Fisheries and Aquaculture in Cambodia's Wetland Environment
Wetlands Management in Cambodia: Socioeconomic, Ecological, and Policy Perspectives Edited by Magnus Torell Albert M. Salamanca Blake D. Ratner CHAPTER | Topic i Wetlands Management in Cambodia: Socioeconomic, Ecological, and Policy Perspectives Edited by Magnus Torell Albert M. Salamanca Blake D. Ratner 2004 Published by the WorldFish Center PO Box 500 GPO, 10670 Penang, Malaysia Magnus Torell, Albert M. Salamanca and Blake D. Ratner (eds.) 2004. Wetlands Management in Cambodia: Socioeconomic, Ecological, and Policy Perspectives. WorldFish Center Technical Report 64, 55 p. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Wetlands Management in Cambodia: Socioeconomic, ecological, and Policy perspectives / edited by Magnus Torell, Albert M. Salamanca Blade D. Ratner Bibliography: p.40 ISBN 983-2346-26-6 1. Wetland management--Economic aspects--Cambodia. 2. Wetland ecology--Cambodia. I. Torell, Magnus. II. Salamanca, Albert M. III. Ratner, Blake D. 577.6809596 English Editor: N. Puttaraksar Cover photos by: D. Lever, A. Ribier, E. Baran and WorldFish Center photo collection Cover design: Garrick Tan Design and layout: Garrick Tan ISBN 983-2346-26-6 WorldFish Center Contribution No. 1716 Printed by Jutaprint, Penang, Malaysia WorldFish Center is one of the 15 international research centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) that has initiated the public awareness cam paign, Future Harvest. ii WorldFish Center | Wetlands Management in Cambodia: Socioeconomic, Ecological, and Policy Perspectives
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