COLLEGE of LETTERS and SCIENCE a Showcase of the People and Progress in the UCLA College of Letters and Science

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COLLEGE of LETTERS and SCIENCE a Showcase of the People and Progress in the UCLA College of Letters and Science Winter 2011 Volume Fifteen COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE A showcase of the people and progress in the UCLA College of Letters and Science 8 10 12 Making Sense of Our Life Lessons: The Changing Nature of 6 Inner Worlds Beyond the Lecture Hall Forging Friendships Migra Shelley Taylor, winner of the 2010 At the first College Summer Institute, A new study of students on Historian Kelly Lytle Hernández has Lifetime Achievement Award from the new Bruins got a head start on Facebook by sociologists traced the little-known history of how American Psychological Association, is university life that included a Andreas Wimmer and Kevin Lewis Mexican immigrants slowly became a founder of three fields in psychology civic engagement project to deepen found that race is trumped by the primary target of U.S. immigration that explore the issues that profoundly their involvement in the campus social connections and geographic law enforcement. affect mental and physical health. community. origins in friendship-building. On the cover: The Complexity of Emotion A Wondrous Machine to Unlock the Secrets of the The UCLA Physics & Astronomy Building, Harryette Mullen, professor of home to state-of-the-art research and English and winner of the 2010 Universe education space for the sciences. Jackson Prize for Poetry, uses UCLA scientists are playing her writings to explore globalism, Photo by Reed Hutchinson pivotal roles in the international the African American experience, consortium of researchers women’s issues, and a love of seeking fundamental insights wordplay. about the Big Bang. 14 16 S n a p s h o t s College News Great Futures for the College An update of events and progress The impact of philanthropy in the UCLA College of Letters on the College. and Science. 28 3 Liberty and Slavery A new book by historian Gary Nash reveals a host of new information about the Liberty Bell. 32 Winter 2011 Volume Fifteen UCLA college r e p o r t 18 20 Defining, Not Defying, Logic 22 In nearly 60 years at UCLA—first The Amazing Regulation as a student and then a renowned of the Human Gene Recalling the Architecture faculty member in the philosophy Xinshu (Grace) Xiao works with the of the Sun department—David Kaplan has won most advanced computation modeling Art historian Thomas Hines talks about kudos for his scholarship, his teaching, and data technology to analyze the role his acclaimed new book on the birth of and his “boyish enthusiasm that is a of alternative gene splicing in medical the modern architecture movement in UCLA College of delight to witness.” conditions and diseases. Los Angeles. Letters and Science Alessandro Duranti Dean of Social Sciences Joseph Rudnick Dean of Physical Sciences Judith L. Smith Dean and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Victoria Sork Dean of Life Sciences Tim Stowell Dean of Humanities College Development Stephen Jennings Executive Director College Marketing Harlan Lebo Director Development Writer Margaret MacDonald Media Relations Peers Who Make All Modeling to Avert Disaster Meg Sullivan the Difference Research in the lab of mathematician Stuart Wolpert The AAP Learning Tutorials bring Andrea Bertozzi on the behavior of students together with fellow student sand and oil is casting new light on Design facilitators in sessions that provide the impact of oil-related disasters, Robin Weisz/Graphic Design powerful support—both academic and how they affect the shoreline and personal. they pollute. Please address comments to [email protected] 24 26 © Regents UC 2011 Unless otherwise indicated, all photos by Reed Hutchinson. From the Deans of the College Welcome News Dear Friends: We are delighted to report some very good news: the findings of the National Research Council (NRC) reinforce UCLA’s position among the top universities. The NRC’s study of American research universities, released in September, showed that 40 UCLA departments are ranked among the best in their fields. Of these premier academic units, nearly three-quarters of them are in the College of Letters and Science (see page 3). As appraisals of doctoral programs, the NRC rankings serve as a benchmark of academic quality for America’s best research universities. They are consistent with other national and international rankings that also place UCLA among the world’s top universities. Sustaining premier doctoral studies requires the involvement of top graduate students; these talented young scholars are an integral element in the intellectual community on campus, and their success is crucial in creating the next generation of teachers and scholars. This is why two of our most important priorities are recruiting the finest graduate students, and generating new support for fellowships to sustain their work. We will keep you informed of our progress. As always, we welcome your views. Sincerely, Alessandro Duranti Joseph Rudnick Judith L. Smith dean of dean of dean and vice provost for social sciences physical sciences undergraduate education [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Victoria Sork Tim Stowell dean of life sciences dean of humanities [email protected] [email protected] ucla College Report College News An update of events and progress in the UCLA College of Letters and Science. College Graduate Programs: 28 at the Top Ranks The National Research Council, which compiles the premier assessment of the nation’s doctoral research programs, has placed 40 of UCLA’s graduate programs in its highest ranks—among them 28 programs in the College of Letters and Science. he broad assessment of graduate National Research Council: Tstudies conducted by the National Ranked Doctoral Research Programs Research Council has ranked 40 of UCLA College of Letters and Science UCLA’s graduate programs—including 28 programs in the College of Letters and (Departments in which the highest ranking extends into the top 10) Science—in its highest ranks. The top-ranked programs in the Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences 1 College are spread almost evenly across the Molecular, Cell, & Integrative Physiology* 1 Divisions of Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. Musicology 1 “These high rankings for our gradu- Anthropology 2 ate programs are a testament to the broad Archaeology 2 strength of the College, and reflect on History 2 the excellence of the entire educational experience here,” said Judith L. Smith, Immunology & Infectious Disease* 2 vice provost and dean for undergraduate Linguistics 2 education. Applied Mathematics [Mathematics Program Specialization] 3 Only two other universities—UC Microbiology* 3 Berkeley with 48, and Harvard with 46 —had more programs that extended to English 4 the top 10. Geography 4 The NRC assessed more than 5,000 Psychology 5 research Ph.D. programs at 212 univer- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 6 sities in 62 academic fields. It used data collected on the programs and their Germanic Languages 7 students and faculty across 20 measures, Neuroscience & Neurobiology* 7 such as faculty quality, student support Astronomy 8 and outcomes, and program diversity. Cell & Developmental Biology* 8 In other comprehensive rankings of aca- demic quality, UCLA continues to fare very Hispanic Language & Literature 8 well—especially in international rankings: Mathematics 8 The London-based Times Higher Education Political Science 8 ranked UCLA 11th among the world’s Sociology 8 top 200 universities, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s “Academic Ranking of Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology* 9 World Universities” placed UCLA second Geology 9 among the world’s public universities and Physics 9 13th overall. Classics 10 Comparative Literature 10 Genetics & Genomics* 10 *Programs in the College that share faculty with the Health Sciences ucla College Report Alumnus Richard Heck wins 2010 Nobel Prize in chemistry For the second year in a row, a graduate of the College has won a Nobel Prize. Save ichard Heck, a two-time UCLA Ralumnus, has won the 2010 Nobel Prize in chemistry, making him the sixth graduate of the university to win a Nobel. the Heck developed a method to overcome the tricky process of joining carbon mol- ecules, which in turn allows scientists to Date create any number of organic compounds. The process, known as the Heck reaction, College Awards is used in research worldwide. Heck’s dis- covery in the 1960s meant that medicines Dinner and many compounds normally found Richard Heck only in small quantities in nature could be Swedish Academy said in a news release. March 29, 2011 replicated in large amounts. “I’m extremely grateful to have won,” Heck received his B.S. from UCLA in Heck said. “It was a big surprise to me. I 6pm 1952 and his Ph.D. from UCLA in 1954, didn’t expect it. I don’t think I’m going to both in chemistry. He is now a professor do anything [to celebrate]. I just enjoy the emeritus at the University of Delaware. feeling of having won.” Heck shares the Nobel with Japanese This is the second year in a row that a researchers Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira UCLA alum has won a Nobel Prize; last Suzuki. year, Elinor Ostrum, who earned her B.A., Acclaimed book on “This chemical tool has vastly im- M.A., and Ph.D. from UCLA, received proved the possibilities for chemists to the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics. Hurricane Katrina create sophisticated chemicals, for exam- Heck joins UCLA’s five alumni laureates featured in the 2010 UCLA ple, carbon-based molecules as complex as and five faculty Nobel winners to mark the Common Book Program those created by nature itself,” the Royal 11th UCLA-affiliated Nobel Prize. All new Bruins in the College begin their undergraduate careers at UCLA by reading a common book that explores global UCLA Dedicates Terasaki Life Sciences Building problems and social justice.
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