Index A3ES, 97 social capital and, 5, 9, 142, 159, Aalborg University, ix, 151 184–7 academic careers (women and) sponsors, 5, 170, 174, 176, 182, career progression, 3–22, 80, 116, 184, 188, 191–2 118, 120, 139–40, 153, 173, traditional career path, 3, 13, 144, 177, 181, 186, 192 175, 180, 187, 189–90 casualised workforce, 86, 131–4, 171 Acar, F., 132, 153, 160 class and, 5, 9, 12–14, 23–7, 40, Acker, S., 15, 16, 63 46–52, 67, 89, 105–8, 117, 133, Acker, S. and Armenti, S., 7, 16, 147, 160, 169, 175–85, 188, 185, 192 191–2 Acker, S. and Feuerverger, G., cultural capital and, 5, 28, 31, 174, 192 141–2, 159, 181–2 Ackers, L., 146, 160, 180, 190, 192 entitlement, 8, 26, 30, 34, 38, 176–80, 192 Adelaide, 74, 77, 113 Adesina, J., 133, 161 family influence on, 5, 15, 23–5, 43, Akmut, Prof, 151 46–51, 66–7, 74, 80, 83–5, 97, Alvesson, M. and Sköldberg, K., 103–6, 128, 130–1, 141, 146–8, 127, 161 153–4, 159–60, 175–80 Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 37, feminist academics, 3–5, 8, 14–15, 43 27, 32, 41–3, 54–5, 70–3, 76, Amâncio, L., 97, 100 79–80, 107, 117, 127, 133, 139, Amaral, A., 94–5, 97–8 143, 158, 173–6, 190–1 Ankara, 149–50, 186 future challenges, 188–90 Ankara University, 149–53, gender identity, 9, 30, 54, 87–92, 186 106–9, 182, 187–8 Ashall, S., 179, 185, 192 generational change, 3–6, 79, 83, Asmar, C., 10, 16 128, 154, 159–60, 168–95 Association of Social Science influence of matriarchies on, 46–50, Researchers, 80 70–3, 106, 176 ATGender, 55 life-course and, 5, 9, 12 –15, 189 Aturtuk, M.K., 148 mobility, 5, 146, 151–2, 156, 180–1, Australasian Evaluation Society, 80 191–2 Australia, 7, 10, 39, 106, 112–13, 115, organisational culture, 5, 7–9, 172–5 128, 157 outsiders, 5, 27, 51, 53, 105–9, 178–80 Babbie, E., Mouton, J., Payze, C., playing the ‘game’ (or not), 5, 30–5, Vorster, J. Boschoff, N. and 56–8, 120–1, 158–9, 189–90 Prozesky, H., 132, 161 political awareness, 5, 30–9, 56–62, Backman, S., 10, 16 76–9, 92, 118–21, 138–40, Baden, S. Hasim, S. Meintjies, S., 130, 158–60, 172–5 161 196 Index 197 Bagilhole, B., viii, 3–22, 46–64, 112, Carvalho, T., viii, 6, 153–9, 170–1, 117, 121, 171, 180–1, 191–2 173, 178, 180, 186–9 achievements, 55 building academic career, 155–9 application for HOD, 59–62 combining family and career, 156–7 Associate Dean (Research), 56–8 education, 154–5 building a career, 52–6 family background, 153–4 education, 51–2 gender awareness, 155, 157–8, 188 family background, 46–50 Carvalho, T. and Machado, M., 16, gender awareness, 54, 187 101, 153, 161 publications, ii Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R., 8, 17, university, 52–4 158, 161 Bagilhole, B. and Goode, J., 179, 193 Castro, V., Garcia, E. Carcasos, J. and Bagilhole, B. and White, K., 3–22, 39, Castro, A., 98–100 57, 64, 100, 112, 115 CEDAW, 63 Gender, Power and Management, ii, 6, Cerdeira, L., 158, 161 39, 88, 100, 113, 121–2, 161, 193 Chesterman, C. and Ross-Smith, A., Bailey, T., Boshoff, N., Davids, S., 121–2 Galant, J., Hunter-Hüsselmann, Cinque Terre, 78 M., Mouton, J., Prozesky, H. and CIPES, 94–8, 100, 115, 156 Ritchie, F., 134, 161 Clare, A., 32, 43 Ballarat, 103–6 Clarke, J. and White, K., 110, 122 Bank of Sweden, 116 Clegg, S., 182, 193 Barrett, L. and Barrett, P., 12, 16, 80–1 Cockburn, C, 172, 193 Barry, J., Berg, E. and Chandler, J., 11, Coimbra, 84 16, 183, 193 Collinson, D. L., Knights, D. and Bell, L., 75, 81 Collinson, M., 129, 161 Bell, S., 10, 16, 78, 118, 122 Connell, R. W., 40, 43 Benschop, Y., 118, 122, 158, 184, 193 Cook Strait, 69 Bevagna, 77 Cork, 24–5, 178 Birch, L., 10, 16, 118, 122, 188, 193 Cotterill, P., Hirsch, M. and Leatherby, Blackmore, J. and Sachs, J., 8, 16, 117, G., 12, 15, 17, 105, 108, 120, 122, 120–2, 172, 174–5, 178, 182–3, 177, 193 187, 193 Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Bolden, R., Gosling, J., O’Brien, A., 148, 161 Peters, K., Ryan, M. and Haslam, Coutu, D., 115, 122 A., 8, 16, 114, 119, 122 Cox, D., 10, 17, 108, 122 Bourdieu, P., 129, 142, 159–61, 184–5, CSD, 132, 136, 161 193 Cullen, M., 26, 43 Bowlby, J., 28 Currie, J. and Thiele, B., 17, 187, 193 Bragança, 84–93, 180 Currie, J. Thiele, B. and Harris, P., 111, Breen, R., 23, 43 113, 122 Brighton, 52–3 Curtin University, ix, 151 Bristol, 49 Brooks,A.,8,16 DACST, 132, 161 Burton, C., 160–1 Da Fonte, B., 85, 100 Davey,J.,Neale,J.and Cahill, M. and Dann, C., 70, 81 Morris-Matthews, K., 77, 81 Campion Society, 104 David, M. and Woodward, D., 10, 17 CAPA, 109 Deem, R., 7–8, 114, 122, 157, 161 198 Index Deem, R. Hilliard, S. and Reed, M., Etzkowitz, H. and Leydesdorff, L., 7, 17 127, 162 De la Rey, C. 134, 137, 161 European Commission, 145 Dever, M., Boreham, P., Haynes, M., European Union, 6–7, 34, 39, 41, 95, Kubler, M., Laffan, W., Behrens, K. 154, 170–1 and Western, M., 10, 17, 108, Eveline, J., 58, 64, 158, 162 117–18, 122, 188–9, 193 Exeter, 48 Dickson, G., 67 Exmouth, 46, 48, 52 Diezmann, C. and Grieshaber, S., 10–11, 17 Faith, K., 24, 43 Doherty, D., 33 Faltholm, Y. and Abrahamsson, L., Dryler, H., Inkinen, M. and Lagerkvist, 118, 122 A., 144, 162 Fawcett Society, 63–4 DST, 134–5 Federation of Social Science Dubach,P.,Graf,I.,Stutz,H.and Organisations, 80 Gardiol, L., 10, 17, 179, 193 feminism, see academic careers Dublin, 25–6, 31 feminist Dwyer, M. Flynn, A. and Inman, P., managerial styles, 36–9, 57–62, 133, 162 78–9, 91–2 research, 3–4, 15, 55, 173, 175, 190–1 Eagly, A., 42–3 Ferguson, K., 39, 43, 120, 123 Eagly, A. and Carly, L., 119, 122 FESTA, 39, 55 Eagly, A. Johannesen-Schmidt, M. and Fiji, 66–7 van Engen, M., 42–4 Fleming, D., 41, 43 EAIR, 95 Fletcher, J., 37, 43 Economic and Social Research Foucault, M., 127, 162 Council, 55, 63 Frank, A., 24, 176 Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), 27, 29–30 Galant, J., Mouton, J., Boshoff, N., De Eke, Prof, 149–51, 186 Beer, J., Esau, S., Prozesky, H. and Ely, R. and Padavic, I., 9, 17, 172, Lorenzen, L., 134, 162 187, 193 Gandhi, M., 147 Equal employment opportunities gender (in HE) (equal opportunities), 6–7, 33, 54, gender and power, 5, 8, 24, 29, 62, 148–9, 170–1 31–3, 36, 38–43, 56, 105–9, 111, legislation, 6–9; Australia, 7, 170; 114, 118–21, 134–5, 138 EU, 6–7, 34, 39, 41, 170; gender equality in HE Conference, Ireland, 6, 170–1; New Zealand, 77 7, 170; Portugal, 6, 170–1; gender research, 3, 55, 110, 112–13, South Africa, 7, 170–1; Sweden, 144, 158, 173, 175, 180, 190–1 6, 170–1; Turkey, 7, 172; United gendered organisational culture, see Kingdom, 6 academic careers Erkut, M., 162 Gender, Power and Management, see Etzkowitz, H., Kemelgor, C., 10, 18 Bagilhole, B. and White, K. Etzkowitz, H., Kemelgor, C., generational change, see academic Neuschatz, M. and Uzzi, B., 17 careers Etzkowitz, H., Kemelgor, C. and Uzzi, Genoa, 77–8, 112 B., 10, 18 genSET, 10, 18 Index 199 Gherardi, S., 109, 123, 178, 193 Institute of Management, Kampala, 55 Gherardi, S. and Poggio, B., 15, 18 Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Giddens, A., 36, 44 Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), 55 Gonclaves, D., 89–90 International Women’s Day, 158 Göransson, A., 3, 7, 11–12, 18, 116, Ireland, 6–7, 9, 23, 27–8, 39, 128 169–70, 194 IUA, 40 Governing Authority, 33 Gray, B., 120, 123, 186–7, 194 Jobbins, D., 132, 162 Green, E., 179, 194 Grey, S., 81 Kansas University, 94 Grummell, B. Lynch, K. and Devine, Kekale, J., 8, 18 D., 34, 44, 111, 123, 183, 194 Kerfoot, D. and Knights, D., 8, 18, Gulbenkian Foundation, 83, 93 98, 100 Kingsford-Smith, C., 66 Haake, U., 144, 162 Kittrell, D., 4 Hacettepe University, 149–50, 186 Kloot, L., 120, 123 Halford, S. and Leonard, P., 39, 44 Knights, D. and Richards, W., 3, 18 Handy, C., 107, 111, 123 Köker, E., 153, 162 Hannan. D., 27 Kurnaz, S., 163 Hatchell, H. and Aveling, N., 10, 18 Health Research Council, 70 Larouche, J. and Ryan, R., 29, 44 Hearn, J., 3, 18, 111, 123, 162 Lawson, T., 182, 194 Hekman, J., 127, 162 leadership (in HE) HERS-SA, 138 styles of, 11–14, 36–9, 57–62, 78–9, HESA, 140, 162 88–90 Higher Education Authority, 39, 41, 44 lifecourse, see academic careers Higher Education Council (UK), 78 Lindgren, G., Jansson, U., Jonsson, A. higher education (HE) and Mattsson, T., 145, 163 context, 7–9 Linköping University, 55, 146 generational issues, 167–95 Linnaeus funding, 39 leadership, 112–13 Lisbon, 84 organisational context, 169, 172, London, 27–8, 30–1, 47, 78, 111, 175 181, 184 policy, 95–6 Lynch, K., Grummell, B.
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