Architecture Description and Packing for Logic Blocks with Hierarchy, Modes and Complex Interconnect Jason Luu, Jason Anderson, and Jonathan Rose The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada jluu|janders|
[email protected] SRHI D SRLO Reset Type INIT1 Q CE Sync/Async ABSTRACT COUT INIT0 CK SR FF/LAT DX The development of future FPGA fabrics with more sophis- DMUX DI2 D6:1 A6:A1 W6:W1 D ticated and complex logic blocks requires a new CAD flow D O6 FF/LAT O5 DX INIT1 Q DQ D INIT0 CK DI1 SRHI that permits the expression of that complexity and the abil- CE SRLO WEN MC31 SRHI D SRLO CK Q SR DI INIT1 CE INIT0 ity to synthesize to it. In this paper, we present a new logic CK SR CX CMUX block description language that can depict complex intra- DI2 C6:1 A6:A1 W6:W1 C C O6 block interconnect, hierarchy and modes of operation. These FF/LAT O5 CX INIT1 Q CQ D INIT0 CK DI1 CE SRHI SRLO features are necessary to support modern and future FPGA WEN MC31 SRHI CK D SRLO SR CI INIT1 Q CE INIT0 complex soft logic blocks, memory and hard blocks. The key CK SR BX BMUX part of the CAD flow associated with this complexity is the DI2 B6:1 A6:A1 W6:W1 B B O6 packer, which takes the logical atomic pieces of the complex O5 FF/LAT BX INIT1 Q BQ D DI1 INIT0 CK CE SRHI SRLO WEN MC31 SRHI CK blocks and groups them into whole physical entities.