real work* lw«nlr««*an ( to Hat ana, lia* I through plrad a tlh a«Uf Milk W ONE YEAR, Jaoiea Knight hi* father, a|4 U«rln*. on a line of M»li ala^li •••llla« • of thr h««*lnr«« nunifrr, Alton *hrrlrr. art and are quality a frw morr nmlrr tbr r»if lih«rf*. i.l»lk»l 'Jt, while a roof of *oow hri*t- and «aIII find no-lit In printed fur data ■■alf I* kail MMl lib* kf leartnf relumed einjiloi <« in. n..*a.~. hf H |* Umiii I* rrfrliln^ »H(Jr*fU- There are It! page* In whrrr thrra waa tirithrr tr»«l nor lire. ik.* jtiiM i rr«* n»a* l»al, aa« throat to the ground tlie line durlnf tlie wloter heaty paper. a-1 a «>ii. lnlwjr Waikl*. | nal«. I mgla lea fr>>ui latlona oa thr birth of "ami tr|| palkUl a *now*lide and rerri»ed injur | ■KHlths. eat h portfolio neatly hound In |i*iuphlet "Uu hoina," ha aahl. ji«r IV ll4M> l«rrO r ohkh he died. |«>|il* IlllprOI are a hara until the Ort t of I he hl^h *«h*ge I* |-3vlo .1-4 ln« he«. luotbrr aha may Wnlma^ay I 111A thr r\i-rilrnt ittflM >>f thr |^*t Ijcriim* aa the eien- rvnt." |ale i« talking lUml a «an vefT lotereallni{ At I'rlds) IV retail of tbeae la .V« night to pay Ifcir IV«(iie I «r»k. «aa oalhi price portfolio* It la that the l*( URrtlDf llir ne*a Irttrr* at thr I'ari* |mmI I which vie offer thl* tw | nl to the loung men la the Portfolio No. ara riniTlnr* the hlea an.I fruit* In AiwmImI aaflll Jan. I, I v,4: |>n>fr**U>n* JtuliraUuldfi'gl* mtitlnurd. "I'll to fa«1on than In other railing**" The dl*|>utsnt* wrrk for the aecond time conlalna }H ikrMlr iwl [mint the make «aiming |>ai. Mr, Ura A Il4i*a.« It that tbia family baa a Chrtatluaa 4 I Ji • llirr? Neirr* and which II I. ultto Price nf lb* )»-h<-t<>gra|di« dlallnguUht-d peo 1 A !.'•* kland gardener rraJt UrMlUkn liouod*. N« I. N i dinttrr." IVU* of tin* Tribune j^r )• ir, m C*tlie, or with a«>iue warmer * with almoi are more leaa fa- waa thr VIGOROUS H[ALTHr0»MLN j«are length of araaon I turvo l.i|**rd*and l-en* llarrlman. |inide«| pie you Tha agi-nt krmly affrrtad ty t K J «Um> to ** «llMea. lie haMe«trd the Ar»t prm|u« | In tlie afflrautlie. I*4i»r hr Je**le miliar at follow •: gtrl'a atffrr»»l mi «-p|aaitlo« • iiiuMnH Itfkvof |l»r t»«i |>«|N>r* 11 < HARRIS* Ma» and 111* hrl*tfU4* l«ir »rr* plra*aot- — Prof. of hi* garden. radkahra, I, j |«i*kI t*ln*aiore »u.l lleiijimlo llronn. lit. The venerable of the tba daclaton. N'rw Vork llrrald. i. tlw thrrr juallcea laat »eler*. l»eveinber It. It *4* iiWnnl by Man Ileal, of the lltugur < otutuervUl Muni aiMuru product, wupreme Court of the I 'nlted ftt ttea. In AT HALF HA Tt IN A BOX lhurnyni>ff I an I of tb« Ir black robe* of office. ku l«r* »•«<• . k* Mm* IIM W. N. IS»arr4. K*i| alfr, Mr*. Wetih ia4 |. pfi Wf Hl»r Ihr I ho lor •1.7*. Mrret. 1*ortland. aai entemi >ut»«l*» T. L A Nakiaaka Naa'a wlallaa -i ika CroWlaaa lar«iul*rn<«va. II la »• MM »•*»»■. m N'*rr, 1I1M frlra4* hrr* thr »«t I "he Mr*. Cleveland wIhhii • an r%- Mr*. I^>«>asrl Mint I* f**t lm|>roiing. 2.1 lovely «.n>if>l i»r«uik«. M a aaaakaa iv*aM) nr night and a 4u«lit it» of gwwda of mt f haaa KalUwaal Vraaal. mrTk Ml* I* Slid the ho«l*e. met. Itftl >ift«l*ai IV ■■■<*»( xa.iil were takrn. T«« I M|» hate ■« tiniatrd »aiur of fii • you perhapa already n a Una to •II *(M, ka*" *1 Mm la lit* In—ftI w II. C«n>V h%4 a •l" k The tl*lieiiiM *h« tl*li North aol takaiMiiiia. *H* iiw ti I.or • rr» *u*|» of 31. The Prealdent of the I nlled WMl 4*klHf w|«>a of t'hiUlrrn llr h<>i<|« f»ithnm *ftrr- h • IQirrttlan, Wy, at whi«h |a>int tlw *Mln*a*. kr <■*•* ktla vwl amiiaa,!■•• I ra- it» '»i. «*!nr Mo* .ftlw-inhtl • re well |>*l«l. K. II. t'limnilng*, ooti|.:». M of t with whom > ja* lit MMrratliHl 1*4 rtcfc.ad n<«in from t li to 1 In thr >Ules Mr. leteland, you haa an ... I «<*4try Mill A*lama oom|iaiiy ti ma. w..« ... *4»mr the atolen In hi* ilkrser, Will itururr, T«omhljr Kipr>«a I* |KI kakila. M«-l II I* ki lkr«* Ikal mm n*»r a f»»wlf of gooda |*a*r««|i»». hi* a da** tlir M } chnr»h. llr al4o luie the he«| *ui«t**, hate alreedt shaken hand*. AUait two wrrka aaf" a man callial nil., a turn lk*l •Ul. kf lllllml artkM **i« Ik* Ml mt IM to the Democrat, Paris, Me. that tkei ain> to and Mr|| <*alli|-a<>n may u|a>n M( Address all orders lie a*arrt»l gitvn U a (!r«t-*li** ni«i- In Muaaf *r-l filb, |kr fl l< IW *ll« »( Imaw.H'flli* <1fam t*l i*«.n U* HI k* llr sIkhiI • and i t leteUnd'a f r th» Atured |iUk«trl 4th. Il»e ablnet of Hr. Mr. Hmlth. dap.4 agrnt r*lri. k Mrabaa * laa#Maf IMiMaa feMilt a*d maagik. hint, 10*11*411*11111.4» *|«h him MMvni. •W un, 411*1 c<»kl l hruttu** dar. in lu lh> alh •( Mr t > >*> hori<|>>tit* with a ioin|l, |N«r |p, gtaer I our \'t I N.. | front I urnul administration splendid I'.ipnra lit "Mt lH||aH| re art* t hrWlmt* tree* at tlie 11^*1, • k* I "he tha rial of a !■•>. *II*hi 1 4i> «r»i *o of Mr. I leveland In •iniml ahlpping la Matkro In* (t.Wlkf •lh«( Mr Mm I r« \t« l "f I thl* «ur I | || thr |mMUh- different I'bwrrh*'* Mood** evening. All photo by Nruajf « alant fM to Hbrti- • ••#. • ilva mtl a*lnf of Ihr llriiHHral |th Im wnghiiig |aMimta. W aa I l*»ir HO"!■'< M*«alM. k'KkiM ia •» Ufl • rll with I lie the centre. ll^iarail. |N- |>i Uw a Ifr •.( |«tlln< |>atr<>nlre«| I'ligrthrr aaa that It wuuhl IT, *i| uI ri|aa*» •<•! I kualal Iai4 M • I>o IWjuMIo kill HM»th*. "Iw ; irtit• If t«i 41* n»t mm-W *n.l dan. Ila lulcriiod |a>l«>n<-u* fully lltersrv e*erid*e« and all neat Mevenaon and l«*iNI, I •»« wal |4. ti«t.-ui>«; tou l» at- ut la In* XI. lu Iha «lfr aa If «-arrlr«alv Wft tlw liquid «nh |>hntn(i i|>h4 to tlie h<>me* fit, H««(l ■M la aml»« Ik* (all dUim« a«4 Uka k*k lh* lr ie*|ie« greatlv |ile«*ed « nineteen memlwra of the I w ■i.ihnl.a I. f. .»m (rain t ft ii a** ah laufMrr M* a*aaip 1-4 Ik* Mwt r*l«r>.< •( Ik* N*l*ft*al d two and • half «rar« «M, £<« hrr n»lhrr knrw vmle. • Him la a IU iMi'K | lr<|iint hol'l of II, and hrflnft I —try. ton lirutal < o||rge fur tlie tiolld*«*. MpttM wratfoft hn tirfhl th»- till hi lb* Ntt-IMm. |l«i>l l»a Mask. In ail** »•*«. a*»J Ml ►Uninl WVIIIIJ thr j l» V-* |u iw «ilf uf Sr«l H»l aa»*k im lot a— N» MaiiMf II aWa at—I. < • ■ II thr > hIM h«J t »k«Mi a •Irink fr»in I* sl*o Ihe u*ual Mh. I'wrntT imniticn of WW kk-V»«ar. H, ntor t-if nthip Company, Johu Kreu* h enduing |>roiulnrat It utll<«K II, talhr llhaft C K. *«, vB0m ■»)«>< W(kl daf* odlege thr lion*** of ItrprraeutalWr*. |>r< |T l» ■ *M II uUiiMia art hi. arid In of all m»»ll- Vaaaai *!■*■< ImaaH IriMil iictlM tb* utH»lMrr Dumlirr. audita plaiT. mi l>«nl th* • %Mk ■ I R Hh -—* «*■-■- — and I Tth. I'hr |'rr*ldrata u( ihf I'ultrl utnllalrljr |>la< «i| ijr«aa |ih lu iia* «tfa «>f trratiurut thr died that aftrr «>r I• ♦■■nl hirii a> i-*l j{lrl »-ontent • are a* in«tru« tl»e and rnlffUl#- Mr »" I Mr* n. u,4. ||. N«i«t< r * alaf aiiklk**>* of thr I'nltnl |>rr|«t»lurj taking Malta. dtraalkaaa l"» Baa*. TW MMO. • » I % I I lit* »r»-k. ■»t«tr« ilurr the formation Florida •lull ill* I in tliwu ln( •• u*ual The |»thlt>Oi dU|>litnl I or BotUH) yamfry. mJ N»»w Y"rk From *o and Ulrr U U«'WLr« r fur A. I.. A II •• • From • lUrt v. »h«» f r \rar* are tundaoOM and l%«ll«-a Vr |- SUIn. A i m« g Tim «ii ati nt frrt lone ami MARRItO Wa laafa Um aaiMr *1 a« h««» ik4 trt «• lh*-ir winter K <•«•••. »'II* • C'««*»r it 351# so kn<>« i. a* thr trrror of thr Nirdrr. ha*. mpleted *ih. Hi* rit Ik-aa MIM Ika li*> utal loaiaMl nis wimer ■ fwt wiilr ami wrlgltnl 173 MM* l<> raim<4 Mlrr thui (ulloa KIiiim I tum-r. of till* «II- potimla. iamdi I IkM I-f -t Tick*! wn»- • iIm*- thr UtU in Portland ami *ar>ltvl>*< fomtrrl) 1*1 aM«*| Utal r«k•<•* A*k »r«r> Atf*f>t * lra«ta< knoan liumMTi now In uffltr. t 'w a Mr jr-4ir In • hi»k"« *• t" #IJ. I*» ami It • iNiiUk, INt fl. I< II M our attlMf k» laa»*l ik«a aa |mI Ikal Ikap »* *ritl»-d i|-«»u on a fariu a the iltlrt i>f tin* mouth. I *tuU of U(r, ha* thr Thurlo** loarilliiK Fhr ij.r««a M •, V.l.mI Y>rrkt£r»oik. lairl Mix till «•( I MtUI a if I Ml»a \rilla ara M- fa I.',. If lalafaakd lk«a u«ra>l*aa Id 4 imUD ««f%, * LMMI », »re ■•tli l'rr*»«lral liarrl*«>it ami lit* nb> ffrrr a matt *Im«— MmtitT tin- UCHAtOVNI » ii. .1. • »*> ■!> linr In « auada and •in«-v and little folk* ilw II "U«» ll Mrvhahl-' I *11* |hiIfr«a miii|-*ny iu|>tiHK IlKtaliiftl ftlh, |>tr tif «i. H »*.|..n I M> if «l I MlMp a If I TW» a#a aa f..lW«.i |i«l ar*r i.u, l<4 lifr for two illurilultt, OM mn IHv wIII la Ihr urer fulur* (Itr t Th* tram in I /rn. htil hi* «liarr of l"tli I'romlornt otaMtah. inlvM i. MlMWUkai ki-Mlka. hatio< |>n*«>o IJrj.uMlcan*. «luly Ml.a *t*ltal »«t of Ml*-.. I'U. UIl Mlillltf** •n,H«rii»r kriri'i Mb* a at • niH*r1 TIIK |Mt pdtf mi >r*r« oi«l. Nut a Yalaotlue IVa. and the other |rt ami rtitrrtalninrut other !•! < I tl 1 » Ilr U now niorr than Mu( Illh. I'romlornt l>rmli. SbrriiUii Mil thr l«.|. auto!)* It kami, Um P. IU» tt|fll. Ikil k» inn l»li II « • l«r*i Ika daiitaff f Ikd • I • of hi< Trur-I o»e «rl I'trlt while a third u- II U taaaiaaaa* an-1 A lira II I w I'n.l air !..» Ik 1X1MI «• iiiIih »rr\ ttllo «i»«l «tr»»n for wai ut)l<«i|n| fp-iii Ihd ri|>r<«* * Im-lgr do/ro <«rnrral* f«tn«>ui *itk* f»«la, It »«mll» Wiiarhrl. In* h Nn II FaatllWa kf akkll. I( «f \ iN>miHi*4-f »l IU «a« t»ut tertaltitii* tit for the m<>nth I* I.lnwr «hii U lxi«l- 12th. A ••■I mmimI Uv Irwl «r». At uar tlatr Ik- «rll off. |>rutid«*l Abhnti, attrmtlng th» I •»< '»-l I in. *a >» *ar ami itnfwl In th» il«j«>t an-1 • a«all, laaa-rga II !«*• aal I luki nUlt "f in a Puortv or llard-Tlno* An ir« In I* til* war. Ika .ul k* mM It all out tnla| to aavv hitu*rl| l**ity. (i»llr^ rn)»)lug tli* Ik tlnaaliat. |ta* 9 •»»•»! (MM I»i !»••* |«i lM||S * M \ II* II, Ulr f MlkM, iUfi lorkril. M Ik* aaf»*«. Pf >- of thr It* article to the time* W on IMtlUn *1 IxHtir -ta-iarl II l-oa#. r lltrilaia, aa-l I.IHUa pa It Ml I I «kll !»•»••. I Iif I'llkf k>l M |W from thr druiand* a|>pro|.rute I3tli. Olrhralf"! I nU»n tirnfriU. «"f aa ao hour Aifi t W«»«l w k> »»«f» I** I lien. ait I another Culillr I ll>r»rT ilwa In ali ul half I >Ula#aH <*f aWrluel U* 11 • k Table and IUM I r.|U«|- IV N»rait 1.1 J M*aa*l*ll k a * a M«f>i*4 iif BUY YOUR t#m In th» Ilth. Kamou* t ixilrolrratf tirtiffaU. lb Nrt.lt Paila. |>n |l. l|»* T I»WI4pI b) Ita r*Ut< *«l I itr*r«a**l Im ■ »ia Tlifw data ha*r o«vu|>ird ■ i« M h«t *>o for the air I tv *ltlf Tlii* arrk ft ft % ll»r*. It waa inform* <1 that tb«i lk*a vMk aalalak If rvaaii* la i from 'liilart I'.arn ta>l Nmw llinay, Mkul tuall >a Hliit|Mi Ida* lawllMf r*i«»»l. a«i ||..m a >-■ ktu aa J « <>«iDl» JudUUl * «nirt *»t Wa all a*adiaa iraala nal kt and Ki>. ^u|>r«n»r la the Household |(eiH»% *tUmi «rfie« Irn l«rr ITI.I I>| umltfl I I* l raMMl ■ ». i, Irllif r»j*mlnl It) ajar, --a a**d id ku*». I J * ftanllh at aa tka«r ad l»n k«al kr I * il Kinnrw thr tar of larrot-r I.. |(- »r«r lu a law It iNaaitik. IVr M. l*| Ik* |4». I«1 MIAMI tnin* there U I'f *« th ai aud valuable lli# town ia*t afrrrahlr l*-tli. Korvljjn MlnWtrr* at lV«»hlnff* that I urglara »H' at work rubbllm All aaliall n~ a aMwlal a*d a*u«M ka «rr*u« thr ItiHilaml la laal'lrara, ll«rtra I* Rlila of Ibtuil. of rh. •■•..ton, on a't I lie • Inlrr a frr tin! t>rr|i tkHi I low to | l |m|>er |i4«"»l l«*( It thr The at (On atHWl ,a»l k.~ lllil ..f hrvakftatl triri'i »1»r« Mk' • I*«( • «•••..• C, * «\ |»ho|*ter, loo. |>la> a*»i»tam of ral turn, Cliiltti 4 for «-|altUrd t'V All Ihf* f»r Ira rent* and I ti lxa aa I I lllian M lalrlaak*. U4h REMEOY CO.. Mff. tniMi iif llll>*r| a l* I !«•«« iHii|Mni itamigra ntlua nf lilrli. l'ht*i«aH ulture o»n- irntajjr «i>uli| hr (lirn onljr Mark m^AftfUS »f fr»> 41# firf |lv thr» thr .. **» TOU CUT. I T. il a far thr li>r for • flu • Nothing ww foiiml ilia- Ik lakiirr, • at In ttir »}!»•-• a it-1 * >. •• Ik* o>r)mraiiaii |ire**ion of the Kmotlon*. In \ri»«ud the l**ur art I •••ml It In Ihr |>uMI*hrr« «»f Tlir follow Iiik wn k *r •lull |irr*cnt Alkra Khkarli vf Mail* •>. llallt* In Ml I >ler» »«r*l, !•* «lt * ca*r ha*riiit< t-«i » thr Ouiaha U>i. It wu fniW alirgt-U IV Interest nutter* trri If hhi trt Inrla*! |>t aala af Rwaafurl la* .I|f».|» Kl- I |- (ihifaHllr. few-Table varlou* u.jf KnKKrti with rnla, « 1 a tiumUi l<> jou arrlil>l*h«>|i«. ardlnal*. fn»ui it IVMmiI lav |a, \,y Rri I, Wain af ImlrMril Ik »•*»!■ •' •• I • i«r rd uiu« h Intt rrat, aixI l l»>rn forrad are dl««m«n|, ami the fullr ulUAnl ami |ik««r« arrrritalnni, K «|>» |>rf liirn, author*. —l|«OWW. o'lit'iil* tftw !<• oti thinf* that *hould t* left un**ld will !>• |>ha»l«n| HeDron 1894. IT l»»i»li l«ll«n. 'I ll» i»<» 1804. for thr I tar al Ita raa I-lr af Iba Academy. mtMi« im tfiairr, K"i a|>| earing }>UintifT, le article* on a»-trr*w*. artnra, wu rritl* vsamlDnl, Ik Ikliitrr. II, I«». Ivu. i«i of jfrneral *er«lte. T1m» tin*i altl rrfuiiil V"" tnonry. mllllonalrr*. (Jurru ; Wtnn th«* Ui« ally M anJ J«»hn ll for tl>r itrfrndant Ha'* (taa-latulfcar. Ufa % It aa-l, k? Ma* Uinfer Term Opi N. loljfrr ilre«* fabrU-a, aud milliner* Itn. I- In urr on thr thr I'tlno* M«lra and hi* wai that ixi lu*lnininit ha«l <.f lh>rt A trimming C. AiifrH'i Victoria, It f'Kirxl l| II «I»M «iaa..« llak* laluttr.tal ri'»r l»r»l.» Thr > m Kobin*ot> ilawifn In Tll> |li*a MM gt\r are Invaluable to dre**m*ker* and mil* ••World'* lllu«tratnl hr Mi« kkaatea af Pa • Im II.m lair", fanillt. and othrr*. l»*n n«*l frem thr oUtalatnl. Jk I gr a I 1'riil 4l« Iff Ik wr a CoTrf. IU• II I lllraai % I Ihr third wrrk *hall |>rr*ent Mrkult. im—il tk ln»»l > tn.ii.i-ii ii Arthur "*r«4ll of tli» Kite* the Ule»| Information aU*ut tliewe I'tw Inlurrr |M|| l<*-r tn*irrr« I" htcatfo Itaaarll. i«4h uf *->aUi Jan. 1894. Co. K% I'rraidrnt thr ln*t«|o at oor rml *a< ( lain altar aa I Mia* llalllr 2, N. Dayton Bolster & crochet- »«^rnr* mof» an r o| luiurie*. letter* of knitting, lhriHi(li |Ih> lntrn*r|jr Inlm-allng few royal prraona hrtfln Parte. M M l'lll\N» \. Ul« II '••H, lv |u |a« arm tin of a man a M. 11 I I t h }>rtut •*- t M Ik tlw old (»nri|, hit hi'l l»n< rt|rrl»iii ing. tatting and netting *111 rtn I mu< 4nil In a InlHtr of urtrljr laulmurtilur- our IratrU la forrifa land*, tratrl* that la Ml I I .•»•!■, 'k* b« ft 1.4 alt* of lb* tail, tin- Wright anil lb» >aa limli k |l« r» hn |MiM|*l | Mr va»ll fia* l»*i that I* (tea In the |»«|iera on the «ut»je*t*. mIiWIi linr tlir «-lo*r*t attention an Tbr O'tO ruin roil In r*Hr*>a«l I i». ««-l »ik c*»«t* tw*Otf-*ll wrif mflbitiit to nation « 4.H It ». •« '• 1 LINE OF to orator thr f fair* A LARGE ■<* t foi \ tbr I Ml thr fill " ■ kit MM«blnl with thr Malnr rotral *ub*frl|4u>n (Urn *|*-«L>r, grralr*t f«*>t|>rinta imaie-ltal# |-« «i»l II U) a ...I orrkarl « an a«»ra«r. • « rt o>«itaim*l mi* « illm-t<>i mil 91 a tear. fifteen *41 «rri). I li«»»r tin «k*lln|lhr « luaklHI Ik man* mrt II* ltr«t .single tv|>le*. *(aln ir tut' WILL la llartf<*r»I frui* I ui< « (■> M« 7 aavalka aa-l II Rata (rail* lm I*. I«a|.Jiwl I II I IiiUI In anil no tr.| |.mi dent In ivntt. aorora lllu*ir*tn| ami rt|il«lnnl pro- huiuan Uin*. ami that uj- ti luaarrival ^r-l aj }ran, ••llMf Hihm» a»l l«ra la fair repair W l»:i. u* on around tlir Part*. Itar K. Mra JkbUnl. W. |Mnn«*r ho«r with thl« \ojra(f ■ * la Al«|tll a|al ar* r». n r« K«ll al m »M»»w •' H1" 4krlkl 1^*1 that date br at i* flolrj Aum-ni iltr In lur« rfnt. I who at th* rn«l of thr !»«• a• i■ |• I till •«> f|l»f kra At |ifw> journ* jr •• »raia a»l • n »o- wonderful <*ilualr>l uw H.IW Al-inir* Ml!U I*. Tr« VH S.».«• !•»• lull IM II J*-lgW ilrnt of l|«r I'ortland. Ml. I"rwM nM: l*ubli*hlug i v. limited H> Ka«t Four- •tail at liotur Mfa furiibljr rr- world. iou will many on-r t«ith«» Ik fta-wlk Wlaaliliak. |tar |a. I liaW t. It*r Ill mki •l-l-.^hl.-l MTJ th** Ian, walknl Mite* fru« Kwi»f»r-I •'•lie t RH f ••«' r-l ia-1 MUM oi'Hwl I haita* aa-l uf l«tl I. vl'. h«Mi lotkl) u I llr ha< teenth street, \ew \ ork. mluiinl of tlir ml>«ni. 4ifa af I'm* iltt|Mrr -t » «tl fill *». T«»Hrt '•|ial>>r lit Ik I •»«!» iif M hia< MwimIkmI oiii|>anT grrat thing* tlir) tiling*, rnrrt tu«ny crlrbratfd |>rr«on- a •iHiMlr* Kllklrkd .if \.I»|I onlatltnl It ami illwtj.j- ami awl I l*rwl*ar, aaa»l 0 irart twalki *nh oiln-r TV (iffliff* of I l»., • K Mar? llnant > fowl, Ma • «l|llMil\ Dhlll I, Mrii|«»iaMr, al*> hrrn rwaiminl r*tlruad< <>iii|miii "a|»t. will not |o*r tlm. aklrl». Ktm» a|r«, aid jfou any Thcr» ar«« many tbmMia I «h« r»r I. I»» (1il>| UHil •• Ik and imU IV a I". *»nillh. 1*1 l.lrulrnant I S. \k«*r* ami ft I aa-l I I* Ml-I nkkl). llkr tf»r \t< hi«>n. lo|*ka IV l|ou*eulfe, of New York. I* Mr tal Mn l IVutrnant II- K- Am« atlcmlnl |>nr|aa» ..I *411 In ata I '"tk ahrrr monthly frel like doing araill lrl>k*t In Ik nUk llllW III IM I ir. S um- hrllev* that Wrrt Ik lw» f I air I. Hljkl a<»»l Krult (lUhr*. ak t.rai.. fi line*. llr aai i dlmior of tfw for the fre*hn«•« and worth of rlnilmi of ullkvnof thr l*t arrantfriiirnta lalirxl, \*|ikln«. lataw»|lalr lainral, ml Ikw ki» *a; without, reglnirntal aara I" 4) • rr»m Nl«. IrHillrI• Ikrrwa k ••MMI Ik >aiM «u *-■ I in «I ir|.| ol a at ISirtlaml ft'. II. cut out »rt tat fmt !«• r< It th« ri|ir*aa roni|iaiiyt Itar A a>a» I IN-a • •«la-r II In* M> entral (•f« It* «-*>nt*iit*. It I* evidently nlltnl br llrgtmrnt Friday. Katli week llir coupon In Ik llarlfopl. |4. atfr-l r<>«ri«. l-4» I I M I* II III*«» »;. at Mix ri'Uii Ikr I*. thr K*«trrn lliilr «rar* I genial decl*i«e hand, the |*u»<>crat and aeud In u* «llhtrii a--a ..f It.I II «u ft liM«. |tm|trn an«l tent* written who know their •iflk*, • > i-xra*. I taar, I atualk* aa-l la by c*nt» a ad will rec*l»e Ibr art anl I a<*'l (ilotr*. Vim1 Ijimi|»«. <>«a '•« Ik llnai ial<» \r« Nra of Ihr Ut Imitation al*liiK ■ I f., -air lor lk I >.*4iii» uf llkli nl w i l t *4ui<° m the Itar fl. Ilarrlrl W. Hiltnlar land ilac* I ; and of thr Portland atx 1 and de«oratk-u* are la eacelleat ta*te IIr\ ant of 11i.|.|. fori. M»)-ir of tlir f»llo of number cou|>on la \urtaajr, «f Ma ii«.»* «l Ik »*l tk "I Dal. a ••I tk llrnl Uittalloii. tfl T* (ran. || kualk* aa-l I iltta. Mnl all -I likar, KarlMarthe* l**i All thr rallrun* w bile rithrr tlie Ilea I til Iioij.t U<< |'in( M-n.| u«, of "Hie World and It* war > Hi ii|i II |.m you In any rvant. b« laat tho rail Ik fcwaway, |trr fl, Julia lluM-a, i^a-l PAHI*. U.*.| •• Ik »n I noI'TH la *al I Kiaali.•krv«u*tnr*« ha* hrrn lu add UK to til* would m*ke the trart it»l t» I am to de|«rtment re|Kitatloa tin- famou* work « ut a fir th« Maya. prrparril k ll»i»l r» m. iwli al' I»r«iai la |Vo|i|r lay >uullj(tlt," *>t half of far* K U« -llirrta, t'U*iiir«* at a • f a of company Ik RaiklrM, l»ar tl, l-Mt? llaltaaaa, ••( Mi l 'Uraw I l.atli la Uualte *hi|»l>ulUlrr. tuifiiitie, lirin( full fre*h. «lr«i| HirnUh Ki:» Vl\ kUri lulk nklr OBITUARY. Introduced by that noted (ritrlrr, farr for • human twin*. alivwor tail M ) aai a. atl in.-# mo ••; •!» I»a» •rllaU |aal>an 1 raw r, iNi n Tl»>taa* t<|uant trrUI and HAKVKY iNHMit. LL l». «*•! M j rara *iakk Ik anla-a, |ta« T, Mra Mrrltalll af '• alorW-a much alm»r tin* Irtrl of o»« THE PRIZE TRIPLETS. 1'niWf. la Ikr I ••ualj *!t»» Mfc» tia» i in Mum Mitrr* tin ««m ordinary Harvey of th* otdeat ami Kuh w III contain hi al-lvaullla Itk Vaail |i' 71 )aar*. f la Ik* Till mlarrtl'l Irnli) (-ill portfolio paf*« tt,t|al fi.r Ihr irar l»»l I » Ib* d*>iuratU' »«trk i «»uu- aa-l Hj|» mt Mala*, Ibal k» Idi la** ilah • f|->T»-l*»l > rradiug. Fancy '*•1 kwmu rltiiriit of Wurtfilrr <»tf*rl. • • *11111 KIIOIHI IN \VrrttW-*t r'aUr, C.E. So. Paris. It II* luaa >•( IVrtu •ml |a>iim»l M«* ln»»l f I'lultMrUnr hi rii» • a ui<>«t llw TIiim. «J BRETT, ImMMmmi* « iuiim. hrutma* Dwtrliln In a of Mi whole ifi|r< will make valuabh- Uaal*|IM ifftl ;aara • l-. l>n> Mialrt, profutlou I Mr. IV, at til* advanced atrut yrara. ftauk NaUila, Tl l*»l. In Mlla ••mmlttr-l Ntoif "I Ik Pat it, l>ar M, Mra i|***, l»l| I IMNI MI' II |lklb» gract-ful daaitfua. Mr. IkHlgr ll»«-d (iillnlloa. For your j ma I I'l hlw l*.al < •••Mr, 'Iw>»'» I. by |KIk< in rr« «rr tolU Ima to tralu Hill- i »kr» lit* •tra«l to Nitration to llw fart that la fttailaik. Maaa, Mr CntPlk fnataal, i r«UI« '•! »M I"• iH«4r \»lihni*dri>rli«tf l»ru mmul «urlln| Kii*nfwr ltaa«Hi M-ttlnl It" yrara ago, .the Whitmar*h —near l«« aiiitnitton I l» I"«». !•» Ma ••Mil- It-lrMrl lull* b] Ik a t-.a, ftlcrrt (a. UL I Ma- It. alhkila* <1 In Ihal » you *hould have tin* aerlet, lso) a«4br l« hrr* (lira «lr aa-l Ihw al.. bat* ah tlw of o*irt» (nun the U« »ourt -1. 4 I f> itutr*. TW Tollft. rdltril and lntffMl«| lo complete M trtxala un|-all i-atmral. clerk |) tvlng dr*|dy acrkul- "In are not the om» which hare lUrtra. talla uf llartrj l|i>u|Mua, i|a«l jrara aal il«i;i* an r* h|l || Ifcr *4IM l.i *hould the only If Uw mii I lair*. Ialrit«< Irnxfi U ll»f">a l» h>*k luteieat lo and you wlir opportunity aa l I U»r »f aall •-•» IUIhK lhi« |villk««»d * |iur«ulli, fmt lired to celebrate their At im4 la Ut Iht Iiwarrr l«r l*b. l-« K \\|l%l.l. I. majority. — (•al litva and "ll<»* to « "\hHlli, •• Ala 4 «>art »f l'rnl>4U baH II limn Ihr ro«liig hU farm. hu It »a« one of bow. If you arc (Htln( the •Hkla rlrflilita NmwIIm already Edinburgh <«• morning in August, I'art*. •liiilh aixl fur IW ••foifurl, I.IIU, » awk "IIoiim* UrMinak»r«" ar» »ir«i I'l omnlv. (>.«Mf 'ixaaillmrn( of >ai.| •« i -tu ia.i »i nmtr fr iii An«lo»rr to KumfurU Kali* \»»uug." itf >iiti»«N.l tin- lit iuu to Ihr I utrom. it »i urt.r Ik-mocrat all Im«< do U to aate l"-.11.' wife IhrlMpI I'll"' I l» !"• •• *111 I* Iral |-«> how to iuaa«* and ora> of Mr. 0« Marea, wahb- Tm»»Iij Ihr iralfWIr U*r.| l'ati«. «uhl* aa-l f»r in* >>nili »l iiif.tri, Thrloam of iihI lluntfon I taught Iuii|IIm> at one tiiue revrUed a aa audi, ..»» ► H <.f NAKMMiN Itrlwlltf lnlrtH aa-l (imnlutn and art- Ihramwanl .1 In. A (> I-« Mt •kirta, Ihr tr«t of a arlUlnmil jruur coupon* pennlet. If you maker and j« weler, surprised her hus- tat* »f I III*. .W^a—I, ha« faithrr N4W I* thr nitil. IV county «<»uiui« br tlw Wurrntlf Agri ultur«l ^n-lrtjr. t.MIIITMtY til*'fra, Mill MM I 1 Hilar* H •aalvaat. » a'M.inwr aa it* uptHMnl Wood ! hrf M llkiVHit I I • U» •••<* |a a*l • ■•in»ii »« uot tlir u« him For fwr al tA .f •M>i»rr« driiknl fbr iimI Atduir IW tianlrn full uf Mr. tiNik lutrreal In f> Trail- jgt ttltig Itruwut arnd your band liy pteeetiting with tliplvta tag |im*Wl |«rlllUMi ■••blt< aarthia > •!»■* i.f III N J \ M I \ t W 11 l"V *«. I prtltMMi. |«H>ajr. I^xljji- great Proposals •* (aidarUn ktrtl I •Uk of mM li iaa'ai| -I al !•« Mat I fur of IW I'ffMiml Ik >Ut Jaa l*», Mt ou — I'ni|>uttl< furaUklaf I--** Ihr 4 la —l-l ■!*«*a*» l. ba»la# |ir*«*nlr-l to IIk court drligltlful *uggf«tU»ii« d#»"oralUr Itovou *t»iui and «o« daughter a (i>at UN of Ihr « •Ill I* intlihl thai mM «i.r a«4tra of ixaly, a|>|ir4lnl «u(>rrmr )«m1WUI ing |»a|*r H«M liK lh» oaaljr. OKPKKKIl. (.i>il..aer aflrmtani. a •Uiit* and flowrra for |N> dkntor-tahlr herd* of |N>fMI rnthnl for which ibx waa rewarded rv- I.. IW N*-lrr*l**»l wall. kauidif Jaw. •, I ha aaata la all |ar«'»« l»lrrr<|r>[ Ihmli, 1 a|>|x |»rr- M-ut for or ?.*» ceuta by duly >«• *ai* I Iot aHnifca ••• i iu«»nfjr )<»u II.Sll |irr year « a'* lark r. m. TW »—I I.. W HUlM * >f IMa ufiWi llina airli a ar»«l iln I'lrJ li f<»«l, (Ot Inrtiif, lif' rrlrtiiK th«> Win tit* Into II* 'llfrrrM >WI* ..hiii a •mtaus for *li luonttia. royal tiouuty. »aw«*l. at.l|| aa-l |HM lulkr OtfoH l>riMat«l irat)>»(af 1 ■ »u*la« a...|r thr n-a.i Wbrn th< Into «or> ( at ne*rl* all the ^ l n. 4i. •«» all lnun-.i. litur nf tihiiik rantliMi, l(. aixl allli I lo ilMr-l al l'a#t-. Ik *al I l»«al IWi waj Ixiii'lluf I., youngatera catoe of age in Inm|, the wMkljr llalMlafi im>pllt( maMf, f. 1 I" la I «• a«»k» tm — nlIkU urlri |Mliii>lwl lu lb" t wlitIf tltr winter drIU-artra aad N« * The will • l*« al i..a a li nitii M | ai al I flklalr < oart to l«r kaVlaa at I'arta. «<• mliwiiiril tin- o*trt, kr»|*r«, hngland fair*. Worreater coupon* appear regularly at>|* ir**|irl» la Ik* ll»f..t.| IkiManl |rliu-l al rr)i»it father commemorated the event I iWrl Tuaa J*«af rt« arr mm a man proud TW U ITWttfl liitrjnl *11 Ml • Itbla aal f«* »aM <>«alf. tk a .1* I I > tllmt oI>k Ihmi* to tl,< too h for hung r\ |»n\ la«J. itfM <1 ait *| al I'f { (artk ?»|ty, Jl, each week. l-ook out for them: I al ala* o'tlurk I* lh* I'aili, if ll<*y !«••» l>ally a of the three ■Ifiwl Iw l» fur IW IM*t*>| u( u» >>f Mil. 11 ill •. lblf*l to rrad. iriiv of nHunirnt ami i>y baring |>hot>itfra|>h U«>l; •1*7 Jaa>aarj. I** I * bri-l al I'an* • 11 I lb* of thr wit thr growiM I of I miMi I u«ntMl>i«fr< l.irrania. tad Uliir Arwimii A F«»hhm, I'ublWhera. I'M »r>l»f f? vt Jan Mil, »l Bla* *'tk«k la lb* ■ * ill mik« Hi# takm ami aemling a to the fa fiwalai our of thr <<>iuiuit throughout copy queen, ALBKMT *. Al »TI%. (Iwk. ISa uar > • that Ju a >.< I* lb. ) ban >if • in liftlKliK A WlUtot*. Jwl*a ■ ■ waa an ow nrr of wllil land In tin llou«rw If* wvUmtt* la all tultlvatrd acknowledgment of her former kiml- h .,1 < t. "• tr», — Ibr ••■!>« ah- faiuilWa. • ut <»ut Art Coupon No. I fnxn thl« A IrW nfjr-.lllrH ij )\ * »ll»'» town of Aadotrr, l f|.»rrfor* Her majevty replied Mr. ti nun i* i't uk ii. lira IC. Maalrr, l»«i*-l«l lij laaue aod trad It to the of the ■ CMKRUKRI lllTlll:. • h» Jwha »«.l»h, A Iru* <•»•< al»*«l iiilm «tr«a ll IIMII l> I'AHK. Kr*1a4rr • * '*> a I* mot-rat «lth teu ivnti. If tou irr • •Miiioi tub «lh bj I ll'Uu, l>; act (Hi til it Watt** thrc«*r wrnt In th \ ««rk It*. ivuta j«r. >H al *1 ill* the triplet* were well ami ll\rtiKH.a« Al • l"»1 I'rwf-ala m»l air I UrairnU k4. |9M|I Ml aatlaflrd and with the pnapering. •TATK or MAIftK. '• • • • fully |deaard t »M»»l«nl aa I •• t I' ib al law iihirt. rhr iliii' >1 Mr. ami Mr*. th« latter of % I*« > 1P> \<>u rerelv* la trturn, Mayea llirilKII. M -IHr JMk. |l. ■a Ik* IklH •» '* laxalrl anflh a»l Mil l.i (tibiii tal fur Ui* I nuati t , fi*r« rr|airt W> takr lu that Tlir wbutu waa tbe mother of flr* cbildret IMihW MW. Itul ■*a-l#a. Al. Mdh im4, by mm lb* Ibinl Tu*aU) I»f inluiuitlrr *hall br aod I ltd I thry l» • HuriM la la*..lir«. * *Wl»t». lata Ml IN il.»r • iriUla a«xr|uMI*hrd at 0| Warren Mre«t. HUU ml €MMf. iMIMWl and on the Ud of mM I'lXiMr «f 111 fori. Ifdail Ihr lirraar i» aall aal tvmity rarUlarral »••••* J M l.ll l UHIl K ..f MM. Ml. Ml »*l I I., lair ..r ••IraImi u4 »• (•mil January they propiM* Ti-Uairnl A .tabirr, i|tl> Verk< Ur, Ka« t**o »li«l aa-l .learrtl*«l » Ma I >ui>l< I. greatly Imprmed REAL ISTATl TRANSFERS. their Mr. UlCllARL l«l»*ftaf lo *abl r«tala Trr*»*r»r af Ihr b.aa af futlrr I art. a la aabl .4*#.|. batla* 1 iail«iliiiiif« celebrating golden wedding. aa I IWUur. mi of aaM , bT ita lira owner* and I* tlw Iml 1 crnt I" Iw la«oltr» |*4IIUmi .,<• IW la I ha |>a«l-Wb. Iti m 04k prlttkoa a«4W tella us that tb« all I Wl4or. aMrk a a* •W>l IW Hay nil>tllli. That IW «aM l*H r tit* Tbal lb# »aH KM* i-*"' aw • > that ortara to our May*« triplets enjoy jallllMi Mk* oali*B»l«. *l«r all >a la a h thi»u«l> w:orh hl«h«a« ha richange Jumb r. Kihiitu. " U»l MMfl a TIIK itilarillrr brrrltjr fltr* |m(I.Iv- *w' monthly tiaui, it l>rrral*r, A. II. M. W wkkh to law I,y raaJa. ear? wnnaalMriMal, « aa«l"c «>»■••.•» 'ilr » 1 We are mar- all |-T»^a l.i Ihr |l->»--ia let all by »«•»!•» Wtt hl-l I' |k» "W «(••» ai-pra table. It HHitallt tru«tworth* a.UUe g««>d health. all three • I* l« TWI WW thai br baa Ut* >l«li a|<|»>lnU«l l «l mi >lfi4> aivl IW a ark* aarraaaltaljr I" la lb* mfonl Ibwtaral iif1ab«l al I If * a mrtmtm -«l raaaUlM Inm MIh h a anu*. loaaM.lrMut. *». M •'J* aa-l iMunwl Ihr Iri*«r al • l*n*«l* »m h aa-i UwMn tor Ikr «at education ami of mrself and sister—bare children aa-l lit a* J*®*" will aaart'il »f II* ~C,u i.f V pan kI Uili| kkn>|ilii|, thing* M w L I lu mt fur hi# a-r. aa-l IW JrHtwy I lUatlWT a|.»»a» al a I rvbata ihr I m* II*tjf*. kw I la Tally • la aa/>l oaatjr, i>f I'arla. brbl al la mM •••»•«», I*l«t1ia! •• IM tr«* »mi whbh make I K l!«-»d«- ra will our liiai ar» iMUkln ««• IIIM I M K< >lllll>a, lair |"p''• * plrwaant. of own, toy aiater three ami l< r uf aat hj ky I uart. to l» h*al at TaiU. IW tklrl TacaUjr a* Ihr of Jaa u**l. al * of lb* • b»* mi iMni Ihr ml Mirnu tuyarlf |4iftil( I • l-» l lar Irtaal (bti ahiiaa. r*pa*t no better bo TWI t MtllM «f IW liwlltawa of aaM at ala* »>Wrfc la lha f.*aa»* aa. la a*|.| naif, itrrraar.1. by «1ila« I ta rim! work. Mlrr wilter* lu one. Wa hare attained oar law, nf Jaa aa»l all )»"■*' ami »l-t» MM If ant lb* ntmmlt«»r II aar Vino kIMi al | J M. rMlbrwu4 l« J a llarU>«. law thirtieth a»l rlaawa «w tltrlr i4l tlitn a III ha at aaM ibraawl ml mIMH' tu trl nrk •|*i drpartmrnta anywhere and au the cm near nvff .» nf III NUlf will W WM al l»WI4rl I Hab * » aiuia. year, outstrip mIimw abi hair aaj tal alb.wnl a- lb* U.| \» >M rw faifWM ar • I Ihr I th«>«e l*ai|«. la, aa-l Ib-ar latrfrtav wyml Itthr ll<*i*rwlfr laontlf I .mil t.f laaoltrart, W al A. WILMIH. M*. laMlltH |«)waral, A ».IIU tm I ai'inr^f li M IWtMtl kt M II Ibudl, Ol minster UaaetU. -"••"^UKLua Ihr Im ml-1 l*r*a«*-1. a»l Uial II"* M fraliux I *»uba« Leamington.Weal IW Clk ml Jm A. II. W, I •trma»U Ilirrroa •Ihll-N I" nption for thU n»(«- nli| C««Mr, -Ur tU of It- II* jr. prkw uutawuutt. LMTBR * HM'KK HM M Hi M alar m'tfmrk la IW furaa.iua. x„ p„, ^H.f Uh.lafl I* aa a* a.aal la •» jilt* la but rroli a jwr. Agei.t* and tl««« I ImI paUUM tarti'tltr J lailtol. W. amall, fca A Tmm la ItaH Wllk. liltM u*Mi »!.•. I Imr allliln aal tirt tw < ..aalr af Olfufl lhal hr ha* rt*M apprlaali C«l out Tour Art arr tbaia la a laur M ..f IW INII ml laaultrarj, I'arta, tnf Iha I intuit •IlIlM, Coupma. Thrj Republican, yonug In Mwwiftr A. lUi ut I'Mal* • •! WM M a«aary arr»ln* IW thiol TaraiUy af IN* It. W Jirlfr nt I old» h wU • l CwMlf almWI. Ihr IrwM a( VlmlalMrab* wf Iha valuable. TVjr will get you librral with a aweetheart Jaiwa I Hal. Marat»r an IW ratal# »f aa-l iMarl M l«k»n of law court h i« il« » Washington county a". Thr J«h lb* education. L. Kintvth »• A. I laaifna. lata «l I* "la wboaa a horse to HAMl'KL KAMM. *»»ry. af M. n IIm I*"1 T"*1" t Z brro rrcrUrtl la thr ca«r : parenta gara ber quit bi* II \ RTI.KTT, Ul» *awrjr. "{ (I a fulluwlng MMVit. aat.1 uwlf. •ta.eaaa-l. hatli* pwaaawl "nriMU bM-l at Iha A bliaw« > iimkk. him. Hbe him •* rralwlr WH •» IW Il Mkl I Mkll, l»lal«tr*lt»« af ratata af nl>l • •• < V Thr Itockland I wirk>hiiHI« an T HnU H l'af I htrt JmU>« N*l» TW 'Ilka! N. L Hmw tu f. II. * nrto, ilttli !arraaa>l tar al'owata« mIi ■ Ill ^ b*a)atfM Iluraa, aft The coroner" In the caae of Mrs. After awhile tba parenta took • liking I*- In Iht rHala wf aabl iUinail lu Mrt »*.u.m."I aa lllu*t rated Uat urrk ullha of Jury Ik* iklrl T— <«y »f U»*-. A. l» imhllin. thai IW «aH KlrrMar a«4tra lalrMal «'ii»jb. iM |ti« ihr pWlkl'f lk> kllMtoi wrltla* picture H UantoW.CalMr, IM flit a ax I IN—» «bi bait an; .f iw«b*i ia« the victim of th« to tba man and ber another r (Malik. A>la>lalMrahar mm IW Ntok liitarr»tr>l a mt laiawllala |xiraral. *laa*r »t thr aawmal nt *ir* 'l«r ikr |.lalaU! r nf VIb tlittvea now la hl« W. L. •« at !• c. R ( H H» Mayer, Yarrooutli young gara ka|M> to all by an-lag twpy mmmm b> »»WI Ib* Timothy l»yrr Ulikr Malift al, la m»i« •lama a-1 a Iharm* la rthlMl Iha mm a a * •Itool tfi IUKI.K II. llA»K*I.L.Iato*f Warway. arWr to la Itwa «a*ta lUrTlfk (i,* fnw a i—fWl ml whir a Ihr -IrlrailaM VI *t log affair, after a full bona to raiaatato bim. hb« did ao ami aabl Ihla pabMaW-l vnulni Rr. aaa-f«*J year. aad tha Xtl pound halibut hr hearing, WtlafW«la« manwlataarawl MM rat at hfh l»ar. |». \*m. K.W "Jaaa M. Ml. «■»■>! 4«ar (' I rtm found a verdict to nM alaalr la IW M*f.»rl |*rat.m |.»1aW>l firahWal rwrntlr Mr. aava that the effect that lira. Mow Us toro boraea. Tba result wratM a* Tiwlw of Aa4i»» Mllla Imtrt to U ibiw •"«* I l>> law > J II Ilrfcl lha , captured. I»*rr u w ( wWu> M Rat la thay llaaWU'* thai Uaa* Mt a| |*ra.»nil iriruut. her aoo-ln-law. al alaa al IW rtark la IW f«»ra aal. laaraii* h aa Ihrrr aw a* >r*al raMlafi hr waa old. never I'rawda, who baa been limy af Jaa aait, (uaMr «f «i»f..rl IN II* lua rid- lalu*. I* Uw Ll. _a •• ^ Whalanl. Ih yaara V.rMMfllHallill r UrkanlM, 1 aa-l abow rauaa. If aajr Wta, why At MaH| 19 •§!•! I 0*MT| Hn tor Mtrh a hi lha ■ M • watched for aoate •*■«. tbajr A. D. ptMMlH dra oa thr ram aad but narroaa atram- W. clo*ely lima to aae It's PIHnsl Mae*. ■ »f »•*»• wrtwUfwawU liv aa I Mala uf NiIm, lb* lath al>tt*M»f rvpr sSa*335i» IW mm akmiM Wt 1« tllaM. plaiaUf M^ylH II r RVhar>l«M to W H that ha made no to id * I»*t »ra. mkf +• > Ma tar mt Ih* Hftr *a a pmf boal. II* hat aevrr tlallrd a tarera fian«IU al. altrnpt away, In London tba a tlHU A II.AO*. Ja r^T ,Ll*a««ewll J.CUnkaau I waa altaat — Th* kmlMt rboaM alia W""* m»nf aor with oar hr and Immediately arreated and taken to A Inaaraar »f tlir laaulir*! r«4alr af *-f«a^al •! i|aarrrlrd aajr aayt, la liable to arroat and If ba ■ alalia*! 44 A«aty*rr *• u# !%•! Win ft»l y»«UWl » miftiai m«t«M avion. Ila aaaerta panUbment k Al.llk.KT I». PARK, Ka«t*tar. .! Lftl lua urtw bm thartd a barber. Jail. »lmply hla Innocence. J«M|AII C ri I.I.KR. mt i«*M. Mbl A44l««a K lUrtVb f«r War I llrrrV k A Park tor lUirvai by mora than tba number of tba aa-l Ibal frj» • r. L to*j. Ru«aall. to parmlta regular lb Uaa l uaalr of oif*rl, l*ault**l IkaUot. J^.,^ra»l, A Rtrfcar to I. 1 Ma aril ba a, |-^»*»l W. *MtoM», I pansngirs on hia car. ooa zzxrs-x- h*a baa* >* A WlL*OK, r»t out Art an i CM out your Art Thar ara «. W.Ha*w*4to«.W. Cat out Raowtly js.rsi.r ttftz SALE. fwt mM CnM; JjUi. your Coupon*. Thrjr Cuupoua. MawawO. IM your Art Coupooa. Thar an eondactor waa flnad roR Uaa Uwt mt l*a*l»a*ry a I valuable. will | |l.Tt bsoanaa tbara a. wiuo*. valnahta. Tbijr will gH jo« libera Thry fit you llbaral vanwao. valuable. Thar will roai liberal k^M AW,wf'-uMr D. rAU, aducatkua. |k & A. lAUOWl, A adacatloa. W. •. UtHN to r. r tuatay, Ml education. Aeww"*^fluu«T D. MU.I "/Ttraarr-Ka^ •ROWNFIKLO. RUMPORD FALLS. •KTHtL. WIST FRYIBURO. D4XFKLD. WILSON'S MILLS. rather be all • New Yitr, lie*. Mali of fort land lertiiwd Mr*. William Htnrdlvant U »»rj §lck. "We'd Well' Is over ■Rtl I>r. J. W. iLtk, who kti bin up tha Mr. David Bean. who lui bwi la With y»u Happy llughea (Oxford Democrat Weir fhtutmt* poor Mr*. J a in ••a II in un the Ihc i dlnl Mun- Hie ww Iwn la J. II. la lb* rhurvli, Thur«w ay hunting, lon| •Irk alao Frank Hmltli. of thl* werkaod «m IkiimxI from McKerman. evening, on the "Whltr 411 jr." Thaae lUi; Mra. b to uv U ill right. h« wr lb« flr t of it* weak. day rtriMblh; at i tf»d« hu hm l»H»k • ho were fortunate In iltfui fUnU flan* ha* been wjr (wrnui » I». H. of «u li tlw Itloiul rlurt h Tu««day Holiday quilt enough BILL." Wt had 4a* tlmr. \(., MIUi, Coogrrg llila "UN THE tniatwrjrbmljr v. M. with thetmder* here. the rrmlni, u Mr. Ilughm jrrir. (Hi < brUtnia* mmUc thr IHiD M town N« inlay. enjoyed TOUT. Mmiu bualneaa mi I liter* at Hm joung fa?• an entertain- PI KM annual U*ll Wiiil»tl) kk«i Altai in for Mr. Tboiiu* San J* who bat bern tick Uwjrtr reporta good wjr lug. people Hrv itrpartiurnt (it* k* IMU avallag b« dedl- nm( uid Cnrwuiw tree at I he achool • nuiahrr of week*, died oblklu lilui to attend probate court The I nlveraalWt cha|»el will I harrfc Ktt.A f WiJot. n* In Mm.i. Hall. it Nftv ooi|»l* j.tr lUwrre A WlUon. Thuraday. Right,,™- rtrU IWi4tM nlnl Mtt with imimnrUlf houae. Mr. I>«aa Ital lard «t Hint* M.ry <«•!«• M || A. a Vm4h W- K. K. Hni t*d S. W. HmumM bin Mr. Ilard, another old la rmruiarTr. Thursday NT IWMm 7 Ik |« thr mirik obkh gentleman I MlliMlnn. All %»i >«®»4 k<»l>4 Npln M i|*tr«| grand The alck U ire »ifrrliN. lie*. Mr. Barton of M»rnanle Vim •Mum mm hern fur J. W. who alrk, with grlp|w quite jfiw pwM Tkar* la t twilm M Can about il(ht o'ckuk. Mmk- prvulng hay (lark, quite iiiui li. t « h*T»l *«*)•«• anl a numerou* heir. Kail* «III JelUer a ttrmoa In the even- Uitwcitluu »rf) i «» ha* been to I'arkertoan on t'hrlatuia* an i viijwyed P a furnUbrd < ha**'» >ri hr.tra and up gaiua quirt day W rit bjr new to la com- IN v Mr. will alto aildrea* About a doreo »r more from Yrj+- Chart* "MKlar Mml 9+trj twilnrM. one la tba village. The toll bridge Mexico ing. Hooper We don't think we can be President. But |>i.«r«*M Km. TV >»•*• sokl a goodly number of •ardn dreary went on a rhle to «u» »? m II a. ■. 11 rowa- theoeoide burg moonlight Kryw- »bkh «M *enr«d Mr*. W U«.n an«l Ml*. Kdlth Wll- Kveratt Maaontt, formerly of plrted. Friday evening. tlrkKi for tlw M|>|>rr SirM la uaed The rhalr la now with tiller to apend the e»enlng with t In low* tha ttrld, now of II«mIi«, la hla Congreaa being quite factory running burg our ambition is to have our RIGHT at Ibr botrl. Thr nipiM* i-ooaUtrd of m« hate been Wiling put vltllla| Haiuuel A ile- clothing Mr. aad Mra. I teuton l.lnacott. frequently of late fur • rue* courae. about half (lie uaual crew. A* Mr. IUr> Mr. and Mr*. OtfflM* otiirf il»w and nk* in ro(h». TV «ffk. parenta, W4t III atoMit I**! we think. rnwa IniemU |n have a number of lictoii* •U|>|» f aerted tin < Ifw al tin* middle M-bool Iter. K. I*. Kaalmaa'a hor*e died aud- Xot Juat the place Urge in cn»»i| «ti »rrv six I A hrWtm** o'clock. A treat of an«l —right every way—quality, style, tit, qut*t U*t 1.0.0. F. meeting every Tatadav cortla of birch aaweil, all of the men fight orange* 11 «»«■ mni i««»m off »rtf »«• h«>u*e and rnUrlilomrol (br scholar* denly Monday. an«J trail ail rnjuynl lltmnrlm. bjr »tten* «•«>• iki aend It lo lli« It la Intended to (he an la hauled. only U-gltiuiug If « iki men al tha hotel from tlila laaue and o)*t«raud B>|e* ■** botkrr last *dn*«day. I.trrttbiug bean the It rat of lite t hrltlma* etervlara at the I'nh (imm| timea for 11 m« winter. Overcoats to ',,v* °a " Jordan'* of the l»emocrat «Ith lea noli. If >ou baked aupper Tueaday we'll have trade Come and <«• oorka Ilk* a charm. Kllal A camp. t ut out our Art | from your always. are aot aatlaAed and with every month. veraallat rhurrh were eaprvlally pleat- Coupon at*d, b*lng i^ult* I'. M. llevkWr U on the *kk iNrmocrat with ten renta. If ymi are »u Monday evening a abort entertain- fully pleated to hW > I k b I N-atrr la ao aa to b* ablr to again r»«el»e ill r-- » in. X. lliaMl ku BMlil M uol aallallrtl au«l with the in** it I followed li% the dl«tilhutl' pliotog r«|ill« >ou to 11*1. HARTFORD. fully pleaaeil th« m inter. oalk tn* bit nNHDi In Harlow ltkn k a waa the* will refund Trousers tin f<»r lh» rrautiulrr of « < trra at the iJ»i receive In return, gift froin a well Ituded tree gl«en turn, your money. fa a Ilim «a* brWtniM I>led IN*v. II Annul l».-*oaler 41 photograph* you thr Ih>I*I to hl« m*al«. thr aki of aged new with the by Morrill *«b«H»lho(iM>, |»rc. IVl. A largo *111 refund )uur money. In the tliapel MNNlM i IVt »r» they SOUTH RUMFOHO Cut oat foar Art <>a|«>n* Mb time yean. hiirrh. A large number were prraent. W number were prr*«-tit and a good luve l«ren V. ( lark went Ihct joa a llbrral »u IMv. Jttb, tbr K*«. Iwvatur IrWh and famllr EAST SUMNLR. rowm W. ||. Merrill and W. Id Men's Wear \ Hill taluaHr. alllfri *undav. waa wa* «».« Hn|»|wr aerved In llie dining Everything MOB recult. laid with la the week. lo to for a In the W. lliwr |>ica> ImiI a »Wt llo* Ml up grippe paat lir»• tin .. I>I ,.ir very quietly M lot-al«d on I lie Hour of the llyrou mjii.la) try job At tin* la*t meeting of I'nion Imt la ground to n allnitlir a if I if lit** at tlir tburvb regular I«a*<- Miaw haa bren quite alrk the churchea .1 >• I not celebrate the event. wood*. >umner the one oreaent aeeiuml to Mi*« .'alia U-ft lid (•rang* at Ka*t following hHtrr now. rha|iel, Kverjr CorlU* and t ha*. Adam* came Mr* la lb* till •<»•. A few, however, met In the hall where • i>nler Into the of ihe occaalon ami Will a olttt-er* «rrr elnted for ibe aplrlt Mnlimilit for IkMloa, til tn Ml tbat (imiiiig I'mtrr from Naturdar from tillead. Mr. * or- •krrvthrjr Hrarr |i|rtw<| tiitirbtik1 (•rorgd IVwibrnke, M«u., few were dWtrtlNiled. I m*ar tlie ItaptUt ahlt-h hair tirrn lirld In tlie lie* t tu* hrru tna«W la the aupiillnl chapel A hjtutfr n*kit « >far ba* mlaa*d hang full for an off year. It la A. I*. Putnam haa got moved Into hi* the ork'«nl/r.J ago r i. r.-tofTw t. Sablmtha very acceptably. ho|ied ahkh, aa yet. Iiaa not liren foruullt r»n|rmnti rrgmluiK trlrgra|«h. n I«it km. O I. * a J. II. Ikwrhorn la hi* frienda aa tew hon*e. mill too icrikri *lac* ort* vlaltlng that lie may contluue to aupply Ida 1 ••• Iu «r• I. Mm' «li«|- I la a grr.it add! -.n.l tin (tier at |'arta all! not I* clow«l \ M A S. liellete Thr Kr«. I', >. |,'k* of Marlboro, tar»r>,W In Ma*aaihuaetta. aervlcea are much It la aliuoat iui|Mi«altile to J T UlMtf.ir T appreciated. lion to the chuit'll edlflce. It la m<>.| at all. Min- Cut out <»ur Art No. I from * Itirtitma* ha* mine and gone at John Mao alll |rraibln tbr thurxh J T W I Coupon Tlie prevailing Influent* or cold baa rouveiilenlly arrange.) with a ladlea' Jan. 7. • In rr oh trial aud T N MvWil. h in*. thl* U*ur ami tend It to the rnMrnt*. lata, "how doe« H II. • ink •* boul ha* tirra •laT, Ilr iihih puhlUliera ho I, I ti|Nin aeveral of our and a audlem-e room on ilir tein|>u* fuglt." ME W |»arlor large J. F. J «. PLUM II h.«MT. K. If tf our likr hull a 1141 h* llkra tbr of iltr l»eiu ha* not •ntkiok or a mat (rot* Mi« JmtW rbn. fully done aa and bualneaa aeroud floor la *o.. i'o«i(h tbr •ltrtMiau«'r Im>|>* |»a»torat* li..»i«ry, Ing yet, generally ihr hiwer floor. The Will I'orliaa ami < Im*. Ailam* both Me. I »M « »rr* m*l«r In 31 Market South Parii, out o( U. ||r I* an iMtnr«t aud Mr* Niter*. pedograph* you return, they la tlull. a Square, » the *ind* lb* Mr* lit \um<. alll refund >our money. Cutout Art No. I from thla i. .t arrk. s|>r*ad ~~~ Coupon lie rear of the main rhurrh building, a* j and ilundaf re|Mirt«il. •Mitk-o a* niuv ti a* |a>**ihl* ind com* 1A3T StTHtL. l««ur mxl aend It to tlie publUhrra of thr ind aa the la tHlllt from lit*, rear and III* al«i UPTON. «ha|>el Kra*tu* Abbott wife, If You Did Not Get a otamlwIiHM'rt bai* brra for th»ui**lt*a abrthrr b* la tbr Itruimrkl with ten cenla. If are an Hi* >«»autr )hiI(* A happy New Vear to all. )ou if the hurt h and form* eiienai Mr*. *u*an l-mejojr, are i|uit<- i»o«.rly. the man or im>. tlirlatma* tree at (he acliool hou*e w lib the for a aerk «l<»*kiif uj. for tli* Muib (i»*l Mr. \ one of our and not fully HlIlMlM pleaaid it. It tohatetlie two t-oniH.I- inner of J«ml oiiiig. aged with waaeaay Hu Knot I'eru |>a**^il through t>a*inr«« for thr Ihr out of a **ttlixl hrr* Monday evening for lite children, W*5 mtlui In return, uit\ )car. might (row |«a*tor rr*ii*rtad citizen*. I* very *U k. |diotogrj|>h< jou i| aa they are by l>rotd folding door* on | hi* |il«ce Friday. buying old ruhhera. thr kvantt m our a* trust lb* frirod* a *hort entertainment. 1 .aiKia! o>n«litU»n of tifurr* mldat. and Mr. I(U hard* of lawrcuce. Ma**., I* tliey will refund your money. •at h aide of the |>ul|dt. A IIMmIMI M.rrtl. I »•. i II h. il th»* rr«ld»»nce of olll •** to It thrrr I* on*. Settle Thur«ton of Krrtd la lauirdlng ip pretty »rll. »Uli|f( hi* motlM*r and *l*ter, Mr*. A ^t-en flttrd u|> In the b tie merit of the | '. I*. Putnam who la )u at Ice of |ieare). cimr at A. V. Abbott's and arhool. UtSMAKK. Present i»ro. >n ami Mi** I offln of of **tan«rl, thr to I hrlataia* ollb bU 1'. K. raun la In lowu for a few Klectlonof ofllcera of liemnark l4*ige, o«ib( to thr ili'kiir«« |*««« >uiMiai aud Ml** Kniuta Itrown v 1*1 ted relative* at Ityt I'lte k It lien it arranged ellli long dtlion la thr omiuIt data. Nit. U, |. tl. O. F., waa IkM lm-««l»> ate fur taking lr*iowway ■nihil. I'art* la*l arrk. Uhlea, ruphiiarda. a large alnk and all Mra. M. I.. ha* U-» n taking » at I'arla .'Mb. Tlie Wyuun You can one for a little at our «i«r h«« U«rn *t. u.|r,| *Ul? Ibr rr ar* m«* n*o oa*a on tbr >Uk Mra. Maltle Kvaua la South rwnlntf, |»T4>-inlH-r following \\ itrr money uikliiig Mr. and Mra. (', hlltfore of South ^onvenlent-e« that omld tiednlre«|. , are of her mother. Mr*. I.ydla I'hoaia* buy yourself iourt. I hi* tbr but no srikui* thl* week. were elnteU anrai|>Utuaiita arrk. m inii n i,..,,, Store, you large \« * Jolin of thrir Will ami Mr. I.. A with Coollilgr. K.U*Ja*eaK. lagaJU. a thr taking trattwouy. Mi. 1-adJ Mr. Merrill It*rtlett drive* out with a aouhl take loo into h to (ivr ami m i».| It |. I from thi* Th* of A. I.. Mw**u*r an Kill* ami Km ma Mora* hoarding H IWkbrr CM Ml AltOMfM family harne** (V ».A il l» mjt that It rtll* * long fi ll want an«' m fuiir mlaiai »nh Um i Ikr at II. I. AMxKt'a and K K. t«ll»aa. Ml i»*ur iixl tfihl It tu the of shout to n>ot * b*r* from 1'ortlaad. Mr «)rl*i>il<• •' rration Kiauini .-ui-'O L>U of Mr. Karrlngton on th« crram A. t InwWT. | (eix-roualr altlnl In Ita l>) git- Itrv will rrfurnl )our money. » •( iml with the I aulr««m| hi* Umm •rtiil it i>«ibll*hrr« '"Ml*. J.MU.r r. K taMh iijC of their mean* ami lat»»r. rHurn Thr t'hrlatma* entrrtaliimrnt wai a FOOTWEAR. )g« r»rrl»* la •f thr I*niMKrtt Mllh trn itbli. If you No. t it tlir IV ilfallratloii of the new take* .'.■>'| Mofri|>hi t ut <>tii iHjr Art <'«Hi|>on from Mmli *l»kur*« |irfulli vtia|ir| ENGLAND'S UNEMPLOYED * ill rrlvnd ti««r Iff Ix-t *1x1 m It It HorfM. Ilif |rw «ai prrtilly dwoftt* it muory. full) aatUflril (ilr»«r>l Ihta lotif ami •rod ll to the |>uMlthrr< (WNfit time. Hardly • famllr In tin* i>la«e or\t I'lnirxlav. In the rtmlnj t»u In re- (d anil thr r»rnl«-« am remember this is the ihr t3*> |>h»t<.«;ra|>h* • f the I». no* rat wiili trn cent*. If %• »n »rrjr nhrly I»ut li«i ilurr tlir unui- he i|e>IUatorv arrmon m III lie |>rriim after thry money. irr it<>( aatUtled ami ji!ra»ed with Kb*.rr. Mr. JiiltD aud «llr, Mr. i\ ||rv. K. K- II»rton. TlturaUav |t»M *nt H*kf • l >1 ti.i (l.urvh «lll tw hrkl i« KrtiUr at fully Mra. Annk KrnWton *«■«* to t'olby lif Ut|t f«|M»« In- f|( i<>u m»l»» In rr- Ktyr- iihI «l(r, Mr. l olbi iitd km>ti thr formal il*ilU*atloii nrrfltw Shoe Store in this * K*t h urmlirf »f tb* t hurih HEBRON. |>hotogra|>h« tu Sturdlvaiit I'ullijr Jotqih Lal«r |ea«bra art* •laltiin^ tli.tt County. I'urjj iit-dir ««>rk fur Mr. < cutu| lurti, will refund your money. • llr, Mr. Kliuorr *wan and «l(f, Mr. A. a III lie ImM I" llM ha|«e| Itaelf. «tr»l tu in |irr«ua or IJr*. S. |». lilt har.laoo mrnt to ^uro they whoar * ifr W alrk. Mil) th«t tit •atboriutti n to th« I report by nr. Itrlclirr ami wlfr, all uotlrr (b« carr here will he aertrlrea. Iletr. Mr. Iloupef ic<>v|>rr it K, fulkmnl t>r iM-r Hill U«t »frk to attrut tin t'llfTord Kaatinan U akk with •al *'it»i« rit i.-^ ii<| re- Yours KrlUa) GRAFTON quit* >. J. wrll. Ibr a III t»e with Mr II• r «• >n. Io»|m money upon Truly, In* i>f l»r. Ilrow n, an*doing |»reaent OtMf • «*ul h.»ur, IV public ronllillj Iuik »l <>f » x lnl.l her* and made mi la grl|>|*. wi>rka f«-r tlx* Ni.ifit tiiim-ui- Monday It rained ilmlor baa l>rrii >rr) •u>«r«*(ul In iromliirut t?nlteraall*la hate lieeii ln%It lief of \ ilfll « hrUlma* «M H uiuil with IMir Irlah la »»rr «kk. kr|4 nm h crval that for tIm» U*l few • ««l ami are I)f taki u aihaiitatfe i.f in a Irn»-« «n4 mtn taii.m«nl«. fur thr MIm l.lrrk « h«rk* of la handling grl|>|>r. r«|*H-te.|. iu<»*tly li l»«vrmt>rr the* will hate to ihmil l'rjrtmr<, O. O. will w It la that all im« n ti ll.nl Iniltatloua ir* iHit for th* «nl»dgr. I. K |>ro%l«ln| ami ImijmiI Half f I err, the dunm In tlilllnf »l»lt |)riiiualll a fir I noon iIhiw th« Ir Intrrrat In tlir («mhI work lit li»tr<«a i» No ami* lb th»« NixnUt rvtalo|, J»n 1*1. M rrvrl»r»I from mmim1 Lxlfr luixia) rapitlly iiiiiik Shoe M*t.llr krr la Smilev Mi%« Mra. Mi —«ly J«r ha»e tern iMnald away tltltln| win anal •/ • fa»«»r captured ■ ti l Jan. 1 al wbUbtluir (•*•!Ii it at all tin- e*ef« laea Store, it Mr I. |irr«rn( uii*t lb*- to tb» r» ..t l Hill «>'uii( I'W'plf »urit llo«t<>n « nlcr *ilk rtmlui, f laric*- towna, |>tulir In »rry >|Ulit. frWad*. r of tltl* tlx* It'In kali ami their alrrn>«n <>| the l»*iuoirat inlty. lml(n |»Uu* cam* home for I* thk* at the ( ut out our Art Coupon No. I from Elm House. Maine. " \n lr»*« Ihr It »rry ait-Lly *»y pre«- tuU>li|llialc lodgt* will lir ili«tallri|. ■•tlntC ami h«-111f>iI. Opposite Norway, r. •tut Mio Mitt 1 tlil* It llir It la ilifti. tilt to aiewh.it hrUttnaa. •ot time. «a*r« of the or Itiqf and *rod to |>uhll*hrr* I itfttatora. a on#, thr Many £tip|«- Al (M«l Krllowa' Hall» brWtuu* ulglit CWMlNf Aft \<> fTM • rtl.lmg will br uulH only at thr ten ivnli. OM|MI ran It I I"hr annual (alkrlD( par*ona(r oftfi.it mtur*. of I!••• iHnwnt with If you • limn» tin* government «!<•, noli-a ami ilr* frtrn>l« lono'thlnc lli«- \ I*. •*. < g«»r 11 lirl«tid• tni Ilia leant* ami arml It to the |>uhllahrr> E. N. Ma jr. rrlatWe* t»lrn (imrat. a a* h» .> In fur atatn Uluiii a »lll )r«»r Q \ Oils !• HfJ.1. fully valuablr ami |»rrarnta if tlir |>emrt t>rt| a liraulllitl b«lr. Ik* 1S>'< 1011 rw*l»e Iii rr r rriuru »ill Wiu|ir Kwtt* at Mr ilfM, |>liha Mra. |»r. IhHihani *111 c> to Auburn down the Itlll the t>ri tle chain* IVnunrit la «!>!• pdng < nl out Art ou|«m No. I liom tin* urn. will refuml y«Mir rm>ner. The Int-»t la that th« gov- I'hr to, • \rara with hrf fathrr OILIAD. tliey prop<«wil ipN4XM fall' an alul III* hnr*« were fiifcrtl •l«:rlK>lthrar«li|llt( alreail) l«*nr ami »r«»d U to tin* |iubli*liri« of tfer •rotm nt abonhl guarantee loan* for. aay. prearnta in. I niothrr. a rate of A warm •iwll of weathrr for lown I lie hill at aiivh rapid good iN'iixxrit with lm r«iil*. If air IWIOIM. & • Goods i» >l (row frirwU irr uumrrou* and at )o«l 0«>0,000 to enable thee am tint out Mra. rrmaia* euaafoctablr v one < ahlcb ha* aettkd thr (not* were nt < <it i|M-e«l full) |>lr**rd m la Fancy *Wtrr. Mra. Vrlb- jf a national of furi«hi>r<< Dry llrr r»-«*-nt writing j H>raea art> at O. I'. .waumlera', ami all ayateiu MK II.WKTIIK l.\WiK»r AM» H\KHTHT«M KOK .. ■!• tn»» lh» lIlMTtT hr»l «l«lir« ttf » hadly. /.•»» )ou rrturn, f. V w \ ork, »• ta Kit hrr. Tl* deer-liuntera are atlll at It. Two |ilnMofra|i|i* uatlou all aroun * >au» frtrmta Mir*hallha«r > your monr) II K Nrarat «in1 Kml PINU. »»rr takrn out of the l*rojr |trk »al- j oaron atati.'ii will, on thr .'Ith one ilar till* »«'k. < • a* ht- w -b thr It rat of January Mia* M«ry I. Mri. Sarah llohrfta dlrd ley HUXBUHV. irraeiila. Hie |iart of >«intii l«u« mtrrprlM*. In« certainly jr< »< I w «»hr \ t-»ut horara from l>ew|atoll \l who an* a f»a uttlii«; ilowil ma* ii*« i«il liy O. IV .Hautiler*. whit h a(T»r, ami It la urif-l that II llaml baa a|'|«'lntnl < hriatniaa I "«* »r dllMtl on Iiummt «lll draw front Suivraa to Cloaks and • tlie Shawls! aa ou Ahlmtt turn to folk* ukr« of th* ISrla |«i«t hurled .Mil. Klder *prucr talley iklari Into Id* null to out hi* a| nnilll |il«a*ure ihr little b un natrat* <1 IU al ait|>y •(•ortaiuan tllr futr ral. mill. lowrl of wbUli lir lui a 'ake ami mlli* were trroil. After tin Mi*a MikJr*il HillU »UI ittrli.tlli^ Staplra' aijuarr* largr K-rallVN < harai t< r aa a ruiu* nt ru u*hmtn »Ih> on ti*it to hi* ( W and one of #•>*< aa III be sion Him la on llie iltl Hat. alrh Ight. thr oldr*t iIih W ou liaml. llatrlhutlon of tlir ami IN OXFOnD COUNTY. ■ •iiUll, lihl. »' itrridy atatnl. Knight gift*, K*mea nulla at WhiiiKt, « thr moat In town, Mlaa .Ictnnk llu'- i aiu|> Kan*»lr» \ It ^ Ik.» r *ml II. Turuer'a filll- rr*|»-vtrd |teraon« Tlir tluwr Irft it* with lr«« anow, but lam-luff «*•« uj.leil the youug |»- .|.lr nu- •Vpriar. •-graph ofarntof. a a ami a toft 11n r> la 111 r-.<*<>ti ••• il>"iM Hut tli I akra. >Ihi( wixnr, ilrrr cari- liea a Oirlaimaa tree at A. II dkd I night at Ilia John'*, it mofr -ill.I awl l« • a late hour. 1 afd. thr irtlriiijc I'xtiiuttrr, hn turn hail iIda) la iferrr mnigIi f<>r ll mhi. • aftrr our data akkneaa; i.rarli :b«< lirt Ii an>l |«>|>lar haul- Samuel I'lummer ami Krank Watt, I )ur Line of Muffs and other Furs is Iks iMMMMMh • • our No. I from • Complete. ut >it Art t'oii|«»a »ai a I tree at the ut out our Art No. I from rr* «rf tent I hrl>tlliia am' b'ti of the fomborv* of the Thamea. •n vrara *h» an it llr*l »aat*tant IVrr hrUlmaa Cou|mmi doing good work. flailing for |»t«'krrrI thr l»mn« rat anj »r r»«l It to to ■ Mi la*ur of a time *n thi* U«ur all.] arutl U thr o>w* tin to tb<' M>a. la Mr •lull ii for I In-1 hil«tiii.i« Ir uli1 th« Mitral lm> of Hiram II. Iluhhurri. and aft»r- ( !•••• tinf houae. ami good publlahrra Kartn«r« arr frrdtng tbrlr britrr •rouffht home about twenty-four 'run the tr<>|a>lia |»-r <>|« 1 hr I »• tiKn'rat with trn With |»uhli*hrra of thr • 1 of |Ih' I triiMHTat trn ivata. If you in >k.11>liioir il>«ltb»a with I a llitl txiltrr if Iilie tly (• aalbb'. ami woahl |>r- Mil<> work 1 -rnta. If om arr not aatUlhil at»l < to make arr not aatWflnl and with mnimhi. W. waa week I.. MrlUn. »ho waa fully snti laua ill I Dot forpt fully pkaanl llil Ufuri1 III tlir winlrr Hit J. Naah In town la*t or tb4/«iaintr«t ■ re- IraMnl with thr }.»! j hotogra|>ha you It la rlrulaml thr Mm reieltr In i.ot lino Ii l«r of hi* t Irirluul * Itrat ailmibi»t ration | ii* roumla thl* iear, If |diototfra|dia •lil l ira tint buttrf could ml rece|»«| the congratulation* iien-e l« ti< fit. atnl a *.'•"■< urin^ 1 ■r«rt»r In thr* »lll refund tour rrfund public ylvlil *hr ha« l»»u return, ^ Inir*; arul he ilU not forget to make turn, thr« will your money. ini'lr lu wiutrr, I* Ilw rlemla on the hirth of a little daughter Handkerchiefs! > r thr U»t four jrara |M»*lii( away. •< turn on the outlay, but tb« k<»v« rti M»r hit l*rti trlr< M'urtnonry. I ila fall at mi Im«i«* If I do liir In the rrfonnrrt at M lia»r not killed I ut out our Art « oupou No. I Iron. Trni*trr hrrarlf. a»lilii|{lou nt nt heaitati*to take the flrat « lor III! of |,*i||r*' I lilt l«l llltilkrrcblrf* it V. ruh aa lie k ft I of HUMFORD trt. >l»* • .r»- Iil« l**ue ami »rml It to the naturally i*rit»r •Iih'* thr lib* «»a built. HIRAM lUl'Ullw couple randy llir bultrr liu*lnr«« p go- |>nMi»her> graph • an a In aurli a vaat un>|t Um at u i-.'.. m n. • children. Mia llotar aitf the Ihmorrat with If J long \ in. n I hr i.t ii.4* m l a | » N.-w waa < lia| III Milton IH-vetuher &ld, and thrrr row a re not *atl«rte<| all I mill, Ion '.»r. New \'.>rk Hun. Onr lot of l.«>U«V lulthl IJnt-u llit>U>riln«*f• it J.V. ii that *hr retire* In ui tlir olttiv. I hank* i-til'l hot ru.lurr thr Jrr*ry frw fully |i|eaae«l \ rar to all. *> hoo| hou*r onr allot nrar thr |iir« arr ti Mr Marshall spring family MtXiCO. thr wrrk brfore. NN PM *alr. urn, tlwy will refuunn r< lil' f«. aM •ilk. at •*«•»■ the tnwil of Meilin town liiM-iukr JmIi tlirlr way ogr all M-ml tutlir of t|i«< 1>((||| CuMnwrtlog I It |nitilUlirr« lite te lin ttln<« ahoWa III atraliH" of tlx* n*o«'rat wlili trn i-iMita. If ton »rr Mr*. J. It. I'uUlfer almut All kind* •! ljnli«,«" aittl i.rnla' IImii ftt«!»••« 1 II «fi OF THl COUNTY. \ «rrr |>U-«*aiit lirw aitdrd to thr l|«t. It. M. .»mill ami wife htte hern at hi* I )iibli«b il m ha slag la Pm l'«rk«i' ilally fl,'« )ou r»«rl»r In rrturn, * «* m •>*e*l at th«' Mrthmli*t »hurt h at I |>ltoiogr«|ib* !»• I Immhh til till* • hrl*tma« trrr «| thr hall tin* &Mh. ither'a, I I*. M Mu til'*, a |m >a|a>r rati aa lollnwa: ii.h •aitn«R«Ti:ii m » m.i it*. rv«M iv. <• ij.ini. »|N f|.ml. wtil gfeyt lir) will irfiiml )our luoiiry. a|>t. | kot IIir «lw r*« It tbtru•• N>>rthw<«t Mi« A 1*4 I « Watrnrlllr la* a raln'mia II l*»Hur and »lfr of lingular *|' U TllM lil.a flaw 14 1*4*. I* II.II. ^•inpatit have the ratea of toll tratly aupply of drr|» •• \n*r| llran wa* Ourney , • url l'r«*a aaaorlatlon rndnl »h> thr *rrn mrtr lu t" (ur«llu| a a* In thr about Wxk, of rw week*. ii r low, lower tloii lllo*e iMaa. * liomr from tin* thia ail.I tha I a In the prohibit ilklng |«o«t I'lflir, owIng ifia-r II oYbak UlornlllK, fjmil* »f II. I*tIih*. oau*ril htr aho»»r Iii«t III la that Mthr* man la A. ha« Irru oin- l'«|4. l>ri>lwlilt III % otlier toll of Ita the It d««ided |ioat- 0 tlir uitrtriihr** of lb* roid at liter'* Mra. Ileury Young rw-riit «r.t tlir In thr hrlJge uetnla ra »• re < ii In htato Lnnatn Kv% |>fr» T. N»tn«o. |-«*t»r anil t«rIjClit RHH«ll(bl e In at l!umforil I'all*. I l».«*r lunl to the liou*e for a week. tate. W are III hojiea h* J «u. I'th matter li<*> hun t Ion lir fr|| lift aklng III* Irg badly. of Itatra *lr»Tt tl«l vhurtll. l.r*U- mat. n»w tin to 4 kaylniu No. 2." Merritt H.| >e» ufe the bualnea* tratel to Kuillford had a hard light. It I* ho|«d ) aliout K. ti. |».ihlr I* mulliieil the hou»r Welch, ut* In a •I II*' iiudr tlir rriiiatulng illttiDir, ton. U imI>iiu< U«r« Mr. Kr»il I* ah k. a In nnhr that noerroneou* |-*ator lil|>niai. f'alli the (nan of (1artha|* and will lir at iwaie. ou auUkmitlii linker I tat I* lua cwnmHcnl hauling lmpr***ioti to * at 1 1*4 lliilr*. III* luml* >.MILKV BItOS.) of n-tlul UM-*tla la> drawn from tta atatt tn< nta the (8um,i|Mor •rrtlou of H eld a ihort cut "wwai • «k > oiniff |'.u karil'a mill. till«| at thr IU| ('huhh.coOi- I Iml'a Ih'hm Ka*t 11 « waa < on that tin MAZNB. rtrati«(* • M. Cat k ml at X-irw «y h went to NOnWAY, I«miut*r uti." UHtLNWOOO. Kdward Union ln-altli it m»t goo«l lla|Mtt< riplain lurlit lm I iirvl«\ rtruiiif. huMi Itere- •» 11 went to th> Ihr »ery and on tli* i* I ut inU ra tif tlx* fevxa'latb I hr tracht r of Hiram jcrU pretalent •^ultra Ifcormher thaw, mutl jruh tillage grammar fatal In loaUwea. llie t Iirl*tm*« tree at tin* rulter*all*i ritit< mb-nt U ibout*. i'i'i» In it many •hortrat data of thr (fir. I In* fniiilir* of K C. Hilton ainl Ii. K. , pyltitu aa KU<«ta of the ati|» \|r«. al Audotrr it m tiool la i>u thr k li*t. f|*liit|f a who came to wr at .it 1 want to a III* tllaf Marteiiaou. SwriU A • hrlatnu*. and whrn did \n»r* liad a CtirUtnii* trrr at Mr. llil- feVt rtln I>lll|ti til II of (111' Don't •• lit «itll Itrf All I intaltd Hit- M %rrie»l la « >>rni*h. l*v. £14, b* Kr» rainy you buy | «|(fj in I for hlmarlf a o»m- V... .Vl rntrft lloncnt Itla town built .l.llli- L m ilt that th» l» ha-l urn*a| will ■ r. M •« \ I olr. II* t<' % I' *i>o« Mr Maahl Itra.AHt ortahle home wi'hlll the pt*t y«wr. dleil Ilie lu« tweu atknl I the m lul*t- rUnit. Il.rrr ».•« lar** ii uu.h-r thr dim-lion « <>rnUh ami Ml** Nrlllr W. I * it. 1^*11. <|ue*(lon why lourteeriof lglit»or« *|>euH , he fa. t that tta tin mt« ra ha « rr laat it k. Iliram. u>l> M-r. lDilu>trlout, Inxirtt, funl working w lut • tin- ut out Aft «•!"»«» N'»- 1 huiin>roua|y CLGAK? tltiuf uutll I In MiUlk-r |«ie«che.|, he of 1Mb after lu« M of 1'aria »it In Mr. 11 Ut Hilt* li«< litiininl '| eveulug January , in«rj* \taood ^.u.- 4IIiili||«lM-ri into |in>bibU »" rrturu. • • 4r. IWnnrtt hail IHit niovrd ii1 » illi Un !*•' : • It foil rrvrntly there iiwiilrridltiK g"l»g Mnoerat with you A nt la ni<*r*tkHi. f tli» I will Karupran onn, ami h««l a lot and h»il are rrluml « • I * l»o«iglit ju*t oteiliead. Hut there arr, ami they | iot fullt aatUttfd ii»l with the Iiry your f K<>umaiilaii 11.< fri- la of Mra. Alfrrd olr will , »r» frnt full* tiii.ti.il in! j'•*••n !))•< • a dwrll- gun th* construction of nWr mi almanac maker can- In return, ,. health. v*hi rntlu In re- that the you m«Uf ^ l t.i «ru of |i#t iiuproard In |ihotngr»|iht \ photograph* NIWHV. irwjr ha* hern Making gr*w« ug. II*4 a Urtiui of thf not tell what tin- weather w III l«e | tour I -l I* o«|t wlil rrfun-l roar Iwent>- will refund money. ihw lirr • U*l 11 to i^llU. urn. th»r uioury. bey The Ut* tluw lit* Ul't Ihc ro*d. • in* nt* with llm Minolli Mr*. <•. A. Mnrm it arrioualy III from four hour* heme, muih (filer titan a one X| ||. Uf * Null*. • hoar arrtoua lllnraa Our I. »l tliAt !«•' ritli whiih th* f»rm an* IvititC Bt'Y ONE CHEAP, Ih- or It* rlfrcta. (>•>». LOVKLL. full) M lltiy ti * arrki it abl* to b* HOHTh ALbAN» «crk|>|>«* ten-year-old *l« ird f«w *|i>, 1 (I. r * ten mil* rl I- lu * » II' • |'^l .|M>b tI*- nr*rly rarry day. Mr. ind I nolle**! Horace K.»*t«r «l W 4l»rforit (i f»« ln are thrlr birch mill, which la twlng built « at I^h ke'a Mill* « j •Miic«ln r<>>*«. Iik- »ldi«r» Ihf for than worth. You jrr n»or* tliau iiK ity Moiulay evening, le at the I'mtrr coi chicken pie *up» • hi' |'li\«h i*d< Laving | ||||»( ririnut, Thrft 1 I II. they ling rr*"r|i|l«ili our mil* U-lo* Mrtico Cororf. ebtr< K. to-day. A r« five IikIIm *»• n all tbaut 1 U< via t evening, ali. At thrir .lur* of tMiilurM. a at a large gathering ami Mijmnl torn* »ii- I* «l» «,'r bJrch "n "" De«lay I he eserviai • were of with a • hrWtnia* tree aftrr U'til a half U hind each otbar. ran ho at our ILr iumVf arid »■««! train* arr utll- fwni« Vr«. vuri't many frieod* EAST UROWNFItLD. evening. ■truing, i.k Mil »«« v™* i»i*»-^'* yard do Store. Tin* balance and all were well at- • rv * a* a number t imu li IwMilnr*!. llie u*ual variety aril. Ilit large j ballet went throtfli tbrrr -1 /Wf thr ratrllrnt alrdding. al*h li" «rr«* « hrUlniaa tr«*« at Mr. J our ImraM **r* on lb* a.i,4;lu'; I r««b aintfl* Tfcavv ireaciit an1 uu inM I very pleaatnt j m iii auc*i-*b ii. II tb» e«.ft |>aru An ou|».u iimrgv llarvey • Mr. Johnaon'a, Mr. tlllra' 1 t*t U|» our muni at itchrll'a, S. II. Swan ai»l wife were here on a •*. II. Ilarrlmau l.i. iuowhI with hi* to-day. I of ttock go noine • • til.I *rnd It to tli* of tin- :n •rh If ar* vl«lt (Ik* Hr»t of the week. Mr. aay* | 'am lit I" I rtrhurg till ••ni gral with trn mt«. y«»u «>n U*t »i*k. Mr. Iltomaa >aml*. *»!><> m«t with ao 1 4ullii|C Mrvli. m mri'ilia tblll tllian lliflli ted by the h**e rotted m» lu that m ImniI h«>u»e lu I'Utrlct Nn. I J, • alxl with tltr h initial! I.•• to Mai- |H>tatoe« badly Ihe , I (ianmnt no t talUlN }tir«ard Mr*. Klatr gone n«»rrr til icri'lrnt a *li«»rt tlin* »(<•, i* Smu < I «u• BMMlr a •M>rl 14II At J. u M fi«hii>i^l rifle*. t!»•• hole made l»jr Even made thi*»caMon, full) that Mime will have to their flrr aft* moon %«»i» In rrturn. thr alaln. Mr*. i.ro. Kimball Motion buy *lihClty titok Monday ( .J*- ,1m for irrv low. tif bullet U *maller and mnn>rmia I'ltoti-ur«|il»« ami to I, in.I wa* mnib lu **he». Ihere Ma* uo inif thtt a III rrfutui mar monrj. Irr and rrturne»| Saturday. rrturnrd |»lant. 1 i|..rn..l tl»- in* » »• *urrou»d" uM>aip«nin| Mi.. |*«t*l ha* artil I wliWb U ii the whole the an* for oM •• • Stlcknay week Mr*. (', II. Ilrook* WII .. an.I Im I l*« ii none a luce at tnjnrlra We hate the uf ■• t• \nr- l.a*t Iiool Hut tUy \|r and Mra. William C. MMl|ldla| M |M CMIbfWk b f". »' 'roni Maa«achu«rtt*. tb* in* tut>. r. ul lb* li-MH ilrvl.- •»«•»> Stylt'H, slaughtered for her two alck children on the aaBr , Im> before. < «u«e unkuown. „ lorn terrible. The ran#- «»f the new « arrl»r*l hrre on tlirir »a« for a *liort >l*it. Mi* iiiiir iln lilc at by Friday «itunla) r. O. «'hrl*tmaa Mr.. X.». n»krf 1 Mtilmy a|M*nt • I • \. IJe» • li«rl« « A. Ilrook* of I.l*er- ikiiikI for #.»<»> In Ihe htna. |ur«Uy r lib* la uUdit lullra. fruui II*m|on. to *lo|t thl* wiutrr. .uiiimoii*d i«» Iwr *r«. I on our OKI> *»> lonM*. of Ileitis I • all I rnly diujlinr, profit* SHAWLS, *arm here. *»ome are In tnore. an-1 Mr*. Johu F. Howe F. M I»u II all'I wife of H<»«lon It la Mi*« Mart U dr*aa-m»kliig !. U. Moor* of ll«tbd. PAHIS. terjr StkkMjr Min aeeturd to lire*! her ihr RMMl « I'll"* II of >.»iitli Maiuheater. WIST of « ||er N. liliMiii f»\*r tka» n for a »l»«»rt tlm*. Mr*. C. F. l**Mtrr I* »<»!•» »uM MrfiiM • a Krjrl)ur( aixl »lie went tliere. I • miii., armiut vl*lt to the hoiuf of BLA COMFOItTEKS ami Kir ficopla •|»nt **ry rnjoyablr I'vlf ha* t»*D to tin- rr old Hwfll in New NKETS, la«t Mr. II. CmImI i-oai|»l*lnl. uietro|*ilitan mifty r«ruin| in liuuluiu'i Hall Monday Mr fatlirr, Itenjamln ltu*«ell, during • , MASON. jouar *rtrral tnvaaloufd thr • ut out Art oupoa No I from till 'ork la luMulfc'tiik' In what am called I hrWtuiaa fieri lara arrr b) lirUtma*. \ ttifht n»r OXFORD. t(Ur t» r. of U" avv r- ,u.| »rml it tl»- |.ul.lt«l,. , The h<»t marvhalabia all h< Winter Menu Ovi thr artr AU>ut all the newt la that many of {riiip*. Mr*. .Mellcu Kattuian ha* beeu nprW tlirin#>rp. good*. (unI >nd although |»rrariita Mra. Farrington'i mother, Mra. Syl- ijuitc ». Ml v. III. t«» rvnf- 11 •ur arr ml. Mr. A. lim-uli* la improving. )-'» nn>ti ane«i|ile at 11 ilck K pri*«t* J. J*, tint I* at houn* for aomr tlmr v eater, tiled Norway Itorember ItKh, receutly. •it a*ti.n*d *'"i arr* » rll rrmrnihrrrd. Ilrrlirrt Mhltiuau ha* l*r# cuullnnl Mi*> K1U (lurlr* Ii it lu>nif for the luiiy , hotel or raff, aa the lilovea and Mit Ml.lrrn litl year*. Slie waa carried to r*r*l** In return mltli-niT, ja«t Shiit*, Underwear, f• »r •etrral U.<« *. Mia* AlUrd ami Mia. Villi*F*aM*d«-n. u(ei| .n. |.|M>t<»*r»|<»»« )•••» \ I Mi hiot'mll and * iIr ar* ato|>|>ing to hi* Ikhim 11 morea him. l)r. Walter Flem* Nt of town, arrr at \\ aterfonl for hurlai. lolldaya. 1 will r*fut»d ;»irlt < I iiuilrriUinl that Mr. fam- «>th traihlng a of I!<■)- your roon*y. .1 Ki^.lurt urtU Lnrjuj Ilutlileu ami wife of I'rratou II. Walker hi* |mt atiH'k , *-ii t *rt h i ii in*-! 11 to m (('"Up "f th* mt hmih' for < hrtatmaa. J. K. Norway, j itf'a tftiM included. Collie nml um. MMdW-ton la Km. A. arr ••him- Ml*r. aUtl Into tin- More for* \ Mr. a««i«tlng ily < I from former realdenta, were In town la«t Irjr fancy gt»oda PARIS. our Hundred waa • wmilm* aurprfaa, oa <>*i4r Ma*«in tti l VrttW Merrill in- I'ut out our Art o«i|«on No. j "NORTH taut la hia mlni«t*rtol labor* waa 11 M»lkrr A llell «n«l Itr to th* which the iirrly occupied by I V IOUHHVU.^1 l«» •*» 1J itirtnl from Fifth avenue In full Uiih oil thr >i< k IUt. Ilia laau* ami arml It publWhrra Thursday, thlrty-aeroud l.lltMul* kfjr • itarted lu bu*ln<'«*. Walker A llell atlll tl btrgr. with leu c«t». It anniversary of tlielr marriage. t MWi U lo Jr-w tl>r «lm«H unci • to (III I hv t»unf Ih* iMmnrat )«« 1Kb. lUrrWoa I« rrnltiit tcarriage* palled i:. \ Mr. hrrti ha« brrn unabl* again la to an I < nn lb* grot-Try bu*lt»faa. irr not uli«lhl and with The grippe prevailing quite Uh.« |i» Wr«l l'»rU. n in Mutt atr»«t, off th«< * • h»r* for thr tao Im«[J IttlUHQ. A. S. Ik-au ha* oMll- fully pl*a»*d tut out Art No. I from tlda I p Jn*t Ik.wery, In* «|i|MlBlarfll |*tal rwl»» In r«»- extent. Coupon tb* »kk menced tn iia blr» h. li* »'• you |r*d l»unlutii Iwubwaoa , ■h« rv, in ■ Chiin-** r<*tanrant. t on iiriiunl of «u knraa. photofrapha were a• u«ual MM and m-ihI It to tbf of the cheap «tha will rrfuml Chriatnu* exerciaea lie 11 pulillahera til (<>m- t hrlatiua* trrr no uru, tl»*y your money. tin centa. are Chineae dinner waa aenred with II I. |tro« U MU r||*s1 |'i*«n| ijuiHlv; both churvhea. [bmocrat with If you w chop driiii.ri.lratktiU iu thU at *MU« ora lloua«y U aI work f'»r III •• nrit «rtl< FRVEBURQ CENTRE. lu tlie re|xirt of the IM«l«lon of fully pieced 1 provnl •urprlaa.— I la aUk »Uh a bad Something miutual for u*. .»*; rurlM' lu return, Hfcurd. h K unnlDfi circle lirld an of Tnu|«rauce laat week I lie Item *hould | photograph* you I*ui»h»m'« hlladelphia 1 i* krt thrrr being Th* North Kry*burg 'nrrktt W.K. NOTES & ANDREWS, v'lil alxl hla la vlilig agalu, uioner taken the IMvUlon will refund your money. *li.'|i mrrtlng at WUwell'a hall r«nil the bjr hey Our *lrU**r liaa » «»*w»M«w«#k.|f lr«»er«*l < <* no nr« ca**-» of lUtrrratiiig it»ne IO lain 1*l»< Arrt«« aMarll, «u oM jfrntirmao whooping tough. e liaa amounted to ftlrert. Nnruii), A large number of •Iin It a organisation | 1 Wkkh la lit to alrk. Ulaai°UrU*a llrml, furmrily of till* Monday evening. NORTH BUCKFlCkO. Irlfh. rought a«>ci*ty |vo|>l<* tlila lleald la home from llondoln wa« thr uaual l ut out Art Cou|«on No. I from llarry N«». Hi Ukuoau a* thr Flat ihrUtmaa crl*brat*d In Ut i»ut Art CiMt|Mi« I from that ltu»|>|>iu| tree and riblldtloii at tbf I'arnlt avhool ami to obtain in Ilk. not aallafled ami with the V» !f. •" 1 1 j Turkey tuprcmacy January raw to tliurvh. fully pieaaeit [ >..t •ul-rt^l *»«l S.U. « triau< N .1 u*hiuaa ia m«itufa< turlug I* :*■ receive In return,, l»ou»f brl*triMa PUT**,,1 V In- Mediterram^n. Tli« r^at* II. li. M*m'« look* after hla *tovk 1 rank Kaatinan of t'onway Ontr* photograph* you » vou »«. rvtur ti)«H ka. mill. refuwl V. I». HkkueU'a children were all at Lboto«n.i.l.. take can*. It i*»li« located brrr for tin* winter. they will your money. «lll rrtui»«l )our mon«y. *Jn. baa. I>«rud aon ar* working in ut out Art ou|»»n (kit day mond. apreiuary It'itCK* mcrabera of tin* one* have received their mini l**ur and tend It totlir of thr iinlr Ibe l»m*dUta tin little were i tat* in* ut an echo tu tba campaign Jn»t I i *h«ia thia »int*r. puhllahera Frank Held and wlfr of Norway hU«*«-n to A».nrr ceuta. arr conalatlng of thrra daughter* of ami have again lieen I 'ir^KwIu'wij to obtain an in- < haa tak*a a «oatract llemoefut allh trn If you family, tu|i|>ly |irraenta, at Iter (J. W. Hammond'*, | oramenred in Knglaml lltrrlM.n hiida mrrr fu* a I •out father'*, «iiiiigr*|>h« were Fred Tay I'urnUy. ' t the l»Kiunlng |«>litual Stone conducted the imlCH which learu. U lien will thl* remnant of au*| W««i I'art* I. II. O. I. Ijk Ijfr and th* they will refund your inoory. Maine •ieneral llo«|dtal, where be left Herald. of an Imprtwalva nature. Krery man peratltion itiw aun No. I froin man J. A. Warren'a ChrUtmt*. | >r. 1» I lor tin* rotulnn )«*' f<«t in hot water Iml at Waterford Flat la*t <«itunUt an energetic and iletermlued to our village on Saturday beforeChrNt- ( [irppa atirk ynur raj *rnd it to thr of going to Florkla thl* winter. « II. a |Hibli*hrra riming. Tl* follo«|n( ullli-rri *rrr In *»ery undertaking. Ilia rwr^r tuaa with tlie Intention of having a little UntfiM; rith a little tnuatard in It put pieca tkMnl »itht*a v*ata. If j«mi but tinted: waa mi aggreaake that h* jor celebration by lite aid of wlilikey, tlx K Mill. if flannel in bot iiamamelia • 'r not full* aatiaflrd an I aith NORWAY LAKE. «lipi**-*l |il*aard Mr* I r J»«hi time to til* aoclal ameultlra of too for tlie nubile I net hi with • tli« r*- |»ia»W*>. t.ut little becoming m»l*y goml _.ril t witch ban 1) over yocr at. plM>tr^ra|>h« mu rr*ri»r la Mi««» * i J. C. Maunder* and wife their fi*t*m, k«i(M th* world, and made but were arretted ami lu tlie enjoted over ilrink turn. allt i«»«r *r«. rtu»n»* M..un-I* cou*e«|uentl» they placed f Tiwtt. tlrcw of flannel that, thrjr rrfuad mon*y. v-iiuri. while were tald luvr Chrl*tiu«* dinner with Wood and >»»Jr «y»MI« dry J. W. f. ». f*w Intimat* frlenda. hKR m*u, where they to Harry I). V» IVrrrr. Tn»*»*r- two lixaltir luaiMlUw. Wan**, lockup, Wflfe. t rarui aajp* tea ami at night, everJ kaltfM. ar* hy all, fall to r*cel»e tlie Sabbath very alrlctly and aa t. K• rwH. "1'wury. NORTHWtST BLTmIL. ra>fcant. th*y r*a|iect*d ke|it A U. It. tako aix of aconite the lot* which th*lr mrrlta waa a Itoildav It wai di emed W. O. and II. A. IVrry and Walter n. M«r»hAlt. loura, (nlleta Ilir club will hold It* meeting each th.it frl*odly Monlay t in I.. % IwrtT. • I «itturday e»e«lng **c*|»t hy were at of of to tak* Into tlwlr conll- On were tried and Arthur Tucker and family I'M M.r^All.N{" norm. | b« a una grain pill aulpbat* thr Ulr llouar. mljtlit clrnoa* alao. Tuesday tliey | day M. ka* ana awd Tucker'* ChrUtiuaa. llattic t^-iy Awt i»w»n, warm ami eat iVatoj b»u|hl 4rjr a o«t of our f*rm- moat atradfaat frkuda, and A aelture of null quantity rorre*|N>ndent abatarer your appetite ralla for. Mra. llrnnrtt ht« wU of g>MH| tMt*lnr*a. j AdvertUer nude a mUtake In ma»tjnfto l»*t»l -aalljr atood th* multltud*. Huch m*n mak* ha a heeu made here aloce. County | I,.. tirAtiK* JmuAr) I3tli mn roa* era would ha*e morr mvi and lr»a by ardent , reatuient will you.— hrr to Art Mi«mi for ♦J" that M ill Autlln did not uudi r- ( pjaitiwly *o*ml*a. but llirlr frl*nda ar* tha moat New a of the death of Thomaa N. I'alne •aylug K. (1. Uiw i-arri*a thr «* holar# to tail hor« * they might make farming ' Jbicairo Hacurd. mor* to b* truatnl. l*i bettrr tKan d<> lie ! waa and for waa a native of llethel hut Although It wa* the flrat of the kind I».fnilirr ll'l HI* At folloWA! ||(*.*ltA* trrr lutlr | inn*«*d b»ru In laid Wi'ijr Mr. I'alne Mra. Wilaoa'a ai«t*r baa brrn I here la lumbering belog ever do be wra* Tiklif a Rrw4 VUw. |r%iu( v-a**rn h* laliof«d for thoa* went to lit! hadan>thlug to wdlh, j Ion* tir lUttl* M»H)t»»y. KUa MArsliAll, town thU winter. arv*nt >r«ra California many year* ago. aith hrr for a »hii*. done In the one the It lo «to|i|.in( and d*ar la on old a man ui to And trouble and get KIU Aii»lrw*« AU'I MaiU Joliiiw.u; I can't for a h* h«ld n*ar Ufa lb« an nt'i'-h re*|«vte.| among "No, Johnny, bay any candy < hrittmi* I • a a waa a rainv, oar Ilirrr la to be concert N'ew Yenr'a fofjf* dl*d. Ila l*av*a at the time running order. i WtU liunh.iu, tba twtli." • hom*at*ad wh*r*h* ami waa ahout 70 yean old roa. It's lad for hrr*. aotta aol »rulnc at SaNith Waterford by l*rt»f. Jamea Hmlth SSStH <*«« MAfjr dl«a|>|>rar«*l raj.idly, Mr*.