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contributors Åke E. Andersson, professor, Jönköping international business School, Sweden. David Emanuel Andersson, Lecturer, University of nottingham, Uk and ningbo, china. Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt, Head of department and professor of Human Geography (dr Scient. Soc., phd), department of environmental, Social and Spatial change, roskilde University, denmark. Albert Boswijk, Founder and director of the european centre for the experience and transformation economy, amsterdam, the netherlands. Laurence Chalip, brightbill- Sapora professor, University of illinois at Urbana- champaign, USa, where he also serves as Head of the department of recreation, Sport and tourism. Philip Cooke, professor, centre for advanced Studies, cardiff University, Uk. Britt E. Dale, professor in Human Geography, department of Geography, norwegian University of Science and technology (ntnU), trondheim, norway. Marlene Dixon, associate professor and Fellow in the t.L. Long professorship for education, University of texas, austin, USa. Dorthe Eide, associate professor in organizing and management, bodø Graduate School of business, nordland University, norway. Lars Fuglsang, professor, Lillehammer University college, norway and associate professor, roskilde University, denmark. James H. Gilmore, co- founder, Strategic Horizons LLp and adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of business administration, University of Virginia, USa. B. Christine Green, associate professor and coordinator of the Sport management program, department of kinesiology and Health education, University of texas, austin, USa. Sune Gudiksen, phd Fellow, aalborg University, department of communication and psychology, aalborg, denmark. Michael Haldrup, associate professor (phd), research Unit on Space, place, mobility and Urban Studies (moSpUS), department of environmental, Social and Spatial change, roskilde University, denmark. Gry Worre Hallberg, associate of performance design, roskilde University, denmark and co- founder, House of Futures, Fiction pimps, Sisters Hope, club de la Faye and Staging transitions.
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