CLEO Conference
Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom Executive Ballroom 210A 210B 210C 210D CLEO: QELS-Fundamental Science 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 FM1A • Quantum Engineering FM1B • Relativistic Laser-Plasma FM1C • Hyperbolic and Epsilon- FM1D • PT Symmetry and Presider: Nicholas Peters; Applied Interactions near-zero Materials Related Phenomena Communication Sciences, USA Presider: Sergei Tochitsky; Univ. Presider: Philippe Tassin; Presider: Matthias Heinrich, Univ. of California Los Angeles, USA Chalmers Univ., Sweden of Central Florida, USA FM1A.1 • 08:00 Tutorial FM1B.1 • 08:00 Invited FM1C.1 • 08:00 FM1D.1 • 08:00 Quantum Optomechanics, Markus Aspel- High energy ion acceleration and neutron Wave Propagation in Magnetized Epsilon- Beyond PT-symmetry: SUSY-mediated real meyer1; 1Universitat Wien, Austria. This production using relativistic transparency Near-Zero Metamaterials, Arthur Davoyan1, spectra in complex refractive index land- 1 1 1 tutorial provides an introduction to the cur- in solids, Markus Roth1, Daniel Jung2, Kat- Nader Engheta ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA. scapes, Mohammad-Ali Miri , Matthias Hein- 1 1 1 rent state-of-the-art, the challenges and the erina Falk2, Nevzat Guler2, Vincent Bagnoud3, In this work we theoretically study light propa- rich , Demetrios N. Christodoulides ; CREOL prospects of achieving quantum optical con- Stefan Bedacht1, Oliver Deppert1, Matthew gation in magnetized epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of trol over nano-, micro- and macro-mechanical J. Devlin2, Andrea Favalli2, Juan Fernandez2, metamaterials. We reveal novel regimes of Central Florida, USA. In the presence of gain devices, i.e. quantum optomechanics.
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