Procopius, with an English Translation by H.B. Dewing

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Procopius, with an English Translation by H.B. Dewing THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOCTNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY fT. E. PAGE, C.H., LITTJ). tE. CAPPS, PH.D., ix.D. tW. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. L. A. POST, L.H.D. E. H. WARMIXGTON, m.a., f.b.hist.soc. PROCOPIUS V PROCOPIUS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY H. B. DEWING rRESIDENT, ATHENS COLLKGE, GRIBCK IN SEVEN VOLUMES V HISTORY OF THE WARS, BOOKS VII {continued) and VIII LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS MCMLXII First printed 1928 Reprinted 1954, 1962 Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS VAOB HISTORY OF THE WARS— VII. —TH« GOTHIC WAR (^continued) 1 VIII. —THE GOTHIC WAR {continued) 149 INDEX 421 I : PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA HISTORY OF THE VV^ARS BOOK VII THE GOTHIC WAR {continued) nPOKOniOY KAI2APEn2 TDEP TON nOAEMON AOFOS EBAOMOS XXXVI Mera 8e TovTi.\a<i airav eVi 'Pdofirjv to arpd- Tevfia Tjye, koI ey/^aOe^ofievoi; eh iroXiopKLav Kadiararo. irvyx^^^ ^^ YieXccrdpio^ Tpi<T^iXiov<; dpiaTivhrjv diroXe^dfievo^;, ovairep eVt tw 'Pay/irj^i (fivXaKTTjpca) fcaraa-Trjad/xei^o^ ^loyevjjv avToh dpxovTu, TMv 8opv(f)6p(i)i^ Tbiv avTov evu, eire- arrjcrev, dvSpa ^vverov re 8ia(j)€p6vTQ)<; koL dyaOov 2 rd TToXifiia. 8i6 Brj ^Popov nrjKO<i rrj npoa-eSpeia ravTrj erpi^ero. o'i re yap 7ro\iopKovp.evoi dpe- T?}? irepLOvaia tt/oo? diravra rov T6t6(ov (TTparov d^iofiaxot oWe? i(f)aivovTo nal Aioyeirrj'; e<? re to uKpiffe^ rfi (f>v\aKf] i-xpfJTo to? /xi] T19 KUKOvp- yrjacov iirl to Tet^o? toi ^ Koi iravTa'x^odi Trj<i TToXetw? aiTOu €VTo<i Tov 'irepLJ36\ov (nreipa^ evhelv 3 (T<f)iai rd eTrt,Ti]8eia (w? rjKia-ra eVotet. 7roXXa«t9 Be ol ^dp/Sapoi T€i;\;oyu.a%eti^ iyx€ip'>]cravTe<; koX TOV irepi^oKov dirorreipdcraa-dai direKpovadri- trav, dperfj a<f)d^ aTrcoaajnevcov evOevSe 'Vcoixaiayv. PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA HISTORY OF THE WARS : BOOK VII THE GOTHIC WAR {continued) XXXVI ToTii.A now led his whole army against Rome, and 5494.0 establishing himself there entered upon a siege. But Belisarius had selected three thousand men noted for their valour and appointed them to garrison Rome, placing in command of them DiogeneSj one of his own spearmen, a man of un- usual discretion and an able warrior. Consequently a long time was consumed in the blockade. For the besieged, on their part, shewed themselves, thanks to their extraordinary valour, a match for the entire Gothic army, while Diogenes was ever keeping a strict watch that no one should approach the wall to damage it ; furthermore, he sowed grain in all 7 parts of the city inside the circuit-wall and so brought it about that they had not the least shortage of food, j Many times indeed the barbarians attempted to storm the fortifications and make trial of the circuit- wall, but they were always repulsed, being driven back from the wall by the valour of the Romans. 1 loi Dindorf : ^€i V, Ut L. PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA Tov fievToi Tloprov KpaTJ]aavT€<; 'V(Ofii]v Kara Kpdro<i iiroXiopKovv. ravra /xkv ovv €(f)€peTO 4 BacrtXey? ^e ^IovcrTiviav6<i eVetS^ BeXicrdpcov €<? 3v^dvTiov rjKovra elSev, dp^ovra Trefnreiv ^vv arpaTW aWov errX VoTdovi re Sievoetro Kal 5 TovTiXav. Kol et pev imrekrj ravrr}v hr) iire- KoirjKei rrjv evvoiav, olp,ac civ, 'V(t)p,r](; p.hv en utt' avrS> ov(xr)<;, aecrwap^evwv he ol r&v ivravda arpariiorayv Kal roi<} eK Bv^avriov eTn^e/^orjdri- Koaiv dvap-iyi'vcrdai 8vvap,evci)v, Treptecreadai rwv 6 evavricdv avrov ra iroXep.w. vvv he ra pkv •jrpcora Ai^epiov diroXe^d/xepoi;, dvhpa rcov ex 'F(OfjLr]<; irarpiKLcov, ev irapaaKevfj eKeXeue 'yev€' adai, p,erd he dcr^oXiaii ol to-o}<; i7riyevop,€vr)<i erepa<i rivof rr)v Trpodufxiav Kareiravae. 7 Xpovov he rfj 'Pco/xrjt; TToXiopKia rpi^evro<; TToXXov, rcbv rive^ laavpcav, ot dp^l ttvXtjv fj YlavXov rod diroaroXov eirdivvfio'i icm (f)vXaKT]v elyov (dp.a /xev e7nKaXovvr€<i evcavrcov ttoXXcov ovhep TT/JO? ^aaiXea)<i acfiiai hehoaOai, dpu he Kal 'laavpovf 6po)vre<i rov<i 7rapah6vra<; 'Vcop^ijv ra rrporepa VordoL<; ^^Kojxy\revp,evov<i eirl p.eydXwv rivMV %p7?yu.aT&)i' ojKcp), TovrlXa Xadpaiorara e? XoyoiJ<i eX66vre<i ayp-oXoyrjcrav rrjv ttoXlv evhcoaeiv, 8 raKn'] re ^vveKeiro ^p.epa rfj Trpd^ei. Kal eVei nrapfjv r] Kvpia, TourtXa? p.rj'^avaraL rotdhe. e<? TTorapLOV Tl^epiv ev irpoirrj rS)v vvKrwv (pvXaKrj hvo rrXola p.aKpa KaOr)Kev, dvhpa<i evravda 'X^prjadai raif crdXTrty^iv e'TrLcrra/j,evov<; evdep.evo<;. 9 oh hrj eTrecrreXXe hid p,ev rov Tij3epiho<i epeacrov- ra<{ e-mirpoadev levai, iTrethdv he rov Trepi/SoXov 4 HISTORY OF THE WARS, VII. xxxvi. 3-9 They did, however, capture Portus,^ and thereafter held Rome under close siege. Such was the course of these events. As soon as the emperor saw Belisarius returned to Byzantium, he began to make plans for sending another commander with an army against the Goths and Totila. And if he had actually carried out this idea, 1 believe that, with Rome still under his power, and the soldiers in the city saved for him and enabled to unite with the relieving force from Byzantium, he would have overcome his opponents in the war. But in fact, after first selecting Liberius, one of the patri- cians from Rome, and ordering him to make himself ready, he later, perhaps because some other business claimed his attention, lost interest in the matter. After the siege of Rome had continued for a long time, some of the Isaurians who were keeping guard at the gate which bears the name of Paul the Apostle ^—men nursing a grievance because for many years nothing had been paid them by the emperor, and observing, at the same time, that those Isaurians who had previously surrendered Rome to the Goths had become the proud possessors of vast sums of money—very secretly opened negotiations with Totila and agreed to hand over the city, and a definite day was appointed for the transaction. So when the apjx)inted day was come. Totila contrived the following plan. He launched in the Tiber River during the first watch of the night two long boats, placing on them men who understood the use of the trumpet. These he com- manded to row straight across the Tiber, and when * At the Tiber's mouth. » The Porta Oatiensis. Cf. Book VI. iv. 3. PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA a'^yia'ra ijKcoai ^ rai? craXTriy^iv evTavOa »;%6t^ 10 Swd/jLCi TTJ Trdarj. auroc Se rov VotBcov arpaTov dyx'''^'^^ ttuXt;? t/}? elprj/xevrji;, fj HauXov rov (iTToa-ToXov €7r(ovv/jL6<i i(TTi, Xavddvwv rov<i TToXe- 11 fxiovi iv irapao-Kevfi el')(^e. \oycad/xep6<; re o)? ^i' Tiv€<;^ Tov 'Vwfiaioiv a-Tparov are iv aKOTco Zia\ad6vje<; e/c tj)? TToXeo)? SiaSpdvac oloi re toaiv, 'laxTtv ^ e? KevrovKeWa^;, CTrel bxvpcofia erepov roiv rfjSe '^wpioyv ovBapP] a^iaiv iXeXecvro, dvhpSiV pa^t'P'Oii' evehpai<i rial rrpoXoxii^eiv eyvw rrjv ivravOa 686v (f^ipovcrav, oU * Si] iirrjyyeXXe 12 TOj)? (f)evyovra<; htay^pi'jaaadai, ol pev ovv iv Tot9 TrXotoi? 6vre<i, eVel t^<? 7ro\eft)9 ayx* iyivovro, iXP^VTO rjhrj Kara rd a(f)tcrtv iirtiyyeXpeva ral<i 13 (rdXTTiy^i. 'Pcopaioi Se KaraTrXayevre<; e? p^iya re heo<i koX dopv^ov Karaardvre<; i^airivalw'i diroXtTTOvre^ ouSevl Xoyw rd a^erepa ^ (f)vXaK- rrjpia i^oi^Oovv ivraiida 8p6/j,q), rrjv iiri^ovXrjv 14 e? TO eKeivr] ret^^o? elvat olopevoi. p,6vot re ol TT po8iB6vT€<; "laavpot iirl rjj avrcov (f)vXaKfj peivavre^ rd^ re 7ru\a? Kar i^ovaiav dvewyov 15 Kal rfi TToXei rov<i troXeplovi iSi^avro. ku] TToXu? pev rcov TrapaTreTrroiKorwv ivravda yeyevij rat (f)6vo^, TToXXol Se (bevyovre<i hi krepwv irvXtav a)')(^ovTo, ol he rijv cttI ¥i€i'rovK€XXa<i iovre'i VTTO re Tot9 iveBpevovai yev6p,evoi hietpOdprjaav. oXiyoi pevrot avrcov hiecftvyov p,6XL<i, iv ol<i Kal Aioyevrjv irXrjyevra (fyaal hiaa-eacoaOai. 16 'Hf Se Ti9 iv rat 'Paypaicov arparo) IlaOXo? ^ •flKooai V : '(Kovrai L. * fiv T»j/€i Haury: fiv nvas V, ,u^ nvts L. ^ •— XoKTiv Haury : om. MSS. HISTORY OF THE WARS, VII. xxxvi. 9-16 they came close to the circuit-wall to sound the trumpets there with all their might. Meanwhile he himself was holding the Gothic army in readiness close to the above-mentioned gate which bears the name of the Apostle Paul, unobserved by his enemy. And reasoning that, if any of the Roman armv should succeed in escaping from the city, as they well might under cover of darkness, they would go to Centumcellae, for no other fortress was left to them anywhere among the towns of that region, he decided to guard the road leading thither by means of some ambuscades of warlike men, to whom he gave instructions to destroy the fugitives. So the men in the boats, upon getting near the city, immediately made use of their trumpets, as they liad been instructed to do. Thereupon the Romans were thunderstruck, and falling into great fear and confusion suddenly abandoned for no sufficient reason their several posts and hastened on the run to give assistance at that point, supposing that the attempt was directed against that part of the wall. Thus the Isaurians who were betraying the city remained alone at their post, and they opened the gates at their leisure and received the enemy into the city. And there was great slaughter of those who fell into the hands of the enemy there, though many made off in flight through other gates, but those who went toward Centumcellae ^ got into the ambus- cades and perished.
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