The enslaved whom do not have red print were created based on the possibility of life on for the enslaved. The cards will be updated when the creator does more research on the enslaved at Mt. Vernon. The red print is the known choice for the individual. Marcus Hercules “Uncle Harkless”

16 Years Old 43 Years Old

Father of Three Children House Servant at Mount Vernon Personal Chef to General Geo. Chief Cook at Mansion House

Earned a salary of one to two hundred dollars a year by selling leftovers from the presidential kitchen.

Escaped (Runaway) while in - 1797

Kitt Caesar

25 Years Old 45 - 50 Years Old

Father of Two Spiritual Leader of the Enslaved Community Wife died in childbirth with second child. at Mount Vernon

Carpenter Washington’s Union Farm Field Hand

Escaped (Runaway) - 1798

Thomas Christopher Sheels

13 Years Old 25 Years Old Field Hand Received permission to marry a woman from (Father was sold to the West Indies by a neighboring farm. when he was captured (Father was free and white) after escaping from Mount Vernon)

Personal Assistant to George Washington

Billy Lee Slammin’ Joe

40 Years Old 45 Years Old Married a Free Black Woman in Philadelphia ● Served as Washington’s huntsman Married to Silla at Dogue Run Farm prior to Revolutionary War. Six Children ● Served with Washington during the Revolutionary War. Ditcher at the Mansion House Farm ● Shoemaker to other slaves at Mt. (A ditcher helped drain marshy lands so they Vernon after the Revolutionary War. were suitable for farming)

Billy was the only slave freed outright in George Dower slave (belonged to ), Wife Washington's will. He received an annuity of $30 per and children freed as Washington slaves. Slammin’ Joe year and remained living at Mount Vernon, where he was given to one of Martha Washington’s heirs. often reminisced for visitors.

Savary Austin Son of a ditcher and a field hand. 25 Years Old 11 Years Old Waiter at the Mansion House and traveled Assisted with the care of the animals at with the President and Mrs. Washington to Dogue Run Farm. Philadelphia and New York..

Married to Charlotte (Most Likely) Five children

To avoid having his slaves gain freedom while living in the North. GW sent the slaves back to M. Vernon every six months. Austin drown on one of the journeys.

Simms Tom Davis

17 Years Old 25 Years Old

Carpenter’s Apprentice at Dower House Brick Layer (Temporarily relocated to Mr. Leary’s Home)

Married to seamstress for Martha Washington at the Mansion House.


30 Years Old 20 Years Old Two Children Mother was an enslaved seamstress and Married to ’s Slave - Bob father was an indentured servant from Hemings England.

● Seamstress and personal servant to House Servant Martha Washington. ● Given money to buy a personal wardrobe for her travels with Mrs. Washington.

Escaped on May 21, 1796 to Portsmouth, ​ NH

Caroline Branham Silla

25 Years Old 35 Years Old

● Worked for Mrs. Washington as a Married to Slammin’ Joe (Ditcher at Mansion housemaid (duties included cleaning, House Farm) lighting fires, helping serve meals, Six children: Sophia, Savary, Penny, Israel, changing beds, preparing bed Isrias, and Christopher. warmers in the cold months, and serving family and guests as needed). Dogue Run Farm Field Hand ● Sold chickens and ducks to G. Washington to earn additional money. A Washington slave - her and her children ● Married with six children were emancipated in GWs Will upon the death of Martha Washington. Dower slave (belonged to the Custis family). Upon Martha Washington’s death, Caroline became the property of her grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, and moved to Arlington Plantation where she died in the 1830s.

Sophia Charlotte Daughter of a ditcher and a field hand. 24 Years Old

12 Years Old Seamstress to Martha Washington Whipped for insubordination and refusing to Assisted mother with her five brothers and do work after being whipped by the fatm sisters at Dogue Run Farm. manager. Five Children Married to a waiter at the Mansion House

A Dower Slave belonging to Martha Washington. When Martha Washington died Charlotte’s children were divided among Martha’s relatives.

Eve Delia

17 Years Old 14 Years Old

Worked with her 14 year old sister at the Worked with her 17 year old sister at the Mansion House. Mansion House.

Mother and father were field hands at Dogue Mother and father were field hands at Dogue Run Farm. Run Farm.

Priscilla Trudy

45 Years Old 16 Years Old

Midwife Field hand at the Dogue Run Farm. Received money for each birth she assisted with at the Dogue Run Farm.

Two sons were sold to a different owner per their request to be with their wives.

Cornelia Dolshy

25 Years Old 14 Years Old

Field hand at Dower Assisted with caring for chicken and geese at Dower River Farm. Married to a blacksmith at Dogue Run Farm Three children - all died (ages 6, 4 and 2)