THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9ra MAY 1975 6069 This application is to replace previous Permit No. posed scheme of artificial recharge of the ground-water 28/39/303120 For the same amount of abstraction. in the Lower Lee. Further details of the application are: in the Parish of A copy of the draft licence and of the plans deposited Chertsey, above. with if may be inspected free of charge at the office of the A copy of the application and of any map, plan or Solicitor to the Authority at Brettenham House (Third other document submitted with it may be inspected free Floor), Lancaster Place, London, WC2E 7EN, and at the of charge at Anningsley Park Farm Office at all reasonable office of the Divisional Manager, Lea Division, " The hours during the period beginning on 1st May 1975, and Grange", Crossbrook Street, Waltham Cross, Hertford- ending oh 5th June 1975. shire, EN8 8LX, at all reasonable hours during the period Any person who wishes to make representations about beginning 9th May 1975 and ending on 13th June 1975. the application should do so in writing to the Divisional Any person wishing to make representations about the Manager, Thames Conservancy Division, Thames Water draft licence should do so in writing to the Solicitor to Authority, Nugent House, Vastem Road, Reading, RG1 the Authority at Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, 9DB, before the end of the said period. London, WC2E 7EN, before the end of the said period. E. R. Hayes, on behalf of Mr. W. M. Vernon. After the expiry of the said period the Authority will be entitled to pass a resolution by virtue of which a 28th April 1975.
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