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CLEO Conference Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom 210A 210B 210C 210D CLEO: QELS-Fundamental Science 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 FM1A • Quantum Engineering FM1B • Relativistic Laser-Plasma FM1C • Hyperbolic and Epsilon- FM1D • PT Symmetry and Presider: Nicholas Peters; Applied Interactions near-zero Materials Related Phenomena Communication Sciences, USA Presider: Sergei Tochitsky; Univ. Presider: Philippe Tassin; Presider: Matthias Heinrich, Univ. of California Los Angeles, USA Chalmers Univ., Sweden of Central Florida, USA FM1A.1 • 08:00 Tutorial FM1B.1 • 08:00 Invited FM1C.1 • 08:00 FM1D.1 • 08:00 Quantum Optomechanics, Markus Aspel- High energy ion acceleration and neutron Wave Propagation in Magnetized Epsilon- Beyond PT-symmetry: SUSY-mediated real meyer1; 1Universitat Wien, Austria. This production using relativistic transparency Near-Zero Metamaterials, Arthur Davoyan1, spectra in complex refractive index land- 1 1 1 tutorial provides an introduction to the cur- in solids, Markus Roth1, Daniel Jung2, Kat- Nader Engheta ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA. scapes, Mohammad-Ali Miri , Matthias Hein- 1 1 1 rent state-of-the-art, the challenges and the erina Falk2, Nevzat Guler2, Vincent Bagnoud3, In this work we theoretically study light propa- rich , Demetrios N. Christodoulides ; CREOL prospects of achieving quantum optical con- Stefan Bedacht1, Oliver Deppert1, Matthew gation in magnetized epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of trol over nano-, micro- and macro-mechanical J. Devlin2, Andrea Favalli2, Juan Fernandez2, metamaterials. We reveal novel regimes of Central Florida, USA. In the presence of gain devices, i.e. quantum optomechanics. Cort D. Gautier2, Matthias Geissel4, Robert propagation, including optical isolation of and loss, supersymmetric transformations C. Haight2, Chris E. Hamilton2, Manuel B. circularly polarized waves and back-scattering facilitate the arbitrary removal of modes from Hegelich2, Randall P. Johnson2, Annika immune surface wave propagation. wave-guiding structures. We show how SUSY Kleinschmidt1, Frank E. Merrill2, Alex Ortner1, gives rise to non-PT-symmetric families of Gabriel Schaumann1, Kurt Schoenberg2, complex potentials with entirely real-valued Marius Schollmeier4, Thomas Shimada2, Terry eigenvalue spectra. N. Taddeucci2, Alexandra Tebartz1, Joshua L. Tybo2, Florian Wagner1, Stephen A. Wender2, Carl H. Wilde2, Glen A. Wurden2; 1Inst. for Nuclear Physics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany; 2Los Alamos National FM1C.2 • 08:15 FM1D.2 • 08:15 Lab, USA; 3Helmholtzzentrum für Schwer- Nonlocal Response in Transition Metama- Observation of Gravitational Effects in 1 1 ionenforschung - GSI, Germany; 4Sandia terials, Zhaxylyk A. Kudyshev , Natalia M. Nonlocal Nonlinearity, Rivka Bekenstein , 1 1 1 1 National Lab, USA. Neutrons are unique to Litchinitser ; Electrical Engineering, Univ. Ran Schley , Maor Mutzafi , Carmel Rots- 1 2 2 Markus Aspelmeyer is Professor of Physics diagnose materials and excite nuclear reac- at Buffalo, USA. We investigate resonant child , Ido Dolev , Ady Arie , Mordechai enhancement of light in transition metama- Segev1; 1Physics Dept. and Solid State Inst., Monday, 9 June Monday, at the University of Vienna, and Speaker tions with a large field of applications. For the of the Vienna Center for Quantum Science first time a new ion acceleration mechanism terialsunder the local and nonlocal response Technion Israel Inst. of Technology, Israel; 2 and Technology (VCQ). He is regarded as (BOA) has been used to generate intense, function approximations, and analyze the Dept. of Physical Electronics, Fleischman one of the pioneers of the field of cavity directed neutron beams. influence of nonlocality on the field distribu- Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv Univ., optomechanics. His research combines the tion in the near-zero region. Israel. We demonstrate optical analogues development of new quantum technologies of gravitational effects such as gravitational with fundamental quantum experiments. lensing, tidal forces and gravitational redshift in the Newton-Schrödinger mainframe, by utilizing long-range interactions between solitons and accelerating beams in nonlocal nonlinear media. FM1B.2 • 08:30 FM1C.3 • 08:30 FM1D.3 • 08:30 GeV Electrons and High brightness Be- All Semiconductor Negative-Index Plas- PT symmetric large area single mode DFB tatron X-rays from Petawatt-Laser-Driven monic Absorbers, Christopher Roberts1, lasers, Hossein Hodaei1, Mohammad-Ali Plasma Accelerators, Xiaoming Wang1, Stephanie Law3, Torin Kilpatrick3, Lan Yu3, Miri1, Matthias Heinrich1, Demetrios N. Rafal Zgadzaj1, Neil Fazel1, Zhengyan Li1, Troy Ribaudo2, Eric Shaner2, Dan Wasser- Christodoulides1, Mercedeh Khajavikhan1; Watson Henderson1, Yen-Yu Chang1, Rick man3, Viktor A. Podolskiy1; 1Physics and 1CREOL The College of Optics and Photon- Korzekawa1, S. Yi2, V. Khudik1, X. Zhang1, Applied Physics, Univ. of Massachusetts ics, Univ. of Central Florida, USA. We propose Hai-En Tsai1, Chih-Hao Pai3, H. Quevedo1, G. Lowell, USA; 2Sandia National Labs, USA; a novel class of large-area single-mode Dyer1, E. Gaul1, M. Martinez1, A. Bernstein1, 3Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. semiconductor lasers in which notions from M. Spinks1, Michael Donovan1, Gennady of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA. We parity-time symmetry is employed to reliably Shvets1, Todd Ditmire1, Michael C. Downer1; demonstrate all-semiconductor thin-film plas- suppress higher-order modes. The feasibility 1Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA; 2Tsinghua monic absorbers, where strong absorption of our design is investigated in InGaAsP Univ., China; 3Los Alamos National Lab, USA. in these structures is linked to the excitation quantum-well arrangements. We identify three regimes of correlated GeV- of highly-confined negative-index surface electron/keV-betatron-x-ray generation by a plasmon polaritons. We present numerical laser-plasma accelerator driven by the Texas and analytical descriptions of guided modes Petawatt laser, and relate them to variations of the system. in strength of blowout, injection geometry and beam loading. 50 CLEO: 2014 • 8–13 June 2014 Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom 210E 210F 210G 210H CLEO: Science & Innovations 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 SM1E • Atmospheric Sensing SM1F • Solid State Laser SM1G • Optical Signal SM1H • Advanced Fabrication Presider: Mark Phillips; Pacific Systems for Secondary Source Processing Techniques Northwest National Lab, USA Generation Presider: Takahide Sakamoto; Presider: Koji Yamada; NTT Presider: Thomas Spinka, National Inst. of Information & Microsystem Integration Labs, Lawrence Livermore National Communication Tech, Japan Japan Lab., USA SM1E.1 • 08:00 Tutorial SM1F.1 • 08:00 Invited SM1G.1 • 08:00 SM1H.1 • 08:00 Recent developments in measurements of Cryogenic Composite Disk Laser for Peak Photonic Generation and Wireless Trans- Arbitrary photonic wave plate operations atmospheric trace gases, Steven C. Wofsy1, and Average Power Scaling, Luis E. Za- mission of W-band Arbitrary Waveforms on-chip: Realizing Hadamard and Pauli-X Eric Kort2, Eric Crosson3, Frank Keutsch4; 1Har- pata1,2; 1Research Lab of Electronics, Dept with High Time-Bandwidth Products, Amir gates for polarization encoded qubits, 1 1 2 1 1 vard Univ., USA; 2Dept. of Atmospheric, Oce- of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- Rashidinejad , Yihan Li , Jhih-Min Wun , René Heilmann , Markus Graefe , Stefan 1 2 1 1 1 anic and Space Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, ence, MIT, USA; 2Center for free electron laser Daniel E. Leaird , Jin-Wei Shi , Andrew M. Nolte , Alexander Szameit ; Inst. of Applied 1 1 USA; 3Picarro, Inc, USA; 4Dept. of Chemistry, science, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Weiner ; Electrical and Computer Engineer- Physics, Germany. We present arbitrary 2 Univ. of Wisconsin, USA. Lasers are used to Germany. We demonstrate high gain produc- ing, Purdue Univ., USA; Electrical Engineer- wave plate operations on-chip based on the measure extremely low concentrations of ing 60 mJ, 200 ps pulses at 200 Hz from a ing, National Central Univ., Taiwan. We report reorientation of the waveguide’s optical axis reactive species and minute variations green- single 4-mm ASE limited gain-cell. A scaling photonic radio-frequency arbitrary waveform caused by additional stress fields. A success- house gases in the atmosphere. Instrument paradigm utilizing a monolithic array of gain generation in the W-band, enabled through ful implementation of Hadamard and Pauli-X challenges differ sharply, illustrated in case cells is proposed. optical pulse shaping and a near-ballistic gates for quantum light is shown. studies for atmospheric glyoxal, methane uni-traveling-carrier photodiode. Example and others. waveforms spanning 75-110GHz with long 9 June Monday, time apertures are generated and measured after wireless propagation. SM1G.2 • 08:15 SM1H.2 • 08:15 High Resolution Unambiguous Ranging Mimicking Heterostructure Behavior Within Based on W-band Photonic RF-Arbitrary a Single Material at Room Temperature Waveform Generation, Yihan Li1, Amir Rashi- Using Strain, David S. Sukhdeo1, Donguk dinejad1, Jhih-Min Wun2, Daniel E. Leaird1, Nam1, Ju-Hyung Kang2, Jan Petykiewicz1, Jin-Wei Shi2, Andrew M. Weiner1; 1Electrical Jae-Hyung Lee1, Woo Shik Jung1, Jelena and Computer Engineering, Purdue Univ., Vuckovic1, Mark Brongersma2, Krishna C. USA; 2Electrical Engineering, National Saraswat1;
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