Determination Wins The

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Determination Wins The SPORT The Minsk Times Thursday, March 25, 2010 11 Two silver wins in Determination wins the day Holmenkollen 10th Winter Paralympic Games, held Darya Domracheva continues in Canadian Vancouver and Whistler, her victorious run at World bring success for Belarusian athletes Biathlon Cup rounds The Belarusian athlete — in By Yuri Karpenko managed to outstrip the Cana- perfect physical shape at the end dian skier by a whole minute, of the season — has brought home About 650 physically-chal- repeating her similar win four some new awards from Norway’s lenged athletes from more than years ago in Turin. Volchek also Holmenkollen. She came second 40 countries took part in the Par- took gold in the 5km race. Ad- in the 7.5km sprint, after two alympics, battling in five kinds ditionally, the Belarusian sports- faultless shooting sessions, leav- of sports. Our Belarusian team woman captured bronze in the ing her just 4.9 seconds behind was participating in the Winter 1km sprint and another bronze Simone Hauswald of Germany Paralympics for the fourth time, as part of the women’s ski relay. — who also shot perfectly. Bronze sending nine athletes: Lyudmila Owing to Lyudmila, the Belaru- went to Anna Carin Olofsson- Volchek, Alexander Dovidovich, sian team won more than one Zidek of Sweden. The same three Dmitry Loban, Larisa Vorona, gold for the first time in its his- athletes won the pursuit race. Sergey Silchenko, Yadviga Sko- tory of participating in the Win- Having started in second place, robogataya, Vasily Shapteboy, ter Paralympics. Darya led after the first shooting Boris Pronko, and Yevgeny Luky- Vasily Shapteboy took bronze range and for most of the distance. anenko. They competed in the ski in the free style 20km ski race It was only after a missed shot at racing and biathlon and, inter- and the 3km biathlon pursuit the fourth range that Simone estingly, many have experience — for those with impaired vi- Hauswald caught up — just be- of participating in the Summer sion. Yadviga Skorobogataya also fore the finish. Simone kept more Paralympics. Lyudmila Volchek claimed bronze, in the 15km free of her energy in reserve, allowing took one gold and three silver style ski race for those with the her to overtake Darya at the last medals in Turin for her skiing same disability. Dmitry Loban minute, snatching gold. and, two years later in Beijing, came third in the 10km ‘sitting’ This season, Darya Domrache- won silver for ‘adaptive’ rowing. ski race while Larisa Vorona took va has claimed six medals. At the She carried the Belarusian flag bronze in the classic 5km ‘stand- previous World Cup round in Fin- at the 2010 Paralympics’ opening ing’ ski race — both for athletes land’s Kontiolahti, she captured ceremony. Lyudmila captured the with physical disabilities. two gold (sprint and pursuit) and, first gold medal this season, be- Before the start of the Para- at the World Cup round in Swed- ing unequalled in the 10km ‘sup- lympics, our Belarusian squad ish Östersund, took bronze in the port’ skiing. It was a tough race, had hoped to win five medals; individual race. In the same event, with Colette Bourgonje of Cana- their nine medals show their de- she claimed an Olympic bronze in REUTERS da — her main opponent — ar- termination. They finished ninth Vancouver. Belarusian team leader Lyudmila Volchek cannot hide her joy dently cheered by fans. Lyudmila overall in the team standings. Complete set of A chance to see medals in Doha opponents’ abilities By Kirill Pirogov dezhda Ostapchuk and Natalia Mikhnevich from capturing their By Kirill Karin Medals of all value have been medals. Nadezhda confidently captured by Belarusian track topped the ratings with her fan- In Minsk’s Palace of Sports, and fi eld athletes at IAAF World tastic throw of 21.70m, followed more than 300 athletes from Indoor Championships, held in by team mate Natalia. Valerie Vili 26 countries have struggled the capital of Qatar of New Zealand was the favourite for medals at the traditional for gold, having enjoyed 28 con- (40th) International Grand secutive wins during two and a Prix Tournament for Freestyle half years in recent top tourna- Wrestling, for the prizes of ments; however, Nadezhda took three time Olympic champion the lead strongly. Her only small Alexander Medved disappointment came during her The competition is unique second attempt, when she lost in being the oldest (40 years) her balance and hurt her ankle. and the first to acquire Grand Nevertheless, she returned to Prix status. This year’s has been throw the shot 20.68m, beating the most spectacular so far, with the record set by Russia’s Irina teams from Russia, the USA, Tur- Korzhanenko in the 2003 Winter key, Ukraine, Poland, Azerbaijan, World Championships. She con- and other countries, taking part. BELTA tinued to produce her ‘golden’ Interestingly, they arrived with Fights on Minsk wrestling mats keep audiences in suspense Nadezhda Ostapchuk throw of 20.85m. Ms. Vili had to their core athletes, despite a re- Our Belarusian men’s and Belyaeva and Albert Batyrov. Rus- The ‘modest’ team of nine did console herself with second place. cently held World Cup final in women’s teams saw the contest as sia claimed the most medals, fol- well, with Nadezhda Ostapchuk Natalia Mikhnevich — wife of Moscow. a dress rehearsal for the Europe- lowed by the USA and Ukraine. creating the biggest stir, beating silver holder Andrey Mikhnevich “Over the last few years, this an Championship, being hosted Belarus was placed fifth. New Zealand’s Valerie Vili and — was just 7cm behind, adding has been the highest level tourna- by Baku in April. It also gave a “This tournament has allowed breaking her run of victories. Na- Qatar bronze to her 2006 Mos- ment. Every match without ex- chance to analyse opponents’ abil- the participation of our young dezhda took gold, and her fellow cow World Championship gold. ception has been serious — not ities. However, our coaches could athletes,” stresses the head coach shot putter Andrey Mikhnevich Belarusian all-rounder An- just sparring,” notes Alexander not enter their strongest athletes, of the Belarusian squad, Sergey came second. Andrey was the drey Kravchenko came fourth Medved. FILA’s delegate from due to injuries and bad health. Kitaev. “Obviously, a new gen- first to win a medal at the event overall. The Olympic silver hold- Croatia, Davor Petanek, agrees, Several leading Belarusian wres- eration of Belarusian wrestlers in this tricky nomination. Only er did well, winning three out of “This is my second visit to the tlers were out of action, allowing is closely following the leaders. five (in the 25 year history of the seven events — the high jump, Minsk tournament. As a delegate the reserve men’s squad to show They’ll soon pose serious compe- world indoor championships) pole jump and 1,000m sprint, but of the International Federation of its potential. For the women, the tition to them.” sent their shot over 21m. In the gaining only fourth place. Associated Wrestling Styles, I’ve event was a qualification round Meanwhile, the junior Med- tough fight for gold, Andrey sent The three-day event ended come to ensure that FILA rules for one of the two main starts this vezhonok (‘bear cub’) contest the shot 21.68m in his second to with USA topping the team and regulations are adhered to. season. gathered about 300 girls and boys last and best attempt, guarantee- standings, with eight gold med- Currently, the Alexander Medved Belarus took one gold, two sil- aged 15-17 from seven countries. ing him the second place (his als, three silver and six bronze. Tournament is one of the strong- ver and seven bronze medals. The The youngsters wrestled for plac- sixth medal to date). Ethiopia was placed second and est in the world. I’m glad to at- only Belarusian gold medal went es at the Youth Olympic Games, In the women’s contest, noth- Russia third. Belarus occupied tend this jubilee event and hope to Rizvan Gadzhiev (under 55kg) to be held in summer in Singa- ing could have stopped Na- seventh place. to return to Minsk.” while silver was captured by Anna pore..
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