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zu vielen Duowerken des 18.Jahrhunderts fungiert das Cello solistisches Passagenwerk anbelangt. Einmal mehr zeigt sich hier nicht als Begleiter, sondern als gleichberechtigter Hermanns Kompetenz als Streicher. Ein Werk fernab Partner, was thematische Verarbeitung, Stimmführung und jeglicher solistischer und begleitender „Arbeitsteilung“ ! Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Die Musikerfamilie Eichhorn stammt aus Coburg in Brüder Eichhorn, nun 8 und 9 Jahre alt, für in Oberfranken, Deutschland. Johann Paul Eichhorn wurde , der sich über ihr Können enthusiastisch äußerte. 1787 im Dorf Neuses bei Coburg als Sohn eines Leinwebers 1833 traten die Jungen vor dem Papst auf, anschließend geboren. Auch wenn die Musik im Leben der Eichhorns wurde der elfjährige Ernst zum „Herzoglichen Cammer- Friedrich seit jeher eine bedeutende Rolle spielte, erlernte Johann Paul virtuos“ in Coburg ernannt. 1836 erhielt sein Bruder die Eichhorn nach der Konfirmation den Leinweberberuf, den Auszeichnung „Hofmusicus“. Bis Januar 1837 konzertierten er bis zu seinem 20. Lebensjahr ausübte. Gleichzeitig die Wunderkinder, als Ernsts angegriffene Gesundheit der HERMANN machte er durch eine besondere musikalische Begabung auf Reisetätigkeit Einhalt gebot. Von nun an wirkten sie in sich aufmerksam. Das Violinspiel brachte er sich selbst bei Coburg bei der „Herzoglichen Hof-Capelle“, Ernst als erster um mit Dorfmusikanten Tanzmusik zu spielen. Mit 20 Geiger, der auch die Soli zu übernehmen hatte, Eduard als 3 Capriccios Jahren wurde er zum Militärdienst nach Coburg eingezogen. zweiter Geiger. Später wurden auch die Brüder Albrecht Sein Ziel war eine Anstellung bei der Militärkapelle, und Alexander Eichhorn bei der „Hof-Capelle“ angestellt, weshalb er Horn- und Posaunenunterricht nahm. 1810 sie spielten mehrere Instrumente. Ernst und Eduard wurde Johann Paul Eichhorn als Hautboist bei der „Hof- gründeten gemeinsam mit Coburger Bürgern einen Musik- Grand Duo Capelle“ eingestellt, wo er hauptsächlich Posaune und verein, der bis ins Jahr 2002 bestand. Am 16. Juni 1844 Basshorn spielte. Für letzteres komponierte er verschiedene starb Ernst Eichhorn, erst 22 Jahre alt, sein Vater Johann Werke, die er später oft in den Konzerten mit seinen Kindern Paul Eichhorn starb am 28. April 1861. Eduard Eichhorn Brillant aufführte. Aus der Ehe mit Margarete Elisabeth Mann ging spielte noch mehrere Jahrzehnte am Hoftheater, seit Ernsts der 1822 geborene Sohn Johann Gottfried Ernst hervor. Tod als erster Geiger. Gemeinsam mit Alexander wirkte er Nach dem Tod Margaretes heiratete Eichhorn 1823 erneut. bei der Uraufführung des Ring des Nibelungen in Bayreuth Suite in D minor Mit Margarete Elisabeth Wittig hatte er fünf Kinder, mit. Eduard starb am 3. August 1897. darunter den 1823 geborenen Johann Carl Eduard. Die Die hier erstmals eingespielten Werke Johann Paul Brüder Ernst und Eduard besaßen ein großes musikalisches Eichhorns wurden für seine Kinder Ernst und Eduard Talent. Unterrichtet vom Vater machten sie schnell als Anfang der 1830er Jahre komponiert und im Pariser Verlag Friedemann Eichhorn, „geigende Wunderkinder“ von sich Reden. Schon im Mai Launer veröffentlicht. Man kann sich vorstellen, welchen 1828 gaben sie ihr erstes öffentliches Konzert. 1829 begann Eindruck die Kinder mit diesen Kabinettstücken machten. Violin mit der ersten Konzertreise durch Bayern eine intensive Während sich die Viola, seinerzeit vom Vater gespielt, auf Reisetätigkeit, die sie in der Folgezeit zu Konzerten für den harmonische Begleitfunktion beschränkt, steigern die Alexia Eichhorn, englischen König und den russischen Zaren führte. Die Violinen das jeweilige Thema in immer virtuosere Meta- Kinder musizierten in den Metropolen Europas. morphosen. Bis auf Dezimen und Fingersatzoktaven fehlen C 1829 spielten die Kinder Nicolò Paganini vor, als dieser kaum geigerische Elemente – nur dadurch erkennt man, Violin and Viola in Coburg gastierte. Paganini war so begeistert, dass er dass die Stücke für Kinderhände geschrieben sind ! M gemeinsam mit ihnen am Hofe Coburgs vor Herzog Ernst Ob die Eichhorn-Brüder mit meiner Familie, die auch Reto Kuppel, Violin auftrat. Paganinis Plan, die Kinder mit auf Reisen zu aus Franken stammt, verwandt sind ? Leider nein … Y nehmen, wurde jedoch nicht realisiert. 1832 musizierten die Alexander Hülshoff, Cello Friedemann Eichhorn K 8.572066 8 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 2

Friedrich Valentin Hermann (1828–1907) • Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907) Virtuoso String Music of the 19th Century Der Geiger und Bratschist Friedrich Valentin Hermann über das Lied „O Du lieber Augustin“ des Wiener wurde am 1. Februar 1828 in Frankfurt am Main geboren Bänkelsängers Markus „Marx“ Augustin (1643-1685). In Friedrich HERMANN Suite in D minor for Three Violins, Op. 17 22:58 und starb am 27. September 1907 in . Vom 4. Mendelssohn’sche Sommernachtstraum-Klangwelten 1 Burleske in G major for Three Violins, 8 Grave: Energico, ed appassionato, ma in tempo November 1843 bis 31. Oktober 1846 studierte er am entführen die drei Capricci, die in den schnellen Teilen Op. 9 4:46 moderato 5:13 Leipziger Konservatorium, wo er von Moritz Hauptmann, von Leggiero-Spiel gekennzeichnet sind. Ob Hermann bei 2 Capriccio No. 1 in D minor for Three 9 Scherzo: Vivace, ma non troppo agitato 3:02 Niels Wilhelm Gade, Bartholdy und der Komposition des Allegro scherzando-Themas im Violins, Op. 2 6:31 0 Canzonetta: Allegretto tranquillo 4:16 Ferdinand David unterrichtet wurde. Letzterer schrieb in Dritten Capriccio vom Finalsatz-Thema aus Mendelssohns ! Giocoso: Allegro risoluto 2:41 3 Hermanns Abschlusszeugnis: „Herr Hermann hat während Violinkonzert op. 64 inspiriert war ? Komplexer gestaltet Capriccio No. 2 in G major for Three @ Marcia funebre e presto 7:33 Violins, Op. 5 5:58 der 3 Jahre seines Besuchs meiner Classe mir stets Freud sich die Suite op. 17. Nach einem kontrapunktisch durch seinen Fleiß sowie gutes Betragen und seine angelegten Grave im alten Stil, das auf virtuoses Passagen- 4 Capriccio No. 3 in A major for Three Johann Paul EICHHORN # Duo and Variations for Two Violins with Fortschritte gemacht und verdient das größte Lob.“ werk verzichtet, bildet eine berückend ausdruckstarke Violins, Op. 13 7:38 Am 1. November 1846 trat Hermann in das Gewand- Canzonetta, die von zwei scherzohaften Sätzen flankiert Grand Duo Brillant in G minor for Violin Viola accompaniment on a Theme from Paganini’s Le Carnaval de Venise 5:10 hausorchester Leipzig ein, wo er bis zum 1. Februar 1878 wird, den Mittelpunkt des fünfsätzigen Werkes. Ein- and Cello, Op. 12 16:45 beschäftigt war. Er wirkte als 1. Bratscher, war Mitglied fallsreich ist auch das Finale: ein Trauermarsch „con 5 Allegro con fuoco 7:14 $ Variations brillantes for Two Violins with des Orchester-Pensionsfonds und spielte bis 1874 im sordino“ leitet in eine Presto-Stretta über, die jedes 6 Adagio 3:01 Viola accompaniment on the March from Gewandhaus-Quartett. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Orchester- Instrument mit kleinen Kadenzen nochmals einzeln zur 7 Allegro moderato 6:26 Rossini’s Moïse 6:14 und Kammermusiker bildete die Lehre einen wichtigen Geltung bringt. Schwerpunkt seiner musikalischen Arbeit. Ab 1848 Kennt man für die Duo-Besetzung Violine und Violon- Friedemann Eichhorn unterrichtete er am Leipziger Konservatorium, 1883 wurde cello heute vor allem die Kompositionen von Ravel und 1–4 VIOLIN 3 / 5–7 VIOLIN / 8–$ VIOLIN 1 er zum Königlich Sächsischen Professor ernannt. Aus seiner Kodály, vielleicht noch diejenigen von Schulhoff, Martinu˚, Klasse gingen zahlreiche Musiker des Gewandhaus- Honegger, Eisler und Gubaidulina, entstanden im aus- Alexia Eichhorn orchesters hervor. gehenden 18. und 19. Jahrhundert eine Fülle häufig ge- 1–48–@ VIOLIN 2 / #–$ VIOLA Hermann war als Arrangeur und Herausgeber etlicher spielter, vornehmlich virtuoser Werke für diese Besetzung. Reto Kuppel Violinwerke und einer Violinschule sehr gefragt. Die hier Gattungsgeschichtlich rührt sie wahrscheinlich von 1–4 VIOLIN 1 / 8–@ VIOLIN 3 / #–$ VIOLIN 2 eingespielten Eigenkompositionen Hermanns, bis auf das zweierlei her. Erstens kann man sie als Reduktion des Grand Duo Brillante sämtlich Erstaufnahmen, zeigen seine Streichtrios oder Klaviertrios bezeichnen: in Ermangelung Alexander Hülshoff Fähigkeit für Streichinstrumente zu schreiben: virtuose eines Bratschers oder Pianisten mussten auch ein hoher und 5–7 CELLO Passagen „liegen“ äußerst gut, durch geschickten Einsatz ein tiefer Streicher für Kammermusik ausreichen. Zweitens von leeren Saiten, Doppelgriffen und der bevorzugten Wahl gibt es einige Werke, die von zwei Virtuosen gemeinsam der für Streichinstrumente günstigen Tonarten wie A-Dur, zum Eigengebrauch geschrieben wurden. Der als „Paganini G-Dur und d-moll vermag Hermann auch in den Werken des Cellos“ apostrophierte François Servais komponierte ohne Bassstimme mitunter reichen, fast orchestralen Klang mit seinen Geigerkollegen Joseph Ghys, Henri Vieuxtemps zu erzeugen. Sein Kompositionsstil ist wie bei Paganini, und Hubert Léonard sechs Duos in Variationsform (Naxos Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps oder Bériot von geigerischer 8.572188). Weitere Duos der Komponistengemeinschaften Brillanz und methodisch-instrumentalem Wissen geprägt. François Schubert/Friedrich Kummer, der Brüder Bohrer Neben allen spektakulären, effektvollen Stellen konzentriert oder der Brüder Ganz liegen vor. sich Hermann nachhaltig auf melodiöses, cantables Spiel. Friedrich Hermann schrieb sein Grand Duo Brillante op. Kontrapunkt und Stimmführung setzt er als vielfältigen 12 in den 1850er Jahren und widmete es Louis Spohr. Der Dia- und Trialog ein. kurze, sangliche Mittelsatz dient als Einleitung zum Finale Die Burleske op.9 ist ein originelles Variationswerk im charakteristischen Polonaisen-Rhythmus. Im Gegensatz 8.572066 2 7 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 6

Alexia Eichhorn Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907) Born in Bamberg, Alexia Eichhorn is the first concertmaster of the Hof Symphony Friedrich Valentin Hermann, violinist/violist and composer, composed a symphony, a quartet for wind instruments, and Orchestra in Bavaria. She studied with Valery Gradow in Mannheim, Ulrike Dierick was born on 1st February 1828 in the German city of various other works. His own works betray his romantic in Saarbrücken and Alberto Lysy at the International Menuhin Music Academy in Frankfurt am Main. He entered the Conservatory of Music tendencies, and display the new virtuoso style that was part Thomas Henne Gstaad. As a scholarship recipient of the National German Exchange Programme she in Leipzig (from 1876-1924 known as the Royal and parcel of nineteenth-century string-playing. As befits continued her studies with Yfrah Neaman at the Guildhall School in London. Alexia Conservatory of Music and today known as the Felix a lifelong teacher, perhaps the best known of his works are Eichhorn was awarded prizes and scholarships from the Bavarian Cultural Foundation, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Hochschule for Music and his Violin School and his studies. His music is always well- Rotary International and the PE-Foundation Mannheim. She has played as a soloist Theatre) in November 1843 and studied with Moritz constructed, and displays an affinity for the early with several German orchestras and has collaborated as a violinist and violist with Hauptmann, Niels Wilhelm Gade, Felix Mendelssohn- Romanticism of the nineteenth century. His great clarity artists including Julius Berger, José Gallardo, Ulf Hoelscher, Michael Sanderling and Bartholdy, and Ferdinand David. The Conservatory, the of texture is reminiscent of his great teacher Mendelssohn. Nina Tichman. She has recorded numerous radio broadcasts and performed at the oldest in Germany, was founded in 1843 by Mendelssohn The works included here show Hermann’s love of the Oberstdorfer Musiksommer and the Killington Festival (USA) among others. She and Hauptmann, so Hermann was one of the first students violin – surely there are few violin trios in the literature – teaches at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar. of this illustrious institution. David, one of the foremost yet the interweaving of three similar timbres comes across violinists of the time, later wrote that Hermann had worked remarkably well, as is evidenced by this recording. The Reto Kuppel diligently and with “good conduct” and that he deserved Burlesque in G major, Op. 9 was published in 1857 by The German violinist Reto Kuppel studied with Andreas Röhn at the Hochschule für “the highest praise”. Though Hermann studied the violin Kistner in Leipzig, and the score is dedicated to Fréderic, Musik und Theater in Hamburg and with Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School in and most of his editing work involved the violin, he was Sophie, and Victor Ráczek. These three violinists are New York. He became known to a wide audience by winning the Elise-Meyer also an excellent violist. In 1846 he left the Conservatory mentioned in The Musical World of 27th May 1854: “A Competition in Hamburg as well as the Château de Courcillon International Violin to become First Violist of the Leipzig Orchestra, and he concert was given in Herr Seuffert’s Rooms for the benefit Competition in France. He has appeared as a soloist with many German orchestras and also played in various theatre orchestras. In 1847 he joined of the little violinists Fréderic, Sophie, and Victor Ráczek, performed throughout Europe and the United States, at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Conservatory as a Professor (one of the first of its pupils of Herr J. Hellmesberger, artistic director of the the Alice Tully Hall in New York and the Herkules-Hall in Munich, among other students to become a professor), and he remained at the Conservatory [Vienna] … They created a furore.” Appar- venues. Since 1997 Reto Kuppel has served as Assistant Concertmaster of the Bavarian Conservatory until his death. Besides his work with the ently Hermann was quite taken with the “little” Ráczeks as Radio Symphony Orchestra. Besides his appearances as a soloist and chamber musician Conservatory and the Orchestra, Hermann was a member well; certainly this piece was written for their performance. Foto-Studio Plaschka, Munchen he also teaches at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar and gives frequent violin master- of the Gewandhaus Quartet. In 1878, in order to devote After a vigorous Allegro vivace introduction, an Allegretto classes throughout Germany and abroad. himself to teaching, composing, and editing, he resigned all presents a well-known Viennese folk-tune (Oh, du lieber appointments except the Conservatory. His work as editor Augustin), played pizzicato. A series of variations follows, Alexander Hülshoff is well known. He edited classical violin works for both an Allegro moderato, an Andante in harmonics, a sharply Alexander Hülshoff studied the cello with Martin Ostertag in Karlsruhe and Lynn Peters and Augener, including compositions by Kreutzer, marked Moderato assai, a pulsating Lento (ending with Harrell in Los Angeles. He has performed in chamber music concerts with Boris Bériot and Rode, and his cadenzas for some of these works harmonics again), and a brilliant Presto conclusion. Garlitsky, Rainer Honeck, Gil Sharon, Hagai Shaham, the Fine Arts Quarett, Andreas are quite inventive. He was named Royal Saxon Professor The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 2, was published Frölich, Patricia Pagny, Friedemann Eichhorn and many others. Amongst other in 1883 and died on 27th September 1907. in 1855 by Peters in Leipzig. The piece was first performed J. von der Leyen engagements he has also appeared as a soloist with many symphony orchestras in Hermann was present at the creation of one of the great ten years earlier on 2nd December 1845 at the Leipzig Europe and South America. He is a member of the Trio Bamberg and the Amati European music institutions, the Conservatory of Music in Conservatory during a showcase of student talent, Hermann Ensemble. As a performer, Alexander Hülshoff has toured throughout Europe, North Leipzig. David and Mendelssohn both had connections to himself playing the third violin part. The piece opens with America, South America, South Korea and Japan. His radio and television appearances the older French violin school of Kreutzer, Viotti and Rode, an Adagio introduction in 3/4 time. The following Allegro in Germany and in The Netherlands, with a number of recordings, are testimony to his and Hermann showed the greatest respect for this school by molto in 4/4 time features a frantic theme in triplets, which high level of artistic accomplishment. He has played in major concert halls such as the editing numerous French school works. He edited many eventually gives way to a dolce tune. These two elements Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Berlin Philharmonic, and has appeared in many other composers as well, including Bériot, Beethoven, both return; ascending scale passages lead to extended trills international festivals. He is professor of cello at the Folkwang University of the Arts Mozart, Mendelssohn, Tartini, Haydn, Schubert, and many and a brilliant conclusion. in Essen. www.alexander-huelshoff.de more. Though not primarily known as a composer, he The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 5, published in 8.572066 6 3 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 4

1856 by Peters in Leipzig, opens with a short rhythmic double-stops (tremolo against the melody), and the concert tour, in 1829 through Bavaria, there began a busy Ernst Eichhorn died on 16th June 1844, at the age of introduction (the entire piece is marked Allegro molto) movement ends tenderly and quietly. The third movement, period of travelling which, in the years that followed, saw only 22. His father, John Paul Eichhorn, died on 28th April before a theme in quavers wends its busy way. A more a vigorous Allegro moderato, begins with an upward them giving concerts to the English King and the Russian 1861. After Ernst’s death Eduard Eichhorn played for legato theme makes its appearance, as does a sprightly thrusting theme that alternates with more lyrical material. Tsar. several decades at the court theatre, as leader. Both he and contrasting theme. This material slows down to a full stop The movement ends with a flourish. The Eichhorn children gave concerts in the principal his brother Alexander played in the first performance of on a fermata rest before the furious pace is renewed, only Suite for Three Violins, Op. 17, contains five movements cities of Europe, and in 1829 played to Nicolò Paganini The Ring of the Nibelungen at Bayreuth. Eduard died on pausing before the furious conclusion for a con espressione of diverse character. The opening Grave, marked Energico, when he gave a concert in Coburg. Paganini was so 3rd August 1897. passage. ed appassionato, ma in tempo moderato, opens with a enthralled that he performed together with them at the The works of Johann Paul Eichhorn, recorded here for The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 13, published in passionate fortissimo outburst. The drama is maintained court of Duke Ernst of Coburg, but his plan to take the the first time, were written at the beginning of the 1830s 1859 by Peters in Leipzig, begins with an ornate and throughout, though with lyrical interludes, and the children on tour with him came to nothing. In 1832 the for his children Ernst and Eduard and were published by lengthy Andantino. The succeeding Allegro scherzando movement ends as it began – fortissimo. The second Eichhorn brothers, now aged eight and nine, performed in the Parisian firm of Launer. One can well imagine what an has a graceful character in both its scherzo theme and in a movement, Scherzo, begins with light-footed pizzicati, over Kassel for Louis Spohr, who spoke enthusiastically of their impression the children must have made with these more sweetly-sung tune. After an animato section, the which a fleet bowed melody runs at a vivace pace. A prowess. In 1833 the young boys appeared before the Pope showpieces. While the viola, played at that time by their opening materials return and conclude in a blaze of glory. passionate middle section appears before the return of the and afterwards the eleven-year old Ernst was appointed father, is confined to a harmonically accompanying rôle, Hermann’s Grand Duo Brillant for Violin and Cello, opening material. The third movement, Canzonetta, is Ducal Chamber Virtuoso in Coburg. In 1836 the accolade the violins develop the respective themes in ever more Op. 12, was published in 1858 by Kistner in Leipzig and marked Allegretto tranquillo, and features a beautiful florid Court Musician was conferred on his brother. The child virtuosic transformations. Apart from tenths and fingered dedicated to one of the great violinists and composers of the melody. The fourth movement, Giocoso, is a happy prodigies gave concerts until 1837 when Ernst’s poor octaves there is scarcely a violinistic device which is not mid-nineteenth century, Louis Spohr. This work consists of rollicking movement whose two repeated sections are full health put an end to touring. From then on they worked at deployed. It is only then that one realises that these works three movements. The first movement, Allegro con fuoco, of good humour. The fifth movement, Marcia funebre e the Ducal Chapel Royal, with Ernst as leader and soloist, were to be performed by the hands of children. And are the begins with a vigorous thrusting theme, which soon gives Presto, begins with a lugubrious muted funeral march in 2/4 and Eduard as second violin. Later on the other Eichhorn Eichhorn brothers related to my family, which also hails way to an espressivo section in which the instruments take time. The mutes come off in the following Presto section. brothers, Albrecht and Alexander, were also appointed to from Franconia? No, alas … turns accompanying the expressive material. These The manic character of the Presto is interrupted by two the Chapel Royal and played various instruments. Together materials are reworked until a double-stopped molto cadenzas, which lead to a revival of the muted funeral with the townspeople of Coburg Ernst and Eduard founded Friedemann Eichhorn marcato ending. The second movement Adagio is a soulful march. The Presto returns, and this time has the last word. a music society which existed until 2002. Translated by David Stevens meditative piece that has the instruction espressivo no fewer than six times in the score. The middle section features Bruce Schueneman Friedemann Eichhorn Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Friedemann Eichhorn was born in the German city of Münster in 1971. He studied the The Eichhorn family of musicians originated in Coburg In 1810 Johann Paul Eichhorn was appointed ‘haut- violin with Valery Gradow in Mannheim, Alberto Lysy at the International Menuhin in Oberfranken, Germany. Johann Paul Eichhorn was born boist’ of the court chapel, where however he played mostly Music Academy in Switzerland and with Margaret Pardee at the Juilliard School in New

in 1787 in the village of Neuses near Coburg, the son of a trombone and bass horn. For the latter instrument he wrote Guido Werner York. He also holds a Ph.D. in musicology from the University of Mainz. As a soloist linen-weaver. Even though music played an important rôle various works which he often performed later in concerts he performs with international orchestras and as a chamber musician has played with in the Eichhorns’ life from very early on, after his with his children. After his marriage to Margarete Yuri Bashmet, Julius Berger, José Gallardo, Saschko Gavrilov and Gidon Kremer. He confirmation Johann Paul Eichhorn learned the trade of Elisabeth Mann a son, Johann Gottfried Ernst, was born in has collaborated for many years with Alexander Hülshoff in a duo. Friedemann Eichhorn linen-weaving and worked as a weaver until his twentieth 1822. After Margarete’s death Eichhorn remarried, in is professor of violin at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar, and is head of the String year. At the same time he showed evidence of a particular 1823. He had five children by Margarete Elisabeth Wittig, Department and Artistic Director of the International Louis-Spohr-Competition. Since musical talent and taught himself the violin so that he could among them Johann Carl Eduard, who was born in 1823. 2007 he has also taught at the Summer Academy of the Mozarteum in Salzburg. He has play dance music with village musicians. At the age of The brothers Ernst and Eduard were both musically very won many awards including the George Enescu Medal from the Rumanian Cultural twenty he was called up for military service in Coburg. gifted. They were taught by their father and were soon Institute. His world première recording of violin concertos by Pierre Rode with the His aim was to obtain a posting with the military band, so spoken of as “violinist child prodigies”. As early as May SWR Radio Orchestra under Nicolas Pasquet for Naxos (8.570469) was received with he took lessons in horn and trombone. 1828 they gave their first public concert. With their first great international acclaim. www.friedemanneichhorn.com 8.572066 4 5 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 4

1856 by Peters in Leipzig, opens with a short rhythmic double-stops (tremolo against the melody), and the concert tour, in 1829 through Bavaria, there began a busy Ernst Eichhorn died on 16th June 1844, at the age of introduction (the entire piece is marked Allegro molto) movement ends tenderly and quietly. The third movement, period of travelling which, in the years that followed, saw only 22. His father, John Paul Eichhorn, died on 28th April before a theme in quavers wends its busy way. A more a vigorous Allegro moderato, begins with an upward them giving concerts to the English King and the Russian 1861. After Ernst’s death Eduard Eichhorn played for legato theme makes its appearance, as does a sprightly thrusting theme that alternates with more lyrical material. Tsar. several decades at the court theatre, as leader. Both he and contrasting theme. This material slows down to a full stop The movement ends with a flourish. The Eichhorn children gave concerts in the principal his brother Alexander played in the first performance of on a fermata rest before the furious pace is renewed, only Suite for Three Violins, Op. 17, contains five movements cities of Europe, and in 1829 played to Nicolò Paganini The Ring of the Nibelungen at Bayreuth. Eduard died on pausing before the furious conclusion for a con espressione of diverse character. The opening Grave, marked Energico, when he gave a concert in Coburg. Paganini was so 3rd August 1897. passage. ed appassionato, ma in tempo moderato, opens with a enthralled that he performed together with them at the The works of Johann Paul Eichhorn, recorded here for The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 13, published in passionate fortissimo outburst. The drama is maintained court of Duke Ernst of Coburg, but his plan to take the the first time, were written at the beginning of the 1830s 1859 by Peters in Leipzig, begins with an ornate and throughout, though with lyrical interludes, and the children on tour with him came to nothing. In 1832 the for his children Ernst and Eduard and were published by lengthy Andantino. The succeeding Allegro scherzando movement ends as it began – fortissimo. The second Eichhorn brothers, now aged eight and nine, performed in the Parisian firm of Launer. One can well imagine what an has a graceful character in both its scherzo theme and in a movement, Scherzo, begins with light-footed pizzicati, over Kassel for Louis Spohr, who spoke enthusiastically of their impression the children must have made with these more sweetly-sung tune. After an animato section, the which a fleet bowed melody runs at a vivace pace. A prowess. In 1833 the young boys appeared before the Pope showpieces. While the viola, played at that time by their opening materials return and conclude in a blaze of glory. passionate middle section appears before the return of the and afterwards the eleven-year old Ernst was appointed father, is confined to a harmonically accompanying rôle, Hermann’s Grand Duo Brillant for Violin and Cello, opening material. The third movement, Canzonetta, is Ducal Chamber Virtuoso in Coburg. In 1836 the accolade the violins develop the respective themes in ever more Op. 12, was published in 1858 by Kistner in Leipzig and marked Allegretto tranquillo, and features a beautiful florid Court Musician was conferred on his brother. The child virtuosic transformations. Apart from tenths and fingered dedicated to one of the great violinists and composers of the melody. The fourth movement, Giocoso, is a happy prodigies gave concerts until 1837 when Ernst’s poor octaves there is scarcely a violinistic device which is not mid-nineteenth century, Louis Spohr. This work consists of rollicking movement whose two repeated sections are full health put an end to touring. From then on they worked at deployed. It is only then that one realises that these works three movements. The first movement, Allegro con fuoco, of good humour. The fifth movement, Marcia funebre e the Ducal Chapel Royal, with Ernst as leader and soloist, were to be performed by the hands of children. And are the begins with a vigorous thrusting theme, which soon gives Presto, begins with a lugubrious muted funeral march in 2/4 and Eduard as second violin. Later on the other Eichhorn Eichhorn brothers related to my family, which also hails way to an espressivo section in which the instruments take time. The mutes come off in the following Presto section. brothers, Albrecht and Alexander, were also appointed to from Franconia? No, alas … turns accompanying the expressive material. These The manic character of the Presto is interrupted by two the Chapel Royal and played various instruments. Together materials are reworked until a double-stopped molto cadenzas, which lead to a revival of the muted funeral with the townspeople of Coburg Ernst and Eduard founded Friedemann Eichhorn marcato ending. The second movement Adagio is a soulful march. The Presto returns, and this time has the last word. a music society which existed until 2002. Translated by David Stevens meditative piece that has the instruction espressivo no fewer than six times in the score. The middle section features Bruce Schueneman Friedemann Eichhorn Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Friedemann Eichhorn was born in the German city of Münster in 1971. He studied the The Eichhorn family of musicians originated in Coburg In 1810 Johann Paul Eichhorn was appointed ‘haut- violin with Valery Gradow in Mannheim, Alberto Lysy at the International Menuhin in Oberfranken, Germany. Johann Paul Eichhorn was born boist’ of the court chapel, where however he played mostly Music Academy in Switzerland and with Margaret Pardee at the Juilliard School in New

in 1787 in the village of Neuses near Coburg, the son of a trombone and bass horn. For the latter instrument he wrote Guido Werner York. He also holds a Ph.D. in musicology from the University of Mainz. As a soloist linen-weaver. Even though music played an important rôle various works which he often performed later in concerts he performs with international orchestras and as a chamber musician has played with in the Eichhorns’ life from very early on, after his with his children. After his marriage to Margarete Yuri Bashmet, Julius Berger, José Gallardo, Saschko Gavrilov and Gidon Kremer. He confirmation Johann Paul Eichhorn learned the trade of Elisabeth Mann a son, Johann Gottfried Ernst, was born in has collaborated for many years with Alexander Hülshoff in a duo. Friedemann Eichhorn linen-weaving and worked as a weaver until his twentieth 1822. After Margarete’s death Eichhorn remarried, in is professor of violin at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar, and is head of the String year. At the same time he showed evidence of a particular 1823. He had five children by Margarete Elisabeth Wittig, Department and Artistic Director of the International Louis-Spohr-Competition. Since musical talent and taught himself the violin so that he could among them Johann Carl Eduard, who was born in 1823. 2007 he has also taught at the Summer Academy of the Mozarteum in Salzburg. He has play dance music with village musicians. At the age of The brothers Ernst and Eduard were both musically very won many awards including the George Enescu Medal from the Rumanian Cultural twenty he was called up for military service in Coburg. gifted. They were taught by their father and were soon Institute. His world première recording of violin concertos by Pierre Rode with the His aim was to obtain a posting with the military band, so spoken of as “violinist child prodigies”. As early as May SWR Radio Orchestra under Nicolas Pasquet for Naxos (8.570469) was received with he took lessons in horn and trombone. 1828 they gave their first public concert. With their first great international acclaim. www.friedemanneichhorn.com 8.572066 4 5 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 6

Alexia Eichhorn Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907) Born in Bamberg, Alexia Eichhorn is the first concertmaster of the Hof Symphony Friedrich Valentin Hermann, violinist/violist and composer, composed a symphony, a quartet for wind instruments, and Orchestra in Bavaria. She studied with Valery Gradow in Mannheim, Ulrike Dierick was born on 1st February 1828 in the German city of various other works. His own works betray his romantic in Saarbrücken and Alberto Lysy at the International Menuhin Music Academy in Frankfurt am Main. He entered the Conservatory of Music tendencies, and display the new virtuoso style that was part Thomas Henne Gstaad. As a scholarship recipient of the National German Exchange Programme she in Leipzig (from 1876-1924 known as the Royal and parcel of nineteenth-century string-playing. As befits continued her studies with Yfrah Neaman at the Guildhall School in London. Alexia Conservatory of Music and today known as the Felix a lifelong teacher, perhaps the best known of his works are Eichhorn was awarded prizes and scholarships from the Bavarian Cultural Foundation, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Hochschule for Music and his Violin School and his studies. His music is always well- Rotary International and the PE-Foundation Mannheim. She has played as a soloist Theatre) in November 1843 and studied with Moritz constructed, and displays an affinity for the early with several German orchestras and has collaborated as a violinist and violist with Hauptmann, Niels Wilhelm Gade, Felix Mendelssohn- Romanticism of the nineteenth century. His great clarity artists including Julius Berger, José Gallardo, Ulf Hoelscher, Michael Sanderling and Bartholdy, and Ferdinand David. The Conservatory, the of texture is reminiscent of his great teacher Mendelssohn. Nina Tichman. She has recorded numerous radio broadcasts and performed at the oldest in Germany, was founded in 1843 by Mendelssohn The works included here show Hermann’s love of the Oberstdorfer Musiksommer and the Killington Festival (USA) among others. She and Hauptmann, so Hermann was one of the first students violin – surely there are few violin trios in the literature – teaches at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar. of this illustrious institution. David, one of the foremost yet the interweaving of three similar timbres comes across violinists of the time, later wrote that Hermann had worked remarkably well, as is evidenced by this recording. The Reto Kuppel diligently and with “good conduct” and that he deserved Burlesque in G major, Op. 9 was published in 1857 by The German violinist Reto Kuppel studied with Andreas Röhn at the Hochschule für “the highest praise”. Though Hermann studied the violin Kistner in Leipzig, and the score is dedicated to Fréderic, Musik und Theater in Hamburg and with Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School in and most of his editing work involved the violin, he was Sophie, and Victor Ráczek. These three violinists are New York. He became known to a wide audience by winning the Elise-Meyer also an excellent violist. In 1846 he left the Conservatory mentioned in The Musical World of 27th May 1854: “A Competition in Hamburg as well as the Château de Courcillon International Violin to become First Violist of the Leipzig Orchestra, and he concert was given in Herr Seuffert’s Rooms for the benefit Competition in France. He has appeared as a soloist with many German orchestras and also played in various theatre orchestras. In 1847 he joined of the little violinists Fréderic, Sophie, and Victor Ráczek, performed throughout Europe and the United States, at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Conservatory as a Professor (one of the first of its pupils of Herr J. Hellmesberger, artistic director of the the Alice Tully Hall in New York and the Herkules-Hall in Munich, among other students to become a professor), and he remained at the Conservatory [Vienna] … They created a furore.” Appar- venues. Since 1997 Reto Kuppel has served as Assistant Concertmaster of the Bavarian Conservatory until his death. Besides his work with the ently Hermann was quite taken with the “little” Ráczeks as Radio Symphony Orchestra. Besides his appearances as a soloist and chamber musician Conservatory and the Orchestra, Hermann was a member well; certainly this piece was written for their performance. Foto-Studio Plaschka, Munchen he also teaches at the Liszt School of Music in Weimar and gives frequent violin master- of the Gewandhaus Quartet. In 1878, in order to devote After a vigorous Allegro vivace introduction, an Allegretto classes throughout Germany and abroad. himself to teaching, composing, and editing, he resigned all presents a well-known Viennese folk-tune (Oh, du lieber appointments except the Conservatory. His work as editor Augustin), played pizzicato. A series of variations follows, Alexander Hülshoff is well known. He edited classical violin works for both an Allegro moderato, an Andante in harmonics, a sharply Alexander Hülshoff studied the cello with Martin Ostertag in Karlsruhe and Lynn Peters and Augener, including compositions by Kreutzer, marked Moderato assai, a pulsating Lento (ending with Harrell in Los Angeles. He has performed in chamber music concerts with Boris Bériot and Rode, and his cadenzas for some of these works harmonics again), and a brilliant Presto conclusion. Garlitsky, Rainer Honeck, Gil Sharon, Hagai Shaham, the Fine Arts Quarett, Andreas are quite inventive. He was named Royal Saxon Professor The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 2, was published Frölich, Patricia Pagny, Friedemann Eichhorn and many others. Amongst other in 1883 and died on 27th September 1907. in 1855 by Peters in Leipzig. The piece was first performed J. von der Leyen engagements he has also appeared as a soloist with many symphony orchestras in Hermann was present at the creation of one of the great ten years earlier on 2nd December 1845 at the Leipzig Europe and South America. He is a member of the Trio Bamberg and the Amati European music institutions, the Conservatory of Music in Conservatory during a showcase of student talent, Hermann Ensemble. As a performer, Alexander Hülshoff has toured throughout Europe, North Leipzig. David and Mendelssohn both had connections to himself playing the third violin part. The piece opens with America, South America, South Korea and Japan. His radio and television appearances the older French violin school of Kreutzer, Viotti and Rode, an Adagio introduction in 3/4 time. The following Allegro in Germany and in The Netherlands, with a number of recordings, are testimony to his and Hermann showed the greatest respect for this school by molto in 4/4 time features a frantic theme in triplets, which high level of artistic accomplishment. He has played in major concert halls such as the editing numerous French school works. He edited many eventually gives way to a dolce tune. These two elements Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Berlin Philharmonic, and has appeared in many other composers as well, including Bériot, Beethoven, both return; ascending scale passages lead to extended trills international festivals. He is professor of cello at the Folkwang University of the Arts Mozart, Mendelssohn, Tartini, Haydn, Schubert, and many and a brilliant conclusion. in Essen. www.alexander-huelshoff.de more. Though not primarily known as a composer, he The Capriccio for Three Violins, Op. 5, published in 8.572066 6 3 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 2

Friedrich Valentin Hermann (1828–1907) • Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Friedrich Hermann (1828–1907) Virtuoso String Music of the 19th Century Der Geiger und Bratschist Friedrich Valentin Hermann über das Lied „O Du lieber Augustin“ des Wiener wurde am 1. Februar 1828 in Frankfurt am Main geboren Bänkelsängers Markus „Marx“ Augustin (1643-1685). In Friedrich HERMANN Suite in D minor for Three Violins, Op. 17 22:58 und starb am 27. September 1907 in Leipzig. Vom 4. Mendelssohn’sche Sommernachtstraum-Klangwelten 1 Burleske in G major for Three Violins, 8 Grave: Energico, ed appassionato, ma in tempo November 1843 bis 31. Oktober 1846 studierte er am entführen die drei Capricci, die in den schnellen Teilen Op. 9 4:46 moderato 5:13 Leipziger Konservatorium, wo er von Moritz Hauptmann, von Leggiero-Spiel gekennzeichnet sind. Ob Hermann bei 2 Capriccio No. 1 in D minor for Three 9 Scherzo: Vivace, ma non troppo agitato 3:02 Niels Wilhelm Gade, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy und der Komposition des Allegro scherzando-Themas im Violins, Op. 2 6:31 0 Canzonetta: Allegretto tranquillo 4:16 Ferdinand David unterrichtet wurde. Letzterer schrieb in Dritten Capriccio vom Finalsatz-Thema aus Mendelssohns ! Giocoso: Allegro risoluto 2:41 3 Hermanns Abschlusszeugnis: „Herr Hermann hat während Violinkonzert op. 64 inspiriert war ? Komplexer gestaltet Capriccio No. 2 in G major for Three @ Marcia funebre e presto 7:33 Violins, Op. 5 5:58 der 3 Jahre seines Besuchs meiner Classe mir stets Freud sich die Suite op. 17. Nach einem kontrapunktisch durch seinen Fleiß sowie gutes Betragen und seine angelegten Grave im alten Stil, das auf virtuoses Passagen- 4 Capriccio No. 3 in A major for Three Johann Paul EICHHORN # Duo and Variations for Two Violins with Fortschritte gemacht und verdient das größte Lob.“ werk verzichtet, bildet eine berückend ausdruckstarke Violins, Op. 13 7:38 Am 1. November 1846 trat Hermann in das Gewand- Canzonetta, die von zwei scherzohaften Sätzen flankiert Grand Duo Brillant in G minor for Violin Viola accompaniment on a Theme from Paganini’s Le Carnaval de Venise 5:10 hausorchester Leipzig ein, wo er bis zum 1. Februar 1878 wird, den Mittelpunkt des fünfsätzigen Werkes. Ein- and Cello, Op. 12 16:45 beschäftigt war. Er wirkte als 1. Bratscher, war Mitglied fallsreich ist auch das Finale: ein Trauermarsch „con 5 Allegro con fuoco 7:14 $ Variations brillantes for Two Violins with des Orchester-Pensionsfonds und spielte bis 1874 im sordino“ leitet in eine Presto-Stretta über, die jedes 6 Adagio 3:01 Viola accompaniment on the March from Gewandhaus-Quartett. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Orchester- Instrument mit kleinen Kadenzen nochmals einzeln zur 7 Allegro moderato 6:26 Rossini’s Moïse 6:14 und Kammermusiker bildete die Lehre einen wichtigen Geltung bringt. Schwerpunkt seiner musikalischen Arbeit. Ab 1848 Kennt man für die Duo-Besetzung Violine und Violon- Friedemann Eichhorn unterrichtete er am Leipziger Konservatorium, 1883 wurde cello heute vor allem die Kompositionen von Ravel und 1–4 VIOLIN 3 / 5–7 VIOLIN / 8–$ VIOLIN 1 er zum Königlich Sächsischen Professor ernannt. Aus seiner Kodály, vielleicht noch diejenigen von Schulhoff, Martinu˚, Klasse gingen zahlreiche Musiker des Gewandhaus- Honegger, Eisler und Gubaidulina, entstanden im aus- Alexia Eichhorn orchesters hervor. gehenden 18. und 19. Jahrhundert eine Fülle häufig ge- 1–48–@ VIOLIN 2 / #–$ VIOLA Hermann war als Arrangeur und Herausgeber etlicher spielter, vornehmlich virtuoser Werke für diese Besetzung. Reto Kuppel Violinwerke und einer Violinschule sehr gefragt. Die hier Gattungsgeschichtlich rührt sie wahrscheinlich von 1–4 VIOLIN 1 / 8–@ VIOLIN 3 / #–$ VIOLIN 2 eingespielten Eigenkompositionen Hermanns, bis auf das zweierlei her. Erstens kann man sie als Reduktion des Grand Duo Brillante sämtlich Erstaufnahmen, zeigen seine Streichtrios oder Klaviertrios bezeichnen: in Ermangelung Alexander Hülshoff Fähigkeit für Streichinstrumente zu schreiben: virtuose eines Bratschers oder Pianisten mussten auch ein hoher und 5–7 CELLO Passagen „liegen“ äußerst gut, durch geschickten Einsatz ein tiefer Streicher für Kammermusik ausreichen. Zweitens von leeren Saiten, Doppelgriffen und der bevorzugten Wahl gibt es einige Werke, die von zwei Virtuosen gemeinsam der für Streichinstrumente günstigen Tonarten wie A-Dur, zum Eigengebrauch geschrieben wurden. Der als „Paganini G-Dur und d-moll vermag Hermann auch in den Werken des Cellos“ apostrophierte François Servais komponierte ohne Bassstimme mitunter reichen, fast orchestralen Klang mit seinen Geigerkollegen Joseph Ghys, Henri Vieuxtemps zu erzeugen. Sein Kompositionsstil ist wie bei Paganini, und Hubert Léonard sechs Duos in Variationsform (Naxos Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps oder Bériot von geigerischer 8.572188). Weitere Duos der Komponistengemeinschaften Brillanz und methodisch-instrumentalem Wissen geprägt. François Schubert/Friedrich Kummer, der Brüder Bohrer Neben allen spektakulären, effektvollen Stellen konzentriert oder der Brüder Ganz liegen vor. sich Hermann nachhaltig auf melodiöses, cantables Spiel. Friedrich Hermann schrieb sein Grand Duo Brillante op. Kontrapunkt und Stimmführung setzt er als vielfältigen 12 in den 1850er Jahren und widmete es Louis Spohr. Der Dia- und Trialog ein. kurze, sangliche Mittelsatz dient als Einleitung zum Finale Die Burleske op.9 ist ein originelles Variationswerk im charakteristischen Polonaisen-Rhythmus. Im Gegensatz 8.572066 2 7 8.572066 572066bk Hermann EU:570034bk Hasse 23/8/10 9:09 PM Page 8

zu vielen Duowerken des 18.Jahrhunderts fungiert das Cello solistisches Passagenwerk anbelangt. Einmal mehr zeigt sich hier nicht als Begleiter, sondern als gleichberechtigter Hermanns Kompetenz als Streicher. Ein Werk fernab Partner, was thematische Verarbeitung, Stimmführung und jeglicher solistischer und begleitender „Arbeitsteilung“ ! Johann Paul Eichhorn (1787–1861) Die Musikerfamilie Eichhorn stammt aus Coburg in Brüder Eichhorn, nun 8 und 9 Jahre alt, für Louis Spohr in Oberfranken, Deutschland. Johann Paul Eichhorn wurde Kassel, der sich über ihr Können enthusiastisch äußerte. 1787 im Dorf Neuses bei Coburg als Sohn eines Leinwebers 1833 traten die Jungen vor dem Papst auf, anschließend geboren. Auch wenn die Musik im Leben der Eichhorns wurde der elfjährige Ernst zum „Herzoglichen Cammer- Friedrich seit jeher eine bedeutende Rolle spielte, erlernte Johann Paul virtuos“ in Coburg ernannt. 1836 erhielt sein Bruder die Eichhorn nach der Konfirmation den Leinweberberuf, den Auszeichnung „Hofmusicus“. Bis Januar 1837 konzertierten er bis zu seinem 20. Lebensjahr ausübte. Gleichzeitig die Wunderkinder, als Ernsts angegriffene Gesundheit der HERMANN machte er durch eine besondere musikalische Begabung auf Reisetätigkeit Einhalt gebot. Von nun an wirkten sie in sich aufmerksam. Das Violinspiel brachte er sich selbst bei Coburg bei der „Herzoglichen Hof-Capelle“, Ernst als erster um mit Dorfmusikanten Tanzmusik zu spielen. Mit 20 Geiger, der auch die Soli zu übernehmen hatte, Eduard als 3 Capriccios Jahren wurde er zum Militärdienst nach Coburg eingezogen. zweiter Geiger. Später wurden auch die Brüder Albrecht Sein Ziel war eine Anstellung bei der Militärkapelle, und Alexander Eichhorn bei der „Hof-Capelle“ angestellt, weshalb er Horn- und Posaunenunterricht nahm. 1810 sie spielten mehrere Instrumente. Ernst und Eduard wurde Johann Paul Eichhorn als Hautboist bei der „Hof- gründeten gemeinsam mit Coburger Bürgern einen Musik- Grand Duo Capelle“ eingestellt, wo er hauptsächlich Posaune und verein, der bis ins Jahr 2002 bestand. Am 16. Juni 1844 Basshorn spielte. Für letzteres komponierte er verschiedene starb Ernst Eichhorn, erst 22 Jahre alt, sein Vater Johann Werke, die er später oft in den Konzerten mit seinen Kindern Paul Eichhorn starb am 28. April 1861. Eduard Eichhorn Brillant aufführte. Aus der Ehe mit Margarete Elisabeth Mann ging spielte noch mehrere Jahrzehnte am Hoftheater, seit Ernsts der 1822 geborene Sohn Johann Gottfried Ernst hervor. Tod als erster Geiger. Gemeinsam mit Alexander wirkte er Nach dem Tod Margaretes heiratete Eichhorn 1823 erneut. bei der Uraufführung des Ring des Nibelungen in Bayreuth Suite in D minor Mit Margarete Elisabeth Wittig hatte er fünf Kinder, mit. Eduard starb am 3. August 1897. darunter den 1823 geborenen Johann Carl Eduard. Die Die hier erstmals eingespielten Werke Johann Paul Brüder Ernst und Eduard besaßen ein großes musikalisches Eichhorns wurden für seine Kinder Ernst und Eduard Talent. Unterrichtet vom Vater machten sie schnell als Anfang der 1830er Jahre komponiert und im Pariser Verlag Friedemann Eichhorn, „geigende Wunderkinder“ von sich Reden. Schon im Mai Launer veröffentlicht. Man kann sich vorstellen, welchen 1828 gaben sie ihr erstes öffentliches Konzert. 1829 begann Eindruck die Kinder mit diesen Kabinettstücken machten. Violin mit der ersten Konzertreise durch Bayern eine intensive Während sich die Viola, seinerzeit vom Vater gespielt, auf Reisetätigkeit, die sie in der Folgezeit zu Konzerten für den harmonische Begleitfunktion beschränkt, steigern die Alexia Eichhorn, englischen König und den russischen Zaren führte. Die Violinen das jeweilige Thema in immer virtuosere Meta- Kinder musizierten in den Metropolen Europas. morphosen. Bis auf Dezimen und Fingersatzoktaven fehlen C 1829 spielten die Kinder Nicolò Paganini vor, als dieser kaum geigerische Elemente – nur dadurch erkennt man, Violin and Viola in Coburg gastierte. Paganini war so begeistert, dass er dass die Stücke für Kinderhände geschrieben sind ! M gemeinsam mit ihnen am Hofe Coburgs vor Herzog Ernst Ob die Eichhorn-Brüder mit meiner Familie, die auch Reto Kuppel, Violin auftrat. Paganinis Plan, die Kinder mit auf Reisen zu aus Franken stammt, verwandt sind ? Leider nein … Y nehmen, wurde jedoch nicht realisiert. 1832 musizierten die Alexander Hülshoff, Cello Friedemann Eichhorn K 8.572066 8 19 TH C E N T U R Y Also available … V I O L I 8.570380 N I S T C O M P O S 8.570469 E R S NAXOS NAXOS The prolific composer, arranger, editor and author of an influential manual, Friedrich Valentin Hermann is well known to violin and viola students to this day though his technically demanding music is rarely heard in concert despite its appealingly virtuosic Romanticism. Paganini was enthralled by the ability of the young prodigy Johann Paul Eichhorn, whose elegant and equally virtuosic variations receive their world première 8.572066 HERMANN: recording. Friedemann Eichhorn’s Naxos recording of Pierre Rode’s violin concertos HERMANN: (8.570469) has received high critical praise, while his recording with Alexander Hülshoff DDD of Servais’s Grand Duos (8.572188) was ‘urgently recommended’ by Fanfare. Playing Time Friedrich 76:58 HERMANN (1828–1907) 3 Capriccios • Suite in D minor 3 Capriccios • Suite in D minor 1 Burleske in G major for Three Violins, Op. 9 4:46 2 Capriccio No. 1 in D minor for Three Violins, Op. 2 6:31 3 Capriccio No. 2 in G major for Three Violins, Op. 5 5:58 4 Capriccio No. 3 in A major for Three Violins, Op. 13 7:38 5–7 Grand Duo Brillant in G minor for Violin and Cello, Op. 12 16:45 8–@ Suite in D minor for Three Violins, Op. 17 22:58 www.naxos.com Made in Germany Booklet notes in English • Kommentar auf Deutsch ൿ Johann Paul Ltd. Naxos Rights International &


(1787–1861) 2010 # Duo and Variations for Two Violins with Viola accompaniment on a Theme from Paganini’s Le Carnaval de Venise* 5:10 $ Variations brillantes for Two Violins with Viola accompaniment on the March from Rossini’s Moïse* 6:14 Full track details will be found in the booklet *WORLD PREMIÈRE RECORDING C Friedemann Eichhorn, Violin • Alexia Eichhorn, Violin and Viola M 8.572066 Reto Kuppel, Violin • Alexander Hülshoff, Cello 8.572066 Recorded at Studio 2, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich, Germany, 19–21 January 2009 (tracks 1–3, 5, 6) and Y 9, 11 October 2007 (4, 7, 8) • Executive Producer: Pauline Heister • Producer & Editor: Bernhard Albrecht Balance Engineer: Wolfgang Karreth • Booklet notes: Friedemann Eichhorn, Bruce Schueneman K A co-production with Bayerischer Rundfunk • Cover painting of Friedrich Hermann by Chai Ben-Shan