Outings Guide Natural Areas
Outings guide to 10 protected natural areas in Stockholm County Outings Guide to 10 Protected Natural Areas in Stockholm County Editors: Eva Sandberg and Björn Carlberg Translation: Sea Otter Productions Graphic design: Grön idé AB Maps: Jesper Sannel. Copyright 2005 Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län och Lantmäteriet 2005. Based on maps of Swedish National Land Survey and Geografiska Sverigedata 106-2004/188-AB Cover photos: Bengt Ekman/N (kestrel), Miriam Klyvare (child), Per Bengtson/Grön idé (oxeye daisy). The stylized six-point star is a symbol for protected natural areas in Sweden. Inside cover, background photo: Göran Sehlstedt Photo credits: Bengt Hedberg, pp. 1; Per Bengtson/Grön idé, 2, 7, 8, 12, 20, 30, 31; Magnus Sannebro, 4, 27; Folke Hårrskog/N, 5; Rikard Dahlén, 10; Björn Carlberg, 6; Ola Jennesten/N, 9, 22, 25; Lars Nyberg, 13, 28; Göran Sehlstedt, 16, 21; Jonas Forsberg/N, 18; Länsstyrelsen, 19; Claes Andrén, 32; Britt Forsén, 22 (top); Henrik Ekman/N, 24. Aerial photos approved for publication by Swedish Ministry of Defence. Printing: 30 000 copies, Elanders Gummessons, 2005 Environmentally certified paper and printing 341 279 ISBN 91-7281-174-9 Foreword The natural environment of Stockholm County is wonderfully diverse and accessible. It is a great treasure at the disposal of those who live in or visit the capital region, with many different types of natural setting – everything from the rugged island of Bullerö in the outer archipelago that stretches eastward into the Baltic Sea, to sun-dappled broad-leaved woods along the shores of Lake Mälaren to the west. Consider the agricultural landscape at Angarn in Vallentuna which has been farmed for a thousand years, and the broad expanse of virgin forest at Tyresta in the Södertörn area – a wilderness area just twenty kilo- metres from the centre of Stockholm city.
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