Monday Posters Atom interferometry Mo-001 57 $GLJLWDODWRPLQWHUIHURPHWHUZLWKVLQJOHSDUWLFOHFRQWURO Andrea Alberti 1, *, Andreas Steffen 1, Wolfgang Alt 1, Noomen Belmechri 1, Sebastian Hild 1, 0LFKDá.DUVNL 1, Artur Widera 2,1 and Dieter Meschede 1 ,QVWLWXWIU$QJHZDQGWH3K\VLN8QLYHUVLWlW%RQQ*HUPDQ\ 2. Fachbereich Physik und Forschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany *
[email protected] Coherent control and delocalization of single trapped atoms constitute powerful new resources for quantum technologies. We will report on a single-atom interferometer that uses spin-dependent periodic potentials to co- herently split and recombine particles with spatial separations of up to 24 lattice sites, equivalent to more than 10 ȝm. The interferometer geometry can be reprogrammed in a digital manner by freely assembling basic coherent operations at discrete time intervals; this allowed us to contrast different geometries and to develop a geometrical- analogue of the well-known spin-echo refocusing. We tested the interferometer by probing external potential gra- dients, achieving with single atoms 5 × 10 –4 precision in units of gravitational acceleration g. Furthermore, a novel scheme for spin-dependent optical lattices is presently underway, with which we expect to reach splitting distances of 1 mm. This coherent control of single-atom wave packets gives us a new way to investigate and exploit interaction effects between atoms; for instance, molecular bound states of two atoms are predicted to occur in quantum walk experiments as a result of matter-wave interference [1]. Reference [1] A. Ahlbrecht, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, V. B. Scholz, A. H. Werner, R. F. Werner, Bound Molecules in an Interacting Quantum :DONDU;LYY Atom interferometry Mo-002 ,QWHUIHURPHWU\ZLWKFKLSEDVHGDWRPODVHUV E.