Chopped Recipe

Chopped Liver

Chopped Liver - traditional recipe for chopped chicken with and . Deli-style Jewish holiday recipe for , , or just because. Ingredients • 1 1/2 lbs chicken livers • 1/4 cup schmaltz, divided (see note below) • 2 large , sliced (for a sweeter chopped liver, use up to 4 onions) • 5 hard boiled eggs, peeled and diced (divided) • Salt, to taste • Black pepper, to taste • 1/2 cup gribenes (optional - see note below) • 2 tbsp minced fresh parsley for garnish (optional) Recipe Notes You will also need: large cast iron or nonstick skillet with lid large enough to cover, kitchen shears, chef's knife, food grinder or food processor. Makes 3 1/2 cups chopped liver, serving size 1/4 cup. Calories calculated using 1 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper.

Learn to make schmaltz and gribenes here. Instructions 1. Prepare schmaltz and gribenes ahead of time, or purchase schmaltz from your local kosher market. Goose or duck fat can be used in place of schmaltz if desired. 2. Prepare the livers by cutting off any tough pieces or stringy tendons. You should also cut away any pieces of liver that look discolored, yellow or strange. This is pretty much the worst prep job ever, as uncooked liver has a soft and slimy texture, so make sure this step is done by someone with a strong stomach. 3. Add 2 tbsp schmaltz or into a large cast iron or nonstick skillet and melt over medium heat. Put half of the chicken livers into the skillet and fry them for 3 minutes on each side (about 6 minutes total). Season the livers generously with salt and pepper as they are cooking. 4. *Note: If you plan to kosher your chicken livers by broiling them prior to making chopped liver, you will only need to sauté them in the skillet for about 1 minute on each side. Koshering the livers cooks them, so there is no need to sauté them for a long period of time. Be careful not to overcook or burn the livers, or they will become dry. 5. After cooking, livers should be firm and browned on the outside while slightly pink on the inside. They will continue to cook internally after you remove them from the skillet; don’t overcook them, or they will turn dry. 6. When the livers are brown and firm, pour them into a medium- size mixing bowl along with the leftover schmaltz/oil from the pan. Add another 2 tbsp of schmaltz/oil to the skillet, melt it, and fry the remaining livers repeating the same process as above. Add the livers and leftover schmaltz/oil from the pan to the mixing bowl. 7. The skillet should now be seasoned with schmaltz or oil, so you don't need to grease the pan again. Add the slices to the skillet. 8. Cover the skillet and let the onion cook undisturbed over medium heat for 10 minutes. This kick-starts the caramelization process. 9. Uncover the skillet, stir the onions, and continue to sauté them for another 30-40 minutes, adjusting heat as needed to keep the onions from burning. Ideally the onions should be deeply caramelized, tender and sweet - this is what gives Jewish chopped liver its trademark savory-sweetness. 10. Don't try to speed up the caramelization process, it takes time-- and that's ok. Good things are worth waiting for. When the onions have reduced to about 1/3 of their original size and are soft, sweet, and golden, they're ready. 11. Add the cooked onions to the mixing bowl along with 4 of the diced hard boiled eggs and the ½ cup of gribenes (optional). Season all ingredients generously with salt and pepper. 12. Now it's time to chop all of the ingredients together into a blended mix. There are various schools of thought on the "right" way to chop liver. The old fashioned way is to chop it by hand with a knife, mincing and mincing until it resembles a rough pâté. 13. Another popular method is using a meat grinder. I use a meat grinding attachment on my Kitchen Aid mixer on the fine hole setting. Works like a charm. 14. If you want to take a more modern approach, fit your food processor with a metal blade. Place all ingredients into the processor and pulse for about 30 seconds, stirring once halfway through processing, until a roughly textured paste forms. 15. Whatever method you choose, it's important to taste the chopped liver once it is ground. Add salt or pepper to taste, if desired. Be a bit generous with the seasoning, as the liver is best served chilled and the seasoning won't taste as strong after chilling. 16. Chill the chopped liver in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Garnish with remaining diced hardboiled egg and minced parsley. 17. Serve as an appetizer with crackers, , on rye, or gluten free crackers. Store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for 6-7 days. Chopped liver can also be frozen and served at a later.

Rendered (schmaltz) Description How to render chicken fat and make crispy gribenes , a classic ingredient in traditional Jewish cooking. Ingredients • 1 lb chicken skin and fat, cut into narrow 1/2 inch pieces • 1 tsp kosher salt • 1/4 tsp black pepper • 1 medium onion, sliced into thin 1/4 inch pieces Recipe Notes You will also need: Nonstick skillet or baking sheet, mesh strainer, paper towels. Makes 3/4 cup schmaltz (liquid rendered chicken fat) and about 1 1/2 cups of crispy gribenes. Serving size is 1/2 tbsp schmaltz and roughly 1 1/4 tbsp gribenes. Note: 1 pound of chicken skin and fat can be obtained from about 15 pounds of bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs. Or, save and freeze chicken skin instead of discarding it in various recipes, then make schmaltz when you have collected enough. While the 1 pound weight is a guideline for this recipe, you can easily adjust the ratio above for less or more chicken skin as needed. Instructions Skillet Method 1. Rinse the pound of chicken skin and fat, pat dry, then chop it into small 1/2 inch pieces. 2. Toss the chicken skin pieces with 1 tsp kosher salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper. Place the skin and fat into a skillet on the stovetop (make sure it's cast iron or nonstick!) and turn heat to medium low. Cover the skillet and let it cook on medium low for about 15 minutes. Liquid fat will start to pool at the bottom of the skillet. 3. Uncover the skillet and raise heat to medium. At this point you can add onion, which will give you an onion-flavored darker colored schmaltz, or you can render the fat without onion for a cleaner, purer fat with no onion essence. Most Jewish cooks prefer to render the fat with onion. 4. Let the skin and fat cook for another 15-20 minutes, breaking the pieces apart with a spatula and stirring frequently, until the skin starts to brown and curl at the edges. At this point there should be quite a bit of liquid fat at the bottom of the pan—this liquid is your schmaltz. 5. Remove pan from heat. Pour the schmaltz from the skillet into a container, using a mesh strainer to catch any small pieces of skin. A golden oil will result—this is called schmaltz. It can be used in a variety of Jewish dishes or as a cooking fat. 6. If you cooked the onions as the fat rendered, your oil will be a darker golden color with an orange hue. The schmaltz will stay liquid at room temperature; it will become solid and opaque if you refrigerate it. 7. If you cooked the skin and onion together, return to medium heat and continue cooking in the skillet until the skin is deeply golden, curled and crispy, and the onions are dark brown. Drain on a paper towel and serve. 8. If you did not cook the onions with the skin, you can cook them after the schmaltz is collected. Return the cooked chicken skin and fat to the skillet. 9. Turn heat to medium and sauté the mixture for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Don’t leave them alone for long or they’ll burn! Adjust heat lower as needed to keep from blackening too much. 10. When pieces are dark brown and crispy, remove the gribenes from the skillet with a slotted spoon and drain them on a paper towel. They become crispier as they cool. 11. Gribenes can be snacked on as-is or added to other dishes as a topping.

Baking Sheet Method 1. Rinse the pound of chicken skin and fat, pat dry, then chop it into small 1/2 inch pieces. 2. Cut your onions into slices, then cut slices into pieces around 1/4 inch long. 3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Toss the chicken skin and fat with 1 tsp kosher salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper, then spread it out into a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet. 4. Place baking sheet in the oven and let it roast for 20 minutes, until the skin starts to turn golden and curl at the edges. Fat will have started collecting on the sheet. 5. Add onions to the hot baking sheet, spreading them out evenly throughout the chicken skin. 6. Return to oven and continue roasting for another 40-50 minutes until the skin is golden brown and crispy and the onions are dark brown. When stirring, make sure to move the pieces on the outside towards the center, and move the center pieces out towards the middle, so the pieces evenly brown. 7. When the pieces become crispy, remove from the oven and let the tray cool down. Strain the fat from the tray through a mesh strainer into a collection container. 8. The gribenes are delicious to on or used as a topping. The schmaltz should be saved and used in a variety of savory dishes. In will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator.