Georg E Placzek
1 *HRUJ H 3ODF]HNDELEOLRPHWULFVWXG\RIKLVVFLHQWLILFSURGXFWLRQ DQGLWVLPSDFW 0DQXHO&DUGRQDDQG:HUQHU0DU[ 0D[3ODQFN,QVWLWXWHIRU6ROLG6WDWH5HVHDUFK'6WXWWJDUW *HUPDQ\ $EVWUDFW The availability of a number of databases, in particular the 6FLHQFH &LWDWLRQ,QGH[ (SCI), have encouraged the development and use of bibliometric techniques to analyze and evaluate the production and impact of scientists. To avoid pitfalls and their sometimes serious consequences, however, considerable experience with the method is needed. The case of George Placzek appears as an excellent one to illustrate the procedure and its problems. Placzek’s work covered a broad range of topics, including optical and neutron spectroscopy, neutron diffusion, nuclear reactions, and nuclear energy. He worked in a large number of places with some of the most outstanding collaborators and also as sole author during his short professional life. His publications appeared in regular, so-called source journals, in books, lecture notes and also internal reports which were classified till several years after the end of the war. In this article we analyze Placzek’s work and its impact with the aim of illustrating the power and virtues of bibliometric techniques and their pitfalls. ,QWURGXFWLRQ The term ELEOLRPHWU\ is usually applied to the quantitative investigation of the number of publications of individuals, institutions and/or disciplines and their impact as measured by the number of citations they received. The origin of modern bibliometry is related to the foundation in 1954, by E. Garfield, of the company (XJHQH*DUILHOG$VVRFLDWHV, one year before Placzek’s untimely death in 1955. In 1960 the company’s name was changed to ,QVWLWXWHRI6FLHQWLILF,QIRUPDWLRQ (ISI). Its main product at the time was &XUUHQW&RQWHQWV, a booklet containing the table of contents of journals selected to be relevant to the progress of science.1 In 1964 the ISI launched the 6FLHQFH&LWDWLRQV,QGH[(SCI), covering at that time 600 scientific journals.
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