The Guns of August By Bruce Arthur Round 9

1. Important pre-battle developments included the capture of San Angelo, the wounding of Giovanni de Medici, which forced the withdrawl of the Black Band, and the arrival of 15,000 reinforcements under Georg Frundsberg, whose forces would eventually intercept and defeat Robert de la Marck’s pikemen, who had been sent to stop Alfonso d’Avalos and his arquebusiers, who used a newly-made breach to enter the walled park of Mirabello in which this battle took place. Soon, forces commanded by Charles of Lannoy and loyal to the Habsburgs had badly divided the encamped French, resulting in the slaughter of many nobles and the capture of Francis I. For ten points, name this decisive victory for Charles V, an Italian battle of 1525. Answer: Battle of

2. After being re-elected to Congress on the Unionist ticket, he and Andrew Johnson co-authored a Congressional resolution stating that the purpose of the Civil War was not to abolish slavery. John Quincy Adams unsuccessfully nominated him for the Supreme Court, and in order to resolve a dispute between Archibald Dixon and William Graves, this Attorney General to Millard Fillmore and William Henry Harrison was given the 1848 Whig nomination for Governor of Kentucky, a demotion because he already held the Senate seat vacated by Henry Clay. For ten points, name this American politician best known for an unsuccessful compromise to avert the Civil War. Answer: John Jordan Crittenden

3. On one expedition where he would help capture the fortress of Dinan from Conan II, he was shipwrecked and held hostage by the Count of Ponthieu. He cultivated his brothers Gyrth and Leofwine, who died serving him, but had intervened against his brother Tostig, giving his earldom to Morcar of Northumbria. This caused Tostig to reject this man’s election by the Witenagemot and successfully take up arms against him at the Battle of Fulford, though he and his Norse ally, nicknamed “Hard Reign”, were soon defeated at Stamford Bridge, though this ruler had far less success against a second invader. For ten points, name this last Anglo-Saxon King of England, defeated at Hastings. Answer: Harold Godwinson

4. It resulted in the Alinagar, and its perpetrator was the grandson and successor of Alivardi Khan, a man who would be defeated by Robert Clive at the Battle of Palashi. Actions preceding it included the capture of the silkworm factory at Kasimbazar and the retreat of Governor Roger Drake from the siege of Fort Williams, who left behind a force commanded by Dr. John Holwell. Proposed bribes of 1,000 and 2,000 rupees to end it fell through because guards did not want to wake the sleeping nawab, though one guard eventually brought a hat full of water – not enough to prevent mass suffocation. For ten points, name this incident in which a group of British soldiers were crowded into a small building in India. Answer: Black Hole of Calcutta

5. One of their rulers, Koshkadam, got into a dispute with their northern neighbor over the succession to the throne of Karaman, resulting in an invasion which Kait Bey had to repel in order to save the Burji dynasty, while their earlier Bahri dynasty had been victorious at the Battle of Homs against their eastern neighbor. Another ruler, Kansuh, was defeated at the climactic battle of al-Riddaneah, where their power was broken forever. They first came to power under Qutuz, but he was displaced by the man who had defeated the Seventh Crusade and won the Battle of Ayn Jault against Hulagu Khan, Sultan Baybars. For ten points, name this group of Turkish slaves who became rulers of Egypt. Answer: Mamluks

6. It began when troops that were seeking to protect the Woronzoff Road by fortifying the causeway Heights were attacked over the Tractir Bridge by forces under the command of General Liprandi. Other commanders at this scene included General Jabrokritski, who was deployed in the Fedioukine Hills, and Marshal St. Arnaud, the commander in chief of the French forces. High grounds during this battle included the Canroberts Hill, which was occupied by Prince Menshikov and located above the South Valley, the scene of the Thin Red Line, as well as the Sapoune Ridge, from which Lord Raglan ordered the Light Brigade to into the history books. For ten points, name this battle of the Crimean War, an attempt to break the siege of Sevastopol. Answer: Battle of Balaclava

7. One of these was performed in violation of the Peace of Vasvar and featured a side theater in which the forces of Imre Thokoly were defeated at Bisamberg. That same one saw an unsuccessful sapping operation under the Lobelbastei, as well as a decisive charge by winged units. An earlier one had been aborted due to delays at the siege of Koszeg, while the first one featured the defending commander Niklas Graf Salm and a naval battle at Pressburg as the attackers attempted to advance up the Danube. The last was put down in 1683 by Polish king Jan Sobieski. For ten points, name these unsuccessful attempts of the Ottoman Empire to capture the capital of Austria. Answer: Sieges of Vienna

8. The name’s the same: one of them was victorious at the Battle of Aangarara, while another was the brother of Titu Cusi and son of Yupanqui, whose forces sparked a conflict by fortifying Huayna Pucara and executing two envoys send by Francisco de Toledo, who would hunt him down at Momori after destroying his ancestral headquarters at Vilcabamba. The second was a former colonial governor turned insurgent, while the first was the last scion of a line founded by Manco Capac: the last Sapa Inca. For ten points, give the name shared by these two Peruvian revolutionaries, for which an American 20th century rapper was named. Answer: Tupac Amaru [prompt: Tupac]

9. One dissent cited Cicenia v. Lagay, which, along with Crooker v. California, this decision overturned, while another dissent by Potter Stewart claimed that the precedent of Massiah v. United States was not applicable, as it dealt with a person who was on bail. The majority opinion cited Bram v. United States to establish the effects of police intimidation, and Watts v. Indiana to establish that it was preventable. The petitioner had confessed while confronting another suspect, Benedict DiGerlando, to being an accessory to the murder of his brother-in-law, but in a decision by Arthur Goldberg, the Supreme Court overturned his conviction in, for ten points, what case that established the right to an attorney during interrogation? Answer: Escobedo v. Illinois

10. Two ships named the Orel participated in it; one a hospital ship that was the first sighted by the defending fleet, and one a battleship that would be captured. Made necessary by the defenders earlier victory at the Battle of Ulsan, the attacking fleet had earlier been blockaded in the port of Vigo after the Dogger Bank Incident, which left three neutral sailors dead after their fishing boat was mistaken for a torpedo destroyer. A night attack by real torpedo boats sank the Navarin and the Sisoy Veliki after daylight fighting had already shorn the Knyaz Suvorov, Oslyabya, and two other battleships from the Baltic Fleet, including the Tsar Alexander III. For ten points, name this final battle of the Russo-Japanese War. Answer: Battle of the Tsushima Strait

11. One part of this battle was found on Saunders Field, and saw an inconclusive struggle between forces commanded by John Sedgwick and Gouverneur Warren and forces commanded by Richard Ewell. But the main fight took place in front of Brock Road, near the defending headquarters at Widow Tapp’s farm, where the forces of General Hill were attacked by Winfield Scott Hancock and nearly dispersed before the sudden arrival of 20,000 troops from General Longstreet, who launched a counterattack expelling Mead and the new General-in-Chief. For ten points, name this first eastern battle of General Grant, named for the wooded area in which it took place. Answer: Battle of the Wilderness

12. This man's father, Algirdas, defeated the Tatars at the Battle of the Blue Waters. Early in his career, he fought a conflict against his brother, Andrii the Hunchback, in which he allied with Mamai Khan, and which saw a major battle at Kulikovo, and was involved in a power struggle with Kestutis. Later, this man launched the Hunger War, a conflict that would later be resolved at the Council of Constance, as well as a conflict that would be settled at the Treaty of Lake Melno, the Gollub War. He rejected an offer to become King of Bohemia in 1421 on religious grounds, refusing to make Hussite concessions regarding the faith he adopted at the Union of Krevo. Famous descendants of this man include the ruler who orchestrated the Union of Lublin and the ruler killed at the Battle of Mohacs, but he is most famous for defeating Ulrich von Jungingen following his marriage to Jadwiga at the Battle of Grunwald. For ten points, name this first king of Poland-Lithuania, the founder of a namesake dynasty. Answer: Jogaila [accept: Jagiello, Wladyslaw II]

13. At the age of sixteen, he delivered a commencement speech to his graduating class at Princeton entitled “Building Castles in the Air”. He defeated Philip Schuyler for a Senate seat, though he left it to become a state legislator in New York, enjoying an alliance with William Mooney, the first Grand Sachem of Tammany Hall. Later, he allied himself with the eccentric Irishman Harman Blennerhassett, on whose private island he raised an eighty-man army, but this was reported by the Spanish spy General Wilkinson, resulting in this man’s trial for treason. Earlier, he had presided over the impeachment trail of Justice Samuel Chase while wanted for murder. For ten points, name this Vice-President who shot Alexander Hamilton. Answer: Aaron Burr

14. One member of this group, who Geoffrey of Monmouth claims was half-British, was assassinated by Julius Martialis while urinating. That member had previously enacted universal manhood citizenship. Another member had the legal scholar Ulpian executed and forced Dio Cassius into retirement. Another member came to power with the help of his eunuch Gannys and his grandmother Julia Maesa, declared Sol Invictus the official god of the Roman state, and founded a temple based on the worship of a black stone from Emesa. Its founder was a North African who defeated Clodius Albinus at the Battle of Lugdunum, ending the Year of the Five Emperors. For ten points, name this dynasty of Roman emperors, which included Elagabalus, Caracalla, Alexander, and Septimius. Answer: Severan Dynasty

15. According to legend, one of its rulers, King Mu, had an artificer named Yan Shi who could manufacture humanoid automatons, while another ruler, Zhao, drowned on the Han River while retreating from an unsuccessful attack on the land of Chu in which this entity’s six western armies were annihilated. The first Chinese dynasty to use chariots in battle and it was established by King Wu at the Battle of Muye. The movement of the capital to Luoyang marks the traditional transition between its two periods, the latter of which descended into the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. For ten points, name this early Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang. Answer: Zhou Dynasty [accept: Chou Dynasty]