The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat. JANUARY NUMBER 1. VOLUME 62. PARIS. MAINE, TUESDAY. 2,1894. i«* of tin* luial In- a«mMUtm »m intellectual iM r» ItU bartm, whoahrank hark with TtiU ol<l *411 It ia «• in**. Kim prnarh u. c I 11 u n«r ImI ii- watching eruiently |wmnmi] THINGS SELDOM SEEN. in tin" Not 4MB* ft wRiuirr, | uoceaha a«ked freahlng. I »tu<li«*l him cuo»tantly, al- • l<»»k of ab»4nte terror oil bar far*. I trrtatintf (iIm-mi ra|itto|. AMONG THE FARMERS. Niial fimr D««, iwl rrorganl/«il half deflrml »n«|>ictona,for | mrrtlui, tb* wunli I bad heard r» aHi*h*r arm ami many rltllitn know of Iti riUlHMv, nor, A Counawlor. Th* A Transferred imIii car*l«"«a manner. which wm ways recalling M* him Highly Attorney •la dormant linnfn. pal* path arnator* Identity. •I tb« Rat* the night Wfore, Dangrh lark tb* flowing ilwn ami la* DOWN IN THE LOWER REGIONS OF for that matter, but frw of tlw MAIM. nu* ami ullwi work pertaining aaaunted, whether 1 hat! heard lnwljr M»t*TN TAKIft. pahljr Itoh. •ml rrpnt-iiUttrwi. fljr ap|»li< aii.*i to lu the of Nitlrr hu lieen »«» antmd* about the houa* the •otnin from d« aouf—awful." Untly arrntlnlir tint lorely han> I Mult « »4,i utlbral Inpt* EDITH SESSION TUPPEL anjr unuvual THE QREAT CAPITOL «'V-r ><«f %*•**»«*• »r*4 of By > old J. /••!« 1 ahould to frw h*r- Ik* oflW-f of tli« an lutr« t of IIm* ci|iiUi|t W •■iTIi tMil tiMmt all tunathlitaaM IB heat v. resulting a large proportion before. I Mid "no" ami In rvtnrn If lb* |t> |'li<. of la rain ah* ailently atrnggM II kH night to vault l« l»*t><l twiu* ^nwMW H»««l l» from rome tb* which her an<l *iaiuln*l n««r by, lb* k*y th« majr mr time. Ifeport* mvitnl nearly INO. by Aarrktk l*T— iull asknl (h« r*a*on of her Hh* tu|w»-ltlDiM danger ■rlf. II* h*l«l firmly ft I ITKU*. ■••kit. %<r* «. Haiti I ul»r iHfwH inquiry. *•»»» la T)it« r»>in h*» waiUof all of the il»lo arr enomrag- 1'ortu were arm aaa arimtiat an in* 4 Ap«rtw»«l j»n«tir»-l Iwavy Cirt* Ua parta rrrjr Un.) replied alio bad alrpt lightly and would thrvatened cumins through bar might «tmly |l»t» intl I brlh#, U> greater Wfll to tma- ha Um Caklk-farriiMttlt Italy—IImw lb* i»n< k at. I rHIinjr of Iron «hI iiuuaairy. » A Coumw»lom, lo(, point, have aald that ooc* ah* heard tha hall her cooain—«b* h»l mk! •ret umler a u>U roarofM. HtuMmly Attorn*) OMITER IX 14 M DOVIH the mining >«*ar. in thia keen. hla from hrr arm to h*r far* IimI» (>*U rr**k Air It la 91 fwt long mhI ftlnMit wl«l»\ KAIHI. MAIM state granqk. pr*»«pertty Titr. aimas. ikwr •lint. ble, for obavrvnnt, brain; raiM«l ryr* Mkf Wiakltc Mr aimkl imM our aI la • A at I* all*» l»r|rt obligation* mau alt* would nwt an ao au iaal*vo|mt* r» «i Nm«I tmrmmm. light**! l»jr ■Itiglo (vjrt. I Mmwm. IV ronntjr |*|«( «i|uU Walt ••Hh* la ( reflected and ndvmnr} •ml amilM tannttngly, Ua'i RmhIm A i- • •rawl l« llir heliiera lu work. K«- Croorbrd by tbegata.I waited. aounding ine," a » II M linn i«t of M all lirnht*1 moan I moat grvwaoat# |4a< mith tlw h«' )»<>m«nrr aa aa inter- worthy of h*r akilL (hat Portia gara a faint littl* KkaNnjr, !•*•« i woul<l ue Irmkr our thai.k* l<« f4 for what? forthwith grew cunning tnjr ly. |Hp*rUJ ( •rvl ikr M«l»- "Male iirtnfr In full Maat all> Ml lark in hrr chair. It la, anmr^itlvfof |>rtM>n or tomb. Ilrn* ft r A lift. farr on all wai o>un» to tor. ami IKIICK run- ill** railroad* for rMlmtil 1 at a l<«a In know what lorn WABttl*oTt>*. |)*r. IhU Is < mtral 11*11, "VIIm aai<] Mr. "I 'JR.—Daring it waa <«m *u|i|*«r«l tb* rrmaina of | mra*lon«, an I lu the alal« n« wa* take. I to n turn to th* hooM, ••No," I Mid "I benrd IfaaoQ," Ilaymoml. | t « 4« tl l|.|r»n.| f !;«• lliituri •pevlal Ought Indiffrwitly, CHAPTER XL tli* irnul whit* ImiMliig woiiM l»* »•»!. *n<l it lut* jf •<» U ill.'* holiday Waaliinfflofi |>la< Attorney* at Law. tlul km geneniu*ly mml hi in •ear Mr*. Marrhnoat |'«|-»r« mow Colonel Marrhmont and trll — l.» li> Ul/a-na of tS«* t* In t«» n«, aim I nothing." A MJtillT KNOM'jrntK. Ml th» MUt** nr*rr la»ii iiimniuulfalltini and mam a I thtf In r »i In an 1 llftad h«*r Ix-ad. hill—IIm» t'niM rajMtol aatufartorily et|tUln*«l why MAi*B. «l!ilr <••!•*••( ihr Irnljr |nih||thnl «»f thu vlaitnf hie wlft It waa nearly when earring* nrriiBL. ih» ple*aantral «lr.4iiifo uiitlnuht After luncheon tit* toloml took bit were U tli« roniUHKi brlirf of Interest lo Hi. onlrr. For all n li rMwilnl with vMlnr*. Qjagraa U thry n<4. It KIWm C »'«'» I.. (■ ■ r % of th* ••f.lrr I If K \. klM I• rr11■:.• ttii'I tla*hrU to the piatsa, and tall, faah- 1Virtu hail faintadl I ll»a ft HvcHrft. to that uncauti) place? up out to rl#w tli# an<l w to % •uth a more generoua tu|» ru~t plantation, u<>t In waalon || tlila tlUl*. but lit* Mr.. Washington <I*«-Ilm-«I iflv» J. II. IVikl mull' arhrtiwil Would it iM>t iiK-r*«M> hli evident dreaaed wan alighted, luokad Jllal |irr«l.|*sl inrtulirra. Antip- ionaldy li<| not art- them again nntil <1 inner. ■■ cornwt rouariit to oftlt* r* main* « MOLT. l<> l«»rt our tha (ID tD.J i|o not f»r» >r h»T ttwmnoiral th«- «»f *tliinif, wlit«-li Ii) f..r her? I fearrd w, and m 1 vh al«mt with vome enrtoaity, paid |a«>l>U f< that. Th* <-a|>itol tiluVil. athy PodU «u abaolutaly daaxbng when of Iht bualauxl fr*■•«» Mount Wruon, but |«ll(tLI« I Worth* Hunt r» W. NtTKlliL and then ran the front la iUrlf a nav*r attraction for lh« • tlnrrnl; iniinui to tiring thr two to- drivvr lightly up •he in and t<«>k ber aeat at the failing Attoro«T A CoanMlor. W fi»l|o«ni %»ItH a of iIm1 National awept tbia ta not tin* raw. Mriti>o, Vul'u'n, I!•*• M-Mkin (•raugr. them more wtdr- the gixat knocker r»- innltltnda. Tim nnbl« art hit** tur*. lit* gether iu«tradof wetng •tepa. I'rveently bead nf the table. hhe wm ilmtnl in h4f« tb« r*«or.|a anl ><»KW%T. MAIXft (w »imI ihrn rtiiir an Ihi|i|«ii at "*»r««uar, N. V., a a* rn- PftaltorlllM In Manaj*. I looknl up «|imli, rl«M|iirnt I JffidrJ that U|- aoundnl through th* lull. worka of (1m* mm*!**! in*mori*a »<ltlrr*« W K. I'trtiin u| and Taenli- 1; »f|«rilit| again*! ararUt from hea>l to foot. Her aa(*rb art, r|intf> l»-ariir.| that a frw aftrr thr <ln»tb I <lk4«t> ftWft. Mtla Vrwl hi I'mrfofl, tliu*l^*lU* Interesting. with aom* friction of a rmlncM »nr- day* • "A rlaitor." 1 Mid, ilitereat, Light part « II ! I« ! N The ftka ahouhb-ra roae froui folda of allk, In* aUxit th* iHiiMinir ati<l of It, •l« • eight tlalea were rr(iri*M*utnl. fiery f* f In 10 |»»rta «»f n«r»l \Va»hintrt<>ui •iikm-m a<lo(»t"l I would wait Portta't return, for rUitora wer* not nuuteroua at l*m|»ratur*. ri|N-rim*ntaon i M to our at lurr No, Jotn an<l the little fret that wandered in and all coit<la«f to tl»* ||*r!»•—i lnt*r- a in whkh it w*« ft. Q. iM I t tin* tiiemlierahlp Urgr win* |n>|»tilar joint r*«<»lation |>r>- MX MAILOW, In r to confide all to iu<—-to n b*alihy a<lnltat trtnprra- Full* 1UI nt'fr Iwen a* a* In former jeara, yet 1m r, l»*g Hwainplanda. out tier »kirta wire »i><«| in th* rat In It. 1 cnift-M that for i«» I lt*T»r monumml la* | |>rr«rnt. ABfb ■H (rr,t braMlh tur* on waa *i<l"l that "• marbl* ron II- nanrrlion there Toiu. the cam* Into tha lll>rary Mb aiilra wjiial, ami wham Irr* ha»r Urn tlx le*<llng I he ohlrr I* lii a »*ry aatWfavtoi) plain wlut I'Miblt butler, Mine lurid hue. Hbe l<a>ked | veritable 11iv.I of tli* < WhlU tit* m*ii Htatra In Attorney at Law. |>r<>«an.I fr** Kiirfin* on th* »ur- l(r| a|>tt"l fmt«l bjr tb« l*nltr«l tlv«ap- r In ir an I Mthrlt Ix l*»twren th* wife of a a r«nl on a allrer aalrer. l*or- trmja-ratur* •I'lrit• of Ih*> uf.U arr tlon; tin- arlmmr greeting fStroded by mulit proud carrying of Her ejrea and avim In Ita l*irialatlv« Italia <lo b*- that of (bm-r-tl daughter M«-j>hl»to.

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