Sustainable urban development projects

Projects that have received financial support from the Delegation for Sustainable Cities

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The Delegation for Sustainable Cities has been tasked by the are to display the potential inherent in the development of Swedish Government to manage and allocate financial sup- sustainable cities, be demonstration models and facilitate port to projects aspiring to develop sustainable cities. the dissemination and export of green technology and exper- This support is to stimulate sustainable urban develop- tise. The projects should also promote attractive solutions ment projects that not only help to reduce emissions of that benefit the people who are to live and be active within greenhouse gases but also are best practice examples of the environments that are to be built or regenerated, as well urban development measures that make use of integrated as stimulate innovative solutions and originality. urban planning and applied green technology. The projects


78969.indd 2 2012-01-26 17.46 Projects awarded support in 2009–2011

he support totalled SEK 340 million for 2009–2010 was primarily intended for Tinvestment projects for newly constructed or regenerated city districts or housing areas. A smaller part of the support could be awarded to planning projects, such as feasibility studies, programme descriptions and cross-sector planning and information initiatives. In 2011 and 2012, the Delegation can decide on financial support totalling about SEK 19 million per year. Support can only be allocated to planning projects during this period. Up to 30 percent of the costs in a project can be given support. For further information on the financial support, please visit The Delegation has distributed support to nine investment projects and 55 planning projects. Brief descriptions of the projects that have been awarded support are presented in this report.

= Planning projects, 55 = Investment projects, 9


78969.indd 3 2012-01-26 17.46 New global showcases Illustration: Wingårdhs Arkitektkontor AB that are a step ahead

Sweden is in the vanguard of sustainable urban planning and an international pacesetter. Stimulating new demonstration models reinforces this position, while shedding light on several sustainability aspects. One such example is collaboration in both the planning and the implementation process with the actors involved – municipality, business sector, residents - enhancing the quality of the projects. The projects also demonstrate how the technical systems are linked together. Major synergies can be achieved by taking a coordinated approach to energy, waste, and wastewater management.

Husvärden’s new office block at Krokslätts Fabriker Söder, Mölndal, Gothenburg.


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78969.indd 5 2012-01-26 17.46 Contact: City of Umeå, Albert Edman Example of how energy production [email protected] can be integrated into architecture., The flat roofs on Ålidhem’s buildings are being converted into saddle roofs and fitted with solar cells. Ålidhem – a sustainable city district in a cold climate

In Ålidhem, a city district of Umeå, being green will be easy and fun. Its conversion to a district heating system. The buildings will be sustainable city district, with its own wind turbine, solar cells and innovative insulation fitted with new ventilation systems with heat methods, is well under way. recovery and energy-efficient LED light bulbs.

t Christmas in 2008, an entire housing decrease and district heating will be used in new New ways of involving residents block burnt down in Ålidhem. The idea ways. To reduce household electricity, for exam- The project will help residents to be more environ- Awas then hatched to initiate the biggest ple, new dishwashers and washing machines will mentally aware. The installation of individual smart low-energy project in northern and at be installed – machines that instead of heating energy metering equipment in apartments will be the same time start to upgrade the district’s other the water using electricity are connected to the one of the measures implemented. Old waste-rooms housing properties, built during the million-homes will be replaced by modern, functional recycling programme, and to create pleasanter and safer facilities. Encouraging the participation and involve- outdoor environments. The initiative includes over ment of the Ålidhem residents is an important part 500 apartments, 140 of which will be new low- of the forthcoming change. Residents have previous- energy units. ly shown little interest in traditional consultation sessions and so now new ways of increasing their District heating will power dishwashers involvement are being tested. The municipal housing and washing machines company AB Bostaden in Umeå has, for example, The climate in Ålidhem and Umeå is cold but the arranged walking tours with the residents to study region has an extensive district heating system, sustainability and safety aspects of the local environ- 99 percent of which is powered by non-fossil ment. There has also been productive dialogue with fuel. In the project, total energy consumption will students from Umeå University and the local theatre group Skuggteatern in Ålidhem. The Swedish million homes programme A new method was chosen to increase involve- The million homes programme was implemented ment in the future of the Ålidhem youth recreation

in Sweden between 1965 and 1974. The purpose Photo: Filip Hammarberg/Glad reklam centre. A large poster with the words “Hello Ålid- of the programme was to build a million new The physical investments in Ålidhem were preceded hem, what do you want to do with this building?” homes over a ten-year period - hence the name by dialogue with local residents and other stake- of the project. The period was notable for rational holders. During the “Ålidhem Campaign”, residents was put up on the outside of the centre. Residents planning and substantial use of prefabricated had the chance to put forward their own proposals were urged to rank existing proposals and propose concrete panels. on the development of their local environment. ideas of their own.


78969.indd 6 2012-01-26 17.46 The method proved very successful. More than 200 visitors gave their opinion on the matter. The majority got what they wanted and Ålidhem now has its very own cultural centre.

A place for testing new solutions The area is to be displayed as a demonstration model in conjunction with Umeå’s year as Euro- pean City of Culture in 2014. The ambition is also Illustrations: Johan Fjellström and David Kemmler Kemmler Illustrations: Johan Fjellström and David for Ålidhem to play an important role in the city’s In the glazed-in winter garden, heated using waste energy from the district heating grid, the residents future development. will have a new meeting-place. Since the garden is heated all year round, it will provide new recreational By cooperating with several institutes at Umeå opportunities. University, including the Institute of Design, the New meeting-place for residents • 50-percent reduction in energy consumption Institute of Technology, the Academy of Fine Arts A glazed-in winter garden is to be built and • Locally produced energy and the School of Architecture, the district will be a pleasant indoor temperature will be main- • Citizen dialogues a testing ground for new sustainable urban develop- tained using residual district heating from • Thoroughfare converted into modern, ment projects. local homes. This will create a new common low-traffi c city street meeting-place for local residents and new • Glazed-in winter garden a new meeting-place Some of the improvements planned for Ålidhem: recreational opportunities all year round 50-percent reduction in energy consumption Conversion of a busy thoroughfare to a Using among other solutions innovative insula- modern, low traffi c city street tion and sealing methods, energy consumption The busy Studentvägen thoroughfare separates will be halved. To preserve the original brick Ålidhem from adjacent districts and consti- exteriors, insulation is being installed on the tutes a signifi cant barrier. Heavy traffi c will interior of the buildings now be moved to more appropriate roads. This Locally produced energy conversion to a city street will reduce the bar- The fl at roofs on Ålidhem’s buildings are being rier effect and provide space for new forms of converted into gently sloping roofs with inte- housing and commercial activities, for walking grated solar cells. Considerable care is being and cycling, and above all for social activity taken when doing this, however, since the roofs are also an important part of the area’s original The project in brief architecture. The aim is to recreate the original • Conversion of a million-homes area characteristic fl at-roof look from ground level. • Showcase for building and energy initiatives in Energy will also be supplied to the area from a cold climate two wind turbines that will be erected close by Photo: Nils Pejryd


78969.indd 7 2012-01-26 17.46 Contact: City of , Lisa Enarsson [email protected]

Sustainable Järva – from pilot to reality Sustainable Järva is part of the City of Stockholm’s initiative to regenerate the city’s million- homes areas. The Järva suburb in north-west Stockholm will be an area of minimum environ- mental impact. Using innovative technology and with the participation of local residents, the project will create positive social, ecological and economic development in Järva.

third of Sweden’s housing stock consists and evaluated from an environment, economic and of buildings constructed as part of the historical point of view. Amillion-homes programme in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of the buildings from that era are From pilot to reality run down and in need of wide-scale repair. Energy The first block was finished in 2011 and work consumption needs to be halved to meet today’s is under way on two more buildings. Technical demands for reduced carbon emissions. The aim of procurement is currently ongoing and the aim is the Sustainable Järva project is to be a national and to use the best concepts in forthcoming refurbish- international example of how to re-develop run- ment projects. Since the entire housing stock of down million-home housing areas sustainably. the municipal housing company Svenska Bostäder, including 5 200 apartments in Järva, is to be refur- Different methods of energy-efficient refurbish- bished before 2020, the methods that prove to be ment are being tested the most efficient will be put into practice directly. Energy consumption in Järva will be more than Over 200 million Europeans live in housing built halved to 88 kWh/m2 and year, which can be com- during the 1960s and 1970s similar to those pared to the national standard of under 110 kWh/m2 constructed as part of the Swedish million-homes and year for new buildings. programme. The method could be repeated in mil- Three of the most common types of building lions of homes across the continent. are to be refurbished: 11-12 storey tower blocks in

Akalla and Husby, 5-6 storey balcony-access apart- Renewable energy Photos pp 8–9: Anette Riedel and Cecilia Malmgren Balcony-access blocks and slab blocks are the ment blocks in Husby and three-storey slab blocks Solar cells and solar panels are being installed on most common types of residential housing in Järva. in Rinkeby. Two different methods are being tested the facades and roofs of buildings in Akalla and Two different energy efficiency methods will be - traditional on-site refurbishment and pre-fabrica- Rinkeby. To promote local electricity production tested on these types of housing as part of the ted modules. The two methods are being compared and meet Svenska Bostäders’ need for electricity Sustainable Järva project.


78969.indd 8 2012-01-26 17.47 in the area, plans to erect a 2MW wind turbine in Järva have been mooted.

Sustainable transport Stockholm politicians, civil servants and local resi- dents have all evaluated the current network of cycle-paths in the area. The analysis will form the basis of Järva’s new cycle plan. One initiative to improve the link between Järva’s northern and southern parts is to enhance the standard of existing routes across the Järvafältet green area and to con- struct new cycle-paths with efficient LED lighting. A number of initiatives are being taken to Local clubs, schools and preschools are being A teacher’s handbook has been produced as a guide encourage more people to start cycling, including offered environmental training for schools and preschools to encourage visits to the a ‘borrow-a-bike’ scheme. An activity week with Hot water use in the area is twice as high as district’s green areas. a cycling school for adults, road safety courses normal. This is partly due to the fact that the for children and cycle repair sessions, is arranged average household in Järva is bigger than in Monitoring and evaluation every year. other areas. Technical measures and informa- The Royal Institute of Technology In Stockholm is The establishment of a car pool in Järva will also tion initiatives are nevertheless expected to monitoring the project by carrying out a continuous be facilitated in order to further encourage sustaina- reduce hot water consumption considerably technical, economic and behavioural science evalu- ble travel. ation. A handbook describing the results of the

Cultural initiatives different construction methods and other initiatives Information and participation The Stockholm City Museum is implementing in the project is being developed to help others Implementing technical solutions to facilitate a measures as part of the project aimed at enhancing benefit from the outcome. sustainable lifestyle is not enough. To achieve the people’s knowledge about Järva and at increasing set goals, extensive information and participation the residents’ sense of pride in living there. One The project in brief initiatives are also being implemented: such measure that the Museum has implemented • Conversion of a million-homes area Residents are submitting comments via the is to furnish an apartment in Tensta as it would • Method development for energy-efficient urban “Järva Dialogue” initiative and are participating have looked when first built in the 1960s. This regeneration in refurbishment decisions apartment is now open to the public. A culture and • Renewable energy Local housing representatives and environmen- history trail – Tidens väg (A path through time) – • Initiatives to promote cycling tal ambassadors who live in the area are being with information boards highlighting both past and • Increased resident participation trained to disseminate information and advice present aspects of the area has also been established • Environmental training on more sustainable lifestyles to each individual on the adjoining culture reserve on Järvafältet. household


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Contact: City of Malmö, Annika Kruuse [email protected]

Sustainable urban development in the Västra hamnen seafront district of Malmö

Malmö is continuing its urban development initiatives in the district of Västra hamnen. ästra hamnen has become the flagship of Sweden’s largest area of energy-efficient buildings is being constructed as part of the Malmö’s sustainable urban development. Fullriggaren project. Far-reaching sustainability solutions can be realised through close VExpansion of the area started when the city hosted the European housing exhibition Bo01 in cooperation with builders. the summer of 2001. The conversion of seafront industrial land to a vibrant urban area was put on show to the general public for the first time. This was Sweden’s first urban area with a climate-neutral energy system, using entirely locally produced en- ergy from renewable sources such as solar, wind and water power. After this high-profile demonstration model followed the Flagghusen project which aimed to make sustainability mainstream. The sustainability ideas are now being further developed in a third project in Västra hamnen, Fullriggaren. A mixed-use urban area of residential housing, offices, preschool, disabled-person housing and multi-storey car park is being constructed as part of the Fullriggaren project. About 75 per- cent of the 630 apartments will be rental tenure. Construction began in the summer of 2010 and the area is expected to be finished at the end of 2012.

Builder dialogue and cooperation for sustainability To take further steps towards a sustainable urban area, the City of Malmö and the twelve construc- tion companies involved in the construction of Photo: Tor Fossum Malmö stad Fossum Photo: Tor Aerial photograph of Västra hamnen and Bo01 in Malmö. Fullriggaren have been preparing for the start of


78969.indd 10 2012-01-26 17.47 the building project for two years and have worked guaranteeing access to a car pool for the fi rst fi ve together to produce a common knowledge base years. The scheme is expected to lead to less car and common references. Issues such as energy-effi - ownership and a corresponding decrease in parking ciency, damp-proof construction, ventilation, green needs and aspires to encourage people to change urban areas, open stormwater treatment, car pools their travel habits. and forms of tenure have been in focus. Fullriggaren will also demonstrate innovative green solutions. Several buildings in the area will be Low-energy buildings and passive houses only fi tted with green walls. A large 490 m² green wall Fullriggaren will be Sweden’s largest collection of is being installed on the multi-storey car park. To energy-effi cient buildings. A third will be classed reduce the amount of hardened surfaces, about as Passive House standard, the rest as low-energy 14 500 m2 of green roofs will also be installed. buildings, which is 40 percent better than Sweden’s national energy requirements. The project in brief The offi ce premises will be classed as Green Build- • Sweden’s largest collection of passive houses ing standard, i.e. 25 percent better than the norm. and low-energy buildings Lighting control and smart metering of electricity, • Close cooperation with builders at an early stage Aerial photograph heat and hot water will also reduce the energy need of the planning process of Fullriggaren in in the area. • Large-scale separate collection of organic waste Photo: Urbana Villor autumn 2011. for biogas production Renewable energy from waste, the sun and wind • Plant cultivation on walls and roofs The area will also be the biggest in Sweden where • Car pool membership for all residents organic waste is collected via waste grinders, sepa- rate pipe networks and collection tanks for biogas production. The organic waste is expected to lead to the production of about 270 MWh of biogas per year, the equivalent of 70 500 litres of petrol. Renewable energy is also produced via solar panels connected to the district heating grid and via a solar cell bank and urban wind turbine on the multi-storey car park.

Car pool for everyone and green walls Wiberg Illustration: David Rosengårdsstråket (Rosengård Way) – a footpath The area will be the fi rst in Sweden where all the and cycle path between the million-homes area of residents will have access to a car pool from the Rosengård and Västra hamnen provides a geo- Malmö stad Fossum Photo: Tor beginning. This has been achieved by the project graphical and sociocultural link between the two districts.


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Contact: Örebrobostäder AB, Cecilia Svedin [email protected]

My green neighbourhood in Örebro

Örebrobostäder is taking a holistic approach to its regeneration of the Vivalla million-homes area in Örebro. The My green neighbourhood project will refurbish 123 apartments in one

and two-storey buildings and tackle several sustainability challenges. Measures are being Collage and photographs: Kicki Hendahl. implemented in different areas: energy use and climate impact; participation and lifestyles; project. By employing new techniques and work- integration and employment; preservation of cultural environments and artist involvement. The ing methods, the project will hopefully increase the successful measures in the pilot project may be applied throughout the district with its 2 400 opportunities for citizen participation in the regenera- apartments in the future. tion process. This includes making it easier for people to air their views as well as being involved on a more The project goals are implicit in its name ing technical, artistic and educational measures. concrete level by taking an active part in the project My. The goal is to give the residents a strong sense The structure will be similar to that of the rest of in some way or another. Examples of innovative and of affinity and make them feel more at home. Örebro and improve the district’s contact with the somewhat unusual methods include artist-led work- Residents will feel prouder, safer and more at home city. The contrasts between private and public space shops and a history exhibition. The tenants will also in the area as well as gain more understanding and will be elucidated. Opportunities for social contact be given the chance to influence and reduce their own knowledge of how they can influence their own among neighbours will be improved. environmental impact. Smart electricity metering will surroundings. Participation will lead to a greater be introduced and a way of visualising water con- sense of affinity and responsibility. Reduced energy use and climate impact sumption will be created. Meetings can be held and A number of measures are being carried out inside technical solutions displayed in a mobile “environment Green. The goal here is to strengthen the neigh- the neighbourhood’s buildings to save energy and centre”. bourhood’s green values in a concrete and palpa- increase the amount of renewable energy used. Walls ble way. Energy use in the area will be more than and roofs are being fitted with extra insulation, doors Integration and employment halved. Waste heat will be reused in a local heating and windows are being replaced and laundry-rooms The building project will engage unemployed persons system and renewable energy will be produced. A are being made more energy-efficient. from the local area, providing them with work place- new street and cycle-path structure will help to Solar cells are being installed for electricity ments and training and ultimately permanent employ- reduce car use and encourage green transport op- production and solar panels for heat production. In ment. In a unique cooperation initiative between the tions. The quality of green areas will be improved addition, the possibility of installing wind turbines national employment agency, the municipality and to create better recreational opportunities, promot- is also being examined. A control and monitoring private contractors, new working methods are being ing play and other physical activity and making the system is being installed for indoor energy-related created to utilize the opportunities presented in an area more enjoyable to live in. functions. urban regeneration project to reduce unemployment. Being involved in a practical way and rebuilding one’s Neighbourhood. The goal here is to strengthen Participation and lifestyles own neighbourhood also increases a person’s sense of the identity of the neighbourhood by implement- The participation of residents is central to this involvement and participation.


78969.indd 12 2012-01-26 17.47 Photo: Örebrobostäder Photo: Anna-Carin Magnusson Information boards are used to disseminate knowledge. Transfer of project results By starting with a small, clearly-defined neighbour- hood, Örebrobostäder is creating a pilot project for its regeneration work. Experiences from the pilot project will be transferred to the rest of Örebro- bostäder’s housing stock. Cooperation with the Cesam Örebro University Foundation provides productive channels for gathering and disseminat- ing knowledge.

The project in brief • Conversion of a million-homes area • Strengthened neighbourhood identity • 50-percent reduction in energy consumption • Production of renewable energy • New street structure to reduce car use • Employing local residents and cooperating with the national employment agency • Consideration of cultural and historical values • Influencing lifestyles by involving residents and other stakeholders on a wide scale Photo: Magnus Wahman


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Contact: City of , Matz Hagberg [email protected]

Klimatneutrala forskningsanläggningar


Attraktiva GC stråk


Nybyggnation i Brunnshög Stadsnära grönområde Förtätning och blandstad i Campusmiljö

Historiska miljöer Illustrations: Henrik Jais-Nielsen Mats White Arkitekter AB A sustainable precinct in Lund

Along a four-kilometre stretch from central Lund to Brunnshög on the outskirts of the city, a vibrant research, high-tech, business and resi- dential area is emerging. The ambition is to make the precinct one of Sweden’s most interesting business areas and to strengthen its urban qualities. About 25 000 people currently work in the area. The number of workplaces is expected to double in the long term. The precinct will also accommodate high-quality housing and will be linked together by an integrated urban tram system and footpath and cycle-path network.


78969.indd 14 2012-01-26 17.47 ork on developing a sustainable mixed- pact and other types of buildings are being added. use urban area is being carried out in Among the initiatives is an experimental project for Wcooperation with the City of Lund, sustainable compact student housing. Lund University, the National Property Board and the national university and college property Urban green area – Greenfront company, Akademiska Hus. A large number of A climate-enhancing plantation is being planned at urban development, construction and refurbish- the end of the precinct which will also be a “global ment projects are being carried out in the precinct arboretum” featuring trees from different parts of focusing on energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, the world. Green walls and cultivation areas are lifestyle influence and urban greenery. being established in the area.

Regeneration in historical surroundings Sustainability centre In Lundagård in the centre of the city, the National A sustainability visitors’ centre is to be built close Property Board is carrying out a number of meas- to one of the tram stops in the precinct. The centre ures to make the university buildings more energy- will exhibit technical energy and mobility solutions Ideon Gateway fitted efficient and supply them with renewable energy, and implement information projects on climate- with Sweden’s largest via e.g. solar cells. The buildings are all listed and influencing activities such as grocery shopping and façade-integrated solar are of significant historical value, which means that recreation. A full-scale, virtual prototype of the cell facility. extra care is required. precinct will also be constructed in the sustain- ability centre. Urban planners, architects, engineers, Integrated urban tram, footpath and cycle-path researchers and anyone else interested can walk networks around and consider how the precinct may be The City of Lund is developing the precinct as a further developed in the future. demonstration model for green urban transport. The area features an integrated tramway and prior- The project in brief ity routes for pedestrians and cyclists. The measures • Urban development, construction and refurbish- are part of a larger initiative and will contribute to ment measures in a vibrant city precinct strengthening the city’s cohesive tram and cycle- • Cooperation between many actors path network. • Promoting green travel by tram, cycling and walking through the entire precinct A more condensed campus environment • Improving the energy efficiency of historical The existing buildings on Lund University campus buildings are being improved and made more energy-efficient. • Climate-enhancing tree plantation Illustration: Mats White Arkitekter AB This will reduce the amount of energy bought from • Urban crop farming Akademiska Hus gives the Lund University Maths external sources. The area is being made more com- Annexe environmental status.


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Contact: City of Malmö, Lena Eriksson [email protected]

is developing. The first initiative is a new pedestrian Sustainable Rosengård in Malmö and cycle precinct, Rosengårdsstråket (Rosengård Way). The aim is to reduce the functional segrega- The Sustainable Rosengård project is part of the City of Malmö’s attempt to reduce the tion caused by the million-homes programme and functional segregation of the million-homes programme and allow vibrant and sustainable to allow sustainable and vibrant mixed use urban mixed use urban areas to flourish. The aim is to create a world-leading demonstration areas to flourish. This involves an entirely new model focusing on climate and green technology that can be a prototype for further urban way of designing a precinct and considering what regeneration projects in Sweden and abroad. Many of the measures are climate-related, it should be used for. Innovative energy-efficient but they will also help to increase social and economic integration. lighting, new meeting-places and spaces for activity will make people feel safer and lead to greater use of the area by both pedestrians and cyclists. The n cooperation with the business sector, the A pedestrian precinct and cycle-path network measures are being implemented in close coop- City of Malmö wishes to create a dynamic that reduces segregation eration with residents, business-owners and local innovation environment that promotes growth At the same time as initiatives are being imple- I associations. in existing companies and attracts new cutting- mented in Rosengård in the eastern part of the city, edge enterprises. the new Fullriggaren district in the west of the city Examples of initiatives in the project Energy measures with a system perspective Evocative image from the City Light Rosengård event. Locally produced solar heating, where excess heat is transferred to the district heating grid. Locally generated solar electricity is used in in- door DC applications. Organic waste is collected and used to produce biogas. Washing machines powered by district heating. Reduced total energy demand to make the system less vulnerable Renewable Rosengård Renewable energy supply from local windpower facilities with new forms of cooperative owner- ship. Greater awareness and participation will drive forward energy efficiency improvements. Design of urban wind turbines Sustainable Hilda Full-scale ecological refurbishment of 767 apart- ments in the Hilda housing cooperative ClimateSMART Food Centre Development of urban farming concepts as Photo: Moa Björnson


78969.indd 16 2012-01-26 17.47 meeting-places and the basis for ecological thin- king. Pedagogical activities aimed at kitchen staff,

teachers and children Photo: Moa Björnson Sustainable travel Site of the future Rosengård Station. Better public transport by the building of a new Experiences from the Hilda housing cooperative mainline railway station and preparations for can be disseminated to other housing cooperatives more rail traffic Photo: Malmö stad in Sweden. Green technology is a keystone of the Examples of urban crop farming. Yalla Trappan in Rosengård. Upgrade Rydén School City of Malmö’s business policy strategy and the The school is being refurbished with focus on measures being implemented in the Sustainable Ro- greater energy efficiency and environmental edu- sengård project are used as demonstration models cation in this field. Rosengård Ice Rink Diversity. Cooperation between the city admi- Measures to improve energy efficiency, water nistrations along with the participation of local consumption and the outdoor environment in residents and business operators are fundamental and around Rosengård Ice Rink prerequisites for a successful outcome. The city Cleantech administration, five technical administrations, an Dialogue with the business sector on system solu- energy utility, a municipal company, a housing coo- tions and environmental technology options. The perative and local associations and clubs are all coo- city and district are being used as a demonstration perating in the implementation of the Sustainable model to test new green technology Rosengård project. Special measures are aimed at Illustration: Malmö stad increasing resident and business operator participa- The new Bokaltorget on Rosengård Way. Key concepts for the Sustainable Rosengård tion in the district. Over 100 languages are spoken project in Rosengård, which demands special consideration. Holistic approach. Physical environmental invest- ment is the driving force in the project and also The project in brief promotes economic and social development. Jobs • Conversion of a million-homes area are created, young people can more easily get onto • Solutions that can be transferred to other con- the property ladder, running costs are reduced, the texts area becomes more attractive and safer, the area’s • Cooperative ownership of a wind turbine facility media image changes and residents’ self-esteem and • Energy efficiency improvements to housing and pride are strengthened. public properties Transferability. Many cities in Sweden and • Better public transport are facing similar challenges and the goal • Climate-smart, locally cultivated food Photo: Malmö Stad is to find solutions that are economically feasible • Participation from residents and business opera- The Spring Day event on Rosengård Way. so that they can be put to more wide-scale use. tors


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Contact: City of Gothenburg, Erica Bengtsson [email protected]

The innovative Kvillebäcken project in Gothenburg In central Älvstaden in Gothenburg, a former docklands area is to be regenerated with housing and workplaces. Kvillebäcken is the first stage and is due to be completed by 2018. A total of 1 600 apart- ments and 24 000 square metres of business space will be built. The City of Gothenburg is developing the area in partnership with a consortium of builders.

he district will be the first to realise the create an attractive and vibrant urban environment A collection system that ensures a high rate of City of Gothenburg’s programme for green of varied design and form. Building heights vary organic waste recycling Tbuilding and all the buildings in the district from four to sixteen storeys. The district has been A waste separation suction system for newspa- will be environmentally certified. Kvillebäcken divided among the builders and a mixture of differ- pers, residual waste and compost is being installed, will be a showcase for cutting-edge technology ent forms of tenure and apartment sizes is planned. covering the entire district. The aim is to achieve a and smart solutions for energy, waste, transport A vibrant urban area that promotes social contact high concentration of biomass for the efficient pro- and water. between people will be created here. An example duction of biogas. Waste that cannot be disposed of is Kvillebäcken’s urban farming area, which will via the suction system, such as glass and metal, is to Cooperation with highly ambitious goals function as a green meeting-place for farming and be collected and taken care of in the district’s joint The municipality-owned company Älvstranden cooperation while the district is being regenerated. recycling facility. Utveckling AB and six other enterprises have Private citizens and restaurants can hire plots to formed a consortium. By signing the “Kvillebäcken grow vegetables and herbs and to socialise. The Energy-smart buildings Agreement”, the companies have agreed to join project is a collaboration between the builders The buildings’ capacity to store energy for the forces and build a resource-efficient, sustainable in Kvillebäcken, the City of Gothenburg and the district heating grid will be utilised. The day-to-day and ultra low-energy area. Stadsjord Association. variation in the district heating need can then be In the planning process, the City of Gothenburg The area will be easily accessible by bicycle, tram, evened out and the amount of fossil fuel used in has applied a “desultory consultation procedure”, bus and river . production can be reduced. The apartment blocks which involves close cooperation between different will be fitted with washing machines, tumble-dryers city administrations at an early stage before the Integrated and innovative technical systems on and dishwashers, powered by district heating. plan is drafted. display The requirement for energy bought from external The building of a completely new city district pro- sources in Kvillebäcken will be at most 60 kWh per Run-down area will become attractive and vibrant vides the perfect opportunity to integrate technical m2 and year. Kvillebäcken is being built in a location close to systems. New smart and coordinated solutions for the very centre of Gothenburg, just a stone’s throw energy, waste, transport and water are planned for Bicycle storage units and green transport shuttles from the city’s main shopping area and well served Kvillebäcken. To ensure convenient, secure and safe bicycle stor- by public transport. The area is currently very run- The solutions are to be cutting-edge technology age and hence encourage more people to cycle, down and the land is highly polluted. The goal is to and on display for visitors. what are known as “bicycle cupboards” are being


78969.indd 18 2012-01-26 17.48 Photo: Kvillebäcken Urban crop farming on a vacant demolition site in Kvillebäcken. Photo: Hans Wretling

Illustration: Erséus Arkitekter AB Kvillebäcken runs through the new urban park.

planned. The average parking facilities per apart- Energy-efficient heavy-goods vehicles The project in brief ment are for 0.52 cars and 2.5 bicycles. The district’s waste trucks are fitted with methane • Major urban development project Public transport to and from the district is being diesel engine technology (MDE technology). By • Easy to reach by bicycle, tram and ferry extended with two biogas-powered passenger fer- mixing diesel with the biogas, the diesel engine • Resource efficient and sustainable ries over the Göta River. A new system for efficient principle can be used. Higher energy-efficiency is • New green technology fuel supply next to the ferry shuttle terminal is achieved, the fuel is utilised more effectively than • Heat stored in building frames being developed. in conventional gas vehicles and less carbon dioxide • Cooperation between many actors is emitted.


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Contact: Husvärden AB, Lennart Larsson [email protected] and

Krokslätts Fabriker Söder – sustainable mixed-use urban area in a historical environment

Krokslätts Fabriker Söder in Mölndal will be an international model for how a listed industrial hile utilising the qualities of the old site can be developed into a vibrant urban area that also promotes a climate-smart lifestyle. industrial textile buildings from the late The ambition is a “micro-community” with residential housing, public amenities and work- W19th century, the area will be character- places just a short commute away from the centre of Gothenburg. A total of 250 apartments, ised by modern flexibility, climate-adapted archi- tecture, biological systems and smart energy and IT office blocks and amenities will be added to the historically interesting 60 000 2m site. technology.

Contemporary architecture in a historical industrial area Newly constructed office blocks featuring modern, high-quality architecture, inspired by and adapted to the historical environment have been recently added to the old industrial buildings in Krokslätts Fabriker. The new buildings that are to be erected as part of the project will also be in the modern architectural idiom. Encompassing the buildings with a “vestibule” provides them with a double climate shell. The ves- tibule can serve as a meeting-place all year round as the temperature will not fall below ten degrees. The amount of bought energy in the new buildings will be 25 kWh/m2 and year.

Industrial site will become a mixed-use urban area The site is currently home to about 80 companies but there is no residential housing. The project will be a model for how residential housing and public amenities can be added to an industrial site to be- come a mixed-use urban area. Artist’s impression of Krokslätts as seen from the forest. Illustration: Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB


78969.indd 20 2012-01-26 17.48 eration between different actors – private business, BERGHEMSGATAN the public sector and the research community.

B21:7 Methods for user participation will be developed in 8 VÅNINGAR B21:6 BOSTÄDER 7 VÅNINGAR BOSTÄDER cooperation with the academy. Cooperation with research actors, such as Mistra Photo: Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB Urban Futures, Chalmers University of Technology B21:5 Urban concentration and refurbishment in a B21:4 7 VÅNINGAR 7 VÅNINGAR BOSTÄDER BOSTÄDER historical industrial environment. and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, provides access to cutting-edge skills and channels

for disseminating knowledge both nationally and B21:2 B21:3 7 VÅNINGAR 7 VÅNINGAR HKP 5 VÅN. OVAN MARK 5 VÅN. OVAN MARK Energy-smart systems BOSTÄDER BOSTÄDER internationally. Researchers have the opportunity to There are ambitious energy consumption goals K20 test different ideas in practice and in an arena where B21:1 7 VÅNINGAR for the area. Despite a 65-percent increase in floor BOSTÄDER/LOKALER space in Krokslätts Fabriker Söder, the amount of research findings can be disseminated to business sector actors in the urban planning sector. bought energy will decrease by 10 percent. K21 The heating systems for new and existing proper- B21 SITUATIONSPLAN 1:1000 (A3) 2011-11-07 ties will be combined and integrated. Waste heat Development in line with the strategy for GÖTEBORGSVÄGEN from offices and commercial activities will heat regional development residential housing in the area. Heat and cool air Krokslätts Fabriker Söder is 600 metres from Möln­ will be stored in underground cavities to equalize dal Centre and 12 minutes by tram from central the daily and seasonal variation in consumption. Gothenburg. The area is in the middle of a larger Local wind turbines, façade-integrated solar cells district which has been earmarked for urban con- and a Stirling engine will produce electricity. centration and development in accordance with the The investment costs will be offset by reduced run- structural vision for sustainable development agreed ning costs as far as possible. on by the municipalities in the Gothenburg region.

Water and greenery between the buildings The project in brief To reduce the risk of flooding in the area, the • Urban concentration and refurbishment in a stormwater from hardened surfaces and from the historical industrial environment adjacent Safjället nature reserve is slowed down in • Construction of housing and offices using small-scale reservoirs and terrace cultivations. The climate-adapted architecture roofs are covered with vegetation and water from • Technical systems integrated between the new the detention reservoirs is used to irrigate com- and the old and between different commercial munal plantations, private cultivations and outdoor activities areas. The outdoor environment is designed so that • Storage of heat and cool air underground it encourages recreation and social contact. • Existing properties to receive Green Building classification • Smart IT services Broad cooperation between different actors Krokslätts Fabriker is 600 metres from Mölndal Centre. The project is being implemented in broad coop- • Climate-smart lifestyle


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Contact: Municipality of Kungälv, Evelina Sandström [email protected]

Kongahälla – an active urban area in Kungälv

Kongahälla in Kungälv is to be a socially, economically and environmentally active city dis- shops, amenities, walkways, a square and park. trict producing more energy than it consumes. The new district will be completed in 2019 Walkways for pedestrians are being given high pri- and will contain 900 homes, commercial activities and public amenities. Forty percent of ority. The goal of an active urban area with meet- the homes will be rental tenure and sixty percent will be cooperative ownership/leasehold ing-places, activities, recreation and events stems from the Municipality’s public health goals and housing. equality-integrated urban planning strategy. The he project has been initiated by the Munici- aim is to recreate and strengthen the advantages of pality of Kungälv and Kungälv Energi and small-town life with short distances and proximity Tis being implemented in cooperation with to public amenities, culture and recreation. Riksbyggen, Förbo AB, Kungälvsbostäder and KF Fastigheter. The parties have developed joint goals An economically active urban area and a concrete framework for environmental and Energy-generating buildings are still rare. The aim energy aspects for the area, for the district’s public of the Kongahälla Project is to overcome existing spaces and for market communication. By means legal and economic obstacles. A new commercial of close cooperation, the actors wish to learn centre in Kongahälla will also inject more life into from each other and by joining forces achieve the town, providing a greater and more attractive more. The core values thus formulated for the range of shops. district will be incorporated into the design of new buildings and public spaces. New buildings and An environmentally active urban area environments will be added to the historical town A holistic approach is being taken to environmental centre and be in a modern style. issues in the area, with particular focus on electric- The project is being monitored as part of a ity consumption. research project involving SP Technical Research On a yearly basis, more electricity will be pro- Institute of Sweden, Gothenburg University and duced than consumed. Energy consumption in the Mistra Urban Futures. area will be low and only renewable energy is to be used. The commercial centre’s roof and exterior A socially active urban area walls will be equipped with Sweden’s largest solar The new district will be combined with the old electricity plant. The centre is designed so that it town centre and link parts of the town on both helps to visualise the ambitious goals that have sides of a motorway. The district will contain been set for the area. residential housing with different types of tenure, New energy-saving measures are being tested in Illustration: Metro arkitekter


78969.indd 22 2012-01-26 17.49 Kongahälla, including white goods powered by di- strict heating and heat recovery from shower water. In a previous project, “From low-energy to active building - the next generation’s energy-efficient properties”, the Municipality of Kungälv recei- ved help from SP to examine which construction technology and energy systems were needed in the planning process to create an energy-generating urban area.

Kongahälla’s core values Uncomplicated urban life. A dense and vibrant Illustration and montage: Marielle Tanase. town with good communications, access to trade, public amenities, culture and recreation.

Natural social contact. Many meeting-places for social contact between different people of all ages. Easily accessible public places where people can socialise.

Discover the everyday life. Enabling discoveries, complexity, activities, physical activity and events that stimulate the senses.

Having a clean conscience. Making it easier and more fun to be resource-efficient.

The project in brief • New urban area with housing, offices and shops • Holistic approach to energy use • Produce more electricity than is consumed • Electricity and heat from renewable sources Illustrattion: Radiator • Recover heat from shower water • Close cooperation with research actors


78969.indd 23 2012-01-26 17.49 55 planning projects From 2009 to 2011, economic support has been awarded to 55 planning projects for measures such as feasibility studies, programme descriptions, cross-sector planning, process development or information initiatives.

Urban farming as a driving-force for sustainable urban development 2009 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Alnarp Research literature studies to define and describe different forms of urban New sustainable Gällivare farming and its positive values and three case studies to analyse the obsta- Gällivare Municipality cles and opportunities of urban farming development. The project is about how a community can be moved in a humanistic, economic and long-term sustainable direction. Environmental follow-up in Harbour Lomma Municipality Östra Sätra urban regeneration The aim of the project is to improve the municipality’s environmen- AB Gavlegårdarna tal follow-up focusing on improving lesson-learning in the building and The project aims to strengthen participation and develop a sustainable city ­planning process. district when regenerating a million-homes area in Gävle.

Brunnshög – The sustainable city of knowledge Albyberg sustainable urban development City of Lund Haninge Municipality The project comprises an overarching programme that takes a holistic ap- The project aim is to regenerate an industrial area and integrate it into Haninge proach to what a sustainable city can and should involve. It looks at both town centre by taking a holistic approach that covers all three dimensions of regeneration and new construction, where the aim is to create economic sustainability and develop goals for a sustainable town and business park. growth in a resource-efficient way with consideration for the climate and with special focus on sustainable mobility. Södra Vimpeltorpet Kalmar Municipality Kängurun 21 in Mölndal municipality Kalmar Municipality aims to build an urban area with ambitious ecological, KB Kreativiteten social and economic objectives. The project is based on the Municipality’s The project comprises planning prior to the new construction of “car-free” previous work in and experience of different fields and how these must housing and commercial premises, i.e. with a car pool and electric vehicles in interact to achieve sustainable urban development. a district with a surrounding business area.


78969.indd 24 2012-01-26 17.49 Architect and planning services for sustainable urban development Swedish Association of Architects The project comprises the documentation of Swedish urban development projects and the production of a project catalogue of assignments performed by Swedish architects abroad.

Norra Djurgårdsstaden – a world-class green urban area City of Stockholm Stockholm is developing a new non-fossil fuel and climate-adapted urban area. Storsjöstrand – Östersund’s creative city district The project will study the introduction of a Smart Grid system and perform City of Östersund feasibility studies on different energy system solutions for buildings. The project comprises an in-depth programme description for the Storsjöstrand district of Östersund, where the city administration and private Väsby sjöstad – a new sustainable urban area on Lake Mälaren property owners aim to establish a unique and sustainable urban area. Upplands Väsby Municipality The project will further develop and create new forms of cooperation on the planning process between builders, the business sector and future residents, 2010 where the goal is to create the right conditions for a new, attractive and sustainable urban area on Lake Mälaren. Sustainable transport – the backbone of the sustainable city City of Jönköping Librobäck land development The project comprises the implementation of an action plan for sustainable AB Uppsala Kommuns Industrihus travel, a survey of people’s travel habits and traffic analyses. The project aims to develop two models of increased cooperation, one Planning tool for calculating carbon emissions in mixed-use urban areas among different property owners and one between the municipality and the County administrative board in Skåne County. The project comprises an business sector. upgrade of an existing planning tool for calculating potential traffic volumes and carbon emissions generated by housing developments. Programme for the transformation of Västerås station and surrounding area Interlacing social and ecological aspects in the cities of the future City of Västerås Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Urban and Regional Studies The project comprises programme work to create a vibrant urban area with The project comprises case studies of the three investment projects that re- excellent communications. The project began with a dialogue between the ceived support from the Delegation of Sustainable Cities in 2009, in order to city’s inhabitants, the business sector and property owners, as well as lectures formulate a social perspective on current environmental and urban planning and study visits. work.


78969.indd 25 2012-01-26 17.49 Cooperation platform for eco-innovations for sustainable urban areas ing a feasibility study. This will lead to greater energy efficiency and lower IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute emissions of greenhouse gases. By performing an inventory of technology and systems in development areas such as IT, bio-, space- and nanotechnology, the project will define and From balcony-access blocks to green social housing of the future provide proposals for new innovative solutions for sustainable urban Spridd AB, Stockholm development and environmental benefit. Information about systems, The project aims to develop a programme consisting of refurbishment and products and services are presented on a website. new construction proposals and a platform for increasing knowledge and creating a dialogue process. It will be carried out on balcony-access apart- The role of vegetation in a climate-smart city ment blocks built in various Stockholm suburbs as part of the million-homes Ramböll Sverige AB programme. The project is intended to force the pace of integrated green urban develop- ment, with a close connection between research and practice. Central Älvstaden –vision and strategy City of Gothenburg Strategic long-term plan for the development of bicycle parks in Borås The project aims to develop methods for communication, for cross-sector City of Borås cooperation and for holding an international workshop. The project comprises a systematic strategy study for the development of bicycle parking in the city over the next 20 years. Plantagon vertical farming, Botkyrka Plantagon International AB The pulse of the sustainable city The project comprises a feasibility study to establish a vertical greenhouse in City of Örebro the Municipality of Botkyrka. It will study aspects such as possible synergies The project comprises a programme description to link up different parts of between energy and waste systems and the greenhouse. the city and to develop and integrate a travel centre in the city centre, where the area along the railway is to be transformed. Plantagon vertical farming H+ Plantagon International AB Public transport of the future in Karlstad The project comprises a feasibility study to establish a vertical greenhouse City of Karlstad and Karlstadsbuss in H+, south of Helsingborg city centre. It will study aspects such as possible The project aims to take a holistic approach to urban development and most synergies between energy and waste systems and the greenhouse. of the city’s transport needs by developing a progressive public transport system based on modern, advanced bus solutions and cutting-edge green Portal to the sustainable city technology. Swedish Museum of Architecture The project aims to build up a digital portal that disseminates knowledge on Uppsala – energy in the sustainable city best practice examples, current building projects and research findings in the City of Uppsala field of sustainable urban development. Based on three areas of the city, the project aims to increase knowledge about the optimisation and integration of urban energy systems by perform-


78969.indd 26 2012-01-26 17.49 construction machinery and a logistics centre. The project also comprises a 2011 quantification of ecosystem services and the development of a sustainability model to visualise resource and emission flows. Alby stadsbyggnadsidé Urban Futures Botkyrka kommun Royal Institute of Art The project comprises three additions to the municipality’s urban devel- An international publication is being produced to describe the scenario opment vision for the district of Alby. These are: new dialogue methods - technology being developed as part of the Resources course at Mejan Arc – ‘design dialogue’; further development of the work on sustainability impact the School of Architecture – Royal Institute of Art. assessments; and active use of vegetation in urban development projects.

Swedish adaptation of a certification system for urban areas In-depth sustainability programme for Västra Roslags-Näsby, Station NCC AB and cooperation partners Community 3.0 The project compares different certification systems for urban areas with the Municipality of Täby aim of submitting a recommendation to the Sweden Green Building Council Two feasibility studies are being developed that strengthen the overarching as to which systems should be used in Sweden. sustainability programme for the forthcoming expansion in Västra Roslags- Näsby. One of the studies concerns the development and adaptation of plan- Planning and sustainable urban development in Sweden ning indicators, the other involves an ethnographic study based on interviews Association for Social Planning - FFS with public transport passengers. A book in English is being produced for an international target group on Swedish planning and urban development. The publication contains exam- Building groups – new forms of housing for a mixed-use and climate- ples of interesting projects, and details of the Swedish planning system and smart city context. Spridd AB Building groups or building communities are a form of urban and housing Process development for good bicycle parking at existing public trans- development where private individuals and families join forces to plan, build port nodes. and then live in a building that is designed in accordance with the group’s TUB Trafikutredningsbyrån opinions and ideas regarding their housing. The aim of the initiative is to The aim of the project is to develop a modern process tool to analyse the gather experiences from other projects implemented by building groups in need for bicycle parking at public transport stations and to implement a full- other countries and to study success factors and obstacles. A model for how scale test of the developed process. building groups can function in Swedish contexts is being developed. – a meeting-place for sustainable urban development Norra Djurgårdsstaden – a world-class environmentally profiled urban area WSP Sverige AB and cooperation partners City of Stockholm The website will be developed into an independent The Norra Djurgårdsstaden project comprises five sub-projects. These in- meeting-place for sustainable urban development. Qualitative and quantita- clude feasibility studies on sustainable transport, energy-efficient tive studies will provide a basis for analyses of the needs of the sector. The


78969.indd 27 2012-01-26 17.49 project work will be followed by workshops with the aim of developing the sustainable urban areas. The project also involves dialogue on obstacles, the website. establishment of pilot processes and projects and the development and dis- semination of useful methodology. Sustainability certification of existing areas IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute and cooperation partners SUD – The southern Swedish model for the export of sustainable urban The project will evaluate the scope for certifying existing areas and analyse development the need for a checklist and routines for measuring improvement measures. Sustainable Business Hub Scandinavia AB The project is being implemented by a cluster consisting of Swedish Albano – Integrated small-scale energy production companies, municipalities and universities and aims to develop a holistic Akademiska Hus Stockholm AB range of service offerings in the field of sustainable development. Promoting The project will develop a system basis for locally produced energy and study exports of sustainable development services is also part of the project. how the energy supply systems of different businesses can be integrated. Commission for a socially sustainable Malmö Study of creative solutions to reduce the need for parking City of Malmö Municipality of Håbo The project aims to develop generalisable analyses of the economic aspects The project comprises an in-depth study of travel habits and the develop- of the proposals for sustainability measures currently being developed by ment of a strategy to improve access for pedestrians, cyclists and public the City of Malmö’s Sustainability Commission. One of the tasks of the transport users. Commission is to put forward draft strategies to reduce health inequalities.

The role of schools in certifying the sustainability of urban areas Sound of the City – coexistence and method development for better WSP Sverige AB urban quality The project comprises a survey of the potential role of schools and pre- City of Helsingborg schools in improving an urban area’s sustainability. A method is to be devel- The project aims to highlight how the general guidelines for levels of indus- oped to show how to involve children, students and teachers. trial noise are a restricting factor on the sustainable development of the city, especially close to the docks. The project includes three sub-studies: the Practical sustainability certification in a Malmö city district socioeconomic impact of different interpretations of the general guidelines City of Malmö for levels of industrial noise; examples of good urban development projects In cooperation with market actors, the City of Malmö will develop a set of from European seaports; and acoustic design and sustainable urban plan- ground rules to make it easier to certify the sustainability of its city districts. ning.

Dialogue on regeneration EVAA – Integrated civil engineering system solution (energy, water, City of Malmö wastewater and waste) – technical feasibility study A cooperation project between the city administration and private actors Project H+, City of Helsingborg aimed at creating a forum to develop solutions and methods for long-term The project aims to develop smaller-scale follow-up tests and simulations


78969.indd 28 2012-01-26 17.49 based on the integrated system solutions developed as part of the previous- ly implemented civil engineering project. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the recycling firm NSR, water utility NSVA and energy company Öresundskraft.

Learning and participation for Partille and the planet Municipality of Partille The project involves the participation of students from Porthälla Upper Strategy for a vibrant urban area Secondary School in the development of an in-depth overall plan for the Municipality of Ulricehamn area in which the school is situated. The commitment, knowledge and Using Ulricehamn’s traffic strategy and the purchasing habits of the town’s participation of the students in issues that concern sustainable urban devel- inhabitants as a starting-point, the project will continue to integrate traffic opment will increase and contribute to the work done by the community strategic issues with urban development. planning office. A bicycle-friendly city for everyone Feasibility study on including waste management in community planning City of Örebro City of Gothenburg The project aims to assure the quality of the bicycle plan developed by the The project comprises a feasibility study on how modified waste man- City of Örebro. Analyses are being performed in, for example GIS, geo- agement can be incorporated into community planning in the form of a graphical information system. thematic supplement to the overall plan. My green neighbourhood – Evaluation Bergsjön 2021 – Regeneration plan for the district of Bergsjön Örebrobostäder AB Bergsjön 2021 The project comprises an in-depth evaluation of the My green neighbour- The aim of the project is to bring about socially, economically and ecologi- hood investment project with the help of Örebro University. The evalua- cally sustainable development of the million-homes suburb of Bergsjön. tion is made up of three parts: the area’s identity; think and buy green; and The project includes both in-depth overall planning and programme work, participation, responsibility and influence. and a feasibility study to analyse the desire and need to invest of existing property owners and land developers who may wish to develop the district Validation, learning and evaluation of sustainability goals in of Bergsjön. Sustainable Ålidhem Bostaden i Umeå AB Development plan for Östra Hospital in Gothenburg The project aims to confirm the effects of information and knowledge- Västfastigheter, Region of Västra Götaland building initiatives in the ongoing Sustainable Ålidhem investment project. The project aims to draft a development plan for Gothenburg Östra Hospi- Analyses will be carried out by Umeå University and supplementary meas- tal, which is to be a pioneering example of a sustainable hospital site. uring equipment will be installed in the buildings where measures have been implemented.


78969.indd 29 2012-01-26 17.49 The Delegation for Sustainable Cities Chair – a national arena for sustainable urban development Peter Örn, Consultant and lecturer Board members The Delegation for Sustainable Cities was appointed by the Swedish Government in the Katarina Ahlqvist, President, Gårdstensbostäder autumn of 2008 with the mission to promote the sustainable development of cities, urban Kerstin Blix, Consultant, Kerstin Blix AB communities and housing areas. The Delegation is working together with municipalities, Eivor Bucht, Professor Emeritus, SLU Alnarp the business sector and other parties and is to implement a variety of measures aimed at improving the conditions for sustainable urban development. Kurt Eliasson, President, SABO These initiatives will constitute a national arena for sustainable urban development. Anders Larsson, Consultant, Thetis AB A final report on the mission will be presented in December 2012. Stellan Lundberg, Head of Community Planning, ÅF Infraplan The mission includes: making a contribution to During 2011–2012, the Delegation is to concen- Johan Marcus, Vice President Business Areas, Swedish knowledge development; giving its backing to trate its efforts on: Trade Council existing initiatives; collecting and disseminating • Following, supporting and providing meeting- best practice examples; promoting dialogue and places for sustainable city projects Katarina Pelin, Environment Director, City of Malmö coordinating different sectors and skills; facilitating • Reporting experiences and best practice Ulf Ranhagen, Chief Architect at Sweco Architects/ public-private cooperation; supporting the devel- • Promoting the development and export of green Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology opment, use and export of green technology; and technology promoting international cooperation on sustainable • Strengthening the social dimension of sustaina- Lars Reuterswärd, Director, Mistra Urban Futures/ urban development. The Delegation shall also com- ble urban development Advisor to the Vice Chancellor, Chalmers University pile experiences and examples from its work and • Promoting cooperation on research and develop- of Technology from the support projects and make them available ment Jan-Eric Sundgren, Director, AB Volvo to others. • Identifying obstacles to sustainable urban Lars Thunberg, Municipal Commissioner, City of To begin with, the Delegation’s mission was to development and proposals for measures and Helsingborg run from the autumn of 2008 until the end of solutions December 2010. The mission has since been exten- Erland Ullstad, Architect, City of Växjö ded for a further two years. The renewed mission The Delegation shall also administrate the finan- Janna Valik, Director-General, Swedish National Board means that the Delegation will continue to imple- cial support provided by central government for of Housing, Building and Planning ment various measures that focus on and make a sustainable urban development. long-term contribution to improving the conditions More information on the Delegation’s mission Bengt Wånggren, President, Sweden Green Building for sustainable urban development. and work can be found at Council


78969.indd 30 2012-01-26 17.49 Layout: Svensk Information Print: Edita Västra Aros, Sweden, February 2012


78969.indd 31 2012-01-26 17.49 The Delegation for Sustainable Cities Postal address: SE-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden Office: Karlavägen 100 A, 9th floor

78969.indd 32 2012-01-26 17.49