Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Park Development Framework Strategic Policies April 2019 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Park Development Framework Strategic Policies Prepared by LUC Planning & EIA LUC LONDON Offices also in: Land Use Consultants Ltd Design 43 Chalton Street Bristol Registered in England Registered number: 2549296 Landscape Planning London Edinburgh Registered Office: Landscape Management NW1 1JD Glasgow 43 Chalton Street Ecology T +44 (0)20 7383 5784 Lancaster London NW1 1JD GIS & Visualisation
[email protected] Manchester FS 566056 EMS 566057 LUC uses 100% recycled paper Executive Summary Extending north from East India Dock Basin for 26 miles, and broadly aligned with the natural course of the river Lea through east London and Essex to Ware in Hertfordshire, the Lee Valley Regional Park presents a rich tapestry of award winning international sports venues, attractive parklands and areas of significant ecological importance. The Park attracts over 7 million visits each year largely drawn from London, Hertfordshire and Essex but given the international status of its venues increasingly from across the United Kingdom and abroad. The Regional Park lies at the centre of one of Europe’s largest regeneration areas which includes London 2012 and its Legacy, major developments in the lower Lee Valley, Meridian Water and a range of large schemes coming forward in Epping Forest District and the Borough of Broxbourne. The Authority’s adopted policies date from 2000 and, given the Regional Park’s rapidly changing context, a new approach is required. The Strategic Aims and Policies, Landscape Strategy and Area Proposals included in the Park Development Framework are designed to respond to this changing context to ensure that the Regional Park can maintain its role as an exciting and dynamic destination which caters for leisure, recreation and the natural environment over the next 10-15 years.