Democracy for All? V-Dem Annual Democracy Report 2018
INSTITUTE VARIETIES OF DEMOCRACY Democracy for All? V-DEM ANNUAL DEMOCRACY REPORT 2018 Table of Contents V-DEM ANNUAL REPOrt 2018 INTRODUCTION EXECUTivE SUMMARY V-DEM IN A NUTSHELL A WORD FROM THE V-DEM IN NUMBERS, TEAM COLLABORATIONS, METHODOLOGY, AND HisTORICAL V-DEM 05 06 08 SECTION 1 STATE OF THE WORLD 2017 – LiBERAL AND ELECTORAL DEMOCRACY 16 SECTION 2 INCLUsiON is AN ILLUsiON 34 SECTION 2.1 SECTION 2.2 SECTION 2.3 WOMEN’S INCLUsiON INCLUsiON OF SOCiaL POLITICAL EXCLUsiON AND ACCEss TO POWER GROUPS BasED ON SOCIO- ECONOMIC INEQUALITY 38 44 52 V-DEM UsERS V-DEM PUBLICATIONS REFERENCES PRACTITIONERS, ACadEMIC JOURNAL ACadEMICS, STUDENTS, ARTICLES FROM THE AND MUSEUMS V-DEM TEAM 58 60 69 APPENdiX COUNTRY SCORES FOR 2017 71 V-Dem is a unique approach to measuring democracy – historical, multidimensional, nuanced, and disaggregated – employing state- of-the-art methodology. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) produces the largest V-Dem measures hundreds of different attributes global dataset on democracy with some 19 million of democracy. V-Dem enables new ways to study data for 201 countries from 1789 to 2017. Involving the nature, causes, and consequences of democracy over 3,000 scholars and other country experts, embracing its multiple meanings. V-Dem is or has been funded by (not in order of magnitude): Development Agency, NORAD/the Norwegian Research Coun- Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, cil, International IDEA, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Marianne & Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Aarhus University, the Quality of Government Institute and the Council, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the European Research University of Notre Dame, with co-funding from the Vice Chancel- Council, the Danish Research Council, the European Union/the lor, the Dean of the Social Sciences, and the Department of Politi- European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Sweden, the cal Science at University of Gothenburg.
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