Lesson 5 : A Holocaust Hero

Lesson 5

Irena Sendler: A Holocaust Hero


documents 1. Jack has all the d ts he needs in order to get a new passport. courageous 2. It was c s of the student to challenge her teacher’s opinions. obtain 3. Joseph has been trying to o n a copy of this rare book for years. ambulance 4. The family called an a e to take their sick father to the hospital. agent 5. If you want to get more acting jobs, you need an a t who knows the industry.

convince 6. No matter how hard they tried, none of the other kids could c e Mark to sneak out of his house at nighttime to break into the old warehouse.

admitted 7. After being questioned several times, the boy finally a ted to having taken the money.

arrest 8. The policemen disguised themselves as workmen and entered the building to a t the gunman.

fake 9. People have thought that the painting is a (fake) and that the original was already destroyed during the war.

sigh 10. After studying hard for a long time, Emily could not but (sigh) with disappointment when she failed the test.

compassion 11. Most of the main religions teach us to have (compassionate) for the poor and the needy.

executed 12. Many Jews were (execution) or left to die in the concentration camps by the Nazi government during World War II.



( C )1. If Mark his promise to Tina, she would never have broken up with him. (A) kept (B) has kept (C) had kept (D) would keep ( B )2. The exhausted traveler sat in the train station, her head on her knees. (A) rested (B) resting (C) to rest (D) and rests ( A )3. The math test was much more difficult than I , so I didn’t pass it. (A) had thought (B) have thought (C) was thinking (D) would think ( D )4. Jean likes to cook at home, her family prefers to eat out. (A) As (B) If (C) Since (D) While ( A )5. Some people enjoy a quiet country life, but like living in busy cities. (A) others (B) the other (C) another (D) the others


During World War II, the Nazis established the Warsaw Ghetto. Over 400,000 Jews were forced into this area, and many of them died from 1. and disease. Then, the Nazis decided to send Jews to death camps. Horrified by what was happening, a young woman named Irena Sendler began helping the Jews. She secretly took Jewish children out of the ghetto. Parents gave their children to her 2. these children could survive. 3. , the Nazis discovered what Irena was doing, so they arrested and tortured her. Later, she was rescued by her friends. 4. , Irena Sendler is remembered for her selfless acts. If she 5. , over 2,000 children would have died. Irena Sendler is a true hero.

( B )1. (A) bravery (B) starvation (C) consequence (D) privacy ( C )2. (A) except that (B) for fear that (C) in hopes that (D) despite the fact that ( D )3. (A) Miraculously (B) Surprisingly (C) Strangely (D) Unfortunately ( A )4. (A) To this day (B) By no means (C) As a whole (D) Once upon a time


Lesson 5 Irena Sendler: A Holocaust Hero

( B )5. (A) didn’t help (B) had not helped (C) wouldn’t help (D) hasn’t helped


(1-2 題以 If + S + had + p.p...., S+ would/could/might + have + p.p.....改寫句子) 1. As Terry hadn’t worked hard enough, he couldn’t pass the exam. If Terry had worked hard enough, he could have passed the exam. 2. Chris didn’t attend the party, so he didn’t meet the girl he loved. If Chris had attended the party, he could/might have met the girl he loved. (3-4 題以 S + V..., V-ing/p.p.....或 V-ing/p.p...., S + V....改寫句子) 3. Jason looked out the window and enjoyed the beautiful view. Jason looked out the window, enjoying the beautiful view. 4. Because he was attracted by the girl’s beauty, Charles followed her and tried to talk to her. Attracted by the girl’s beauty, Charles followed her and tried to talk to her.

V.引導式翻譯:9% 1. 到目前為止,已經有超過五百萬人造訪過那個網站。 To this day , more than five million people have visited the website. 2. 因為來自飛機的噪音淹沒 Sarah 的聲音,所以 Joe 聽不清楚她說的話。 Joe couldn’t hear Sarah well because the noise from the plane drowned out her voice. 3. 在知道小孩脫離危險後,那位媽媽鬆了一口氣。 After finding out that her son was out of danger, the mother breathed a sigh of relief .



In early 1944, the Nazis took over , where they began to send Jews to concentration camps*. One man, Carl Lutz, saw this enormous tragedy and decided to do what he could to save Jewish people in Hungary. As a Swiss diplomat who had been sent to , Lutz made a deal with the Hungarian government and the Nazis, which enabled the government to issue certificates that allowed Hungarian Jews to go to Palestine. Each person also received a letter that protected his or her safety until he or she left for Palestine. In all, tens of thousands of such certificates were issued. When the Nazis forced Budapest’s Jews to march to the Austrian border in November of 1944, Lutz and others went to rescue as many Jews as possible and brought them back to Budapest. In the end, Lutz saved around 62,000 Jews and is credited with the largest Jewish rescue effort during World War II. Furthermore, half of the Jewish population of Budapest survived due to Lutz’s work. In 1991, the city of Budapest established a monument to Carl Lutz, whose name has also been put forth* several times for the Nobel Peace Prize. 註:concentration camp 集中營 put forth 提出

( A )1. What is the purpose of the passage? (A) To introduce a holocaust rescuer in Hungary. (B) To demonstrate how the Nazis treated Jewish people. (C) To tell readers about a holocaust happening in Hungary. (D) To encourage readers to visit the concentration camps in Hungary. ( B )2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Carl Lutz? (A) He was a Swiss diplomat sent to Budapest. (B) He rescued around 62,000 Jews on his own. (C) He issued certificates to help Hungarian Jews flee to Palestine. (D) He tried his best to stop Jews from being sent to concentration camps. ( D )3. What happened to Carl Lutz in the end? (A) It wasn’t mentioned in the passage. (B) He was killed during his rescue efforts. (C) He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. (D) The city of Budapest built a monument to him.