4/1/2019 Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Year 2018‐2019 Digital Logic and Design (Course Code: EE222) Lecture 27: Verilog HDL contd… Course Instructor: Shree Prakash Tiwari Email:
[email protected] Webpage: http: //home.iitj.ac.in/ ~sptiwari/ Course related documents will be uploaded on http://home.iitj.ac.in/~sptiwari/DLD/ Note: The information provided in the slides are taken form text books Digital Electronics (including Mano & Ciletti), and various other resources from internet, for teaching/academic use only 1 Overview ° History of Verilog® HDL ° Overview of Digital Design with Verilog® HDL ° Hello World! ° Hierarchical Modeling Concepts Verilog HDL 2 1 4/1/2019 What is Verilog HDL? ° Verilog Hardware Description Language(HDL)? • A high-level computer language can model, represent and simulate digital design - Hardware concurrency - Parallel Activity Flow - Semantics for Signal Value and Time • Design examples using Verilog HDL - Intel Pentium, AMD K5, K6, Atheon, ARM7, etc - Thousands of ASIC designs using Verilog HDL 3 What is VHDL? ° VHDL represents another high level language for digital system design. ° In this course we study Verilog HDL • reason: - used more often in electronic and computer industry - programming style is very similar to C programming language 4 2 4/1/2019 History of Verilog® HDL ° Beginning: 1983 • “Gateway Design Automation” company • Simulation environment - CiiillfbttiComprising various levels of abstraction – Switch (transistors), gate, register-transfer, and higher levels Verilog HDL 5 History